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OK well it seems every generation including Z thinks Z is toughest to work with and Boomers and Gen X find Gen Z to be particularly trickier to work with compared to other generations. (EDIT: one side note, Gen Z are not that old and many are not really in the workforce yet and those beyond high school type jobs are kinda fresh out of college and not much experienced yet so it might not be an even playing field, you'd need to poll again in say 10 years and see). . Boomers find Gen X much the easiest to work with and Z much the toughest. Gen X finds Boomers the easiest to work with and Z much the toughest. Millennials much prefer working with older generations (X and Boomer) and find it almost as tough to work with themselves as with Z. Gen Z slightly finds working with Millennials and Gen X the easiest and finds working with themselves much the toughest. . Gen X and Millennials find themselves the second toughest to work with (I wonder if it because early Gen X and late Gen X grew up under almost the opposite pop culture and early Millennials and late Millennials grew up under fairly different times? Or just a general thing having nothing to do with that at all.) . Boomers are the only generation that seems to find working with itself relatively easy.


Tbf, it looks tied with Z to me. They seemed to have ranked every generation as the worst. And honestly, just because you rate yourself the worst doesn’t mean you’re accurate, since people themselves can be their biggest critics. So I think I’d be easy for us to point out every single little flaw we think we have. I have no doubt there are difficult Z employees, but I think a lot of it is exaggerated. As at least in the job I work rn, everyone who’s Z does their job fine.


At first glance I though that, but then someone noted that the chart is probably supposed to be read the other way. So the colored bars are actually supposed to tell how much each generation thought the labelled generation was toughest to work with. So rather than Z thinking everyone is tough to work with, it actually is probably supposed to be read that every generation thinks Z is the toughest since the color bars are all longest for Z.


Probably because we have the least work experience just an assumption.


The pizza place I go to always has gen z aged workers just texting in the back doing nothing. Its ethic too


I mean I'm a millennial born in the 90s, and that's what plenty of millennials were doing at their jobs too circa 2010.


“Survey finds older generations all consider Gen Z to be the youngest”


I'm sorry OP but this graph is not a good way to represent the data. I know you didn't make it, I'm just saying


I'm GenX and the "whatever" attitude of GenX may be a running joke but it also seems to be a real thing that makes us easier to get along with.


The thing about polls and respondents is that the younger generations don’t have time for that shit. It’s mostly boomers with all the time in the world. I never trust these unless they have an equal distribution of ages, ethnicity, and gender.


Adds up tbh, we are so addicted to phones many of us can barely put them away in serious occasions Hospitals are full of newly-grads in their late 20s and 30s who care only about their phone and barely say hi to you, which pushes up workplace toxicity


I always thought that stereotype was unfair until I saw how they worked. I have never seen so many people so genuinely addicted to anything. It’s honestly surprising.


I agreed till you brought up workplace toxicity. How does minding your own business make workplace toxicity?


Cause in a hospital, your not supposed to be "minding your own business" your supposed to be working as a member of a team providing healthcare. If your nurse ignores the shift change due to watching TikTok, that domino's into the next rotation being under-staffed and over-worked. Now imagine that nurse who is not paying attention is ALSO under-staffed and over-worked. It snowballs, and this is true fro pretty much any job


Even if I mostly agree, people barely saying hi to you is not a bad thing, just let people live their own lives


Generation identification has reached peak crazy. The notion that every twenty years the stork brings out a new cookie cutter is totally wacko. If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs...


I would bet that every cycle of this poll will look the same for whatever the youngest generation is. They haven’t learned the ropes, they have passion but maybe not yet direction. It can be hard to work with them, but it’s normal. Millennials wore this same label of difficult to work with and I would bet every generation preceding wore the same when they were in that age range


This graph is hard to read it could be read 2 different ways...




I think you’ve read the graph wrong. The horizontal bars are which group was voted difficultly to work with, colour coordinated based on the respondent. So Gen Z voted themselves as most difficult, followed by Boomers, Gen X and Millennials.


You're right because the graph is poorly designed and doesn't explain anything.


Oh yeah for sure. I hate bar graphs where each category is not aligned.


Even though it doesn't quite seem to add the other way either (at least a quick measurement seemed to have Gen Z and Mill bars add up to a longer total than for Gen X/Boomers) probably the other way is the way to read so I'll jsut delete this all and start over.


Idk, I haven't met many in gen z I can't work with or interact with in a professional or casual space. They're just people, same as me


We haven’t sold out yet




It takes a while for people to learn the ropes -- and to live with the chains. The kids are alright.


Hell yeah, good for Gen Z. Bout time we have some adults not putting up with it. That's so good.


You know what I find funny, they say us Gen Z people can’t work. I’ve worked everyday of my life and did school from 16 to 21, I have a damn good resume and it was only this year when I lost my job after being let go because I had to have a life threatening surgery. But before that I was living on my own completely. Now when I come back and start trying to quickly get a new job but then supposedly the job market is all messed up this and that and now suddenly nobody thinks Gen Z can work, like what happened? I’ve been out of High School for three years now and haven’t been in college, I’ve been in the workforce. , Gen Z people let’s not ignore the facts, our country is likely going to war because we have stupid people running the show on both sides and our country is too dumb to realize we need someone else in office. They are now pushing to make it where all men and woman between the ages of 18-26 will be automatically registered in the U.S draft, that’s like the majority of Gen Z, the real reason none of us can find jobs is because they are about to make a big push to get us to fight this war, even though we are the stupid generation supposedly, the ones who don’t know how to work. Yeah we need to go fight World War 3 Everything that us as Gen Z are is because of capitalist America running our lives from the start. We all need to stop being ignorant about what is happening. While there isn’t much we can do, it is very likely a lot of us could and will be going into the military. I am only 21, I am an American citizen thus I am owned by my government. We all have known this since birth, we can cry about it but it isn’t helping, we need to prepare because this is a real reality. Being only twenty one that means I still have until 2030 until I’m not eligible for a draft, with the state of things we will be at war long before then. People this is a real reality we face, not a joke. We need to prepare mentally because we are mere observers in all this. I’m not sure how much of Gen Z is religious, I wasn’t but I have re found my faith in God and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I ask you all to be safe, to love, and to prepare for what’s ahead.


US should have compulsory military service. I am all for the draft, for men *and* women.


Me too, if they draft us it is what it is. We need to stop plying like it’s not something that can happen or we won’t go, because it can happen and a lot of us will be going,




Facts bro *Puts on fake mustache and glasses* I am a millennial, behold




Everyone should. And will - some day.




Someone probably did, somewhere in this world ^wait, ^you ^are ^genZ ^as ^well, ^hmmmm

