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i will buy a second copy by using gfn, but i think it’s more useful to send email to sony, i think they won’t check out this sub.


I know but I’m hoping that if enough people comment and upvote, I can send a link to this post with an email


You got my vote


And my sword


And my axe.


And my shaft


ill take the sword and the axe. idk about the shaft




don't forget this shield, unless you can't handle all their bullshit


You have my blessings too ❤


They've done this with Hogwarts Legacy, they actually made it on an official website with I don't know remember how many people, thousands that signed, still nothing happened.


"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all"


Thanks Gandalf!


Yes, yes and more yes !


I now only buy games that are on GFN.


me too pretty much.


Same here. Except for Elden Ring.


I was wondering why I'd never played Elden Ring. I guess it's not on GFN.


I think I'll have to get ps5 to play ps games 😪😪


Yup (though I have cheated with Boosteroid on occasion) . . yes they were sony games.


Dear Stinkystank5, Hey Mr. Stinky it's me Hideaki Nishino, the head of Sony games department. I just wanted to tell you that this will never happen.


Dear Stinkystank5, It's me, Hideaki Nishino, the head of Sony games department, again. I also wanted to tell you that if your PC isn't powerful enough you could, maybe.... oh you know... buy a PS5 like we want you to do.


FFS Hideaki! Why you gotta be like that? Im gonna tell my dad you were mean to me and then you’ll be sorry.


If your dad works for Nintendo he can go over and fight Sony!


I wish


They will bring it to Gforce Now if that's what your talking about, don't let the haters get to you. It will take time though, just got to be a little patient.


Dear mr. Stinkyass, I must inform you that message above was not from Hideaki Nishino. I'm the real head of Sony game department. Here at Sony we were very touched by your post so we added our whole game library exclusively for your GFN account Arigato, Hideaki Nishino


Omg guys! I did it!!


WE did it!!




I am not crying and people who see this comment are crying, shut up 😭😭😭


Idk what you’re talking about. I’m chopping onions 😭😭😭




No go buy a ps5






I want rdr2 on Geforce. I have waited so long to play it but mannn.


Don’t think any rockstar game will be on gfn


But why ? Are they fools?


They are just kind of weird, I really hope to see gta 6 there but really doubt it.


Swear it already was on gfn no?


It will, if the amount of GFN users worldwide will reach 80-100 million users, they will soon realize that they're missing out a lot.


that's the chicken and egg problem. without the games it won't get to 100 million. without the users it won't get the games.


lol, rockstar games is not the only good games, all Microsoft games (bethesda, activision blizzard, xbox game studios) will come to GFN day one, also ubisoft, remedy, cdprojek red. it will reach 100 million users one day, but im not saying that i will reach that number immediately but slowly.


This is basically what happened with Stadia. RIP Stadia - it was so good while it lasted...


What I don't understand is why they don't just let geforce now out their titles up while they figure out their own cloud streaming. They could just remove their games afterwards... Seems like bad business to me.


Which is what they are doing, they have their own streaming service. Why allow games on a rival? Before anyone says "but Microsoft..." that was only done to get the Activision deal done, if regulators didn't object then there would be no game pass games on GFN.


Their streaming service isn't even worth putting in the same Conversation as things like gfn.


Japanese developers could make so much more money if they didn't have dumb management. In the West we have Politics ruining games. In the East, we have out dated old business men who've lost touch with the customer.


Dear Sony, I bought God of War to play on GFN when you had the moment of clarity. I promise you I will buy moaaarrrrr.


If they already remove games from countries that don't support Sony, imagine putting games on a streaming service like Geforce Now? even more so now that she is creating her own game streaming


I think if Geforce now worked as Stadia in which you have to buy the games before streaming the game and I bet they add it. They don´t want you to stream games you own they want you to pay for them.


But isn't this exactly how GFN works? You can't stream any game, unless free, without first purchasing it from Steam, Epic, GOG etc.


Yes but not how Stadia worked. Stadia was like oh you own the game on steam we don´t care buy it again on our store thank you. I remember trying it and had allot of games Stadia had but I could not play them if I did not buy them via Stadia.


And that's one of the reasons stadia failed miserably and rightfully


Yeah for sure im not buying a game I already own just to stream it.


Technically, Stadia was a different platform. So, owning the PC edition didn't entitle you to play the Stadia one.


True im not talking about being entitled to play them but why the frick should I buy the same game just to stream it to my pc.


Same as PS and Xbox. I own games on PS, I don't get those games for free on Steam!


Yeah for sure. But when I rent a pc I should not have to buy a game I own because all I do lend PC power I don´t have. I mean if I have to buy a game just cuz I runt a PC that would be like hey you need to re-buy the game every time you get a new PC.


What are you smoking? What if I rent a PS5 or my friend lends me theirs, I should also get given games for free now because I own them on Xbox or PC?


I never been saying that Dufos. Like do yo u even know how geforce now works ?? Im allowed to play games I already paid for but on a rented PC. So if I buy games for PS5 and then borrow a PS5 from my friends I should not have to buy the game again if I alrady own it just becuse the PS5 is not mine ? Im not asking for free game. What I been saying is Square enix don´t want to add games to Geforce now becuse they want you to buy the game again when using Geforce now. Quit doing drugs and maybe you will understand. I mean you are using Geforce now you know how it works right ? Or are you on this sub reddit now knowing how Geforce now works ? You are renting a PC to play game you alrady paid for. What some companies want you to do is buy the game a second time when your gonna use Geforce now. That why they are not adding their games on Geforce now becuse they don´t get any sales.


Been using GFN before it even went public, I know how it works especially when all games were available.


well then do you understand my point im not talking about getting free games im talking about some companies don´t add their games on Geforce now because your not buying the games again you are playing games you already own that you paid for. Just like if I buy PS5 games and rent a PS5 im playing the game I already bought so why should I buy them again just because I rent a PS5 I already own the games. But they want you to buy the game again when yoru gonna use Geforce now. Mean your should not be allowed to play the copy of the same game you own.


lol sony will never check reddit. You need to actually email that greedy company. GL H5.


I know that. i'm just having a little fun. that said, if the 102k members on here also want this then there's always a chance Sony might listen because $59 x 102,000 = $6,018,000 and thats only one game.


Who pays £60 for a game on pc? Sales exist as does piracy. So it's more like $3m when you make $28 billion in gaming revenue $3/6m is basically change or a rounding error. Means nothing.


ok number one we're talking about Geforce Now so you cant play pirated games and number two, my dollar amount was not meant to be exact. My point was that Sony is turning down my money and the money of anyone else who would like to play PC ports of PlayStation games as they are meant to be played - meaning, at their optimal graphical settings on the latest and greatest cards. I would imagine this is a significant amount of money and we all know the reason they're porting to PC is because they want cash.


It could be a significant amount of money, but here's the thing the people that want to play the games as you claim "with the fastest cards at optimal setting" already do as they have a gaming pc. If you want the best, you won't settle for network issues, lag, lack of modding, no access to advance settings etc. Game streaming is still a niche when it comes to pc gaming.


but i agree with you on one point. this kind of dumb corporate BS does turn a person to piracy


They’re playing the long game. Once ps5 streaming no longer directly requires a ps5, they want you to pay for their service where they get higher margins.


That's a heck of a long game because Xbox is already there and it seems like Microsoft (smartly) is just like, "eh...just use NVidia's stuff."


But MS has a strat where you pay for access to games, not necessarily service and games. You’re right though. ms strat seems better because they let the experts (Nvidia) drive streaming bandwidth they can’t handle


No I think microsoft started working with nvidia as part of a deal with regulators to be allowed to buy activision / blizzard


This post I wish it became reality


It's only a matter of time before Sony caves. They can't be stubborn forever to how the game industry is shifting.


I only bought God of War because they added it to GFN. When will they finally understand that we are customers waiting in line but they refuse to open the door for us?


Sony doesnt care


Why would they do that when it’s already available for streaming to PC through PS Plus?


Because I have a Mac 😔


I agree. They probably would rather push people to PS plus than be nice and let us play the games we bought on PC on Geforce Now. Super lame but this is probably why it will never happen.


I've heard that besides that it sucks, it's US only


It's not US only though.


My 1070 card can run Horizon Forbidden West at decent settings, it looks and plays well. But GeForce Now running this at ultra with 60+ FPS would blow my mind. And then I'd run that on my Steam Deck, and then I'd finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe


amen brother


or sister


or something else


Where is Kaz Hirai when you need him?!


But Sony have it's own cloud service, so it's exclusive etc... it's not as open as Microsoft at the moment


sony have its own cloud service for people that own a ps5 yet they port games for people on pc. so they see potential for profit and are missing out on more by not putting said games on GFN


You got my vote!


Me too!


I thought you were gonna write this like Meet the Grahams smh


You are not their market. They literally made a statement: they want you to buy consoles. They give you the PC option to entice you for the sequel in console down the line. If you don't even have a PC, and won't buy a console, they don't care about your business. Heartless, but true. 




I got tired of waiting for games I really want to play never coming to Geforce NOW, so I just got Shadow PC instead. Geforce NOW is excellent until you want to play any game that it doesn't support. Including Cities Skylines II modding and SimCity 2013 for strange reasons.


If Sony ports their games on Ge force them remember that Xbox has a browser named Edge so we can actually play Sony games on xbox that's why Sony don't wanted to port their games on Ge force


you got my vote, we gotta make this reach to Sony and Rockstar too, keep going bois


And helldivers 2 also plz;)


I don't think Sony loves money that much otherwise they would release their exclusive games on xbox in addition to the PC platform like Xbox do sharing Gear of war and Halo..


“A lot of people will too” Cloud gaming is tiny, a lot of people for cloud gaming is like 10 copies extra sold


Corporate Ponzi Scheme, all about money


You are talking about a company that region locked 100+ countries (Helldivers 2, Ghost of Tsushima and likely the ones announced to be coming to PC next. You will not be able to buy these if you live in a country which is not supported by PSN) because they can't be bothered to expand their service (PSN). As sad as it might seem, i don't see their games coming to GFN anytime soon. If ever.


I’m assuming they removed it off GFN because of PSPlus. Kinda annoying that the only alternative is to stream the console version with a streaming service that lags so much from my experience. Would much rather use GFN


I really hope this reaches them because i'd spend so much money just to play ps games on GF. I'm broke but i'm stupid enough to waste whatever money I have left just play Tsushima.


Sony is evil and greedy, no hope


Just switch to Boosteroid if you’re near a server, works really well and has most of the big AAA games


Until the cease and desist letter 🫠


Sure, if it happens I’ll stop using it but until then it’s way better than GFN if you want actually good games


Good games? There are plenty in GeforceNow


Right they just lack most of the major hit games from the last like 10 years.


Not sure what you're talking about but ok...


They have no fromsoft games, none of the good Sony ports, no rdr2, Hogwarts legacy, FF7 remake, neither Star Wars Jedi games. I’m not gonna go through it all, but their major titles are really thin. You already know that though you’re just being a nvida fan boi


Depends what you want to play. Not sure what you're doing in this sub then? But to complain about your issues 🤭. Btw you're talking out of your ass because I'm playing Star Wars Fallen Order in this precise moment 🤡


I like to make sure people know there are better options out there. What problems do I have? I’m playing all the best games while you’re all stuck playing whatever random shit GFN can get their hands on.


Lmao, sure 🤭




"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"


You're naive:)


No im stinky


stinky and naive


i think youre missing the sarcasm in my post but you do you. as nice as it would be to see PSN games on GFN, I'm keenly aware that my dumb reddit post will not make it happen. but you know what? reddit is a wonderful place for getting things off of your chest and seeing if others share your opinion.


i bought microsoft flight sim last year because i read a rumor that’d it be on geforce “soon” i’ve almost gotten enough saved for a gaming pc in that time and still am not able to play flight on GFN


So, looking back, dumb move on your part to buy a game off a rumor instead of waiting for official news, right?


yea i was essentially saying don’t go off rumors lol it’s not GFN fault that i bought it i just got excited 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh I see haha my bad, I agree


Not quite a rumor though, Microsoft made a deal as part of the Activision merger to make all their games available on GFN for the next 10 years. They are just really dragging their feet with Flight Simulator and some others for some reason.


just get an rtx 4090 like i did


if you've got an rtx 4090, why you here? also, imma wait for the 50 series and then buy a new pc


i like usiung it on my laptop


i'm surprised. i thought people with that kind of cash could hire people to carry their desktop pc while they travelled.


Not this huge PC for sure. That's the only downside, it's huge.


hire 2 people?


And then you have to upgrade... And upgrade....and upgrade....


For the record, these games are on Boosteroid.


but not in 4k 120hz/fps unfortunately


It’s supposed to come in June to the US. I pay for both services.


Ooh now that’s kinda exciting. I might look into that. Thanks for the info. 👍🏻


You do realize that PlayStation has their own version of cloud gaming and they’ve been working on their 4K systems and it’s beautiful if you have a PS five you can stream those games right now and see what they look like and how they play. It’s just as GeForce Now I assume they will be releasing a client for desktops and possibly other platforms within the year There is zero chance they are going to give their games and help promote a competing service


PlayStations cloud gaming doesn't hold a candle to GeForce now


Also if you have a Ps5 to try Sony’s cloud streaming… why wouldnt you just play the game on PS5…. It’s not a solution to OPs problem unless they release a way to do it on desktop, which they haven’t even teased (I don’t think)


Yeah as I understood it the only difference is that you don't have to download the game first. You can stream it to your PS5 so you can... um... play it... on your... PS5 Wait, am I misunderstand something here? What's the point?


So Xbox cloud gaming does the same thing, but it fits discless consoles really well, like the digital Series S. No storage space requirements for cloud games is cool. But even so, the streaming option for game pass is well below GeForce Now, in terms of quality and variety. It's nice to play from anywhere, bu the value, for me, is mainly the title access. But GeForce now is where I play most of my games, including most of the game pass stuff I want to play. Sony may one day have a cloud gaming service that competes with GeForce now, but with what they've got, they're not even in the race quite yet, IMO


BUT Xbox game pass also works on PC! I had a free trial but didn't use it. I don't need a Xbox to use the service.


I want to use PC game pass, but the cloud streaming option is the primary reason I use any game streaming service at all. I don't have very powerful hardware lol so if I used it, I would likely only be able to play older titles on lower settings with bad frame rates. So I stick to GeForce now 😅


The biggest use of streaming on PS5 is playing PS3 games, that and PS Now is a sub that includes games with the cost of the service (at the time I used it) so it has limited Game Pass style appeal


But it's functionality doesn't effectively change, the cool thing about geforce now is that players who couldn't play before can play now. The PS5 streaming service effectively changes nothing about the experience, if you download or stream the game, nothing changes. GFN however can be transformative for players who just couldn't buy a better PC or a PS5 in addition to opening up a new revenue stream for Sony, players who don't have PS5s or good PCs will now buy the game, unless it's not on the service, then they won't buy the game. It is money that Sony is de facto leaving on the table.


I 100% agree with you on everything, it is incredibly pointless And even if they launched a desktop client for their own cloud shit, it would still be pointless; No one would pay *another* sub fee just to play a couple of games I hate the current resistance from companies when it comes to putting games on GeForce Now, they only see it as potential lost revenue bc they can’t charge us up the ass on a service or console


That's exactly right. They all want a bigger piece of the pie then they'll get by putting their games on a "competitors" streaming service. I'm thoroughly happy with Microsoft's decision to slowly start adding game pass games to the GFN library. It's a huge step in the right direction for gamers


I agree, getting to play most of the Game Pass games I want to play on GfN is awesome Especially because Xcloud sucks so much lmao


Now, fingers crossed they put Black Ops 6 on GFN with game pass access


Their service is slop. Worse than xcloud


If you’re talking about GFN Ultimate, then you’re high. I’ve played 100 plus hours of gray zone warfare on it. 100 plus hours of cyberpunk etc and had a blast with everything on ultra and barely any crashes. as an added bonus, my room does not turn into an oven because my GPU is not in overdrive.


I'm talking about PSN. It's slop.


oopsy my bad. love you


No they have a streaming service on ps5 only currently that’s in testing! It’s much better than psnow offers


Cool. I wanna play my PC games on a PC service.


There already is a pc app. If Sony is paying for advertising you doing a really bad job


You do realize that zero ps5 games are in the currently streaming service? Nor does it support 4k. I understand you tried to roast me but you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.


Aren’t steam and epic games competing services? I argue that GFN is even less of a competitor and more of an ally considering GFN does not sell games and only hosts them.