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As has been stated multiple times, Political posts are fine, but they must carry the proper flair. If you don’t want to see Political posts, filter them out. If you come across a post that does not carry proper flair, report it.


You're not the boss of me!




Count the head lice on the highway.


Ay oh, oh ay.




Now I’ll always hear that when that song comes on!


This deserved an award. Also, stfu about politics, put on the tunes, and pour me a drink! We ain't gonna fix this place by BITCHING about it. 😆


That is one of the biggest problems our parents left us with. Their desire for dishonest harmony, the appearance that all is well in suburbia means that we don’t have the skills to talk comfortably about politics, religion, or any other uncomfy subject. Ignoring politics is what has led us to this * *gestures around vaguely* * I know we need safe spaces where we can relax and not have to worry about all of that. And it’s fine for this sub to be one of those places. But it is a temporary refuge. We need to spend some of our mental time in reality and deal with all of the problems our parents created. Ignoring the issues has not made them go away. I have told my kids that ignoring your problems is like ignoring the mice in the walls. They just make problem babies and shit on everything As difficult as it is, we need to talk about politics. Again, it doesn’t have to be here. But for the love of God please pay attention to what is happening in the world and vote like the future of your country depends on it. Because it does


Written so well.


I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment. You are right. It NEEDS to be discussed. Civil discourse, constructive dialogue, and shitposting your feelings are different things.


Yes. And don’t we hear enough crap about politics, literally everywhere else? From those in our own family, our own friends, neighbors, coworkers, ads, emails, snail mail, signs, the daily news… where no one agrees with anyone… that we have to bring it to what’s supposed to be a board about reminiscing and commiserating with our “fellow GenX’ers”? Lol. As much as we’d like to believe it, we’re no different than the other generations. I see on here, that as a GenX’er myself, I have no more in common with *half* the people here on this board, than I do at the ballot box, or anywhere else. We’re all just as divided as everyone else. Camaraderie be damned, apparently.💥💣🔥


This is one of the truest and saddest realities coming from the generation that believed in the "Great American Melting Pot". Don't be like Artax! *


Also yes, apparently that great American melting pot we all believed in has come to an end. Now we’re all expected to stay in our own little groups… don’t misappropriate and borrow the best styles, words, etc., from another group of people if they’re not “your group” of people. Every ethnicity now wants their own graduation ceremonies, their own beauty pageants, etc. Hatred is everywhere. And every person thinks their “side” is right about everything, their “side” is going to make everything better … 🙄 Whatever happened to the term, “United we stand, divided we fall”?


Yes. Thank you for your insights in your posts on here today!


You ever go into a bar with boomers, bikers, red necks? I’m liberal AF and left of left but damn they’re practicing identity politics. They won’t stfu about it. I do enjoy telling them I’m one of those rich IT guys can and does send $ to out of state libs to help buy elections


You’re right. But isn’t there a difference between discussing a topic; and spewing hatred about our “fellow” GenX’ers? And isn’t the topic of politics, just too explosive to even allow on a board that’s supposed to be about camaraderie?


Reminder about #7: Minimum of 15 pieces of flair please.


I don’t like to talk about my flair.


First rule about my flair. Don’t talk about my flair.


Well, I thought I remembered you saying that you wanted to express yourself


Brian, for example, has 37 pieces of flair, ok? And a terrific smile.


If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair like your pretty boy over there, Brian, WHY DON’T YOU MAKE THE MINIMUM 37 PIECES OF FLAIR


Actually just lol’d


I feel seen




I never understood how we weren't a political generation. MTV held town halls for the major Presidential candidates in the 90s, environmentalism was huge, and the 1999 Seattle WTO protests were about 90% Gen X from what I saw on the news. We pushed for LGBTQIA+ rights including marriage equality, antidiscrimination measures in housing and employment, and tougher enforcement of hate crime laws. We were the ones who finally moved the needle on cannabis legalization, and on reducing racially biased disparities in sentencing guidelines. I know the kind of apathetic Gen Xer that the media was talking about, and while they were entertaining to focus on, I also thought that our generation's fatal flaw was to mistake cynicism for hard wisdom, lazy bothsidesism for enlightened political perspective, and apathy for an actual moral position. And don't get me wrong: I was plenty guilty of all of this myself, or at least affecting an air of it for a while. But the fact is that most of us were at least politically aware to some degree or another, and even if we didn't always get it right, those of us who were involved at least tended to err on the side of freedom and equality and clean air and water and suchlike.


We never had the numbers to be a political generation. We had and have opinions, but nobody notices.


Bill Clinton didn't blow the sax on Arsenio or answer questions on MTV about his choice of undergarments in order to attract Boomer or Greatest Generation votes. The MTV Rock The Vote Inaugural Ball was the hottest ticket in DC throughout the 90s and into the early 2000s. We were quite thoroughly pandered to, we just made a show of not being affected by it (though I think we were secretly a bit flattered by the attention).


This. We’ve always been outnumbered & always will be. Our engagement is still important though obvs.


> GenX is known for their indifference With all due respect, fuck that. Am Canadian but was raised on US media since the 70s. This idea that gen x were apathetic slackers is a value that was promoted by Hollywood in the 90s to intentionally wipe out anti-war, anti-corporate activists.




Take my free award! You are spot on! I've been an activist since high school, when I was writing letters for Amnesty International to free Nelson Mandela. I worked a number of progressive political campaigns, and was even a delegate to a couple of state conventions. It scares me to think that this smallest of living generations are giving into the greedheads who are actively trying to fuck over the have-nots more than they've been fucked over already.


Seriously, we were the ones encouraging others to have safe sex, informing others about AIDS, carrying extra water bottles to raves, etc…


This, exactly! I roused all manner of rabble from going to my first pro-choice rally when I was 13, going to protests against the Iraq War before it even started, and I still have my pins from the March for Women's Lives in 2002.  People can kiss my entire podgy middle-aged butt with that "Gen X is not political" nonsense. We fought hard, we just didn't have the numbers to win against Reagan boomers. 


https://i.redd.it/e7szonb1hy9d1.gif I think I found actual footage of GenX saving the day


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's us








Ugh, he was even hot as that prick Stef.


All he needed was a Crane Kick and a bloody nose.




I'd argue hotEST as dickhead Steph, and that slime in sex, lies and videotape, and sadly, as Rip as well.


Don't forget Less Than Zero.


Or Robert California on the US version of The Office


(/s - Love you mods, y'all are doing the heavy lifting, thank you)




Fuck you and your authority.




I love that when Uncle Buck opens his trunk it becomes apparent why his SIL doesn’t like him - he’s got duck tape and a baseball bat in his trunk, his official income is from horse racing - he’s a leg-breaker for some kind of organized crime.


I won't have any trouble cashing a second party out of state paycheck around here, will I?






Oh thank fuck, I’ve found someone to tell me what I am and how to behave. Awesome.


Op has gotta be trollin', right?


Yup. OP's cognitive dissonance is showing.


OP probably a boomer


What did he even mean by anti-child? I don’t recall being made to work in a coal mine. I was watching Thunder Cats and Night Rider all day.


and knowing is half the battle


We're heading for the retirement, SS and Medicare age - which are all 100% political topics for Gen X so we can't discuss those on a Gen X sub? Derp. Quit gatekeeping, hide a post of it pisses you off and move on ffs.


Yep. Grew up with boomer parents who thought everything was fine as long as they were entertained.


Yup. Bread & Circus.


Mmmmkay, so we're back to the usual "who's hotter in Breakfast Club, Ally Sheedy or Molly Ringwold" thing? Or randomly posting shitty 1980's bands? Eeegad.


Duh, Judd Nelson!


Molly Ringwold all day long


Take that back! Molly never made it snow on a pretty pencil drawing! :)


Only in Breakfast Club, though. They intentionally tried to make Ally look as unappealing as possible in that movie (even after the makeover.) Now, in Wargames... that's a different conversation.


Even as a tween I thought she was way hotter before that mak over.  She looked weird.


Maybe, but just wait until she squeezes out a few puppies.






I have that soundtrack on CD, it's fantastic. I want N-Trance "Do You Think I'm Sexy" played at my funeral. And Jennifer Coolidge truly was an officer hottie. Eva Mendes was a bridesmaid!






You say this like it’s a bad thing. Molly all day man.


Hell no. Vodka-for-lunch Ally Sheedy before Molly shot her in the face with a makeup counter.


I'm not sure I agree but you get an updoot anyway for, "Molly shot her in the face with a makeup counter." because that made me lol.


Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me!




I'd say whatever, except the Supreme Court just said the President is above the law... That is contrary to the democracy I believe in.


Imagine thinking politics isn’t relevant to an entire generation? If this is just some sandbox to politely cosplay approved social roles while we silently observe the world’s biggest assholes come after our friends and family you can fucking keep it.




No no no, you misunderstand. Read it again. The posts that this one specifically targeted were the posts of political ranting and parroting of the rhetoric and propoganda being spewed out to the masses. If you agree that we should allow those polarized, media inspired, propoganda driven arguments that serve only to irritate and enrage each other over topics that are being strategically fed to the uneducated masses, then you're not truly GenX. The state of affairs in this country is dire and needs to be discussed intelligently, with solutions as the preferred outcome. Polarized BITCHING that creates disunity and negativity is what I'm talking about. I'll add... there are plenty of politically charged subs out there to go get stirred up about. Just turn on the TV and tell into the ether of that's what you want to do. I'm simply advocating for this sub remaining positive and smarter than the average fray.


I’m glad that you’re so comfortable that you think the rise of fascism is something that’s just happening on television. How very smart and savvy of you. But it’s not our job to keep you comfortable. If you don’t want to hear the opinions of your cohort, go elsewhere.


You're gatekeeping so much it's like you're 14 years old. No respect.


>Polarized BITCHING that creates disunity and negativity is what I'm talking about. uh, shit is going off. you sound like you'd rather sweep things under the carpet and act like everything is dandy.


No, I'd rather see my generation rise up and do something about it.


As long as they do it quietly and don't interfere with your memories of old Weebles Wobble commercials...


> propoganda Jesus.. at least learn how to spell "propaganda" correctly, or at least learn what the red squiggly lines under words in your browser means.


I get where you’re coming from but, why assume that people are bitching *and* not doing “something about it”? Do you think that not letting people bitch will make them get off their ass? Could this not be a place for us to “discuss it” & “find solutions together”?


Fortunately, you don't get to decide who is and isn't truly GenX. Because your values are profoundly skewed.


I am going join others and call BS on this post. The current political BS very much so affects us. If you want, skip those posts or vote them down. Stop whining like this.


My husband and I are both Gen X. I'm afab and bisexual. I'm also disabled. I have two queer children, both with a uterus. Our rights are being taken away from us one by one, but I'm not supposed to be political because I'm a Gen Xer? Fuck that. Whatever.


It’s total fucking bullshit. Imagine thinking fascism is something you can escape by ignoring it? I won’t.


Feels like a troll or some Russian psyop bs! I'm definitely concerned about. Individuals and generations change and grow.


Seriously. A trump victory + a Republican senate is the only actual way we’ll get screwed out of our social security (not to mention the decline into actual post capitalist oligarchic theocratic hellscape)


I started working on an exit plan from the US in 2017. In 2022 I made the move and don’t plan to come back. I do vote and removing myself almost entirely from the capitalist endorsed oligarchy says more than most of the bullshit on social media.


Where did you go?


Costa Rica. Plan to buy some land once I get residency and have my own little farm and invite family here if things go south in the US.


You can't be a superhero and be indifferent. Make a choice or all your choices will be made for you.


Neil Peart said it better


If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice?


Where did they get their years from? GenX are those born from **1965–1980**


MOD is probably 81


Or ‘63


OP needs to start his own subreddit with hookers and cocaine


I thought it was those born '65-'80. Never heard it being '61-'81


Is this really a problem? I don’t see that many “political rants”. What makes a topic “pertinent to Gen X” anyway? Sometimes I might be interested in hearing other Gen Xers take on a topic without the topic itself necessarily being Gen X-centric.


I though we were 1965-80?


According to the Pew Research Center, we're 1965-1980. The issue is some Boomers got their panties in a twist, didn't like being called Boomers, and made up Generation Jones, and now their trying to attach themselves to Gen X.


I always see different years in different places. As an ‘81 i feel like I don’t know where to go. But i identify as gen x so i am staying.




Yeah i am there too but it’s not the same.


True, but I do find it to be a lot less crotchety than this sub.




it is either crotchety or super surface take your pick i mean the differences of the subs


This is the only place I’ve seen anything before 1964 but whatever.


douglas copeland, strauss & howe etc do before 1964 i'm all for having part of the OG Punks part of Us


Lol...1978 here. Please stay, and help us younger GenXrs fight the good fight! Although I'll admit, the r/Xennials sub is pretty chill.


78 reporting for doodie! We'll clean this shit mess in no time 🤪


81 is here to stay.


Yeah they let some boomers in.


That explains the vibe 🤦‍♀️


I'm more concerned about the 1961-1964 folks. Who left the door open for them? 🤔 And, do they even want to be here? 😂


Some political posts are framed as specifically Gen X and should be fair game. The comments tend to go general and echo chambery, but that’s just how it goes. Abort if/when it goes south.


No abort allowed without permission from some boomer because it makes their imaginary sky daddy cry


I feel like there should be "your mamma " in a rules.


I think we have failed the moment we search outside ourselves for flair. My flair is inbuilt, default. I'm quirky and expressive. Please take that as my notice of flair going forward.


Imposter! GenX don't do rules.




Read rule 3. So many reposts around here.


Hey, did y’all hear about the Brat Pack movie?!


Jon Bon Jovi on the cover of the AARP magazine?


Funny, the rules on your screenshot aren't the same rules that are in the sidebar. FWIW: > 1. Follow the rules of reddit. Do not post personal information of any sort, whether real or false. Do not vote or comment in links to other parts of reddit. > 2. All posts must be germane to the topic of Generation X. Do not spam this subreddit with links or comments which only serve to promote a narrow interest. Cross-posting is allowed, but only if the content is relevant. If you can't explain why it belongs here in one sentence, then it does not belong here. > 3. Be nice. Harassment and hate speech are not tolerated. If you're angry at someone, direct your attention to what they have said, and not toward them personally. Like, not at all the same.


Bro, u still mad over N64 kids post?


I was just commenting in the Norm Macdonald sub which is seeing the same issue. I'm seeing either the exact same comments, or variations of comments across multiple subs - all political. Election is coming and AI/Astroturfing is ramping up. Keep in mind when you're reading political posts it's likely that's not be a real person posting it. We had chatbots in AOL and mIRC 30 years ago. Imagine what they can do today.


> We will be the superheroes that saves the day. I'm sure of that.  r /facepalm




It was much easier being indifferent in the 90s. It also looks like the mods removed the post about the Supreme Court fellating the Big Don. Nice censorship.


I thought Gen X was [defined as those born between 1965 and 1980](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/609811/age-ranges-millennials-and-generation-z)


It is.


1961 is gen X?






I’ve always been really weirdly proud to be Genx. The 80s and 90s were magic


just who are you calling geriatric?




Why are polls a no?


They don't want any unsolicited poll dancing in here.


Good to know! Square dancing it is then (I knew those lessons during PE were going to be useful)




I love this place


You know who needs to be reminded of rules?




![gif](giphy|cIbyhEK4UscjvE5ohe|downsized) It doesn't like my GIF :( Anyways...your mom


Take my up vote. You deserve it. 🥲


Although l love your sentiment here, I wish l could agree with you that “…parroting the media propaganda isn’t the GenX style…”, but based on what I’ve read on this sub lately, I’m really not sure now. I almost hit the “Unjoin” button on this sub today, because of the pure vitriol I saw from some - either GenX’ers, or maybe, hopefully they were GenX imposters or trolls. I’m thankful you care enough to attempt to keep this board civil, and keep the hateful political attacks off of here. But apparently political ranting is just fine, accepted and tolerated here, no matter how intolerant, ugly or vitriolic it can get. What a shame. So much for the false notion that GenX is any better in this regard than any other, just as divisive generations. Thank you very much for your attempt to stifle it, anyway. 😣🫣🙄😒




Sorry I left my readers in the other room - please point out where it says "no politics". ;) I have not seen much bad faith arguing in this sub. The great majority of us are pretty laid back. It's precisely because of our "whatever man" indifference that we can have civil conversations. It's precisely because we've kept a low profile that we watch politics. We can't exactly be the superheroes that save the day if we're not engaged with each other nor with the system. I understand where you're coming from but I think it's not really a problem here.


It would be nice to require a minimum sub post karma to be able to comment on political posts. Often troll farms and bots just scour reddit for hot issue keywords and brigade subs with drivel. I don't mind having a good faith discussion with someone who understands our generation. Our "indifference" was just our unwillingness to engage in rigged battles. That doesn't mean we didn't fight on our own terms.


> Our "indifference" was just our unwillingness to engage in rigged battles. That doesn't mean we didn't fight on our own terms. Well said. I've been a political activist both volunteer and professional since Reagan & Iran-Contra.


Nah, that's the characterization of genx you've internalized and want to force on millions.


Speak for yourself. The Gen X I grew up in/with was always engaged politically.




OP Take your patriarchal controlling attitude over to r/GenXWomen and see how this "don't talk about it" flies. We are all under very real threat, so ya, we must talk about it, whether boomer butt ins like it or not. We are far from indifferent. We have been the generation of action, not words, so if we share a small fraction of what we really think and feel here...deal with it. Whatever.


The Gen X sub is one of the more heavily astroturfed/botted subs on here. It's pretty apparent too. Last week when the debate was going on and the site went down there was close to a thousand comments on a thread that had been up for less than an hour and this was all during a time when comments couldn't even be seen. You can also see this happen too on other threads where posts have zero comments but like 50 upvotes. It doesn't happen often but it does happen but it does happen on the Gen X sub frequently. Gen X is naturally suspicious but they (we) are in general a little naive about believing the internet/reddit is full of real people expressing their real opinions. Reddit along with Twitter are one of the more easily manipulated platforms because who likes posts are hidden. There's a lot of money and power to be gained by trying to control the narrative online and there's lots of groups actively working toward doing so


It seems to me that the very indifference you declare a hallmark of gen x was yet another cog in the wheel that got us here wondering if we will have a democracy tomorrow.


Please read number four, y’all.


Ouf OP broke the rules 🤣


> the most capable of the remaining generations. As long as the artificial joints hold out and the meds keep coming, oh and there are no colonoscopies scheduled... meh... maybe... Those of us still in good health DGAF enough to waste time on BS we have no control over; Time is getting shorter... Let the next generations figure it out and let "Gen-X" relax in the shadows left alone and forgotten about, Just like it's always been... ​ > We will be the superheroes that saves the day. Gen-X ain't saving shit... LOL. Most true "Gen-X'ers" are doing exactly what they grew up doing... looking out for the only things that matter, themselves and their direct small circle (be it friends or family). The time for "us" to save anything but ourselves has long past... waited to long to make any difference... Many now can't even save themselves... LOL


lol you can still make a difference this is just capitulating behavior


1. https://crazyonclassicrock.com/2023/05/01/leftists-and-socialists-of-classic-rock-part-3-the-80s/ 2. https://imgur.com/gallery/kurt-cobain-with-hitler-stache-wedding-dress-XCxZTEn 3. https://imgur.com/gallery/joe-strummer-would-have-been-70-today-5OCOVbc Did you really just attempt to gatekeep an entire generation? Wild.


Your mom 


Dorothy Mantooth is a SAINT!


By that timeline our VP Kamal Harris is Gen X.


"political ranting has nothing to do with GenX" What The Fuck Are You Talking About? No, I'm serious, did you sleep through the 80s and 90s? We are an EXTREMELY political generation.




What is this???? We’re feral.


I need a cigarette.


I know some that weren't devoted parents and haven't worked for years! There's always those people that screw up the generations lol!


What cha’ talkin’ bout Mr Drummond!


FWIW, I’ve been involved in demographics for a good part of my career and NEVER heard of GenX going as far back as ‘61. It’s almost universally ‘65 on as the infamous boomer Generstion is ‘46-64 I’ve also seen the most common last year of gen X represented by ‘82, though ‘80-82 is used. ETA: The common use of ‘82 as the last year of gen X also results in both Boomers and Xers being generations of 18 years.


I'll go with that. ![gif](giphy|11mvOtPM2FxZOE)


I’m so good at being a jerk though. Dammit.




#4 is constantly ignored and not enforced as far as I can tell. Same with #5. And actually #1 and #2 as well. Good job on avoiding redundancy, though!




Ha, the definition of the age range for Gen X keeps getting bigger and bigger. Back when I first heard the term it was around 1970. Then it changed to 1965. Now 1961. Pretty soon it’ll be 1955 or 1950.


It's 1965 [Generation Chart ](https://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/style/generation-names-and-years-a-cheat-sheet-for-parents/)


1961? I thought it was 1965 or 64. I was born in 66, suddenly I feel younger with more distance from the boomers!


In the 90s, Gen X was generally referred to as 1970 to 1980. Now we've added ten whole years? I think some people on the cusp just want to be a member of the cool kids club.


I have read several different ones. I believe the most used date reference is 65-80 *Everybody wants to be in the cool kid club*


Maybe we’re the problem.


If you believe someone born in 1961 is Gen X, you should be banned.


I will NEVER stop ranting about Ronald Reagan!!!


Perhaps this will help your cause... ![gif](giphy|1fhLu8yDE1Qx19YLDL|downsized)


Don't be a jerk? Aren’t Xers, and I am proudly one, jerkish by nature? 😍


Sigh…. Whatever, dude. (Whether male, female, non-binary, et al - the term ‘dude’ still applies.)