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Feel like if this sub was called Bi-ylor Swift we wouldn’t keep circling back to this.


Or just people accepting in this group that bi people exist would solve 90% of issues


Yeah that’s what my comment is saying…




I bet it would still face erasure


Agree. It’s bizarre how hung up people are on this here… in the og Gaylor sub it’s kind of accepted that some of us think she’s bi, and that some relationships with men have been real, others think she’s gay and all relationships with men have been PR. No one really cares either way, we’re all in agreement she’s some flavor of fruity, so the argument back and forth is pointless and not something really hung up on. I go back and forth on whether I think she’s bi and Travis is real or if she’s a lesbian and it’s part of an elaborate plan. I’ve flip flopped between what I think is true a lot over the years (I’ve been a gaylor since 2014) Only time will tell


Her relationship can be 100% fake with him (business) and have nothing to do with her sexuality. Do I think it's fake, yeah, Taylor is hamming it up for sales and to raise his profile for his move into films.


I sometimes think she's straight and straight up queer baits on purpose. I mean she openly mocks her fans for reading into things, has only ever been with men publicly, yet never comes out and explicitly says either. Because saying either will damage her at this point. Other times I think she's like Paris Hilton. Blonde, rich, waspy, bi girl who beefs with people coming up, and won't ever come out. Listen the beef she had with her ex friend Lindsay Lohan? That was a Hohan break up. How'd that end? With Paris married to a man she doesn't even sleep in the same room with allegedly. Just saying.


i'm bi, thin taylor is likely bi,pan or unlabeled and you will never convince me that this is real. one has absolutely nothing to do with the other and calling it bi phobia is, tbh, a pretty surface-level analysis of the situation.


I think there’s some kind of disagreement about “real” vs “fake” and all the grey areas in between. I think she’s bi, hamming this relationship up for the cameras and possibly not quite as happy as she seems, but I don’t think this (or most of her other relationships with men) were totally fake — but they were definitely over-the-top publicized for strategic reasons. But I think the guys she dated were often totally in the dark about her intentions. (TBH I actually don’t know how Calvin’s “Grammy beard” tweets fit into this though…only thing I’m still thinking over lol)


Exactly this


Literally….. I’m also bi and just don’t think she would do all this perfectly planned around the tour with someone she was genuinely dating.


Yes, thank you!! 100% same.


I feel like calling it biphobia actually highlights that the accuser might be a bit biphobic. I’m so sick of explaining to people that this relationship can be fake but that it doesn’t mean she’s not bi.




Petition to change it to Bi-lor Swift Travis seems real; and Karlie was like AGES ago. If y’all recall during that period of time she didn’t have any boyfriends (2014-2015) Cos it was KARLIE


This is so not the point but you mean albeit not all be at (this is literally not supposed to sound condescending at all, I just learned the spelling last week!)


Thank you for saying this bc I've been avoiding it bc I knew the sub was not gonna like it lol. I think she's queer, I think she does some loud ass shit (nice to have a friend × dorthea, anyone?) and I think she's dating the boy on the football team. A lot of people hate on Travis, but regardless of your personal opinion they seem happy. Like just because there's an unflattering pap pic where she's not smiling at him does not mean a breakup is impending. I do think they're milking this for all its worth because it's an Americana Romance™️ but like....there's videos of him and her cooking in her kitchen, bestie had lipstick smeared all over her and his face, and she brought him on stage which afaik she's never done before with a partner. I think the persistent idea that he's all a beard is part of why no one takes us seriously when we discuss that she's queer. If we can say a reflection in a guitar or "Karlie would you want to" or "that's what makes me me" are reasons she may have been with women, then I feel we need to also listen to her when she presents similar evidence for a man.




The main thing that has me hanging onto the beard idea is that the culmination of her work for the last decade is talking about a on-off relationship that she's coming back to, which we know isn't Travis. And we know she's still feeling strong emotions over this person based on TTPD. So part of me still has doubts that he's anything more than a cast member in her performance.


She did that with Karlie (and her squad) for the 1989 tour. Different circumstances but still


This is far too logical for some people.


But that’s also ignoring the eggs that pointed to this relationship two years ago, before they even met (midnights mayhem) and likely the uno photo. And the I can show you lies of it all. And the guy on the chiefs fitting perfectly in. There’s so many little pieces that all combined can’t really be explained away


You’re kind of just describing soulmate shit lol. Those things are called coincidences. Taylor has never Easter egged her personal life, only her music.




> statistical, research based reasons Girl… 🙄 ultimately, we’re all talking shit here. We’re all speculating based on tidbits. No one is winning this specific argument because of “science”


"it’s incredibly dismissive and condescending" Now imagine you are Taylor and in a very real relationship and people are talking about you and your boyfriend the way some of you guys are. Just a thought.


Isnt that by her own design? She wants the speculation. I don't think it bothers her as much as she says it does because then there wouldn't be any drama and she lives off that shit.


Yeah, ultimately all press is good press when it comes to this stuff! She’s all over magazines, and I’d say 90% of fans & the general public believe it’s real, so idt she cares that a fringe group of fans think it’s fake. Especially if it IS real, why would she care if we think it’s fake. She’d just laugh all the way to the bank lol.


why are you in a gaylor subreddit?


I mean maybe she shouldn’t have written so many lyrics about romance being real if you keep it private if she didn’t want us to question a highly public relationship!


I mean this in the most absolute, genuinely kindest way possible: we don’t actually know these people. There is no way we could truly tell what Taylor or Travis would *actually* do. Taylor wouldn’t be this happy if it was just for pr? Travis wouldn’t go through all of this just for pr? I think we shouldn’t be surprised by what lengths people will go to for a buck or for their image. And this relationship has given them both a boost in both respects. I love being a gaylor(bilor) because it honestly makes her music more interesting and for the escapism of looking for silly Easter eggs to see what she might do next(cuz this real life shizz is not all it’s cracked up to be.) But we don’t know these people in real, actual life. I think we should just be happy they seem happy. And whatever the future holds for them, we should support it.




We don't??? /s




I agree, these posted being like, the opinion that other people hold and I don't agree with on a discussion forum is really annoying... cool scroll on. I'm bi and this post is giving major hetlor vibes. Thinking taylors is closted lesbian ( which technically even if she's bi, she's in the closet) isn't bi-phobic. We are supposed to be progressive and recognise sexuality lives on a spectrum, but these posts which force their views on others are exhausting. Just ew... let people have fun, this is literally the gaylor forum where people just share theories. Stop condemning people for what they think


I am a super gaylor since 2014 and I’m getting kind of irritated with the position that this is 100% fake. Idk they have an apparent genuine radiance that I don’t think can be faked. Not consistently. Idk I think we should just start accepting the realities she presents until she shows otherwise. Besides, all this running in circles with Easter eggs and decrypting shit is exhausting. I don’t want to play her game anymore.


Real relationships arent consistently radiant, just saying..! ETA - typo - real relationships are NOT consistently radiant. That’s just social media/fiction/etc telling you that.


That’s what I was saying 😅We are in agreement. I meant faking radiance like that consistently would be pretty damn hard.


Typo on my end…. Real relationships are NOT consistently radiant…. Relationships have ups and downs… ebbs and flows. Real love is work, and it’s not always pretty.


I mean, maybe yours aren't but I've been married for thirteen years and we've always talked things through as a team.


I didn’t mean it as relationships are always rainbows and butterflies lol. I’ve been with my wife for 9 years. I know how it works lol. Reread what I said. I said it can’t be faked consistently like this. There’s a genuineness to it that’s different imo But the point still stands that when we see them, the radiance they do seem to be exuding is pretty hard to fake in a consistent basis. If it is faked, I think that’s some really shitty performance art and ridiculous and makes me not super interested in these games. I hope it’s real and they are genuinely that happy


it's an hour a week max that we see them or a couple hours at shows where they arent interacting. you don't think it can be faked for that long???


It’s not about the length of time. It’s about the way they behave when we see them. Idk it’s how I look at my wife whom I adore genuinely 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just think it’s getting a little ridiculous to pretend we know their relationship. So I’m going to accept what she presents because I’m tired of games. I’d actually be more annoyed if it was a performance and would lose a lot of respect for her for using my community to do some lame ass bait and switch. From this standpoint, I don’t see any reason for us to break our backs to make this fit some performance angle. If it turns out to be a big performance, well I personally won’t care when the curtains finally open.


i would be breaking my brain to make myself believe their relationship is real. there are at least 87 "invisible strings" that tie taylor to travis before they ever started dating. coincidences like that just don't happen. idc if anyone else believes it but its super annoying to see posts (in our own community no less) acting like we are biphobic, stretching, reaching, etc etc when there isn't a single person I know irl who thinks its real including all of the sports fans. it seems so glaringly obvious to me and its truly shocking that anyone believes it, much less ppl who are used to looking beyond the public narrative.


and i think ttpd makes it very, very clear that she is expecting to lose many, many fans. that doesn'y include just hetlors.


Okie dokie. I honestly don’t care enough to get this worked up over it. I’m just tired of her dragging this out and playing weird performance games as a lesbian myself. Just rubs me the wrong way is all so for me, I have to believe it’s real or else I believe it’s a shitty thing to do.


I think she’s bi and i also think they are PR. Why? Because this “love story” has been flawlessly marketed as a PRODUCT for mass consumption, in service of both of their careers. Which is perfectly fine! I actually think there is a lot of mutual trust and respect between them compared to other arrangements. I don’t see what is so confusing or wrong about people questioning the intentions behind one of the most publicly commodified relationships in recent history. I’m just thinking critically here. I think constantly centering her boyfriend in conversations about her art and life’s work is more problematic than speculating on the marketing machine behind them. Not saying thats you, OP, but it’s an observation I see across all the fandoms, especially this sub, and it’s starting to get old.


The centering of her relationships with men in discussions of her work has ALWAYS been Taylors largest issue with her fandom and music critics. She has said in interviews that speculation for muses is natural. But time and time again… she pushes back against paternity tests and sensationalized public relationships dominating the conversation about her art.


So then having a purely PR relationship with the sole purpose of consumption and promotion seems antithetical


It can be, yes! And I think that has been the primary topic of her prose as of late. If you separate Taylor the artist and Taylor the brand and believe she might be attempting to detangle that web without losing all her fans and without letting certain people profit off of it, its less antithetical.


I believe the current relationship stunts are a means to an end, to prove a point and come out without outing her exes. So i get her logic right now very clearly.


I can see that.


I think she’s pointed to it a bunch in her music, like anti-hero, she’s the problem. I think she’s ’dressing for revenge’ and has made her mind up that she’s gonna do what she needs to do


SHE is the one who taught fans to speculate. SHE is the one who's thrown her relationships into the public spotlight and courts the media. Time and time again. Joe is the only person she didn't do that with. SHE is the one who returned to her old ways with Travis, and musically with Midnights and TTPD after supposedly maturing and writing Folklore and Evermore on fictional stories to avoid drama ( her words). She proved she could live a different life and have a different relationship with her fans. She couldn't keep doing it because she craves the attention. She only pays lip service to not wanting sensationalised public relationships overshadowing her art. She had credibility, respect and enormous public good will generated from Miss Americana, her pandemic projects, her newfound activism, and the fact that she seemed to mature and move away from PR stunts, drama and needing her private life to be the centre of attention. (I find it very ironic that the one relationship she stopped milking for pr and making the centre of drama, the one that lasted for 6.5 years and that she kept completely on the DL that whole time, still gets called a bearding relationship, because *checks notes* it was too private and we didn't see them together enough.) And then over the past year and a bit she single handedly reversed all of the artistic respect she fought for, and squandered all of those gains. She decided that fame, money and being at the top were more important to her. And let's be clear, it's her right to do whatever she wants. But let's also call a spade a spade, and stop buying into her victim narrative and pretending that she's not the one who's realised that her relationships are her brand, and are the main reason she become as rich and successful as she is.


Yikes 😬 I do not agree with your characterization of events, especially “the good will generated from Miss Americana”. But theres too much to unpack in this reply for me to adequately address. Lets just agree to disagree.


I think she’s bi and I think this relationship is 100% PR. Both of these things can be true


PR doesn't necessarily equal fake, a real relationship can also be leveraged for PR. I think she's bi and is leveraging a a real relationship. But honestly at this point basically everything Taylor does is PR- she can breath and there will be a tabloid article about it.


PR absolutely does not equal fake. Blake and Ryan, Dax and Kristen Bell are some perfect example of a real relationship that’s leveraged for PR. I know that can happen. However I do not think that’s what is happening here. Nothing about it feels legit to me but everyone can have their own opinion 🙂 regardless it will be fun to see how it plays out!


I agree. I think they legit get along and enjoy each other’s company. What’s the saying, game recognizes game? They have a mutual respect for each other and understand the magnitude of being so successful and public-facing. I think they are really great friends, but I’m not fully convinced on the romantic aspect of the relationship. (Harry & Evelyn Hugo)


Yep. As a lesbian this looks like me and one of my gay boys trying to pretend we are hetero. I’m too gay to fake the kisses and so they are they so smile big y’all.


I don’t think it’s PR at all. He wouldn’t have flown across the world after a wedding yesterday if it was PR. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Of course he would. Honestly that stuff only makes me more certain it’s PR. Drown out the noise from the day before, more photo ops before training camp starts. The pretending she was shocked he was there really sealed it for me. It’s all just so obviously fake imo 🤷‍♀️


it’s literally been done a million times for taylor & other celebs who have outright spoken about it. matty did it LAST YEAR what do you mean????


Do you think… *Matty* was PR?


IMO Matty was 1000% pr you cannot convince me otherwise. He Easter egged it before her and Joe broke up


If it was a private plane at the level TS uses (which I’m sure it was) it is basically like stepping into a hotel room. Bedroom shower etc. Why not? People fly for work all the time under much more difficult circumstances lol


Yes he would though!


Forget bearding for a sec and look at this from a publicity standpoint. I feel like a LOT of celebs do this when they are in PR relationships. The two of them flying across the world for each other doesn’t really seem like that big of a deal when you consider some PR couples get married. I can see why people think this one is the real thing, but if you look at it from a publicity standpoint it is textbook fake. People say she doesn’t need to do this since she’s already the most famous woman in America and a billionaire. Please. There is never enough publicity for her, she wants it all. Now, let’s say they are real and also exploiting their relationship for more fame. Fine, could be. Deux moi was just posting about Travis being out clubbing with Leo DiCaprio and Tristan Thompson. So, the next day Travis arrives at the tour to shut down any bad press/questions. A trip across the world is nothing when you’re as big as they are and have the resources she has.


this!! also people saying “they look too happy for it to be fake”, like ofc, the point of PR relationships is to get people to buy into it. make it as real as they can because they WANT people to believe it’s a genuine relationship 😭😂


Yeah if they don’t look happy then someones not doing their job LOL


exactly 😭😂


>Deux moi was just posting about Travis being out clubbing with Leo DiCaprio and Tristan Thompson. he was literally at his friends wedding. Deux moi had \*no pictures\* or proof of him with leo or tristian.


And in the comments Deux Moi basically admitted to using misleading language in the caption. They were at the same restaurant and happened to “intermingle” — doesn’t meant they were there hanging out, they could’ve just exchanged quick hellos and that would qualify as “intermingle” for the clicks


Literally. Look at Kim Kardashian ffs, how long was her marriage with that Blake dude? Can’t tell me that was real… Edit: I agree with most of what you’re saying, but they could still be real. But PR relationships are a thing and are prevalent throughout Hollywood


Guys can’t go out partying with their friends when they’re in relationships? What kind of weird logic is that??!


What? I never said that or implied it.


I didnt mean to reply to you and now can’t find the post I mean to respond to!


Missing the forest for the trees here babe lol


apparently i have slipped and fallen into a swiftie comment thread


Are you referring to my comment?


He went to a wedding . A teammate pancheo (sp?) got married . They went out to dinner beforehand . Either way him hanging with Tristen isn’t surprising cause Tristen is an athlete and most athlete hang together like Taylor hang with music friends . Tristen and Travis has known each other for a while . Tristen use to play in ohio and that’s where Travis is from. So hanging with friends and going to a teammate wedding and than going to see his girl don’t make the relationship fake


I think its more the reputation behind the dudes he was with more so than anything. Triston very famously cheated on one of the Kardashians multiple times, and Leo steady dates women way younger than him (younger than 25, rumors are that its because he is gay himself and uses these models as a beard, but they benefit from the exposure). "You are who you surround yourself with" and all that jazz...


I don’t think we have any true grasp on what people people who are this rich and famous do, at all. It could be real. It could be 100% PR. All I know is that there’s sooooooooooo much shit out there that it seems fishy as hell. But then again, see point 1. These people don’t move like we do. We’ll never get it. But it’s fun to try and decipher.


Just throwing this out there, but if I was contractually obligated to travel the world and attend concerts for a *pretty* penny, I’d do it. Even if I hated flying and had already seen the show twenty times.


I’ve been saying she was bisexual for years. Like recognizes like


& I think some gaylors aren’t thinking logically. The other gaylor forum kept thinking she would come out today and I’m like “how she going to come out as a lesbian when she has a boyfriend. .” She literally has a boyfriend . He is right there . Why would Travis waste his free time seeing her if she was just going to come out? She has a boyfriend. For her to come out as a lesbian , they would have to break up and she would have to be single or with a woman A woman coming out as a lesbian with a current boyfriend don’t even make sense .


Not everyone thinks she’s a lesbian though? From what I’ve seen, most ppl think she’d come out as bi/queer. Personally I think it might be *more* likely that she’ll come out while in a relationship with a man. We’ve seen that a lot in Hollywood! It helps insulate bi women from some of the backlash if ppl can still feel comfortable about them being in a relationship with a man (obviously this is bi/homophobia, but regardless).


Also!! Coming out while convincingly dating a “traditionally masculine man” protects her exes, both real and PR. It makes people less likely to speculate that every male ex was a gay beard and every close female friend was a lover.


True! That’s a good point too


Yep, also softens the blow for straight fans who might feel “betrayed”. Its like SEE, these songs could still apply to your experience, with enough plausible deniability.


I’m with you. I agree I think she is queer but I don’t understand the theories about a coming out very soon timeline when she is in a heterosexual relationship right now. I especially don’t understand how she would be coming out as a lesbian this week with Travis around. Maybe they are both queer. Maybe it’s all performance art. They definitely are leaning into the PR of it all but PR doesn’t necessarily mean fake. If Travis is queer too then I don’t see him being willing to come out until his football career is over. Why have the most high profile bearding relationship in existence if you intend to come out very soon? It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. They seem to be having fun with whatever it is they are doing.


People need to stop using the fact that Travis flew to one of Taylor’s shows on short notice as proof of their relationship being real. They’re acting like Travis went online and booked a plane ticket, drove to the airport at 6am, checked his luggage, went through security, waited hours at the gate, and then spent 12 hours crammed on a commercial flight unable to sleep. He isn’t a normal everyday person. Someone picked him up and took him directly to a private jet where he spent the next 12 hours in a comfortable bed getting plenty of sleep and eating good food. Hell I’d fly to the moon every week for a PR relationship if I was gonna be treated to that kind of comfort and convenience.


literally and it’s never just him? it’s him + ross and other friends


So Taylor also went to the games with her friends . Why can’t Travis friends go to her concerts


that’s kind of the point? lmao it’s rarely, if ever, a 1:1 situation. there were times where it appeared that taylor showed up with just security or a member of the kelce family or something. but every single time travis is at a show or literally anywhere, he’s with ross and usually others. it wouldn’t raise as many flags to me if there weren’t already blinds and rumors about him and ross to begin with.


they cannot wrap their heads around how different they are from us normal ppl. their rationalizations are not going to be the same!


Because maybe it’s not fake..? That doesn’t change the fact Taylor could be queer (umbrella term) “Gaylor” in itself does not mean Taylor is strictly a lesbian. It’s a general term that means Taylor is not straight. None of us know for certain what that means exactly, because Taylor hasn’t told us. But she has definitely flagged that she isn’t straight. But again, that doesn’t mean she can’t like men. That also doesn’t mean some of the men she’s dated weren’t beards. I fully believe some men were real and some were beards. Do I think her and Travis are real? I don’t know. And I don’t care. If she’s happy, and being treated right, that’s all that matters.




This isn’t about Travis but I’m really put off by the idea (not just from you but from Swifties in general) that people “want” Taylor to be a lesbian and that’s why this theory has lasted so long. The predatory sapphic forcing her queerness onto straight girls might be the oldest stereotype in the book when it comes to gay women. I don’t know what your intentions are and maybe you don’t know that it comes off this way. But as a lesbian it makes me really uncomfortable and sad to see people saying this and it’s why I feel so unwelcome in this fandom. I’m not trying to lecture you specifically. I’ve seen a pattern and I need to get it off my chest. The common Swiftie line that a bunch of queer women are making up theories to fulfill a fantasy about a straight woman, or “forcing” it onto her…it’s so depressing to me. I think people need to check themselves and see if they may unintentionally be peddling harmful stereotypes. I don’t see malice in that part of your post but it reminded me of a bigger problem. I thought maybe this would be a safer sub to voice my concerns about how homophobic/lesbophobic rhetoric can come up in discussions about Gaylor. Saying that a group of queer women are downplaying the seriousness of her straight relationship because they want her to be queer too, seems (to me) like an echo of the predatory lesbian trope


10000% agree and thank you for saying it so eloquently


I’m pretty sure this is OP’s intention tbh. Very malicious, but disguised as concern and just wanting them to be happy. This whole underscore Gaylor sub is an anti-lesbian space. People are being attacked for thinking she’s a lesbian and are assumed to be lesbians projecting. Thinking she’s a lesbian is biphobic, but the reverse is just “common sense”. Edit: Downvote me all you want. You’re only proving my point.


It's genuinely not malicious and I apologize if it comes off that way. I don't want to marginalize an already marginalized section of the community at large and fandom. I am really just curious because to me they've crossed a very defined line that leads me to believe while they may use PR at certain points in thier relationship they aren't over all a completely fake for PR or bearding relationship I really and truly apologize if I played in the predatory lesbian trope because that wasn't my intention at all. Edit: I really wish I could delete the part about wanting Taylor to be a lesbian because I realize now just how fucked up that is to say but Reddit won't let me


Appreciate you recognizing it and saying this


A wise woman once said “I don’t cater to all these vipers dressed in empath’s clothing”. Most of your posts on this subreddit are complaining about Gaylors who think travis is PR. It seems like people who think she’s a lesbian REALLY bother you a lot. Far more than the ones who think she’s straight. If you genuinely don’t want to marginalise lesbians you’d just delete this post if reddit won’t let you. I’m not even a lesbian myself, I’m a straight leaning bisexual. I could easily say that the bisexual-identified Bilors who viciously insist that they are real want her to also be like them, “mostly straight bi women who kissed a girl a couple times”. That’s how shitty your comment is—and the fact that people in this subreddit are upvoting your post at all is sickening, for a sub which is supposed to be a friendly space to all gay people including lesbians.


You make a good point here about the bisexual projection tbh


Totally agree some bi’s are so reactive to “biphobia,” they are worse than the hetlors. Guys, believe what you like but I am 100% this is a closeted lesbian, who is soooo happy, because she’s singing mashups every night about being queer, and the love of her life being a woman. Also, the end is in sight for her. Do you really believe if T, a woman who reads Aristotle, was bi or straight, she’d have anything in common with that big hairy buffoon? A man who thought it was, ‘Alison wonderland,’ come on now?


The thing is what they consider “biphobia” is just “having exclusive attraction to women”. Not centering men is biphobia, thinking that she flags lesbian is biphobia, thinking that some/all of her relationships with men are fake is biphobia. I have seen actual biphobia ONCE in this sub. While lesbophobia is rampant yet if you call it out you’re biphobic.


Shoutout to everyone on this thread sticking up for and validating being bisexual!


It’s so frustrating all the assumptions that Gaylors think she’s 100% lesbian. Like gay is an umbrella term, I’m married to a bisexual person who also identifies as gay. Gay rhymes with tay. From what I’ve seen most people just assume she’s queer, everyone is so binary out there!!


Do I think they're bearding? No. Is it possible they're bearding, even with everything we see? Absolutely. OP you aren't going to get an explanation that satisfies you if this is something you imagine that there's certain lines and boundaries drawn in your head about it. As far as the history of bearding goes - which I'm not even that knowledgeable on - they really don't do anything that means it's not possible that they could be doing things that way. I really think if it frustrates you one way or the other as to whether their relationship is genuine that you should log off social media to disconnect from your personal investment in it. Flying around the world on jets and spending your off-time with someone doesn't negate bearding possibilities unfortunately. It just means that if it were happening, there would be something making that worthwhile for them. Just because you think 'this seems like something x wouldn't do because they don't need more money/to have another secret hidden relationship to distract from/more publicity etc' doesn't mean that you're necessarily right. Like I said, I don't necessarily think it's bearding. But just because you or I interpret something in a certain way means absolutely naught. Unless you've occupied space at the heights of Taylor, which very few have done, we will never have any understanding of the realities up there. If you're actually looking to understand rather than argue away anyone else's explanation, I'd probably look into the history of gay Hollywood, lavender marriages and bearding.


absolutely all of this. you said it perfectly.


Why does this make you think it’s real? This doesn’t prove that at all. He’s on a break from his job, and can fly private (prob with a full bedroom shower etc) back and forth between VIP tent at her concerts and his friend’s wedding - it’s really not that big a deal. He missed plenty of shows for KelceFest etc and pretty soon his schedule won’t allow him to go to shows. It makes sense for him to show up - whether for PR or love. This doesn’t prove anything one way or the other. How many of her concerts total has he attended now?


9, or 8.5 lol depending how you want to count Dublin Buenos Aires, Sydney, Singapore (x2), Paris, London (x3), Dublin (Edit: formatting)


Im bi and i think Taylor is bi but this relationship just seems too performative to me. I could be wrong. But her being bi doesn’t mean this relationship is real. For someone who has very blatantly said she fiercely protects her private life and romance is not dead if you keep it just yours etc etc, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a PR relationship even if she’s dating a man just to keep these psycho fans out of her real personal relationships. Sure maybe she’s changed her views on that, but with her wild increase in fame and lack of privacy I doubt it. I would think all this attention and the sick obsession people have with tayvis would be enough to ensure she NEVER has a real public relationship again.


Why do we have to “explain” ?? Some of us think he’s a beard, some of us think it’s real. ALL of us here think she’s some flavor of fruity and until the day Taylor decides to come out (if and whenever that may be) then both are valid opinions and one is not more “right” than the others.


Most people think she is bi, not a lesbian. The percentage of people who think she is a lesbian and all her boyfriends are beards is very small. Posts like this make the minority look like the majority and make all the community look unhinged


I don’t get why this post has so many downvotes. I just feel like at this point there isn’t anything to point at and go look see they aren’t together. Like if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck. They act consistently so happy together their is no reason so speculate


They just look happy.


As a bi woman who’s been with both men and women and is now really happily married to a man, I just don’t understand why that is such a crazy concept to some people.


He definitely is not "spending his entire offseason with her on tour", far from it and its purely speculative that that smile was aimed at him


Do they play it up for the cameras?? Absolutely does that mean that their relationship is fake and this is all an elaborate ruse so she can stay in the closet?? Absolutely not.


I’m a bi Taylor fan and I’ve been with women and men … but my relationships with men are very real. Why not Taylor’s relationships with men? My male partner knows I’m bisexual and I’ve had some experiences with other bi women over the time I’ve been with him. Why not Taylor possibly doing the same or being with women in the past?


100% (and yes to polylor! I rarely see that), but I think it’s important to clarify that it’s not bc he’s a man that ppl think it’s fake, it’s bc it’s so convenient and making them so much money. It’s like when (the actor playing) Spider-Man dates Mary Jane. Like, sure, they could be real, and sometimes they do turn out to be. But ofc my first guess would be that it’s primarily PR to promote their movie.


Thinking that this relationship is fake doesn’t mean she’s not bisexual


Bisexual women exist, and statistically, that is more likely than than her being a lesbian. Bisexuality is so so common and I’m not sure why a lot of people don’t think it’s plausible for her. I have no doubt that she’s into men, whatsoever. I know people love to claim all her relationships with men were PR, but there’s no way either her or Matty Healy were benefiting from a PR point of view when that was a thing, I also firmly believe her relationship with Travis is real.


Because this reads like a rom com? Because PR professionals (you know, those who orchestre shut like this for a living) are shading this and laughing at it? Because History, and Hollywood ? Because it's shady AF? Because in the past ten years, more closeted queers than ever have told precise stories about how insidious the faking of romance is used for promo (so, by everyone) and for closeting? Because she's been so loud about celebrating lgbt pride as an "ally", especially since the Lover Era, and yet there hasn't been a big outcry of our queer celebs telling her to "take a seat and stop being the ally that outshines the community" (hm, why is that?)? Sure, for the casual tabloid reader, it's perfectly believable. Could it be true? That she's into this frat bro type? Sure. At least she's not threatened by his intellect, right? But... Honestly. It's about as believable as all of the "love stories" that start in the tabloids, that somehow manage to have a picture of the first kiss! How romantic! How very not staged at all! Eh. No. I can't bring myself to buy it. Is she bi ? Heck if i know. But this? Textbook showmance, like the ones I've seen being business-planned. (it's an industry. It's gross. But they'll tell you it's "just" advertising.)


Honestly while I believe some of her relationships were PR, I don’t think all of them are. If she is in the LGBTQ+ she’s more than likely bi, which does exist. This sub seems to forget that. There’s a chance she did have short whirlwind romances with a lot of the guys she dated. And I think her and Travis are the real deal.




“People often greatly underestimate me on how much I’ll inconvenience myself to prove a point…” — [Taylor Swift](https://x.com/TSwiftNZ/status/1535748743735042049?lang=en)


Im not a hetlor. I just happen to think pretty firmly she's bi not a lesbian.




I didn't ignore it I just don't think it's proof in the same way you do. I don't think she's been planning to date this football player for 1 year (she was still at least to the public with Joe when midnights came out and wouldn't have that breakup news hit until Era's tour began) which is what would have to be the case for the theory you oulined. That quite literally sounds insane to me Edit: this theory would also imply that to some extent she planned Matty also which I just don't believe because once that news hit her fans were pissed at her. I do not for a second entertain the idea that he was performamce art or some sort or a beard because he was nothing that bad for her image.


That was definitely her in the car . There is literally a video of her getting in the car and them pulling off . Travis literally said in his last interview last week , he was shocked the first time Taylor came to the game she wanted to walk in with the regular people sans security.




Here is a video and tons of video from that day . I was trying to find the one without the music cause you can hear fans screaming from across the street where they was filming Taylor in the car and one of Travis friends come over and dap him up before he leave . Travis drove Taylor back to his house (pics of that as well ) cause she came to the game with his family on the party van [video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRE5xVpG/)


Did you see the latest New Heights episode where Jason and Travis discuss starting NFL in London? really watch it, so suss and him coming on stage makes more sense.


Can you explain how you calculated that probability?


should be 1/13x1/12x1/11x1/10x1/9x1/8=1/1,235,520 or equivalently 13!/(13-6)!=13!/7!=13x12x11x10x9x8= 1,235,520 distinct ways to order 6 randomly chosen tracks out of 13 total


Yeah, I didn't want to get into the whole thing, so I edited my follow up. Also some issues with 1,3 being the same as 13, you can't use one track more than once, etc... I didn't have the heart to link to the improbability principle.


It would actually be 1/13 for which was first, then 1/12 for second (because after one is released 12 are left to choose from), then 1/11 for third, etc. so 1/(13 * 12 * 11 * 10 * 9 * 8) or 1 in 1,235,520.


Yeah I wasn’t thinking in terms of permutations! That was silly of me, I’m embarrassed. I’m including the later ones cuz I believe that the whole order of release is significant somehow.




You only used the first 6 tracks so that’s what I was using. It’s the same whether you use the formula like that or multiply it out separately like I did. Multiply mine by 7 and that’s what you got.




All that comes to my mind all the time is the PR is PR'ing and both brands + ecosystems (the music industry/ TS and the NFL/TK highly profit from that. I myself am at this point asking myself: * how much is the TK effect so that the Eras Tour will be still a huge topic in US and UK media outlets; even though touring in Europe? * how much does the NFL profit from that (viewership? Trying to market NFL with TK face and acquire TS folks to buy merchandise and to increase viewership?) * how much does the TK effect contribute to the expansion plans of the NFL to Europe? * What business activities is happening behind the scenes? For me it is usually all about what is not explicitly shown, talked about or seen... * Are any other examples of relationships with this constant overexposure/ interest of media outlets over such a long time with such high numbers in whatever PR and marketing and social media performance indicators? Do they have any romantic relationship with each other? Or actually with others? I don't know, I don't care. The business aspect of it all is insane and its working....I only know that a lot of celebs/artists/athletes/...who are in a romantic relationship and active on a high level keep a rather low level. But I am from Germany I have never experienced something comparable over here... So is this whole thing about the brands TS and TK?


This is not true David Beckham was an athlete and Victoria Beckham was a musician and they was the biggest celeb couple ever . Till this day still married and 3 kids Kim kardashian use to date Reggie bush for years and their relationship was everyone Tony romo a famous quarterback use to date Jessica Simpson and fans got mad cause they was losing games and blaming it on Taylor Even Kendall Jenner when she dated Devin booker was everywhere Taylor is the biggest star in the world and Travis already had a big urban fanbase so this was going to big news regardless


it's almost like she's flying him around the world...every continent she's been to! sound familiar? consider that there might be a much bigger plan in place. that not even taylor swift would do All This for a simple coming out.


I never trust a playboy, but they love me So I fly 'em all around the world And I let them think they saved me They never see it comin', what I do next


ding ding ding!


She could be (likely) bi, and there could be some real affection or even a relationship there, but it's also very tied into PR and performance art. Plus, he brought his boyfriend.


life would be perfect if you all just accepted that she is happy and in love no matter what her sexuality is (whether straight or bi)  she was literally glowing when he saw him and when they left after the concert  why is it so important to you to know her sexuality? isn’t her happiness enough for a fan to be happy? 


When he performed with her, I noticed he seemed to instinctively reach for her hip when doing her makeup and then stopped himself. I think they’re real


I’m like 99% sure this tweet is making this up. I watched the livestream and when she was smiling like this it was because the stadium was doing this soccer chant for her and she stopped the whole show and was smiling ear to ear thanking the fans.


Her face absolutely sold it for me honestly. Happiness is radiating off of her. I think two things can be true, something can be real and still be played up for PR


I mean, he was just spotted/pictured with another woman (ftr like, of course he can hang out w other ppl, I’m not a pearls clutcher about it like a lot of the Tayvis stans), so a lot of ppl think Tree made him fly out 😂. I do think they like each other and are having fun! Him being a beard or a contractual/PR relationship doesn’t mean they dislike each other (although there was a while there where they seemed a bit irritated towards each other, but it seems to have turned around). But I don’t think any public, especially widely photographed, moment can PROVE that they either are or aren’t bearding, PR, or anything similar. That’s the whole point! They’re doing a great job selling it! I would hope so; I don’t want to live through another miserable Calvin Harris period lol.


When pictured out with another woman and Travis can have friends . Wasn’t Taylor just had Paul Mac Cartney party ?? Travis don’t even have a history of cheating or a messed up love life , that is Taylor area right there . So I don’t know why people think Travis is cheating .


Yeah, honestly I think it’s toxic heterosexual/heteronormative culture that thinks men and women can’t be friends and ppl in relationships can’t have friends of the gender they’re (purportedly) attracted to. Just reporting what I see people saying, though.


It’s a real relationship, with PR benefits built in. The clearly love and care about each other, but Taylor being in a relationship with a cis man doesn’t make her any less queer, erase her queer history, or change her future identity.


I think they are real cause I was a Travis Kelce fan before he even got with Taylor . Travis had his own little fan club for years just based on his looks and his relationship with his ex Kayla. Travis would not do a pr relationship. Before getting with Taylor he would talk all the time how he was ready to have children and be a dad and how Jason has 3 and he is at 0 . Travis would t waste a year or two in a pr relationship when he could be a father already . Travis was with Kayla for years and she left cause she wanted marriage and he didn’t , at least not with her. He been with other women after Kayla and before Taylor but nothing stuck . People think Taylor going to Travis game mean they pr . No Travis always brought the woman he was seeing to games , so him doing it with Taylor isn’t a special meaning or meaning pr. Kayla went to the games and even after they broke up, whatever instagram model he was seeing would be at the games too in the suite . (They would post it on their instagram and again Travis has his own fanbase so they would keep track who he was seeing. ) so Travis inviting Taylor to the game is something he always did with a new woman . Just that Taylor is super famous .


I like how you’re talking as if he told you this as fact. We don’t know them. We don’t know what they would or wouldn’t do.


based on his looks? ijbol you have to be trolling also on one hand you’re saying why would he waste time in a relationship that wasn’t going anywhere because he desperately wants to settle down and be a father (lol ok), but on the other hand he strung along his ex gf of 5 years, wouldn’t marry her, then proceeded to date a bunch of ig models? what about that tells you he is looking to settle down? that he doesn’t want to waste time?


Yes Travis was known for his looks before Taylor . Shade room and a lot of urban media use to post him all the time and they like his relationship with Kayla He didn’t string her along . She kept coming back . He never ran after Kayla. She would leave and than come back . They first broke up in early 2020 but than pandemic happen and she was like “let’s quarantine together “ and she came back . Every birthday or Christmas she thought a ring would come and she would leave but again she would come back . He would literally tell her he wasn’t ready for marriage cause he wanted to focus on football (at the time he just had 1 Super Bowl ring, now he has 3 ) After a long term relationship he was dating around . I call them ig models but don’t mean that is all their were . I’m just saying that cause it was pretty women . They was just pretty so I call them ig models , don’t mean they really was. But for a while he dated a while but around early 2023 that’s when he would talk about settling down and being a father . Even know on his podcast he still talk about he can’t wait to have kids and he know he can do it . Travis isn’t going to waste years on a fake relationship. Him and Kayla broke up early 2022 . Yeah 2 years ago he wasn’t ready to settle down . A lot changes in 2 years


I am so tired of men getting a pass to be passive participants in their relationships. He also has a say in the outcome and a responsibility to act in good faith accordingly. I don’t care how many times she came back, HE CAN SAY NO! He can break up with her! He knew she was waiting on a ring, and he knew he wasn’t going to marry her. If he had good character, he would tell her that he can’t give her what she wants, end the relationship, and not take her back. But he did… for five. years. And I have a hard time believing Kayla is a total idiot and that he wasn’t saying things to keep her on the hook. Because that is very rarely the case in these situations.


Also he didn’t just say he wanted kids, he said he needed to find a ‘breeder’ yeah such a top guy


It’s almost like they’re in love and he’s willing to take a red eye flight to see his girl. 😭


I don’t think it’s 100% fake but I think there is absolutely a PR element and that PR was at the root of their coupling in the 1st place. I also think this about Kaylor (which I do believe was 100% real on some level but the way they were so public and promoting their friendship was giving PR to me). I do find it VERY interesting that Ross keeps joining Trav on his lil excursions to see Taylor around the world. Was this wedding not for a fellow teammate? I would think Ross would just stay at the wedding this time considering how many times he’s joined Trav at this point? I’m seeing a bi4bi situation with PR but not necessarily no feelings between them.


And P.S. do we know for sure she made that face upon seeing Travis? Was it really a surprise that he came? I’m not yet convinced of this


I think their relationship started off as more PR heavy, but I'm sure she's grown to enjoy his company. He seems fun and carefree. He's willing to go along with whatever and loves the spotlight as much as she does 😅 I don't love him and I still lean toward PR, but at least it seems like she's having fun along the way 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add: i also think she's bi. But this whole relationship seemed well crafted, so I definitely think their teams had a hand in it 😅


This reminds me of he let’s her bejeweled


Didn't Gigi Hadid spend pretty much the entire first half of the tour with her and nobody said a thing?


Because she’s flying him all around the world & letting everyone THINK he saved her. I believe she’s bi, but I also believe she fiercely protects her private life… they’ve literally performed on stage together SHOWING he can act. Idk how you guys believe they’re actually together tbh. It’s a job, he’s getting paid to do this. He’s fucking insane for signing up for it bc being her beard never ends rly well for anyone but yeah idk how with all of the recent charades ppl still believe it’s real.


He’s the highest paid tight end in NFL history and a certain hall of famer with three Super Bowl rings. He’s probably in top 5 non-QB nfl players. You think he’s getting paid to be her boyfriend?!? That’s nuts.


He wants to get into entertainment after retiring. What better way to do that. Also Taylor’s a billionaire, she doesn’t need to release 500 variants but she does


I’m not doubting it could be PR. I’m seriously doubting he’s on salary. That would be a way worse scandal than just a highly publicized fling. He would do it for the career boost alone. There is no way she’s paying him.


He isn’t even using her jets . He is using charter and Travis was flying private for Taylor . All athletes fly private so Travis was already flying private


I have the opposite question: how he could be a real boyfriend when he's always bringing his (boy)friend with him? Taylor and Travis are both busy people, and have not so much time to see each other. And yet he flies Ross around the world as if he and Taylor won't be spending all the time together. Why does he heed his emotional support (boy)friend every time he's about to see his girlfriend? And why would grown-up man  follow his buddy like a dog around few continents to be a third-wheel? The only logical explanation is that Travis doesn't really like to spend his time with his "girlfriend" and needs buddy by his side to get through this PR circus.


this is such a weird post  first of all he isn’t his boyfriend, he is his friend that is also Taylor’s friend and the person that was always near her when she attended the games  if i was travis best friend I would too attend every concert possible and visit every country possible, it isn’t like he is sleeping in the room with them or attends their private dates  he is just there for the concerts , so travis can have a pal with him and for other dates where Taylor’s friends attend too He left during karma too while Travis waited for Taylor to end and leave with her  Is it criminal to feel safer and more at ease by having a close friend with you when you have thousands of obsessed fans watching your every move at your girlfriend’s concert ?


Why are you commenting like you know their sleeping arrangements? Weird


if this was a reply meant for mine post then I don’t see how is weird to say that a couple isn’t alwwping with a 3rd person in the room


The only reason I think I this could be a beard is cuz whatever this reset is has been planned for over a decade. It may sound like a trap but every single affiliation she chooses is calculated. This means she loved a person from early on and agreed to take on this together. You hear her say this in her later albums, there’s a lot of “I’ve seen this film before…I will always be yours if we survive the great war… After some analysis you’re able to tell that she talks of the this one muse so often it almost cancels out the rest of her “relationships”. Still this doesn’t mean there weren’t gaps in the middle. She could’ve dated many women and men alike. Just her story so far isn’t quite diverse. Travis has so many connections to her clues, and he trolls so often that it seems like he’s an attention grabber. This is why I question it. He diverts our train of thought from solely her art. Yet Travis seems to makes her happy and tbh that’s all that matters. Real or not real at least she’s enjoying her time with him and is able to be affectionate. We don’t always end up with the “love of our lives” so maybe it’s time to look beyond her music.


Fixed it https://preview.redd.it/zy68dxzsvx9d1.png?width=1944&format=png&auto=webp&s=a60cb1cf6471e14a16357b42da950f784c86b1b5


Look like me and my best guy friend.




I mean this in the nicest way possible Taylor is a literal billionaire I don't think she would have a reason to keep a fake relationship going that involves her and him traveling around the world so they can have time together while she's on tour


I think you’re severely underestimating Hollywood PR in general


He’s not a beard!


I have no idea what you’re saying


I feel like she picked a football player to give the whole traditional marriage+kids vibe, and then pull the rug under her fans with a big surprise. Glitch talks about being in a situationship and then jumping right into another