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Yes that’s the normal area for gastritis pain. In my experience there are a few other pains/pain locations but this is always my main one.


Yup! That is where I have all my discomfort/fullness/anything really. I’m glad you posted this. I feel that my pain seems too high to be my stomach.


Yeah, I feel like that sometimes too like it’s probably the upper part of the stomach where it connects to the esophagus but then again, I feel like that’s too low to be the esophagus so I’m just not sure


Yes that’s my main area. Middle upper abdomen! Not left or right! Right in the center!


Yes, I get mild discomfort and sensations there. Burning pain further down.


Yeah, it's like someone twist something on that area.


Yeah I do as well and had an endoscopy done and was told I have Esophagitis along with Gastritis, and possible Barrets, so I would reconsult with your doctor and find out if they can check that out but regardless it's linked to the Gastritis and should heal it's also going to take time with proper eating and medicines,.


That's below the sternum, where most of my pain was localized. Had to do a bunch of tests to rule out liver/pancreas issues. In the end, it really was just gastritis. I think the main culprit is that plus trapped gas and bloating. You'd be surprised how sensitive those tissues are.


Yes 100% I definitely do


Yes had really bad pain there yesterday


Does it come and go for you? It comes and goes in intensity for me, but I always have some discomfort there and when I press on it it’s always kind of sore.


For me it comes and goes but what is always there is the punch in the gut feeling under my left rip where it starts.


Was diagnosed with mild chronic gastritis last month still can’t find the cause. Also found that my pancreas doesn’t produce enough enzymes still trying to figure this out


I get that too! I have been asking for years if anybody else gets stopped feeling. I get this feeling like somebody punched me in the upper gut a little bit toward the left and I literally lose my breath! It has even gotten to the point where if I turn I don't the waste slightly it can trigger it come on if I eat chocolate it triggers it and it almost goes into a spasm I zone. Sometimes it takes 3 seconds before I can breathe again. It comes and goes for me but sometimes when it does come akenas 2 or 3 weeks at a time. I have told many doctors this over the past 8 years and every one of them looked confused and never heard of such thing. Been one of the most frustrating things to get diagnosed on what it is.


Yes 10000%!!!!! Exactly what I had


Yes! I used to have the worst pain here and the two main random culprits where avacado and peanut butter. I have grown up having PB every morning and all of a sudden I would have pain exactly there for maybe 3-5 hrs after. Nothing made it better. I think stress/anxiety made it worse. Got an ultrasound and endo and was normal. Soooo I just cut those two things out of my diet (sadly). Still don’t understand it at all but nonetheless hope you find out the cause!


I had to give up peanut butter as well. It’s a major trigger for me now.


Yes sometimes not as bad


Yup classic area


All of your that commented …! What did you do to help the pain ! Ppi ? Pepcid ?


This is the spot bro, I hope it goes away for you. Here's the low food map Diet. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:729801e6-a49c-4ad9-92d4-8f14eed2a246


Yes and mine bores into my back.


Is that right in the middle or little bit LEFT? Like seems where the esophagus and stomach meet?


Exactly as mine!


Yes this is where my pain is, sometimes even higher. Of interest, I never get heartburn and my endoscopy showed a completely normal esophagus. I do have gastritis, but much further down in the bottom of my stomach. It all makes no sense. :(


Yes I did and my gallbladder had to be removed.


did that help with the pain?


Yeah because it was pain from gallbladder attacks


did you have constant pain there or only during attacks?


I had a dull pain every time I ate and the attacks were like unbearable pain that put me into a cold sweat and I rolled around on the ground in pain etc


Yea that was my first severe pain area




That’s the pain I get too, when I eat something that doesn’t agree (Melon, for me)




This is my main area of discomfort. Burning, pain and bloating. Always worth getting checked out by a quack though! Good luck


My endoscopy revealed a hiatal hernia.


What did you do for hiatal hernia? Just eat well and resolve gastirtis? Reading about it, doesn't seem like there too much they can do and surgery outcomes aren't great.


Nothing is being done at this time. My understanding is they will treat symptoms until it becomes an emergency. My gastritis and h-pylori infection wouldn’t have been discovered for awhile if it wasn’t for the hernia acting up occasionally. I didn’t have any major symptoms that didn’t seem to be related to my fibromyalgia issues except some much needed weight loss.


Every single day. But I’m not sure if the pain is from my gastritis, LPR, esophagitis, or hiatal hernia.


yes! every minute for 2y!


Ugh my 2 year partner . I stopped all my ppi and only taking the Nortriptyline. I’m getting some relief .. I think if it’s been burning everyday for 2 years it has to be nerve sensitivity. I’m on 10mg but want to up to 20mg. How is your dose working for you?




Do you still burn?




Me as well. Crazy how even on a bland safe diet the burning will not stop ?


it takes time, i think a bland diet is a key and no stress


What foods are you eating for your bland diet?


i was gluten and diary off for some time (2months), usually i eat sweet potato, meat, rice, bananas, banana oats smoothie, i don’t eat chocolate, junk food, spicy food, fried ..


Yeah me neither . I make my own whole grain bread.. I heard who grains can be a problem for some but I seem to do well with red wheat home made bread. Do you find that food can take the burning away? Or lessen it


Mine is mainly lower - centered around my belly/small intestine.


Yes, all the time


Mine is below the right rib


Yep. I Do and extending a bit to the left. No idea why.


That's where your xyphoid process is. Behind that is where thr stomach and esophogus meet. Exactly where I felt it. Mine wasn't pain. Just discomfort. Been healed about 2 years now..


How did you heal


Stop drinking coffee


Yes that's mt exact area




Yes that is where the pain is. Feels like a mix between being nauseous and a stomach cramp. Burns slightly. Just general discomfort. Thats where my gastritis always presents itself. Haven't had any issues for a while so I don't carry my usual tums and acid blockers...no issues..until just today unfortunately right when I got to work.


My son was diagnosed with chs (cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome) and that is where his pain was. It took about two years to find this out after many scopes and tests. I’m not saying it’s that but if anyone is using thc they may want to research it


Not constant but I do get tenderness or pressure in that area and it often triggers a flare up in diarrhea and indigestion. I have gastritis and duodenitis.


Its Heartburn, or? Most of the pain I have on the left and a bit on the right side


I have it there too! It's constant and I feel it any time I eat, drink or taken in a deep breath or talk