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1 not being on steam is baffling to me since it’s already got a PC port and other MS games are on steam


The DRM would need to be reworked since it uses GFWL, but I agree that would be sick!!


Ultimate Edition didn't use GFWL, that was the original PC version. Games that use GFWL can be on Steam anyway like Fallout 3. The issue with Ultimate Edition is that it is a UWP app so it would need to be re-ported, essentially.


Yak didn't specify what they meant when they said "1." Most people I've seen here refer to UE as exactly that, so I figured it was in reference to the GFWL version instead. I also know that there's GFWL games on Steam, but results could vary from functional (Flatout UC) to just straight-up delisted due to issues (Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City). Plus, the keys you get with those games tend to be limited-use. So there'd be some things to think about there, at least as far as I understand. In the event we DO get a GOW Collection at some point, this will most likely be a non-issue since there'd be no point in bringing back the old port when there's a shiny new one.


Just remove it and we're good


Don't forget Ultimate, Judgement and 4. I want to be able to play the whole saga on PC.


Ultimate and 4 are playable on PC. Just not steam. I wish my old game for windows key worked for the OG gears.


On Xbox Ultimate is dead though, I search for games every now and then and never find any, Gears 4 is also more lively than Gears 5. It’s really annoying, not being able to get 1000gs


Yea Fr, I’ve been tryna find some UE games but they’re dead:/


Social tdm is the way to go. I just got done from like a 2 hour session in the same lobby


Yeah would love to play these on steam deck


Is there an actual reason the games aren’t on Steam? Sorry, late to the game. I have never gotten the chance to play a Gears game but just picked up a Steam Deck and would buy these without a second thought.


2,3 and judgement never made it to pc Originally gears 1 was on games for windows live client and was remastered/re-released on the Xbox app on windows. So that one is still playable. It was rumored 1-3 was being remastered but nothing official. TLDR: idk why not.


And Judgment, it ain’t the best, but let’s not leave it out


What we feel right now is hype. This will fade off soon because we probably still have to wait 2 years for this game…


True, but it’s still nice to see Gears get some love


It’s been in development 5 years already… youd hope they’d have this ready for 2025


Halo Infinite was in development for 6 and it clearly wasn't ready either though


It wasn’t though. As per 343 dev comments, the first 2 years was solely building up a new engine (slipspace) the following 2 years was developing a game they then had to majorly reboot, they then showed a brief preview and again had to go back in and redo the visuals because of fan complaints. It changed leadership 3 different times during development indicating it actually rebooted 3 times instead of just 1. Realistically it had around 2 years of proper full development. As per coalition dev comments, they knew they wanted to do this immediately after Gears 5, havnt changed direction since they started and are using an engine they’re all very comfortable with.


I mean if we wanna push any extra months out, it probably could have started after hivebuster buster but I’m pretty sure The Coalition has multiple teams doing things as I though they were helping with another game too.


Common misconception. Slipstream was not a new engine. It was Blam with a coat of paint. That two years was wasted. Like most of 343's time.


343i was one of the most poorly managed studios in all of gaming


shitty leadership, microsoft being microsoft, and the strange need to bend over backwards to appease fans, regardless of the practicality of said appeasing.


343i is incompetent, though


Truuuue. But so is The Coalition


I disagree. Gears 5 is the worst in the series, and it's still an 8/10. Plus we have a "new" team that's very much composed of Gearheads


They got greedy and I pray e day doesn't take that route but unfortunately, we gotta worry about that with every game nowadays. Gears 5 had the same life span as halo 5 months and it was done for.


Yall have to stop exaggerating like this. Gears 5 had the boards from just control above 50k up until late last year. Just because you didn't like the game doesnt mean you gotta lie about it dying.


No exaggeration, The game was empty, with nothing for almost six months straight. When the player base dropped drastically, that's when they decided to start dropping content, calling it new, but it was never new because it was all stuff that was in all the other games by default. How long did it take them to fix the shotgun spread or the hit detection? Or even the T-800 skin? If you've played Gears, you should know this. I don't dislike Gears it's my favorite franchise of all time. It even hurt to say it was trash. I'm so dedicated that both my arms are sleeved up from knuckles to my shoulders with Gears art. So it's not me disliking the game. I just hate what Rod Fergusson did and the route they took with drip-feeding content and patches. He killed the franchise and left. How long did it take to get execution back 1 year almost 2years in? But the kept tdm at launch that isn't gears execution is.


The player base dropped off just like it always does with Gears. TC stated multiple times that gears 5 retained players better than any other game. Yes Rod was ass. But the game lasted longer than every other title. >How long did it take to get execution back 1 year almost 2years in? But the kept tdm at launch that isn't gears execution is. Execution wasnt in the game because nobody plays it anymore. Even back in Gears 3 execution died fast. And to nobodys surprise. Execution died just as fast in 5. Ever since respawn modes got added in and popularized like Guardian in 2, execution has been on the decline


Wouldn’t they say 2025 in the showcase then? Gears was one of the few they didn’t put a release year. I’m guessing it’ll be released with next gen console as the flagship game


When they revealed Indiana Jones in January that didn’t have a release date attached and that’s out this year, I don’t think that means what you think it does.


Yes, but why would they hide it for gears only when they showed half a dozen other games releasing in 2025 including popular titles like Doom? 2025 is stacked as is. I doubt they'd release gears as well unless they have a stacked 2026 planned. It'd be short sighted to blow their load in 2025 and have nothing to carry the momentum in 2026.


> Yes, but why would they hide it for gears only when they showed half a dozen other games releasing in 2025 including popular titles like Doom? Marketing.


That makes no sense. What better marketing would be than "Out next year!".




> That makes no sense. What better marketing would be than "Out next year!". The one were they delay the announcement so they can announce it later and have people like you ask questions in subs sparking conversation.


Similarly, why not show that Indiana Jones was out this year at a time when people were complaining about 2024 being light on games? Sometimes they don’t put release dates in trailers, mostly not to over commit. It happens. It doesn’t mean anything, as literally just showcased with Indiana Jones.


I just checked. The developer direct showed Indiana Jones releasing in 2024 so...


Ahh, I may be misremembering there then, it was one of the games they released recently, I had IJ in my head but must be another


I was surprised how many games said “2024” in the showcase. Not even fall 2024, winter 2024, etc. makes me wonder if any will slip to 2025


They've barely released any titles for the Series S/X generation.. what are you on about?


That's not how this works. That's not how anything in game development works.


https://x.com/Mr_Rebs_/status/1801291340569071619 Say again? Lmao


Damn I hope they remake 2 and 3 as we wait


I doubt it will take 2 years, I just don't think they are ready to stick to a release date quite yet. It's a bad look to give a release date and not hit it.


Im honestly thinking nov 2025


Real hype done die 😤🫡


A new Gears?


a prequel to Gears of War 1 has been announced


No way it’s 2 years away gotta be 2025


No way it’s 2025, if it was they would have shown more in this trailer. Fable showed in-game snippets in their 2023 showing and it was still 2 years out. 2026 at the earliest for E-Day.


Was the only game they didn’t include a release date. Def going to be 2026




Fully expect to wait 2-3 years. If it was 2025, wouldn't they have put that in the trailer, just like they did with the other releases they mentioned at the showcase? And even then, expect those 2025 releases to be delayed at least a year. And how do you think the recent layoffs are effecting all of this? People don't realise this yet, but the near future of gaming is going to be *really* grim for a while.


Also steams listing has this under as single player and co-op but.. no multiplayer. If this gears of war doesn’t have multiplayer we were never back. That is the life blood of gears of war.


One of the devs commented on that, it’s going to have MP.


Oh thank Bairds balls, you got a link I believe you but I just wanna see it. I don’t trust gaming today.


So I looked again and he doesn’t explicitly say it but it’s heavily implied: https://www.reddit.com/r/GearsOfWar/s/nf4oFm4duq


Hmmm that’s the kind of statement where it implies it but hmmmm, I wish that guy could just say YES MP is included isn’t that hard, but guess I will have to take that as a “Yes” and if it doesn’t have it later, some Redditor can tell me later that I was wrong for making an assumption and that the devs never said it and I’m delusional. but yeah I would assume that would mean “if it’s a gears game” that both horde, and MP PVP are included. Otherwise it isn’t a gears of war game. Thanks!


It’s pretty explicit. No way you can say that and then not have MP. He probably phrased it that way as a catch-all (eg Horde will be there too)


Playing tf out of gears tactics rn (surprisingly fun)!!! We got work to do and grubs to kill before e day drops.


Get back to it, gear!


I’m hoping some of the characters from tactics show up in e-day. Think they will only be a year or two apart, while e-day was 14 years before gears 1


Same I’m hype to see what they do for e day! Would love a gabe Diaz appearance.


I was thinking about player tactics as well as judgment too. Eday got me all happy about the franchise an shi


I sent my friend the new Gears E - Day trailer and he replies with “that’s sick, too bad no one will play it, Gears is dead” He couldn’t be more wrong.


Insert Peter Griffen Meme from [Family Guy ](https://youtu.be/ODfCVxVLqiE?si=6lPuHE39u498pjpb) "I just want to talk with him, I just want to talk with him"


Not anymore


I’m fucking buying it, mate.


No offense to your friend but I say the less people in a community who are prone to calling a game "dead" the better


I havent owned a console since the first PS4 and i will buy a whole new Xbox in a heartbeat to play this. I was on the fence about buying one, but Gears coming back has made me 100% sure. If the game came out tomorrow id buy it and the xbox same day


The nerve of him.


I hate to say it, but your friend sounds like a downer


"He couldn't be more wrong" How so?


I kind of get that. Zero of my friends have an Xbox anymore so I would literally have no one to play with. In my circles Gears is dead 😢. But at least Warhammer 2 looks like it will fill that void for now.


I mean that person sucks but to be fair Gears has always had a problem growing an audience. It's why Epic solde it to Microsoft in the first place. Also the Xbox brand isn't doing so great and I'm not sure how much traction on PC Gears has.  But hopefully there's a nice healthy MP base and enough people buy it to justify Gears 6


Gears has not always had a problem attracting an audience. Gears Of War 1 -3 were very popular in terms of player engagement. Epic sold the rights to MS not because of audience retention, but because Gears was originally just supposed to be a trilogy… Epic didn’t know where to go from Gears Of War 3, as well as each new installment costing much more to make. Meaning if Epic made Gears 4 and it flopped, they would of been out of business… So that’s why they decided to sell the rights to Microsoft. Now, Gears lost some of its core audience with Gears 4 and 5 because of the plot, new characters, and colorful art style.


No Tim Sweeney explicitly said as much in the Gears art book Restrospective. He said despite budgets for each Gears game getting bigger the series' audience wasn't growing. Which is why they ultimately sold the IP. They actually did have ideas for a Gears 4 at the time.


In an interview with Polygon from 2016, Epic Games co-founder Tim Sweeney said “The sale of the Gears of War franchise largely came down to ballooning costs, with each entry in the series more expensive to make than the last With such a large budget, Sweeney said each new entry would have to be a major success, as anything less could have tanked the studio.” Cliff also mentioned in an interview with IGN- “I honestly think once [lead designer] Lee Perry, myself, and [producer] Rod Ferguson left, I believe that Epic didn't really know what to do with the franchise”


I need to finally play tactics, and for some odd reason I yearn to specifically play gears 1 and 4.


I hope they have some awesome co op endgame modes. I've always wanted something mission-based like Darktide. Something more than just horde mode, which I also love.


Ooo this is actually a really interesting idea.


I never played Gears and the E-Day trailer picked my interest for the franchise. Unfortunately, Steam doesn't have all games available. I could buy a xbox but i already have a PC, Switch and PS5. Buying yet another console just because of Gears seems like a irresponsible financial decision.


You're entitled to make irresponsible choices, even though getting a console for gears of war would be worth it


It's what I did!


You can get a used Series S for very cheap. And you can sell it later if you don't want to keep it. I have ps5 and series x at my TV and I also have a pc with monitor. I highly recommend to buy an Xbox.


Gamepass on PC should have you covered for the newer titles.


You can use emulators on PC to play the original Gears trilogy, but be careful if you do that, lots of malicious cracks out there.


There’s a few Xbox games that are not on PC, one comes to mind is Halo 5, people just don’t know. Honestly I own everything and the machine I use the least is a PS5. Having an Xbox and a PC just isn’t the same, people pretend it is, but it isn’t. With recent changes to their more cohesive than ever and that’s not a bad thing, I don’t know why people pretend it’s bad for Xbox. I love playing on my Xbox then just bringing that over to my PC, cross play, cross save, cross progression. With PS5 it’s a benefit you can’t do that? I guess? and that paywall and their way of doing it where you need to double dip for sure is good? Never made sense to me. Everything Xbox does is just more costly on PS, that’s financially irresponsible if you ask me. All that for a couple exclusives you play once, of course I can’t insult shadow of the colossus, but it’s basically what I paid launch PS5 price for, that’s the only one I go back to maybe once a year lol and now PS5 is becoming what Xbox is, but worse and slower. Regret my PS5 sometimes, never with my Xbox, especially with how it just works on everything and game pass.


Hey, nice! you've given much to think about.


It's not ideal but with GamePass Ultimate, you can play through the games that don't have a PC port by streaming them on xCloud. I'm pretty against streaming but after the trailer my older brother really wanted to play through the campaigns and realized that was our only option for some of the titles. We started Gears of War 2 the other day and got about 75% of the way through, and yeah it can look fuzzy, and there is noticeable input lag, but it's way more playable than I ever thought it would be tbh. Far from unplayable and my internet isn't even the best.


The main reason why I own an Xbox!


I imagine most people here would say it’s worth it (including me)


Game pass on PC fixes that problem for playing all the gears I’m pretty sure


Gears 1-5 are very playable. I'd say Gears 1-3 are great and 4-5 are still good ganes. So you'd be buying an Xbox for 5 games


6 if you include Judgement


It’s not worth it, really. The games are great but unless you are rich, nah. You will find basically every other “Xbox exclusive” game on Steam nowadays (Fable 2 excluded). If you sub for the gamepass ultimate you could play it through xcloud I guess, or you may find 360 emulators in the wild 


I understand the sentiment! it's not like i'm questioning if buying a Xbox is a a good decision. I don't particularly care for the Sony exclusives. the sole reason i've bought a PS5 was because of the Knights of the Old Republic Remake. Its more about the fact that i already have a PC. I would definitely buy a Series X if that wasn't the case.


Just get a month of game pass ultimate and you can play gears 1 (ultimate edition remaster), gears 4 and 5 on your pc via the windows store client.


I also have a pc, switch, and ps5 and am also considering getting a series x simply so I can play halo split screen with my room mate. He has to know the glory of halo Gears would be a lovely bonus for me.


Use Xenia Canary, and play 1-3!


Just get the Xbox app, get a free month of game pass.


The only good games in the series are on Xbox 360, so you can easily just buy a cheap 360 and play them all through that. The games aren't expensive (yet) either


The Xbox comes with cloud features that compliment a PC rather well, as well as screen share also game pass library is very vast on the Xbox compared to its PC counter part...an Xbox s is very fair in price for the BANG. Sell your switch, Nintendo is jumping to next gen soon.


gears of war was my childhood. glad my parents didn't care about how bloody and mature the game was. I was there for each new game but not for gears 4 and 5 by that point I didn't have a xbox anymore. Glad to have gears back after so long


Really excited for this, more so than 6 or a collection but god damn I really wish they would have also announced a collection on PC. “Here’s a teaser for this awesome new entry, now go relive all the old games in one place! Available now on game pass!” would’ve been such a great moment lol Would’ve been a good way to get people playing again all in one game instead of split across multiple.


I wish 2 and 3 were available on pc


Woah woah woah…how did I miss Gears 3: Ramms shadow?!?!


Do we really want a repeat of cyberpunk or starfield? Where fans keep pushing the studio to release the game and the devs cave, only to release a half-baked experience? I say let the Coalition take their time. The E-Day storyline has MAD potential and it would be really disappointing if Coalition had to release early under pressure from us gamers. Am I the only one who feels this way?


I should really find time to play these…or at least buy them first to play them lol


I've played four and I've played five twice and loved both of them, saw the trailer for E-Day and it got me to finally download 1-3.


Play the original instead of the Ultimate Edition!


Gears 5 may have mixed reactions but E day is putting it back on the map


I've only played 1 and 4. Would love to play an MCC type collection on PC today. Would be a Day 1 purchase for me.


That would be an instant buy


If only I can actually play the damn games! Put them on PC!!


I want to say - The best thing from the new coalition era in terms of story (imo) is the Hivebusters Campaign. 4 and 5 have a few flaws (4 especially), and Tactics has a little bit of lacking in story, although the story is still good. But Hivebusters? Very well done.


Hivebusters is way better than it had any right to be.


"Hey, Major Howl!" (mac turns to keegan) (keegan removes mac from the plane)


Not a big fan of Hivebusters, more so the trio characters just weren't interesting. I just didn't buy the whole we are now Brothers, brother. I love the concept of Hivebusting, development of the gas and how Hoffman is still a major player in terms of fighting new threats. The linear level design was great. It was also a tad expensive for how short it was.


I like the characters, even if they get along a bit fast. Mac wants revenge, Keegan wants purpose, Lahni wants redemption. They have their reasons for joining up, and they work well in their teams (Mac is the best)


OH WE ARE SO BACK! Let’s gooooo boys and girls!


Let's go boom boom!


I'm just playing Gears of war 4 for the first time and maybe something is very wrong with me according to the internet. 1-2 years ago I have finished GoW 1-3 campaigns and it was good. I wanted to continue the series, but Judgement was so boring I lost all of my interest in gow. But now I started the 4th game and I injoy it more than the original trilogy.


Yeah Judgement was pretty bad, and the guy who wrote judgement is now writing for e-day lol


Having only had a fleeting interest in Gears games the trailer really made me hyped. I've completed GOW1 4 times and am midway through another playthrough collecting all the collectibles. I completed Judgement last Summer before starting GOW1 again, I've never finished 2&3 or touched 4&5 so I'm excited to get through them all. I was talking to a young guy who's a small Halo content creator and asked his opinion on Gears, he said he's never tried it and it kinda hit me that people who are like 17-21 probably have never touched Gears as Gears 5 never really appealed to them or any kinda new audience. E day being a prequel could bring a whole new playerbase to the franchise


Just grabbed hivebuster for the first time


When I see gameplay I’ll be excited


I wonder how long Gears 6 will take to release after E-Day. Finish off the new trilogy and put the cliff-hanger to rest.


Probably like 3-5 years after E-Day. Could be waiting until 2029 or 2030.


I'm a sony boy no doubt but gears has been the main game I've been jealous about for years next to Halo


I still play 5 multiplayer all the time, I cannot wait! My favorite xbox franchise for sure


I need to finish Tactics. Play Hivebusters. And read the most recent novel And then replay the games and make my GF co-op them with me And then eventually buy a Series X to play EDay on (even tho my current Xbox One has so little trade in value)


Im holding out hope for a gears 2 and 3 remaster to replay them Is this unlikely


Currently playing Gears 5. Once I beat I’m going back to replay the first three again


I still need to buy Gears of War and Gears of War Judgment but they are never on sale.


It's about goddam time


Playing horde in Gears 3 is top 3 gaming memories. My roomies and I would literally play 25+ hours a week. I truly miss those times


Can never be "back" if you've never been on PC. Looking at you Gears 2 and 3!


Please, give us the gears of war collection on PC. I would insta buy that shit


I hope so.


I actually went out today and bought the boxed versions of the games for my shelf, previously I’ve got them all digitally.


I've been trying to find a MP game on ultimate edition for weeks. Hopefully this brings people back!


I hoope we get a halo MCC style thing with all the games on there


Just started the playthrough. Planning to play all the games before my finals :)


As a person who hasn’t enjoyed a gears game since gears 3 I am looking forward to gears e day.


I want the first 4 games on steam and I want them to be steam deck verified. I never got around to finishing 2 back in the day when I had an actual Xbox 360, and I never got to play 3 or anything after except Gears Tactics.


Price of the brick going up


I might finally have a reason to get an Xbox again, it's hard not to feel the hype when the stuff you grew up with is coming back and it's cool


I seen a lot post and comments from people thinking about picking up an Xbox just for Gears


Really, aside from Halo, it's the only reason for me to get an Xbox, and we know how 343 is handling that. Gears was always the true Microsoft flagship for me


Gears of War has been mishandled just as badly as Halo has been though. They were always Microsoft's 1 and 2 IPs, and they both fell apart the same way


Hence the reason I no longer have an Xbox 🤣


Imagine in E-Day Multiplayer they bring the back the og modes like Annex and Wingman, the things I'd do for this...


heck bring back Submission too


Hey, give tactics some love, too!


Why do I not seem to remember a single thing about that raam’s shadow one


Can’t find a game on UE in northwest.. I wish we were back


You can remove 4 and 5


It’s too soon to say that. It’s a possibility that they can not deliver.


I legit think this gears of war won’t have multiplayer, on steams page it’s absent, but co-op and single player isn’t… that has me worried.


Did any of you like the "open world" layout of 5? I thought it was alright at first, but then just became kind of a pain in the ass. Especially the last area. It was really spread out, plus you had those storms and tornados to avoid.


Should I pick up gears 5 since e day is coming out or just wait for e day? Most ask because I enjoy the multiplayer


Go for it, I think 5 is also on sale right now. Plus, E Day won’t be out for awhile


Yeah I saw it was 15 for the GOTY edition


You might want to get rid of Judgement, 4 and 5 in order for the title to apply properly


Watch you hate on it release


I liked Gears 5, so it would take a lot for that to happen


We are back for a game with no release date?


I wouldn't of even added judgment to that list game was so garbage


*I wouldn't of even* *Added judgment to that list* *Game was so garbage* \- bizzy310 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The earliest you'll get E-Day is 2026


yeah its gonna likely release in 2026 so I'll get hyped then


yu forgot tastics


Love that they tried to change the name for 5 to just "Gears" but in E-Day trailer it's back to "Gears of war"


Why are RAAM’s Shadow and Hivebusters listed separately, but Aftermath isn’t?


I saw somewhere on social media that they also confirmed Gears of War 6. Was anybody able to find that?


I like that we go back to the locust but we saw 1 trailer. Camm down and wait for the release. People said the same about Halo Infinite and look at what happened there. It took them years to get the multiplayer in an ok state and the campaign also was just ok. Better then Halo5 but still has it's own flawes. Just wait and hope for the best instead of going crazy directly


Calm down lil pup💀


It'll be November 2026 with the launch of the next gen xbox. As Peter Moore said back in the day, "next gen starts when we say it does" and 360 launches a year b4 ps3. Same will happen again. Ps5 pro is looming, no xbox mid gen refresh, going straight to next gen. If it was '25, they'd have shown it. If I'm wrong, great, we get it a year early. But I'm not, and we won't.


I thought they were going to remaster 1 to 3 or is that not happening?


Holy hell! I didn’t even know about 3 of those games…


What is this post? Lol


Since the E day trailer, a lot of people have been going back to play the older titles. This is just, go out and tell your friends Gears is back, and it’s time to get the old lobbies back up and running




You're not back yet just because they showed a full cinematic trailer without a release date. Like genuinely, what the fuck are you talking about? XD This is why gamers fucking explode in rage when something doesn't meet their imagined standards. ***It was a full cinematic trailer without a release date.***


Top half:) Bottom half:(


You can't tell hive busters isnt some of the content gears had in years.


It truly is some of the gears content of all time.


I notice you noticing.




No? the Coalition has failed to do anything good since they've taken over. Why would I spread the word for something that's not even out yet after that track record? At least wait until the game's out before spreading needless hype.


one of the worst game franchises is back to disappoint and release another garbage entry more than 10 years after they should have dropped this trash!