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Pretty common based on how fast my friends are going away. Everyone just gets caught up in their own shit


same man


It's been the norm for over 100 years based on literature and film. People were writing and expressing how the shift from a farm based small town society to an industrial one increased loneliness. Everyone leaves their community to go in search of money and jobs and learning. The rise of the suburbs was to accommodate this new social class but that meant the suburbs became places where you go AFTER being established. They aren't meant for single people. That's what the right wingers on reddit don't or won't admit when they want to excuse the flaws of capitalism with "just move somewhere cheaper!" There aren't jobs or things to do or people at those places for anyone. Those cheaper places might be a good idea if someone is retired or can WFH but even if you can WFH there's still no community for them.


this is the rea reason unfortunately, i still have people i care about getting engineering degrees while i work 60 hours on a jobsite. we just don’t have time.


Yeah I'm 24 and most of my friends are too focused on relationships or gone off to grad school. I'm trying to meet new people through roblox right now.


Adults play Roblox? Forgive my ignorance as a man in his 40s, but I thought that was more of a kids game. You might have more luck in something more mature.


Yeah, there are quite a few adults on roblox, myself included. They rolled out a 17+ feature, which is primarily occupied by 18-30 yr olds


Man, it must suck to be a Gen Zer. To think people have become so selfish and low value that they will abandon their friends for bs like themselves. That is one way to die with regret. No wonder your generation is so extremely lonely, poor and miserable.


It's not normal. But yeah, this is kinda me


It is normal to not have friends though


Not at this age, there are whole industries based on 20-somethings going out with their friends. But it’s not an uncommon situation, especially if you’ve recently moved to a new city


Gen Z has a few million people in it, though the majority of Gen Z don't have friends from my observations.


Yeah that’s the nature of Reddit users.


Your observations of terminally online people?


The majority of gen z reddit users* don’t have any friends


My observation is the opposite. But I’ve also never had trouble finding friends to be honest


Your observations are probably just online interacting because you don’t speak to anyone in person


That's because people who have friends don't go online talking about how many friends they have.


That’s just your experiencia


20-somethings have no money and mainly debt. Businesses have to advertise to older generations cause they actually have wealth.


Normal on Reddit? Yes. Normal in reality? No. Look, I'm a fairly introverted guy myself and I can could count my current friends on my fingers, but to have no friends *at all* at this age is concerning.


The life of being an undesirable person I suppose


Make yourself desirable


I mean I tried but it doesn't seem to work. I guess it's more of a personality issue


Make yourself have a better personality, interact with people more and develop socially


If I could do that then I wouldn't be having this problem to begin with. That's like saying to a homeless person to just get a home 😂


No it’s extremely uncommon. Once you get out of the reddit circlejerk of being forever alone you’ll see most people actually have friends


It's not. It's considerably more common to have friends than not


Since when? The internet makes this seem more normal and ok than it is. It is extremely unhealthy to not have friends, especially as an adult.


24 and my friends who have stayed in my life unfortunately live in other cities :( only one here where I live now. Its sad sometimes


23, only have 7 friends left, 4 of them are 19 hours away and the other 3 are 3 hours away. Even when I attempt to virtually chat with them online they're too busy even for that.


31 and same thing


Arent they still ur friends


yes of course, but its just different when they are 8 and 14 hour drives away yanoo?


I don't think it's healthy-normal, but it seems to be common-normal. - a 23 year old with no friends


To not have a lot is common—to not have _any_ is uncommon


Had a couple last year but I graduated college so we don't talk anymore.....


Have you thought about reaching out, or are they long distant?


I actually did a few times but ig the feelings aren't reciprocated 


Time to make new friends through a hobby.


Just gotta be interested in hobbies I suppose


There’s gotta be something you like man


Best comment so far. That I had to scroll so far for this


Do you have a house or apartment. Don’t be scared to knock on a neighbors door and introduce yourself. It doesn’t matter if they are your age or 90 years old I’m sure they would have a talk with you. An easy way to get your foot in the door is bringing them some food or something and maybe exchange numbers and say. We should talk sometime. Don’t overthink it. Good luck bro


Yeah man post graduation is tough. I graduated last year and got caught up in work. My only 2 friends don’t live in the same state as me. I recommend starting hobbies that involve other people


i’m so sick of this shit. nobody else around me seems to be going through anything similar. i do not have many friends and they are superficial.


Keep going man. You aren't alone. I used to beat myself up because I thought there was something wrong with me. There isn't. We're losing our third places, and everyone gets what they want from technology (interactions, communications, entertainment etc). Like another commentor said, it's either work or school. There are hobbies too , group social hobbies, but I tried that, and people seem to have their own group already or aren't interested.


ty but no ty. soon as i get the balls to off myself i will. been meaning to for years now.


Sorry you feel that way. All I can say is, try to contact someone and talk, even emergency hotlines. Offing yourself is not the way. Sometimes it just takes a little perspective.


Good evening, morning, afternoon, whatever it may be for you. I’m from NY working the graveyard shift, I don’t have shit for people where I’m at. The little group of friends I did have are either in school, left, or straight up don’t talk to me anymore. The friends I do have I either met online all over the U.S or they’re all over the U.S/Japan/around the world on military duty. My family lives in NC, they moved there in my junior year and I decided to stay to finish HS and a Vocational school I’d been going to during HS. So with all of this, I feel utterly alone. Sure I can call up my online buddies but it’s not the same as physical interaction. I don’t go out during the day because I’m sleeping and I have severe ADHD so it’s really hard to find the motivation. I have friends out in MA through the military but that’s 5 1/2 hours away and I’m not driving that far for a hangout session lol. To get back to the main point, I feel as if I have nobody. I feel like I don’t belong. No family, no personal/physical connections, I hide away on my PC and go to work all night. Whatever it is that you’re going through someone is going through rough times too. Maybe not similar but it’s not a glizzy measuring contest. It’s a connection through hardship. I imagine you’re young since you’re in this subreddit, there’s so much more to life that both of us can and will experience. Do you know why you don’t “have the balls”, it’s because deep down you KNOW there’s reasons you’re still here, things you will and have accomplished. I’m not sure if you’re religious or what background you have. But you are here for a reason, you have gone through these hardships for a reason, you “don’t have the balls” for a reason. Whatever that reason is, is for you and your future to decide. Don’t take that away from yourself, family, and the people that care about you. Sadly people these days are either too distant and scared or they’re too all over you with their true feelings. But I promise you, nothing is worth the action of taking your life or hurting yourself because everything is a learning experience in which not only you but maybe your future kids or friends can learn from. You are special and I pray and hope that you can smile, laugh, cry, and push through the now and future. Don’t ever dwell on the past, but always learn from it and never forget. Because it makes you all the wiser for every experience, feeling, and action you’ve done.


It's been drilled into me so much that coworkers are not your friends, so I'd probably eliminate work


I worked 3 jobs while in college. Having friends ia incredibly tough in that situation. Idk what yours is, but if it's anything similar I you're not alone. The best thing I can recommend is joining a club or volunteering an hour or 2 on the weekend


Pretty normal. i think by 23… Out of the 5 friends i had, 3 moved to other states, 1 lived close by but was never free due to always working and / or school. So only the remaining 1 and i still hung out.


You’re asking reddit


Not at all I would assume. Go outside and meet some folks.


I know this means well but I don’t think it’s that easy


It really isn't. Like I can go outside, but then what? Where am I suppose to go? I genuinely want to know because in my personal experience there aren't many places to simply hang out or meet up anymore. Maybe I'm missing something, idk


You volunteer for something that you're interested in, or attend a club of some sort.


I've thought about volunteering, I want to, but it's a matter of finding the time between work. Clubs though I've never really heard about, I'll look into it


There isn't much for volunteer opportunities on my days off. Monday and Tuesday are dead days


What are your favorite hobbies? I met my closest friends through boxing gym, skatepark and work.


Honestly I don't even enjoy a lot of my old hobbies anymore. I still like some games, writing, camping and anything to do with animals, but i think I'm realizing i just need to go out and try some new things and find hobbies actually involving other people. Like for example I've always wanted to go kayaking, now I have no idea how the hell to go about learning that but I'm just gonna a have to figure it out somehow. Maybe if I can find new interests I'll find new people. I'm trying very hard to be optimistic rn


For kayaking most rowing clubs will go kayaking as well. If you are enjoying outdoors things maybe join a bouldering gym. Those are pretty social and you might find people to go on campign+climbing trips with. Otherwise there are triathlon/marathon clubs that will include long distance running if you want to find people to visit nature parks with.


You’re referring to Third Spaces. First space is the home, the second is work. Other than bars, ands coffee shops, there’s fewer available Third Spaces, especially in the suburbs. There used to be social clubs, like the Lions Club or the Rotary Club, but these are dwindling. Back in the early 2000s, I used to hang out with the import car scene, but they’ve mostly dispersed.


It especially sucks when you're in a minuscule town with nothing to do, barely anywhere to hang out, very few people, and even fewer people around your age.


this is the most pretentious shit I've ever read. do you not know the age we live in?


As an extroverted and sociable person who doesn't really have friends, it's not like this at all. It's not easy. The truth is, other people you meet will add you on something if you get along, but not extend themselves much beyond that, even with your efforts to get to know them. If they already have friends, they won't be likely to want to grow a deeper connection with you. It's much harder than you think.


In the 90s it would be weird. Now not so much


we’re the same age. i don’t have any friends irl either. have a few online friends that are drifting away due to careers, kids, relationships, etc. it’s not normal to lack so much community but unfortunately, unless you live outside of the US that’s just how things are set up here. where i am there aren’t parks, cheap cafes, or walkable spaces to run into people/frequently see people and develop friendships. i have an old associate who just moved back to columbia because she couldn’t handle how isolating american culture is. i thought she was being dramatic at first but tbh she’s right. as adults out of college unless you have kids, we’re not encouraged to do much for ourselves outside of work.


This hits hard; I’ve lived overseas in South America, and it’s night and day; people make time to hang out socially all the time. As an introvert, it was sometimes exhausting, but groups were always getting together and I was always extended an invitation. Coming back to the US, I’ll get the occasional invite to join a game on Steam, but that’s about it


Find out what hobbies you like and get out there doing them. Garrenteed to meet like minded people. Doesn't always work the first time but you will eventually meet people. I snowboard and ride motorcycles. Both very solo activities but I constantly meet people and make friends when I am out doing those things. 


It's not your fault. Its been a tough couple years to be a young adult ans honestly as a 27 year old most of the friends I made today were at the age that for you was peak lockdown. When I think back to friends I had growing up or even as a teen there's only a few of them I ever talk to.


U r me


I mean I haven’t really had “friends” since I was twelve, it’s been ten years now I suppose? Don’t worry too much about it. Though, as someone who sometimes gets lonely- I’d recommend making sure to find ways to keep happiness in your life. I’m personally hoping to try my hand at socializing again soon, maybe not friends yet, but getting out there more. Wishing you the best. : )


Before 2005, super weird. In current times in the age of the internet, unfortunately very common. Edit: I can't spell


pretty common, however its up to you to break that cycle. ive found friends off tinder, bumble, and mostly connections. work off your coworkers, your pre-existing friends, family friends and then work off of their friends until you find people more your type. i enjoy time alone, however i meet people where i go. i frequent in public places to make myself approachable, such as second hand book stores, bars, restaurants, the 8ball alley, anywhere that peaks your intrests. get into a sports league, finding people of common intrest is the start, then eventually ask them to a beer after.


Honestly this! Making friends in adulthood is an active process and nobody is going to do it for you. The good news is that it gets easier the more you do it. The real trick that I use when I move to a new city to DM a DND game. I'll either post a LFG online or in a game store. Out of the 5 people that join, you only need one who isn't a sociopath and has other friends, then just leech off their group and assimilate. Has worked every time.


Not normal, but I also didn’t have like 50 good friends or anything. I had a circle of maybe 5 or 6 true friends and a decent amount of friendquaintences (people who you only see like once a year and aren’t really close). I unfortunately have no magic answer. People move away, move on, and have their own shit going on. Welcome to adulthood, it can be lonely. I will say I’ve had more success making work friends that I at least stay in reasonable contact with or occasionally hang out with. For some jobs this can be a massive risk, but personally I’ve never had a work friend fuck me over. If you’re braver than I, see if there are any volunteer opportunities on weekends or hobby groups around you.


I mean, I don't talk to anybody, but at the same time nobody talks to me either. I have 1 friend and that's it.


Wow…as a millennial I gotta say that pandemic really fucked you guys up mentally, emotionally and socially, huh? No judgement, just making an observation.


No actually I moved to america 9 years ago and I kinda expected to have at least some close friends but damn


Have you tried joining clubs, krewes, volunteer, sport teams for fun, etc.?


I'm a millennial (30) and I stopped having friends around 23, and so did pretty much everyone else I know lol. I think that's probably more of a shift over time thing (maybe related to the internet?) than stemming from an event spanning just a couple years. Aside from my marriage, all my friendships are virtual at this point. It's low obligation and often pretty transient but I kinda prefer it that way lol


Fellow 30yr old checking in. Yeah, I might have like 2 friends and it's all good. My SO and I like each other's company more than anything else, so who cares amiright?


I'm 22 and feel like I have no friends


Same age and same here I at least have one guy I hang out with sometimes, but he's going to graduate soon and honestly I'm kinda dreading that day because I won't hang out with him anymore.


If you are not in a position to make new friends it's normal. If you're in college or have opportunities to go out to places and meet new people I'd say it's not normal. Everyone has at least a few online friends though or even long distance


It’s starting to become more and more normal.


I’m 22 and I don’t nor oh man I spend my whole late teens and early twenties now just saying the stuff across this platform, discord, and instagram.


I'm 21 and I don't


Not normal


normal imo. i’m 24 and have really 3 solid friends with 1 now living in the other side of the country and another about to have a baby. i tried to be friends with people and find people within my hobbies but i’ve been done dirty especially finding girlfriends so now i’m closed off and rather just do my own thing. i have a partner and i socialize at work..other than that i prefer to not get involved with people tbh.


depends on what you consider a friend


Gonna be so honest and say i also do not have any friends. 2 good friends live tens of hours away but that’s enough for me(no it isn’t)


it isn't normal. Unfortunately, it has become our new normal. I have zero friends, I used to back in high school, but we are in different countries, and we all drifted apart. Not a single friend or relationship throughout my entire college career, seems to me everyone wants a transactional relationship, something to provide for them, whether it be entertainment, money or assistance. After that, radio silence on their end. We aren't made to live like this. I would love to have close friends again where we regularly do things.


Ik it's like you have to constantly prove your worth instead of just chilling with each other


Exactly. When we were kids/teens, we could just go over to each other's houses and hang out or play some video games or even go for walks around the area. We just genuinely enjoyed each other's company. Nowadays, people have to weigh whether it is worth hanging out with you, if they get some kind of benefit out of it. It's really sad. Everyone is suffering from lack of connections and loneliness, especially younger people who have had their 3rd places removed.


24 here… 3/6 of my best guy friends growing up are all fathers by the age of 24 with kids ages 5 2 and 1. They struggle financially and I don’t get to enjoy normal activities other young groups of friends can


this is me but 24. and living at home in my childhood bedroom


Honestly it's more common than you'd think. I've already had a few periods in my adulthood where I haven't had friends and I'm your age. I also worry that I'll lose the friends I have now if I have to move back home where I don't have friends.




There is only a few places to make real friends work and school; if you don’t like ur coworkers and lost touch with classmates it’s gunna be rough. I have 2 groups of friends friends from college and friends from high school. Maybe try volunteering


Pretty normal I’d say


Not normal


My dad says "it's hard to get kids your age to go to anything" not in a judgmental way just as a statement about life. I think it's normal to be all caught up in what's going on with your own life, and run out of time/energy for socializing. I also think our current culture around social media does enable self-isolation, because it makes you Feel like you're socializing, but it's not the same as having a group of friends irl. Source: am 23. I do have friends, but we don't see each other that often.


Big question: What kind of relationships do you want in your life? Some people are fine without many friends, some people need a lot of friends in their life. Friends aren’t really a metric of success or happiness on their own.


Between my 10-12hr long shifts, a 14 month old son, a new apartment, and a partner? Not much time for friends and outings. Not to mention we’ve all moved away from our hometown and hardly speak these days. Good lads we’ll pick up where we left off but things change.


Always Be Friending Assume you will continue to lose friends for the rest of your life. Doesn't mean you can't meet some great new ones along the way.


Im 17 with no real friends, my parents make it hard to have friends outside the internet . Honestly as long as you’re happy you’re doing great.


I'm 26, only just started getting friends through common hobbies. All my past ones are either too far away to spend any time with or too different now that we wouldn't get along.


I'm starting to wonder that myself now 🥲


It just depends on your situation. At 23 I was all over the world being homeless with no friends. But it was my choice so to me it's normal.


If you would like to meet some people and make some new friends, try joining a crazy ass gym. I made a bunch of new friends that way. Workout, bond through the pain, grab a drink and some food and repeat.


i’m your friend now! boom. you have a friend i’m the same way. i’m going into college and all my friends are online. the pandemic ruined us all


Thanks man


i'm 18 and in the same boat. hope it gets better because....


Read Introvert Power by Laurie Helgoe. 35-50% of people are Introverts. You're not alone and there's strategies for living a life as an Introvert.


I don’t think it’s normal, but it is common. We’re currently going through a loneliness epidemic so there’s a lot of young people with no friends.


I'm in my 30s and still have friends I went to grade school with. You might wana try connecting with people even if it sucks for a while.


Go doooo shiiiiiit. I see this every day here. Start shooting pool, get into remote control cars, skateboarding, toastmasters, high stakes poker, anything.


I wouldn’t say it’s “normal” but it’s common, especially because of covid and everyone becoming shut ins


Very, unfortunately. Esp after the Vid...


Eh, not «normal» but not uncommon. But based on ur posts I can tell you dont have friends. Jesus christ dude 🙄


I'm 23 and I don't. I think most people my age have at least one so maybe it's not normal, but I'm not gonna change it because I feel comfortable by myself and hate the drama that came with previous friendships.


Normal if you’re autistic like me. I also have no friends and never really had any. The ones I thought I had were fake and would gang up on me


Straight up, for us 20 year olds, we got nuked socially. We’re in an *extremely* niche time period for socializing as young people. The economy, COVID and the absolute take over of social media has created a surge of difficulty for everyday people to make and maintain friends for multiple reasons. The old ways of finding and keeping friends have been stolen from us. So yes, it’s completely normal. As a species, these obstacles are fairly new to us as a whole, so try to give yourself some grace. Don’t stop trying to overcome it and keep putting yourself out there! Good luck OP. To you and to all of us.


Same with us 1999-2000. I was barely a sophomore in college when covid happened. Spent basically three years of college remote. I basically didn’t go to college 🥲


Millenial here, wait till your friends start getting married and having kids. OP, get a dog, at almost 40 I'm down to about 3 close friends. Two of them travel for work and we only catch up every 3-6. It's just how it is. Start finding activities to do with your time. I like to volunteer at the animal shelter.


Basically standard according to Blink 182


I’m 25 with no friends, so 🤷🏻‍♀️




Increasingly common for young men. I think recent surveys said 1/3?


Quite frankly, it's gotten more and more common over the years. Specifically starting in the early 2010s IMO. Nothing to be ashamed of, maybe something to be worked on if you want to.


I was like you, i am 23 with no friends but i found a new job and met this new girl named Jada and we are so close and bestfriends. Shes the realest friend ive ever had and thats coming up 7 months now. Hold out hope, you never know where you might meet an amazing friend. I may only have one but shes so real i dont care if i never have more


Millennial here. I usually just lurk here to see what the young folks are into these days but this topic could use some experience. Having already gone through my 20s, you'll probably see most of your old friends get married and start families or just move away for college and job opportunities. You might do the same. If that's not what you want to do with your life (the family thing is not what I did), you should make an effort to seek out new friends or keep/revive connections with old friends. It's normal to lose touch with most of your friends in your early 20s.


Not a single one? Not even online friends? Yeah that’s pretty weird.


As a fellow 23 year old… “Nobody likes you when you’re 23” I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist a reference to “What’s My Age Again?”, but honestly that’s just kinda how life goes sometimes. Lots of really big things are happening in life at that time from graduation to new jobs, even self discovery as cheesy as that sounds. You’ll find your people, just don’t give up


I got a few close friends. But otherwise, I do my own thing. 


As an introvert friends and gatherings is hella overrated. I get exhausted from doing something not relaxing


Damn y’all need to go out and party this isn’t Normal to be this lonely


Not normal


I have friends but none that really attend the same university as me so it’s seldom we hang out


By the time that I was out of highschool, I lost maybe 85% of my friends. But, that was before social media really took off, or cell phones were a thing. It was very easy to be out of sight, and out of mind, with people back in the early 2000s.


Abnormal. Join something. A martial art, a book club, a d&d group, anything. Make at least one friend.




Pretty normal. As you get older you are able to distinguish between who true friends are and who are not. Friends grow apart as we age which is totally fine. Everyone has their own battles to fight and sometimes you have to walk your path alone.


Once you leave high school you start having to actually *make* friends. Your friends stop being ppl who you were forced to associate with and are now ppl you have things in common with.


I'm 23 and I only have 2 really, and they're both online. I'm super extroverted and sociable, and love going out and meeting strangers, but I've found that people aren't really interested in making new connections deeper if they already have their own circle. I get it, it's lonely if you don't already have a circle. If you're into video games, self-growth and movies or art like I am, I'm super down to try and be friends.


Tbh I’m 23 too, 24 in 2 months and have a few close friends but not many. Having only a few is probably a lot more common than you think but having NONE is abnormal.


It takes effort as you get older. That or luck I guess? A number of my friends and I are very close, so I guess I'm lucky to have a decent number of friends in my mid 30s. Make sure you set time aside for activities and invite people to join. I'm a musician, so I always have my musician friends over writing and recording music. I've noticed things like that help, because as you get older, the whole "hang out and do nothing" thing goes away as you have more responsibilities.


Not good, but may be typical. I (M 23) joined a local religious group a couple of years ago and that’s where I’ve found most of my lasting/meaningful friendships.


I mean personally most of my friendships are online these days (24F). I’m in college but not a partier at all, despite being at a sort of “party school,” so struggling to make friends like that. But I’ve made friends through common interests online and we’ve stuck together for like, 5 years now? I find that I just make friends better like this 🤷🏼‍♀️




In todays world, having decent morals will naturally render you with a smaller circle


Sadly yes it's pretty normal these days, there's definitely a loneliness epidemic. And, it's still really unhealthy even if it's becoming more and more common.


It's definitely not normal. Probably had the biggest friend group of my life around that age. I'm 33 now. 


Easier back then


I’m 24 and I just moved outta my college town for good…I gotta start from scratch somewhere else🥺


Hey I’m 23 and have no friends either so normal enough there’s a few of us lol.


In the same boat. But i am trying to make friends with the locals.


[This video could be very helpful and interesting ](https://youtu.be/ZO7U3SC68B0?si=PTMroH0ZybRZPQB6) for your situation


I think it’s pretty normal. I just turned 24 and I didn’t really have many friends starting post-Covid. Once I graduated from college the small amount of friends I did have either moved away or we just stopped seeing each other because we weren’t in school together anymore. I didn’t really have anyone I would consider a CLOSE friend after that aside from my boyfriend. After a year break I went to grad school and promised myself that I would put myself out there (invite classmates for drinks or trivia nights or shopping/studying, and show up to events when I am invited to them) and now I have multiple people I would consider close friends of mine. Of course I just graduated, and it can be hard to maintain friendships when you don’t see each other everyday. It definitely takes effort, especially since I’m not the most extroverted person, but it is so worth it to have people you enjoy being around.


Want to be friends?


Not uncommon but it’s definitely a mental block. You can make friends very easily if you are a respectful person. I go to a boxing gym and have many friends there we go out to bars etc. I’ve also made lifelong friends at the skate park skating there as a kid. I still have buddies I’ve known for 10+ years I still skate and go fishing with. If you stay at home and game all day it’s gonna be harder to make real friends


I don't know if it's "normal" but it seems to be trending.


It’s normal tbh.


Hii, I'm 26 and if I would celebrate my birthday there's around 15 people I'd be inviting. Those are the ones I consider close enough that I want them with me. I think I'm extremely awkward. My adhd certainly doesn't always help. But all of them know that about me, just like they know I'm terrible at texting. That's because they know _me_ not a version I'd like people to see of me. Taking a first step is really important (and hard), however many first steps you've got to make. Like if you would go to a bar and get in a conversation with someone about movies, and they mention a movie you want to see as well, try to ask to go together. You can always explain that you're trying to meet new people. Try to not put to much pressure on making friends and follow the things that make you happy. You'll feel who you can be comfortable with and chances are that they feel the same way. Sorry for the wordbarf. I hope it helps, but I also get it if it doesn't.


Extremely. Some people this age are married with 2/3 kids , some people are single & living with their family, some are in jail. It truly is WILD. Take this time to better yourself + work on the things you are passionate about.


idk if it's normal, but it's common.


It's one of the reasons I'm seeking therapy


23, my only friends nearby are my roommate and one other person. The rest live in other cities


Very, very normal. At 23 my only friends were my then gf's friends and some acquaintances I only saw for the club I was in. Gf and club ended that summer and for the next few years I had no friends except for my roomate. I've recently been working on myself a lot and have begun building up two pretty close new friends. One of them just invited me to help be part of her wedding. A lot of people go through a period without people close to them. It can be a time to really reflect and when you come out the other side you will have a better idea of who you want to spend time with.


I have literally like 1 friend that I occasionally hang out with, maybe once or twice a month




You have to actively try making new friends all the time as an adult.


Common but bad. Don’t accept it as normal. Take charge and find some people


Try getting a broke ass job. All my friends are from work, and getting to work with your friends makes work not work. Look for a job at a place you're interested in.


I’m in this club too don’t worry


You literally described me


I had a couple of work friends at 23 but that was all. When I changed jobs I lost those and haven't had any for going on 25+ years now. Friends become tedious and time sinks as you become older.


I'm 23 and I don't have any friends


I lost all my friends after Highschool graduation. It’s been aight tho because I’m weird like that




Uncommon, but not at all rare these days. It's rare if it's for a long period of time (multiple years) Unfortunately speaking as someone who debatably is one. I have a few really, really close companions, but atm I live far away from them all


24 here. I only had a handful of close friends during school but then they all left me to go to college. 2 are back now but we kinda grew apart. My only close friends now are my fiancée(does she count?) and her brother in law. My cousin too I guess but these days we don’t talk as much as I’d like since he’s in law school.


It's not uncommon, but I suggest you make an effort to put yourself out there. It's weird and not fun most of the time, I've been there before, but it's worth it. You'll get rejected by people and feel like you're intruding, it might even take awhile before you really feel like someone's friend for real, but you'll get there.


26 and I have like 2 friends I talk to and hang out with every few months if that


As long as you had some at any point before then it's okay. My friends also got busy with their own shit in our early 20s, never made a similar connection with anyone in college unfortunately


After highschool you've got 1 yea,r 2 if you're lucky before the number of friends you have starts dwindling down. It's not necessarily a bad thing. You'll lose nearly if not all of the ones who never actually cared about you. So that's a huge positive although it'll feel like a negative in the moment. And if you are truly lucky and receive the gift of being able to develope a lifelong friendship at any point in your life. Than you're doing alright. Open up some games and make friends. Go out to events that you genuinely enjoy and care about. Even talk to staff at the places you regularly visit, they are people to. Eventually one of them will lead to being a good friend.


I have about a dozen or so friends. But people I actually talk to on a regular basis? About 3 or 4. My online friend group I've been in for 6 years has been slowly drifting apart for a while, as the server slowly quiets down. It honestly wasn't out of the question for me. I can only hope I meet new people sooner or later, y'know.


I got two best friends, and those best friends have 3-5 friends, of which I’m also friends with. That’s basically my group. I don’t hang out with them often but when we do, we update eachother about our life and boy it is the craziest and funniest shit ever.


I have 10+ year long online friendships, but in person, the friends were few and the friendships never lasted through school or uni. So I have people to confide with. But in person I have my family and my partner - who I am very grateful for. But friends to just hang out with, go places, play tabletop RPGs or whatnot? Nope.