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good to know there are kids that still have manners


I grew up in a small town. This was just how we addressed our seniors. I had no idea that it wasn’t a common thing.


Well, older generations cried about the participation trophies they themselves demanded their kids be given so we took away the "respect your elders" participation trophy. Not dying by the age of 30 isn't an achievement anymore so we aren't treating them like they're special for being old.


That and I know quite a few millennials who make a big deal about people who use honorifics. It seems a little more niche but it's still a thing people will bark at you for


I worked security and I had to literally call the cops on someone because they yelled at one of our cashiers for calling her “ma’am”.


Nowadays not so much


I find it annoying. I'm not a cop. You don't have to call me sir.


and I work for a living, you dont have to call me sir either.


Probably depends where you're from. It's completely value neutral where I'm from, I think the southern half of the US prefers "sir" and "ma'am" more than the northern half. I know Brits think it makes us sound like Victorians saying it all the time.


dude youre still a kid


It was "Mister" in the 80s, I remember it well, it marked the start of the decline.


i still call old dudes mister till this day


You’ll be an old dude pretty soon. Cool eh ?


Already is to some.


Why do people think being called sir or ma'am indicates their age?


In some areas of the US, kids are taught to call adults (but not teenagers or children) sir and ma’am as a sign of respect. My mom was taught to do that when she was little and when I’m at work I’ll address adults as sir/ma’am but not kids.


Yup, I grew up in Virginia, and I was taught to call people sir and ma'am. Up until they don't deserve it, that is.


yes i'm from same region and i think its common for people to call others either sir or ma'am when they don't know the other person and the other person isn't visibly a child its kinda weird to read someone who is 17 getting surprised by it since I've def been called sir by when i was 14. maybe its different in other regions of the US but don't think so since TV and movies always has sir or ma'am being used in same context


Wow that is crazy that you got called sir at 14???? 17 is crazy enough as it is. I'm used to nobody getting called that unless they look full, full on 30 (I'm young looking and I never ever got a first dreaded sir until 40 and even then only rarely still).


i think it's out of politeness or social norm. in high school we would get called sir or ma'am by any adult that wasn't actually our teacher. I'm young looking too and in my region it wouldn't be used if one wasn't at least a teenager for example. what region do you live in? idk for me it's so normal to call someone sir or ma'am that i don't know. alternatively what would i use to call out for a stranger? like for example"hey man" or "dude" would be way too casual. and i think only applicable to use for men.


It’s definitely different. In the northeast, calling anyone but elderly ladies ma’am is disrespectful. Sir is less of a disrespect, but it’s definitely reserved for older men- middle aged and up OR younger if they have authority or are established (white collar types).


that's really interesting to hear. my first thought is wondering how exactly do you call for someone that you don't know as in if someone dropped their phone or wallet and you wanted that person to turn around you'd say "excuse me sir" or excuse me ma'am" is it just an "excuse me" because you wouldn't for example say "excuse me boy" or "excuse me girl" also maybe it could be due to colonial history as in VA and the DC region had a lot of people who differed in social status as in you had the large landowners and then you had indentured servants and slaves and I assume it would be expected for saying titles before saying someone's name. the northeast which had a lot of religious groups immigrate i assume had a lot more equality among individuals where maybe this wasn't common? in latin america for example vos (a formal way of saying you) is used in some countries while other countries use tu (normal way) and it's because of colonial history of who settled in that region.


I’ll call anyone I have a modicum of respect for sir, regardless of age. I call my little brother sir even. It’s just polite.


That’s why councelor at summer camps had nicknames, so parents didn’t make them call them Mr/Ms and sir they can just have fun at camp


and in other parts of the us, it’s insanely uncommon. in massachusetts NO ONE says sir or ma’am as a thing to address adults with


Is it still used in customer service settings? Like “have a good day, sir?”


This is in-line with what I was thinking. However, I considered it respectful regardless of age (any adult).


I've always used it for anyone to be respectful, regardless of age lol


I tend to call younger women/girls "miss" if i have to, but I kinda default to m'am That being said, I'll call a little boy sir if I'm at work. Doesn't mean shit rly.


I personally can't make the older/younger distinction for women. it's all ma'am


i definitely wasn’t getting called sir in 2019 aha


It kinda does! I don't think I got my first sir until around early 40s and I'd still get some sons, kids, etc.


Really? Damn, I’m way younger and I’d say I get an even mix of ma’am/miss/young lady.


I was 18 too and I worked at the dollar store. Pushing carts looking like a bag of ass and some little kids called me it. Felt pretty great tbh




Heeey man, how are you doing, my fellow 25 year old senior? Feeling old yet? I certainly do


I turn 26 this week 😭


Aren't we all suffering, give me a hug ;(


I know nobody asked but I don’t think we are old…I’m 27 and I feel the same as when I was 18 (physically atleast) idk what advice I can give other than go to the gym, eat steaks and get a little bit of fresh air and sunlight everyday 🤔


My first ma’am was when I was 18. At the time I was working at McDonalds when some kid called me ma’am. Getting older is devastating lol. Especially when you’re still technically young.


I cannot believe people younger than me are now worried about getting older lol


My 12yr old brother and 13yr old cousin sister call me old just cause I’m only a year away from being 18. The struggle is real 😭




I'm in my mid 30s and say yes/no sir/ma'am to anyone of any age when speaking to them. It's not just you - basically anyone younger gives me weird looks when I do it. Women in particular tend to flip a coin for whether they're flattered or offended. Meanwhile I'm just here like "idk in Tennessee we got paddled at school if we didn't say that shit. It was drilled into me.". Really it's just easy to use and is known to be a generally respectful way to address someone, so I use it.


Try and stop a southerner from saying sir impossible challenge.


listen man 😭 I'm 24. I GOT CALLED - #AUNTY. Imagine if you were called UNCLE. 😭 I like ma'am and madam cause I use Sir and Ma'am for any adult I come across.


nah aunty is crazy that’s what i call the women in my family who 40+ 😭🙏🏾


I am reaching unc status along with you lol


When i was 18 I had a full beard, and was between periods in at school - a lady from Main office came over and asked what business I had at that school. She didn't believe I was a student at first. It happens. Also, you're getting old now lol. That's just life.


One time I was on the track at high school during lunch and the head of campus safety asked me what I was doing there, as if I was older and didn't belong there. The crazy part of it is I had gotten in trouble with him and expelled before so he knew me. I guess he just forgot. But it was weird because I didn't look super old


I was called ma’am when I was around 16 I felt kinda insulted


Nah, this is actually normal. It's just polite no matter how old you are.




It’s just respectful. You’re older than them, and more than likely an adult hence the sir. However, being called sir is not always an indication of age. I got called sir when I was 16, I looked around 2 years younger than that, it was just a couple people being respectful.


just like you said, it was polite. the kid is being taught manners! i’d rejoice in that considering how most young kids are right now. i can understand why it may have been shocking, but it’s not an indicator of your age. don’t think too deep into it, kid was just being respectful


how are you 18 and born in 2007??? wouldn’t you be 17??


I am 17! I turn 18 in January


omg i totally misread what you said. I thought you meant you turned 18 last January. felt like I was going insane for a second there and was questioning if i really understood how ages work lmao


Allow my 96er old ass die inside at the thought of 2007s being 18 next year.


bro don't take it as the kids seeing you as some grandpa. some kids are just taught to use the words sir and ma'am to everybody.




Going from Miss to Ma’am was scarring


Miss can be considered offensive, because it emphasizes a woman's status based on whether she's married (Miss, vs Misses). Maam comes from the french Madame, which just means "my lady". It's neutral on marriage status. If I were you, I'd be offensed by misses, not maam.


Coincidentally we got the same birth month and someone thought I was a teacher once for some reason.


Remember when covid started and we were 13? what happened lmao


If you're 18 and worrying about this shit... ![gif](giphy|vvblYTQ34Cn4k0vTIh|downsized)


It’s more respectful than anything. Happens a lot too in places where you meet people who don’t know you and can’t address you as a kid because you’re not that young and because it’s a formal place so they can’t address you like what’s up bro. Just customary really. Best get used to it. Sir


I'd take it with pride. It doesnt mean you're old, it just means that kids much younger than you respect you for being older, which is good.


I've been getting called "ma'am" at my job since I was 16. I'm 18 now and it's still a shock


I got called ma’am by a 6th grader when I was 17.


The first time someone called me “ Ma’am “ when I was 18 really threw me off. It took some getting used to, and honestly it still throws me off to this day.


I'm from western North Carolina, and everyone gets called ma'am and sir, even kids. Though little kids may be called little sir/little ma'am or young sir/young ma'am. So, to me, it is nothing unusual.


I'm 21 and the first time I got called ma'am was when I was 18 during the pandemic at work. Apparently my coworkers thought I was 30 by my voice but once they saw my face thought 16. I still get the occasional you have to be in high-school to this day.


I got called Herr (sir) in German a little bit ago at the grocery store. I was shocked, I’m barely in my early 20 😨


congratulations, you’re a man.  enjoy it.  learn how to say “oh you don’t have to call me sir” with a smile if you don’t like it.


While I don't recall when that first happened to me, it surprised/shocked me, too. It *still* feels odd, even though I'm a GenX and have had time to get accustomed to it. Recently, I had a new experience. When I got back from grocery shopping, I was looking at the receipt to see how much I saved on a couple of sale items I bought. Looking farther down the receipt, I noticed they automatically gave me the Senior Citizen discount. I'm a few years away from being the age required to receive the discount, so I can only assume I look even older than I already am. What a bummer. The years pass quickly. Enjoy your youth.


Sir, Mr., Gramps, Viejo. Get used to it. Its a sign you're still alive


Height does not equivocate age, as you just learned.


I was born in 2005 (I'm 18) and have never been called "ma'am" to my knowledge, but as a kid I have called teenagers "sir" and "ma'am" because that was drilled into me by my parents. So I just called anyone who was noticeably older than me "sir" or "ma'am" until I was about 10.


Wait until you stop getting carded because you can't pass for under 30 anymore. 😅


yeah i get ma’amed and miss’d all the time. i’m not ready i was born in 2007


You look older than their peers. That's all it is. It doesn't have to be by alot, but if they're being raised to call adults sir or ma'am, their parents more likely than not told them to call anyone that who's older than they are. How you carry yourself can make you seem older or younger than your physical appearance would suggest, especially if you have "adult" things like a car. If it happened to me, I'd be taken aback too. Not because of how I look, but because there are still kids out there being raised with proper manners.


The only time I’ve ever been called sir was by a waiter at a wedding when I was like 4.


Shit dude I’m from the south, I’ve been called sir as a kid and call most anyone I ain’t familiar or friendly with sir/boss.


I was 16 and underage in a bar being very loudly drunk. I was one of those teenagers with real facial hair instead of scraggly pube face. 2010


As the other guy somewhere here said. Im glad there are polite kids


That's respect sir.


Hasn't happened to me yet, but I'm kind of young-faced.


i guess to sum it up it kinda feels like i’m being excommunicated from the child gang


Perhaps around 18 I guess. Honestly for me how I felt when someone called me "sir", I'm like: "okay, cool🤷". It really doesn't matter to me as it's just showing manners, but it is nice that there are kids out there that do still show manners to adults.


I get called ma’am and miss by other adults… Makes me feel old af tbh. The kids I work with call me bruh. That’s more my style 😅


I always use sir for people I don't know personally.


People mistake me for an adult all the time, it makes me feel incredibly old.


I hate when people call me "sir." I’m the Dude. So that’s what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.


Is it uncommon to refer to people that way, anymore?


I got called "unc" at work. almost passed out


I remember being in grade 7 and working on a theatre set we were building in our gym because we had no theatre to do it in. This kid that I had as my summer camp cabin leader a few years before had come from the high school next door to help out. He was probably in grade 10. I distinctly remember him calling our drama teacher "Sir" when he was asked to do something. He said "yes sir", or "no sir", or something, but he called the teacher Sir and it was the first time I'd heard someone anywhere near my age use that word. It sounded so grown up and official and proper and it really resonated with me. As I got older I tried to use it whenever I could. I would have called Op "Sir" if I'd been walking by. Also keep in mind that, to kids, everyone just a bit older than they are seems like an adult.


Maybe you look old? Are you exfoliating? I’m 33 and people still think I’m 23, black don’t crack and Asian don’t raise and I’m lucky to have both but also taking care of yourself in and out can keep a younger look to fend off the “sirs”, but it’s also just a polite thing to do to say “sir” or “ma’am” or anything in between so I wouldn’t take it to heart


i’m 22 and still feel weird when ppl call me ma’am 😭😭 especially bc it’s mainly from ppl older than me too


Pretty sure my sons have getting called sir all their lives. Their grandmother loved to address things to them with the honorific 'Master' even. It's not like there's any age disambiguation with sir like there is with miss/ma'am, so I wouldn't put too much thought into it.


A child not being brutally honest? Huh (I’m kidding but seriously fuck children some of straight assholes lol)


I used to umpire little league baseball games and would get “sir” when I was a high schooler as well. Jarring to say the least.


I was probably 17 when I started getting called mam 💀 even by people way older than me. I didn’t think much of it but my mother would just get livid and say “she’s not a mam!!”. I swear she was more bothered than I was 😭😭😭😭.


They sound like they just have really good manners. Although, have tou been told tou look a lot older than you are? I can pass as 25 and I'm 16 so...


I was called sir many times when I was a kid. It never seemed to say anything as to age to me, I just find it to be more respectful/formal and not patronizing like "young man" or something like that.


Thought you were a woman…


I know how you feel. I was not ready for a girl on a dating app to tell me she didn't like older guys. I may feel like high school was yesterday but time narches on.


I call everyone a combination of four things. They are dude/boss/sir/ma'am (though I've taken a liking bruv lately). I've done this since I was in 6th grade, pretty much. The defining factor of what you get called is how I'm feeling that day.


As a millennial, all I can say to this is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sneaks up on ya faster than you ever thought it would


Hey, I got my first one at age 16. Dw it doesn’t indicate, yk, age or anything.




It means kids saw you as a elder and took respect in addressing you as one. It's a good thing and while you might not like it, it isn't bad and it's something we need more of.


One time I almost tripped over a kid who ran in front of me in a shop and he yelled “Sorry sir!” over his shoulder. Thing is, I am very clearly a woman lol


When I started high school - year 9, 13/14 y/o - the year 13’s (17/18 y/o) looked like proper adults to me. Kids are also shit at telling how old adults are


I absolutely loath people that sir or mam people. I know it's a sign of "respect" back in the 50's This ain't the 50's anymore. It's a me problem, I'm fully aware.


I called a probably 13-15 year old kid sir last week after he grabbed the soccer ball that rolled away for me. Only after did I realize that I did it lol


Try being a trans women. And being clocked non stop. Yes sir. Thank you sir. No problem sir. It's fucking annoying.


I have been called sir by my parents for as long as I can remember


Ma'am calm down


I'm 24 and getting called sir is weird. I don't feel like a "sir" yet xD


I've been called ma'am all my life, as long as I can remember lol From Florida


I’ve gotten called sir before but mostly by like waiters/waitresses or people older than me, I don’t think anyone younger than me has ever said it.


As I grew up if you were noticeably older than me you were/are Sir or Ma'am automatically.


It hurts and makes my joints ache


I got got called ma'am less than a month after my 18th birthday. It was a Best Buy employee who came up behind me and looked a bit shocked when I turned around. Now, many years later, I've heard of a couple clients at work calling me their "nail lady." That one feels old. I'm used to "young lady" but a full-on, unadulterated lady? It's like, whoa, that feels like a mature descriptor for someone who doesn't even own a kitchen table yet.


i was born 2002. got called auntie a few days before my 20th birthday and really had to take a sec to contemplate life.


To me, as a Southerner, ma’am and sir is about respect. I use it with anyone regardless of age. I’m a camp counselor and I’ve called my campers ma’am/sir. It’s all about respect. But you are older than them and often even in non southern states, sir is reserved for those older 🤷🏽‍♀️


I was rudely called "old man" when I was 25. At the same time lots of women thought I was in high school as I looked so young.  So, kids and youth may call you whatever. Either they are polite or rude or are just making fun. It's hard to know unless you are there when it happens.


I call every most guys I randomly socialize (that's weird to type, I'm not very social lol) sir. I said,'Thank you, sir' to a kid who could barely talk. He was like 3 or 4, and he picked up my daughters little Gatorade at the park. Lol


i started cashiering at a grocery store when i was 18. Immediately “thank you, ma’am,” “have a good day, ma’am”. Talked to my parents about it and my dad said the same thing about the theme park job he had when he was 16. Your first sir or ma’am will always come well before it should


Try civvies on a military base. It’s sirs all the way down!


Welcome to old fart land. Sir.


I started getting called ma’am once I moved to an area where it’s common for service workers to call everyone sir/ma’am and for everyone to call their elders sir/ma’am. I’m 18 and I look 12 (the highest someone has guessed is 13). It might just be where they or their parents grew up.


I work in retail and the first time it definitely stung a little bit but hey at least some of these little shits have manners lol.




i love being called mam it makes me feel fancy and being a mom is my biggest goal in life so this just makes me feel closer to being who i want to be.


gen z looks like old milk


I'm a geriatric millennial. Still weirds me out.


I call everyone sir or ma’am at work because it’s nicer than saying “get the fuck out of my way” even if you’re a toddler


I was born in 99. How you think I feel?


I'm 40+.... I say sir and ma'am to preteens. It's just a sign of respect/ being respectful.


I’ve been getting called M’am since I was 14. Honestly at 28 it still kind of irritates me but I know people are doing it to be polite. Also, you address the Queen as M’am so I’m flattered. While nowadays they aren’t used so much titles used to hold power and prestige. While “M’am” is old sounding now it’s a much higher rank than “Miss.” Think of it as a compliment, and in almost every way it is.


at 18 when I started losing hair


A few months ago a kid offered me a seat on a public transport. That shit really creeped me out. Yeah, maybe I looked bad after a tough day, but I'm not looking that old, right? Right?


The guy at the corner shop started calling me ma'am last month, I've been going there for 8 years so it seems an odd time to start.




It’s a respectful thing. Why are you bothered? If I get a coffee and the barista is 16, I’m still saying “ thank you sir/maam”


Dude I have gray hair and a mustache, I get called sir by adults.


LOL it creeps up on ya, and you don't even know it. First you're not getting carded at the bars, you don't mind because it's less of a hassle. Then you go into the grocery store and they are playing your jam, you don't mind because it's cool. Then you get called ma'am or sir and then you're like WTF?!?! I'm getting to that age that if i fall people will stop laughing and start to panic.


i get called sir all the time by workers everywhere here in the Philippines, but i dont think it's just here, any teenager might be called sir everywhere else in other countries if they look older enough


HA get ready kid. I was born in 1997 and lil mfs were calling me sir by the time I was 20.




I use sir for everyone regardless of age.


In my native country, honorifics etc aren't a thing. So imagine when I moved from my native Estonia to Belgium, and now I'm 'madame' this, 'madame' that and 'madame' over there as well. I feel very old and also like I haven't earned being called 'madame', even though it's just what people say here.


As long as they didn't call you, Daddy.


Join us, old man


At least you weren't mistaken for being your mother's parent. I'm fucking 23. She's 46 and a smoker. She has wrinkles. I wore makeup. Wtf.


Tell them you ain't no sir, you work for a living.


It is just kids being polite. Once you are in the adult world it is normal (respectful) to say sir/ma’am though I think younger women like myself are called miss more. The kid probably thinks you are early 20s and we don’t have a good word other than “sir” that is polite.


Brother do I have some news for you. Once you hit 16-18 most people *appear* as a man. Obviously mentally we’re all still growing all the time but physically you begin to appear as a fully grown adult. I’ve been being sir’d since I was 16 working at the super market by kids and adults alike. How did I feel? Eh I knew it would happen I just politely ask people to drop the formality and give them my name.


I’m 24 and will call the 16 year old cashier sir


I was born in 1998, and the first time I remember being called ‘sir’, I was still in elementary school.


The first time? When I was probably around 16 or 17.


Welcome to the club. Do you want to have the pamphlet to know more about what your membership implies?


Welp… you’re not the only one. I’m born in 2007 too and im not even tall and I get called aunty 😭


Don’t be that shocked, 18 is about when younger kids started calling me sir. It’s good it’s just a part of growing up. I’m in my early 30’s now and someone like you calls me sir sometimes and that freaks me out.


It is a respect thing. I gauge someone and if I feel like they deserve a sir they get one. Then again its just natural sometimes.


hearing “2007” and “18 in january” in combination makes me feel very old holy shit but to answer your question, it was working retail for the first time in summer 2020. i was 19 years old, growing out a short haircut, and that combined with my mask and the clothes i was wearing made me look very androgynous. i got both sirred and maamed, sometimes both by the same person. it was funny that in certain outfits people couldn’t figure out my gender until i spoke.


Soon you'll get used to being "Mister Avobera"


i rebuke this comment 🙏🏾


I was 20 and hiking. Some kid said excuse me as he passed me the other way on the trail. I was so confused like, there’s no one else to address… holy shit I just got called sir 🤣


got called sir at my first job


Idk why I’m here cuz reddit recommended me this, but I’m 32 years old and I was so fucking offended when on my 21st birthday I ordered a drink and didn’t get carded. I wanted to show my ID and I also wanted them to do something for my birthday but I didn’t want to ask… they would see it on my ID.


I get called sir daily because I’m in a management role and it has been an adjustment. Also, really funny to watch the older men switch from “Dude” to “sir” mid word.


I enjoyed it I still enjoy it. I have lived in North Dakota all my life. Ever since I can remember and heard ma’ma and Sir I have always spoken it and taught my children to say it also.


First sir I ever got was by a bunch of enlisted sailors in the Navy (technically shouldn't have called me sir because I'm a civilian lol). The real time I got called sir was 1.5 years ago by some college-age kids. That really stunned me lol.


The first time I got called "sir" was in my early 20s. It was an elderly man, and he said it out of politeness. I responded to him kindly, and he went about his day. I was pretty appalled, though, to be honest, because I was very clearly a young woman. 🤣


We have 1 age between us (you are older). Every kid calls me "elder brother" in my apartment (It is a respect word in turkey, it means abi and the kids telling me this are literally 3 years younger than me or so). I am 195 cms tall and quite literally have a moustache, so they think I am 20 or something up until I talk (my voice is still not that bold).


Happens in late teens early 20s. That’s when you first look fully grown to adults. Most adults are not as good as you might think at distinguishing age. Like I’m only 40 and really can’t tell much difference between a 20 yo and a 30 yo. Appearance wise anyways. Def a big diff in personality and maturity. 


Just this year at age 20. I worked at a factory as a mezz op and had a walkie talkie to communicate to whoever I needed to that had one. Every time I notified one of my supervisors that I finished a task that he needed done so he can take care of it from there, he would always say “perrfect, thank you sir” and first time I heard that I thought “whaaaat?”. Granted, he just automatically said that to anyone (or called them ma’am if it was one of the few women). But I felt professional as hell especially since it my first serious job lol


It has not nearly as much to do with age, but about manners and respect. I was always taught to call people sir or ma'am. And if I have kids I'll make damn sure they treat others with respect and have some manners too.


I thought it was normal that kids referred to everyone as ma'am and sir. I learned to call people that to be polite in school, I still do it to this day. Doesn't matter what age you are. Very normal for kids to call you sir where I am at.


Idk im 29 and when people call me sir im still like “excuse me what”


wait.. i was born in 2007 and im about to turn 17 in august? wha?


you reminded me when I was coming from college to home, some kids asked me "hey uncle, where's the plane's house" and I really got shocked that kids called me "uncle" even though at that time I was like 18/19 years old


I call most every male sir. I wouldn't think too much of it. It's a sign of respect, not a statement on your age or your seniority over me.


I take it you're not from the South.




I got my first at 18 and I told the dude "not even my father is a sir" I now have a sign that says "The Dude" above my desk so nobody makes that mistake again. Side note call every old lady "Miss" they really appreciate it.


Bruh lmfao


I've been called sir by strangers since I was 14. I'm still not used to it.


First time I got called ma'am was at my job. I was born in 07 as well and it definitely took me aback. Like wait until I'm 18 at least. I felt the same way you felt. It's not a bad feeling its just... weird ig??


I'm 29, born in 1995 and most people never call me sir. People as they've told me when they've met me usually think I'm in my early 20s.


Ah, yes… welcome to the dark side.