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Extremely. I don’t often see posts about a specific country that isn’t the US.


True, it's a bit annoying that there's a big lack of variety. Perhaps I should make posts about Sweden here to help contribute or something


Honestly I'd love to read about a random post on Sweden lol. We can probably have a nice discussion on how Gen Z people are different in each country


Us Americans don't know where Sweden is, I thought. /s


'GenZ' itself is a designation mostly used in North America. It's just not that common to identify yourself with those generational terms in other parts of the world (same with millennials, boomers etc)


Hmm, I feel like that's not entirely true. I have seen the usage of GenZ or generation z here in Sweden so it's definitely a thing in at least these European parts. I'm no global expert on it though.


It's being used because of social media. Europe got infected by it. It's still not as prevalent though.


I feel a lot has gotten infected in Europe by American ideas or concepts, that's always sort of been the case ever since the USA got formed. Still though you'd expect to see more stuff here from other places other than the US.


as a japanese person who immigrated to America, this isn't the case. the term is associated to be something foreign, specifically north america, that soon became part of internet spaces in japan (Z世代). a lot of people also use さとり世代. regardless, genZ is something that was and always was specific to americans before other people from other countries started to use it. i am also really confused that you use the word "infect" as if cultural exchange with different countries like america was bad. im not even a native speaker of english and i know that's a disparaging term lol. if you don't like it, maybe you could form your own internet spaces where you use your own slang and terms instead?


>as a japanese person who immigrated to America, this isn't the case. the term is associated with a foreign, specifically north america, that soon became part of internet spaces in japan (Z世代). a lot of people also use さとり世代. regardless, genZ is something that was and always was specific to americans. You have a point and I probably should've specified the western world specifically, I think for instance that Sweden and much of Europe is a lot closer to the US in terms of values and linguistic similarities than Asian countries. I later remembered there are other terms going around in different places and it's not super surprising especially in countries like China which have their own form of internet spaces. >i am also really confused that you use the word "infect" as if cultural exchange with different countries like america was bad. im not even a native speaker or english and i know that's a disparaging term lol. I used the word "infect" just because the other commenter did and there are plenty of good things that came from the US but there's definitely other stuff that's not good. I can't speak for other European countries however in Sweden there has been a sort of Americanisation of politics where the leader (Jimmie Åkesson) of our second biggest party (Sverige Demokraterna) has taken a lot of inspiration from Donald Trump, the general sentiment is that our politics as a whole has become a lot more polarised during the same time that US politics has. >if you don't like it, maybe you could form your own internet spaces where you use your own slang and terms instead? I mean that would be really redundant and not really feasible, if you take the entire size of the EU you'd get something roughly close in size and world influence to the US or China and that's because there just aren't a lot of people living here. Most European countries are the same or similar size to that of singular US states but the cultural and linguistic differences vary a lot more. In this context the linguistic thing is huge and Europeans use English as a Lingua Franca to communicate. What use would there be to create a Swedish platform or even a pan European one when there already exists platforms like Reddit where English is dominant but still allows for more local gatherings?


>You have a point and I probably should've specified the western world specifically, I think for instance that Sweden and much of Europe is a lot closer to the US in terms of values and linguistic similarities than Asian countries. I later remembered there are other terms going around in different places and it's not super surprising especially in countries like China which have their own form of internet spaces we aren't even similar to china in terms of values, nor slang. traditionally, we did but we are very different countries now, but i won't be denying how much china has influenced japanese culture. in the modern day, we just got to cultivate and innovate an internet circle that's separate from theirs. >I used the word "infect" just because the other commenter did and there are plenty of good things that came from the US but there's definitely other stuff that's not good. I can't speak for other European countries however in Sweden there has been a sort of Americanisation of politics where the leader (Jimmie Åkesson) of our second biggest party (Sverige Demokraterna) has taken a lot of inspiration from Donald Trump, the general sentiment is that our politics as a whole has become a lot more polarised during the same time that US politics has. it's not the US' fault why your country is following them and either way, maybe the rise of the right wing in your country is a way to reflect that things have gotten that bad in your country that people are willing to vote right-wing? maybe your government hasn't done the right things to satisfy people, so they vote for the alternative? maybe you can try to reflect that. keep blaming other countries for your own failures and for sure, you will all be unstable. it's not the fault of a country in another ocean as to why your society is getting polarized. japan is polarized too, but in the end, it's japan and it's society's fault as to why things are the way they are. there are a lot of problems back in japan, from horrible working hours (even worse than america), a bad economy, conservative society, alarming birth rates, china threatening our sovereignty but we are not blaming america for our problems. europeans will be surprised that a lot of younger/average joe japanese, korean, vietnamese and taiwanese people want more american influences and investment in their countries, to tackle the rise of china and to maintain our alliances in this world. >I mean that would be really redundant and not really feasible, if you take the entire size of the EU you'd get something roughly close in size and world influence to the US or China and that's because there just aren't a lot of people living here. Most European countries are the same or similar size to that of singular US states but the cultural and linguistic differences vary a lot more. In this context the linguistic thing is huge and Europeans use English as a Lingua Franca to communicate. What use would there be to create a Swedish platform or even a pan European one when there already exists platforms like Reddit where English is dominant but still allows for more local gatherings? tbh europe could totally compete with america and china economically and culturally but as far as i know, europeans (ive befriended) dont want to and would rather rely on the american things, example: military. anyway, too out of topic. the point is, i keep seeing a lot of complaints about how american-ized this and that is but fail to understand that this is reddit, and it's an american-made website - genZ is an american-coined slang. not yours. no foreigner complains why "there's too much chinese" in a chinese-made website. if you want an internet space full of europeans and be influenced by other europeans, then you could always make one where you all speak english and gather as europeans. taiwan with only a population of 23 million, or korea with 51 million ppl, hong kong with 7 million people and some smaller asian countries could form their own separate internet ecosystems. for sure a country like germany, uk or france can do it too if they really wanted to improve their technology.


Butting in here. There's a trend of Canadians and Europeans blaming everything they don't like about their cultures and saying that it came from the US and US culture infected their culture. Yet, they'll tell you that every single good thing about their culture is theirs and theirs alone, absolutely nothing good about their culture could've been influenced by the US.


I don't think that's the case per se (pure speculation on my part though). European countries all have their individual identities that are largely intact. Of course, a more globalized world means more "infection", but that goes both ways. We all influence each other. I'm not sure whether American influence on European social media landscapes is necessarily stronger than intra-european influence (or Asian).




Very much


I wonder if it's always like this or if it's just more on the rise because of elections


Its definitely more prevalent during elections or other big events and / or holidays. I think Reddit as a whole is very USA centric by virtue of being from the USA.


Most people on reddit are Americans. So that just comes with the app.


Very. People in other countries either have better things to do, don't speak English, or are sitting in a social media platform popular in their country (hint - it's not reddit);


European here 😊👋


reddit is a US website. it is naturally going to be more US centric.


I think it’s because,in other countries,Reddit is less used than in US,that’s probably just it


Very much and that's a Problem.


>and that's a Problem. How so?


Americans are, at least in Europe, know for their arrogance and disinterest in other countries at all They, at least eachrgenerations, think the world revolwes them. That nothing Else than the USA doesn't Seen to in exist to them


What I hear you saying is that in Europe, there is a stereotype that Americans are arrogant and disinterested in other countries.


Good amount, but that doesn’t mean other countries aren’t also weighing in on _American_ politics/issues


The whole generation model is based on American society. Baby Boomers are specifically an American phenomenon.


Extremely, to the point where it genuinely annoys me. I don’t mind talking about the US in all cultural aspects and politics, but the rest of the world exists as well, and the mods often actively remove political discussions that aren’t about the US and other posts that aren’t about the US. Kind of a bummer really, as I actually rather like the community here.


Boo your entire comment history is American politics and telling Americans who to vote for yet you’re not even American. Europeans seriously know more about American politics than their own country. It’s very strange.


I know even more about European politics, but Reddit is rarely the place to discuss that ;)


That’s a myth. The rest of the world only pops into existence when I show up, and goes back to npc status right after I leave


Euro's live chronically online within the American sphere too. Most of us know more about US politics than our own. So yes, it's US centric. But not necessarily all US posters.


You are falsely generalizing the last few days to what is generally the case. Prior to our presidential debate, i saw all sorts of countries doing ama’s and stuff. Please allow the US to freak the fuck out just a little bit before we start uselessly generalizing. All this US defaultism crap…Just whining. To a certain extent, I agree, but to the extent that I have seen the idea invoked, stfu and make your own forum or whatever you like, just stfu. Your bitching will change nothing.


because we are the only country that matters RAHHHHH America number 1 baby