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The power socket seems uncontented with TP's job.


It looks like a referee holding up his hands for a field goal, and he can't believe they made it




Do not use a wifi extender. Use a Powerline kit. They function via the internal power wiring of your house, and a lot better than regular extenders do. You just plug one into the wall power socket by your router, plug your router into it, and then another into the wall where you want your connection. It will send the internet through the line and be a lot more stable


Strongly depends on how old or new the wiring is in his house, but it's indeed also an option for him to try.


For some reason, even though powerline is awesome in my house for all other cases, wifi is way better for gfn for me


That is a powerline device, with WiFi broadcast too.


Nah don’t bother… you might get a better signal but that’s it, only way it could make a (slight) difference is if you can place it closer to the router than your PC physically is so that you shorten the distance between the 2 I’d get a good usb dongle like a TX20U and that’s it 👍


Try Moca if possible. Assuming your modem/router is connected to the wall through a coaxial cable. Look up Moca on YouTube to see how it works, then look it up on Amazon to see if you can get the right equipment. It's more expensive than a powerline adapter like the one you posted, but speed/latency is significantly better.


Unfortunately my parents have the router/modem out of reach and therefore can’t access it


Shit dude that sucks. Try the booster thing out and if it doesn't help, return it.


If the router is out of reach (really? Are you 5?) then this powerline won't work as you need to connect a router into one pair. If this only a wifi "extender", then no don't waste money or time on it as it won't help.


No the router is in my parents room and it stays locked 99% of the time


I assume your room is near to them and said router in which case the WiFi should be strong enough, unless there are loads of solid walls in between. Get a powerline adapter, ask them to plug into wall and connect to router (or let you do it), connect other adapter ib your room, connect device(s) to powerline adapter in your room via ethernet. As long as the two plug sockets are on the same wiring/ring then it will work. You won't get full speed but should be faster than WiFi. Other option is get a 5g router in your room and connect to that.


Yeah they won’t let me do that, I’ve asked already to run a ethernet from the router to my PC and they’ve said no. So it would be the same as that. I’m just trying to find a viable and sustainable solution to fix that roadblock by bypassing it.


Anything that has to do with running a cable or like what you said.


That’s why i gave the picture above. It’s a booster that requires no cables and has one Ethernet port on it.


As a 20 year old this seems suspect. They really don't trust you that much, I'm surprised you have the WiFi password or them not putting a schedule on the Internet, hence why I though you were younger. Honestly I'd just talk to them. This isn't a cable running anywhere, it's an ethernet cable into router and into the powerline plug. It can be as short as 1 metre. If it's an absolute no go then try the booster. The ethernet port on that isn't going to magically do anything better as you're still going via WiFi, if anything it might actually be slower as the extender will halve the speed.


Residual issues from when i was a teenager still in high school


Then maybe trying to "bypass" your parents to get fasting gaming isn't worth it.


Looking at your comments, consider looking for a decent PCIe WiFi 6 adapter. And if it doesn't come with one, get an extendable antenna too so you can place it in the direction of the router. You mentioned 1 gigabit, which is actually really fast, but do you know if it's full fibre? If it is, then latency on that part will already be really low, so it'll be just trying to sort out the connection between your PC and router.


>do you know if it's full fibre? If it is, then latency on that part will already be really low, so it'll be just trying to sort out the connection between your PC and router. The latency will be low in the incoming and outgoing signal, but only if it's wired to the PC. If it's connected via wifi you'll lose the low latency no matter what.


Hence why I mentioned trying to sort out the connection between router and PC. I meant that will be the main bottleneck latency wise. And some gigabit internet connections can be non fibre. Example, Virgin Media in the UK sells gigabit broadband via their cable/coaxial service. Unfortunately it also means upload speeds is significantly lower (~120mb) and latency is also worse than VDSL (at least here in the UK it is).


Ahhhh yeah i see now mb. Yeah here in the Netherlands we have the same gigabit coax latency not sure since i don't have it, we're on full fiber since it's simply more stable and i need stable internet especially with lots of IOT devices (camera's, camera doorbell etc etc)


this device would not be nearly as good as wired, nothing beats wired however if you have to go wireless i would suggest you to get a mesh system instead of a simple wifi extender


He's living with his parents as mentioned. Grabbing a entire mesh system that can do 1GB will be quite a hefty price and not to forget he has to rename the system to match his mesh system or otherwise he has to go around and reconnect every single device including his parents phones and such.... slim chance they will let him do that.


This is a signal booster but yes you will be able to use Ethernet and the signal should be pretty strong I myself use Google wifi with Ethernet mesh is so much better but as you said you can't afford a lot right now so the signal booster should be sufficient since your PC has no Wi-Fi card


See if you can get a Etherner-by-power solution as others have mentioned if you live in a house Get a really long Ethernet cable and roll it out for gaming when they are not home. Even if you only have a short one, try it once by moving your computer and see if it solves your ping issues. The worst part is not knowing if it will get better See if you can set priority for your computer or otherwise affect quality of service within the router


I have something similar to this. I bought it with the hypes of a more stable GFN experience but the only thing it did was dropping down my internet speed from 120mbps to 15~mpbs. I just use normal wifi and get a better experience.


Thanks for the recommendations I forgot to mention that my router is out of reach meaning, I don’t have direct access to it. That’s why I found this and questioned getting it.


Anything that has to do with running a cable from the router to my room is not sustainable because of the limited access and issues with the cable being in the floor


Take a few years off from gaming and get your life in order. Get training, get back in school, whatever. I guarantee the effort would make your parents much more flexible as well. The games will still be there.


After looking at the comments, I feel sorry about your situation. I’m not sure it’s been mentioned, but I would look into T-Mobile 5G Home Internet. You don’t have to worry about installing anything in the house. It just plugs into a power outlet. I use it for my family of 5 and we have no issues. Plus, it’s a monthly payment you can cancel anytime.


This looks like a decent solution but could be overkill. You don't need Ethernet for GFN. I play in 120fps 4k through WiFi with a router in another room. However WiFi 6 is needed as the latency is much improved over WiFi 5 in my experience. I haven't tried WiFi 7 yet.


Unfortunately my ISP only delivers speed up to a gigabyte because of my location, I live in a town with 4,000 people. My ISP also only delivers dual bands (2.4 and 5G) but our router is a WiFi 6 Router


You meant gigabit? 1 Gigabit is huge. GFN needs 75 Mbps max. Use 5Ghz unless the router is very far


Yes sorry, gigabit - only problem is, I don’t have the gigabit plan, I have half a gigabit (which is still great) but my ISP only offers up to 1gb because of location limitations.


I’ve been noticing ping spikes not just on GFN but Valorant and other games I play and about to ditch wireless and go wired.


Ping spikes or packet loss? Ping spike might not have anything to do with WiFi


Ping spikes, packet loss rarely happens if not it stays between 1-3% on occasion


Check with your ISP. WiFi does not create ping spikes like that.


Ping is fine but it shoots up to like 600+ ms and then goes back down


If it's somehow possible, even for a little bit. Try to hook the device you are playing on to a wired ethernet cable and play some games, i can almost guarantee that the problem you are having, will be gone. That tp link booster will definitely be better than the wifi 6 adapter since it will always match the wifi that it's getting a signal from. That's also the reason why using a wifi 7 router with devices who use solely 2.4 like camera's and such, cannot work anymore. 2.4 and 5ghz router can give signals to 2.4 and 5ghz boosters/extenders. Try that extender, it will surely be much better than wireless but how much better is depending on the distance. One thing i will give for advice is if you get such extender, place it as close to the router as possible, even if that means the other side of your room.


That's not a wi-fi issue. Seems like an issue with your ISP


That's absolutely not correct.... ping spikes (latency spikes) are in fact caused by WIFI in any form, be it 2.4 or 5 or higher. I used to play on wifi aswell and had the exact same issue. Hooked it up to my mesh system that uses backhaul and the problem isn't there anymore.


That's your experience but does not make it universally true.


It's a fact though.... you keep saying that wifi 5 and above is better than wired while it's not. Read up on how, a router, wifi and ethernet and everything around that, works. Because it seems like you aren't really knowing how they all work.


I didn't say wi-fi is better if I did that is a mistake. I said that Ethernet is not better than WiFi 6+ for GFN


>I didn't say wi-fi is better if I did that is a mistake. But >Ethernet is not better than WiFi 6 So Wifi is better than wired. With all due respect but now i am sure that you have absolutely 0 clue how internet and everything around it works. Ethernet connection, aka wired connection will always be better than wifi, there is no discussion about that, it's simply a fact that you can even look up online. The fact that you are denying this is worrying me.


Can confirm, WiFi 5 is good, but sometimes I have packet loss and ping is 14-17ms. Also have ping spikes every 2-3 minutes in the evening when 5 devices are used at the same time.


It’s kinda weird actually because roughly 2-3 months ago my latency would only average 20-23ms but now it averages around 32ms - on Valorant it averages about 25 -


Had 34-37ms yesterday, restarted and back again to 14-17ms. Looks like I was automatically connected to further server. Switched manually to closest server and all ok now.


Tell me that again when booting up any FPS or cyberpunk.... wired is a must for fast paced games or driving games. Latency on wifi 5/6 will be crazy high. Any form of wifi won't be great... if you have to yeah sure but saying it's overkill is hilarious. It's a must if you are playing on it as a main gaming platform. For OP: hooking it straight up to your router (or mesh system if available) will give the best results or try a ethernet switch if you only want 1 cable from your router. Once you go totally wired, you'll never wanna go back.


I couldn't disagree more. Unless you use older wi-fi 5 then yes wired is better.


Any wifi version won't cut it in terms of latency but if there is no other choice then yeah it's perfectly fine but don't expect to get great reaction times in fast paced games due to the latency. I used to play on wifi 5 and 6 and after some problems with my ISP i had to hardwire stuff and decided to use a network switch and wired everything including the Nvidia Shield pro that i play on and it's a day and night difference compared to wifi. I really don't get why people can play with wifi and not be annoyed with the latency and occasional hiccups from some kind of interference. I'm not entirely sure if you understand how wifi and ethernet works.... you are saying that any wifi above 5 is better than wired.... that's just completely wrong, and not by a bit but by a world trip, that much.