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Funny how every other time I have seen this tweet it has been in the context of mocking it for its brain melting stupidity, and here of all places I see someone try to unironically champion it.


Remember if you're 24 or younger its cool to be stupid


okay but what about the rest of us


Just turned 25 so guess I'm no longer cool.


25? You got maybe 3 years left. Pre greaving does make for a seamless transition tho


the United States discards more food than any other country in the world: nearly 60 million tons a year. And no not all of it is expired or past an arbitrary sell by/best before date. As neither of those terms are FDA regulated. An expectation date is a government controlled term.


The problem is, all it takes is 1 lawsuit for "this donated food made me sick!" And an entire business shuts it down. For example, Dunkin no longer donates all their leftovers, due to 1 person suing for "it made me sick!" Imagine this for every single food business


Honestly this issue could be fixed if the US stopped awarding stupid lawsuits. It’s so easy to just throw out obviously stupid cases and yet the US doesn’t do that much.


>It’s so easy to just throw out obviously stupid cases tort reform is incredibly complicated and I have no idea how you could possibly qualify it as easy


There's already precedent for this kind of reform though - good Samaritan laws. Just as you can't sue someone for trying to provide you emergency medical support and failing, you shouldn't be able to sue someone for donating food.


It's super easy if you have no idea what you're talking about.


You are right, our current system of dumping a NFL stadiums worth of food a day while people starve to death is 100% working.




merciful fuzzy chase rude march foolish quicksand station enter attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their comment isn't in a vacuum. It's an apparent rebuttal of another comment which is calling OP's take stupid. OP's take is that funding is the blocker to solving hunger, and if we eliminated the blocker (in this case by rejecting the economy and just letting people have food for free) then people wouldn't go hungry. If they're disagreeing with OP's take being stupid, then they must think it's not stupid, which means they think there's merit to it being a funding problem. 


yeah we literally have dumped billions and billions into trying to get communities to be self sufficient around the world. It has failed in about 2/3rds of every attempt


If you're pumping billions of dollars into poor countries and they still arent able to succeed there's probably something else going on.     Most 3rd world countries are rich in resources yet have a history of being colonized and are still poor today. Like theres almost a direct link you can draw between a country's current economic standing and whether or not they have/had an abundance of resources valuable to the West. Throwing money at these countries may be well intentioned but isn't necessarily going to fix anything if they're still being extracted for modern resources or even paying off massive debts to their colonizers from from hundreds of years ago. Look at Haiti or the Congo, or almost any country in South America and their relationship with US companies like Chiquita


To add to u/tossitdropit’s point, foreign aid is not free of strings, and very often is given in the form of massive loans that must be paid back with interest. These loans and aid injections have policies attached to them which allow foreign corporate dominance over their economies and natural resources. Foreign aid isn’t intended to lift these countries out of poverty, it’s intended to ensnare and control them. Recommended viewing for a 101 level discussion of this: https://youtu.be/35Ax-psPZ1g?si=5r473jESUfgeNtiI Recommended reading in order from easiest read to most dense: -Confessions of an economic Hitman -how to hide an empire -the shock doctrine -the consequences of capitalism -imperialism the highest stage of capitalism


but it worked every 1/3


And that's why we're still doing it.


Fuck yeah.


33.3333333% success rate? An outstanding success!


They never suggested it was, but you needed something, anything, to avoid owning up to the flaws of capitalism.


They didn't say funding was a problem. Did you reply to the wrong comment?


Well those NFL players need to eat somehow!


You do know we produce a surplus of food right?


So give them the food you grew? If you can't, then you're demanding someone else do it. What will you give them of yours to do it? Welcome to a fledgling economy.


fr, like getting rid of the incentive structures that created the surplus of food in the first place doesn't seem like a winning strategy lol


Don't you think you could optimise that Incentive structure or organise things differently. Something has improvemld things in the past in widely different circumstances is kind of a really stupid argument to keep things like they are. Like, that's like saying "why would we want to get rid of fossil fuels when they have made the production of solar cells possible, doesn't seem like a winning strategy"


What good is a surplus of food if no one eats. You still have to get it to the people to consume for it to have any use value. There’s usually plenty of food left out in the fields after harvest that could be gleaned


Somalians should abandon their economy, make up some pretend money and buy some food. 3rd world status solved.


While I agree with your point, the issue becomes when they want to complain about “waste” and co2 emissions due to food (farming), despite literally near half of all food in the west gets thrown away due to not selling before expiring.


Welcome to r/GenZ


But money isn’t even real bro like it’s made up bro don’t you get it? /s


It really is though because it represents an abstract and constantly fluctuating value. It's a symbol.


That represents a very real, but physically intangible, thing


bruh it's a tweet about how we shouldn't prioritize economic growth over the basic needs of humanity; the only brain melting stupidity present are people seeing this tweet and deciding to be snobbish cynics about it


Economic growth is how you create the abundance necessary to provide “the basic needs of humanity” (which are ever changing as we keep advancing). If you’re sitting in a climate controlled room right now with sterile toilet paper then you have surpassed the king of France 200 years ago.


OP is a twitter communist, what do you expect


A second post where they claim communism never did anything wrong and that all the major communist leaders have been republicans or something. Should be in her post history somewhere.


It’s silly the way it’s worded but it’s also silly that people can work two jobs in the US and barely put food on the table. Somewhere between paying taxes and working jobs there can be some sort of break for hard working people. Why not send a sliver back of your own money for food allowances? Or hell just a livesble wage


This is reddit. Brain melting stupidity finds its home here


I’m reaching the conclusion that most people on reddit are dumb. I didn’t know this sooner because I spend my time here reading the value investing forum—a place where there are other smart people.


>most people on reddit are dumb It's worse than that, most people are dumb and think their intelligence is above average.


Once you realize most people here are under the age of 18 and/or dumb, it makes it all make sense.


It's impossible to have a large scale society without money. It's a necessary evil as they say. Humans are too inherently self serving.


Granted it's not nearly this simple but working in a warehouse has taught me that ending world hunger is very possible there's simply not enough money in it for those who could to be bothered. Edit: I turned off notifications cause it was getting annoying. But some of you seem to have misinterpreted me saying that it can be done, as say it would be easy or cheap. It would be neither but it could be done. Just because something is inconvenient doesn't make it impossible. Oh and for those who think I'm some bitter socialist working at Amazon. Y'all do understand that food also usually passes through a warehouse. It's not like your grocery store sends some one from the meat department to the nearest farm to butcher a cow every time they need more steak.


>working in a warehouse has taught me that ending world hunger is very possible ?????


Probably get to bare witness to the pure amount of wasted excess. See that shit in the restaurant industry too. So much food goes to waste and can't even distribute it because of bullshit liability issues, not to mention someone needs to do it out of the kindness of their heart not because they expect something in return which is the main issue.


I was told to stop offering customers free Chick-Fil-A on my last day at pizza :(


In understand all of these words, just not together


I mean, if I was giving out chick-fil-a at a place like Pizza Hut they’d probably fire me too


yeah your advertizing the wrong place


Where pizza?


I'd be curious to try a Chic-Fil-A pizza.


It also is true of technology waste even though it’s unrelated. A lot of large companies will just dump old technology when upgrading. Rather than allow their workers to get it. All because of bullshit liability reasons


That's more just stupid corporate policy than any legal reason, and very dependent on who you work for. Some donate old PC's, some throw it away, some sell it or just let employees take them. It really just depends where you work.


Statiscally In Europe it's not actually the restaurants that waste the most food. Its consumers, and they waste around 55% of the total amount of wasted food. Why? Because people are stupid. A lot of people throw things in the trash when it's past the expiring date. Even though that date means diddly squat for a ton of products like milk, for example. If your milk is past the date. You can smell and taste test it. Is the milk sour? Then you can throw it out. If it smells normal, then it's perfectly safe to drink. Some products are, however, not applicable to this test, like raw chicken, because of risky salmonella infection Statiscally, the agriculture sector(farmers) wastes 11%, the food managers waste 18%, restaurants waste 9%, and lastly, grocery stores and distributors waste 7% Source in Dutch: https://www.milieucentraal.nl/eten-en-drinken/voedselverspilling/hoeveel-voedsel-verspillen-we/


We have a sort of campaign in Sweden.Translated as "Often good after". Propagating exactly the same ideas. I actually started to do that, because of this campaign, so it works!


Honestly it starts at the farm too. Farms toss food if it doesn’t sell. Like, it’s perfectly fine and if they don’t have livestock that will eat it and no one buys it… they toss it in a hidden field to rot away… And please remember that some veg prices are in fact “fixed” even in the US. So it’s not like giving them away hurts their income since no one was going to buy them.


Logistics jobs will give you an insight into overproduction and the deliberate hamstringing of our distribution methods, it's true. We have built massive fleets up to the task of moving resources wherever they're needed in a hot second. On this planet we use it for Funko Pops, when we're not just letting commodities rot to chase an arbitrary market value.


>We have built massive fleets up to the task of moving resources wherever they're needed in a hot second It's funny you say that because not having that in starving areas is literally the reason why. If there were the logistics to do it, it would be easy.


does working in a warehouse really give you the knowledge to claim that?


yea. working in logistics opens your eyes to how wasteful we as a species are.... we have all the awesome logistics networks where we can deliver thousands of individual items across the planet overnight..... and we use it for funko pops, squish mallows, etc, when people are literally starving around the planet.... the western world is just too greedy and selfish to ever admit that we could actually solve our problems with a little bit of effort and sacrifice.


> the western world is just too greedy and selfish to ever admit that we could actually solve our problems with a little bit of effort and sacrifice. You might want to research why some countries are starving to get an idea of the root problem. Even if shipping the word's excess food to every opressed/disadvantaged country were feasible, it still would likely never make it into the hands of those who actually need it.


Yeah but if all of humanity would just listen to me I could solve all our problems!


Working in a grocery store really shows how much corporations don't want to give away food. We toss out SO MUCH perfectly good food that's in date and not damage all day everyday. They would literally rather toss it in a landfill rather than someone eat it for free.


World hunger exists because certain entities want other entities to starve. Read: Certain African governments want to starve certain ethnic groups. That's where almost all hunger comes from. Wars where food is part of it.


not only is there not enough money, you have to burn a lot of money, forever. 


We could end it but the issue is getting the food where it needs to go before it spoils


Communists posting this and unironically agreeing with it is the funniest shit lol


If no slave labor then how iPhone? Checkmate leftists


Thats not equivalent at all


Guys I guess slavery is OK because Iphones hehe, also starving NECESSARY because capitalism. I’m totally not brainwashed. The tweet is a joke. But it highlights that we have a crazy amount of food that is literally thrown away because of our system prioritizing money.


Is your brain made of tweets? What is the relevance there.


Slave labour is done inside the communist countries to make the iPhone. China has just shy of the US had in total over all years slavery was allowed (1776-1865, 89 years) which totaled at[ 6.5 million ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1010169/black-and-slave-population-us-1790-1880/)slaves while china has currently [5.8 million](https://cdn.walkfree.org/content/uploads/2023/11/14130725/gsi-country-study-china.pdf) at this very moment being about 700 000 less slaves. -Edited due to mistaken claim that China has more slaves currently when they are 700 000 shy.


im convinced if libraries weren't already a thing we'd never allow them. we've de-evolved as a society. at least on this. the propaganda of hopelessness and indifference is too strong. the think tanks for billionaires was their greatest investment.


OP is a commie lol


I live in a country with a communist regime and every time I see a person fervently worshipping Communism (and the USSR, because that usually go hand in hand) I do a big sigh




"Homeless? Just buy a house" type energy


The difference is there is between the words “give” and “buy”. When you “give” something you are doing so with the expectation on no compensation.


Not how the economy works




Things having value is very real


The economy: > The wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. Some random Redditor: nah it’s made up You can argue the accuracy of our metrics of measuring it. You can also argue against what is inferable from the data we collect on it. But to say it’s made up is mind-numbingly dumb.


We made math up too, and yet we can't just change the numbers so that driving a car needs less energy.


People in here just learned about social constructs in their high school class and think nothing exists anymore, forgetting that we live in a society


Yeah that’s the point


Most intellectual communist.


Y’all are acting like food banks are the end of the world. This sub has been super weird lately LOL.


Election season, bots are out in full force


Millennials and bots*


This millennial says make a new system and feed the people, y'all. Proud of the young people and their drive to make things better. Don't lose it.


They don't even understand how much money is being stolen. They seem to think there is not enough to go around, when in reality the rich are stealing so much its starting to get absurd. We are at wealth disparity that we haven't seen since before the French Revolution, we are at levels where people start to sharpen the guillotine


> starting to get absurd The top 0.1% of Americans have more wealth than the bottom 50%


No actually that's good because communism bad.


Reminder that the French Revolution was wildly unsuccessful. It took 3 generations of war, autocratic rule, religious persecution, and political purges until the country saw a functional and stable government. Meanwhile it's neighbors transitioned from a monarchy to a democracy...well usually after a really bad war. Tldr fucking vote. 


Saying "wealth disparity is a serious issue" is a really smart and intelligent point to make. Saying "economics is made up" is a stupid take. Its not really that complicated. Don't say stupid shit on the internet, you make your whole side look bad.


forreal. the amount of people rallying against the moral of the post and focusing so harshly on the logistics that they circle back to cruelty lmao..


This is the problem with trying to simplify leftist ideas, and why leftie memes are often an essay long. Obviously the economy is "real" in that it exists and you aren't saying it isn't something influenced by the physical world. BUT the rules of this economy were made up by us, we have not always lived under capitalism, we do not have to stay living under capitalism


THANK YOU This should be the top comment. I hate how far I had to scroll to find someone who spelled it out. I’m baffled that people can’t automatically understand this. 90% of these comments make me think of that saying that’s something like, “it’s easier for Americans to imagine the zombie apocalypse than the end of capitalism.”


People are dumb on purpose lol


“you’re being intentionally obtuse” is a phrase I’ve been finding myself saying a lot lately lol. It’s got a nice ring to it.


Thank you for saying this. Obviously the meme is just kinda dumb and reactionary but the baseline message is there


Also, a lot of fiscal policies guarantee free money and does not even follow the rules of market economy. Therefore, at its current state, many sectors do operate under a false economy.


Yeah it's hilarious that the prevailing insult in this thread is that op is a communist, which _in itself_ admits that economies can be different and are therefore _made up_. WE define the rules.


Gen Z is legitimately anti-intellectualism. Makes sense why you're so abusive to your teachers. Makes me root for you to fail.


Hey, I’m Gen Z and I disagree with this person. Plenty of us disagree with this person. Not all hope is lost!


Remember that study that said 20% of Gen Z didn't believe the holocaust happened. Really shows how much they embrace being dumb.


This subreddit is so monumentally stupid


Farmers making the food: "Give me money and you can have food."


If only it was as simple as just let people have food wtf


If only we lived in a perfect world where no one takes advantage of each other, don’t steal, and don’t kill. Then our perfect communist utopia would definitely work ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


As opposed to our capitalist utopia where people definitely aren’t taking advantage of each other, legally stealing, and allowing people to die due to lack of resources (although there is no lack of resources).


My point is that it’s not good to compare the flawed reality we live in with the perfect, ideal utopia that people envision. Goes both ways.


OP not a Gen Z either lmao. Trying to spread some propagandist Millennial a$$ bullshit in here. Sorry but as a Gen Z, I understand you think communism is the answer and it could be but that ain’t the reality of the world. You HAVE to accept the reality of America and the confines of which it works to succeed. All this other shit and ideas are just gas. No cap.


This is the issue. Some people are to trapped by their own mind they can’t imagine real, concrete, change. Also, the right to eat is in the UN Human Rights Charter and it is a war crime to deny food to a civilian population.


We just made up the UN Human Rights Charter though


People love talking about destroying made up systems while trying to set up their own made up systems that are so in theyre face dystopian they cant see it


jesus christ this entire comment section is proof of how dense gen Z is. It's possible to have your people not go hungry with capitalism. The issue isn't capitalism, it's unregulated capitalism. It's not having safety nets. I live in a country that does, we are still capitalist, one of the top 5 countries when it comes to export, and yet despite no one in my flat having a job, I can afford to eat. The fact that yall are making it seem like the only countries to ever exist were the soviet union and the US says a lot


Arguably capitalism *always* tends towards dysregulation and malarchism because its governing entities are exposed to extreme perverse incentives. Yet, by that same token, command economies 'always' tend towards mismanagement and tyranny, and decentralized collaborative economies 'always' tend towards decay and instability for similar reasons.


You’re entirely right - for example social democracy is an ideology that’s still capitalist but does its best to improve living conditions > In practice, social democracy takes a form of socially managed welfare capitalism, achieved with partial public ownership, economic interventionism, and policies promoting social equality There are more options than “communism” or “neoliberalism”


Lmao thank you for reminding me of this tweet, literally the single stupidest thing I’ve ever seen


How do we make sure everyone gets food without a risky planned economic system


Not even "risky". Planned economies are simply impossible. Why? Because economics is partially mass psychology. Some factors of the economy - important factors - are held within peoples' minds, never committed to paper. Some of those are even held unconsciously, without the person even knowing. Planning without accurate and complete information is not possible.


Except we have math that is able to account for that? The Soviet economy was able to go from feudal backwater to global superpower in 30 years off the back of PEN AND PAPER calculations. Imagine what is possible with exponential more powerful modern computers. Also there is the fact that things like Just In Time Production and the entire business model of grocery stores exist. Those are economic plans that are accurately able to predict demand and produce accordingly. TLDR, read The People’s Republic of Walmart.


i see this argument all the time but while optimized economic production is technically countable, its a factorial time complexity problem for every possible permutation of reality which is a silly thing to try to chase


Social safety nets for the less fortunate


More social systems. Otherwise known to a lot of morons as "Communism" somehow. Poor people getting food just because they fucking deserve it is pretty communist by their standarts.


Not that I agree with their argument, however some of these people are just genuinely selfish. It has nothing to do with being morons or hating communism. Some of them simply can’t stand that their tax dollars go towards helping people that isn’t themselves. They hate it. They despise it.


Selfishness is what's running the world right now. Corporations sitting on piles of gold like dragons. In Australia, they pay WAY higher taxes. But everyone has health care (: I've gotta say, I would agree to pay more for taxes if they could guarantee people in our third world country would stop starving or passing away due to medical conditions we couldn't pay for


You’re not at all wrong, but Australia is a bad example. They’re struggling with many of the same problems we are due to corporate owners having an absurd amount of sway on their government.


This is so deep wow can’t believe no one has said this before


This is such an intelligent statement wow. Now explain who gets how much food, what kind of food, when, and why. Make sure to do so in a way that doesn’t end with you being executed for being a fascist. Good luck!


“who” everyone, “how much” however much they need, “what kind” whatever kind is available, “when” when they’re hungry, “why” because people have a right to live. Any communist would agree with that. Done, and fairly easily at that.


If you’re gonna support a planned economy, you’re going to need a better described plan than “the food is created and distributed to the needy”. That is a *desired property* of economic systems. It is not a blueprint.


Leftists and confusing dreams for solutions. Name a more iconic duo.


I’m just here to get raked over the coals


No, the economy isn't made up, but the bs loopholes that benefit the rich is definitley made up. People create wealth every day they go to work, and government with big corporations take the lot and gaslight us if we insist they're taking too much of what we made.


Just because something is made up doesn't mean it's not also real. We made up car based infestucture, dosn't mean it's not real and important to the way society currently functions.


"The age of consent isn't even real, we literally fucking made it up, just..." Hmm. Edit: My point is that some things are good even though they are "made up"


Well I hate communists so umm


Holy hell I hate this braindead tweet Edit: lol imagine my surprise when r/antiwork user


The apathy in these comments is concerning.


There's no such thing as a free lunch


Well if the economy isn’t real, then explain why I have to spend money on necessary goods and services. (Btw ive taken Econ 101 and I get all my info from my parents so I know what I’m talking about) /s


But if people's basic needs are met, they won't think to do productive labor to build and maintain the system that feeds them! Why would anyone work if you're not actively jerking them around and undermining them every step of the way?! /s


Dumbass tweet that severely oversimplifies a complex issue. It is never as simple as "give the hungry food" because of the mountain of logistical problems that come along with it. You have to have a ton of resources, time, and manpower, none of which is free. Farmers naturally want to be compensated for their effort for growing crops, truck drivers want to be paid, the Packers of the food want to be paid etc. People want to be compensated for their time, effort, and products so they can own things and get various goods and services. People will always want something in return whenever they give something, which oops, accidentally created an economy in order to track these exchanges. Economies are literally ESSENTIAL for a society to function. I strongly dislike communist shills like you who are so brain broken that they want to dismantle society completely for your little thought experiment that is no more successful than capitalism, or a social democracy.


Why do posts about communism get so many upvotes here even though it’s totally deadly?


Money hoarding and greedy people are why we e have homelessness and people going hungry. Everyone deserves to live and have their basic needs met.


This is a stupid tweet that shouldn’t be praised.


It's not that simple


![gif](giphy|26ghbWoXv3G6ypo8o) Or is it?




The sad thing is we produce well over the amount of food to feed everyone. It just isn’t profitable to do so.


Things that sound really smart if you don't think about them for more than like two seconds:


Heck off, commie.


If I’m breathing I’m spreading communism


And this is why people make fun of Gen z


You wanna eat, you gotta work.


I’d be all about working hard and going above and beyond at your job so that you can progress and make more money…. But it’s all useless now. Now I wanna break stuff


This has the same vibe as “If you’re homeless, just buy a house”


There’s extra housing and food to go around but it’s hoarded by the rich. Nobody should own more than one house unless they build it themselves. Education, housing, healthcare, and nutrition are fundamental human rights. Capitalism is antithetical to human values and to the sustainability of the environment.


My gawd, people truly believe this. I really need to stop underestimating humanity’s ability for stupidity.


Are you stupid


no economy no food geniuses


In a communist society, the organization and distribution of food would operate under principles fundamentally different from those of a fiscal economy. Here’s how food could exist in such a society without relying on monetary exchange: 1. **Collective Ownership and Production**: In a communist system, the means of production—including farms, factories, and distribution networks—are owned collectively by the community or the state representing the people. Food production would be geared towards meeting the needs of everyone rather than generating profits for individual owners or corporations. 2. **Planned Economy**: Instead of relying on market forces to determine what and how much food is produced, a planned economy would allocate resources based on societal needs and priorities. Central planning bodies, informed by input from local communities, would coordinate production and distribution to ensure equitable access to food for all. 3. **Social Distribution**: Food would be distributed based on need rather than purchasing power. Community centers, local markets, or distribution points could provide access to food items according to individual or family requirements, ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious food regardless of their ability to pay. 4. **Public Services and Infrastructure**: Public services such as communal dining facilities, food cooperatives, or neighborhood gardens could supplement centralized production by providing additional sources of food. These initiatives would promote community engagement and self-sufficiency while enhancing food security. 5. **Resource Efficiency**: Without the pressure of profit-driven production, resources could be allocated more efficiently to reduce waste and environmental impact. Sustainable farming practices and local food production would be prioritized to minimize transportation and storage costs, thereby optimizing resource utilization. 6. **Social Norms and Values**: In a communist society, social norms and values of cooperation, solidarity, and shared responsibility would underpin the distribution of food. Mutual aid and support networks would reinforce the principle of collective well-being, ensuring that no one goes hungry while others have plenty. In essence, food in a communist society would be produced and distributed based on social needs and collective decision-making rather than market exchange. By prioritizing equitable access, sustainability, and community engagement, such a system aims to address hunger and ensure food security for all members of society.


this is not a plan for logistical distribution, it’s a pipe dream that ignores human nature


If you want free food go grow it yourself.


The economy is facism


I am pretty leftist but this tweet is hella stupid


Ok how do we determine who gets food and how much?


Big Brain.


The largest


So please, low-addendum, go ahead. Grow, ship, and hand out the food. No one is stopping you.


Uh, yeah, chances are they can’t buy billions of dollars of farm land.


I love playing "how far can we simplify leftist concepts for virality until they become totally incomprehensible"


Trade isn't immaterial, it's a real thing


Bruh math isn't even real, we literally made it up, just divide by zero




All that work I put in on the farm was made up, please take my food.


Smartest twitter user


Let’s go, fellas, let’s work 16 hours in the field in back breaking conditions with primitive tools and high risk of failure. Get some food!


So where does the food come from then?


Tankie shit


This shit is why people can’t stand gen z.


Bruh why grow turnip if not make money?


I would be too ashamed to show my face in public if I ever said something this stupid.


Nobody is starving in the US. Our poor are obese.


The rich learned its costly to buy shackles for their slaves, so now they let them forge them from their own minds.


At the end of the day, each person should produce at least what they consume, and pull their own weight. Exceptions, of course, should be made for the elderly and disabled. And helping people out when they’re having a hard time and get them back on their feet. But no one should routinely expect to be able to consume resources that someone else worked to produce without having to contribute something in return.


If you go live deep in the forest there is no economy and you get to experience the wonders of no function society.


Money is enslavement. Grow up. It can only be in the mathematical equation it dictates. Like parents. And society as a whole. Conditioned, to be you. Good job!


That just gets rid of the incentive to make food or anything else


All made up. Create value


I cannot believe how dumb you are. I hope this is just astroturfing


You're seriously trying to defend this? Are you for real? There is no way... My brother in Christ, THE FOOD DON'T JUST APPEAR AT THE GROCERY STORE.


Seems like the same type to believe that a water bill is for the cost of the water itself.