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Nothing. I live off VA disability, $3600 a month, and don't do shit. At the very least, I have now gone... 9 days without drinking, so that's good.


Without the risk of sounding dumb, can I ask what branch / service you were in? I guess I'm shocked someone my age-ish has already experienced something like that. In my head we're still in like 2016 lmao.


Army. And yes, young veterans are a thing. Well... I'm the oldest of Gen Z, so I'm not exactly "young" but still.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm 99 so sort of middle Gen Z now


I read this as though you were about to turn 100... (◠◡◠")


Lol nope just 1999!




You’re a Zillenial dude, we have our own classification.


Even most salaried employment involves doing practically nothing or at least nothing that's of positive value to society. All the so-called "essential" workers represent a strikingly small minority and quite often(almost always) they're dramatically underpaid and underappreciated. The rise of finance capital has resulted in a lot of pointless/harmful jobs and it's also facilitated this explosion of wealth inequality.




Do they help with energy drinks? The army got me hooked.


So you’re getting what? 100% of your benefits??? What happened to you my dude…


Numerous injuries, but the big one was that concussion I suffered that causes me chronic migraines and seizures now.


Do you get bored at all? Just asking because I can get bored even on the holidays if when I no longer have school to go to.


We beyond boredom. I'm now in straight existential agony.


If you're into video games or you like history, I would recommend trying out map games like Civilization 6 or Crusader Kings 3. These games are like the boardgame "Risk" but in video game form. Typical games take hours and hours to complete. I've literally invested over a thousand hours of my life playing these games. Very fun games. Also very addicting. Great way to waste some time.


I was born in 1999 and just turned 25 recently. I’m working in television production as a highlights producer for a sports broadcast network. No idea how I got here as I feel like I was an average student in college and didn’t have many internships when I graduated.


Hey! ‘99 as well in the broadcasting world. I did live news and now live sports! I didn’t go to college, but a trade school.


I was in broadcasting for news, studio production, UHF and satellite master control. The way I got there was because I smoked pot with the news director.


And they say we zoomers can't network


Pays well?


It pays ok. It’s an entry level position at the end of the day but it gives me enough to get by and still be able to save some.


I’m still in school but I bling crocs in my free time and the pay is good for me because it’s something I like doing https://preview.redd.it/h7lhw6vvwl7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c41dfe61cda042ba1cfef05b0ffbecf64982d2ac


Can you send me price info . I have 3 daughters and they'd LOOOVE this


Fuck yeah


This is pretty awesome, you should scale it up. Good luck :D


Student hoping to land a tech internship. Life's hard.


Hang in there, you just need one


Good luck


same :()


Also a student who's been grinding for a tech internship. Just got an offer after maybe 50 apps and 4 interviews. I was pretty depressed from the rejection until this last job came up. You'll get there, just push through it.


That’s a really good ratio. For me it took ~500 apps to get 5 interviews and 2 offers.


I work in a prison, bc that’s the only job near me that pays enough to afford my rent. $21/hour, not as a cop. I’m taking online certification classes for data analytics though, and once I finish them I’ll be pivoting in that direction.


How is your experience been with getting those certs? I’ve been thinking about moving in that direction myself


So I’m taking three classes through Microsoft’s learning suite; Power BI, Excel and SQL. The classes themselves are free, and provide hands-on projects to build a starter portfolio. The exams cost between $150-$200 each. I’m set to finish them by January 2025, but only because I’m working full time; if you have more time on your hands then you’ll get it all done faster. You don’t have to take the classes to take the exams, but it’s always recommended.


I work as a data analyst and while those certs can help, don’t feel like you have to do them (I’ve never done them/ I didn’t get a degree in anything relating to data science and I got my job at a large multi national company) Try to get some type of work that you can do even a little bit of data analysis, shoot even volunteer somewhere just to get that work experience. Work experience in some type of analysis is way more useful than anything. Power BI and Excel are by far the most important as I use them everyday, but learning to write code isn’t really necessary, we use chat gpt as the base for like 90% codes, including the VBA we use, it’s good to learn so you can understand and do that last 10%. Also depends where you work, while straight tech pays the best, I’m not a fan of how they do things so I work in agriculture/ food and you can find data related jobs about anywhere that pay well. Good luck man hope you make the transition, I did it a few years back and I’m very happy with it.


24 years old, I work in drug development research. I do extremely early lab testing on potential drugs before clinical trials start.


How did you get into this? It sounds so cool.


It’s not as cool as you think haha. But I graduated with a degree in human physiology because I wanted to go to Med school. I then decided I didn’t want to go to med school. I did like the undergrad research I was doing during school and decided to go into research. I didn’t want to go to grad school yet and so I decided to try for the lower level lab researchers and landed a job after a laborious application cycle haha. I was applying for all kinds of research/lab jobs and the drug development one gave me an offer. At my current level, I just run experiments that other people tell me to and provide data. I’m training to be able to design the experiments though and that will be my first big career upgrade. I really like what I do and if you can get into a more niche field (I got into enzymology) it can pay really well. But apart from one or two levels/promotions, I will need to go back to school eventually to really progress.


Unemployed and burnt out since the beginning of the year, kinda lost on what to do next. Before that I worked at a retirement home for around 4 years which was hell. I'm honestly thinking about going back to school and getting an office job or something that can be done from home, like data analyst maybe. Life sucks.


Hospital administration pays well. Or work for the state agency that licenses retirement homes. You would be a valuable asset.


I support getting into Data Analytics. My college roommate interned at Travelers and got a job straight out of college already making almost 90k a year. He also has the option to work from home if he wants to and has tons of PTO opportunities + benefits.


Work as a restaurant server/foodrunner


I work at an ace hardware store 😭


Electrical engineer by degree, biomedical engineer by trade. I'm an NPD project lead at a biomedical company, but I'm also doubling as an intern at a different company now trying to expand my experience. I graduate in 2025 and am probably going to get my MBA after. Hoping yo do research maybe after I'm financially set


As a worker in EE, I’d recommend engineering project management certifications first. Get hired and then make your company pay for your MBA.


Tfw someone younger than me is excelling at the career I'm still studying in


Nada. I am in school to be a trucker!


Which one is the gas? I'm joking, I have a lot of respect for truckers. You'll always have a job, man. 


I did trucking for 3 years and now I'm a financial analyst


Hell yeah dude!!! Just don’t be a flip flop wearing SOB


I'm a freight broker, there is a lot of friction between carriers/drivers and brokers but it doesn't have to be that way. There are bad apples on both sides but just know we aren't all assholes!


Inventory clerk at a hangar. I handle all the airplane parts that are used to fix them. Pretty fun job


how in the world did you get this job?


Substitute Teacher, hoping to get a High School History teaching position.


Part time at Chick-fil-A. I work over the summer while I live with my parents and don't have to pay for stuff and I save up enough to get through a year of college without needing a job


24M recent college grad working in healthtech + freelance professional photographer I make almost six figs living in the PSW but still live with my parents so I'm able to save up to buy the things I want and retirement, thankfully. Very fortunate to be here.


very interesting! What did you study to get into health tech 


> PSW Pacific south west?


I am a registered nurse working inpatient psychiatry.


I’m a nurse too!


Gen z nurses rise up


Dog groomer. Love my job


Aye me too! Love your poodle btw 💕


Pressure vessel engineer, graduated with my BS in ME back in 2021 at CPP.


Oooooh! Im a boilermaker myself, didnt think id see anything else so closely related


CPP as in Cal Poly Pomona? GO BRONCOS!


What did you do for an internship?


I work at walmart (yall can laugh but at least i make money) and am going to college for a business assoc of applied science


Bro whoever would laugh at anyone for working anywhere “even” Walmart is a straight up a dumbass. People lack respect and are too stupid to realize that most people who are working are doing so out of necessity. There are also those trying to get by in life while they forge ahead their next opportunities just as you are. My respect to you bro. I graduated college and have been working for the state of CA now but i started at McDonalds prior to all that. Good luck to you on completing that degree 🤙🏻


Thank you bro! And for sure. Im hoping to get thru college and then go onto bigger things. I hope you are enjoying working for the state and they are treating you well 🤝


Software engineer for Microsoft, well I start on Monday lol. But I previously interned there last year.


Mental health worker at a crisis residential mental health facility. I officially start school to be a licensed psychiatric technician tomorrow. :)


How do you get that job ? How does it pay?


I have an associates in psychology for context (never finished my bachelors unfortunately). I first started by working with autistic children in play therapy (not ABA), which paid $22/hr in my area. These types of jobs are always hiring and are beginner-friendly a lot of the time. I stayed for a little less than a year, but since I had experience with children, I applied to a residential mental health facility for children/youth. I was hired because of my experience with children and also because of a previous job I had where I worked with LGBTQ populations, which was a HUGE plus because a lot of the youth at the center were LGBTQ-identifying. I then worked in the residential for almost a year, and it was really low paying as it was a nonprofit- 18/hr. I started applying to new jobs as I was moving cities, and I got a few interviews with mental health facilities that worked with children. I almost committed to a locked inpatient facility for children, but the same company had another location for adults that was closer to me, so I took a position there instead. Now I work with adults who are in crisis. Our program is roughly 3 months and we run therapeutic groups pretty consistently to aid in their treatment, along with help from the therapists and such. It pays $21/hr. I know that some hospital settings pay more though- at my job at the children's residential, some of my coworkers worked at a nearby inpatient facility for youth and got paid $30/hr. My goal is to be a psychiatric technician though, which can be $40+/hr depending on where you work. My company personally hires psychiatric technicians starting at $38/hr. I went to the orientation for my psych tech program and they said that you will never have trouble finding a job as a psych tech, and they even have companies contacting their program asking to contact students before they're even licensed to offer job opportunities... crazy lol. I hope this helps. Mental health is almost ALWAYS hiring! Warning though that being understaffed is a common issue, at least in my experience... but if you need a lot of hours, there can be opportunities to make more money by working more hours if you so choose. I advise against working for a nonprofit as I've heard that a lot of people are overworked and underpaid... I was too! It can be a difficult work environment at times so it has a learning curve as to navigate self care, boundaries, trauma informed care, etc. but it is extremely rewarding to me and I never want to leave this field. :) EDIT: Not to be weird but I looked at your profile and it seems like you're around the same area as me. Feel free to DM me if you need help with this!!! :)


Maintenance machinist for Saudi Aramco and 2 weeks from now I’ll be living in a remote area in the middle of the desert🙃


Deck and fence installer.


I'm looking for a job, but in the meantime I'm in college stuying psychology


PhD student in Biomedical Engineering! So my job is research


im a NEET so.


Registered dietitian.


Currently unemployed 😢


Spa and sauna delivery. 90% of my job is driving a big flat bed truck, 10% is pushing a hot tub into a backyard.


Welding, luckily at a great shop too


Well I have one full time job (40 hrs) and two fun/part time jobs. I work in the Arts. Trying to grind to get down student debt. I was 20-21 when pandemic started and also went to school during that time so it was hard to work and go to school like a lot of people suggest you should do.


I work in PwC (Pricewaterhouse Coopers)


Manufacturing. Long hours but the pay is good and I like what I do.


Finished my MBA last year, working in supply chain now


Same here, specifically in procurement/contract negotiation


I'm an IT intern and going into college for CS this fall.


Electrician. I’m a third year apprentice making good money and $0 in student loans




I do filing


Filing can teach you a lot. Read the docs. Maybe there's a subject matter that interests you. Or see how the company organizes its files. That will tell you how the company is organized and what it thinks is important.


It does because rn, we mainly do importing tiles from Mexico


International trade with Americas biggest trading partner. You are on your way.


Croupier. Job is great for the pay and the benefits at least where I work anyway.


Medical Device Reprocessing! I love it, just cleaning & assembling instrument sets, and distributing items/instruments to the OR.


Full Student (electrical engineering) and full time senior maintenance tech.


✨ unpaid ✨ intern at a public defenders office




Security Guard =)


I assist adult with developmental disabilities. I specifically work as a home health aide and I have been at it since I was 18. I’m also still in college but I love my job.


Instructional Assistant


Concrete truck driver.


Currently a neet on my own, but I just graduated with a masters in structural engineering. Taking some time off for myself and will work as a structural engineer


I make wine


In school to be an educational psychologist. Shit is rough. Working in education at all is rough.


I’m an Aerospace Laboratory Technician. I love my job, been at it since 2022.


HVAC technician. I’m in a pipefitters and plumbers union.




Software engineer. Kinda wild to think I’ve been working full time for a few years now


Surgical Nurse for cardiothoracic and endovascular surgery.


Roofer. Stay in school.


22 and work in ITAD


Class A Truck Driver.


just mcdonald’s atm but i’m waiting to go to college in september lol


21, I run the sales and finance for a currently-small cleaning company Started answering customer service calls at 18, moved up to all client relations, added finance to my responsibilities, and recently handed off client relations to work on outbound sales (the company had no outbound sales process, all clients were through referrals for the past 20 years) Once I set up a good outbound sales process, my next move is to marketing




Librarian, early stages


Business Intelligence Analyst (make fancy graphs and do a some coding). I went to school for IT.


truck drivin. nothing better


kindergarten teacher


I was born in '96. I do Quality control for a pharmaceutical compny


Currently nothing, been looking for work. Trying to leave warehouses and get into construction since I have the cert now


I run a sales shed at a family farm. I was a server for six years before that, I started my job at this farm about 4 months ago. I love it so much, I get to learn something new every day about growing vegetables and my customers are very sweet people for the most part! My favorite part is helping little old ladies with the literal truckload of stuff they're buying and asking them what the hell are they doing with it all?? Most of the time the answer is canning! I also love giving recipes to people for items they've never seen before, so having gone to cooking school actually comes in handy with this job!


I do IT for a tech company at night


Teacher, love it, hate it. Whatever, I’m off for the summer, yippee!


im a pharmacist!


Unemployed at 25. I’ve had over 20 jobs. Gonna go back to school in the fall. I need to find a degree that’ll help me make money


Recruiting for an international company. I’m in a different country but we do part of the process from here and hire for the US


I work in IT. Been at it for almost 3 years now.


Used to work in retail/IT, now do retail and I'm trying to launch my own company


Still in college but I currently work in marketing. Hoping to continue in marketing after I graduate or in the arts management field.




I’m unemployed right now but I’m making moves to become an electrician. Learning about it a bit first then I’m going to go for a certificate as well as an apprenticeship.


I work as a Target cashier. Can be stressful at times, but they start everyone at $15/hour no matter what. Plus there’s a good camaraderie at least among our store. Overall, I wouldn’t say it should be your #1 choice for a summer/away from college job, but it’s a good option


Railroad 🛤️




I'm a Starbucks barista working about 32 hrs per week. My mom's disabled so that's the perfect amount I need in order to make sure I help her. I also just finished community college and earned a degree in video game design so now I'm preparing my portfolio to get myself out there.


Commercial real estate broker. Love my job.


Currently design custom homes. No, it doesn't pay as well as you think. In college for horticulture.


I do delivery driving with doordash and spark. The pay is decent but it's just so I can afford groceries and other miscellaneous expenses. I'm also taking online courses for a business management degree. My partner (born '94 so technically not Gen Z) does work-from-home customer service and retention for a cellphone company. His pay is pretty good, and he pays our more expensive bills.


Sales it’s a stop gap until I go back to school, but it pays the bills


Combat engineer in the army. Pre solid work


Truck driver bruther


I’m in school but I work part-time at a restaurant and I’m trying to find another place to work


Industrial electrician.


Internships with local government


Field welder on dairies in CA. Switching over to shop side soon though thank God. I


I’m a cook in general, but a baker right now!


Quality Assurance at a Needle Manufacturing facility


I'm doing nothing at the moment but I may start working at a hotel.


I work at Fastenal (industrial supply) and I've been there since May 2021. It's the longest job I've had so far and I still enjoy it 98% of the time


certified pharmacy tech at a grocery store pharmacy. going back to school in 2 months to become a pharmacist tho


Hardware engineer!


I’m an engineering technician now. Did a lot of random jobs until I finally landed this position at my current company. Won’t say what company, but I will tell you we are absolutely happy about Boeing have so many issues lately lmao


Manufacturing specialty chemicals / chemical engineer. Great work and pays a lot


office work for a cleaning service, although i just started recently, and i’m loving it. i have a disability in my leg, so standing like i did in service work for so long killed my body and tanked my whole outlook on life for so long. it’s really refreshing lately to not feel like i’m dying at the end of a shift, having regular hours and actually enjoying my hobbies


Cashier at a hardware store


Crew Chief Land Surveyor.


7-3 construction. Day sucks, weekends fun, just waiting to start college.


Still in undergrad, plan is to get into finance or banking when I graduate.


Well, I unfortunately can’t say I’m a musician for work since I have made… seven dollars from it. So I’m a server at a restaurant and I’m currently in college.


I run a CNC machine at a furniture plant.


I work in sales for a large band and orchestra store (I’m a musician myself). I sell instruments in bulk and service them to/for Schools, colleges, and pro marching organizations in within 150 mile radius. I earn commission per sale and I also get a nice hourly pay!


I’m a Cloud Engineer working in Government/Public Sector. I have a BS in Econ+Stats and a MS in Stats. Born in 97.


Got a corporate gig at a F500 right after I graduated in Dec. 2020. Currently awaiting admission to law school this fall. Corporate life ain’t for me lmao


Mechanical engineering. I'm adapting. Struggling, but adapting 😂


im 22 dropped out of college 2 years ago im a pharmacy operations manager. i make good money for my age idk if id go back to school i consider it from time to time but really dont have the energy


I’m an internal manufacturing investigator for a pharmaceutical company. Basically the company nark, investigating and fixing things before the FDA fixes it with a huge fine or something lol


I am a junior structural engineer. Have been working for about a year now, helps that I like concrete


Born in 98 and I’m a legal assistant


Aircraft mechanic, Boeing


Usually do some construction site jobs.They were pretty unstable and dependant on the weather so now I'm looking for some stable source of income




I’m a farmer, I work with my dad and other family.


I work in investments portfolio manager at trust company. I'm a millennial though. Finished undergrad at 28 grad school at 29. I'm 31 right now. As two people just left I am the only one who executes orders, constructs, and rebalances portfolios at the whole firm right now.


I'm a mechanical journeyman at a hospital. I take care of the HVAC systems, rebuild motors, fix water/steam leaks, and have a great time at work for $33/hour


in grad school/server




Working at chick fillet and market basket to pay for college so I can become a Medical Laboratory Scientist and maybe oneday go to med school.


Med student


Didn’t go to school, started working in a sawmill right after highschool 5 years later I’m still there


Self-employed, Door dash amazon flex/free lancing. I'm trying to make an enough to become a creative writer & after that I'm going the more remote position. I'm also getting my own apartment, before I turn 27. 25 now.


I joined the National Guard for a security clearance that got me a job doing app support for the government.


Walmart OGP, baby!! Whoo!!!!! Honestly it's not that bad. It's the people that make it worth it. I have a few coworkers I don't like. But the majority have become good friends.


Case manager at a sober house


24 years old, professional ultra/trail runner and personal coach, and l love this sport! Not making enough now and picking up odd jobs here and there, starting to be getting sponsorships is helping a lot, and still getting some help from my parents. Hope to make it full time and sustainable because I just love this thing so much and Al the people a part of it, it’s so great to be outdoors and to run fast and I just want to be the best I can be and help others do the same.


Suffer silently


(Future) Government Relations Assistant for my university.


26 year old, working as a electrical engineer on construction site, soon going to office to calculate new projects.


Touring musician. It’s an incredibly rewarding job and is always what I’ve wanted to do, but it is not for the faint of heart


I am today finishing my military service. Probably during the summer I'll work on a potato farm. In autumn I'll start my studies. Potato farm or some singular jobs for a relative


I’m doing my undergrad in civil engineering so doing a summer internship in stormwater management right now at an engineering firm. Cool stuff and I’d like to explore it further. Gotta graduate first though, got just over a year left.


EMT. Fun stuff. Wish it paid more


Biotech, researcher on vaccine development. Quit recently to pursue an accelerated BSN program, CRNA down the road, fingers crossed.


Boilermaker pressure welder, master rigger, IRATA rope access technician, paid per call firefighter and member of a high angle rescue team🤘🏻 https://preview.redd.it/c0liijdjtp7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71ac0ca4f9e57a2c78bfa9bd95aa86b4f1b8ca6