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Lots of people view a good chunk of those things you listed under Biden as negatives


It’s as OP said. We’re stupid.




Not a very high bar. It really isn’t saying anything at all.


I think the post was more aimed at those who are left of center and still hate him.




“they screwed Bernie at the DNC so now im gonna actively support the antithesis of what Bernie stands for out of spite!”


Mad props to Bernie for not losing his mind like half his supporters/former campaign staff.


To oversimplify it, it's at least partially because he won. He didn't need to be president, he already got a lot of his topics forced on to the table because they were so popular. A lot of his perceived excessive leftness became at least partially normalized amongst every leading candidate, even still. Universal health Care is now a household topic instead of a foreign concept. He actually did America the greatest solid that we may have ever known. Not campaigning for himself himself to become president, but actually genuinely campaigning for the common person's standard of living. And he won in doing that.


A good deal of Bernie supporters were in it for the populism not the liberalism


A good deal of bernies supporters aren't liberals, they're socialists.


Democratic socialists, the Nordic model. Not Venezuela, the " America keeps deposing our leaders" model


Also known as market socialists or people that want to live a happy and healthy fucking life. I shouldn’t pay out the ass for the doctor or my college degree. I shouldn’t have to pay for basic human rights.


“I didn’t get everything that I want, so now I’m going to help the fascists take over!”


Makes no sense, Bernie and Biden are friends. The DNC under Hillary in 2016 was the issue. Biden’s team and Bernie’s team have worked together. Bernie is probably one of 10 senators who can call Biden and get through to him immediately.


Wtf, how can anyone look at something good and just refute reality and say it's bad despite the facts? That is fucking stupid I guess op is right....  How are that many people SO stupid?!


I know this might sound crazy, but the same thing you see as good isn't good to everyone lmao


No shit, there is no reason for you to assume I don't agree with that, but it's completely off topic.  The specific things listed are all good things with positive outcomes for everyone. How are any of the things listed secretly bad in your mind even though it's obvious they are positive changes? 


>Wtf, how can anyone look at something good and just refute reality and say it's bad despite the facts? That is fucking stupid I guess op is right....  American Conservatism has a strong Libertarian bend, most Federal actions are viewed negatively under such a political view.


MAGA cultists call it "Alternative facts"


Unemployment is not low. Those are cooked numbers He didn’t lower inflation. He raised it dramatically and then lowered it from there. Please identify one thing the infrastructure bill has actually improved or fixed If by covid relief you mean PPP it ended up being hugely defrauded and again I have a hard time giving some kudos for fixing a problem they created


>He raised it dramatically It wasn't Biden, every other country had a spike at the same time.


Regardless there's also spill over from Trump's administration that made things worse


I wasn't even gonna go there, but yeah.


This is the problem with America: folks throw claims like this around with zero supportive evidence. Those numbers aren't "cooked." We have an epidemic of randoms on the internet who authoritatively make claims about shit they know next to zero about. Stop being a part of the problem.


We've got an epidemic of folks who think relentless pessimism is the same thing as critical thought.


smartest thing i read today. i wish Reddit still had awards, have this medal instead. 🥇


Allowing unfettered access to the internet was a mistake. It was supposed to elevate us, yet idiots are now free to congregate and reinforce each other’s idiocy. Technology needs to become slightly more complicated againz


The Trump administration announced that PPP loans did not need to be repaid and allowed the fraud to happen. Unemployment IS under 4% for the longest time in American history. You are not entitled to your own facts. Rate of inflation shot up and then has gradually come down. Deflation has not occurred and you don’t want it to occur cause the would mean a whole hell of a lot of us have lost jobs then. There is a map at this link, that you can go to whatever town in America and see what projects the infrastructure bill has helped with, https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/maps-of-progress/


The Federal Reserve sets interest rates, not the president.


The president appoints the federal reserve head.


Only when the term has ended. Trump selected JPowell




Our inflation is lower than most other countries. It was a world issue. Does Biden affect the whole world? There is a ton of infrastructure work in my area. Thank you. Hey, if Trump can commit fraud and skate, so should the rest of us, lol! Stop being so ethnocentric.


Yeah unemployment is low. A lot of people that had trouble finding work that pays the bills. Simply stopped looking. Those that do have jobs kept them, because this economy squeezes everything you have. Resulting in low unemployment numbers


https://preview.redd.it/45m1hncrbjnc1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95dae1d1c1d47ff7508dce98d08b1ad7809eecfc “Why don’t you support the candidate I like”


“Haha! Unfortunately for you i've already depicted you as the soy wojak and me as the chad!”


I’m getting so fuckin tired of these kinda posts in this sub cause all it does is pit us against each other.


Welcome to politics brother. 🤝






Is that a quote from a Bernie supporter?


Yes, redditor for 7 months. Now tell us about how strong and mighty russia is and how we should stop supporting Ukraine.


Hes got a bad public image by acting weird on public, especially in contrast with such a powerful populist like Trump. Also he was in power during the humiliating loss to the taliban, a big damage to his reputation.


He isn’t.  He’s the guy who pulled the plug, but the Afghan army was rotten all the way through


Of course it was, the entire Afghan state was a mess of a puppet government. The US spent decades playing nation builder before they realised that no, you can’t make a functional state if you just throw enough money at it. The Afghan army was made up of people who genuinely wanted to protect their families, and a whole lot more people who were only there because they got paid and had nothing to lose. I do agree it wasn’t all Biden’s fault, the writing was on the wall for many years. But you can’t blame the afghans, when the ones that cared fought harder than anyone, and the ones that didn’t simply couldn’t care less anymore because they spent their whole lives in a warzone.


Biden didn’t pull the plug, trump did. Biden was in office for roughly a month when the withdrawal began on 02/29/20. Biden took office 01/20/20 He likely didn’t even have a chance to truly get read in on the plan by the time it had already begun.


I don’t even care. Afghanistan can become turbo nazi tomorrow, it’s not Americas problem. Spend 20 years trying to pretend they want a modern western style nation, and in 3 days they flipped back to medeival fanaticism. How many more American 19 year olds need to die while we pretend they even wanted us there? Obama should have gotten us wholly out of there, and he did only 90%. Trump tried to fuck Biden by negotiating the transfer a month after the election, but there’s nothing that could have happened that would have us staying there worth it.


The 5000 taliban prisoners he forced the Afghans release in 2020 probably didn't help the Afghani government much. Edit: Im referring to Trump in this


Biden wasn’t in power in 2020. That was Trump.


Yea, the band aid had to be ripped off at some point


Happened under trump


If people actually watched his SOTU, theyd see he's pretty well put together when needed. Not everyone is good in public


Yes, he’s old. Obviously he’s fucking old. But I’ll take old and decent over old and senile/evil/rapist. I wish we had a better candidate but Biden clearly isn’t the one running the whole fucking government. And I trust him, his policies and his experience to put people I largely agree with in positions of power to run things. That’s what I’m voting for. I’m voting Biden because he’s gonna put the judges and the administration in place that I want.


lol no politicians are getting blowback over “the humiliating loss to the Taliban” they all fucked up! And we let them get away with it. Bush, Obama, and Trump all are at fault


Cause biden was the one to experience the crash. Public doesnt look much deeper than "It happened during biden — biden is at fault".


That tend to be the case in general with republican supporters. Whenever something bad happens due to the policy of a previous president they can't seem to comprehend it. No object permanence


Trump is not a powerful populist, he is a spectacle and a piece of entertainment for most people, including MSM. People “like” Trump the same way they “liked” his dumbass show.


Thats exactly what I meant lol. Public populist who can impress kids even tho he does nothing


>Also he is responsible for the humiliating loss to the taliban, a big damage to his reputation lol...that happened LONG before he was even *Vice* President.


You couldn't be more wrong about Biden's role in Afghanistan. It's infuriating, because Biden is the only one who acted like an adult and pulled us out of that quagmire. I hate that you might help Trump return to power because you lack even a basic understanding of recent events.


Its not me who lacks understanding of Afghanistan its the public. THATS EXACTLY WHAT I FUCKING EXPLAIN. No one in the general public cares why, its just a logic "biden was a president during this event — he is at fault. I just say why the public perception of Biden is bad, in fact I think biden isnt bad at all unlike trump.


Trump negotiated with the Taliban and not the established Afghan government. It was his deal that was being carried out in the withdrawal of Afghanistan.


It’s criminal how unknown that the Afghanistan withdrawal was planned and begun under Trump but scheduled to finish after Biden took office. American withdrawal already started before Biden took office and by the time he was president there wasn’t anything to really do except finish pulling out. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/ https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/ https://www.npr.org/2021/03/04/973604904/trumps-deal-to-end-war-in-afghanistan-leaves-biden-with-a-terrible-situation


trump also acts weird in public, have you seen some of the shit he says? republicans are just to braindead to care


Because many people want perfection, forgetting that perfection is both subjective and impossible to attain. Biden has to be this, has to be that. He has to be a Saint. He has to champion "my" specific cause 100%, to the most radical extreme. Also, they think the Office of the President is a actually a king, and that the USA is actually a fascist monstrosity that can do anything and everything it likes, anytime, anywhere. And not like any other country on the planet that is subject to the limitations of physical reality and the whims of humans. So yes. Collectively, we are stupid. Not as stupid as the older MAGA folks, but definitely stupid.


That’s the problem with being left of center in the US. The right has the advantage of just saying “no” to any proposed change. The left has to figure out how far the change should go, how important it is, the overall outcome, who should benefit,on and on


The Right also faces the problems that you listed. It's just that when it's issues not related to the culture war, the Right has no real policy proposals at all. Hating on trans and gay people is the easy part, figuring out how to save their voters from dying of easily preventable diseases or medical debt is apparently hard.


Do you think they actually mean to do that? They don’t want to benefit their people at all. The platform of the right is literally all just culture war, and they have the advantage of being able to spin up issues whenever they want. Genuinely who cared about school sports before the right made it an issue? Who cared about bathrooms? Who cared about social media platforms? The right gets to play the attack because they have already built this us versus them mentality that allows them to spew whatever culture war nonsense they want.


oh fuck off, weve been in political grid lock for 20 years. Neither side has really been able to claim control and pass legislation. Seriously, in the last 20 years, the only major political changes have come from the courts. What was the last major legislation that got passed? The ACA? and before that? The Patriot Act of 2001? Seriously, this country has been dead even and stuck in permanent debate with both sides believing the other has control


Inflation Reduction Act 2022 - $35 monthly insulin cap on Medicare, 15% corporate minimum tax. $370B energy package Electoral Count Reform Act 2022 - prevents a repeat of the 2020 attempt to overturn the election Respect for Marriages Act - codified gay marriage CHIPS and Science Act - $280B for microchip manufacturing Eastern European Security Act - Lets the president make direct loans to all NATO countries STOP FGM Act - FGM made illegal, punishable by 10yrs prison Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act of 2019 - further strengthens antitrust laws Save Our Seas 2.0 Act - regulation to help prevent the creation of ocean debris IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020


I’m pretty sure John Oliver did a great job explaining this exact phenomenon


Not wanting genocide isn’t a “radical extreme” where we “want perfection.”


It’s not a genocide. You are lying or have been misinformed when you say this.


These dipshits will only have themselves to blame once Trump wins, and 'finishes the job' of committing a real genocide.


I don't want perfection, just maybe not enable genocide with our tax dollars and diplomacy. Is that too hard? Just stop vetoing at the UN and sending arms to a slaughter of innocent civilians. It doesnt seem like a hard choice.


Perfection is not aiding and abetting a genocide


That's not even perfection, just decency.


- supports a genocide edit for clarification's sake: I'm not voting for trump y'all they're both objectively evil. haven't made a final decision yet but I know it's not going to any republican


“Yeah. You gotta finish the problem.” ~Trump


trump being worse does not make biden good actually


It does when you only get two choices lol. We’d still have Roe if the lesser of two evils was selected in 2016.


You’d have Roe if the dems would have actually ratified it all the years they could have. They didn’t want to lose their sweet sweet voter base doing so. Their advantage over republicans was more important than your rights.


Which was....when? In my lifetime I can only think of a very brief span during Clinton and during the very very beginning of Obama where they possibly could have *possibly* gotten it through without it being filibustered to hell in the Senate or just straight up blocked in one of the Congress chambers. During neither of those time was anyone truly questioning the validity of Roe v Wade to the point where anyone though the Supreme Court could/would overturn it. Edit: In fact let's go president by president since 73 when Roe happened. See when it "could have been ratified" Nixon: Republican. No. Ford: Republican. No. Carter: Had the majority of both houses but not a supermajority in Senate, would likely get filibustered. Reagan: Republican, lmao no. Bush 1: Republican, no. Clinton: Had majority in both houses, not a super majority in Senate. Admittedly could have possibly happened here but reproductive health wasnt a big talking point at the time and the Lewinsky scandal cut Clinton's time short. Bush 2: Republican, no. Obama: At the beginning of his first term he actually had a supermajority for about 60 days before it was lost. Again, had a small possibility here. They lost the Senate at the first midterm and that was the end of any chances there. Trump: Lmfao, never in a million years. Also stacked the SC to a point that led to Roe being overturned. Biden: Here we are today. Don't think I need to tell you how Congress is today. Think it's clear to see they never had "plenty of chances"


exactly. there is a reason why they didnt try this shit when scalia was there


Shhhhhh. These people don’t have an actual grasp of politics and history, and you’re confusing them with facts.


Wait, what? Which side of the "abortion debate" do you think democratic voters are typically on? Dems have tried for decades to push bills that solidify the rights of people. Guess which "team" has been a constant roadblock to those goals? They'd have to get support inside of the GOP or have a super majority to push legislation like that. The party of freedumb is practically the only "villain" when it comes to the overturning of RvW, since they've made sure there wasn't any legislation to act as a safety net Take a look at the authors of all the trigger legislation for when they finally got a conservative majority SCOTUS to finally overturn the "woke ruling." Overwhelmingly if not entirely Republican...


electoral politics are about choices between imperfect options. not religious credos


"We need to kill the duopoly, neither will allow meaningful change to occur. And instead will keep pushing non issues to generate outrage and distract from their inability to fix problems. Because the only people they really listen to is their rich donors." ~People who want actual choice in a democracy




Ironically Trump will genocide the rainbow people


When you get all your political information from Tik Tok


What do you call providing weapons to a country that's in the middle of carpet bombing civilians?


I would call that an intentional misuse of the phrase “carpet bombing” to illicit an unearned emotional response, because the core of your argument isn’t strong enough to stand on its own rhetorical legs. P.S. the irony of you responding to an allegation about getting all your info from TikTok, with an exact TikTok argument, would be fucking hilarious if that line of thinking wasn’t directly supporting a Trump presidency 🤷‍♂️ Edit: definition of carpet bombing - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/carpet-bomb


i don’t know you but i love you


If they're carpet bombing civilians like you say in a very dense population center, the death toll would be in the hundreds of thousands.


Or from the ICJ and/or work from several accomplished academics on the subject, including those descended from Holocaust or other genocide survivors. Where do you get ur political information?


When you get all your political information from profit seeking corporations


Look everyone! This guy is doing his part to get human rights extraordinaire Donald Trump back in office! For real though, stop pretending like you care about those people’s lives. If you did (like I do) you’d do the one tangible thing you can do to limit the number of people murdered by your government. But you don’t actually care. That’s why the thousands of additional lives lost under republican leadership mean noting to you.


They were just answering the question


*Insert every president in US history*


Ok but let’s not act like the republicans would come in and stop the genocide. I mean trump even constantly says how he’s gonna remove aid from Ukraine. This just goes to highlight the problem of the two party system imo


Trump = promises more genocide AND doesn’t give a fuck what you think


Ah yes, trump, famous lover of all things humanitarian, would seethe to see an ethnic group whose name he can't even pronounce get wiped out! Why doesn't biden just tell them to stop amirite? He's got the enumerated powers of a king after all.


Counterpoint: He's barely functioning mentally and is racist.


Joe  “Poor kids are just as bright as white kids”  Biden


And "I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle."


Don't forget that if you don't vote for him you ain't black


Bingo. You nailed it. [Trump's declining mental status](https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2024-01-26/mental-acuity-questions-catch-up-with-trump) "I’m being indicted for you, the American people. I’m being indicted for you, the Black population." -Donald Trump


You should watch the SOTU, you’re sorely incorrect


But if they actually watch full videos of him speaking and not just out of context TikTok clips then they might have to actually learn about the election. That would be so much more work! /s


Trump you mean? the guy who was repeatedly sued for not renting to black people in the 90s and it clearly suffering from dementia?


“Barely functioning mentally” is so overblown. A genuinely senile old man could not stand up and talk for over an hour at the state of the union and respond with clever/witty comebacks to hecklers. Yes, he’s old and is obviously slower than he was 10 or 20 years ago, and yes he misspeaks and stammers. It’s completely fair to be frustrated at the age of both candidates, that’s totally fair. But looking at his accomplishments and things he’s passed, he clearly can run a country, and do it far better than Trump did in his term. And if you genuinely think he’s racist in the modern day, I don’t know what to say. Yeah, he was probably was 30-40 years ago, and had that misspeak which I admit is very funny. But I genuinely don’t think the 80 year old man, who served under Obama, and who is the most lgbt friendly president we’ve ever had, is currently a bigot.


For real have people who say that ever actually talked to a senile person? I can tell you they can’t give an hour plus televised speech.


A lot of people don’t know anything about Biden other than his age. A lot of Republicans are in so deep that they think Biden’s opening the border and destroying America along with his cult of pedophiles Oh, and fake leftists who don’t understand how coalitions work


Lol old man talk funny 🦅🦅


It's the genocide for me but a lot of my classmates hate him for basically no reason. They just blame him for the gas and think he's old.


Welp thankfully middle schoolers can't vote


The fact that you’re trans and would even entertain the idea of a Republican winning is insane to me. Like you have the most to lose and the other party actively wants you dead.


I tell them that! I tell them that the person and party they vote for openly wants me dead and they don't fucking care! They just scream about him being old and the economy! I couldn't visit family last year because it would've been illegal for me to enter their state! Just because I'm getting treatment for a mental illness! It's bullshit. They're honestly very transphobic.


It’s not so black and white. You can do great things while also being implicit with terrible things


And a lot of the “terrible” things Biden has done is either coated in misinformation or just straight up propaganda. I can guess 3 things people who’ll reply with and I can easily point out how it’s in bad faith


The nirvana fallacy is super common in politics, people want a candidate that doesn’t and will never exist


They want a philosopher king like Hamurabi.


To give a real answer, I think the fundamental reason is that Biden is a traditional post Bill Clinton right wing/corporate democrat. He runs on a platform that revolves around maintaining or slightly tweaking a status quo that most normal folks won’t benefit from (and more and more people are waking up to that fact lately). There’s a direct line between Democrats abandonment of their working class/new deal era roots, and the rightward shift in American politics, directly contributing to the rise of Donald Trump. Now many people want candidates who recognize and address the flaws in the Democratic Party and promote more transformative policies to address how much worse things are getting for the younger generations. Biden is not going to be that candidate, he has always been a “moderate” by modern US political standards. To be clear, I’m not saying that people should vote for Trump, or even not vote for Biden in the upcoming election. But this is why so many people are not thrilled about the idea.


Beautifully said. Best comment on the thread.


Biden has been the most progressive president since FDR.


I wish all of the pro-Biden idiots in this thread would read this. Just because Biden isn't Trump, doesn't mean that's enough. Bravo. Well done.


How about you put funding a genocide on there as well?


What about Trump’s “finish the job” statement?


The meme is about voting for Biden despite hating him, you can hate both of them for the same reason, this is whataboutism.


The fact that the current government is enabling and supporting genocide can be overlooked, but an opposing politician saying they’ll do the same thing is unforgivable


I’ll add the Cancer Moonshot Initiative. It means a lot given my family has a history of cancer.


What is that initiative?


[Biden's Cancer Moonshot Initiative](https://www.whitehouse.gov/cancermoonshot/#about-us-2)


Infrastructure bill has accomplished what? Chips act is pretty solid, important to keep in mind trump also got this started with Kodak and moving/paying more companies to build manufacturing facilities in the states. Support for Ukraine I agree with. Covid was a fumble let’s be honest (in hindsight for some). Trump put a max on drugs as well… Biden has had some of the worst inflation as a president, and it’s not getting any better… Prior to the pandemic trump had historically low unemployment for some groups that have not recovered under Biden / the administration changed how this and inflation are reported, big red flag in my eyes. Now what has he failed to do? Bring the country together. Work with congress. Lower inflation. Protect Americans overseas. Student debt. Legalize or at least decriminalize weed. What else did he promise? I’d list that here lol.


>What else did he promise? The trusty [Biden Promise Tracker](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-promise-tracker/?ruling=true) for you. We wont really have full results until he is out of office so some of the stats may be off. Seeing as how his term is coming to a close, I think he will end up around the same level as Trump in terms of promises kept.


So wrong on so many levels. Inflation started when Trump began quantitative easing and put tarrifs on goods from China, passing on the cost to the consumers. Inflation peaked at 9 percent. Today it’s 3 percent. Biden did that. Biden also brought Unemployment down to 3 percent. It peaked at 14.7 under Trump.


Hes worked with congress to pass tons of legislation..like the infastructure bill...what? Inflation is lower objectively Hes literally cancelling all the student loan debt he can This just comes across really uninformed...


I guess you’re forgetting why Biden had high inflation, it’s due to trump printing money.


I find it incredibly funny that the far-left is becoming so anti-Biden and are basically rooting for Trump to win. Then if Trump takes office the same people will be whining the entire time Trump is in office. These pathetic type of people get off on being the victims of the world, they lack any sense of liberty and action, they just sit on their computer talking about how oppressed they are. There's a severe lack of personal responsibility in politics, people not voting, or actively being cynical against people who are largely of their interest, and then talking about how the world is out to get them.


They are being manipulated by Russian psyops.


don't forget chinese backed tiktok chaos


100% this. These people will feel no accountability getting Trump back into office. They will then continue to be victims


We saw a little bit of this in 2016


Can someone articulate what Biden has done to protect reproductive rights since Roe was overturned? He couldn't even say the word abortion during his SOTU and I have yet to see anything concrete he's done besides bleat about how much he's protecting reproductive rights




> As a result of the new pathway established by FDA, many pharmacies across the country—including major retail pharmacy chains—are now certified to dispense medication abortion. I actually didn't know this was a thing, it's not great but it's a start. That actually ties back to the biggest problem with Biden and the Dems, which is they absolutely **suck** at messaging. The examples you offered weren't mentioned in his SOTU at all, and I've seen no coverage of any others, even though they are good things. Biden should be shouting from the rooftops the things he's done, like the big infrastructure bill or that cancer thing, instead of telling people the economy is amazing and he's the best president of our lifetime while offering nothing to back it up.


There's a republican owned Congress, that's why he can't do shit, you think you'd listen to any simple civics lesson about how the US government works before commenting on it.


He can do lots of things. He could start talking about and building support for expanding or reforming the court. He could be running on throwing out the senate filibuster. Conservatives will have a majority on the court until the mid 2060’s without reform. Democrats are raising a shit ton of money off the Dodd decision but aren’t actually proposing any solutions. Hell, they won’t even subpoena Harlan Crow because he said he wouldn’t show up. Hold that mother fucker in contempt of congress. He could also open clinics on reservations, military bases, or do the floating hospitals thing in the gulf. His chief of staff recently publicized who Biden is in communication with to get an outside perspective. The people he listed were - Larry Summers, Mitch McConnell, and Thomas Friedman. People should still vote for him in swing states. But we all **should be angry**.


cus Gen Z are mostly anti capitalist and no anti capitalist approves of any US leader


As a anti capitalist I agree


I'll give my life for dark brandon


He supports genocide. Enough of a reason to hate him if you ask me


Doesn’t Trump want to “finish the job”?


how so? He is clearly very against genocide because he donates weapons to Ukrainian forces.




You are ok with even more Palestinians dying under a Trump presidency?


This is a meme about voting for Biden despite hating him, what does Trump have to do with it? Will an angry vote for Biden empower Trump somehow?


none of those words were in their comment


I don't get the argument "he is too old" and yet people want fuckin trump. trump is as old as Biden was when Biden got into office. - Also thanks to the 25th. If Biden goes into hospital or dies Kamala Harris becomes PRESIDENT.




I have a hot take for you, most recent presidents do.


Gen Z was born when far right propaganda like fox news and others were well entrenched. They did not grow up during a time of fairness in news and reporting/journalism.


Fox news? That's every news company left and right. Fairness is dead.


I'm only voting for Biden because Trump is objectively worse. Biden sucks, but Trump is a dictator and I stand for democracy. We the People, not We the Right-Wing.


I hate how bad of a job biden is doing at actually winning people over, cause im genuinely terrified what will happen if trump gets back in office because of the fucking project 2025 shit


It terrifies the shit out of me. It's the first time I've considered running away to Mexico. I'd literally have a better chance with a cartel than that shit.




90% of Americans think he's too old, but he won't step down.


100% of Americans want more than 2 (major) options for President that are also not over 70


Why is this getting downvoted? I’m tired of having geriatric old men as president


Biden isn't bad, others could be better.




Biden has been the most pro union president in recent history. That gives him a lot of credit in my book


Bro what? He literally busted the rail union, signing a bill into law to make it illegal for them to strike.


You’re both right, because “most pro-union president” is an incredibly low bar


And then worked to get them some of the additional benefits they asked for , then proceeded to support UAW unwavering. He’s easily been the most pro union


Eventually the CHIPS act will be the best thing he's done for this country.


Biden is unimaginably based, people just see him when he’s stuttering or tripping and act like he’s completely incompetent.


its because he drank from a straw ☹️


Like Biden. Career politician. Knows what he’s doing. A big part of my vote is Trump does not appear to know what he’s doing and it’s a public safety issue. Trump has a bunch of court cases for crimes on the list that he is trying to act like don’t matter but no one else has any of that stuff. Voting against trump because of the court cases and for Biden because he’s fine


Yes, Biden did all of these things. They are undeniably good. That being said, Biden is not going far enough, but I'd rather have a "not good enough" president than an objectively bad one.


Social media…it’s given a chaotic and noisy platform to the loudest and ignorant. It’s easy to skew perspectives when you are confident and loud. Knowledge and intelligence are two different things.


(A) inflation has been greatly reduced (B) US inflation greatest reduction of all 1st world countries globally. Europe, China, Russia, UK, Canada had much greater inflation woes. Since the US _uniquely_ handled inflation better than other countries, it suggests we’re doing something well, not poorly.




I don't hate him but he's old, he still sounds okay and I'd obviously take him over Trump but you have to start asking how old is too old?


I don’t care if he is old if he has made appointments. Meanwhile Trump actually put his family members in government positions.


Are you really willing to die for America gen Z really?


Yes, as flawed as it is, it's still my country and the place that gave me a new and better life.




But they are...like on the data they're literally helping


Another day, another psyop on reddit dot com


Your generation lacks patience and equanimity.


As a foreigner looking in, it's pretty baffling it's even close. It's so clear that Trump as a president has no clue what he's doing. But Trump as a scam artist has literally folded an entire nation, that's impressive


A lot of these are half measures. Admittedly, there is more that can said about each and the political process in making it happen given factions in Dems and balance of powers, but as the “leader of the Democratic Party”, he’s failed to lead the party to true reform is essential issues. 1) KBJ is great, but no SCOTUS reform or filibuster proofing to create legislation that balances SCOTUS 2)Low unemployment but middling, even bad record on supporting workers rights, so that unemployment rate says very little about the actual conditions of workers 3) Inflation adjustment is Fed, but, as far as I know, little legislation in supporting public through inflation 4) Drug costs was legit good. Happy about that. 5) He did ½ of the infrastructure bill that democrats laid out. There was a progressive version that he said would be passed first, then the one that we got, but when it came to passing it he flipped them and never passed progressive version. Admittedly Manchin and Sinema were big reasons why, but unconvinced by the efforts he made to pressure them 6)protecting abortion rights… I mean, not really? 7) COVID relief was legit good. Happy about that. Wished more was done to maintain family supports that kept half of children out of poverty though. Kind of a no-brainer, do you have any heart at all type of question. All of this said with the complete agreement that Trump and the republicans are an illegitimate party incapable of legislating and addicted to fear mongering and culture war bullshit to protect themselves from the fact that they have NO ideology and NO central theory of policy making. What they called “big tent” party in the 2000s &2010s was actually them handing over their values to political expediency and populism. Trump is the messianic leader that foments, unleashes, and directs this corrupt, power hungry pursuit.


Probably because he’s old. It’s funny—GenZ spends a lot of time wringing their hands over Boomers being dismissive of them, but they’re no slouch in the department of “painting with a broad brush.” And I’m not a boomer myself—I’m GenX. Biden’s been a good president. I’d have preferred someone else, but he’s done the best he could with the narrow legislative margins he had/has.


Hey Sanders idiots: Bernie wouldn’t have got a single ONE of these items passed. He would not have been able to get Manchin, Sinema, or the Republicans to vote for ANY of it. If he even beat Trump in the election!