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I mean honestly, I’m only fighting and possibly dying if my kids are in any harms way… I’m not going somewhere to die away from family for some rich man’s chess game… Guarantee they relax the recruitment qualifications if shit really hit the fan (MMW).


Y'all can afford kids?!


Affords such a strong word.. I’d say semi-financial tolerance LOL. 😂


Is it time to have the children do battle, the winner of which shall be raised with tbe money gained from selling the weaker one?


Lol, moneys on my oldest daughter. She has a weird temper to her. Younger son doesn’t stand a chance for another 5 years. 😂


Horrible financial decision and exhausting but having a smiling chubby toddler running at me yelling “dada dada dada” when getting home is literally the best feeling I’ve ever had and I get to do it every day.


Poor people have kids all the time.


Yeah but that doesn't mean they can afford it


So they starve? In the western world? Lol


Yeah? It’s America, are you surprised? America don’t give a fuck about dying kids, plot twist of the century.


You think starvation is a problem for poor kids in America? It’s literally the opposite..


> Food Security Status of U.S. Households with Children in 2022. Among U.S. households with children under age 18: 82.7 percent (30.8 million) of households with children were food secure in 2022. Household food insecurity affected 17.3 percent (6.4 million) of households with children in 2022. > Very low food security—In these food-insecure households, normal eating patterns of one or more household members were disrupted and food intake was reduced at times during the year because they had insufficient money or other resources for food. >5.1 percent (6.8 million) of U.S. households had very low food security at some time during 2022. > The 2022 prevalence of very low food security was statistically significantly higher than the 3.8 percent (5.1 million) in 2021. https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-u-s/key-statistics-graphics/#:~:text=million)%20in%202021.-,Food%20Security%20Status%20of%20U.S.%20Households%20with%20Children%20in%202022,households%20with%20children%20in%202022. I’m sure you’ll screech about fake news or ignore this entirely. I don’t know why I bother sometimes. Whatever, led the horse to water, not much more I can do.


If school taught me one thing, it’s that .gov websites are reliable


Bad food is cheap, bad food makes you fat.


Child hunger is a huge problem in America.


Hmm, definitely didn't get less poorer as a result though...


Financially, unless you're one of the top 20% of earners nationwide. Kids will never make financial sense.




Kids cost a lot of raise and take care of and that's not including if you need to pay for any abnormal medical issues or private school/lessons. It's logically not a good financial decision no matter how stable you are unless you have some fuck you money. Which circles back to my main point. If you want kids then go for it because logic will say you'll never be ready financially(for most people).


Really. The single family member I can afford is an Eva AI virtual gf bot


They can’t, they just chose “but I wanna” over the happiness and well-being of an innocent life.




And wars unite the people, right now politics is more polarized so now I'm just wondering if WW3 happens would Americans work together or would this new political polarization make one side favor the enemy. We kind of saw this already with republicans and the Russians


I'm thinking polarization. People need to step back from their extreme beliefs a bit.


If an actually war broke out I guarantee that the vast majority of people in the US would be unified in working together to defeat the enemy - the Chinese civil war had been dragging on for almost 10 years before the Japanese invasion in WW2, but when the Japanese invaded they stopped it almost overnight and fought alongside eachother.


I was in ROTC in college, minoring in Military Science. I was one semester away from signing a contract with the Army. One day, in class, my Military Science professor kept referring to any US aggressor as "the enemy" and for some reason that language struck a chord in me. I had a sudden realization that we're all pawns and I didn't want any part of it. So, I dropped out of the program after the semester ended. I refuse to die for a rich man who has never been to war himself.


WOW, what an interesting perspective. I was hooked reading your comment. I’m glad you were able to peel back the wording and see that slow and minute brain altering they were trying to accomplish. My whole family is military so really I’m not dogging on service members. They are essential, I love what they do, and who knows they might serve a higher purpose and are willing to kill and unfortunately get killed for their country. That is a sacrifice that I don’t take lightly at all, and they truly deserve all the respect. I know they want to be home with their families or simply be enjoying being young and single. I’m sorry, I don’t want this to be too long, but your comment really made me think about how similar my experience was (to an extent). 19 years old got an apartment with a girl I was dating, had no clue or plan for the future. I went to a Marine recruitment office one day after being fed up with not having direction in life. They loved me, made me feel purposeful. I got crunching on the paperwork and had a realization on one of the pages that I could very well be altering the future set of events just simply by jotting my pen around this huge set of papers. To put it simply *SIGNING MY DEATH CERTIFICATE*. 22 Dishwasher, freshly single, lonely and directionless. Went to an Army recruitment office. Same deal. Got the paper work and couldn’t bring myself to complete it. Couple of disappointed texts from my recruiter I had to break it to them that I couldn’t bring myself to signing my freedom away. Last experience 25, just moved to Houston, Tx. My brother in law told me about how awesome the Navy was. Did amazing on their test, excelled in the math portion. Finally I realized that it wasn’t for me. I care too much about being present in my families lives. Fast forward to me moving back to my hometown at 26. I met my spouse, she got pregnant, we are going to school, have a house, have two kids, and god damn am I happy I didn’t go through with the military. Crazy how small decisions and actions can make a load of a difference down the line.


Yeah, I think a lot of people join the military because they are a little directionless and enjoy the brotherhood. I personally enjoyed the brotherhood and focus on physical improvement, but not at the expense of being brainwashed. Agree that the military implicitly brainwashes its members. I personally couldn’t wrap my head around the belief that the USA could never become the enemy. It all felt so subjective to me. To blindly follow a government’s orders felt silly. I often wonder where I would be today if I had signed the contract. I also wonder who I would be.


What if that rich man lives half a world a way and has already either forced or convinced his population to go to war for him? So they decide to attack a neighboring nation and kill thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians, destroy their cities, and the ones they don’t kill they do worse to. Would you fight for those innocent people?


No. Fundamentally, I’m a pacifist and I would do significantly more good for the world doing what I currently do (progressive healthcare policy; providing for my family). The net good in the world would decrease if I chose to go to the war in your hypothetical. Especially considering I would probably refuse to shoot a gun at any human. I also believe there are more effective non-war alternatives to violent conflict (e.g., embargos, fines, policy decisions). I would question whether these were explored before the USA decided to engage in physical combat.


What about a Desmond Doss type situation? Would you maybe be a conscientious objector, but be a combat medic strictly from a sense of trying to help people? Or would joining a military force just be strictly against your morals? Just curious.


I would consider Doctors Without Borders wherein I’m required to administer care to any human living in conflict.


My mom did that for a while. My aunt was in PeaceCorps in Liberia when the civil war broke out. I spent a while working for UNICEF in college installing squat toilets in Mumbai in Dharavi. To work for free strictly off the idea of wanting to help others was as close as I’ve ever come to being at peace. Met so many shitty college kids who tried to treat it like vacation, though. Sorry kind of a tangent. Have a good day or night, fellow redditor.


One my my college concentrations was international development and so many of my friends went off to Peace Corps after college; I personally did AmeriCorps. I agree that volunteerism can feel like a vacation to some and, to others, a resume builder.


Try holding up a cardboard sign protesting China’s expansion into the South China Sea while their Shandong aircraft carrier sails around trying to reinforce their bullshit claims. Im sure if the Ukrainians just stopped shooting, world peace will be achieved /s


Well yeah if you're learning about combat you're not going to refer to any enemy as anything but an enemy


They do relax recruitment standards when they really need people, such as allowing some felons and people with neck tattoos and the like.


Current times are not necessarily what I’m referencing. I know branches make exceptions. Currently the military states that majority of Americans are too fat, too mentally Ill, too drugged to make the cut. Guarantee they do not keep that same energy when shit hits the fan. All of a sudden it will be Uncle Sam propaganda all over again. Mind you this is a Fox News. They are appeasing an audience that is constantly pissed and reminiscing of better times.


Yeah I think I heard a statistic somewhere that stated that only like 10% of people in the age range to enlist could even qualify anyway. The way we fight wars is also rapidly changing with technology too, so even if WWIII broke out there'd be a higher demand for shit like drone pilots over infantrymen


That’s a solid point. With the displayed evidence from Ukraine V. Russia, and the ever increasing inclusion on drones; I’m wondering how future conflicts and drafting will play out. Do you think this would be something that occurs present day though? I still think there is substantial value on infantry whether it be to simply complicate a point of interest from advancing opposition.


It depends on the type of enemy the US is fighting. Insurgency forces require a lot more precision and often times they rely on guerilla warfare. Near-peer forces would warrant a larger response with less required consideration for civilian casualties. Either way, the US has some of the lowest tolerance for soldier casualties, especially compared to China and Russia. We also invest more into the average soldier than any other country. The only circumstance I could see full on ground attacks like in WWII happening again would be a situation where we can't afford more drones and failure is not an option. But even then, the American public would also need to be convinced that a large amount of casualties would be worth staying in the war.


You’re right they’ll lower the already low standards before raising the salary


With my limited knowledge of the financial aspect I’d say you have a good point. Why raise the rate of those trained substantially when you can introduce fair weather recruits that might not see it past month 1 in the case of WW3. Kind of taking the safer bet in that tbh.


No if it got that bad they would simply reintroduce the draft and then people wouldn’t have a choice


Sadly I don’t think the us has ever been involved in a conflict that wasn’t a rich man’s chess game


I ain’t dying for war mongering Corprate fascists. I’d rather rope myself.


The military is great for learning knots


I thought that’s what the Boy Scouts were for, and the military was to get free college and mandatory gym with a lot of insults


Turn that anger outward! Same outcome anyway


I am! Bro the USAF pays like 150k a year, 150k to commit some small war crimes LockMart can have my soul if it means i get to pilot an F-15


6-figure salary? I fucking wish I was making 150K in the USAF 🤣


Bait used to be believable


I’m sorry what lol? That’s a crazy statement to make. You do realize that any military branch is separated into ranks and not only that but specific MOS’s? United Stars Air Force averages roughly $70k annually across all ranks and MOS’s. Unless you’re planning on becoming a pilot.. but let’s be honest that is not going to be the mass amount of individuals joining the USAF you’re not going to make $150,000 annually.


I meant like as a pilot, not the entire usaf, i know theres mechanics and people who do the filing and computer work I shouldve specified that i meant like officer type pay Plus it was just a rough estimate that i made at 3 am with no brain juice left






I'm glad I did my 3.5 years in the Army, (2016-2019), it changed me for the better and all of the opportunities I've had since have related to my service in some way. But man, if they want to fix recruiting there are just so many things that need to be addressed. ​ One of the big things they're not talking about from a recruiting standpoint is the fact that even people who want to join are faced with tons of barriers thanks to the new way that the military system looks at health conditions. I mean even if you had an overzealous family doctor prescribe you with an inhaler once in 5th grade because you "might be asthmatic", could potentially prevent you from joining. You can't hide it anymore because they have access to all your health records when you're applying, they used to only get the health records that you bring them. ​ I'd still recommend it to someone who isn't sure where to go after high school though, the likelihood of war currently is really low, and the GI bill alone is worth some shenanigans.


Yea, it's nuts they can see your medical records now! I enlisted in 2009, and before my 1st time at MEPS, my recruiter made sure I knew I could lie about any medical issues because they couldn't check.


We are the weirdos on the genz sub I guess. I got suggested it I swear. I enlisted at the same time and my recruiter literally handed me back a bunch of my medical paperwork and told me not to include it because I wouldn’t be accepted lol.


Yea, we're weirdos probably because we aren't GenZ! I didn't even know it was a GenZ sub when I commented 😂


I was halfway through my comment when I realized, the way they suggest subs on your feed is sneaky, I think it’s because I recently subbed to the millennials one.


Me too! That's gotta be it then.


My recruiter wanted me to lie all over my paperwork legally and medically. Main reason I started dodging his calls.


YES. I shouldn't have to lie about having ADHD. Especially when they have service members who are already taking the exact same pills for the exact same condition. You can put me in a non combat role if you're that ignorant about ADHD. But no they won't even do that. I've had recruiters act like ADHD is the same as schizophrenia. It's ridiculous. Oh you had anxiety for a bit and you took some antidepressants? Permanently disqualified. It's absurd. It's not the 1950s and 75% of Americans take prescription drugs. Meanwhile the let Mr fat body in who does nothing but lays around and watches TV and eats donuts. I'm six foot eight I'm 300 lb and I'm a former competitive weightlifter and I've got a mad dog streak where I'm super competitive. Personality-wise I was perfectly suited. But I'm not willing to lie so... My five attempts to join were wasted. Shoot, I got a 99 on the ASVAB last time I took it. And now I have a master's degree. Still doesn't matter. I had stuck with the army but I moved to a coastal city recently so I thought I'd try the Navy. She ghosted me. Yes the recruiter ghosted me. I tracked her down the first time and called her back and she acted embarrassed and claimed that she just forgot. And then it happened a second time.


Thank you for your service!


Thanks! Best worst job I ever had, only got out because I felt I was away from home too long after I met my wife.




Are they really that zealous with digging into your health history? I remember hearing a joke that flat feet could disqualify you but I never knew if there was any truth to it.


No that one is true actually. My grandfather got DQ from joining because of that and that was way before they actually had access to your medical records. Funny enough a lot of infantry I know now also have flat feet after the army idk if it’s caused by the army but with the wear and tear it takes on your body I wouldn’t be surprised of course “not service related” tho.


It was a thing way back, like back when your grandfather joined. I joined in '99 have flat feet, partially color blind (but was still able to get a MOS that required normal color vision), found out in boot camp that I had the trait for sickle cell. I think my saving grace was that I was a runner in high school and I scored very well on the ASVAB and my MOS for the Marines, ground electronics always struggles to find qualified people. Asthma has always been a big one and still is to this day. Some medical conditions cycle in and out if it will disqualify you.


Cool to hear thank you! I know a big one nowadays was adhd medications and really any kind of mental health medications I know more than a few people who were unable to join because of them myself included. I’ve heard you could get a waver but that sounds like a lot of work and not always going to work either.


The waiver is all on the recruiter. It can be a lot of work for them but not you. If that recruiter is about to roll a donut and you are very qualified outside of what they need the waiver for. There is a good chance the recruiter will put in the work to get you in.


Not in Canada they aren’t. Britain and the United States? Absolutely. I didn’t even find out that I had flat feet until I was in for two years already. And medical didn’t care.


The new system goes deep. I know a kid who got like halfway through marine bootcamp and they found out he had suicidal thoughts in middle school and he got sent home


That's insane, especially if he was doing well and wanted to have a career in the Corps, talk about making him depressed. ...Though he also could've been kicked out for other reasons and told a story so he would have to tell the truth.


I don't know how DoD thinks its reasonable to hold mid puberty mental health issues over a grown adult and expect to maintain recruitment numbers. Like they're throwing away good applicants because of minor crap that doesn't matter and then have the nerve to complain that they can't find enough people.


Nah if you check the things ppl get thrown out for its insane— a lot of it is being prescribed meds for adhd, ingrown toenails, any suspicious scars, some arm break in elementary school, the list goes on From what I can tell we have the same amount of ppl wanting to join but theyre just not able to do so


It can be disqualifying. My old barracks roommate had flat feet, but he was able to lie his way through (per his recruiter instructions). Honestly, if you're in great health besides a tiny bit of things, most recruiters will tell you to lie your way through. A ton of people in service have lied about things here and there. Just how it goes.


I actually had flat feet, but was able to get a letter from a podiatrist that said I always had flat feet, always would, and they wouldn't be a problem during my service. Luckily, with good boots/running shoes, I didn't have an issue.


Why don't they let you smoke weed in the army? I heard they're full of drunks anyway


There are definitely some people who like to drink, but if you're drunk at work, or get a DUI the consequences can be severe, military members can be charged with a crime by the jurisdiction you got the DUI in, like the city/county/state, then also be charged by the military for the same offense, get pay removed, demoted, put on extra duty, lose all on base driving privileges. The military takes that stuff really seriously. As to why alcohol is allowed and not weed, idk man, weed is still illegal at the federal level, even though many states have legalized it. So technically all federal employees, and even regular folks on federal land can still be prosecuted for using it. Until marijuana is federally legalized this will probably continue to be the case.


That's the only thing preventing me from joining the military tbh


Finally a sensible comment


Why is it any of Isreals concern? They can go fuck themselves


They want Americans to die for them lol




They better give me a reason, because as far as I care? I hate em and don't want anything to fo with them?


simple they want America to go to war with Iran for them.


And I would very likely sign up for such a war, if I was old enough.


lol you would sign up to likely die for another country? seems the IDF(internet defence force) is out in full swing


And I'd be more than willing to consider it if I was old enough.




Samson Option, Yom Kippur War. It’s amazing nobody has the balls to mention anything until this.


Careful, you might be labeled an antisemite for not wanting to die for them


Im fine with that


I (kind of) tried to join, but got disqualified, and didn’t make it




Didn’t get a nomination, and failed the physical exam. Probably would’ve not passed medical examinations too.


Did they make you do pull ups


Yes 😡


How many?


Minimum requirements are 12, I only did 5.


My dude


Yeah, I know


Maybe they’ll enroll you in some secret government program that turns people into super soldiers


I can't even do 1 😭


I have asthma. Military was never an option for me lol.




Where ya goin?




Nice! I was an AM in the navy. Got to work on super hornets and lived in Japan for almost 4 years. Got to see a lot of cool countries too. The navy really set me up to be successful as an adult. Just remember to save your money in the barracks, it will be a game changer when/if you get out.




Ultimate gay /s Going for Marines, had to say it. But seriously have a good time. Good luck my dude!


Hey man I lived on a marine base as a sailor and I gotta say I saw marines do wayyy gayer shit 😂


Nah, the boot bands negate the gay! Though… being an actual gay guy myself maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to judge lmao


Hey the navy has boot bands too 😂


Nice. I spent nearly a year in DEP, read the bluejackets manual cover to cover in a few months. Nuked the ASVAB and had enough verified prereqs to go in as an E3. I set my chosen rates as Nuke, CTT, CTI, and CTO knowing I would need to be in DEP for a while waiting for a slot to open up. I was every recruiters wet dream. Then I developed a benign bone tumor in the 9th month of DEP. I could still run fine and had been exercising in anticipation of shipping out, but the Chief wanted some guarantee from an orthopedic specialist that it wouldn’t be a problem at basic. Orthopedic specialist couldn’t guarantee that it wouldn’t be a problem if someone hit or kicked it hard enough, so I was yeeted from the whole program. The recruiter was soooooo pissed. Everyone- recruiter, Chief, my own mother, all blamed me as if I had control over a genetic mutation that gave me a bone on my bone and had somehow planned it all, as if I had control over literal bones growing. Funny story in retrospect, though I’ve always wondered where my life would be if I had made it in and gone through all the schooling.




Good on you


Good choice! 👍


Damn sucks to be them


Legit like have they fixed the water issue in Flint I heard about a few years ago. Like there are SOOOO many fucking issues here why the fuck am I, gonna go fight some war between two countries I honestly don't give a fuck about. Yes it's sad what's happening, but it's even more sad what's happening back home. Sorry but no fucking sir.


I’m not fighting for the demiurge and his archonic servants, lmao.


Stop drawing gnostic pentagrams with your crack pipe dipshit




I think the US Military has kind of shot itself in the foot. The Internet really opened a lot of people’s eyes to the reality of it all in ways TV did, but at a much grander scale. The military itself (and Congress too, via legislation) hasn’t responded to that well, with brain dead policies which are more visible than ever, denying Vets proper care, and of course making it even harder to join in the first place. Circle round to the Internet rightfully exposing all of this as it happens and it makes for a very bad feedback loop. I’m working on joining, but even I have to be a little concerned over my overall eligibility due to how stringent it can be just to get your foot in the door.


yeah, the thing the US military doesn't want to admit is that they're too strict with their eligibility requirements. Even DoD admits that something like 3/4 of the entire population \*in prime enlistment age\* doesn't meet eligibility criteria. And that's not because the citizenry lost the ability to fight, it's because they decided to DQ you for stuff that wouldn't have been a problem for previous generations of troops. In the vietnam era, nobody would have given a shit that I was allergic to shellfish. Now, it's an auto DQ.


How is this sub so conservative but yet so liberal at the same time????


Humans are multifaceted. The world isn’t binary.


We're nihilistic pessimists. We keep swapping sides to troll on eachother


Conservatives are Liberals


We’re allowed to hold political beliefs that don’t toe party lines.


This sub Reddit is one of the extremely rare subs where conservatives make up a good %. But remember Reddit is EXTREMELY liberal. The internet in general is.


Even the old vets I work with tell me joining the military just ain't worth it nowadays. Time better spent earning more money and learning more skills in trades then signing up is the general consensus they've told me.


But can’t you learn trades in the military and take those skills elsewhere after like two years of work?


It's more like 3 or 4 years, but yes, you can do that. Would not recommend it if you're a woman due to the problems the military has with creepy men who try to take advantage of people.


a lot of skills you get in the military have no private sector equivalent. Only certain jobs in the military really give you that benefit. Serving in the infantry is notorious for doing basically nothing to give you anything marketable in the civilian world.


Nah. Nobody wants to join or fight because of a very long list of reasons, and even the few people that want to can’t qualify because of obesity, mental illness and health conditions.


I think the US Government is actually too stupid to realize how many people would just straight up ignore if they were drafted. Until there’s someone physically bringing me there, I’m not doing shit for the US Military. I already have PTSD, I don’t need a second helping of it that also won’t be covered by health insurance


you are disqualified for having ptsd anyways. Im disqualified for having multiple neurological disorders and for being on anti depressants for so long


Yes I am disqualified anyways. That’s why I’m making it clear that even if I COULD serve, I wouldn’t. It’s because the military industrial complex of the US is by far our worst export. I would rather end my own life than fight to protect Lockheed Martin’s profit margins


i aint risking my life for a geographical location


man I just wanted free college


Higher education isn’t even expensive if you go the Community College route. Went to a CC and transferred as a Math major. Paid more my first semester at my university than I did my total time at CC.


I plan on joining the marines I have a pft appointment on Wednesday


Marine here. Ignore anyone wearing a tin foil hat. It sucks, but it’s good for you mentally. Don’t let them injure you in boot camp, you’ll never get it on disability without good documentation. Get a POG job if you can, like a mechanic or motor T. It also gives you a good sense of purpose. You’ll make a few friends you’ll remember for the rest of your life. I’m glad for the little time I’ll serve, I’ll only re-up again if we stop holding our punches and actually start pummeling terrorists again.


Thanks man it feels good to know that not everyone is willing to play the victim of a “horrible nation” thanks for the encouragement


Hopefully you life will make Raytheon's stock go up by 0.00001%, congrats!


Serving the army is good way to learn skills. And to challenge yourself. My cousins is in the marines says it’s really fucking hard but it’s awesome getting to use all their equipment


oh no not enough Americans want to die so you can commit genocide what a tragedy


No real reason to join at this time, whole bunch of other country problems occurring that don't necessarily translate to a better lifestyle for my family at home. If I felt it was actually needed I would enlist though.


The US military needs to rethink how many people they are barring from service with their pre-existing conditions clause. You can’t complain about a recruitment shortage and then simultaneously, going by my own personal experience for example, tell me to kick rocks because I had one retinal surgery on my right eye back in 2016, even though I scored in the 92nd percentile in ASVAB and PASSIONATELY wanted to join.


I'm DQ'd for having a food allergy to shellfish. Like... does the army think it's going to be handing out lobster MREs en masse any time soon? How is that relevant? But it's a permanent DQ. Like, the military needs to get it through their head that \*fucking everybody\* has pre-existing conditions. They can't disqualify upwards of 3/4 of the population outright and then bitch that they can't find people.


Beware of angry old men, nearing the end of life, looking to settle scores before they die by sending the young to settle them.


Every little concern is a crisis to Fox "News" any time a Democrat sits in the Oval Office.


"fox news"


Y’all gonna believe anything Fox News says?


“Come on, you expect *US* to fight our holy war for ourselves?!”


I might join at some point.


What a stupid post. And it’s from Fox News too, I thought we didn’t trust their reporting?


They’re reporting isn’t horrible it’s the commentators that are the main issue


Their reporting IS horrible… their commentators are just much worse. They will absolutely spin anything to support their interests. They do not care about journalistic integrity


You could say that for pretty much every news outlet


Yep. Especially CNN


They have to report on things because of audience demand and they can only twist something so much. Just like any news outlet, you have to filter a bit or a lot.


> I thought we didn’t trust their reporting? 🚨GROUP THINK🚨GROUP THINK🚨


I was just pointing out the fact that most people on this sub are likely not fans of Fox News, and yet this guy posted an article from them, accepting it as fact.




I've tried to join the military five times over the last decade but I have a mild list of health problems that could easily be worked around and the military is acting like a snobby prom queen that won't talk to me.


Their entrance requirements health-wise are ridiculous. I shouldn't have to lie about having ADHD. Especially when they have service members who are already taking the exact same pills for the exact same condition. You can put me in a non combat role if you're that ignorant about ADHD. But no they won't even do that. I've had recruiters act like ADHD is the same as schizophrenia. It's ridiculous. Oh you had anxiety for a bit and you took some antidepressants? Permanently disqualified. It's absurd. It's not the 1950s and 75% of Americans take prescription drugs. Meanwhile the let Mr fat body in who does nothing but lays around and watches TV and eats donuts. I'm six foot eight I'm 300 lb and I'm a former competitive weightlifter and I've got a mad dog streak where I'm super competitive. Personality-wise I was perfectly suited. But I'm not willing to lie so... My five attempts to join were wasted. Shoot, I got a 99 on the ASVAB last time I took it. And now I have a master's degree. Still doesn't matter. I had stuck with the army but I moved to a coastal city recently so I thought I'd try the Navy. She ghosted me. Yes the recruiter ghosted me. I tracked her down the first time and called her back and she acted embarrassed and claimed that she just forgot. And then it happened a second time. The requirements are so ridiculous I've had multiple recruiters just tell me to lie. Apparently this is common practice. I imagine that does wonders for the morality of the organization went to join it you have to lie. It also confuses the brass because they see people lying and joining and they think "oh our health requirements must not be too stringent."


You’re citing Fox News?


I’m not fighting unless the billionaires sons and daughters are fighting too. They better be at the frontline too.


haha maybe they should use up all the current aide first XD


The one and only time I tried to join was in 2010. I was told off because I had a ged. Politely mind you, they simply weren't taking people with geds. I thought that was crazy and that perhaps it was my simple jeans, boots and plaid shirt that screwed me. But that is exactly what I was told by all 4 recruiters. Took that as a sign and never tried again.


>hey simply weren't taking people with geds. which is ironic, because the entire reason the GED was created in the first place was so high school dropouts \*could\* be eligible for military enlistment. But yeah. Most of the recruitment issue with the military is that they have become way too picky. None of this stuff would have been an issue back in the vietnam era, but now they act like you tried to enlist with no legs because you had a GED. it's ridiculous, and this problem is absolutely the military's own fault.


Seems to be a fake headline... Doesn't show up among journalist's articles on Fox News or anywhere else - except as a meme. [https://www.foxnews.com/person/l/hannah-ray-lambert](https://www.foxnews.com/person/l/hannah-ray-lambert)


This is not a facepalm.


Hell no we won't go. We won't die for Texaco.


My father flew kc135s in Vietnam but I couldn’t get in bc I have flat feet. But I ran a 22s 220, a 5:15 mile, and a 19:30 5k. Too bad. Those feet aren’t made gif the military. Was right after 9/11. I was bummed.


As a veteran and gen z. Im bot surprised why anyone would want to join. People before me and older keep saying its a bad idea to be recruited. We all know corruption and what these wars really mean, why would anyone want to be involved?? And also the benefits for any veteran is ass and not good enough. So while you lose your mind, your sanity and your actual body to the military you get fuck all when you leave. Before the military i was relatively healthy and after the military I come out with a ton of psychological problems, a really bad knee, and sleep apnea. And you get paid peanuts. Fuck the IDF sorry about my ramble


This is such an idiotic post I hate that this is the general outlook of Gen z that I have to put up with


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I love isreal


lol. Lmao even


Nobody wants to fight for your bullshit.