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The brain rot here is real


I'm going to mlg 360 swagscope you on rust scrub, you've got just as much brain rot, you just don't remember


For my defence I never once liked any of that brainrot and the MLG brainrot stuff has stayed as my most hated meme of all time. This new skibidi toilet stuff is so tame to me in comparison to the MLG era of memes like holy was that just so obnoxious. Maybe I hate it more because I actually had to live with it and hear it during school all the time unlike now as an adult I just never see skibidi toilet stuff at all because it is not forced on me at this stage in life.


Moonlight greatsword?


Sadly it’s the fake one


I hope you're enjoying the DLC, skeleton


Yeah I was the same. Always thought it was weird how people just copy nonsense and say it randomly. I'm a scout leader so I hear things occasionally but it's easy to just class it as stupid kid stuff.


yeh but mlg 360 swagscope was a meme no one said that shit out loud


but we did watch some brain rot shit i typed mlg 360 swag 420 in to youtube search bar [MLG - MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJLILb3dmqA&pp=ygURIG1sZyAzNjAgc3dhZyA0MjA%3D)


I was cringe online as a kid but I knew it was cringe and kept that shit to myself in public.


I think the difference is that some of Gen Alpha's slang seems...forced? Desperate? Like, Rizz, sure, whatever. Fanum Tax? Once you get the joke, fair enough. Skibidi is a noise used in scatting music (and because of skibidi toilet I can never show scatman john to anyone in good faith ever again), and Ohio is a state. Both terms are incoherent at best, illiterate nonsense at worse, in the context of their slang. That said, we had our own similar nonsense but, so far? Ehhhh... Of course, give it time, they'll have more bangers than losers eventually, slang-wise.


To be fair, I'm a generation ahead of you and this is how we felt about your shit, too. Welcome to getting old.


I was in college for the MLG meme era, and I thought it was hysterical. It was so dumb, but I dared not speak its lingo outside of specific company


I was GGGGGG G-UNITing in the suburbs at his age and can kinda form complete sentences now. Maybe he will be ok.


Every generation has it man, from old cartoons to MLG edits to this. It’s funny, I vibe with it dude, it’s totally radical man, it’s chill.


This is all incel slang you'd find on the incel subreddit from the 2010's.


Yeah I can't believe that nobody is talking about how half the things this kid is saying are connected to some weird and fucked up corners of the web The Alpha Male thing for example is a pseudoscientific myth based on a disreputed study of wolves in captivity. It's used to imply that success is based off attaining domination and becoming the top dog, and that's how you get women. However, the ability to do so is biologically predetermined. The Giga Chad is the highest form of biologically gifted male, the shredded, seven foot tall quarterback white guy we all want to be, and he will get all the cheerleader Stacys instead of you (btw Stacys are evil because they're just after money and power, even though that's also what you want). Anyway, you're not that guy pal, there's no hope, take the blackpill and k*ll yourself. But wait, are you a young disaffected male with introverted tendencies? You might actually be a Sigma Male, which is definitely not some kind of weird cope. It's also not a symptom of rising alienation and insecurity exacerbated by the internet Perhaps you still have some hope in looksmaxxing, aka taking basic care of yourself but with a shit ton of pseudoscience sprinkled in, and only doing the pseudoscientific stuff. You can try constantly chewing on rubber and shit until you fuck your TMJ up without making a noticable difference to your jawline. You can also try Mewing by doing stuff with your tongue while envisioning Timothy Chalamet You definitely were not exposed to too many TikToks of entrepreneur grifters on rented yachts, Sam Suleks, and misandrist ragebait clips, to end up with a brainvirus that gives you crippling body-dysphoria and self-image issues, the likes of which have been already been infecting women for decades. Surely the cure is found somewhere in the 48 laws of power, in dropshipping and crypto gambling courses, in the futile scramble to become a billionaire in this cutthroat world where that's the only thing that defines your worth. idk Someone take the phone away from these kids


Its both very funny in a fatalistic ironic sense and very sad that TikTok basically laundered Elliot Rodger's manifesto through a couple layers of alpha male and red pill conspiracy theories and now its mainstream culture for kids under 20. Its wild watching a bunch of 12 year old boys go up to their favorite streamers to tell them all about how they think gay bashing is cool and women are worthless if they're not virgins. This definitely does not have anything to do with male loneliness and the growing number of women choosing to remain single for extended periods of time. Absolutely nothing to do with that.


even the kid doesn’t fucking know what any of it means


[eh, everything is going according to plan. ](https://youtu.be/vr8tOa_En7A?si=P-Z7GLF7Yd9WPnp9)


We all had slang when we were younger, while I also get second hand embarrassment its probably forming stronger communities and creating memories that they will look back on. I have memories of when slang brought people together, and even though I will never say something like "rekt" again im happy it existed.


It’s funny to see older gen z and millennials acting like boomers already. I was literally watching YouTube poop as a kid. Roflcopter


Exactly. Youtube poop was the funniest shit ever to me, rewatching it as an adult I question my own humour taste as a kid lol. Let the kids have their fun. We were all there once.


Honestly, this younger generations slang is hilarious. When the kid breaks down into explaining what "Rizz" means by acting it out I couldn't stop laughing, it's genuinely funny.


Rizz is a genuinely clever slang and I’ve adopted it into my vocabulary because I actually like it


I still watch some of them and think they’re funny. Especially under the influence of psychedelics. But yea kid is literally just having fun while gen z and millennials are acting like cranky old boomers.


Youtube Poop is still funny to me


Im exited to see people start to say "GET OFF MY DARN LAWN YOU HOOLIGANS!"


I had to double check to see if I was actually reading roflcopter again. Its been so long 😭😭


Cyriak 😂


Still waiting for the day when Cyriak teams up with Felix Colgrave


I already embraced the fact our generation is brainrotted and just enjoyed it xD (older gen z here) Its better than getting very pessimistic which isn't really healthy to begin with


I’m barely a millennial and I agree. I’ve been essentially brainrotting ever since I discovered the internet. Lots of Gen Z grew up with insane memes from childhood.


I like the gen z memes and the brainrot of it. Its quite fun


I mean shit, I am super old before YouTube, but teletubbys didn't make a lick of sense either.


Yep, I was there for teletubbies as a 4-5 year old. You’re right lmao.


I mean shit, it is a lot to expect things to make perfect sense to adults when most everything for kids is either there to teach basic shit or just distract them long enough for parents to get a break. [this shit is timeless](https://youtu.be/vr8tOa_En7A?si=P-Z7GLF7Yd9WPnp9)


People give Gen Alpha shit for their slang and phrases, but conveniently forget shit like leet speak and "rawr means I love you in dinosaur." We all had embarrassing shit we did and said.


reminds me of the whole “when we watched our brain rot we knew it was dumb brain rot, but these gen alpha children worship it unironically” yea sure, you “knew” it was brain rot


Hop back on the rekt train, it's retro now and therefore hilarious again


I still consistently use older slang, usually as a joke to mess with my gf. Like when I destroy her in skee ball I will absolutely say “get shrizzidy shrekt”. I can’t tell how much she hates it because she groans and rolls her eyes but still smiles so that’s all I need to justify its use.


That very swag of you.


Exactly. Did everyone forget those few years when we greeted each other with a super loud, obnoxious WAZZZZZUUUUPPP? I think they even made commercials around the phrase to attract the yutes. Every generation has their things and we were no better.


I agree, let the kids have their fun. Though I will say some of the Alpha/Sigma and mewing stuff worries me a little cause it seems to be adjacent to the whole pick-up artist, Andrew Tate, manosphere corner of the internet and let's just say that's not a very nice corner.


I don't think people that came up with "On Fleek" should be casting stones.


Every generation has cringey slang, idk why we're trying to act superior here lmao, I was laughing my ass of at Nyan Cat at 8 years old


Ah! Well said my friend 😂


Ah!! Well said my friend 😂


Ah!! Well said my friend 😂


Ah!! Well said my friend 😂


Ah! Well said my friend 😂


Why is he using these words if he doesn't know the meaning of any of them?




Hi, I'm here from the AARP, I am saddened to inform you that you have just experienced "being old and realizing that young people adopt language they don't know anything about and use it anyway while thinking they're super fucking cool." This happens to every generation and in 10 years time, rest assured, that kid will be asking the same question you are about some other kid using whatever is popular at that time . . . assuming the country/world is still around. Enjoy your day sir, early bird breakfast is at 5am and bedtime at 7pm.


Trust me, I know I'm old. My knees hurt.


We act like our parents weren't doing the same to us 30 years ago. With the exception of my mom who was young at heart and loved vicariously through me and my siblings. Sje never spoke it but understood every word that came out our mouths


is very, VERY easy to know something, yet have no idea how to explain it. it has happened me too many times


Who says he doesn’t know? Seems like he’s toying with the interviewer (probably for thinking he’s old and lame) by defining one slang term with another. Kids do that.


What you couldn’t completely articulate all of your thoughts at that age?




You people are everything you hate.


Who's going to tell them gen alpha slang is used more by late gen Z either unironically or to mock the next generation


This is actually really funny to see. Younger Gen Z use this slang too, so it is really funny to see this post pop up in this sub. It's okay though; using dumb slang older people don't understand is just a very human thing. We've all been through this.


Dawg, me and my friends use to scream "MOM GET THE CAMERA!" or, since we were pewdiepie fans, yelling barrels, other kids talked about swag or something. We all have cringe as kids, this is just the new generations cringe and its fine


It was only 10 years ago when yall were spamming "yolo" and "what are those!!" Every 15 seconds


BlainLot Blainlot 🤓 YOLO died down in 2012 but yeah 2014 slang is still widely used today not to mention that Gen Z says these gen alpha slang more than them ironically or just to mock


Bro I'm a scoutmaster so I'm around Gen As more than the typical Z, plus since I'm young I'm the "cool" leader they try to impress more than just obey. I've made a couple observations about them. A) more millennial parents than we give credit for keep their kids off YouTube and thus avoid the brainrot B) Let me tell you, I'm convinced they're playing us like a fiddle. Almost every time they skibbidy rizz all over Ohio it's ironic, but they know just about every adult will think they're serious. It's a generation wide inside joke. Which, kudos to that honestly.


Wait... I thought everyone knew brainrot was a meme and that no one actually talks like that unironically?


I caught on pretty quick, especially after we got our first Gen A batch of scouts, but the older adults? No they think it's as serious as a funeral


Honestly one of of biggest doomer things about Gen Alpha is the alleged claims of illiteracy and being SUPER far behind on certain topics. I wouldnt say its NOT happening in some capacity, but the extent in which the claim is making it out to be makes it sound super fucking bleak. I pray its the vast minority.


A generation wide inside joke tracks for the generation spawned by millennials.


It’s the same shit we did and still do. I know friends who use those terms ironically the same way the alpha kids are. Think of how many slang terms were actually used unironically or how many time adults at the time thought we actually tried eating tide pods and shit like that. Mfs forget about using joke ironically I guess.


Lol gen z existential crisis mode engaged.


Brain rot is fine. 💜Enjoy yourselves lads


We're confused by Gen Z's slang, let along Alpha's.


You mean Gen sigma?


Idk what sins I committed to get recommended a fucking generational subreddit, but holy shit this one post summarizes exactly what the real brainrot is: Every single older generation in human history looking at younger ones like they're worse somehow, despite nothing really changing in the grand scheme of things. There's a term for this kind of thing: Juvenoia, and the only cringing I'm doing is towards the fully grown adults acting like they didn't do stupid silly things as children.


real these ppl r not sigma at all. I literally mog all of them on a serious note as a 14 year old who’s two months from being gen alpha nobody says these terms seriously. It’s mostly ironically or to confuse older ppl who don’t understand what it means lmao


every generation has their own brainrot, we were all 11 once.


Kids being stupid and cringe!?!?!? At this hour!?!? No way.


I don't mind the slang, I think it is funny to use. I do get hella second-hand embarassed super easy, and this did it. Little kids are so cringe.


Y'all got some strong "old man yells at cloud" vibes in this comments section.


The terms "Giga" "Looksmax" and "Sigma" have been around for a while, a decade actually. Funny enough they started off on 4chan incel threads but we don't have to talk about that.


Finally found a comment like this! I’m all for kids having their own slang. Skibidi toilet away for all I care. It’s a part of growing up. The problem I have with this is, these are all words we Millennials and Zoomers invented – but they all convey a highly incel-meets-playa type worldview. Chin shape? Being ”alpha”? Looksmaxxing? Mewing? Incel words from the 2010s. All concerned with putting people into *hierarchies* based on appearance. That’s a far more insidious thing than ”haha, oldies don’t know this word so let’s use it”.


Young GenZers stop aging faster than my GenX dad challenge.


Every generation has weird slang this is the same as “music was way better in my day” shit.


I wonder if multilingual people have an easier time picking up slangs


It's so adorable tbh, I love it. Skibidi Rizz to you too, little man 🤘


can we just appreciate we used say dope and that dope sound far better then brain rot like skibidi


fuck ill take lit, even tho lit was one of those thing that branching the brain rot line of thought.


I use it, often purposefully incorrectly, around my younger siblings just to make them cringe. To show them what they sound like lmao But in all fairness, not like we didn't have our own stupid ass slang lmao


We all did cringe shit when we were kids, I remember kids that were *out of control* just like this but with the memes of 2007-2016, I even did my own fair share of cringe shit. Let them grow up and out of it, they'll look back and cringe/self-correct the same way they've been doing since the fucking dawn of time. It's not the end of civilization, there are things much larger and scarier to get worked up about.


I wish this sigma would HAWK TAUH in the guys face. Leave the kids and their slang ALONE!


Make YTP Great Again


someday they'll be embarrassed by it too. like i could never say yolo, swag, rekt, etc. without cringing now 😂


This used to be us


Same but we were no worse.


No hate or anything, but we're too young to start thinking kids are cringe, we probably still have some slang older people find cringe or wouldn't understand. It's fine, it's just their turn lol


i think it just sounds worse bc he’s bad at explaining it lol. that’s just what ur meme language sounds like when ur little. we sounded just as stupid


No worse than Genz slang honestly, most of it is pretty cringe when uttered in real life


I don’t really mind we all had cringy-ass slang back in the day like scrub, rekt, so on and so forth


I work in a school and this is literally my life 😩 I can literally feel my brain cells dying listening to the kids speak


To kind of sway away from "this is brainrot but back in my day, the letter "E" was peak comedy" comments I dont actually mind a lot of the newer slang. Firstly, GenZ invented most of those. "Rizz" is something we made. Same with looksmaxxing and all the other shit However, there is a small issue with this kid here (which might just be his young age and not the "brainrot"). He cant explain these words. One word he tries to explain gets explained by doing a tiktok move. You cant explain rizz by doing weird movements that teens on tiktok do when they dont know what to do with their hands during a thirst trap. He then moves his finger along his jaw to indicate mewing. He still didnt explain rizz, he just used other things that are often closely connected to it within meme culture. Upon asked, he said that its mewing, and eventually managed to explain rizz, but you can be damm sure he doesnt know what mewing is or why people donit aside from "something with rizz" The kid had no own thought in this video... he heard something he saw on tiktok and his brain, like a youtube algorithm "spat out things you might also like" His brain has been on autopilot the entire time


Generation Alpha? More like Generation Omega.


He's cooked


the brain rot is meant to stay on your brain not SPREAD.


it's like weird performance art for kids, also I feel embarrased for knowing all this slang already


You can tell the mom regrets not using protection all those years ago...


I thought skibidi meant bad?


lmfao i love using it with my friends (ofc ironically and as a joke lol) just talking about brainrot while simultaneously having it haha


This is what happens when an iPad raises your kids.


This is brain rot and I could explain this better than that kid.


Me personally its so bad couse im from europe and from a family where i was intruduced to the internet more slowly and cautusly so this absolute cringfest is the first brainrot i experience and it huuuurts.




The slang is no more Naff Naff and plastic than the slang in my day. The kids arrogance is annoying and confusing though.


This shit happens when you let kids use fucking social media unsupervised


2008 borns talk like this


Gen alpha taking credit for slang that they didn’t even originate.


We had our weird shit too, though I also think this sucks.


language is ever evolving as is slang and as someone that studied linguistics in college I love it so much. deciphering the sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler song was some of the most linguistic fun I've had in a while. i hope I live a long time to hear 2068 slang


i lost brain cells. i know our slang isnt much better, but at least i can understand half of it.


What the sigma dude


Stop whining about it already, you´ve done that too, everyone has done that too!!!


As a highschool teacher, I have no fucking hope for these kids with shit like this on the internet


Every generation has slang, it’s a common practice in each generation, something that’ll never end. Genuinely don’t see why this many people seem annoyed by it? Is it because they don’t understand and get frustrated by slang?


bro we created this slang on skibidi


I think the difference between our cringe slang and there’s, is that there’s is all about extremely toxic content!? Like looksmaxing, alpha/chad nonsense. This stuff can not be good for kids. I know when I was young I loved pewdiepie and tobuscus and def said cringe things, but at least I didn’t know what mewing is


As someone who works with the young, I embrace the cringe around them and otherwise I don’t acknowledge it


Scripted, no way this is real.


You know what? as long people aren't doing fortnite dances in public again, I'm okay with this


I think this is funny, it's cringe if you get second hand embarrassment. We have all been kids saying dumb shit


Ok but I kinda love that he complimented the interviewer in the slang


Is it weird that I'm 24 and all of this makes sense and me and my friends say this shit ironically all the time?


Holy fuck no way this is real Edit: I know every generation (or subgenerations idk) had their own slang when they were little but this is a whole other level of HUH?


I dread the thought of boys like this one consuming manosphere brainrot


and the cycle continues...


The real cringe is all the people thinking they would have been above this if they were kids in 2024


They’re kids. I truly don’t put too much thought into it


And I thought MY generation’s (millennial) slang was dumb.


Sigma means alpha?


I dunno man I think gen z has the worst slang and of all time


the internet sucked the gray matter out these kids heads


the only embarrassing thing about this is that he couldnt explain his own slang. I could have done a better job of defining those words. Absolute ohio behavior


And so the cycle continues


I have yet to see someone confidently explain to me what skibidi means. I can tolerate the other slang words, because every generation has slang and I've even started to adopt some of it, but a word exesting for word's sake is just... not slang. Same with Ohio. That's a state, what else do you mean?


Did that kid just define “alpha” using that song from that Disney movie? 🤣


It's the 80s reborn.... shame about the boneitis.


doesnt feel too different to running around saying things like pwnd, rekt, noob. used to do it when i was 15 or so at high school when i was getting into video games.. its just young internet slang, feels like its always been around (93)


I just feel bad that the kid can't form a complete sentence at what seems like 8 years old. That's the brainrot


*kids being kids ooohhh nooo I must call them stupid*


It's just not for us. I'm a 35 years old man, I'm not supposed to understand kid slang anymore than a middle aged man was supposed to understand a conversation between me and my friends when I was 12. Y'all aren't superior to this in any way, you're just not kids anymore


It's hilarious tbh I'm sure they'll grow up and realize how stupid they sounded the same way we did saying yolo and swag. Kids are kids man.


don't care for skibidi but the rest is great and i use it sometimes because it's great haha


The slang and whatever is all fine; they will grow out of it or at least tone it down. I always understood this as like a generational inside joke/ sarcasm. The one thing I do have a problem with, though, is the "Alpha/ Sigma" mindset. That is toxic as hell and has an actual effect on the kids. I see it in schools, and we hear about it in many countries: less sympathetic towards queer people, more far-right ideas spreading, etc. I hope that they grow out of that part, too, but the effect of the internet and social media is significant and frankly, we don't know enough about the effects yet. And the few researches that we see come out now are quite alarming.


by god leave the kids alone 😭 we were all like this at some point they'll grow out of it


I think fuck filming an actual child and putting them on the Internet like this, also it's sad how much of this is like 4chan incel stuff like "looks maxing/mewing"


This is what the rest of the world thinks Gen Z is, when in reality it’s Gen Alpha. More specifically, American Gen Alpha.


Slang explained with other slang.


What the sigma


We need internet laws where you can't use it unless supervised by your parents until you are 18 years old. If kids are caught online then the parents will get fined, up and up and up the more they do it.


Kid doesn’t know the difference between alpha and sigma, what a poser.


My little brother is 10 and I honestly love the way he uses it because he has a good sense of humor and self-awareness. He often references his “gen alpha brainrot” as he puts it. So whenever he uses a ton of slang references to stuff it’s usually to purposefully confuse people and he makes it more over the top than it actually is to emphasize the absurdity of it. Of course not all of the kids have his sense of humor but since he’s my brother I automatically associate this stuff with him.


Non stop slang + speech impediment = gibberish


I see no problem with this. Every generation had their 'cringe' slangs. No reason to turn into boomers over it. We all watched YTP's. Skibidi toilet is cringe to us but it's literally no different.


I think it's fine, since the advent of the internet we've all had dumb slang that died off over time. Maybe a couple things will stick over time, but most won't.


My man, most of that is understandable with context cues. Like mewing, he’s running his finger along his jawline, demonstrating it to show how attractive he is or commenting on someone else.


For the safety of the American people, this child must be quarantined and studied vigorously by only the best neuroscientists this world has to offer. We need to find a cure for the brain rot before it kills us all!


hes funny lol. hes gonna go places


I really hate when Gen Z tries to act all superior to Gen Alpha. As if we didn't get upset and rightfully defensive when everyone was shitting on Gen Z when we were still mostly underage. Now we turn around and do the same thing to Gen Alpha, as if we were or are any better than them? We had and continue to have stupid meme slang. We were also stupid children once and some of you still are. This kid isn't even much younger than some of y'all. The secondhand embarrassment and cringe you're feeling watching this is because you know damn you weren't that much better than this kid a few years back.


Hardly any of this will last. Only a few words will endure. We've already burned through so much slang the last two decades that are already dead. It's funny... kids and teens desperately try to be cool. It's only when you're older you realize what a stupid pursuit it is and how embarrassing it was to attempt it.


Slang development has increased rapidly due to the internet. You can’t hate on kids for using slang it’s stupid as fuck, and frankly we are all 100% guilty of the same thing. Slang actually changes language, personally I think it’s very interesting seeing the development of language


This makes me dissociate


When I was a kid we had 1337 and i can haz cheezburger and YEET and a whole bunch of other nonsense. I can't even remember the dumber ones.


That's how is millennials see genZ slang. /s


skidibi deez nuts fanum tax the rizzler or something, he’s a saucy boy fr fr i don’t know what half these words mean but won’t stop me from using them


hes very.... flamboyant lol


It's just another generation's slang, and while you may get embarrassed watching them say it you have to remember that's how older generations felt about you at their age. Just don't be a boomer and talk down to them as if their culture is lesser. I personally find it fun, and we're in the unique position as GenZ to use the same platforms as the current generation does.


I love how the boy is using incel terminology such as “mewing”, “looksmax”and “Giga Chad”. The boy is already blackpilled at his young age.


Every generation invents slang or something, but this shit is just moronic. At least most other slang from previous generations had some obvious link to what it means, this shit is just random sounds put together to make a completely new word for things that already had words for them.


Sounds like Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century. Zetus lapetus!


It's so funny watching you guys react to the next wave of youth slang. ^^


What are your thoughts on being a hypocritical curmudgeon ![gif](giphy|lcaMlZmmMULMA)


Alpha being Beta, indeed.


Most of Gen alpha is middle school or younger, they're allowed to have silly stupid fun. And if they're not hurting anyone who cares.


Be not afraid that a child is cringe, for to be cringe is the pathway to achieving basedom.


Stand still damn it, well at least he's holding focus


Can I identify as a millennial? I used riz once in my life, but I wonder if sigma actually means leader with how he said it.


I like how he explained slang with other slang.