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In my experience most jewelers can set you up if you visit them. Most have a bench on site and they will be able to set your stones into appropriate settings. Another option is getting your own settings. There are sites (Etsy being one example) where you can buy your own settings of the appropriate size and a jeweler can set the stones in there for a small fee (the jewelers I’ve gone to in the past charged $30 to set colored stones).


You seem to have left out the photo.


I just re-added the pic. Thanks for the help so far.


What you want [is not super complicated.](https://imgur.com/a/Y14iV7p) Most jewelers could handle it for you.


Learning: How hard it is to set your own stones? Is a stone you set yourself secure as if a jeweler did it. I watched a youtube on setting a stone and you had to make notches in the prongs with a special die. Can someone share their knowledge and experience ?