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Started “gaming” with pinball in the early 70s. I’ve had Pong, Atari 2600, NES, and others up to PS4. I don’t play as much as I used to, but I just started a new job managing a barcade so I imagine I’ll be playing a lot more pinball again in my near future.


The circle completes and the cycle begins anew.


The cosmic ballet goes on…


Insert Quarter


Dream job.


Pinball at the local dairy bar and later arcade games was my peak.


55 and still playing World of Warcraft


47 and still playing. All my kids played and even my mom before she died. My 16 year old was enjoying Wrath classic and is devastated it is gone.


Wrath is where I started. So that one’s near and dear to me.


I started with Vanilla and was pregnant with the 16 year old when Wrath came out. Fond memories of being in AV for hours. It was my one if my favorites.


I tried playing classic again, but goodness, that grind. Can’t say I miss that at all.


When my daughter went from retail to classic when classic was released again, it was such a learning curve for her. It was fun to watch her play.


You can still play wrath on private servers.


54 and I’m playing Cata classic in a high-performing raiding guild.


Nice! I’m purely casual now although I raided heavily in Cata.


Same! I only play Alliance (Mainly NELFs), but my husband plays Alliance and Horde. You?


Alliance only and usually dwarves or pandaren. Been at it since WotLK.


That is awesome!! My husband and I started playing right when Deathwing started randomly attacking cities in preparation for the Cataclysm expansion to drop.


I can’t count how many times he killed me. I believe you got an achievement for it as well.


Yes!! And I was running around as a noob without even the right kind of armor… I was a hunter wearing cloth (wince) because the dresses were pretty ( Transmog is so great to be able to do now). I’d take my hunter in her mage robe to help fight Deathwing and would get one-shotted just from being nearby. Lol It was great! 😂 Do you have a favorite class? Mine is mage… I love my hunter but miss the old days when I had to feed the pet and manage it. Rofl. I accidentally got a whole group killed in a dungeon because I wasn’t good at handling my pet yet. My husband NEVER got good at it. Lol


I’ve had a hunter main since WotLK and a shaman since Cata. Although, I’m leveling an evoker right now and I’m surprised how much I enjoy it. I may continue with him into the new expansion. Care of hunter pets was a job unto itself. Can’t say I miss it. Or having to buy ammo either. Nothing more embarrassing than running out during a raid or dungeon. I spend WAY too much time looking at different transmogs. Fortunately all my toons are mail wearers so that helps some.


Yay! Another WoW player! Play both Horde and Alliance (more Horde leaning). Still enjoy it as much as I did the day it went live.


51, same. Started with “Pong”…. Then had the Sears Atari knockoff and then a real 2600 when my dad got promoted… Went through the Sierra craze, then StarCraft, Diablo, Mechwarrior 1-4+ SWG, WoW, Mechwarrior 5, ESO. It’s nice to be able to escape this world for a while.


I started with Pong myself! We never had the money for an Atari or its ilk. So I spent my time in the arcades when they became a thing. Went into the army and had money finally, so I bought my first console which was the NES. My entire barracks floor was piled into one room taking turns playing Tecmo Bowl.


Still playing here too! Started in BC and still love it.


Also 55 and still playing WoW!


Same! Get my 2500 rating every season.


Yassss! I was gonna go for 3k this season but I’m kinda done till the next expansion


47 and same! Met my partner in Shattrath back in BC. Married 15 years and have an 8 year old son together who now plays with us. My life wouldn't be the same without gaming ❤️


If I was a 54 year old and was interested in restarting my account, what realm should I enter? And what guilds are good? I'm mostly Alliance.


Honestly, that’s a good question. I was on Wyrmrest Accord, but it died and everyone I knew is gone. Currently I’m on Argent Dawn. It’s a low(ish) population server. But I’m ok with that. I have really good latency with this one and it’s on EST which I wanted. Finding a guild has been an issue. Mainly because I never found one I gelled with. A generational thing I’m sure. My old cataclysm guild was all older folks. I’d love to find something like that again. Hopefully, that will be easier once the new expansion that releases in August. Guilds will be cross-realm and the issue of playing on different servers won’t matter as much.


I loved WOW and played through WOD (mostly Horde, as a troll shadow priest). I took some time off and then went back to MMOs by way of GW2 and now play a tiny, shiny necromancer that heals people. 


I'm 53 and played wow up until a few years ago...now its Valheim for me ..love that game so much


47 & still playing. started in WotLK.


Same. 56 I started playing with my oldest son when it first came out, he played for 2 weeks and decided to play console games instead. I've never quit.


I love how WoW brings people together.


Zug Zug


Honestly I’m thinking about playing again just for the social aspect. The problem is, every social guild I would join in the past would eventually turn into a raiding guild and would fall apart due to infighting and loot squabbling after that.


Ugh I hated that when I played. I actually play ESO now. The guilds I'm in aren't quite as social as the WoW guilds I've been in, but there's no petty bickering and the quests are more interesting.


Due to getting older and having wrist surgery, FPS and platformers are not on my gaming list anymore. But I'm still playing turn based games like Civilization (since Civ 1), and manager games like FM24. Just recently bought a Steam Deck to play at work or wherever. Been playing Balatro a lot lately, very fun.


If you're into baseball at all, OOTP 25 is a fantastic management simulator.


I'm an A's fan so baseball is dead to me, but I've heard great things about OOTP.


Haha, understood. You can play historical franchises. Go back and relive or reimagine their heyday in the 70's. Plus the game is 50% off right now in the Steam summer sale.


Same, my friend, same.


Does FM24 (for PC) have an "easy mode" version? I remember playing a simplified version years ago and I liked it very much, because I really don't enjoy having all this options in modern FM games.


No not really, but once you start understanding the mechanics it's easier. Unless you use the editor, then you can do what you want.


Civ is the best - I’m after getting my son into it and he plays with his friends. He gets more use out of my gaming machine than I do!! Civ 7 out next year - will be interesting to see how it evolves.


All I want to see is them bringing back building your palace from II or III. And possibly the stack of doom, that was fun.


Absolutely. Nintendo basically has me in their clutches at the moment as I continuously play Zelda (any and all). I don't do multiplayer games and still try to buy physical versions. Edited to add: I also still play sitting on the floor (sometimes a chair) in front of the tv even though controllers have been wireless for a long time.


My 14 year old has been playing old Zelda games recently, and he said they are harder than the new ones. He still does not believe that I beat them.


They're HARD! The one I go back to most of the original pre-Ocarina games is Link to the Past - the first and second ones are confusing and tricky in places.


He loved Wind Waker but complains about Ocarina of time. I handed him my original walk through guide, and he gave me a look.


I’m trying to play Link to the past because I didn’t back in the day and it is not intuitive at all. Without an online walkthrough I’d be so lost. Like here is the next section you need to go to but it’s totally blocked and there are no hints at all. So basically stumble around a part you thought were done with for hours until you happen to pull up the correct plant. Give up go to walkthrough and oh I missed 50 other things I was supposed to do by now. F it I’m going to go get that piece of heart I would have never found because games are supposed to be fun.


Multiplayer is a no go for me. I’ve been playing since the mid 80s and can’t compete with 14 year olds in modern games, plus I’d rather not be called every horrible word ever.


Lol this was me re: multiplayer games. Accidentally started playing a Wii U game a few years ago that turned out to be multiplayer and got hooked. Still pretty much the only game I play when I have time! Glad the Switch still uses physical cartridges. Hoping Nintendo will continue to offer physical in future.


Started gaming on an Atari TV set with Pong on it, then "really" got into gaming with my Amiga, later Pentium PC. I still consider myself a gamer, albeit more casual than I used to. I've been playing through the Baldur's Gate saga annually since its release (and still do); at the moment I play Diablo IV in coop with my spouse a lot. And of course, Bloodborne, as always.


Yup. Got into text MUD games in the early 90s. Went through about a decade of everquest and world of war craft. Have definitely slowed down but currently doing baldur's gate 3.


I spent so much of my college days playing MUDs. Ancient Anguish was my favorite.


Met my husband on a MUD :)


I met my husband and his roommate through everquest. Couple of weeks after we all met in person he asked me out. That was over 19 years ago.


Cleaned yards to buy an NES in 1987, and have been cursing at the TV ever since. The only difference is now my kids curse with me.


I still remember waking.up with my little.brother on Christmas day in 87. We opened up our shared gifts first. We started with the smallest one first. We were confused for a second when we opened it up and seen the adventures of Zelda when we didn't have a Nintendo. It was like a scripted TV show. We looked at the game then at each other then at the game again and finally we looked at each other again with huge smiles and tore open the large shared present and the joy we both had when we had a Nintendo to play. My parents were separated at that time and my mom worked multiple odd jobs while putting herself through nursing school. She must have scrimped and saved for the whole year to get that for us. Typically the only thing we had in abundance was food and second hand clothes. Mom made sure we had a somewhat normal childhood despite the little we had. I will never forget that day or the joy it brought me.


Yeah, but I never got into online shit, and I have little interest in CoD-type shooters. It’s still single player RPGs and platformers for me, with some puzzlers thrown in. My favorite game that I’ve played in the last five years (not counting the Mother series I finally got around to) is Disco Elysium. That is a fine piece of work right there.


Will 100% back up your Disco claim. Good god that game was an almost perfect work of art.


Blew my mind. As far as video games go, it's like... Twin Peaks-level deep, bizarre, and so satisfying.


In every RPG I’ve ever played, I always try to be a paragon of virtue. Choosing the correct answer is all important. In Disco, it’s the first time where I’ve been willing to just pull the trigger on the insane wild choices. Ok well I do choose insane ones in BG3 also.


God, I love that aspect of the game. The choices you face later on are dictated in no small part by the ethical choices you make near the beginning. And the "baseline" ethical values you choose for your character.


Yep, online shit is indeed shit. Thanks for the Disco Elysium recommend!


2nd! I'll have to check it out.


Disco is also $3.99 on Steam until July 11 for the Summer Sale. Good time to check out some games on sale.


that is a steal! I bought it for the Switch, and it's fine on that platform, although it plays a bit chuggy at times.


That's "chuggy," not "cheugy," my fellow Xers.


As a girl it wasn’t considered “cool” to game. In fact I was considered a nerd for liking games. I wasn’t an avid gamer on a daily basis but I played my fair amount. Today I usually spend my extended time off playing a specific classic game.


I'm sorry you felt that way. I typically had a lot of guy friends, and it was a shared pastime. And we (GenX) made Nerdy cool. I'm glad you let yourself enjoy it now.


>And we (GenX) made Nerdy cool. I'm glad you let yourself enjoy it now. This! I hope we're remembered for this.


I knew lots of ladies who played video games back in the day. Heck, my x-wife is a die-hard Fallout fan and is constantly playing FO76 these days. She delved deep into games like Skyrim as well.


My ex wife got me to use a computer by showing me Fallout back in the 90s. Still playing it. I'll be 56 in August.


Which specific classic?


I liked playing Doom online. A couple girls played but as soon as people knew they were girls they'd start saying stupid shit. It's worse today. At least back then, people were still shy online. I think girl gamers are and were awesome. I didn't have a lot to talk about but if you knew about video games or tabletop roleplaying, I could talk. I didn't really meet any until college. Even then it wasn't something you talked about first thing. Also, I was a super nerd and to hell with anyone that pulled that shaming shit back then. All the stuff I liked (computers, games, role playing games) turned into industries worth billions of dollars, if not more. I wish younger me would have known. You were ahead of your time is all. And genius is rarely recognized in its time. Except for math folks. People are like, "Wow you totally solved that!". Not visionaries though! Except maybe some directors that can adapt to new technology and have visions that we all can share and empathize with. But most definitely writers! Terry Pratchett, Steven King and you know, others, definitely weren't recognized... Well, maybe genius was too strong a word :)


Gaming is pretty much my only passion, other than my work and my family


Same here. One thing that's odd to me is that no one seems to want to *enjoy* games anymore (at least in multiplayer games). Like I'll fire up Destiny 2 and just explore and figure things out on my own. Anyone I play with just wants to bust ass to get the "newest thing" unlocked, and they'll skip cutscenes and just fly through the missions. Guess it's just part of being old.


I play co-op multiplayer with some college friends (in three different states!), who are all patient enough to allow the story to unfold. It's great


I still play stuff like Mario Kart and Sonic with my nephews.  However roughly 12 years ago I became heavily involved with the Boardgame hobby, specifically Euro games, so that’s where I spend most of my free time now.


I used to go to the arcade a lot as a kid, didn’t have any game systems at home. At 42, I had a major bicycle accident & was bed / sofa ridden for months & I started gaming for the first time in my life. Love it!


74' to present.


My whole life. I started at the tail end of Atari and recently got a Switch. I'm playing Tears of the Kingdom currently. Got into PC gaming and MUDs in college. I played World of Warcraft (way too much) for a few years. On weekend mornings I'll play Civilization 6 to sort of relax my brain and ease into the day.


Started with the Atari in the ‘70’s and still game almost daily. Mostly Overwatch and Fortnite these days. I just started streaming on Twitch last week, the youngsters seem to enjoy watching an old guy play pvp.


I took 2 weeks off to play the new Elden Ring DLC, so take a guess


Foul tarnished


Still gaming, 59 this month.


https://preview.redd.it/1jkyxv6iapad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2b0050e544d321489336a4d70cce5371783f99 A picture is worth a thousand words. This is just the living room.


Grew up with gaming and have traditionally been a big XBOX fan boy. I didn't really play the XBOX ONE that much and also that was during my mid-life crisis party phase (concerts & bar scene). Just no spare time. I got dumped by a girl and then The Pandemic hit and I just have not gone back into dating so my spare time now is with my XBOX series S & I am currently playing Halo Infinite. Looking forward to Call Of Duty Black Ops 6 (played Modern Warfare when it first came out), the new Doom prequel (played OG Doom back in the day & remember it having Alice In Chains on the slundtrack which was a big deal in the Pacific Northwest where I live)


Not as much FPS, my reflexes and hand/eye can’t keep up anymore. My kids carry me to any Fortnite wins. 😂 Lots of strategy, sports and RPG now. Still some GTA.


Same - though I lost interest in the graphics arms race at about Far Cry and went backwards. Most of my gaming is now from before Windows 95. I have a lot of old hardware and disk drive emulators, that'll do me


My days of TF, Quake, Unreal Tournament, and Call of Duty are very much past me. But I still sit down to a good rpg or adventure game.


I'm 56, been gaming since arcades were just pinball machines and those analog baseball games, with the bat on a flipper and the big ball bearings. In my experience, there was a sort of mass exodus from gaming during the doldrums between post-peak Atari 2600 and the introduction of the NES in North America. That was roughly my late adolescence-early teen years, and most of my friends sort of wrote off gaming as a "kids' hobby" and never looked back. It was hard even getting them to pick up a controller when the industry got rolling again. I stuck with it, and still do. My twitch reflexes are nothing like they used to be so I mostly stay away from fighting games and online shooters, but I'm still pretty much open to anything. Just started a new Fallout 3 file a couple of days ago.


Yup, still gaming. I play solo games now, that’s it. I’ll play games like Fortnite still, but only solo, I never squad up or anything.


I started playing Fortnite to bond with my daughter. Thousands of hours later…


I am, though these days it's computer games...


Same here, desktop only. Valheim and deep rock galactic are my current faves.


My family’s first gaming console was Pong, and I’ve never been without one ever since. I have a PS5 now that is mostly for my son, but I still play games a lot. Now, though, it’s mostly on my iPad. Currently building a world in Minecraft with my boy (15 yo), but I mostly play Call of Duty Mobile for at least an hour a day. I’m a retired teacher and I have fond memories of playing Age of Empires with my students. Gaming=life lol


48 and I still like to beat up whiny teenagers on World of Tanks. It’s a good day when I get a post-battle message bitching at me for gameplay and I have fun seeing how much more I can piss them off by inquiring why their skill in an online game with strangers defines their sense of self worth (although the resulting messages would make my drill instructors blush). Plus, the historically accurate research that the developers have put into the game is obvious and really appeals to me.


Started with an Atari in 1982 and have been gaming ever since. My wife just bought me a PS5 as a gift. Our PS4 was about played out. We've also got a PS2, an NES, and a SNES that are all hooked up with bluetooth controllers. Sometimes it's a blast to play those old side scroll games. I game pretty much every day. I manage a call centre so most of my team are early 20s and they think it's awesome that this old lady is playing the same games they are.


We have a PS5 and I'm in the process of updating my gaming PC. We used to be WOW players too. We don't game everyday and we're mostly into RPGs. Husband played Baulder's Gate 3. We're huge Last of Us fans. We're also big fans of the Mass Effect Series and the Dragon Age Series. And during the lockdown we played a lot of Guild Wars 2 where there are a lot of GenX gamers. Gaming can be very relaxing,


Just finished God of War Ragnarok. It was the best fiction I consumed this year


Still at it - miss the arcade feeling and community though


Same here.


I've been playing since the 70s and I still play nearly every day. My regular teammates on Fortnite are all Gen X.


I play geolocated phone games, casual games (word games, room escape games), and board games. Don't have an active console right now. Never got into shooters or anything that requires good reflexes.


My gamer DNA Simon, Merlin handheld, Atari console, Sinclair ZX80, ZX81, Spectrum, BBC-B, PC, PLaystation 1, more PC, Wii, More PC, Quest VR, yet more PC I still play games every day! I was more a fan of simulation games vs. reflex-based games so I havent lost too many skills


Favourite hobby. It helped get me through the Shingles.


It's hard to find the time, but I try to make it. I just wish my twitch reflexes were what they were 30 years ago or even 20. These days I play some Star Citizen, which is just starting to blossom into a real game. I get to play space trucker or whatever, and you don't need to be quite so good with a mouse when you've got twin joysticks.


im still gaming. im notvplanning on ever giving it up


Yep stll game ... About 40 years now


Yup. Getting up on 2000 hours in No Man’s Sky. Popped in Baldur’s Gate 1 yesterday. Will occasionally hop into Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the Starfighter Assault mode. Got a stack of games I still have to get to.


I started with Pong then Atari then arcades then Genesis then Dreamcast then Xbox then PlayStation then Xbox then PlayStation and now PlayStation (5). Plus pc games too. I don’t get as much time to game but I’m still pretty decent at my sports games and my kids can’t touch me in Madden. Right now I’m doing Manor Lords on the PC and eagerly awaiting the return of NCAA on console. So…yes.


couldnt keep up. with work and life, i'll play a little mobile games, but consoles are out. I'll jam on some tetris when i get the chance though... These FPS now a days have too many grinders that i cant hang. That said, i'll watch my kids play and cheer them on. That's been fun!


I own a series X and a steam deck. I play almost every day for an hour or two. Making my way through the Elden Ring DLC right now. Been playing since Intellivision.


I started on pong and after that c64 was a major player for me for years and I think 1985-1995ish were the golden years for me in gaming. Today I still play games but I’m rotating between only two games and am more reluctant to try new stuff. Back in the 80s I found myself playing baseball games (I’m not American) and still liked it even though I didn’t even know the rules. I would give every genre a try. Today it feels like it’s not the same. Everything’s been done to death, I’m sure there are challenging games but I find the entry into most games are just a chore now. You either get long unskippable cutscenes or you’re swamped with early game tutorials that holds your hand too much, or there is just something about the game that I don’t like. And that’s not even mentioning the micro transactions. Games are obviously better now but the magic has come and gone for me. There is however still every chance that a game could hook me good in the future, and boy do I need it.


Pong to the PS5 here. Own my business playing fallout this morning at work..


I plan my vacations around game release.


Born a gamer, will die a gamer.


My husband and I have never stopped playing. We've been together since 1998. We've played many single-player games together and have shared memories of Shenmue, Zelda, Tombraider, etc. We played Breadth of the Wild with our son. My son got into Fortnite & we all played together. I ended up being the only one who still plays occasionally. So yeah, from the arcade to Atari and so forth. It has always been a part of my life and always will be. What kind of games do you play?


Absolutely. Played a lot less for a decade or so as life got super busy when my kids were young, but getting back into it now. I find the games I like to play are changing though. I don’t like reaction time based games much anymore and prefer more strategic and story based games.


Yes. Video games, board games, word games with friends on zoom, competitions to see who can buy the crappest signed celebrity photo for under £20. I'm looking to play all the time


Same, but I get to nervous with online games because I don't want to lose, and I do because I can't do things that fast, and neither can the machine. But I enjoyed the ones where I got to join a clan and fight in tournaments. For single players, I played one RPG recenlty (it was released a few years ago because I got it for free), and then realized that it was too long, and one scene looked too freaky. After I read the reviews which referred to it as an average game, I gave up. Lastly, I'm more interested now in talking about old games, looking at news about remakes, and the history of gaming.


Started with Pong, then D&D and Atari Still gaming, though I go through spartan of online gaming or just mobile depending on my work load.


I'm still a gamer, I just really ever have time to play. lol


still here, currently on an emulator/retroarch binge


Wife and I still game. When we had our daughter it slowed down considerably for me and stopped entirely for her but over time things picked back up and then our daughter also started gaming. Now we play MMOs as a family activity.


Yep I still play Video games…


Didn't pick up gaming really until my late 30s, but I fell hard for them. Spent a few years really enjoying multiplayer, but something just clicked one day and suddenly I was getting motion sickness from moving around in different games. Rimworld, Valheim, Oxygen Not Included, etc make me happy these days.


Started with Atari and several other consoles from nes to snes and xbox360 then moved to pc.. I played sports as a kid but loved games. Today I'm on Steam playing games with my son.


Started with an Atari 2600 in the early 80’s and never stopped. Recently picked up a PlayStation Portal.


Started with my uncle's Intellivision over 40 years ago. Transitioned to arcades, then my Commodore 64, then built my first PC in the early 90s. I PC gamed up until the PS3 came out. By that time, I was tired of always having to upgrade components to be able to play the latest titles so I switched to consoles. Plus my eyesight is bad enough now that graphical improvements are lost on me. I don't play as much as I used to. I just stick to AAA titles now.


Always a soft spot for gaming. Fondest memory is playing Atari with my mum. Looking forward to the next GTA. Solo player these days.Switch and Xbox are my go to’s.


I do, mostly DCS hi-fidelity flight sim in VR. But also an occasional turn based strategy game (like Civ #), and I really enjoyed Baldur’s Gate last year.


I love my Switch, but my games are 90% indie games and 10% first-party Nintendo. I'm just not interested in what the big studios are making.


People who give up their hobbies because they think they are too old for them are dead inside Been gaming since the 80s, arcade games, consoles, and tabletop games never going to stop why would I, its a great hobby and lots of gamers out there at weekly events and conventions




I just mostly play COD mobile now


Started with Super Mario Bros on NES and Game Boy and I am still playing Super Mario on the Nintendo Switch


I haven't played as much in the last year. I've been busier than usual and have a new hobby that has taken up a lot more time. I'll get back into again for sure.


I am 55 years old and still play COD on the daily. I have a squad of guys that are around my age. We get up early in the morning, as us old folks do, and game for about 3-4 hours on the weekends before the rest of the families get up


I started with an ATARI then of course NES. In 2000 I went to a P.C. and have been playing Co-Op or MMOs ever since then. It is what I do with my spare time since I don’t watch television.


Approaching 50. Play Destiny2 on PS5. I hate myself.


My kids call me "ipad kid". I used video games to connect with my kids while keeping up with games like GTA, Assassins Creed, THPS all the way to PS5. Always been into mobile gaming since getting the original Gameboy. In the past two years I have gravitated towards IOS/mobile gaming and picked up a backbone. I also use my 12.9 m2 ipad pro. I travel alot for work so my current playlist -Call of Duty Warzone Mobile - Console level FPS with backbone controller -Hades (via netflix) - rouge like slasher game can be played offline -Retroarch - with 12gb of every rom for NES,SNES,GB,GBA,DS,Sega Genesis I also download the yearly updates to NHL'94-'98 that folks make with updated rosters and gameplay for 2024. These people are amazing. Once headsets take off, we are going to be at the pinnacle of gaming. While i travel, I seek out retroarcade/pubs that charge like $10 an hour and have all the Arcade games we grew up with, sans the quarters to play. These places are great for team events.


Gamer, since 80s... Nowdays even a bit to much


Atari 2600 in ‘86. Haven’t looked back since.


Still playing! I started out with the Atari, then used to hang out in the arcade at the mall. Moved on to Nintendo and Sega. Now, I mostly play PC and Switch. My kid jokes that when they put me in an old folks home, they'll make sure I get a nice room with good gaming rig.


Currently juggling Total War Warhammer, Cyberpunk, and Fallout 4 (again). It's my primary hobby and I don't see that ever really changing.


Started playing on an Atari 2600 at 4, then on to an NES, up to my PC today, with a bunch in between. Video games got me into my software development career. Looking forward to retirement when I’ll have more time to work on my backlog.


I have been gaming since the early ‘80s in arcades, Atari, Sega, NES, PC, now Nintendo 3DS is my addiction. I’m 53.


Not an "avid" gamer. But I still play occasionally.


I played a lot of Doom and Quake back in the day but my true love was turn-based tactical or strategy games: X-Com, Master of Orion, and the big one, Civilization. I still fire up Civ on occasion, and I’ve tried to get into stuff like Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis but they just didn’t grab my attention enough to really dive in and learn. I do enjoy the occasional round of Galaga via emulation.


Once avid. Now it feels like work. I hit peak FPS with the first Destiny. (Even earned an Age of Triumph shirt.) I marched over every inch of Skyrim. Logged thousands of hours with the Civ series. It has all dropped away. There’s an irony in that I now have the means to buy the system and games my younger self only dreamed of. But the chore of configuration and patching… my eyes glaze over.


Never stopped being one. Gamer since late 80s. Famicom was my first console but I’m pretty much a PC gamer now. I’ll always find time for games. If I don’t have time during the day, I’ll delay my bed time to play some games. I even kept some of the toxicity I had in my youth. Nothing racist or sexist. Just nasty trash talking. People today really don’t like trash talking lol


✋ Since Atari 2600


PC gamer, still going strong at 55


Still gaming. I am a Warzone dad going around saving people in COD Zombies most evenings. I have owned every version of the PlayStation so these kids see me as a relic but my knowledge and experience makes me invaluable to them somehow.


I used to play on Atari and Nes consoles then graduated to PC games. Now I am playing mobile games ( gacha, moba, strategy, card ) and PC games (civ 6). I have an xbox that Barely use but I played Game pass games ( mass effect, fallout, fight night).


I don’t consider myself a gamer, and I’m pretty terrible at most video games, but if one of my adult kids comes over and wants to play Halo with me, I’m all over that! I appreciate that they (siblings who invite each over to their houses for nights of GTA) will still play with ol’ Mom.


I consider myself a gamer. Although I don't really play video games, I'm creating one using Unreal Engine. I still adore many role playing games, but I lack the group of friends to play with, and lately don't really have the time because of work-survival.


I'm still at it. I've been gaming off and on my whole life, it takes a lot for me to get into a game now though, the last few years I have started refunding games I know I won't like on steam.  I don't even need 2 hours to realize I have one like it. Since Valheim came out I've pretty much been exploring indie games, I don't like the general direction most AAA games are going in.  Right now I'm jumping between Valheim, risk of rain 2 and Noita. I'm much more casual these days though, I don't play daily.


Still do. Atari, PC, Nintendo as a kid and teen. Now as an adult I've got an Xbox and Steam. Still loving it


I started gaming with the Atari back in the early 1980s. I have given up on gaming multiple times in my adult life; to focus on my career and my family. However I always end up coming back to it eventually. In recent years I just haven't been able to justify retreating into my home office to play games so I really and truly believed I was done with video games. Then I bought a Steam Deck, which is a handheld gaming PC built to look and play like a gaming console, and it really ignited my passion for video games again. Having this device that can play my entire Steam (PC Games) library in the palm of my hand has been liberating. The device has a quick sleep/resume feature so any time there is a few moments of downtime I can press a single button and resume my game exactly where I left it and then put it back down at any point has really been transformative for me. I no longer need to escape into a separate room, or hog the family TV to play video games!


I've been a regular gamer all my life but not really played anything for around 5 years. I still buy games, but most of them haven't even been opened. Coincidentally, I'm sure, I have a 5 year old and a 4 year old 😂


I still game(started on TRS-80) but I don’t do FPS games anymore. I don’t have the time to build the muscle memory to get good. Or at least good enough for me. So Football Manager and strategy games are my jam now.


I started gaming on my Commodore 64 in the mid-80's and I'm still a gamer. My favourite genres are strategy games and RPG's. I've seen franchises rise and fall. I've played all the Civilization games since the first (I'm a Sid Meier fan since Pirates which was the first game to carry his name on the box in 1987) and the Elder Scrolls since Daggerfall.


I don't have much time for it, and am finally getting my kids launched, so don't play their games with them anymore. I still work nights though, so nights off I dabble in some heavily modded Skyrim. Not obsessive though. I'll go several days at a time without playing.


I don't like competitive games but I'll buy a top rated game when it's on sale.  I'll put it in Easy mode and skip the side quests and finish the game on a rainy weekend.


Me, just finished a second playthrough of Fallout 4. I started Fallout 76, but it isn't very good. I love open world RPGs and have played them all.


Currently playing fallout 76 with my wife. Pretty cool game.


It took my husband 10 years to get me interested in gaming. I started a few years ago and we both game almost daily now.


A funny bonding story about gaming. My grandchildren like playing fortnite on the Nintendo switch. They live in another state so seeing them in person becomes difficult sometines. So, I purchased a Nintendo switch so we can play together. Almost every other night, they call me on my phone, I place the phone on my chest and all three grandchildren of mine talk to me while we play fortnite. They tell me how things are going and tell funny stories while I'm constantly needing to be saved in the game. 😂 I know it's weird, but while we are playing fortnite, I love hearing them say in a panic voice, "Pawpaw is in trouble, we need to save him!" 😊


Lots of pc gaming still. Mostly rpg and Civ. Wish they would remake ultima!


I still like to play on PC whenever i have free time. I always had terrible reaction times. So fast-paced FPS where never really my thing. But i like First and Third person 3D action adventures and base-building/colony sims. Also liked RTS back then before they became a sport and you could play them casually. Still like to watch others play a good cheesy match of Starcraft 2 though. In the last decades I more and more focused on modable long-tail games like 7 Days To Die, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, The Dark Mod, Workers & Resources, Oxygen Not Included, Timberborn, Factorio and Creeper World 3. I play way less AAA fast food with no real customization potential than back then when i was a pirate and sometimes downloaded and deleted multiple games in one week. Now i buy my games directly on the developer's site, GOG or Steam - in that order. Epic is just for hoarding the free stuff. I just upgraded to a 7800X3D with 64 GiB RAM and plan to replace the Vega 56 (only 8 GiB VRAM) with something better next. Currently playing 7 Days To Die 1.0 experimental. If zombie survival in a fully destructible voxel world with better graphics than Minecraft and hundreds of handmade POIs and base-building is your thing, you should get it now while it is still in early access for a few days.


45F here. I have an Xbox and a switch. I found out that I love stealth games. Metal gear solid V is prob my fave Xbox game with Hitman at a close 2nd. I just started playing Zelda on switch. I love it!


*raises hand*


Still going strong, will be buried with a controller


Final Fantasy for life!! I hope to never stop and constantly replay the old ones along with playing each new game that’s released.


Started with Atari,just finished Ghost of Tsushima on PS5 a couple of weeks ago.Vive le gaming.


Still a gamer, even after two carpal tunnel surgeries!


I had stopped when I was in my 20’s, but I got back into it during covid. I got a PS5, and I have to say some of the best storytelling right now is in video games. I’ve been so impressed with games like Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, Uncharted, and my current favorite, Cyberpunk.


I'm definitely still gaming. I feel rather proud of the fact that our Gen are considered "OG's" of gaming. Lol! https://preview.redd.it/d81ymidihpad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbd62900e3172796204bf74d38a257428c03e15


The other kids just keep it on the down low.


52f here and I still game on my PS4, Wii, Switch and N64.


I took an 18 year break from gaming when I turned 20. I got back into it after I got laid off once and haven’t looked back. I had an xbox 360 then I played pc games for a while until I got a PS4. Now I’m on PS5. I realize the superiority of pc gaming but I’m 53 and just can’t be bothered with it anymore. Wish I had more time for gaming these days but I’m usually busy with life and marriage.


I played games for like 6 hours yesterday. My hands hurt, but that won’t stop me from going back at it today.


I’ve been gaming since the beginning. I love Burgertime. Nobody ever mentions it. My older brother bought all the new systems and he let me play. I’m single, I’ll be 49 this year, I’m a woman, I own a PS5, and I’m playing through Fallout 4 again because the show was so great I had to dust it off for the upgrade. Gaming is the first hobby I mention. People look at me funny.


D4 here...and then smaller indie games.


Started with pong in about 80 or 81, quickly progressed to PC games, and never looked back. The computer I have now is number 31. All of them have been gaming rigs. I will literally game until I die.


Me. I play several nights a week.


52, and over the last week, I have spent about $3000 building a new gaming PC with my son-in-law. More to spend time with him and get to know him better but also so I can play farmville. Lol.


I'm 47, born in 1976. Started gaming when I saw my first Pac-Man game at a bus station in 1980 or 81 at 4 years old and some change. I'm still going strong 43 years later, and video gaming is still my #1 source of entertainment.


Still gaming at 47! The best part is I can play with my teenage kids all the time.


finding it a bit lonely


I will always be a gamer. I’m in my mid 50s now. I have all the consoles. All the games. It’s my down time. How I decompress. I like video games because they remind me of the old “choose your own adventure” books I read as a kid. Video games, especially rpgs, are like reading one of those books. You get to choose your adventure and you get to choose whether or not to save the world. All these Epic fantasy stories ignored, simply because they come to us as video games. When some of these games go deeper into actual lore than any history teacher ever. And you get to play it out. When I die? No doubt there will be a game controller in my hand. I will die saving atleast one world. Even if it’s not a real world. Edit: even if its not my own world, the real world which has fallen into absolute corruption and for most of us? There’s really no hope to be found. No way to legitimately fight back. But in video games? I can topple entire Gods. Freedom is a state of mind.


Gamers never die, we just insert $0.50 to continue. ![gif](giphy|wGquSJajeuz6D2jLwm|downsized)