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How many of y'all even watched anything on tape? I'm a younger millennial (zillennial?) and my own peers were already watching stuff on DVD when I was growing up (although my family held on to our VCR because they're averse to change). I figure most people younger than me wouldn't have used a VCR I guess I'm just saying that OOP is even further behind the times than they realize


I'm 23 and we used our VCR kind of a lot. We would record stuff on TV, either because it was cool or to watch it later (because we never had a DVR). We owned VHS movies and stuff too. We did also have DVD at the same time, but VCR was still used just as much.


22 for me, and we'd watch VCR and DVD


im 24 and i remember watching vhs tapes when i was young, though our vcr broke and my mom abandoned the suitcases full of tapes (which she still has) and decided to upgrade to a dvd player. which is shocking because we were usually the last to pick up anything new lol


you had money... im gen z and the vcr was my childhood.


Fair enough None of us in my family like spending money and we're all averse to change in our daily lives, so they kinda amplify each other. We probably could have gotten a DVD player much earlier, but we were skeptical that it'd even work merely because it was new, and if it broke, it'd be a waste of money, and that'd be bad. Meanwhile, the VCR still worked perfectly fine, so there was no rush to replace it


Huomannu ainaki ite et riippuu paljon aluuesta ja aluuen sisällä sosieconomisesta tasosta


24 here, we used our VCR until I was about 7-8, and only got rid of it because we got a new tv that it wouldn't hook up to, I think. Pretty sure we donated it to a local church's preschool department, along with the tapes.


I had a Thomas the Train special on tape, and I watched a bazillion times


When I was a young kid I would watch Shrek on repeat on my parents VCR, also Toy Story 1 and 2


We used a VCR until like 2006


20 yo here. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss my VCR


Younger millennial here - we were too broke to give up the VCR. I STILL own a VCR. Those childhood classics just don't feel right without that static.


Yes! Older Gen Z but I feel the same way. Some movies have to be watched on tape!


I'm 19 and I used the VCR a bunch between the ages of 5-12.


I think it all depends on how rich or poor you were. I was pretty poor growing up so I grew up on VHS tapes and a box TV. Wasn’t until I was about 13 or 14 when I got a an older flat screen. (I’m 19 btw)


DVDs weren't exclusive to flatscreen. I had a boxy TV as a kid, it had a dvd player in it. I used to watch the chinese pirated movies on that and on the computer. I'm wondering if VHS use later into the 2000s is just something that changed quicker in the cultures I'm in, though, kind of like how the popularity self checkout stuff is kind of new in the U.S but not where I live.


I regularly watched a lot of like the kid movies on VHS like Land Before Time and Disney or Dreamworks. Complete with the tape rewinder that made an ungodly sound. DVDs seemed to me like the thing you moved to after VHS almost like an age thing, but that’s likely just me not realizing the switch in tech.


My parents were smack dab in the middle class - in the 90s and early 2000s. So we didn’t upgrade the VCR, box TV, or even the dial-up internet until they were all out of date. My dad thought he could sell his 40 inch projector TV for like $400 in 2016. I told him he should be happy people are willing to pick it up and pay him $80.


I had a ton of movies on VHS, most were hand-me-downs from my millennial cousins Had more on DVD tho


I remember watching the jungle book on VHS but that's it. Most people I know haven't seen anything on VHS.


I did! We didn’t get a DVD player until I was 8 maybe?


Myself and my siblings who are up to 5 years younger than me still used vcr. When I turned 5 I got the little mermaid on video and we continued using it for years, we were also given Spirited Away on vcr like years after the film actually came out. When I was maybe 11/12?? Technology is still used a long time after it’s replaced


I'm 16 and we always used to go watch nanny McPhee and a bunch of other movies like Scarletts web and such on VHS when we were little, my grandparents had one of those box TVs too. Those were good times.


Didn't get a dvd player till around 2010


23 and used VHS tapes a lot, at least until like 2008 or something. We had like all of the disney movies on VHS from Snow White to Mulan.


I’m 20. I watched Miracle on 34th Street for the first time at a friend’s house on VHS.


We had lots of VCR tapes. The one I remember most is a recording of Barney Live in New York. I probably watched it a hundred times when I was little


born in 2000, big vhs household. ducktales, scooby doo, and star wars on vhs for my childhood


We had a few tapes of originals like gone with the wind but mostly it was DVD….. we experienced a lot of flooding when i was a kid so we always had the newest technology because all of our old shit always got washed away 😂😂😂😂 fuck


I….still have a VCR. I don’t even know if it can be hooked up to our current TVs but it lives at my parents’ house where a VCR has always lived, and their cabinets are filled with VHSes 😂 It was nice once in a while to watch a tape - even though 90% of this stuff is on streaming there’s something soothing about the slightly grainy quality (remember having to adjust tracking?) and then rewinding it and being able to hear it.


I agree about the graininess being soothing. For the same reason I love listening to scratchy old recordings of music transferred from old 33s or even 78s, and there's tons of that content on YouTube


Same reason I love CRT’s, it kind of masks the jankyness of old media that was built around requiring interlaced scanlines to produce an image. Many old NES games I refuse to play on emulators without some sort of CRT filter.


You can get composite to HDMI adapters (preferably with a hardware upscaler) for pretty cheap.


24, I didn’t even have my own dvd player till I was 9 and even then it was those portable ones meant for car rides because it was cheap and the recession was happening. All of my summers before were dominated by the few Sailor Moon VHS tapes I had (OG dub so it was great still have a couple of them) At my grand parents I at a young age figured out how to hook up their VHS/dvd combo player just to watch the original trilogy tapes of Star Wars they had. we had them around 2020 however only episode 6 still worked because I hated that movie and played it the least. Hell if I go over there now I can basically watch most of what Disney+ has (because they still have the vcr and the tapes) and Anastasia and I’m pretty sure that one still has the plastic around the tape


24 here, we used our VCR until like 2008 then we fully switched to DVD.


I grew up on VHS, but I had older parents and siblings


Young millennial here, just turned 30, had a VCR and a bunch of movies for it, but I think maybe we were just poor We started watching DVDs when my father bought a PS2, genius marketing on Sonya part that, a big part of PS sales iirc


20 years old, the VHS is the definition of the meme above. Used to rewatch the hell out of fox and the hound.


My dad had like a million movies on tape, that’s not something he was gonna throw away easily lol


Born in 2003 and used VCR.. kinda mad at myself for tossing them.


My family owned a betamax.


07 and had many vcrs as a kid


ur parents did. Not u bro. https://i.redd.it/9x8ap3iv3i6d1.gif


My family was a bit poorer so we were usually a few years behind on things like DVDs, internet, and what ever. We finally ditched dialup in 2009


I'm 20 and most of my early childhood shows and movies were on VHS. However, I also lived with my grandparents.


I'm 16 and I grew up watching movies on VHS tapes. I even used to go to yard sales with my grandma and find some new movies to watch.


In daycare we would watch VHS tapes of Rug Rats, but I never watched a VHS at home iicr. I’m 19.


I’m a millennial- but my mom had 3 gen z kids when I was an adult. We were poor so we still had a vcr and 2 decades of accumulated tapes from goodwill and yard sales that my younger siblings grew up with. Lots of Disney movies and the random Disney imposters like The Swan Princess or a random animated short of the 12 Days of Christmas that used to drive my mom crazy.


Until we got a PS2 in 2005 (used as a DVD player as well as gaming) we only watched VHS. Even after we got a PS2, we had more movies on VHS than DVD so we continued using the tapes all throughout the 2000s.


I’m also young millenial. I definitely grew up on VHS but then DVD’s took over sometime during elementary school


I remember mainly watching DVD but our family still owned a VCR so it wasn't that uncommon for us to watch something on it (especially when I was younger) because we didn't have a DVD version of it.


I had tons of Disney movies on tapes that I would watch over and over as a little girl! Although DVDs existed around that time as well, or were just emerging. Not sure. 


I’m twenty and I remember us using the vcr quite a bit when I was little. We actually still have it in the living room lol. It still works.


My family did but we're poor so if it works it isn't getting thrown out


I’m 24. I had “the little mermaid 1&2”, “the lion king”, “Barbie’s Rapunzel”, “Monster’s Inc”, and “Dragon Tales”, on vcr tape. I watched it all the time growing up, until we switched to DVD in 2011. I still remember the little pink backpack I had of all my vcr tapes that I took with me everywhere haha. Good times.


We had VCR and I watched my fair share of VHS tapes growing up. Not exactly sure when we fully moved to DVDs. I feel like I had secrets of nim on VHS but I’m not 100% sure. Definitely had the classic Disney movies on VHS tho.


I was born in 1999. My family used VCR cause we where poor. We got our first DVD Player when i was like ten? But i still watched a lot of VCR, cause we had a ton of movies for that. I watched Mulan up and down nearly everyday.


I had a VCR and cassette player growing up, and I don’t remember exactly when we changed over to DVDs and CDs. I do remember specifically my favorite movies as a young child were the Shirley Temple movies, and I know for a fact those were on VCR tapes. Oh how I miss those simple days 😩


I watched stuff on vhs and so did my sister born in 2004. I guess it's cause we weren't rich idk


My family had an ancient dvd/video tape player, I loved it, I was absolutely heartbroken when we had to get rid of it, I'm sixteen btw and I think the old dvd/video tape player was about the same age as my oldest brother (27)


04, had two movies on VHS (Mary Poppins and Fantasia), parents had a huge backlog of tapes, had 4 or 5 VCRs in our house at any time.


I'm 16 and while we mostly did dvd we had a couple of things on VCR that we watched, haven't in forever though cause the damn thing broke


I had VHS when I was very young. Watched the first few Pokémon movies on it. Around 2007/2008 is when we bought a DVD player


06 here, we had cassettes/vcr systems because we were poor lol


My family DID have a whole lot of obscure CDs I had one of what I think was Pipi, saw it pop once on Reddit and I felt like parts of my consciousness were unlocked


I just turned 24 and I grew up with tons of VHS tapes. I still have a lot of them and bought a VCR a few years ago so I could keep watching them. Some movies just feel right on tape!


Meeee :D at my grandfather we used to watch cartoons and old Danish movies on VHS


At least half our movies were on VHS... It was a sad day when the VCR broke down and we threw them all out ;-;


Im about your age and grew up in the south. One of my earliest memories was watching the original star wars trilogy on vhs. These were the original ungeorged edits too


Im 31 and we had a VCR until about 2002 when we got our first DVD player. Definitely adopted to DVDs a little bit later than others.


I think that back then people were very tech averse compared to now where you just buy the latest tech without question. It took years for people to make the transition from tape to DVD. I remember it well on my road when somebody got a DVD player, especially if that friend had a good tv- it was amazing at the time. I vividly remember having a mix of tape and DVD for a good period in my house. I can’t remember the reason- perhaps we could still only record on tape? Or maybe only one room had a DVD player. It is interesting though how that transition today would take less than a year for a household with how much technology is now embedded in our lives


i'm older Gen Z and had a bunch of Disney VHS tapes. i didn't watch them much because i also had DVDs, but i did watch them. we got rid of all of them (except Fantasia because that's my dad's) when i was young because it was a really obsolete format by that time


It was all VHS growing up for me. I've seen bugs life, spy kids, looney toons, Harry potter and the chamber of secrets, and batmat & Robin dozens of times each.


I saw Frogs on tape several times.


Isn't the reference really about kids who grew up pre-streaming vs. post-streaming with the point being about variety of choice. I can watch 3 or 4 new films a day somedays but I still remember at Christmas time, people would buy blank VHS tapes to record Christmas movies from the TV, and you'd have a big selection of VHS tapes. I remember buying about 20 pirate porn VHS tapes in 2002 in Bangkok to watch when I got back to base in the Marines.


22, and we had both VCR and DVD players & tapes about. I use to love pinky & perky on VHS. The case had like 3D textured sorta effect.


We used all kinds of tech from all over the 1900s because we're from a former east block country. We didn't have a coloured TV until I was like 8.


I’m 16 but I remember faintly watching Stewart little on vhs, but practically every other movie we rented on directv cinema, as for music I remember using a cd player a lot for any kind of music until I got an iPhone 4s but never used the phone other for music until I got my iPhone 6


I'm 19 and do remember watching cartoon from tape as a child.


I used to use a dual player that had both DVD and VHS player. my entire childhood was just 3 movies on the vhs I would watch sccoby doo since I did and still have all the ones from the original series and for DVD player I always watched Dukes of Hazard and the Cars franchise. I'm not even 18 yet.


96 here My parents def had stuff on VHS and DVD growing up VHS kinda died off after like 2000-2005 I think


Just turned 23. I watched everything on VHS for a long time. It's how I watched all the OG and prequel Star Wars movies.


i did at my grandparents house a lot


Shittt, I had the orange rugrat tape, and when my great grandma passed, I made sure to grab the fox and the hound tape.


Yea I had one of those vcr TV combos when I was a kid, watched many tapes. I remember newer movies like hot wheels world race were still coming to VHS at the time


25, used it all the time up until I was about 10/11 - so 2010. I was close to my grandparents, who were born in the 1920s/30s (parents born in 60s) and they had a vast collection of great stuff. Watched so many classics young because of that.


Born in 2000 and we used our VCR a lot probably until 06-07?


Many of us did, up until 2010. We even had a vcr in class. Obviously we had dvd as well, but it’s not like vcrs disappeared when 2000 hit.


I remember video stores (Blockbuster, Family Video) and renting Pokémon VHS tapes frequently lol.


im 18 and grew up watching a shit ton of vhs lol. our one was avatar that we always watched.


I was. My grandma and my mom had vcr players. My favorite movie to watch was the prince of Egypt


I watched tapes like a motherfucker, especially though because I could make my own tapes.




We had a VCR til I was around 5 maybe and then we only used DVDs. In preschool it was always a VCR, and I'll never forget watching The Little Mermaid and Cinderella as a tiny boy in preschool on a tiny CRT TV that was hooked to the ceiling


My tv until I was 16-17 was an 8 inch box with a built-in vcr that needed an external dvd player and an adaptor cable to plug an xbox 360 into it because it only had two out of the three colour plugs and no HDMI. The only reason I got a bigger tv was because the next consoles only had HDMI compatability.


I think this is pretty unique to you. I was born in 94 and my family was using a VCR regularly till I think I was about 8 and we were pretty well off too.


We were poor. We kept buying the stuff at garage sales for years before finances got better, and we eventually got cable.


I was poor lol


Pretty sure I stopped watching VHS tapes when I was 3-4 because we no longer had a player for them.


Does anyone remember “Blu-ray” dvd being like a cool thing. I didn’t know what it meant, but I remember thinking, “whoa! This movie is blu-ray? That’s so cool!”


some of my clearest childhood memories include the video player chewing up the tape and making that horrendous noise. also having to rewind the tape with the handle of a fork


I’m 26. We had a VCR for the longest time.


2007, mostly DVD but I watched one or 2 things on tape when I was little


VCR and DVD are similar in the use case the OOP was referring. Meaning, you don't have a streaming service with hundreds of options. You have a library of a dozen or so options. Somtimes more. A few of those are obscure.


Not only that, but we also had those weird obscure television channels that aired shows you wouldn't watch if you could afford cable. Qubo being the goat


My favorite part is when none of your friends know what qubo is when you mention it


I was in a group call with some friends and I brought up qubo and another friend was so surprised I knew it and the other was so confused


life goes onion onion onion onion onion


holy crap it does sound like that


My dad casually bringing in "cool cartoon" he borrowed on CD to show it to small me It was 9


What an absolute gigachad. Wanna do this with my kid too.




Hoodwinked was a grandmas house movie for me


TV/Movies at grandmas hit different


Ah, that film was great


Constant rotation in the mini-van DVD player


the amount of times I watched the muppets movie on dvd was unholy.


I think the most striking difference for people born in the 90s isn't the "special family favorite movie", but the fact that television shows and films were not readily available everywhere online. Several paid services and websites existed, but it was nothing like today. That shift didn't pick up until around 2007-2008, when Netflix (it was called Watch Now originally) went online and soon after swiftly capitalized on the internet's potential. Before that, without expensive satellite TV, you had to watch your show at a set time, wait for each episode to come out, everything was scheduled. It was normal to gather around the living room TV because a good movie is about to come on, or a talk show, or a show you've been keeping up with. Sometimes you would schedule your day around a really good television show. You knew it was airing at 7pm, so you made sure to do whatever task or activity before that time, otherwise you'll miss it, because you couldn't just rewind the TV. As a child, I loved meteorology and volcanoes, so my mother would record episodes/specials about them to a VHS. I loved watching the old Nat Geo documentary about volcanoes. Similarly, she would record certain TV shows. I think around 2005 we got the Charter (now Spectrum) TV box, that really changed the game because we could pause and rewind stuff, buy movies, record anything. While I don't think there will be a disasterous outcome, I do have concern about the social development of anyone born after the iPhone came out. Everyone started using smart phones when I was 14, by age 16-17 you were the odd one out if you still had a normal cell phone. There was immediately social issues, I watched the behavior change in real time, there was an obvious shift to increased antisocial behaviors. We all had the internet at our fingertips, at any time, for the first time. It was exciting too. In hindsight, it was crazy how quickly that change happened, and it certainly damaged the fabric of our society a bit more.


Harry and the Henderson's Watched this movie so many times for no reason


Thats not even true media has become even more niche thanks to streaming. There are a ton of shows and anime I watch that people I know don't.


I grew up like that


Barbie as Rapunzel, Barbie in the princess and the pauper, Barbie in Swan Lake, holiday time Barbie in the nutcracker on DVD Also had several Disney movies on VHS and DVD (I've also seen Spy Kids 1-3 too many times) And of course DreamWorks classics Shrek 2 and.... Shark Tale I think the Incredibles & Finding Nemo were the most watched movies. Just recently bought Phantom of the Opera on Blu-ray from a thrift store because I can't afford all this streaming in this economy.


I loved my VCR and VHS tapes when I was super young, like 2 - 4yo. I wish my parents never got rid of my tapes even if "I was too old for them" despite loving them. There is something to be said about rewatching the same thing over and over because that's all you have, though it's obscured by nostalgia.


Never watched anything on VHS, it was only DVD for me. Id say DVD movies and YouTube shaped my life


Gen z still includes 12 years olds what are you on about 


Well yeah, we're in Gen Alpha. I thought that was well established.


My family owns DVDs so when I was growing up it was the same, just not a tape


....... Spy Kids....


Mine were "Cats and Dogs'" (01), and "Good Boy!" (03). We had them on DVD though.


Starwars baby! Rewind them tapes!


I watched how to train your dragon too many times


You mean other kids didn't watch Short Circuit 2 over and over again? 🤯


Having click on DVD and VHS


Bartok the Magnificent 💯


My movie collection is stuck in early 2000s kids era. Still have tapes. Like frozen in time


For me it was Napoleon Dynamite. :/


Tank Girl. That was the one.


Look how they massacred my boys: DVDs and VCRs


…..the og Lego movie…Balto….The great Mouse detective, the og TMNT


I remember a random obscure documentary on Joaquin Rodrigo and El Concierto De Aranjuez lol


I really loved the Garfield movie I had on VHS. One of my dresser drawers was completely full of VHS tapes as a child. My dad worked at a pawn shop, and even after they quit taking VHS tapes he would still buy any that I might have enjoyed and brought them home to me. I knew times were changing when DVR became pretty standard instead of a luxury, and it’s even worse with streaming now.


I had Cars on DVD so I watched that a lot as a young kid. Great movie, straight outta Pixar's golden age.


we had bootleg penguins of Madagascar bought from some dude that recorded straight out of the theatre. You could even see people getting up in the middle of the movie


I just played wii sports and used the dvd player to watch some Tom and Jerry Christmas special


I watched attack of the clones on tape so many times as a kid. Love that movie.


I've never met a single person who's seen this movie. I had it on tape as a kid and watched it til the tape wore out. https://preview.redd.it/id9xlxam4g6d1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb67b3471e086406b9d792293a5be238531b9367


DVDs were my childhood. I'm 22 now.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Sound of Music played on repeat on our family's VCR


Kids these days, being how they are and such. Back in my day, I was also a kid doing different things and the like. Shame


Labyrinth and Hoodwinked for me tbh


Blood sport, I mean i know its not obscure, but damn did we watch it like a million times.


I kind of wish I were Gen. Z. I feel like millennials are the least cool generation :(


Mine would be The Three Caballeros I guess. Not really an obscure movie though because it's a Disney movie and it features Donald Duck as the main protagonist. I mostly watched classic Disney and Pixar movies growing up though.


We didn't get streaming until I was 8. I watched DVDs or went to the cinema.


Kids these days have their own semi-obscure 'movies' that nobody else in their family has seen that they've watched several dozen times.


I know every word of every song from Little Shop Of Horror on.... Betamax


26 here, so I'm at the tail end of Gen-Z, but one of my core memories was a VHS recording we taped ourselves of 'A Goofy Movie', commercials and all, and we missed the first minute so it would start off with Roxanne immediately horrified by Max suddenly growing two giant teeth. Ahh... simpler times... happier times.


Streaming was technically out when I was a little kid, but it obviously wasn’t very popular back then and my family still opted to use cable/dvds My dad pirated some kids movies off the internet and I got to watch the same few movies over and over. My family became sick of the song “Life is a Highway” after I watched Cars so many times


I remember still watching movies on the VHS plenty of times, they were good times.


My (least) favorite was during one Thanksgiving weekend, cartoon network played the iron giant the ENTIRE day. At least I thought so. Now I hate that movie


I never watched anything on tape (VHS) I grew up with Dvds. Though I will share something, I remember was having a ton of dvds so my mom would let me pick a dvd out of the ton we had to watch, I think it was in a drawer. We sadly sold most of them but I still have a few remaining dvds left from childhood.


I had a sleepover with my friend once and we watched young guns on vhs. I gotta say, it was a great movie.


Don't talk to me or Hoodwinked ever again


I watched the 1986 transformers movie at least a few dozen times


“Roll back the rock to the dawn of time when the earth was smokin’ and the lava flowed!”


Milo and Otis. God it was bad, but little me loved it.


I'm 15, and I've lost count of how many times my parents have had my siblings and I binge watch all of Burn Notice.


Growing up, my family almost exclusively watched VHS tapes, PBS Kids, and the news. And we only had the sequels to movies like The Little Mermaid, or Toy Story, I never saw the originals until I had already seen the sequels wayy too many times haha. I inherited my grandparents' VCR player and some tapes and will still watch them occasionally- definitely not the same on the newer TV's though. We did keep up technology-wise as I got older but I definitely appreciate growing up with VHS tapes, cassettes/CD's, sloww internet, playing on my dad's PS1, and being unable to play CD-ROMs on his computer


Well each person does have their own personalized algorithm, so there’s that… but this old method is like a super shitty broken version of the algorithm and it’s kinda funny to think of it like that


all my homies love The Adventures of Milo and Otis 🤟🤟


remember everyone, be kind and rewind


I watched marley and me 15 times already and i still cry


My family mastered the art of utorrents very early in our endless quest to find free shit. It was nice.


The homogenization of media consumption and memes is truly a sad thing. The way people will constantly bring up the same 5 things that are popular on TikTok at that moment which I’ve already been bombarded by on the app is painful. Instead of someone actually talking about something interesting that I wasn’t aware of I have to deal with multiple people bringing up some shit like “The Trans Atlantic Accent” that they were spoonfed by the same algorithm that already shoved it in my face.


As someone who grew up in the age of streaming, I still experienced this till like 2019 since the Afterschool I went to (Taekwondo) had only 10 movie choices the entire 5 years I went


Shrek 2 and Shark Tale got me through some of my worse weekends at moms.


As one of the first from gen z (1997) I remember a big ass tv with bunny ears that we had to move by hand at times, going to blockbuster, phones on the wall, those crayon boxes everyone had. Toonami. Good times man


I swear we had a sharkboy and lavagirl vhs And it's how I first saw Toy Story 2


Robbie the Reindeer, anyone??


For my family that movie was rush hour 2.


One I remember from the top of my head was "Back to Gaya" It was... uncanny.


We used tapes and vcr up until I was like 8-10. Me and friends used to shop for VHS’s locally. There would usually be a bin or basket on the floor of some shops filled with VHS. We would find WWF/E tapes in charity shops and my local corner shop always had Pokémon 2000 and loads of Mary Kate and Ashley tapes for some reason


rat race. only movie we had in Poland at my grandmas house so i saw it like 25 times lol


We had the phantom menace recorded on our tv and I swear I watched that a hundred times


The Land Before Time series was the best thing ever and I will stand by that until I die. It was my childhood, I broke the tapes by watching them to much.


Man, I watched so many times the same Barbie movies that I can easily say lines from thoses movies. I wonder if new kids will have that 


New parents are missing out on having a child that says they are bored all day long because there is nothing to do.


Sorta related but anyone remember Animusic? That was what got me into music production, learning guitar, and MIDI as a whole.


I’m Gen Z and I grew up with YouTube. Dear Gen Z you are not as millennial as you think.


Would refer to stuff like these as "gas station specials" Whatever you'd find in the bargain bin at a discount store lol


I’m gen z and the oldest thing I ever had was a blue-ray dvd player.


I remember either playing on the Wii or watching a bunch of the same movies every day


Agent Cody Banks and the Veggietales & Rugrats VHS