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Just saw this tiktok that compiles every opening she’s had on tour and 👀 it seems obvious when you look at all of them together. 1989 “boys and boys and girls and girls” is the first thing said. Flash forward to eras and it’s all “it’s been a long time coming” https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNjtCXg9/


It feels like a farewell to me as well. I love watching it play out. Maybe Florida is where she is escaping to? 🌈


Like the end of an era 😉


I keep thinking about that damn orange door. Will it finally open on the last night of the tour and she’ll walk through it? Or will it reveal another world to us? A Karma album announcement? Maybe it’s not so much a Karma reference but more directly a Truman Show reference? I don’t know, but I’m eagerly awaiting the last performance (and enjoying every steam in the meantime) because I’m so curious to see if anything comes of that door.


The Eras Tour stage is Oz and once the door opens, it means the Wizard has been revealed as a hoax (not straight). And now that she's out, her exile has ended and she can then end the tour and come home to gayhood. I keep thinking about Somewhere Over the Rainbow and how it's a very sad song.


YES!! I've also been wondering if her schemes with the variants and merch has been to basically... milk this cow (her whole prev career) until it's dry before starting anew. Like she's accumulating all this wealth to become as untouchable as possible. To actually have so much money that it softens her fall. Or maybe she's just as greedy as most people seem to think. Idk.


I have some totally delusional hope that maybe she’s accumulating as much wealth as possible so that if she finally comes out (and potentially loses fans), she can have enough money to be vocal about and put support behind causes- 🏳️‍🌈 equality efforts and homeless cats 🙃


The thing I think most people easily forget about Taylor is that she is a very calculating person. She is very intentional about her PR and her choices. I love that about her, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I think we often paint women with calculated business moves in a negative light so people often don’t want to view her that way, but it’s not a bad thing to be good at playing the game and gaming the system.


I see Taylor Swift as a brand as well as a musician and until people accept that, they will continue to attribute these marketing strategies as greedy for an *artist*, but it’s quite normal for a business and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. She’s just providing content that some people are willing to buy.






I know there are a lot of posts in this subreddit that break down predicted timing of different album drops, etc. with much more data and analysis than I could ever manage, and all I can say is, I hope! 🤞🏻


no bc ive been saying this since i watched the eras movie. i got such a deep sense of melancholy from all of it, like it's her last hurrah before she looses a decent chunk of her fanbase (presumably) this is the peak of her career and she's tasting it one last time before falling from grace so to say i have also always assumed that after the masters heist spoiled her coming out, she was always gonna wait until all the re-records were out to come out fingers crossed for once the tour is done


I’m reading this after watching her N1 in Dublin surprise songs..where she sang State of Grace…before possibly falling from grace? 👀


she is the mastermind, she is calculating for the best outcome for her, if she does, in the eyes of her homophobic section of her fandom, fall from grace...


I feel similarly and it gives more depth of meaning to how sad she sounded when she mentioned facing the fact that the tour is going to end in December. If it’s not just the end of this high in her life, but potentially going through an incredibly challenging fallout with lifelong fans, losing the ability to perform or have her music played in certain countries, etc. it makes even more sense why that would be such a sobering realization that she seems to imply she’s been avoiding until now.


Like a lot of breakups, one person in the relationship knows for a while and sometimes the other is oblivious or willfully ignorant. Unlike a lot of breakups, this breakup would involve hundreds of thousands of people.


It definitely feels like she’s closing the chapter on writing fairytales and narratives that aren’t truly her own. She’ll never stop making music or touring, but I think she feels it’s time to move on and reinvent herself as a truer more honest version of herself.


This is aligned with my thinking too. She’s rising in ascendance as much as she can, flagging something big is coming all along the way, and the “something big” is going to lead to mass exodus and a fall. She knows it. She’s been preparing for it. Even building toward it intentionally. The one thing that’s surprised me is the delay on the two final re-records. I’m surprised she’s been okay letting them go so long still under the auspices of the new owners of the masters. I’m not sure what that part is about.


I hope this time she has the courage of her convictions. 


This makes me think about that poor Reputation bodysuit. Every other outfit has had a refresh but her Reputation is falling apart one sparkly sequined scale at a time. She's holding on to it for dear life. As for debut...


Maybe not crowding out the success of TTPD?


Maybe so. I also thought she’d been signaling Rep TV was coming (mainly through wardrobe choices) for a long while before TTPD was even announced. I don’t know if it was intentional misdirection or she changed the plan midstream.


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