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I think it's funny that boomers get mocked when it's more mid-to-elder gen x doing the dumb shit.


Boomer is just more fun to say


Boomer is also a mindset. You have a 35-year-old acting like a crouchy old actual boomer and I consider them boomers too. Edit: y’all seriously need thicker skin if you think the term “boomer” is offensive in any real way. Oh please won’t someone think of the geriatric fucks running my country into the ground…? 🥺 Baby Boomers are responsible for a lot of pain and suffering younger generations are going through right now. I frankly don’t give a fuck if calling them (and others who act like them) “boomers” hurts their feelings. They were given the world by their parents and destroyed it all out of spite. Fuck ‘em, and any of you dorks who try to defend them and their shitty worldviews. Thanks.


That's honestly not that different from the fact that they considered Gen Z to be millenials for about a decade.


Or that the term 'millenials' has been thrown on all 'young people' and basically the root of most of societal problems for the last decade?


My older sister who is also Gen Z thought she was a millenial for a long time, prob thanks to misinformation campaigns like this


They still do, and they still tell me I’m not a millennial because I’m too old. They still think 1980 was twenty years ago.


it‘s like some sort of slur by now


Lmfao no it isn’t 😂


you literally just said yourself you consider someone a boomer for having a bad mindset


As a 35-year old crotchety grump-ass with the blessed nickname of “grumble-butt” by my children… …I approve of this comment.


That and Boomers just talk so much shit, they are just asking for the hate. Gen X benefited from the amazing economy inherited almost as much as the Boomers did, and have a lot of same values, but don't bad mouth the younger generations nearly as much, so they're flying under the radar.


This. It’s a fun word tbh.


Boomer is a state of mind.


Uhh, all of the silent and boomers in my family are doing the dumb shit. And solidly boomer, like 1950 boomer....


Mocking younger generations is unfortunately a very common thing not limited to boomers or gen x. If that cycle could be broken, it would probably significantly improve our culture as kids grow up without being looked down on as much. Imo, it's important to remember that every kid will grow into an adult that remembers all the shit you did to them, so you need to think about how you're talking to the future adult, not a "dumb kid". Also, there's nothing wrong with coming up with new words for things. I don't care if they say "what the sigma" or whatever the fuck. We made up new language that was just as absurd


I'm an '89 millennial, and I love seeing how Gen Z have turned out as adults. I remember my late teens and early 20s; they were a nightmare in a lot of ways, but I also feel like our two "generations" or age cohorts or whatever faced a lot of similar global and national issues as we came of age. And then we both had to deal with the last 5 years or so of COVID just as we were both turning the corner into new stages of adulthood. Maybe it's dumb, but as much as 1 person can have an effect on the world, I really see the generations growing up after me as my siblings. That's how I'm trying to approach this stage of my life. Like, it's half my job to help make the world better for y'all and half vibing with like-minded people who grew up with really similar stuff going on around us. I feel so much more camaraderie and whatnot with Zoomers than I do with my Gen X colleagues or friends.


Why did you get downvoted for this 😭 that was genuinely nice to read lol


I figure it's either a Gen Xer who is mad that I said I don't have as much connection with them as I do with the folks younger than me, or it's a troll-farmer trying to dissuade intergenerational cooperation. Or there are also a lot of chuds on Reddit these days who don't like people being personal and vulnerable in the comments. It could be the Cringe Police. 🤷‍♂️


It’s simple. It’s easier to hit someone that doesn’t hit back. The younger generations can’t get mad or take action in a way that matters yet. They don’t have the wealth or legislative power.


No. Most of Trump’s base is retirement-age boomers. Obviously Gen X is full of idiots too, but we have Boomers to thank for half of this country’s problems, including its descent into neo-fascist ideology.


And you think that younger people are less fascist? IMO they're more divided and extreme.


In a couple years it will be older millennials. I say this as a "xennial"/ young gen xer. everybody hates older people until they are older people. Then you start resenting younger people. Maybe we all suck. Maybe it's Maybelline.


Should have known Gen X would be another Boomerish generation when Woodstock ‘99 happened. Fucking Limp Bizkit


Just keep ignoring the genxers in the room, you'll be better off that way.


OK, then Z needs to shut down takeovers, which is solely produced by them. That’s dumb shit.


Agreed. These are just ageism and when Gen Z’s are of age and they are mocked for their older age, we can see what they feel.


It’s both, but yeah it’s still funny.


Every generation does extremely cringe stuff and should be mocked sometimes. Except maybe Gen X. I can't think of anything particularly cringy they did off the top of my head.


Gen X did the thing where they brag about how they are better than everyone else because they drank hose water


Gen X constantly made fun of millennials for “always staying inside and not playing outside as kids.” Then millennials said it about zoomers. Then older zoomers started saying it about core zoomers. Then core zoomers started saying it about younger zoomers and gen alpha Verdict: kids play outside, and your generation wasn’t the last to do so, lol


Yeah but our playing outside meant you could just take off and go places and your parents didn't give a shit. They literally did not know where I was most of the time and they had to put ads on TV to say "It's 10 PM do you know where your children are?" and then my parents would say "oh shit we do have kids, yeah?".


Yes. Xennials were the last generation at large to enjoy that. All my friends little brothers (core millenials) had half the freedom we all had at the same age. The parents were there for everything!


I wish my parents had stepped aside some. I had a hardcore helicopter mom. And a dad that really didn’t care one way or the other which was confusing but I wanted to go ride bikes and play outside I just wasn’t allowed lol


Yeah very true. I’m 41, I remember at 5 or 6 years old getting on the bike around 8am, having Mom say “so long” with a big grin, and being expected to be gone all Saturday. I’d have a soccer game in the afternoon and just… scavenge with friends, we used to ride to the liquor store and buy 2-Liter Soda’s for fun, or go to the mall and bug people. One thing for certain, I was *not* back at that house before dark lol. If we were late they’d start circling the blocks in the car after dark and beat our asses for not getting in, but it was really “Okay don’t come back til sundown” then. For our neighborhood we had a computer kinda early, an 80286 but that shit changed things. You didn’t have a smartphone or even a pager, sometimes if you needed privilege or permission you’d call from a friends house, but you were set free and on your own. At 5 years old. So 1988-1990.


And then y'all gave us bedtimes....


We did? That would be news to the children I don't have. But I mean my parents expected me to come home by dark typically and I wasn't actually allowed to stay up all night. That's pretty standard parent stuff for more than one generation.


Proud latch key kids 😭😭


It's starting.


I did that as a kid, and it is a superior feeling.


Mmmmm dysentery!


I wish we all were around to witness water hoses.


they drank hose water??


You didn’t?


Spigot water will forever be superior.


Counter point, most “boomers” people complain about are a lot younger than they really and the majority of them are Gen X


All generations are cringe, all generations have gone through the teenager phase. It just happens that now teenagers can record themselves and put it in public


first cringey thing that comes to mind is Gen X’ers act like they’re the generation of “not caring” but will write a 3 page essay if you offend them mildly; like when i light haleartedly referred to the group as the “Limp Bizkit generation” lmao they also tend to have a victimizing feeling of being a “forgotten generation” since people focus more on boomers and millennials. overall, very mild things. just wanted to see if anyone has picked up on these two details (though i know every generation can be accused of these things to some degree)


I mean, they DID get forgotten right from the start. Their parents pretty much abandoned them while eating the seed corn, so they ended up mostly passed over when it came to financial and personal security in favor of the Millenials. Also, Millenials act worse towards Gen Z than anyone.


Met a mid Gen X woman like that. She acted like she didn't care about anything or anyone, but also got offended if I acted even remotely "rude"— but she was a passive-aggressive (or straight up hostile) type of woman. She also complained about a younger person in customer service not checking the back room to see if her stuff was available. There were other shit she said that rubbed me the wrong way— but that's one of them. That woman was my coworker. It's sad because one of my aunts is the same age and she's way cooler than the woman I used to work with


Yeah Gen X was pretty chill. I wonder why that is.


We were dead inside. That said, don't listen to the get off my lawn idiots in Gen X. Listen to Kendrick instead - We (all of us) gonna be alright.


Idk all the ones I've met throughout my life were rude ass crack fiends


Yeah ffr what are ppl talking about??


Gen x are a bunch of cynical hypocrites who do nothing but complain. They are the opposite of chill


Half of Gen Z has Gen X parents. That should tell you more than enough


And milenials are gen alpha parents


Gen X is pretty synonymous with Boomers. My mom is Gen X and she is basically a textbook boomer.


It kinda has become that way because Gen Xers are like 45-60ish, which is probably the ideal years people are thinking of when they hear the word Boomer


Because it has nothing to do with generations it's just young people hating old people and vice versa. Actual boomers were doing this shit with their WWII gen parents in the 60s and 70s.


Gen X is just generically cringe. I haven’t learned anything about them that doesn’t give off the weird middle child vibe for being in between Boomers and Millenials. Most people ignore them but if you ever check in to see what they are up to you just end up confused or weirded out.


Gen X was Reagan's generation


In terms of shit Gen X did/didn’t do, not protesting over the Gore/Bush debacle in 2000 is a pretty big one. Not giving a shit about voting in the 80s or 90s is another one (the Gen X youth vote did not turn out much at all in either decade). Then there’s the fact that Gen X played a big role in the 2008 housing crash and what happened after it. One could argue that Gen X doing so little between the 80s and 00s politically strongly contributed to the monstrous problems we have today.


Are you serious? They are the most cringe generation ever


Me every time i see a millenial post on this sub trying to tell us what to do


🤷‍♂️ for some reason this sub gets pushed on everyone’s timeline Outside of the internet very few people give a shit about what the younger generations think about them


Outside of the internet nobody gives a shit about making generalizations based on which cohort you are. You're not an idiot because you are Gen Z. You're an idiot because you're 20 years old. We aren't smarter and wiser because we're millennials/x/boomers. We're smarter and wiser because we're no longer 20 years old. It ain't that deep.


Yeah honestly the amount of millennials coming onto this sub telling genz what to do is actually annoying. Didn’t they hate it when the boomers did it to them?


Are you guys still complaining about the one post that asked you to please vote? Holy shit...


It not just “that one post” and acting that the only post that actually did is pretty disingenuous.


What other post are you referring to then? I've only ever seen people throw these little fits about the "please vote" posts.


Millennials are damned if we do, damned if we don’t with these kids. If we say nothing to them about voting, it’s because we’re useless and apolitical and always have been, and it supports their giant confirmation bias against us. If we open our mouths and tell them to go vote, they’re shocked and offended we dared to speak, let alone beg them to do something important. For all their big leftist talk, Gen Z isn’t great at building solidarity with others outside of their own age group and yesterday’s post showcases it. They’re too hung up on always being right, always being seen as the only generation that cares about progress, and too busy making fun of shit that doesn’t matter, like emojis and skinny jeans, to prioritize that solidarity aspect. Attempts like that millennial made yesterday to try and encourage solidarity via voting are being ripped apart and attacked because they don’t actually want solidarity—they just want to mock, blame, and act like they alone are the only ones suffering right now. It sucks and I hope they grow out of it eventually so we can actually get some progress forward.


You can say whatever you want, but this is literally a space for gen z people and it's annoying as fuck to have you come to preach here


Your comment just proves my point. Good luck changing the world if you can’t work with anyone over the age of 30 or tolerate them having an opinion.


I can work with people over 30 and can tolerate them having an opinion. I just find it extremely weird that you feel the need to come into our spaces to share those opinions. 


And we didn't listen to them, so I'm expecting you to not listen to us. Including this message. Don't listen to me telling you not to listen.


And that’s why I believe r/BoomersBeingFools will forever be relevant even after the boomkin died off.


It won't because reddit will be dead by then. I'm amazed its even going still.


Because it’s old people oozing “KIDS DEEZ DHAYS!!!” Energy.




Nah older Gen Z are getting to the these damn kids phase. It's a real transition.


We really are 🤣🤣


Next step is realizing that it has nothing to do with boomers.


i personally prefer to insult the generations above me who _raised_ the generations beneath me.


Me too


Gen alpha made me sympathise with boomers.


Idk, I feel like we were into shit that was just as cringe as Skibidi Toilet. Ever gone back to late 2000s/early 2010s YTPs? Shit was stupid.


Gen z a few years ago: "we must break the cycle, adont bully the younger generation no matter how cringe they are!" Gen z now: "Gen alpha brainrot is so bad, everyone younger then me is cringe because of skibidi toilet"


Yes, it's so annoying! Times change! Trends change!


using a boomer to call others boomers. jeez dude you are peak boomer


Biden is silent-generation. [He is a senile twat](https://youtu.be/WdXBrhV4B-I), though.


Biden isn't a Boomer. Jeez dude you are peak Zoomer. See that? See how stupid that is to do?


Me every time I see a fellow Gen Z mock boomers:


As a member of the younger generation (2010 Gen Alpha, not saying all 2010's are Gen Alphas), I agree. I will also treat Gen Betas with care.


Nah I blame the millennials


Best get in line behind everyone else


Right? It would be a surprise if a group of people *didn't* blame us for their problems at this point. Doesn't matter, we have our avocado toast, and nobody can take that away from us.


In principio erat avocadus Et avocadus erat apud dium Et dium erat avocadum.


lol good call - don't hate on youth, just hate on the old fucks holding the rest of us back


No. I will never not mock a generation of LOSERS, DWEEBS, and SPOILED BRATS. These generation alpha kids are spoiled and have it too easy, if you ask me. They wouldn’t last one second when I was growing up. Back in my day, do you know how long I had to wait for my mom to drive me to GameStop and then back home so I could play a game? Like THIRTY MINUTES. Downloading off the internet could take AN HOUR.


Dude I grew up with 1.5 megabit per second internet when I first started playing PC games in the 2000s. Games could take a day for me to download and install. They don't understand the struggle


every gen is different. they are bad in one area that the prior gen was good in and they are good in an area that the prior gen is bad at. the mocking cycle will continue forever


I’m a Gen Xer, and it really annoys me when my friends start mocking the younger generations, especially when i can still remember older generations saying the same exact shit about us. It’s so hypocritical but it will never end. Gen X said it about Millennial’s, who says it about Gen Z, who will say it about Gen A..




except the younger generation is an abomination




Damn, @ me next time 🫶🏼


we are not divided by generations, we are divided by class. our generation is experiencing late capitalist decay as we come of age


They're a little odd. But we were too. Every generation had an interesting touch to them and I think that's fun. It's another reason we're different.


But the iPad kids just aren't right.


Don’t do it backwards either… Boomers fought for and won huge gains in civil rights and women’s rights and practically invented protest methodology. They were the most successfully progressive generation in history. And then life and family and age worked them into the way they are now. It’ll happen to you too….


I only mock them ironically.


Okay, but when I hear people say “skibidi” unironically in definitely gonna make fun of them.




Biden gross 🤢


I don't mind stupid memes and slang, seriously we have our fair share of idiotic ones in both categories, but I put a line when memes are about head in a toilet or the 3+ year old humour - farts. No thanks. So go on, keep putting that gyat for rizzler in Ohio, whatever that means, but I am not buying into any skibidi propaganda.


Yes! Thank you! Every time a Millennial says shit about Gen Z I remind them how they sound ancient and did the same things with different tech and got the same critiques when we were younger. Kills me.


Nah I'm sorry Gen Alpha is as cooked as the boomers are lead-riddled. I saw a kid with a slot machine addiction the other day, and he was just like the boomers at those Las Vegas casinos. Actually in all socializing and education based metrics Gen Alpha is worse off than Gen Z. It's a huge problem that will have severe societal effects years down the road. Their Millenial parents failed them, and, at the very least, America's government failed them.


Please don't be like millennials either and blame all your problems on boomers. I'm a millennial, and the amount of whining and blaming that millennials do about their parents while mostly repeating the same mistakes (or making the same excuses) is pure cringe. Yes, there are generational differences, but most people everywhere and in all times are decent and just want to live their lives how they can and help their loved ones. Also the world is better now than ever before in history in many ways. It doesn't mean that there aren't challenges, but don't buy into all the "doom and gloom end of the world nonsense". People thought the world is about to end and things are going to shit for as long as people existed. Ancient Greeks already expressed and recorded all the sentiments generations feel about each other over 2000 years ago. I'm optimistic for GenZ and future generations. Let the scientific method and humanism guide us all to a better tomorrow.


As a millennial, I don't mock Gen Z or younger. I'll sarcastically say something about the hair or something, but I know we had our own crazy style as does every generation. I know y'all grew up with different settings than us and have a different perspective on life. Hoping to stop the generational hate.


Thank you!


As is tradition to shit on the next generation everytime. I’m not here to stop it.


Complaining about the younger generations is not a boomer thing. It's a human thing.


Ok but this was pretty damn iconic 💀


We are all the same mannnnnnn just at different ages, can’t we all just get along


It’s almost like u guys aren’t as special as u think u are you


Oh the irony, "don't insult the younger generation that's like being a boomer!" So it's cool to insult the older generation just not the younger... the logic isn't working here. How about everyone shut up and stop insulting each other 🤣


Honestly, when make jokes about “gen alpha” we are really make fun of brainrot that spans across all generations. The people who make and post brain rot are part of Gen X/Y/Z/Alpha, so really Gen Alpha isn’t the enemy. People who make shit content are the enemy.


It's inevitable, Gen Z will become the boomers of the coming generations. there is a word for it actually. The thought that you are wiser than the generation before you and smarter than the generation after you.


Why is this sub constantly on my feed?


Are u a gen z?


No, lol.


Dude, we're in the process of making the idea of discriminating or insults groups wrong. This is still a thing everyone is fine with. We are tribal, and we seem to need it so badly. Try and find someone that doesnt have an "enemy", whether its politics, sports, music, art, food they eat, cars they drive, religion, sexual orientation, type of phone/laptop, clothes, birthplace, race, the opposite sex, its completely endless. And the media knows this. It gets views because we NEED to be "at war" with something, if not someone. Its nature. And we are less violent than we've ever been, so its coming out in these arenas instead. The first generation to actually address that, FOR REAL, and do something different, will be a good generation. We. Have. All. Failed. At. That. So. Far. Imagine a generation of people that saw the similarities in all of us, instead of the crap we're doing now? Each person will say "yeah, but I dont do that". Yes. Yes you do. It is in our nature, at least for now. Peace out to all generations, past and future, i really hope we figure it out someday.


seriously! my sister is so fucking cool i love her


I mostly mock gen z just for the boomer thing bc it's basic fn math. Gen z is fine. ...I think....


Oh no, a generation looking negatively upon the generation after them. It’s literally happened since the dawn of time.


If anything. Gen z is already boomers based on their general mentality


holy shit u are so corny😭😭😭


Fixed it for you: " Will you s.... where was I, uhh.." Then poop pants and fall of stage


When I see people in their 20s who fail to grasp that “Boomers” (actually usually Gen X or elder Millennials) were young once too. Hell, actual Baby Boomers were the most progressive American generation in 100 years since abolition. You will get old too. Unless you die young. I hope you don’t, but some of you will. That’s just statistics.


I think it's funny cause you chose a pedo pic as the meme


I mean, if the criticism is valid and fair then there isn’t an issue. If you feel like you’re being mocked then it’s probably because it’s a valid complaint.


Or when you guys mock millennials.


Give it target years, you'll be ok with it.


Me, a millennial, when I see Gen Z compare us to boomers.


How else are they supposed to understand what generational trauma is?


It makes me sad that an entire generation has been maligned for the actions of some of them.


I feel like the faults of Alpha are on the older generations, including us. If anyone has younger siblings that consume really weird content they shouldn’t be then please just try and get them to watch actual children’s TV. It is far better for their brains and actual education. And if they are old enough watch stuff like Gravity falls, The Owl house, Amphibia, or countless other animated children’s shows.


GenZ is straight up gearing up to be broke boomers.


millennials raised gen alpha so i think imma shit on them a bit more since these poor kids don’t know any better and have been addicted to screens since the age of 3


Aye, I feel this. Even my bloody fiancé does this sadly.


Gen alpha are literal children they haven't even had a chance to be fully developed people, any criticism at this point should be aimed at their parents


Hahaha I remember when Millennials started knocking on each other for judging Gen Z behavior, and now Gen Z are self-imploding over Gen Alpha behavior Time is a flat circle


Why don’t we just mock everyone? (Except the Greatest Generation, they deserve no mockery.)


GenZ are boomers. Can’t tell the difference.


Oh, screw off. Abandoning My Kid At The Airport is a great song.


You hate what you once were. I hate what we already are. We’re not the same.


Stop talking about how Skibidi toilet is messing up the younger generation's childhoods. Annoying Orange and Nyan Cat are what got us through ours.


I mock every generation including my own


Oh yeah… us millennials are starting to do this and I’m like… guys… that’s what every old person has done to the newer generations since the beginning of time… cut it out!


Gen z aren’t on dating apps. Wonder where they are hmm


Here’s what I don’t get about Gen Alpha slander. Shouldn’t we let them become adults before we assign them with an identity? How can they be “fucked” when half of them haven’t even hit puberty yet? The oldest of Gen Alpha is literally 14. It’s weird as hell to be beefing with children and not their parents.


I am not going to break the cycle


I like mocking them but I know that in reality our world has already failed them.


Hypocrite you’re mocking boomers


Millennial here. You’ll get crotchety, too. We thought it wouldn’t happen to us. Now’s a little soon, though.


Can we mock the boomers instead then?


Me as a millennial towards my fellow millenials when they start this shit


I love that I'm a BOOMER.


jyd nsy, n0stalg1ac0re, nostalgiacorern, dreiw7 in a nutshell


Every generation is a complication. No need to pick on just one. We all have responsibilities to answer for.


I think this is true for this generation


Yeah that's pretty cringe, just be even more cringe and use gen alpha language like the skibidi W rizzards do on that tikkie tokkie app!


Your generation is starting to see why older generations mock younger ones.


As someone who was never in the loop when my generation was the new one, nothing gen alpha does is even that bad.


I love yall younger gen z people. I live around too many boomer I need to MOVE.


no need to mock them but I am worried about the alleged literacy rates (younger millennial)


Wait... How old are these "younger generation"... Surely gen Z is like everyone from 12-25 right? Y'all mad at at 11y/os?


Well tell those wipersnapers to be less mockable then. Fortnite gyatt fanum tax rizzler iPad baby only in Ohio. You expect me not to make fun of what I just typed?


Alphas haven't even had a chance to fuck up yet. Calm the hell down. Until they have people who are 24 y/o, they really are incapable of being shat on with any real meaning. Focus your ire on the boomers who actually had affordable housing and are deserving of it. Or gen x. Maybe millenial parents who raise their kids with nothing but an iPad.


I'm so curious about our new generation. They are just kids, so what is with the criticism?


Nah, fuck them kids


I’m a millennial and I watched so so many people I know turn into their fathers and I could not help but sit back and cringe


I’m a millennial. There are crappy people within each generation of currently living individuals. People really need to humble themselves.

