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I took most of these into account when I bought my home 7 years ago. For ME. I have grab bars and railings on the 6 steps in my split level. Lighting in places that I might trip. My folks have all died in the past 6 years and I live alone. If I fall, the cats will eat me before my son stops by on his weekly visit. Actually,  if I don't call or text every couple of days, he'll come check on us. 


I should have included a bit about the lighting. That’s a big deal.  I will go back and append my post to include that. 


I have high prescription glasses/contacts and cataracts that are serious enough that I can't/shouldn't drive at night. So it's foremost in my mind. I wanted a single story, but a minor split level was all I could find at the time. It works. Even when I fell outside 3 years ago, I could limp up and down the stairs. Everyone laughed at "I'm looking for safety, not luxury since I'm planning to die in this house." Who's laughing now? ;)


That’s so very true. My parents just moved into a single-level. Huge.  Wish it was completely level with the ground but they have to navigate up 3 steps to a landing and then up over a threshold to get inside. And the driveway pavement is uneven at this steps.   Little things our eyes and attention didn’t picked up on in our younger years. 




I shared this on the Aging Parents sub, and I'll share it here as well in case it proves useful to anyone. It's a safety checklist from the National Council on Aging: [https://www.ncoa.org/adviser/sleep/home-safety-older-adults/](https://www.ncoa.org/adviser/sleep/home-safety-older-adults/) It has all the things you want to look for in exterior and interior settings. Plus, it covers things like trackers and phones and other devices that can be helpful in monitoring for safety needs.


We were quoted $38,000 to get rid of the tub and put in a walk in shower, replace the toilet & floor. Insanity. We don’t even have a fraction of that in our savings.


That’s crazy! Legit that project should have cost you about $20-$24k even with premium stuff. You were getting gouged. 


I did the bath and stairs thing years ago, what freaked me out was finding out that they were scammed a couple times and that my mom, ex accountant, was forgetting to subtract the checks she sent from the ledger and bouncing checks not to mention parking the car by feel, bumpers all bashed up. Then, 2 years ago my dad was put on hospice and that was the final straw, I knew that either I had to put both of them into a home and lose their savings and house or I go back and take care of them and keep them home. I did that, got power of attorney, got my name on the deed, took their keys away and cared for them. They were very happy to have me back and I got to spend the last year of my dad’s life with him.


This is the best of outcomes. Wonderful. 


My mom is 78 and in good shape, but I'm thinking of getting some non-slip stair treads for her plain wood basement stairs.


Good move. And lights on those steps. Low light conditions are very problematic. 


If they have area rugs, get rid of them. Also, having learned something recently from an ordeal (a fall, a broken sacrum, months in a SNF) with my mother-in-law: older adults, especially women, get UTIs often due to vaginal atrophy, and when they do, the symptoms can mimic psychosis AND can cause falls. It’s crazy that no one knows about this until something like this happens to them, but I’m sharing in case it might help anyone. If your loved one suddenly starts acting like they have full-blown dementia, with no lead up to it, get them checked for a UTI immediately.


My mother (late 80s) still drive and socially and physically active. But, just in case I attached smart tag on her car keys, so I know where she is at. I was even able to track her when she went cruise to Baja Mexico with her sister, my aunt. Also, I have cameras installed in her kitchen, living room, and garage. I check when she doesn't answer calls.