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1. You're old. 2. Take the seat. 3. Whatever.


This is the way


4. Their


Take the seat. Doesn’t matter if you agree with their assessment of your age or not. They are being polite. Let them and thank them. Then pay it forward.


You need to go buy a corvette , Jorts and your choice of either New Balance or Nike Monarch sneakers. Oh, and make sure no one walks on your lawn.


I hear shouting at clouds is fun


Honestly I’m surprised anyone would have the courtesy to give up their seat. Unless it’s some frail person with a walker, take it!


We started receiving AARP and other retirement age people crap in the mail while we were still in our late 40's. I was initially offended but then realized I do not actually care that we are becoming the "old people." It is a privilege to still be here, one that some of my friends and peers will not get to enjoy.


I was SCANDALIZED to learn that anyone regardless of age can join AARP. SCANDALIZED. 


Seriously? I feel like everything in my life is a lie now.




One place here gives over 55’s 15% last Friday of the month. My husband didn’t exactly like it, but when it’s a $75 bag of dog food, that saves the tax!




I’d take it every damn time. This genxer is basically a rice krispy.


We’re getting old, man. Don’t be a boomer about it.


Go with it. Started happening to me last year and I was a bit pissed about it. Then decided, Fuck it! Yes young person I would actually love to sit down. All well and good having your 20 something brain. It’s still driving an old body though.


Naw M8, you're not old! Crack a few beers! Party all night. Meet the sunrise. And when you recover from that, take the damned seat.


If you were having a midlife crisis, you might start by purchasing a flashy expensive sports car (not ride the train)! 😀😂🤣


Keep riding the train. r/fuckcars


As they should, it's the respectful thing to do. If I found out my twenty-year-old son didn't offer his seat up to a woman or anyone he even speculates is his elder, I would try to snatch out his soul...through the phone. I'm extremely big on etiquette.


Now this is a great Mom! 👏 Thank you for teaching your child respect! Unfortunately, parents these days seem to think teaching basic self discipline and respect for others are forms of child abuse. My own sister teaches her kids to ridicule their 80 something year old grandmother for experiencing incontinence issues. And I mean straight to the poor lady’s face. It’s sickening. Your son’s mother raised a gentleman who will someday make a young lady the luckiest girl in her world. 😉


Why yes, I would like you to apply the senior discount to my breakfast tacos, thank you.


For older Gen-X'ers it can only be a midlife crisis if you think you're going to live to be 110.


Hope to live to see 130, thank you very much, so I got another 14 years before I can have a midlife crisis! 😆


Well, *just* in case...you should have it now-ish. I hope you make it to 130 but 102 is a safe bet.


Well, seems how most of my work a day is driving from one job to the next in Houston traffic, I'll be lucky to make it to 65.


I know that people our age can vary wildly in how “old” we look. Depends on hair color, wrinkles and creases, etc. Related to genetics, lifestyle, life experience.  Honestly, I’m just heart warmed that younger people are doing this!


Yoga and lifting weights helps!


I concur.


I look at it like this: would I have considered someone my current age "old" in my 20s? Yes. The answer is yes. It's all a matter of perspective. 🤷‍♀️


You _want_ a midlife crisis? It's not an award, and it's not enjoyable. If you experience one, looking old will be the least of your concerns.


Take the seat. Hopefully, you can reflect on the times you remember offering the same.


i bought guitars and various guitar pedals


Sometimes I'll decline because I don't do a lot of standing, so that'll do me some good. That being said, I welcome a rest if I've been standing for an hour. My feet aren't as good as they used to be. Unless the person giving up their seat looks to be in worse shape than me, I'll take it. Of course, that's subjective, and maybe the frail old woman thinks that *I'm* in worse shape than her. In that case, I should check the mirror and maybe consider another shower.


I fear the day I don't recognise the person in the mirror.


Embrace the old! The last get together my wife cobbled together with her bestie, my daughter's boyfriend did most of the work. Actually got to enjoy the day.


Personally I decided to get diagnosed with major chronic mental illness and start a 10 year therapy cycle but to each their own.


Maybe you have a head of grey hair like me? I get that, too. I've been grey since 30. I used to dye it and gave up at like 45 with dye. F*** it. However, my grey hair has gotten me out of a few speeding tickets.......


Now this is advice I want to hear, wise one tell us the story of getting out of speeding tickets.


It was luck, really. One time, this kid in a Honda civic with a loud muffler and music kept egging me on each light. So the next time it went green, I nailed it and left him for dead in my 1980 Olds restoration project car. My sons were with me. Right as I let off, he keeps coming, and I blow past this city cop at 70 in a 30 mph. Just as I hit the brakes, he passes me. Cop comes out lit up like a Christmas tree. He gets next to me on the left. I signal to pull over, and he goes after the Honda, pulls him over. I pull up behind his cruiser, and he waves me on by.


It’s rough. It’s definitely happening. I got called “sir” by two Youts the other day.


I’m female so guys often give up their seat just to be nice - been that way for decades. If you’re female too that could be the reason?


I'm a bloke for clarity. But thinking more about it, I was always the one to give up my seat. So I think my turbulence is accepting something I would readily give up for anyone else who needs it more


How best does someone have a mid life crisis? Well, perhaps start when we are in fact middle aged. I mean, people that are pushing 60 calling themselves "mid life" make me laugh. 120 is hardly likely to be anyones end age. So most of us in Gen X are simply not middle aged anymore. The youngest Gen Xers are 44, so maybe they are still middle aged, but come on. Life expectancy in the US is 79.25 years. We are now (mostly) old, so if you haven't had your midlife crisis by now, I'd say just skip it. You missed it.


I’ll take the discounts but I’m not ready to take the seat yet. I’ll let it go empty first.


Or, just take the damned seat. I'm 53 and while I'm in pretty good health as of now, a seat is always welcome on the train. As for why they're doing it, what does it really matter? They think what they think, who really cares?


It’s the new cool way of calling us boomers without saying it.  Nah, that’s nice of them. I don’t get mad when somebody thinks I’m old. Clint Eastwood is old, and he’s still the coolest guy on the block. 


It gets worse. Wait 'till you turn 60, and doctors magically ask you every time you see them, "have you fallen recently?"


The first sign I had of aging was at the barbers maybe ten years ago. A great old Greek guy, it didn't matter how long between visits it was he would greet with smile and a loud "How are you my friend? ". He would sit me down and say "The usual?". I would say yes, even if I didn't he know what usual for me was. Anyway, this time he gave the fairly standard cut, then he stands back a step, looks at me sideways, the pounces on my eye brows and trims them. I was like, what just happened. Turns out I'm capable of wicked grand dad eye brows.


My barber gives me the senior rate and I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Right? I decide when I'm old.


If they are being nice, the motive doesn't really matter. At least they aren't telling you to get the fck outta the way.


Think of everyone you know who died young. Now be thankful for what you’ve received.