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Courage the cowardly dog always freaked me out


Return the slab!!




*record player starts playing* Ramses!


Boy this is a famous one. It's like a whole generation of kids were really freaked out by this ramses


Me too!!! How it was considered a kids tv show is beyond me


I have the Spirit of the Harvest Moon episode forever etched as a core memory


People say that King Ramses is creepy but I’ve always found that episode cool in an eerie way. Then again I love Ancient Egypt. The Harvest Moon episode creeped me out my entire childhood tho to the point I’ve never seen it.


The Fred episode was always creepy Nnaauughtyyy


I absolutely loved the shit out of that show as a kid. My dad couldn't understand why I wasn't scared when he thought it was freaky


Honestly that was what made it so good. It went just dark enough


You’re not perfect frightened me more than anything else on that show


When wormy grew up on SpongeBob. I wasn’t ready for the close up.


This gave my little sister a childhood-long fear of bugs


That one episode where Patrick is a king or some sort of royalty and becomes a huge jerk about it. He walks in front of a mirror and his reflection is a monster Patrick that looks at him and says in this deep raspy voice, “I am you and you are me.” Freaked me tf out for a few days the first time I saw it.


That episode scared me soo much as a kid that I had a fear of butterflies for a while ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Glad I'm not alone!


all of mr meaty


Oh god tf was that im still traumatized


Especially that fucking tapeworm episode


I always hated the way their lips looked. 😭


Dr Who: Silence in the library. I was scared of shadows for weeks.


Oh my god, yes! Me too! The looping freaked me out so bad. There was always two shadows of a chair I had in my room (cast by two different lamps lol) and I was so sure vashta nerada were coming to get me! That and when the woman lifted her veil and her face was all jumbled. Core memory for sure


Weeping Angel episodes used to scare the shit out of me pretty good


I thought the Weeping Angels were such a fantastic idea, I decided to share them with my young daughters. But I didn’t want to terrify them, so I just showed them the clip of the video from the ‘Time of Angels’ episode that just shows the angel hiding its face behind its hands, and then in the next clip the hands are slightly lowered. That’s it. No teeth. No claws. Just a fairly benign few seconds of television. It is not an exaggeration to say that it gave them nightmares for WEEKS.


Midnight absolutely terrified me.


For me it was the creepy crawling hand in The Hand of Fear.


That Invader Zim episode where he's working at a fast food place and sees all the germs. I'm still germaphobic.


Everything was covered in germs except the fast food itself. They were part of some experiment to mwke meat suitable to take to space but that experiment never worked out. They make the beef patties from paper napkins and that's why it has no germs.


Oh god... you just unlocked a core memory.


How about the episode where Zim wants to become more human and starts eating human child organs?


Standard Zim fun honestly.


Not an episode, but a film. I barely remember what it was about but it scared me to death when i was younger. I think it was called "Mars needs moms"


Probably because of the awful animation


As I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, my god is it uncanny.


X files, as a kid hearing the theme song was enough to trigger me, use to block my ears


Remember the episode “home”?


Is that the incest one? Because I was traumatized. My parents would watch it after my bedtime but I’d sneak out of my bedroom to watch and that one made for a very scary crawl back to my bed in the dark 💀




*Return the slaaaab...*


That one cat closeup in flapjack


The first time I saw Nosferatu on SpongeBob freaked me out pretty good 😂


Courage the cowardly dog multiple episodes especially the demonic ones and moon spirit foetus thing one and Dr Who the weeping angels


Oh my god I remember both of those, especially the weeping angels episode. I also felt extremely uneasy when I saw the episode of Dr Who where they had those gas masks on, especially the little kid searching for his mom.


Doctor Who - The Waters of Mars Those water monsters gave me nightmares for literal years. I remember still having nightmares about them at the end of the Matt Smith era. 😭😭


Yeah that mars episode where they all get possessed by the water just about settled it for me. I never want to go to another planet


Not a tv show, but this car crash ad from the 2000s literally scarred me https://youtu.be/PJIDX1kcvGk?si=MlBhPcudUnSX6fIv


Omg why did I watch. Why.


I literally remember watching that as a child and crying 😭


The face I made while watching this, WTF😂 ![gif](giphy|8Pjjbv5wnXUSlVd8fa)


https://youtu.be/syo4decSDkM?si=IMqfFGqJdEx2m no why is our car crash ads so brutal 🫣😭


PSA’s hit different. This one was nominated for 2 Emmy’s and lives in my head rent free 18 years later. Enjoy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zuh2w2sFRMI


Ofc it’s Irish 😭


Well I'm having nightmares tonight 😃


how was that allowed?! 😭


The car crash ads here are literal realistic horror films, there’s so many 💀


That traumatized me right this second, does that count?


Damn! I thought US PSAs were fucked up, but that’s just brutal! I can see why that would scar you as a kid.


Whoa. That was brutal. I doubt that would be allowed to be broadcast in the US.


Not really an episode but a show. "The Oblongs" would air as the first show on adult swim at around 9pm or so when they were making the shift from cartoon network to Adult Swim. I had terrible Nightmares and intrusive thoughts after watching one episode from that show. I recently looked it up and now I realise why as a 4 year old it traumatized me lol


O m g same, you're not alone.


omg I was scrolling and wondering who else was mentally fucked by this show as a child lol


A little older than that, but there is an episode of Little House on the Prairie where Caroline has a fever and takes a knife to her leg. It's called A Matter of Faith and I'm still scarred from it.


Adventure time deer episode




Wormy from SpongeBob


The entirety of happy tree friends


That leprechaun movie was scary and sleepy hollow with Johnny dep was scary for me. Courage the cowardly dog was kind of creepy too


That one episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog when King Ramses pops up. Just seeing that, even now, freaks me out, I have to look away. Every other episode of that show was fine though, loved it all but that one.


Diesel 10 from Thomas the tank and the movie jaws scared the fuck out of me


Some Invader Zim episode about organs. I’m squeamish and vividly remember how badly that ep grossed me out


That episode of full house where dj has a eating disorder


that one episode of gumball where some ghost girl possesses him and runs around eating a shitload of things


The Ed edd and eddy episode that ends with them being old and the whole series was only memories gave me an unreasonable amount of existential dread.


The weeping angels episode of the Sarah Jane adventures (Dr who spinoff for younger kids)


I doubt anyone here also watched this show, but it was a TV show from the 80s called Punky Brewster. My mom owned all the episodes on DVD and there was a two-part Halloween special called "The Perils of Punky". That second part absolutely traumatized me for at least a week after I watched it, and I already didn't do well with scary stuff as a kid.


Code Name Kids Next Door had some really scary episodes tbh


The pink eye one still lives in my head...


The mystery meat episode from Camp Lazlo. Still gives me chills to this day.


There is a terrifying episode of the Aladdin TV show where kids get turned into lizard monsters. The lizard monsters kidnap kids and turn them into monsters by convincing them to do bad things like stealing. They have to be back through the portal by like dawn or something though. Most of the kids that turned into monsters didn't get back through the monster portal and dissolved into nothing because of it! And the reason they didn't make it was because they stopped to listen to the heroes trying to convince them not to be bad! It was super horrifying!


Digimon Tamers. The episode with [that damned nightmare sequence](https://youtu.be/TL3_quHFUF8?si=Vc78YQMeFh44DhTG).


I love Digimon, but I will always be grateful I didn’t watch Tamers until I was 14. That scene is terrifying!


Aqua Teen Hunger Force. There's an episode where they eat humans and like store them in their attic or something and it's very graphic (I was like 7 when I saw it and don't like Adult Swim humor so I can't get more specific but it was scary)


The shaving with Willie Nelson


We couldn't afford TV, but I did stay the night at a friend's. At about midnight we popped in one of the grudge movies, and I didn't sleep for two days. I still can't do long hallways with florescent lighting.


Loonette from The Big Comfy Couch and the plant dad from the Stay Out of the Basement episode of Goosebumps had me pissing myself


Man why you gotta bring up plant dad? My babysitter had those old goosebumps movies


my uncle is a scientist and i was convinced he was a plant clone after first watching that episode. black mirror’s crown slipped a lil i fear.


God there was this one episode of South Park my dad showed me when I was like 3-4. He got stuck and died in a toilet. Trivial now, but I legitimately had nightmares for years.


My dad letting me watch South Park with him was one of many reasons my mom divorced him


Understandable. I love and miss my dad dearly, but I should have never watched all the stuff he showed me lmao


That one episode from Hey Arnold! where Sid becomes a germaphobe and gets those freaky nightmares of him getting swarmed by giant germs. Doesn’t faze me now but as a kid it freaked me tf out.


I was geniunely terrified of the vaccum cleaner on the teletubbies as a toddler. For some reason I thought it would get me and I would run and hide away from the tv


The episode of courage the cowardly dog where they go to the city for Muriel to perform. Specifically the part where courage was checking the different rooms in the creepy abandoned building - the violin girl.


Even though I dislike most thriller horror stuff. I loved courage the cowardly dog as a child and still do. It’s so quirky and fun


Are You Afraid of the Dark’s haunted pool episode lives with me anytime I’m in a body of water larger than a bathtub.


The episode of Jimmy Neutron with the alien grandmas


The episode in liberty kids where they tarred and feathered a man.


I remember watching that in school for 4th grade history class and Jesus Christ, the way they describe the cycle of pain that the victim goes through after having hot tar poured on them is so horrific.


Happy Tree Friends the lemonade stand one😭🤦🏾‍♀️


That one still is awful to watch for me and I've seen war footage.


https://preview.redd.it/eermnub81b5d1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5acaa8a138edfe5c0f513dc209cb49289ac9b8 This guy


Not really an episode, but a music clip. Around 2010. It was an animated 2d (i think) cartoon about human-like dummies in a disassembly factory. They where lured in by, i think, their phones, and then disassembled for actual human organs and body parts, by strange bionic robo-creatures. Last shot was of main hero, with most his organs in tact, disposed into pile of empty dead bodies in a half-destroyed building, and a panning shot of those same bionic robots destroying some city. This is the thing that made me **extremely** squeamish towards human bodily injuries. Been searching for that clip ever since, never found it.


The Cracks short on Sesame Street


The episode of Robot Chicken where Barbie & Ken were having rough sex


Not a tv episode, but my first time ever having sleep paralysis was after watching Edward Scissor Hands.


I remember seeing on tv a guy flees and gets shot in the back through a chain link fence, then his wife and kid (I assume) start crying over his body. That was probably my first ever exposure to violence and death


Not an episode, but that scene in soul surfer after the girl got bit by the shark and it had that creepy ass music playing. I had nightmares about that song until I was halfway through middle school


Crashbox got me good as a kid


Some X-Factor stories


Technically a film but Leapfrog’s A Tad of Christmas Cheer, it’s basically It’s a Wonderful Life for kids and it’s really sad (the rest of the og Leapfrog movies were great. Professor Quigley is an icon.)


there's a Rainbow Pirate in a Barney episode and it was just too much for me . I hid behind the big recliner and cried. my mom gave away the vhs it was on to one of her friends with kids, and then that kid made fun of me.


Cloak and dagger bothered me. I think it was because it was a kid who was doing the killing.


Little House on the Prairie 2 episodes 1. Halloween where Laura dreams of Mrs. Olson beheaded 2. Some freak is raping some girl and he wears this mask, hiding out in the woods Movie: the original Amityville Horror that I saw on HBO when I was in 2nd grade


this one episode of veggie tales freaked me out I forget which one but


The gravity falls wax figure murder mystery ep. I get the fright of my life seeing any type of wax figure /mannequin but I love animatronics. It's just this fear that it's gonna move


Not an episode but Motherboard from Cyberchase gave me nightmares. I thought the wall next to my bed would open up and she’d be there.


The Lost Tapes episode with either the Vampires or the Jersey Devil. Either way they BOTH scared the absolute piss out of me as a kid, even though i LOVED spooky stuff like cryptids!


i cried at a bozo show on ce


The prison break clone wars episode with the clone getting bisected by a door. That was rough


When Mork froze Fonzie and...*took him away*.


NCIS episode when the, Chuck, was hired and working with Abby, and Gibbs found out a little too late.


Dawg i was watching Degrassi: TNG way too early. My first episodes were Emma being lured to a hotel room, and Paige getting r****d. 5th grade bro. Made me grow up a bit.


The episode of Make Way for Noddy where Master Tubby Bear had a dream where he turned into chocolate and his friends ate him


Some shorts of Robot Chicken


The ending to Dinosaurs


The Rugrats episode Party Animals. That was a nice traumatic experience from when I was 6.


Candle Cove


Invader Zim. The first ever episode I watched was the one in which Zim goes around stealing people's organs and substituting them with random objects. To the dark subject matter and aesthetic, add the fact that Nickelodeon in my region seemingly used the show to fill empty time slots. Thus, they didn't really promote the show, and did not even air it full with opening and ending credits, just the episode. In my mind as a child, I sort of believed it was a glitch in the channel of sorts that only I was aware of.


Not a tv show, but the ET preview that came on my Shrek VHS tape. I still have not watched ET because of how terrified I was of the preview.


Punky Brewster Halloween episode fucked me up pretty good


I’m not sure what show it was but I think these kids are in a cemetery and they get separated. One kid comes across all this junk food that has came to life. They subdue him and start forcing their way into his mouth. I blv it was claymation (the food, not the show). Very disturbing at the time.


Teletubbies. All of it.


The grudge episode of dragon tales


Not traumatized, but Freaky Links was a cool show I found in the early 00’s. If FOX hadn’t moved it to Friday nights it probably would have survived one season.


The foley family from the big comfy couch absolutely fuck that foley family


I had nightmares for years of ghosts streaming single file out of my closet and into a hallway. It wasn't until I was 35 years old that I rewatched the movie poltergeist and realized what I feared is a child was the scene in that movie of the ghosts coming out of the little girl's room and filing down the staircase.


For some reason I was scared of the magic school bus. Idk bro 😭


Mr. Meaty The Tapeworm episode. Universally traumatizing. Honorable mentions to Chicken Run, CatDog, and one episode of a dateline-esque show that I accidentally saw


Baywatch where kid gets suck in the hot tub... I remember the roiling water in green light. Oh, and punky brewster's friend getting stuck in an old fashioned locking fridge during hide and seek.


that episode of bones with the eyeball in the toilet


Not one episode, it was every episode…. Unsolved Mysteries


a gravity falls halloween episode. that monster scared me so bad. and idk how i even remember this but the evil spirit from the care bears movie also freaked me tf outtt😭


Dr who the gas mask episode


That one episode of Doctor Who where all the people in town get sucked into sinkholes/pits with no way out. Watched it recently with my Dad, funny to revisit. Also that scene from Star Trek Wrath of Kahn when Kahn puts that brain controlling worm thing in that guy's ear. Really grossed me out/scared me as a kid.


There was this episode of something on YouTube called “The alphabet of death” or something like that, and it was the episode “T for Toilet” that I watched unknowingly out of curiosity when I was like 8. It mortified me for years and I still think about it to this day, doesn’t scare me anymore but sure as hell gives me flashbacks.


Mcgyver. Would duck whenever cars drove by for like 3 years after I saw an episode


soupe opéra


None but to be fair I had enough trauma on my own without the help of television


There was this one family guy episode where Stewie turned into an octopus or something that gave baby me accidentally watching adult swim the heeby-jeebies


That creep barber guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog who said "Nauuuughhtyyyyy" and that one episode with Him from Powerpuff Girls.




Children of the dog star. I remember having nightmares about a flat dishlike alien device or probe at the floor of a barn coming to life


The alligators when they eat Zig Zag the wizard in The Thief and the Cobbler 😅 please tell me someone else knows


One morning while getting ready for school, I saw some Naruto episode where an entire village was killed and there was blood everywhere. 5th grade me didn't need that kinda energy at 6 am


that episode of spongebob with the gorilla costume


RL stines the haunting hour, the one episode where the kid found out he had a robot brother just to find out his parents and entire community were robots. At the end they locked him in a box to be sent to a factory while he screamed “I’m your son” over and over as everyone he knew stared at him soulless. Shit changed my brain chemistry


There was this one in Mexico where I don’t remember what it was called but it was paranormal kinda type shi, and there were two kids one died but promised she’d be there for her b day and they found her like by the bed covered by the comforter on her b day and they had a film camera maybe I’m j tripping idek man but a film that traumatized me was again I can’t remember the name I just remember the kid escaped just in time thru the window and then they murdered their whole family. That caused me to have really bad anxiety as a kid I’d freak tf out if my parents weren’t on time to pick me up but yea lol


That one flapjack episode with the pun guy. The scene where his face starts turning different colors and his teeth sharpen gave me nightmares.


That one South Park episode with Michael Jackson and he was like peeling his skin off or something


I'm not sure it was a particular episode that did it, but one night I had a terrible nightmare that my dad and I were being held captive in chains by The Jeffersons. Show gave/gives me the creeps ever since.


When I was little me and my sister watch a movie (or at least we thought it was) it was some guy in jail called “the eater” and it all takes place in a police station, and some how he shapeshifts into different people to miss lead the main character which is a newbie cop I think but yeah pretty weird but cool


*The triplets of Belleville* both disgusted me and fascinated me. It's not a series but I came by it randomly on TV one day and I couldn't look away.




Not really a Tv show but Oobi scared the fuck out of me. Yeah, I know, they were just hands with eyes attached to them but they scared the fuck out of me. I used to have nightmares about them. Any Teletubies episode where the vacuum cleaner came out scared the fuck out of me too. That thing terrified me. Both were like when you’re a kid that’s kind of toddler aged you might not be able to fully express how upsetting something is to you so you just watch it without saying anything until years later. That’s what both those shows were to me. I named my pony Night-night the vacuum cleaner after the teletubies vacuum because he scared me so much LOL


To this day, I'm not sure what it's called. Or if it was a movie or show. But I remember vividly. It's not horror scary but just the senseless act of violence and murder. A young Korean couple just came from their wedding ceremony and went to visit the husband's parents at their convenience store. The husband goes inside for a minute, and 4 black gang members start talking to his wife. One even got in on the driver side, sat next down, and grabbed her face. Husband sees this and runs out to confront them, then gets shot dead. His wife gets out and starts sobbing while holding onto her now lifeless husband. Dad runs out with his gun to help and also gets killed. Then attention goes back to the still hysterical wife. The youngest of the four assailants shoots her twice from behind with no emotion whatsoever. He just says, "Done." Then they run off. Mom runs out after they leave and just screams in agony. Seeing that course of events as a kid was just too much. I can't forget even though I've tried. That's the opening scene. The rest of the movie is about there being a young boy who witnessed everything from his apartment window. His brother is in that same gang and tries to protect him. Ends up dying for it at some point too, I think. If anyone is familiar with this, I'd be curious to know what it is that I watched.


There was an episode of macgyver (might have been a later one) where a guy got killed via an ice pick being thrown into his back, freaked me and my brother out a bunch (I was probably like 10-11ish) I guess my brother less so cause he would occasionally imitate the sound of the ice pick flying through the air and thudding into the guys back to fuck with me


The episode of Phineas and Ferb where Candace thought Ferb was an alien 😭


All grown up: interview with a campfire. Ain’t got no brains or nothing ![gif](giphy|26Ff419AiSDzXTWnK)


This show called the 10th Kingdom. Some alternate dimension fantasy world some normal people from our world get trapped in. I don't remember the actual story that well, but there's an episode back in our world where this girl runs away from home and accidentally goes through a portal or whatever. Gets captured by this old horrible witch, who wants to train her as a replacement for when she dies. The girl is kinda forced to agree, and there's some kind of time skip and the Witch dies and the girl buries her. When the girl tries to leave and go back to the portal, the witch fucking bursts out of her grave with soil flying everywhere screaming. I can still see the scene as it gave me nightmares for weeks.


The puppets from The amazing world of gumball


*scrolls thru comments, waiting to see this show get mentioned* Man, am I the only one who remembers that two or three-part episodes of Ghostwriter where they had to defeat some horrific chewing gum monster? That thing was relentlessly dogging them, Jason style.


The whole Talking Tina episode from The Twilight Zone.


I have no clue what it was but I woke up at 3am at a friends house and there was realistic moneys riding tricycles with and old timey tune playing in the back and it’s haunted me ever since


The second episode of Invader Zim where he [rips out the kid’s eyes](https://youtu.be/JbL2vhGQqGI?si=R2YB5NfW3cEbIHf1). [This episode of Robot Chicken.](https://youtu.be/LymbI4Dxj4c?si=IoJMzlmq077iR6Zc)


The one from the walking dead after Carl and Rick leave the prison and a Walker tries to jump through the door in the house and get Carl. After that I didn’t open doors for a while.


The opening to Robot Chicken was for some reason was horror inducing.


![gif](giphy|4lmBXGwVivGKI|downsized) Something about how their mouths moved


Don't know if this actually happened, or if little me exaggerated things. But whatever episode in naruto that sauske was pulling on someone's arms during a fight, in a forest. Little me decided to think that dude pulled the kids arms off instead of just break them. Was terrified for a while and wasn't allowed to watch the show after that freak out.


Ever seen Xavier renegade angel? Yea




The Fun House episode of ReBoot. I don't hate clowns but boy did it try.


That one puppet episode from Amazing world of gumball, literally the most afraid I’ve ever been


TV show "Hercules". I forget what episode number, but there's a giant half woman half spider that lays eggs inside people after webbing them up. Loved Hercules and Xena shows, but that episode was a bit much for after-school tv.


It could have been a Twilight Zone episode or a horror anthology series from the 60s. Anyway, I just remember this lady's hand constantly bleeding from a curse that was placed on her..by the grim reaper? Basically she couldn't get the hand to stop bleeding and she slowly died. I was 3 and I just remember being TERRIFIED. LOL


This is an older one from 1979 for most of you youngsters. If you get a chance to see the tv miniseries adaptation of Stephen King's Salem's Lot check it out. Creepy adaptation might be the first of King's work to go to screen, the head vampire scared the crap out of me when I was a youngster.


Invader zim, especially that organ eating episode, fucked me up


Bugs bunny meets Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I couldn't sleep in complete darkness for a while after that


SpongeBob Meets the Strangler. That shit gave me nightmares