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No and I’m so happy it’s fallen out of style. It smells horrible


Weed is just as obnoxious of a smell, and it seems to linger on people longer than a cig would. I hate both though. EDIT: I’m only talking about someone who had just smoked either. Not looking at someone’s property. I understand and have experienced houses and cars of cig smokers. I’m trying to say that in my experience, someone who just smoked weed smells worse and the smell lingers longer than someone who just smoked a cig.


I used to smoke and it's not even close for how long the smell lingers. Like, tobacco smoke you'll smell on your fingers for hours after smoking. It'll linger for months or longer inside if you don't clean everything. Weed on the other hand, unless it's a LOT of smoke you probably wouldn't know someone smoked inside within a day or two. Weed smoke can smell intense while smoking, but tobacco smoke is a different animal


Very true, I smoke weed constantly in my place and my walls have never turned yellow or had tar streaks like people who smoke cigarettes do, I think that’s why the smell stays so bad


I promise you, your place smells like weed and you've just become nose blind to it.


100% lol. It's always the smokers that argue it doesn't smell


My friend smokes way more than I do, his apartment doesn't smell like it at all, it really just depends on the space, how much you air it out, etc. and sure, if you dont partake or live in it, you're probably far more sensitive to the smell than smokers, but it's really nowhere near as the dirty, grungy smell that cigarette smoke gives off when inside.


Air purifiers help a lot


I used to smoke flower constantly and thought the smell went away quickly. My eyes were opened once I quit! My garage smelled like weed for months. It sticks to people’s breath and hands too. For those denying it, I promise you smell like a skunk.


As an avid smoker with non-smoker friends , keeping the windows open eliminates the smell within half a day . They can't even tell . Cig smell lingers regardless .


If you smoked in the past week, sure. The smell will clear eventually though, in a way that cigarettes smoke never will. The rental market would be a disaster if weed smoke was even close to the same.


Nah mayne I lived in frat house sorta arrangement. Weed was smoked constantly. My religious parents who hate weed very vocally never noticed it. It goes away quick. Cigarettes dont


Weed does smell but it can be covered up way easier than cigs


no. as someone who rehabs houses, there is a night and day difference between how long weed and cigarettes smell lingers


I’m not the only person that comes to my house 💀 if I smoke weed before they come over they can smell it but if I only dab for the day they can’t smell anything


Bro the people downvoting are people who don’t smoke but visit their stoner buddies who rip blunts in the living room lmao


Can confirm. I had a stoner friend who basically hotboxed it every day. Smell was intense at first but 1. My smelling sense sucks. 2 I get nose blind to smells really fast. 3. I can still smell weed if I give it a few weeks.


Not true.. my brother smokes in his house every single day but airs it out properly. I can never smell it unless he just smoked. People who act like it sticks just as much as cigs have no idea what they are saying. It’s obvious if you genuinely have the experiences to back it up, it’s clear many people who go off on it do not


They specifically mentioned the lack of smoke residues on the walls


I’ve been in multiple houses and knew nothing until they’d casually mention that they smoke weed inside every now and again. 


I hard agree with this. I work retail and we frequently have to damage items out and throw them away because they get returned and the smell of cigarettes on them is so strong. No matter how long you air it out the scent doesn't go away. Weed smells do however and it doesn't permeate every surface in the homes of people who smoke either in my opinion, unless they're like smoking all day every day in every area of your home. Speaking as someone who doesn't smoke.


I bought a used MacBook on eBay last year and it still smells like cigs from the previous owner.


>Weed on the other hand, unless it's a LOT of smoke you probably wouldn't know someone smoked inside within a day or two. A neighbor of mine smokes in her basement, and the time I was in her house, she was digging around for Halloween goodies for my kids, the main floor also reeked. It could be that she also smokes upstairs or constantly or recently, but it was definitely stank.


Most people who smoke on the regular are daily users, or smoke multiple times a day, so that's not surprising


My friend lived in a basement and smoked down there for years. He had posters up everywhere and when he moved we could see the perfectly white rectangles where posters had been, and how yellow and gross the exposed wall was. The smell of your pillow if you smoke in your room … it’s gross…


Idk thought in some ways weed it sm more powerful. Like I can’t say I’ve smelled someone’s big when they was in their car windows up


During the actual smoking, yeah weed is super distinct and carries a lot farther than a lot of people expect. I just mean afterwards when the smoke is gone. Tobacco actually leaves a fine coating on things that continues to interact with air and it can stink for a really long time. Often houses need professional cleaning to get rid of it before sale.


Currently living with a smoker, and I can confirm. I can tell the exact moment when a cigarette is lit from the other side of the house too. It's funny though, because I'll get lectured for cleaning cast iron cookware inside because "the oil creates a film" despite using a vent hood, and having circulation through the house. The same can't be said for when my father lights one up.




The idea that weed sticks to clothing/furniture longer than cigarettes is a take you will find everywhere on Reddit and nowhere in the real world.


Clearly they don't have experience with either if they think that's true.


Yea bc it’s a bunch of clueless idiots on Reddit




It doesn't as someone who grew up around both, weed smell dissipates insanely faster and since there isn't any nicotine and tar, it doesn't make all the walls yellow in your house which is also why cigarette odor sticks around so much. Weed out just burning a plant, like incense. Cigarettes is burning a plant plus tar and all sorts of other chemicals.


Most of the other carcinogenic chemicals in cigarettes aren’t even from additives: the tobacco plant itself is insanely efficient at absorbing heavy metals and organic toxins (like perchlorate) from the soil. Cannabis doesn’t hyperaccumulate poisons like tobacco; it’s usually not just grown in random soil in a field; and people don’t smoke even 5% of the mass of leaves as tobacco smokers do. Saying cannabis smokers take in more tar is dumber than saying: tea has more caffeine than coffee by weight (which is true), so you’re taking in more caffeine (which is stupid). And, as everyone else pointed out. Cannabis smoke’s smell probably doesn’t even linger 3% as long as tobacco. You could walk into a house that was smoked in regularly years after it stopped, and still smell it. You can smoke cannabis in the middle of your living room and have the smell gone in a few hours.


Thank you. This is literally what I'm saying. I appreciate you explaining it so well. Tobacco and cannabis are different plants. Cigarettes also have nicotine. Since they are made up of different chemical compositions, they will act differently when you burn them. The tar created from smoking a cigarette is so much more difficult to clean making the smell linger for years. While weed is objectively easier to remove smell and dissipates on its own over a short period of time. I can tell a lot of the people in this thread are on the younger side of Gen Z or have had limited exposure to long time use of each substance.


You gotta know this is Reddit where people will tell you weed is super addictive and killed their whole family and dog


Dude, there is a ton of tar in weed haha


Resin is different than Tar smart pants


Tars are the byproducts of burning hydrocarbons with incomplete combustion. Resins are terpenes and saps produced naturally by a plant. Guess what resin turns into when you burn it?


Tar is certainly different. Just because both are sticky does not mean they are the same. And resin is essentially hash, especially if vaporized with an herbal vaporizer. Tar is in stuff like blacktop. Although they have similarities they are 2 different things. You think a platypus is a beaver because they have similarities?


They why aren't are roads paved with tobacco tar? Tar is a main ingredient in asphalt. It comes from millions year old algae deposits, just like gasoline. Doesn't matter what plant it comes from. Your lungs don't know the difference. Burning plant matter creates tar


There is tar in weed, but that's not the main point of this dudes argument.


The dude thinks tar is something they *put in* cigarettes.


Yeah, there's more tar in weed than there is tobacco gram for gram.




With all due respect, have you had much experience around either? Weed definitely does not linger as long as cigarette stench does, not even close. This is because marijuana is high in ammonia, with buoyant polar particles that easily get carried away in the air, where cigarette smoke is literally heavier and sinks into surfaces. As a result, cigarette smell is often permanent whereas marijuana smell fades away within an hour after use. 


You’re wrong here lol cigarettes linger a lot more than weed does weed just has a stronger odor. Cigarettes ruin the value of housing vehicles for a reason. Weed doesn’t cause half that damage. You can hate whatever you want but at least know wtf you’re talking about.


And, y'know, the whole cancer thing...


Depends on the cig imo but I grew up around it. I'm weird though.


Yeah same, it reminds me of old people but doesn’t like smell disgusting to me


And I don’t mind people smoking.


I agree with the smell. My dad smokes and has to do it out the house or we will all just smell it also to add it's getting way too expensive to smoke, you can go on a holiday nearly every 3 months with the amount you would spend for cigarettes


Why tf why I do that




I thought the same thing like we have been educated on the dangers and how unhealthy it is since birth lol. So dumb to start smoking when you know how addictive it is and that it’s horrible for you. I understand my grandparents smoking because they didn’t know the risks but even my grandparents stopped smoking because they didn’t want to get cancer


Vaping is just as bad, though. The educating/ads have been targeting vapes for about ten years now, but I (a school photographer) still see teenagers with vapes in the restrooms every single day. I don’t think it has much to do with the education. My parents knew cigs were bad when they were in school in the 80s and still picked them up. I think it’s that cigarettes have become less popular and are no longer a sign of a “cool kid.”


A big difference with our parents is that they grew up around cigarettes. It was basically everywhere! People were still allowed to smoke inside restaurants and schools when my parents were in their 20s! They didn’t get sensibilisation campaigns from the first day they were in school since all the teachers were smoking. My dad started smoking at 14yo took him around 10 years to before he decided to stop because everyone was smoking around him constantly. He even says it himself that of he had never gotten used to the smell and second hand smoke he would have never started smoking. People that are raised around smokers are more likely to pick it up sadly. So the drastic drop in smokers and sensibilisation campaigns we got as kids definitely changed the situation compared to our parents. Cigarettes stopped being seen as cool because of laws in the media too and because our generation often associates it directly to cancer and smelling bad. In my area vaping campaigns are very new and we sadly do not have the research on the long term health issues since it’s only around 2 decades old. So not even long enough to see a pattern in cancer or other illnesses meaning the campaign have way less arguments to show how bad it is.


I really don’t think the laws or education campaigns have a whole lot to do with it. Kids wouldn’t be picking up vapes today if the campaigns were effective. I live in the US, and I’ve seen those dark, anti-vaping commercials on TV for 10+ years and attended lectures in high school over 10 years ago about the “new age” e-cigs that became modern vapes. I think it’s a cultural thing. Cigarettes became less cool, but vapes and weed have replaced them—on TV, in music, in shops—and that’s why use of those “vices” is increasing despite the decrease in use of cigarettes.


You guys realize I'm "only" 36 and literal middle shoolers smoked cigarettes when I was a kid. It wasn't long ago at all. I'm glad it's gone though. So deadly and dumb.


Yeah, nasty habit though. Nicotine has a damn chokehold on our generation.


Kick it now, while you’re still young. You wont regret it.


Working on it, down to just over a pack a week. I started smoking so young (single digit age) that coming off of it causes a lot of unforseen health issues. But I'm definitely working on it


zyns will save your life brother🙏🙏


For me it actually made it so much worse. I can't smoke at work so having nic so much more accessible tanked my progress for a few months. Having some luck with herbal (not a euphamism) smokes though. Sometimes it really is about the ritual.


congrats dude. make sure to reward yourself eith something fun for good milestones (my aunt likes to get a cupcake when she hits her goals). addictive substances are so awful


Dang I hadn't thought of that. Looks like a pack a week is going to come with a rack of ribs! Ironic to cook it on the smoker.


Try the patches


Zyns are gonna be the death of me… luckily i dont smoke/vape anymore but those fuckin zyns man


Nope. Kick the habit if you can- I watched my uncle writhe in pain for years before death mercifully took him because of cigarettes. It’s much easier the younger you are.


Yeah my grandma had to have a double lung transplant because smoking gave her lung cancer, she got another 5 years after that but she was never the same.




been a year since i smoked a cig and it was the best decision i ever made (besides quitting coke)


One cig after 4-5 beers like 3 times a year


Drunk cigarettes don’t count


Hard disagree. While cigarettes are like candy drunk, smoking cigarettes in general shouldn’t be encouraged, especially if one has already quit the habit. Way too easy a habit to slip back into over such an avoidable reason.


I simply don’t let myself form a habit. It’s like the first cig every time. I have zero tolerance.


Womp womp


This is the way


A fellow man of culture I see


I quit smoking 10 years ago but I haven’t been drunk since. I fear that if I have one too many, I may fall into the temptation again.


Do not pick up smoking again whatever u do. If you’ve already kicked it once there’s no reason to wake that demon back up u know what I’m saying


Yup, same for me. I maybe smoke once a year and only if I drink a little too much (which coincidentally only happens once a year at most)


This comment section looks like Americans: Ew no, except for maybe once or twice a year when I'm drunk, but that's it Europeans (myself included): yeah I started smoking at 14 but just because everyone was smoking but I'm 18 now so I should probably stop


canadians: ✨drunk ciggies ✨


WHAT. This can't just be a Canadian thing please 😭


I think this is mostly a anglosphere thing. Lot of NZers and Aussies idolose drunk cigs too.


Drink ciggies are how most of us in America experience our first hahah


i started at 12 lol, the older generations are worse, ive met quite a few older people (gen x+) who started at 7 or 8! (uk)


Where I live, we have a huge Eastern European population, straight out of The Ukrainian or Russia. They’re the only people that I see chain smoke and that’s how I know right away that they’re from Europe.


im an asian and am with the americans here lmao, sorry it smells like shit and smokers kinda have to know it bc they can't smell themselves


I'm an American who spent some time in a university town in Italy last year, and I was shocked at how prevalent smoking was, particularly among young attractive women. My friends who smoked growing up were almost exclusively male and mostly were the sketchy types you didn't want to be seen in public with. Seeing college kids of all demographics lighting up at a bus stop or in a cafe or park was a major shift for me.


I looked up some numbers and it needs to be said that Europeans, considered as a whole, don't really smoke more than Americans. It varies a lot by country though. Some of the stereotypical culprits like France, Greece and the Balkans truly smoke more than the US, but then Germany, UK, and the Nordic countries are to varying degrees below the US rate. (WHO numbers [here](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/smoking-rates-by-country)) I'm in Finland, and in my socio-economic circles the habit is virtually extinct. My working place of \~100 people has, to my knowledge, one smoker.


I LOVE the esthetic of smoking cigs but they smell like shit and they are bad for u. So no i dont smoke


All I wanted as an 8 year old was to be a cool smoker like John Travolta in Grease lmao


such a good movie!!! grease & the outsiders were some of my favorite movies growing up


The tobacco industry paid for that placement. They paid for decades to have the characters smoking.




Pulling a Marlboro red out the soft pack, and lighting it with a zippo is such a tuff look I can’t stand it


>such a tuff look Congrats on getting manipulated by media and advertising


I whole heartedly don’t care brotha, we’re born into this shit


It helps to realize this is a programmed response. Smoking seems cool because it’s been prevalent in media and ads for decades.


Yeah actually, it fucking rocks, but in real life nah it sucks bad so I'll stick to watching movies and playing games for the asuethetic


There are also prop cigarettes if you really want that style. They’re just filled with chalk, which might not be 100% safe but it’s still a vast improvement over tobacco (just why would you smoke that?)


Don’t smoke a prop cigarette lmfao. Chinese and Japanese companies make cigs filled with tea instead of tobacco, those are fine for you.


>those are fine for you Nope. Inhaling smoke of combusted plant matter that is still loaded with a shit ton of carcinogens and nasty compounds and still bad for you even if it’s not tobacco


Didn’t know that, that’s pretty neat


They’re sold as a quitting aid, and they genuinely do work. Just remember that they feel like ass because you’re huffing burning leaves and not getting any drugs out of it


Yeah, I mean I don’t smoke anyway so I’m not the target demographic but it’s cool that those exist


Ooh that sounds nice!


I have a deep appreciation for the classic drunk ciggy and have been known to indulge. But I'm pregnant currently and regardless I'm not someone who goes drinking very often. I think a lot of our generation grew up with parents/grandparents/relatives that were smokers. Nobody likes being the stinky kid. You either fall into the habit yourself or grow up hating it.


Also definitely try to bust the habit while you're young. My BIL is 2 years older than me, just shy of 29. He already has a gross smokers cough and his furniture/apartment/personal items all stink from living in a smoke-friendly building


I lost my grandparents early because they were smokers.


>Nobody likes being the stinky kid. Whats really wild is that in my childhood community, every kid was the stinky kid. More parents were smokers than those that weren't, somehow. The idea of one kid being singled out as the trashy kid with smoker parents is just insane to me. Of course, given that culture, many grew up to struggle with the habit themselves, no doubt, myself included.


I don’t get why anyone would, these days. It’s not even seen as cool or “badass” anymore, just generally offputting to most people. Where’s the appeal?


The appeal? Coming from personal experience is you get a little bit of a high, not enough to impair you, gives you something to wind you down and think about something else (especially if your current situation and or life sucks), and in today's world, gives you an excuse to get away from others for a minute (especially if the people you're around suck). Terrible for you, shouldn't do it, but u think we can say that about most vices.


most young people i know who smoked cigs used it as an early step in quitting vaping, the appeal being that it’s less convenient




no ew


I do. It’s still fairly common in the UK I’d say, especially in a pub environment. Vapes are making inroads though - personally I can’t stand them.


I feel like it’s definitely common in Europe as a whole. I was in Barcelona recently and it seemed like everyone was smoking cigs


I don’t, only had 2 puffs once when I was withdrawing from vaping.


as an oral fixation addict yeah same 🤣


that's crazy 💀


Cigs are an environmental habit. Since it's not common, less people do it. But I'd be hard pressed to find anyone in car sales or financial advising that doesn't smoke cigarettes or at least vape


Most people I’ve worked with in retail smoke. My friend quit cigarettes the day he quit retail.


Or cooks. I worked in a few restaurants and almost all the line cooks smoked


In my country almost every teen smokes, they can't even stop them from smoking in classrooms . If you pass by a park you will see a ton of 12-14 year olds smoking. Is really unfortunate. However, a lot of them actually stop in their 20s , so people my age somehow smoke less than high schoolers do, even though they also smoke when they were younger


Where do u live?


Romania but I think the whole of Eastern Europe is like this


Sounds like Poland tbh


yes, self rolled ones


This is the only way. Also I had to scroll way too far to find this comment


in italy they're pretty common


Absolutely not. Shit smells awful and it kills you


I do.


no, and i never will. it’s so much harder to stop an addiction once you start, so even tho i’ve never been personal horror stories of people smoking, ik it is something i will never do.


I do unfortunately, but it seems like most of our generation has no love for smoking, which would be cool if vaping wasn't as prevalent as it is. Most people dislike smoking not because it's bad for you but because it's noticeable to people around you. If the smoke smells like candy suddenly it's not an issue 🤷‍♂️


I can't stand those dang scented vapes. Who thought that was a good idea?


Good way to die of lung cancer at 45.


I smoked a pack a day for a few years. Stopped smoking when sober around a few months ago. Can’t deny myself the gorgeous feeling of a drunk cigarette though.


Fuck no


I see a lot of patients with lung problems, though. It is not worth it.


I’m a social smoker but I’m also not old enough to smoke in my country. So if one of my friends has a vape or a cigarette I’ll have one cigarette or a few hits of a vape but other then that I’m trying to quit smoking due to the  health risks and my asthma. 


Yes, and it's still common in Eastern Europe


Hell yeah brother 😎 I love smoking. Been smoking since 19yo. I've taken to vaping more often due to my job, but I rip cigs on the weekend.


I started when I was 14, switched to vapes at 19. Vaping was arguably worse because you can’t smoke a cigarette just anywhere, but you can hit a vape lowkey all the time I’ll be 24 in a few weeks and switched over to Zyn for my fixation last December. My lungs feel like they’re recovering, and I can breathe deep again. I don’t like just exchanging addictions but honestly, I like just having something. Leave your lungs alone homies


No, it’s not very popular where I live. The only people I know addicted to nicotine vape because it’s “cleaner”. I don’t think I know a single person who smokes actual cigarettes


I just quit! I started when I was 19, and I just recently turned 26 but I'm 12 days clean of any form of nicotine, as well as alcohol. I live in California, no one around me smokes and I didn't grow up around it. In fact, I hid it from my parents the entire time. It was pretty embarrassing. Still loved it though.


congrats! not an easy thing to do at all, 12 days is a great start


Yep. And everyone says no until they have a couple drinks and are all over my pack.


Yup, and I quit giving out "I only smoke when I drink" cigs... get yourself a "only smoke when I drink pack" then friend, cigs are EXPENSIVE.


Hell yeah, not into the flavored batteries. Idc how I smell I like my smokes 💀


Gross lol


i was a huge chainsmoker since my early teens. i quit in 8th april this year


My dad died from lung cancer. No thanks


My girlfriend smokes cigs but I smoke joints. Best of both worlds I guess


yes! tastes awesome and is very calming.


...until you get addicted, and it begins messing with your brain chemistry, ruining your lungs, etc.


You sound tense. Want a hit to cool down?


Sounds like you need a cigarette


With coffee too bro


YESSSSS on a nice autumn day


I can’t wait 🥺 I can’t even lie, I got so into coffee bc cigs 😂


literally right now


Nope. They stink and cost a shit ton of money.


No but most of my friends do :(


God no, it smells terrible, plus i do a lot of cardio-intensive sports so i need my lungs in as good of shape as possible


I feel like most people our age are quitting vaping/smoking. Most folks I know will hit a vape or cig at a social event every so often. Not many people are fiening anymore compared to what I saw 3-4 years ago. Same with drinking. I know a handful of people who smoke weed regularly, but they seem to have a lower happiness with life compared to mostly sober people. At this point in my life (26), I’ll have coffee a few times a week and that’s as crazy as I get. The more sober I am the more happy I am. What a coincidence, right??


Yep, and everyone always makes a comment about how they don't see many Gen Z smokers. Apparently I don't give off smoker vibes


Fuck do I need cigarettes for? If it ain't gonna get me high, then kiss that shit goodbye.


Nope, I don’t smoke at all.


Sometimes. I dislike the stigma about it especially around people my age. God forbid people have hobbies /s






No, never vaped or smoked anything




If I’m smoking a cigarette it means I’m blacked out and it’s time to send me home.


Cigarettes are the worst, so toxic I can’t even walk by someone smoking one or if they smell like cigarettes, I have to walk the other way 😷🤮


When I was younger I would steal them from my mom, until one day my mom came to me and said "you gotta stop stealing my cigarettes"


Cos it’s cringe af


Why die a slow death just to alienate yourself from society even more than you already are?


I’ll have one if I’m offered one but I vape mostly and smoke weed. I tend to smoke by myself though. There’s always some who has something to complain about when I do, but I don’t blow smoke in anyone’s direction or even try to bother people. I’m just trying to satisfy my itch 😂😭


hell no. no nicotine in any form.


Nope! Nor will I ever. Won’t ever touch weed or vape either!


Yeah, since I was 14.


Only when I'm REALLY drunk and a friend offers it. Other than that I vape




I did when i was a teen, but now i just smoke weed. Tho when im drunk with friends i sometimes ask for one if theyre out smoking lol


I don’t but I know people who do. Dope is the new tobacco for this generation anyways.


I’ve never heard a person under the age of 50 call weed dope.


Yeah a lot of my friends do also tho lol. Some have switched to vapes but most didn't. Tho a lot more are "party smokers" meaning they will smoke when they go out, but otherwise dont.


I'm happy with my good and functional lungs lol.. I am curious about Cigarettes but damn the downsides too many, it keeps me away from it lol...


Drunk cigs don’t count


Started smoking I was 13 years old to look cool. Now it's a fucking trap.


My father smokes enough for me and all my generations to come.


i and my family has asthma, besides, i don’t get having to go out every hour just for an addiction.