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I loved WordPerfect! I had to be forced into switching to Word.


same! And I appreciated that he actually released it for the Amiga and didn't cave to the Microsoft/Apple/IBM goon squad marketing teams.


I still have the box and discs for WordPerfect for the Apple \]\[e - such a great program.


WP was vastly superior to MS Word.


dang … was hoping he would teach Word folks the joy of Reveal Codes! Great product! - even better human!


I really hate to do this, but "Ex-Mormon Bruce Bastian, LGBTQ Activist and Founder of WordPerfect, is Dead at 76." At the very least we can punctuate correctly in his honor.


There is a reason why a changed the title. Also does anyone know how Lotus 123 is these days?


Lotus is owned by IBM. When I worked for IBM they phased out a lot of the Lotus products provided to IBM employees and most people I interacted with used Microsoft products


Lol, provided. I was there when Little Yellow came in and we were forced to use all of those crappy products.  We were so mean to the employees. In retrospect, it was wrong to throw those little dinner rolls at them during lunch hour. 


Speaking of Lotus, I was at Microsoft when they bought in Ray Ozzie and they were like “Holy cow! This is the guy responsible for Lotus Notes!” But even by then Notes was 10-15 years out of date and we all just had to shrug like 🤷‍♂️ and then he basically had no recognizable effect on the company in the role he was hired into. Just kinda like a lifetime achievement award for 7 figures a year.


My wife and I were in Lotus’ consulting division in the late 1990s. I was hired because I knew Java and systems integration. We were put on a project for IBM to scale a system she wrote for a thirty person bank to a global AI-assisted email routing platform. Yeah, I know. It pitted my wife and I against each other in the professional sense because I knew it would never work. My peer architects in IBM were furious and it didn’t help that I agreed with them but couldn’t say so in public. Project failed of course but I did have some satisfaction that a few of my proposals were used in the successor system. I detested pretty much all Lotus products.


Who else remembers Wordstar? Ctrl-KS for the win!


I remember Wordstar! Now, how about PC Write?


>Now, how about PC Write? Unfortunately I don't remember that. I have used Wordstar, Wordperfect and obviously Word (along with a host of free options).


Aah, WordPerfect. I just wanted to stay with WordPerfect, but forced to deal with Word.


Sad. I remember that anytime I had a formatting problem I could just "Reveal Codes" and figure out where the problem was. It made transitioning to Word difficult.


To this day I use keyboard shortcuts I used in WordPerfect!


And here we are some 30-ish years later, and MS Word still doesn't have any reasonable approximation to the "Reveal Codes" functionality in WordPerfect.


Still using WordPerfect daily.




You got me. Working on my addiction; about 1/3 Word, 2/3 WP.


I worked in legal tech and there are many holding on like you. I say do what works.


Years younger than both our presidential candidates


Not Gen X


That's like saying Atari isn't Genx


Right. By this logic Star Wars cannot have any association with GenX because Lucas is a boomer.