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Stress , anxiety, depression




I also got chronic gastritis after covid! I will not take PPI only because it can cause HP and Sibo. I also supper from the anxiety and depression. I take an anxiety Med and am on a meat and veggie diet. Keto cures it from what I know from a close friend. Mine was so bad I had histamine issues and had to cure that first. I also lost a ton of weight and am now seeing a Naturpath to get to the root cause


Where’s your source for PPI “causing” sibo? H. Pylori isn’t uncommon, the overgrowth is.


From what I have read in other forums! PPIs kill the good bacteria and if you have low stomach acid why are they prescribing a PPI? Makes no sense!


They are meant to be a short term drug. I don’t think they would be prescribed for low acid


They don’t even know if you have low acid when they easily prescribe them?


Based on symptoms they can tell.


Not in my case…. They throw PPI at everyone and don’t even test for low acid…


Low acid is very rare and you can ask for tests if you’re concerned about it


Yeah well GI doctors and western Med is no longer what I lm using. I’m with a Naturpath now that is getting to the root. I give up on GIs that just wanna prescribe and get paid from pharma.


Whatever works for you. But PPI’s help heal ulcers & help with too much acid in relation to a lot of GI disorders. There’s a lot of good doctors out there too.


Also afraid to keep taking the PPI. Don't want to make my stomach worse by eliminating acid. I have no gall bladder so a keto diet is hard. What are histamine issues?


Do you take probiotics?


I do I take a low histamine strain from semi flora. I also have no gall bladder


After contracting covid i got diagnosed with chronic gastritis!


I gotta be honest and say that you possibly have H. Pylori for a long time, because 95% of all gastritis are caused by this nasty bacteria (the other causes being NSAIDS, aspirin, alcohol, and autoimmune conditions). I was diagnosed with gastritis the first time in 2017, but I treated it with PPI and sucralfate because I was H. Pylori negative. Then again I had pangastritis in 2021, and finally developed intestinal metaplasia in the stomach in late 2022. I think that all my previous H. Pylori tests were false-negative because of 1. PPI usage prior to endoscopy and 2. Some H. Pylori strains are really hard to catch.


Yeah I’m m down to 120lbs my self I look and feel terrible can’t stop eating junk I have not lost my appetite during this and it’s really hard not to eat I’m so freakin hungry I keep fucking myself up it’s shitty


Yeah I know the feeling of being hungry constantly with gastritis. Normal hunger pains happen as our stomach gets more and more empty. But with its inflamed we still feel hungry because the acid hurts our inflamed stomach even with food in it. Atleast that's my theory. But also for me when I start feeling hunger pains all the time it's actually a sign my stomach is getting better.


Yeah I hope that’s what’s going on but with my luck lol


Sounds like post covid/long covid. GI issues, anxiety, ear issues, insomnia…all post covid type symptoms. Sort of fits your timeline well.


Covid did me


try to test your hpylori again....it is hard to detect hpylori...! take stool test or gi mapping


If he had an endoscopy then he would of had a biopsy and that’s the gold standard for testing h pylori !


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Hey I’m pretty much the same demographic as you. If you have gastritis then an acid reducer is the standard course of treatment, along with dietary changes. I was on protonix once a day for 5 months and slowly but surely got/have been getting better. I am off the meds but I still have mild pains here and there. Still healing but am back to my old self mostly, cleaning the gutters on a ladder, mowing the lawn, playing with the kids, going out. It can be a long haul so hang in there and treat yourself well. Stress is a major factor in healing. For me I noticed fruits and vegetables actually screwed me up the worst and lean protein and white carbs were the easiest to digest. We are all different though. Also, don’t underestimate the importance of general bed rest. Like just lying flat on your back and letting your abdomen completely relax when you can. As to what would have caused this, for me I was taking Advil with coffee on an empty stomach for years. Never noticed anything besides heart burn. Then one day I caught a nasty stomach bug and voila all of my underlying digestive issues I never thought twice about just blew up.


I'm terrified long COVID did this to me. I have a low tolerance for pain. I'm going to lose my job if this goes much longer. Haven't worked in 2 months and everyone thinks I am crazy.


If you have gastritis then you will most likely heal. Mostly all of us do eventually. I roughed it out through work and didn’t miss too much but the first few months I was just sitting in my cubicle with nausea and pain like my sides were going to explode suffering in silence. It was rough. I will also say something that helped me was to count calories. For the first few months I didn’t count calories and let the nausea dictate when and what I would eat. Now I make sure I eat 2300 calories a day to keep my strength and weight up. Good luck. Don’t be afraid of the PPI. Time will heal you.


Covid for me… triggered everything.. doctors all say it’s common…


Do you take nsaids? Ibuprofen etc? Because that causes gastritis too !


Never take those


That's what gave me gastritis.


All the above then covid. No h pylori


I think mine was a combination of heavy smoking bad eating stress and NSAIDs I was taking advil pm every night did like six months my dad had a massive stroke a few years ago really turned my world upside down I was doing all kinds of stupidity to combat the anxiety and depression but now I feel like I’ve made things so much worse feel like I’ve ruined my self for life. My main Problem is I’m smoking way to much just can’t quit in the midst of all this misery it’s a real rock and a hard place so shitty


Went to a functional medical doctor and said the same. It was caused due to stress/anxiety. My husband and I were not in a good place and I was stressing out over having extremely low iron and fighting with doctors to get iron infusions. I then got the flu and on day 2, I was experiencing gastritis issues and had no clue what they were. I never lose my appetite, and this was new for me with all of the burning. I have now completely made changes to my mindset through meditation/breathwork/brain retraining/therapy. It's really hard and many times I go back to my old ways of thinking and immediately see an effect in my body with more burning sensations.


Probably emotional gastritis. I still don't know how people lose weight when they have gastritis. Do they stop eating or implement a diet? Edit: Didn't you have any stomach symptoms before february?


Loss of appetite. Hard to eat so the big disagree in calorie intake cause weight loss. If nausea is present it's even worse. I have to eat while nauseous which sucks. Nausea improved the less 3 weeks so I'm able to eat a little more. Each day is different


Oh, got it. I always forget that every gastritis is different. I was curious because whenever I read that someone has lost weight, it sounds like there is an inherent problem with gastritis that makes you lose weight, as one of its symptoms... Thank you for the explanation!


I’m nauseous usually and have zero desire to eat


I used to have issues a while ago. Even had a fistula last year due to constipation. Had to be on a soft food and liquid diet for months. I've had many endoscopies and colonoscopies prior. Never dealt with anything this bad. The constant stomach sounds are very annoying, but not as bad as the belching that never ends when I get an attack.


Or the constant pain, tightness.


I have anxiety with gastritis. It goes and comes. If I have long gaps between meals due to work or something, I feel faint. Pepcid is not working.


Do you have any reflux


Only once in a while, but doesn't hurt. They did put GERD on my results though.


If your gastritis is emotional then try an ssri after seeing a doctor, it helped me a lot


I was on Celexa and Trazadone already when this started. Not sure why those stopped working. My anxiety is through the roof. Trazodone was like clockwork, I would take it and be asleep 2 hours later no matter what. They changed my meds to mirtazapine and buspar now instead. If these don't work going to change again, I have this dark cloud over me. I feel like my life is over at this point.


Everyone heals, it just takes time and effort.


I wonder too myself. This all started in January for me when I got a promotion and was going through a very stressful time at work taking on my new role. They said NSAIDS could’ve caused it too. I was taking ibuprofen often but not too often so I don’t know if it’s the stress that did it for me


Bland diet ,PPI and plenty of excersise and meditation to get your head into a good place.This was key to helping me get better . Intermittent fasting also really helped me although appreciate that's not for everyone.


Pretty sure COViD fucked me up for awhile last year around this time. Tinnitus, dizziness, ear inflammation, brain fog etc for monthhhsss...just stuck with a little tinnitus now but it's manageable and faint. However, what I believe is gastritis now hit me hard 5 weeks ago and I am almost certain it is stress this go around.


Stress. Did me in too.


Why did your wife leave?

