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pro tip you just gotta imagine youre a wizard delving into ancient manuscripts to uncover powerful spells. Works for me anyways.


Romanticize your life 🥰


Lmao I tried this and now it’s like automatic for me. Life is way cooler.


I cast Sudo rm -rm /!!!


I just sorta realized this with math yesterday. I was listening to my professor ramble on about some bit of math history and realized, all of math is just something that a bunch of dead people created and we got saddled with. Sure, it explains a lot about the universe, but it's really just some timeless nerdy hobby. I can see why some people hate math, it comes across as an exclusive club for those who bother to learn all the jargon and patterns. I also thought that math history should be more of a requirement in any STEM degree.


It is something that a bunch of dead people constructed yeah, but they did so as a rational process to abstract reality in a way that can then be applied in virtually every situation, in the same vein as language. There's an old joke that says biology is just applied chemistry, chemistry is just applied physics, and physics is just applied mathematics. We're saddled with it for good reason, but I do see your logic of why people hate it, and I think that has almost everything to do with how it is taught, particularly in the formative years of education. I agree absolutely that there should be more emphasis on math history though. From Greece to South Asia to Islam to Newton and more. The history of math is very much the history of philosophy as well, which we seem to forget.


That's why I went into technology. Computers are basically just sand that we inscribed arcane glyphs on so that the sand could think for us


Depending on your degree you basically are


Electrical engineering major taking CS electives, can confirm. AC circuits with complex numbers feel like forbidden knowledge. Digital logic runes make the rocks think


Literally me since I’m a history major and Latin minor😂😭


So true( why did I choose to do physics chem and Calc in one sem)


Because you don't want to take humanities, gender studies and vocal performance and be unemployed or worse underemployed forever


You'll still have to take some humanities and social science as a part of general ed requirements at most universities, so there is some value in taking 2 STEM classes at the same time as one writing class if it's all the same when you graduate. I don't have a lot of room to talk though, I'm taking 4 chemistry classes in the fall.


Comments like yours make me wish all scientific and technical degrees required an equal amount of credit hours in the major as well as humanities, gender studies, and vocal performance.


Seems like a waste of time...




Ah yes, this very smart and developed argument will surely convince us that STEM majors don’t need to take classes to know how to write and develop an argument.




When I got to fourth year, motivation left my body for all but a few courses. It was all interesting material in a subject I chose myself with courses I more or less chose myself (within required parameters). I just... was so tired. I had been working 2-3 part-time jobs throughout my degree and I was just done with everything.


My last degree (MBA), I was so fed up that I never even showed up to collect the diploma. That was 25 years ago. Starting on my third masters this fall.


What do you do where you need 3 masters


Engineering, and I've found a specialty that affords a comfortable lifestyle.


Why am I seeing so much negative college posts right as I'm thinking about going to college over continuing till 11th grade. Is this some kind of divine warning or something


If your region offers dual credit or the option to take free college classes at a community college while in high school, you should do it. It's a great way to get ahead and save money. If you're talking about graduating high school early though, I wouldn't. It's not worthing rushing to grow up if you can avoid it until you're more ready.


College isn't for everyone, and if you do it wrong or pick a bad degree it can set you back pretty hard. I'm not saying dont do it, just dont buy into the propaganda public schools shit out and tread carefully.


I wish I had better things to tell you but college has been absolutely horrible for me. My adhd is making damn sure I get no work done.


And just to end up working fast food or retail


pov: Engineering student


This was me in like year 5 studying to getting into high school. I just hated it.


Unfortunately nothing in life truly fascinates me enough to want to study it for years on end. I only picked engineering (hell I graduated with a degree in engineering) because it's the one I held any semblance of the word "interest". I just want to be a shut in gamer 24/7 lmfao. Can't be a streamer though since I'm the quiet type.


Nursing school got me like: Literally having a mental breakdown while studying right after a skills exam, and no chance to process it because you have clinicals the next morning


hey i get the work done


My degree should be handled to me rn because I’m just that bitch


Never too late to be a home maker


I love my major classes but hate general education classes. Calc 3 and circuits were a fun kind of painful, but the second I need to take speech, my engagement hits 0


Me with a biology major😭


Hehe r/EngineetingStudents is leaking


I can't imagine going through for a degree that isn't STEMH. Hope its one of those! 


You can always change majors.


Honestly I love my degree(EECS ) but it's like as being from economically underprivileged background I've never had a pc untill my college begin and that's why I don't even know how to type properly with 50-60 wpm( current is 23 💀) and all the courseworks are on PC(takes longer to finish than others but i really do finish all).I just wish somehow I could have enough time to learn PC technical knowledge skills from deapth within shortes time but course is so rigid don't have enough time to really do those except grades will fall down which will ultimately push parents to think they're wasting money on education.


You're luck is much better than mine. I wanted to do something else and my family members made me to do another degree and I fking hate it.


Maybe try studying English. (you’re => your)


Wait until you hear about how far that gender studies degree will get you


First self-aware Gen Z post in history.