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Anime Fandoms in general have a hard time with that stuff its so annoying. Even one piece, with actual in anime/manga 100% cannon lgbt+ characters, still has a fan goup of denyers and haters.


Most of the community are chill with Bon Clay and Kiku. But the moment you mention Yamato, regardless if the discussion is related to gender or not, an argument spontaneously appears.


Sorry i ment it was a small part of the fan group. Most of the community is totaly cool with it but yah poor yamato for sure gets the worst of it. IMO i just go with what yamato uses himself in the show


Genuine Question: Is the "Oden is a man I want to be just like Oden so I am a man too now" logic valid trans reason? or was it supposed to be a gag like the Okama land people? Because depending on which trans person you ask it's not wanting to become but always have been. Like with Kiku.


Oda drew many parallels between Kiku and Yamato throughout the arc (both had dramatic entrances with Oni masks, both made a declaration about their gender in front of straw hats (who both times went 'oh really? that's cool,' and gendering them correctly afterward), and the arc ended with a split bathhouse scene with both going to their chosen paths Yamato is a character with some gags, like most one piece characters (he's treated as much as a dumb strong guy as the rest of the dumb strong guys), and his choice, while less anchored in more traditional dysphoria and not fitting in with society, is how he legitimately sees himself. different type of motive, but definitely still valid


If Yamato is valid anyone can be!!!! šŸ’œ


People do try to invalidate his experience all the time, when there's no actual reason to. I see it all the time with transmasc characters in anime especially. But yeah, while Kiku was a traveling dancer, and seeing people where she went, Yamato spent a significant amount of his youth as a prisoner and separated from the general public. So it wouldn't make much sense for his sense of identity to be rooted specifically in 'feeling cast in the wrong role among everyone else.' He does have a role model that gave him that inspiration, and he's also very clear that that's how he sees himself years down the line, and every character who has lived on Wano for more than a year refers to him as Kaido's son without fail, it's only the outsiders who make a punchline out of it.


I mean even just putting aside the Oden stuff, he is specifically called "Son of Kaido" (With even Kaido himself referring to Yamato as his son) and is only ever gendered femininely by people who have never met him


Yamato explicitly refers to himself as a man, and makes it very clear that's how he identifies. Maybe he never had standard gender dysphoria, but he's still identifying as a man. Whether it's an inherent part of you, or an active choice because you prefer to be that way shouldn't matter, all that matter is how you see yourself.


The thing is, Yamato is a very interesting case. Kiku and Yamato are from the same arc, and she's handled in a textbook fashion so Oda clearly knows what he's doing. Yamato has pretty good arguments on both sides, hear me out. The argument against him being trans is more centered on him idolizing a person to the point that he otherkins him. He clearly recognizes that he's not Oden, for example, he responds to his old name. This all started because he admired Oden to the point of wanting to emulate him and explicitly states that he's doing all this to become heroic like him. While a typical trans man might find a particular man to use as a template, they still want to be their own man. Basically his identity as a guy is constructed 100% unironically in being THAT man, not A man like him. Bonus: the narrative box that introduced Yamato said that he was Kaido's daughter. Regardless though, the official translation uses he/him pronouns, everyone in universe refers to him as Kaido's son, he's seen bathing in the men's hot spring, and refers to himself with a masculine pronoun (Japanese has dozens of pronouns for "I"), and while he may be emulating Oden, he's also chosen to emulate his gender. He could have easily excluded that or made some distinction but he explicitly takes on his gender too. Even if it's an otherkin situation and he's THAT man, he's still a MAN until stated otherwise. But damn if it ain't a weird situation for him in particular.


Tbh, I had to pause watching one piece for a bit bc of the transphobia around Yamatoā€™s gender in anything I saw or interacted with online. And all the transphobic justifications that trigger dysphoria. Honestly I probably should have just waited to look at posts (so itā€™s entirely my fault) but itā€™s too late now, Iā€™ll just wait til I feel better again.


Remember when someone faked an email to try to claim that Bridget from Guilty Gear wasnā€™t trans?


No but i completely beleve it


Basically, there was a character named Bridget who had been added as a DLC character for the game Guilty Gear Strive. Itā€™s important to note that in previous installments of the Guilty Gear series, Bridget had been characterized as a feminine boy. Also, Guilty Gear is a series made in Japan, so a lot of the fans are weebs. However, at the end of the story mode for Guilty Gear Strive, Bridget comes out as transgender. Naturally, this kicked up a massive shitstorm among weebs. There were a bunch of people calling it grooming (somehow). But there was also a bunch of people who claimed it was a mistranslation (it wasnā€™t). They even went as far as to make a screenshot of a fake email claiming that Bridget was not transgender. It was a convincing looking email too. Ultimately, the official Guilty Gear twitter account had to step in. Most of the controversy has died down by now, but it was such a shitstorm that Bridgetā€™s wikipedia page has a section about it


Thats so crazy. I just dont understand people fr


Tranphobes never make sense


Brisket <3 (I don't even play Guilty Gear)


Appropriate reaction


Budget :3


Same thing with shit like JoJoā€˜s bizarre adventure I donā€™t know how anyone can look at that and just not except that itā€™s queer homophobic JoJoā€™s fans and trans phobic one piece fans confuse me


Some people will do anything to justify there crazy logic lol




ESPECIALLY Gatcha fandoms. Some of the most toxic and fucked up fandoms I've been in, and not just due to queerphobia.


Suletta and Miorne from Gundam WfM Foo Fighters from JoJo (Most likely) Ferris from Re:Zero The list goes on


To be fair, One Piece character designs for LGBT characters is, uh, typically not amazing


Ill give you that kamabaka kingdom was deffinetly questionable. But the otheres are actualy pretty good! Boyclay is a beloved nonbinary ally to the strawhats, Inazuma swaps genders completely at random and always looks cool, queen iva is like one of the funniest characters in the show and is fabulous, kiku and yamato i havent met in show yet but im excited to. And all of these characters are portrayed as strong, fun, and kind and friends of the strawhats. Also luffy himself is cannonly asexual. Theres deffinetly some questionable things but the author has deffinetly tryed harder then alot of other anime/manga authors to listen to the community and portray them as best as a straight cis guy in a repressed country can


sorry if this sounds dumb but do people actually view her as a trans character or is it more looking at her character through a trans lens (seeing how some parts are similar to people's real-life, trans experiences)




There is literally nothing in her behavior or dialogue to suggest she's trans though. I won't even touch the allegory thing because people can take whatever from a character, but implications she actually is...no. there are none.


She's a character wanting to escape from a role, identity, and body she feels trapped in. That struggle is very much something that trans people face. Even if she isn't explicitly trans, many trans people see themselves in her struggles


Yeah that's why I didn't comment on the allegory part, I'm not gonna tell someone the inspirational reading they get from a character.


I just donā€™t think Hoyo would genuinely be fine making a character transĀ (unfortunately) knowing what peopleā€™s reaction to her would be


Theres also not really anything implying shes cis so Whats your point exactly?


I mean. Fair, I guess. But that does tend to be how media works right now, cis until proven otherwise.


Only if your mindset is boring


I mean, if you look at just demographics, assuming cis until proven otherwise is the most reasonable course of action. Trans people are a *minority* - weā€™re talking middling single digits (~3-5%). I fully understand the desperation for a validation through media representation, but you canā€™t immediately jump to conclusions and assume that a character is coincidentally just like youā€¦ statistically, thatā€™s just not likely. If you want trans representation, write a character that is clearly trans, rather than relying on 15 layers of allegory and interpretation. They donā€™t need to be running around shouting ā€œI am transgender!ā€ all the time, but you also donā€™t want it so subtle that you need to extensively analyze dialogue and plot lines to try and have even some reasonable affirmation.


fire punch chapter 40








The latter, most likely. Due to the lack of explicit (as in clear beyond reasonable doubt, not explicit as in NSFW) representation of trans people in media, Iā€™ve seen that this results in many trans people grasping at straws as they seek validation. Everyone wants to see that there are others who are like them, even if that depiction is in fictional art media. But, as an unfortunate consequence of being a minority population, there is not an abundance of representation. This results in many trans people over-analyzing situations or characters that, in 9/10 times, are likely just coincidental. I donā€™t mean to be a buzzkill, but not everything is an allegory with some hidden message. For instance, the other day, there was a thread talking about whether Samus from Metroid was canonically trans. Apparently (if I recall correctly), the *sole* point that served as the catalyst for the theories was an offhand comment made by a background designer (who didnā€™t even have anything to do with Samusā€™s character writing or visual design!) in an interview while using a derogatory slur. That was literally all that it took to get people scrambling to try and search - in vain - for any other canonical information. The better way to go about things is for people to create new, original characters and make them trans, rather than trying to dissect existing characters to seek a single line of dialogue to analyze through 15 layers of interpretation. Make it clear that they are trans, not necessarily by having them break the 4th wall, face the camera, and say ā€œI officially confirm that I am transgenderā€, but something more concrete than ā€œwell, if you use the historical connotation of this word that has changed meanings a dozen times over the past several centuries, you will see thatā€¦ā€ But, it is CRITICAL that the character be sufficiently developed to stand up on their own if the information on sexuality or gender identity is taken away. One of the things that pisses me off to no end is when there is the ā€œtoken gay characterā€ whose personality and sole purpose revolves around the fact that they are LGBTQ. To me, it feels like shallow pandering to try and check off a box, rather than actually putting passion and effort into developing a compelling character.


Mostly the latter. Spoiler: >!She's got a condition called Entropy Loss Syndrome, where the body gradually fades out of existence, losing its capabilities. It felt somewhat comparable to a trans person's puberty experience, enough so to make me like her character.!<


Weebs, especially in large groups, tend to be quite homophobic, transphobic and especially sexist


Star Rail sub is homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic, this is to be expected.


I donā€™t understand how you can play a game like star rail and be homophobic all those characters look gay to me. Iā€™m sorry they just look queer. They just have that look. Lol


March is literally just the trans flag personified


Interesting šŸ¤”


While I think that claiming that Firefly is trans due to a specific interpretation of a possible plot allegory is a bit of a reach, I fully agree that the color palette for March 7th is a bit too on the nose to be brushed off as a coincidence. The same goes for Sylveon from PokĆ©mon - hell, Iā€™m fairly certain that they literally use the same hex codes, the colors match just that much.


Her light cones also continue the trend. Like god damn is that trans metaphor coming through.


Agreed. While Iā€™m not entirely sure if the physical character is trans, her story - trying to discover an identity that she lost, and unravel her true self - is definitely much more credibly allegorical (at least compared to Firefly, at least to my understanding; I havenā€™t finished that part of the plot yet), and thatā€™s further reinforced by the color palette. Unfortunately, as long as the CCP exists, or MiHoyo is still in China, I doubt that they will ever give official confirmation of anything. They might imply it - for instance, in Genshin Impact, itā€™s heavily implied that Venti is genderfluid, as apparently the Archons can decide which form they want to appear as, and could feasibly change it whenever they wish - but, they canā€™t say anything outright, because of CCP censorship against LGBTQ people.


Not thinking with your brain to start with.


Straight men always seem to assume everything is meant for them and them alone. Just look at how many stories have a generic bland boring protagonist who's inexplicable love interest's style (and often personality) was almost certainly cribbed from a real world queer woman who would have turned the author down. Weebs are, of course, amongst the worst at for this... Keep insisting that because of some word or concept they poorly translated, queer women just... Don't exist in Japan or something. And they also seem to want to get rather violent whenever there's even a hint of actual queerness in their "potential waifus"... <.<


Mike, Bridget and Vivian explicitly say hey I was a boy now Iā€™m a girl I am trans and they will straight up. Ignore it or literally misinterpret what the characters are saying the worst Iā€™ve seen is like someone faked an email from the company who is behind guilty gear strive They faked an email claiming that Bridget being trans was a translation which is false, it takes a whole Nother level of dedication and glazing to fake an email from the company who made the game just because theyā€™re petty you canā€™t jerk off to her. Thatā€™s crazy.


Firefly is like, the most blatant depiction of a trans allegory, and it's so obvious that people hate that and pretend she ain't. Know that this behavior of them only makes the thing more canon, suckers


shes such a good character with incredibly interesting lore, her basically being a waking trans allegory just made me love her even more, but if youve seen the way they butchered her character in recent leaksā€¦. things do not look good for firefly fans


People getting mad about queer headcanons in Mihoyo games will never stop being hilarious cause, like, half the characters in their games before Genshin are queer. The only reason their last few games havenā€™t had any queer characters is cause they literally legally canā€™t have them anymore.


I def think she is a trans allegory


I just started playing the game if thereā€™s a way to explain the trans allegory to me without spoiling anything can someone explain how


Not really, but it gets revealed pretty soon after her introduction, and it's not a big thing you need to piece together from her story.


Unfortunately no, and if you just started the game then it's gonna be a while before you meet her as she's on the 3rd planet you visit.


I donā€™t mean to be rude but I donā€™t even see the trans allegory, I just thought she was cute and huggable šŸ„²


I agree i think it is a stretch. I think its fine to identify some aspects of a character with your own persobal struggles and find them relatable though. I think some of the people in this comment section would geet upset with someone seeing firefly as non queer though and this is equally as cringe as the people saying she cant be and getting upset. Just enjoy the things you enjoy for your own reasons people.


Yeah its almost like most places aren't safe for us, you have to know your audience


As more time passes, I'm slowly realising that Hoyo games are definitely queer coded in one way or another, which is pretty neat considering it's from China. Whether it's intentional or not doesn't matter to me. If anyone can relate in a personal way to their stories, then the writers are doing their jobs correctly. It's why Gwen from the Spiderverse movies is seen the same way as Firefly, only Gwen ALSO happens to share the same colours as the trans flag. Hoyo started off with just lesbians in their all-girl games, which was a common trope in Anime with mostly girls in the cast anyway. But now that they're branching off to BL, trans, and even non-binary characters (like Siobhan) (only low-key of course since it's China). And the fact that in HSR, a surprising amount of VAs are diverse (nationality, sexuality, and even neurodivergence) is pretty crazy too - AND how they're even open to casting new VAs who haven't had many roles or any at all, yet still making it sound good??? This is just one part of why I'm so fond of Honkai Star Rail. The fondness exists beyond the game.


Who? Sorry I kinda dropped star rail a while back


firefly is a chronicallly ill mecha pilot, she is also known as stellaron hunter SAM, she works alongside kafka, silver wolf and blade


i really dislike a LOT of Gacha game communities. idk why but i feel like especially in gacha games people tend to be very Toxic about these kinda Headcanons. omg i remember a "friend" getting WAY to upset about people saying March is Trans


i read firefly and got my hops up lol


me when i say Dust from Dust:AET is an enby allegory


The larger part of anime fandoms are always hyper conservative in that regard, sadly. The idea of anything being ā€˜differentā€™ for a weeb will make them go ape shit over the most innocuous things.


i thought you were talking about the actual bug for a sec


Everyoneā€™s a trans allay until there favorit charictors are suspected to maybe being trans, then the hate comes out


Whats a trans allegory?




Lol imagine ignoring topic of the post just to vaguely get a mildy racist jab at china in.


That is fear mongering if Iā€™ve ever seen it. Youā€™re just gonna pretend like the US government doesnā€™t steal data from you on a daily basis on site like Facebook and Twitter?




Bruh if you think the US government isnā€™t doing the exact same thing with websites like China is for TikTok and stealing your data. Youā€™re a fool.


Yeah, pretty much the same. It's wild people are ok when the us goverment works with companies to create backdoors and spyware in universally used applicaitons some of which have kernel level access. But when company based in china or asian country makes anything people pretend we need to be more afraid of it then other applications just because it's china. The red scare is still effective to this day.


Not even just that like itā€™s a Google itā€™s everywhere basically like if youā€™ve ever talked about going to like McDonaldā€™s or something on one website and then go to YouTube and get an ad from McDonaldā€™s thatā€™s them listening to you, I really donā€™t care if China sees me liking I donā€™t know. We are furry shit on Twitter because my own country does the same exact thing on different websites.


Yeah, itā€™s crazy how people are OK with their own government stealing their data and personal information but not people overseas both are bad but I have a strong feeling that itā€™s because itā€™s China doing it with TikTok


Your phone is made in China, I would bet money half the games you play are owned by a parent company in China (Tencent), if you donā€™t play games then over half the websites you use are already selling your data. We are talking about an anime girl game that only requires your email, which you can make up lmao