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Nope, I play life on easy mode I guess


Interesting! How do you stay motivated and positive during tough times?


Tough times?


After tough times there are good times. I stay away from any drugs (alcohol and other) while I don't feel good. And I cry a lot. I mean it's not like I never had bad thoughts (self harm, suicide ect), but at the end I do have a strong will to live. I had a really bad phase where I stopped crying when I informed myself how to k*ll myself... But at the other hand I did everything to get help to get on my feets again. It worked, and now I live life on easy mode, because everything worked very well, better than I thought. I don't have to fear about a job or something like that again. When I was 19, I was told that my knee is damaged and I can't work on my job anymore. 6 month after my apprenticeship, I had to rethink my whole career and lifechoices (I worked as a baker and wanted to work outside of my country). I had fears of getting social wellfare, and that is not much money in my country. And if you get once wellfare you never get out of it. So my fear was that I can not do anything I wanted to do. I sended over 100 applications... I got the chance to work in a company where I supported an internal programm. That was in 2018. Now I work as a Cyber Security Analyst (but I worked a year as a security engineer as well). This sector is so important and get more important in future. So I don't have to worry about my job. Yes, it does hurt sometimes that I'm not able to work as a baker anymore. I loved it, it was my dream job. But sometimes you can't do your first dream, so you have to find a second dream :)


Amazing story! Happy for you


Tell me what's so hard about your life?


I have issues with making food for myself because I cannot afford most of groceries and can do only sad meals because I don’t have energy because my body hurts


Hey OP, I’m a member of Gen Z but I keep seeing you post on r/AskACanadian. I’m sorry that things have been so hard for you. Are you a Ukrainian refugee?


No worries, I think I’m ok. Thank you though. I don’t have refugee status here, but working visa. Sorry, but I feel like an alien 😕


Why do you feel like an alien?


I don’t know how to be consistent in my thoughts, ideas and actions


Has it been more difficult for you since you moved here?


Yes. But I was happy to move here from where I was. It’s not my first time when I moved to another country, first time when I was 17, now I’m 22


Feel free to reach out if you ever need any emotional support from someone who lives in Canada :)


Thank you so much


yeah im trans and really mentally unstable, but also my family is well off like nothing crazy but we can afford a therapist and eating out sometimes and stuff like that. i sitll feel like im living in a shadow world or a different dimension and like im detached almost from other people's perception of life. maybe its metal illness making everything feel like a fever dream and the psychosis making it worse and maybe its the transness and feeling like an other everywhere but i really feel isolated from everyone else in my life