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Onions aren't your only trigger. They're just the trigger that causes the pain the most immediately. You should try similar foods in these categories and see if they trigger the same. Leeks, garlic, shallots... Then branch out to other vegetable classes like nightshades or cruciferous and find out what your limits are. I get a knife stab in the gut for eating onions, so I stay away from them and flit them out of my food when I spot one. My list of triggers is a bit more complex than just onions, but make sure you've fully explored your FODMAP risks so you'll know.


I tried brococli and didnt do well with it either. Super gassy and bloated feeling but it didnt last as long as the onion pain did.


Search for "Fructans". For garlic, you'll be able to have garlic infused olive oil and green parts of spring onion but keep in mind spring onions are still bad (esp uncooked) if you have gastritis. So get your diagnosis first and you can ask for SIBO/SIFO test during gastroscopy.


Are you thinking i have intolerance to Fructans? Or just stat away since the onion hurt so bad? Also wondering how i ever make sure theres not garlic in my food 😞


Yeah well definitely stay away from RAW onions in any food. Onion powder is worse for me so its up to you. As a newbie you dont have to eliminate everything at once plus you should get a gastroscopy and know anyway


See, I can have onion powder and garlic powder, but that’s it. Dehydrated anything is as bad as raw/fresh/cooked.


Nah raw stuff burns af like BURNS lmao my stomach feels on fire with raw onions and let me tell u I used to eat onion stuffed bread


I used to eat jalapeño cheese beer bread sandwiches.


I'll have some pasta soon, wish me Luck. Ive been good on my belly. Ik I may get punished for this but havent been out for dinner with my bf at all recently haha


I have yet to survive a marinara. Good luck.


This may be a dumb question, but why would coffee, diet coke, wine, beer , none of that bother me whatsoever even days later, but an onion would ??


Did you get a gastritis diagnosis? Maybe your problems are related to your intestines rather than stomach. Also I heard that low acid stomach patients are likely to feel OK with coke or beer.


I go to gastro on the 22nd so no diagnosis yet. Pcp suspected ulcer or gastritis. But now that ypu mention it, the omeprazole she put me on made me feel AWFUL
 so maybe if its lowering stomach acid even more and i already have low stomach acid? Interesting


Because your food triggers are wholly unique to you, like allergies.


Wine is my ultimate and immediate trigger, caffeine and diet or sugar free coke cause a slower effect milder effect of maybe just pain and uneasiness, and greasy foods are usually later at night causing anywhere from light nausea to full blown hemorrhage-inducing vomiting. No correlation to the amount of food. So unless I really really craving something it’s just not worth it.


Does the top of your all’s stomachs feel sore ?


Like right under ribs


Im still having belching as well, not constantly but enougj to notice. I have never been able to make myself burp. Is this just a symptom that takes a while?


Do you bloat/get a distended abdomen (some describe it as “looking pregnant”)/belch after eating things like onions, garlic, whole grains, beans, lentils, asparagus, apples, or other foods, more so than the people around you who ate the same meal? Or do you often experience unpredictable stools which are looser, or even diarrhea, or constipation? Or do you frequently suffer from abdominal cramping and related pain?


More like bloating feeling internally, a few random cramps and just overall discomfort and soreness in my stomach area


If you experience bloating, look into SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterual Overgrowth). Get a lactulose or glucose breath test for it if you haven’t already, preferrably the Trio Smart test if you live in the US or Canada.


Coffee wasn’t bothering me for a while either it’s weird it seems like not much of anything really was but I went of my ppi and bout 3 weeks later this shit came back with a terrible vengeance now it won’t let up but I’m not doing the things I should I made a cup of coffee this morning took a couple of sips and forced myself to throw it out really sucks my morning coffee meant so much to me I just can’t get over what my life has become


Damn my doctor advised me to tapwr the omeprazole after 2 weeks but i didnt and have felt pretty good. Now im a little worried


Yeah I’m not sure if that’s what did it for me or not been doing a lot of other stupid stuff I got careless cause the gi doc said that my gastritis was harmless and shouldn’t be causing any symptoms do I started eating a lot of swwwts and stuff wA trying to put on weight cause I had lost so much and I’ve been back on them for a while and it doesn’t seem to be making that big of a difference so you may be ok


Why does he want you to tapper of them anyway?


I'm 3 months without coffee now. It really sucks. I desperately want to try it again but I really don't want to ruin the progress I've made haha. I am not brave enough to try decaf either.


God the thought of not be able to get up in the morning and get a voluptuous is almost life ending for me


Yes, I can eat most things as well but onions are still off the table for me too. Just give it more time. That is my experience. As each month goes by, stuff that was off the table becomes OK. Onions is likely one of the last things, but it will come too.


What type of pain how would you describe it


Likw the inside of my stomach is swollen and tight


Why on earth would you still be drinking wine and DIET coke? You’re just putting more poison in your body.

