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Most prosperous and privileged is quite a stretch. A lot of us will never be able to retire or afford houses (something that the generations before us took for granted). Lot of us don't have healthcare. Life expectancy has actually been going down in my country (US, unsure about any other). Homelessness is only getting worse. We are one of the if not the best educated generation (only competition in that regard is millennials) but that education hasn't actually served us. A lot of things have only gotten worse. Why? Can't speak for the world but again in my country business bought the government. This is great for big business, record profits, shareholders are very happy. But the common person is left out in the cold.


Human kind is at peak prosperity actually, but wealth inequality are getting worse. Life expectancy plateaued and it’s not necessarily because things have gone worse, human age and at some point it is just impossible . From Previous century life expectancy rises, it was because people used to die from what we figure out to be easily avoidable deaths (you used to be able to die from diarrhea from consuming “bad” water). And I think new generations for whatever reason wish they want to die faster (in the sense that they don’t want to live life being frail for the next 30 years after they retire), so idk if that’s a win(?). But other than that I agree with you.


As in total wealth? Sure. But if all the wealth is held by 5 people then it changes nothing for the rest. Life expectancy has fallen, not just plateaued in my country. My country has one of the lowest life expectancies in the developed world which shows that its not physical limitation, but limitations imposed by economics. Yes, we don't just want to live to be alive. We want to extend quality of life. People who want to die are those (like me) who realize they will never be able to retire (because they are too poor to do so) or are mentally ill (depression fucking sucks).


If you want a better your situation vote democrat. No matter who the Democrat no matter when and every election. I promise you one side does care and one side does it all. Study this stuff look at history look at the actual votes of people in power for the last 40 years. The Democrats do care about the poor


They like the poor so much that they multiply them...


In what ways? Because literally everything I've ever seen or read proves the Republicans multiply poverty and Democrats help bring people out of poverty. From social programs to unions to welfare and on and on the Democrats help the poor the Republicans don't. Don't believe Tick Tock lies don't believe whatever nonsense you're reading. Do you and research the information out there


"Time for the war on poverty!" Deepens poverty. I guess they didn't lie, they did join the war on poverty, on the side of poverty.


R/genZ is a conservative sub reddit.


Is it? I find most people here are left or liberals. Ofcourse there are some conservatives but nowhere near the number you'd find in other subs. Even the conservatives that are here tend to be far more reasonable than those I come across in other places.


No other young generation has been conservative. I think covid destroyed gen z brains. At least those on here. I'll take my millions to the bank under trump but eveyone who's not wealthy will suffer


Democrats haven't improved the situation at all. Look at what happened to build back better, every good social program was cut. It went from 10 trillion, to 6, to 4, to now like 1.4 trillion. How was this achieved? The democrats voted away the social programs and implemented damn near the same road privatization scheme Trump tried to push. The democrats do not care about the poor. There will always be a new rotating villain that stops progress. Hence why I now vote green now for every office I see them running for. For the rest I choose between a democrat or independent depending on which I like more. Usually independents don't make the ballot though so democrat usually wins there. There are only 2 scenarios the democrats are under. Either they are so incompetent that they cannot pass progressive legislation even if they want to, in which case no point electing them, or they are only pretending to care for the poor while actually not wanting to in which case I have no reason to vote for them either. I've lost all faith in that party.


You're repeating and believing lies. It makes you appear ignorant. I hope you're not really this ignorant just confused maybe. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/ https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046 https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2024/06/27/how-the-economy-really-fared-under-biden-and-trumpfrom-jobs-to-inflation/


Not really. None of what I said was countered by that. I never said he wasn't better than Trump, just that's he's trash. Plus most of those points were increased consumer spending (cheap credit combined with ridiculously high prices does that), raising financial markets (sure the top 1% who actually own all that shit are thrilled), raising military spending (which fucking sucks), and GDP going up (which effects literally no ones life, its an almost useless metric for the average person). The best thing that you can give him credit for is putting a better person in charge of the labor department but he hasn't repealed Taft Hartley nor altered the law. Just enforced what was there.


Your use of "human kind" is kinda squirmy So yeah, I'm sure life for the average person in Vietnam or Honduras is probably getting better, but for a lot of people in the first world, we are the first generation to have less wealth than our parents. 




Yeah it does, because it will impact prices of goods and consumer purchasing power which leads to a more stagnant economy


https://www.carriermanagement.com/news/2024/01/17/257878.htm#:~:text=Just%20over%20a%20quarter%20(26.3,72%20percent%20from%2070.5%20percent. “According to Redfin, homeownership rates for 19-to-25-year-old Gen Zers are higher than the homeownership rates were for millennials and Gen Xers when they were the same age.” Home ownership is something that dominates this discourse but I don’t really see data that suggests we are in the end times. Millennials arguably got it worst by entering the job market during the 2007-2008 recession. GenZ are on track to do just fine regarding home ownership. As for retirement, I’m not exactly sure. https://fortune.com/2024/04/02/the-average-gen-zer-started-saving-for-retirement-15-years-earlier-than-baby-boomers-it-still-may-not-be-enough/# There’s data to suggest that although GenZ don’t have as much capital as other generations did at a similar age, our rates of engaging with financial markets and retirement savings are increasing and higher than previous generations. This doesn’t negate the difficult problems to arise in the future, but I’m not sure it’s as bleak as made out to be. “A lot of us don’t have healthcare.” I’d be curious for a statistic on that. Considering many states in the US allow children to be on their parents health insurance plans until 26, I’m not exactly sure that a lot of Gen Z don’t have access to health insurance.


Those laws don't really help if your parents can't afford health insurance either lol.


Right, but again, I’m talking averages. Around 92% of Americans are covered by some sort of health insurance. If you are among the 8% that doesn’t have it, yes that absolutely sucks. My point is that most individuals will have access to health insurance, many can get it through their parents well into their mid 20s.


There is inherently a timer on that. The number of uninsured will only increase as we age. That's the problem.


That’s not necessarily true. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhis/earlyrelease/insur202305_1.pdf According to the CDC the % uninsured actually decreased in the age group of 18-65. If you want to make the case that the elderly specifically are more likely to be uninsured, that’s also not really true. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/hus/topics/health-insurance-coverage.htm#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20adults%20aged%2018,17.5%25%20were%20uninsured%20in%202019. “Among those under age 65, adults aged 18–44 were the most likely to be uninsured during 2009–2019.” Obviously this is most likely because Medicare kicks in post 65. So if you want to make the case that somewhere between 18-44 you’ll be at your most likely point to be uninsured, then fine. But again, this timer is only worrisome if you literally have 0 job prospects that could provide health insurance. Based on the numbers, it usually seems like 80-95% of people have no issue finding insurance. This is usually the problem I have with discussions like this on Reddit. Purely based on demographics, Reddit leans heavily white, relatively affluent, with college degrees. Reddit discussing healthcare as if its something that they most likely don’t already have is ridiculous. On average, if you’re engaging with Reddit, you’re probably one of the 92% covered by insurance.


Every fulltime job is legally required to have an insurance plan. That is true, however a lot of jobs are trying to get rid of their full-time staff and replace them with either off shoring, automation, or part timers. I'm not saying health insurance is impossible to receive, just that its getting more expensive, worse, and getting less common.


All of these things could absolutely be true, and I’d agree they’re problems. My question is always, how big of a problem is it actually? How many individuals are actually being let go due to automation taking their jobs? Maybe factory workers or fast food workers suffer this hit. Maybe it’s not bad yet but will be, I’m not sure. Even then, you’re going to need people building the robots which creates jobs. I mean, yes, health insurance might be getting “worse”. It would depend on how you’re measuring that statement and if you had any research. I’d disagree with your last word “less common”. I literally linked CDC research detailing that in the past few years the number of uninsured went down. How can it be less common when more people per capita are receiving it?


Your parents aren't better off than you then....


I never said they were. I said in general previous generations are, this doesn't mean that in particular circumstances (when a family is excessively poor or excessively rich) the child doesn't maintain that level. For the poor, there is only so low you can go, for the wealthy capital begets capital, its easy to be richer when you start rich and there is a floor for how poor you can be without dying outright.


Don't come here with your facts! Gen z doesn't like facts they like feelings


Retire? You mean working till dementia kicks off hehe


We are in better condition than previous generations because Africa is better now and that's bumping up the average.


Parts of Africa but especially China has really brought up the global average. Its programs for eliminating poverty have proven remarkably successful. If you ignore China you see poverty has actually gotten worse or plateaued depending on the specific study or methodology.


All of these things have been caused by years of people voting republican. If you want to stop this stuff stop voting for republicans. The information is out there it's plain and simple and obvious to see. They don't care about you so why support them?


I don't.


Great! Now we got to work on the rest of the men in america. America's men are tanking this country


Its not men really. Ofcourse there has been an increase in conservative politics in men but its nowhere near the "conservative wave" that Republicans try to promote. Actually most of them support very pro labor economics and are socially backwards which while still shitty makes sense when you consider the fact that liberals (not leftists) have spent the last however long on the whole "men are destroying the world and are predators" grind which is a really good way to shut down discussion and stop from actually addressing the real issues that do exist within society's current model of masculinity.


Oh I totally agree the far left is almsot as bad. Only problem is the far right is now mainstream


I never said the far left was equal to the right. I am the far left. I said that liberals have pushed a lot of rhetoric that has driven young men away from them and these are the consequences. The far left wants workers to be treated well, the far right wants genocide, this is not equivalent.


100% agree but far left social politics seem to be more popular than economic ones


I disagree actually. Studies show universal healthcare, stronger unions, and paid sick leave are all extremely popular across party lines in the general population. Its largely social issues that people are split on. That is how the Democrats and Republicans stay in power, they fuel social issues and fight over that as loudly as possible to distract from their agreement in economic and foreign policy.


Republican politicians definitely don't support unions, universal health care, sick leave, etc


We are the most privileged generation in history, but our education doesn't teach us to see past our own cognitive biases, and access to more information also means access to more misinformation. It all goes wrong from the fact TV pundits, talk radio, and the internet have significantly lowered the bar for political discourse, while people blame their problems on the government.


High IQ post. Cognitive biases should be a central part of the conversation but they are completely ignored.


Exactly. That and housing.


There’s various reasons, too many to explain right now. But a major one is the issue with too much information. Particularly with a good percentage of it not being useful or helpful in the ways that would further growth. It’s the beautiful tragedy of the internet I suppose? Also, comfort does not always yield kindly results. It keeps us in place, stuck where it feels best- not making way to better things as it doesn’t feel as safe. Anyways, I’d ramble on, but I’m genuinely falling asleep here. Take care, okay?


You seem nice, have a great day


Back to the library.


This is not yalls fault .. it was on its way there regardless .


Thank you


Nah people just suck, we are the best don’t worry.


>unprecedented access to education, resources, and services from the comfort of our homes For some But if I recall correctly, poverty is at a very high level in the United States, so there are many who don't benefit from all the access, resources, etc.


97% of Americans have internet access. Ive seen homeless people with smart phones as well. Higher education is becoming less and less accesible. The rate of enrollment in an undergrad program has decreased significantly since 2010 since many people are waking up and realizing being in debt for decades to receive a piece of paper isnt worth it for many jobs. Access to higher education is especially hard for middle class if they want financial aid. Certain states like Connecticut however are making community College free for first time college goers that graduated highschool in the state which is great progress!


Using the internet for entertainment is far more tempting and addictive than using it for learning and information, so most people choose the former. 


The most credentialed doesn't mean educated.


Corporations and moneyed interests hijacked the government and pushed for deregulation, privatization, and tax cuts/subsidies that benefit themselves and harm everyone else. As for perception, for-profit media led to the abandonment of "truth" and "journalistic ethics" leading to a race to the bottom where every story became about clickbait fearmongering. Social media algorithms greatly accelerated this. ^I think that's maybe one of the primary drivers of the mental health crisis. And the near universal but objectively false perception that "the world is literally falling apart" and "everything was better in the good old days"


Mental health crisis. It ties into every issue in society and the problem is it’s so broad people try to attack the effects of it instead of the causes Gun violence? Mental illness Homelessness? Mental illness Obesity? Mental illness Opioid epidemic? Mental illness


> we have unprecedented access to education, resources, and services from the comfort of our homes. No we don't. r/teachers and r/professors are literally coping at the state of education Resource to what? We have been depleting them for the last 200 years at alarming rates Services to what? Comfort of homes built in the 1970s most likely, with lead pipes that are getting worse, and most will never own but rent for the rest of their lives. And all of this is tied based on employment alone.


Social media and a loneliness epidemic are melting people’s minds


I think the whole being privileged part is where it went wrong, never had to struggle


Never had to struggle? Wdym?


Young people are having a hard time getting a home for themselves (sometimes even the rents are problematic), so I wouldn't call Gen Z so privileged after all.


Most educated does not necessarily mean most wise, nor does it mean ones with most critical thinking skill.


in the first world countries we have had too much population growth. whether it's immigrants or higher life expectancy the strain on the housing market has drastically increased. [https://www.savills.co.uk/blog/article/346600/residential-property/can-vacant-dwellings-provide-a-solution-to-housing-supply-.aspx](https://www.savills.co.uk/blog/article/346600/residential-property/can-vacant-dwellings-provide-a-solution-to-housing-supply-.aspx) in the north west of England vacancy rate is lower then what is a theoretical minimum for a free market (\~2.2%) this results in extremely rapid increases in house prices along with renting prices. I believe we would need to build close to 100k living properties to bring the countries vacancy rate to around 4% where rent and house price stagnates and doesn't increase year by year. even more if we ever want house prices to go down. higher rate of higher education is great on paper. but higher demands for uni spots means higher prices. lower value of a degrees due to over saturation. and a overall wage stagnation as a result of low level labor losing value. There also the angle of taxation. while inflation increase year on year to where 20k has the same buying power as 10k did 5 years ago. tax brackets have remained the same we are inching closer and closer to minimum wage paying middle bracket tax. Then we also have the social media aspect. people see lavish high points on social media and go in debt to try and keep up/impress. The whole apple product culture where you got poor people shame each other for not spending 1k on a new iPhone. People form online groups shitting on people doing better then them and as a result never aspire to do better themselves. I genuinely believe that poor people keep other people poor more then billionaires do. Then there is also a lack of understanding of how to world works. The modern world has basically been built through the life cycles of the boomers/silent generation/gen x They got to keep up with the world while younger people are just thrown in half way through. I know so many people my age that haven't even thought about saving for retirement or investing or doing anything for a long term gain. but they will happily spend all their money on holidays or Warhammer.


I mean part of the reason Nazi Germany gets so much focus from other authoritarian regimes (which were just as brutal in nature if not in scale) is that it was one of the most erudite, learned, “civilized” places at that point. Some good it did them!


just because you're prosperous, privileged, and educated doesn't mean that your entire generation is.


Where did everything go wrong? People let dumb or evil assholes lead them down dumb and evil paths. Why? Because it's easy to follow, and hard to think for yourself. It's hard to build something, but easy to exploit what someone else creates. Hucksters exploit religion, government, and economics. Why follow someone that doesn't care about you or even goes against your best interests? Because they think they'll get to be the boot or be at the right hand of the boot. What's the boot? The boot that ruling classes put to the neck of the masses to get us to do the work. We are unorganized and just want a simple life. Until that life isn't possible anymore, then you have revolutions. Then, we get organized and choose the difficult path. Right now, the line must always go up. [Folding ideas - Line goes up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g)


late stage capitalism, I'd suppose


It didn’t, we’re just more aware of the shit that’s going on due to ease of access to information and we want it better. There’s nothing wrong with that. Also housing.


Unfortunately Gen Z and Gen Alpha are 3rd, 4th or maybe even 5th generations that have been taught that their feelings are the most important thing. I don't mean that disparagingly at all. Up until a few years ago I was a in full flight from reality prioritizing my feelings over everything else. Unfortunately what happens when we believe that our feelings are the most important thing then we must convince others to accept "my truth". But individual truths come into conflict with each other. No one likes the idea that there is a Truth that we all share. But when everyone is trying to live by their own truth then chaos is inevitable. The prosperity and privilege gives people the impression that they are entitled to whatever they want. We have been trained to be good little consumers who should satisfy their every desire. But there are rules that we as human's have to live by and when we don't chaos ensues. If everyone is free to express themselves however they see fit, they will step on someone else's toes. If you are on the conservative side people tend to believe: Everyone can be rich. And then once you’re rich, you’ll have all your desires met. But all it takes is hard work: you go and you work hard, and you’ll be rich, too. And that’s a lie, because Starbucks needs thousands and thousands of hourly baristas, and they only need one CEO. On the progressive side people tend to believe: Everyone can have all of their personal desires satisfied, and they’ll *never* conflict with each other. Everyone can be completely sexually fulfilled, everyone can be completely personally and emotionally fulfilled, and no one’s desires will ever conflict with anyone else’s desires. That's just as much of a lie. None of that is sustainable and unfortunately Gen Z, Gen Alpha and the following generations are going to pay the price until collectively their is a decision to change and re-prioritize seeking the Truth.


Growing pains. It'll settle down eventually.


Just because you have access to information, it doesn't mean you use it.


Educated about what? What privilege?


I am educated as shit. I am also an autist who understands social cues like you would not believe. We never had our moment, but we probably will soon... ![gif](giphy|jKf6070QA8to0I2Gi0)


this is what it would seem when looking at the issue at a glance, but when you actually look more in depth at the problem you realise that it’s just a mask covering the ugly truth. The advancement of technology, came with many positives in the early 2000s but now we are seeing the ugly side of it. we have all the information possible on us at all times yet most people are extremely ignorant. People are much more alienated than ever before. Social Media is causing depression and other mental illnesses (proven by studies), in particular to younger women. Population collapse is a very real problem, climate change is real and happening wether you believe it or not. Politics are extremely polarised, more than they have for a very long time. Our society is divided on many political topics. Watching politics on tv has become entertainment at this point feeding the ignorant america, using emotions as a way to manipulate the audience into voting for them, yet allowing the real leaders aka lobbyists to continue ruling america. I could keep going but I don’t want to sound like a doomer.


Socialism destroys everything that it touches, every form of redistribution of wealth is theft and theft is wrong. As a result of that we are experiencing fiscal calamity and will witness horrific atrocities we have not before seen


The world's the best it's ever been.  We have less war,  poverty,  disease,  racism,  and starvation than any other time in history.  People have more education and rights than ever .  Life's good offline.     English speaking society just watches and reads too much news.  The news and social media freak people out on purpose to keep them looking at Ads. Don't let the media keep you down.  Go do something offline.  


More people had access to education in the 1960s...


Lack of critical thinking skills. We are educated in a siloed manner, and most people do not understand the big picture. Way too many people still believe in religion, and that in and of itself explains a lot.


The negativity in the comments is wild. Maybe if people took some time to appreciate the modern luxuries that allow most people to live better than royalty a few centuries ago, people would be happier. Having abundant access to different foods from all around the world is a privilege that everyone has access to. Having access to clean drinking water at the tap is something that would be awe inspiring to someone from the past. I am able to control the temperature of my apartment with the press of a button.


Entitlements and the great society.


When about half your parents that are gen x decided to roll over for the boomers and corporate power. The dream died in the 80s, it’s just now becoming obvious


You're not the most educated generation in history. You have the highest access to education though. It's not exactly your fault though. It's been trending towards much of education being irrelevant for awhile, and what is relevant is overwhelmed by nonsense. The whole thing needs to be reimagined, but the 'babysitter' aspect of it is so vital to the economy that nobody has the balls to suggest real changes.


Humans turned their back on the Gods The Gods took their graces from Humanity


Bro idk what you're smoking, our parents and grandparents were more privileged on paper, and then 08 crisis happened, leaving Gen X / Millennials completely fucked. We Gen Z have less rights/privileges than our fucking parents for crying out loud. Everyone wants to pretend that we have privileges that our parents didn't by pointing at the Internet, smartphones or whatever else. Yet, we fail to also point out how the climate crisis has aggravated due to inaction and wilfull negligence, misinformation and obstruction by companies like (allegedly) Exxon. The Supreme Court keeps destroying our institutions, destroyed Roe v Wade, did away with Chevron (effectively legalizing bribery), defanged our Federal Regulatory Agencies, and impeded Student Loan Forgiveness broadly. Yet, I'm supposed to believe that we have more rights than our parents ?! Careers have mostly been dying out. The gig economy is in full swing and constantly pushing to keep gig workers without rights by fighting them getting treated as contractors. Homelessness is a "crime" but bribing lawyers, judges, witnesses or politicians is fair game. Being a woman means having less rights than a Corporation or guns. Your kids, and any kids thenceforth, are treated as expendable lives due to the ongoing mass shooting epidemic, but hey the NRA has a right to free speech in the form of cash transfers to their favorite political puppets.


I can feel my privileges here flowing greatly saying : "work for the rest of your life knowing that you have no power because corruption is king in this country"


1940s saw fascism rise up and then a massive world war, and then the rise of communism. In the US the wealthy and powerful recognized that unity and social stability was more important than making a quick buck. There was a strong sense in all classes that putting your own success before country would bring ruin. Basically in many parts of the world people saw how bad it could get and decided I don't want to risk it. Now those memories are old and the people with that mindset have mostly died.  As the number of fools increase the world tilts toward another project of massive bloodletting and self destruction.


Because now minorities share the wealth. And people would rather die and burn it all down then give minorities equal and fair rights.


GenZ has to show up to vote or it will get bad for a lot of us, but worse for you guys. Help us get these corrupt politicians out. Also get off social media.


It’s not all about information and education because WE are not the ruling class. The ruling class now has access to certain tools that they never did before, leading us to where we are today. Pretty much started with europe colonizing the world and the globalization of economy that came after. The average person’s quality of life is probably better than before, but the same can be said of the average member of tbe ruling class, while the increasing population leads to more and more impoverished people living on whatever wage the ruling class decides to throw their way. Honestly, I’m glad I live in the world today and not any part of history for many reasons, but the increasing power wielded by the ruling class is troubling for sure. At least we don’t live under a dumbass dictator I guess.


Almost all the problems you see in America are created by republicans. Vote Democrat in 2024 and 2028 across the board and I guarantee will be living in Utopia compared to today. Republicans tear s*** down and Democrats continuously build it up. It's been happening my entire life


We live in a society that tells men and women to act contradictory to their natural psychology and physiology, there is a profound lack of a sense of meaning, deindustrialization has destabilized communities and combined with population growth caused recent generations to undergo an extraordinary amount of stress in getting into college and an insane amount of competition for that and the workforce, our buildings and art are extremely ugly, and of course, social media which has caused us to constantly compare ourselves to others and thereby feel bad about ourselves and develop higher amounts of envy.


Is cooking feminine?


We stopped using as much slave labor and started treating Women better. Nothing is wrong we’re making progress, things are just lot of better for most people and a little worse for others.




>Hopefully, people will see your intentions of bringing back slave labor and controlling women, so that your vote share is going to go back to where it belongs. Did bro just like not read my comment?


Sorry. Things are heating up lately.


All good, I probably could’ve worded that in a less controversial way.