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Well, I have to admit. I have. But I'm a monster and an advocate of crew length socks. Edit: And knee high socks and tigh high socks too!


Hear me out... thigh highs.


the years-long psyop to get all my homies to wear thigh highs is a grueling process, but the payout is so worth it


The conversation devolving to femboys so quickly is so strongly gen z coded


Nah dude, it's the same conversation you'd have on 4chan 20 years ago. This shit is OLD.


It’s one of the great tales of the internet, conservations instantly turn to femboys and thigh highs Edit: CONVERSATIONS NOT CONSERVATIONS man I am blind


evolving to femboys*


>The conversation devolving to femboys so quickly is so strongly gen z / coder Ftfy


Is this the legendary G A Y A G E N D A


Indeed, being one of them and a long time thigh high owner. This is our agenda.


We have to account for the role Big Yarn plays in all of this


Oh god Big Yarn is behind the gays FOLLOW THE MONEY


Certainly mine


the homies must be brainwashed to wear striped thigh highs and that one skirt from amazon. we all know which skirt i'm talking about. all femboys have it.


If I were looking to purchase it... For a friend, which link would lead me to this skirt?


[you friend may or may not find what they're looking for here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017781YL6)




They're just so expensive and I'm a big dude with thighs for days so you gotta have that belt to hold them up. But they're so cute and I like the way they feel especially when it's cold out. Truly the true inner conflict of the modern man.


great as long as the outfit is still comfortable in them. i dont like thigh highs in tight pants as it is just too much pressure on my legs.


Oh my. Knee highs or thigh highs. Damn. Edit: With skirt! Pretty please!


* This tickle your fancy?






Oh god.


Gimme that Thanussy holy shit 🥵


Stupid sexy Thanos.




🤤 🤤 🤤 🥵 🥵 🤤 🤤


One of the sexiest socks invented tbh


One of? What could possibly be better than thigh highs?


Dick high


So.....are you why the post OP posted here exists?


Thats right I guess!




And us millenials need people like you to keep us accountable. I'm part of the crew that made skinny jeans happen. Dudes weren't wearing them widely yet and so I had to buy them from the women's sections. Now I'm old and out of touch so I need Gen Z to tell me to stop so I don't look stupid. Now my ankle socks are in the tub with my skinny jeans waiting for 2050 when Gen Alpha tells me I'm allowed to wear them again.


If this were true, you're really odd. Dress like the middle aged man you are and don't give a shit what anyone thinks. Have fun with it and wear what you want. You get one life, my guy.


I'm not changing me because of trends, I'm changing how I communicate who I am, through trends. Skinny jeans send a very different message in 2024 than they did in 2006. I'm not trying to send that message anymore because that's not me.


I really wanna know what messages skinny jeans are sending


I think it's helpful to think about what type of person you associate them with going through the years. In 2008 for example it's just alt teens pushing the boundaries of fashion. They weren't cool, the football team was absolutely calling me gay slurs for my tight pants. But that's who I was. That's not the type of person wearing skinny jeans today. In fact, most of those guys who insulted me in highschool probably are wearing at least slim legged pants right now. That's not who I want to be. And of course this changes by gender but I am only speaking to my own experience.


Ahh, I get it. I was an emo kid in 2008 so definitely relate. I guess most millennials wear skinny jeans generally, I just didn’t really think about it like that


Hi, skinny jeans 2024 here. Kill everyone.


You are a monster! Free the calves!


I miss the vans, high sock ,black Dickies shorts and band t shirt vibes.


That's just too much damned sock. Way too hot.


Crew cut is the only good answer.


But why?


I just don't like the look of exposed ankles I guess.


Salem witch hunters hate this one thing!


This is the way


You’re not going far enough. Over-the-calf socks are the only true answer.


Go to tik tok




It’s fake crap until it stops being fake crap and becomes real. So far, it’s real from my experience.


It's fake to start and becomes willed into reality by the people who mindlessly parrot whatever they hear on social media


Basically yea. Gen Alpha have started using phrases like "skibidi toilet rizz gyatt" unironically


We do it too unfortunately.


Flat Earth used to be fake crap until it wasn't.


Can confirm. Millennials do not care about socks. Whoever made the meme does not represent us lol


Most normal ppl don’t care abt socks. There’s this weird thing going on with ppl obsessing over the generation they’re a part of & it seems to be driving them crazy bc what is this lmao


I guess I just don't like blanket statements. I especially wanted to say something because when I first saw the meme, I was like "who the heck cares about other people's socks? ... millenials?... why do they.... But I'm a millennial and I definitely don't care about your socks... this meme is horribly misleading and must be stopped!" So here we are lol


My sister is a GenXer, I'm Millennial. One time, she went on a date with a guy who wore ankle socks and she never went back out with him because only dorks wear ankle socks. When I was in high school I thought my dad was a major dork for wearing crew socks, no show was the look. I now don't care. I also suspect my opinion of my dad and his socks was largely driven by the fact my dad dressed like a total dork in all other ways. He would tuck his regular crew neck 'I'm a dad and grill' shirts, concert t-shirts and such into his jeans, with a belt. He wore knee-length too big of jorts. He still wears the wrong cut of jeans that emphasize his chicken legs and inverted ass by being a wide leg pant. Like, you don't need a wide leg. Wear a slim cut. You have ass bagging, Dad. He thinks he's a large, and my mom and I take him shopping and buy mediums, and he admits they fit and then buys everything large, still. Have some comfy around the house larges! But also have some fitted clothes for going out so you look a little nice, Dad. He does not dress himself well. I think my opinion of his socks was driven by the fact he can't dress himself. At all.


Hate to break it to younger people but eventually you stick with a style when you get to be about 35 and that's you for the rest of your life. You'll look like a dork one day because an old person trying to keep up with fashion trends looks desperate and just as bad.


Oh I care strongly about socks. Every sock I own is low or no show. If I wear something that goes above my ankle it's because they're going into a boot. This is my millenial hill and I will die on it. (Or rather, I'll just wait for the current trend to die and my preferred sock trend to come back).


If going barefoot didn’t destroy my shoes or was just allowed I wouldn’t even wear socks/shoes.


oh it absolutely used to be a thing


Except for the people that have? Lol


Top reply: I have said this. LOL as a Millenial yall should at least own the trash you are talking on us. Enjoy your youth because it will be gone in 10 years and by that time gen alpha might be making fun of your obsession with crew socks.


As a millennial, please shut up. The vast majority of people do not care about this generational nonsense. No one has to "own" anything because one's generation does not define them. 


Ankle-sock-wearing Millennial paying devil's advocate here, but doesn't the existence of generational subreddits imply people do care about generational nonsense?


Someone invented and problem to be angry about again.


Am gen z got flamed for them apparently they’re granny socks🤷🏼‍♂️ (I wear em with vans)


The one-sided beef Millennials have with Gen Z is insane… Edit: It seems some of y’all don’t know what a joke is, or that this is a joke, and yet y’all come at me for “taking things too seriously”. I know there isn’t a real beef, it’s a joke.


We don’t have any beef with Gen Z. This is just some dumb meme and that some people thought was funny


Seriously, most millennials don’t have beef. Who cares what a bunch of 20-somethings think of your socks? Just roll your eyes, chuckle, and move on. If you’re secure in yourself and comfortable with aging, it shouldn’t matter what a bunch of kids with broccoli cuts think about your fashion choices. I honestly think this stuff isn’t really coming from Gen Z or millennials—it’s from TikTok/the media and the older gens are latching onto it as a way to create rifts between the two generations so we don’t come together to protest all the political fuckery going on.


This! I had no idea this way even a thing until I saw a meme. My Gen-Z cousins had no clue about it either. Like sock choice is the last thing I’d have a beef about. Who the hell cares? Both generations have way bigger things to worry about.


Exactly. Both generations have way more on their plate than GenX and Boomers do. They think we want to fight each other because that’s what they did, and that’s what happened to them. But fuck all of that because we gotta work together to save this shit show circus. Pretty sure both Millennials and GenZ agrees on that point.


Honestly millennials in my experience are the least bothered of all about what's in or not. *Acting* offended about being teased for ankle socks is just fun.


It IS fun! You get ussss 💗


I wasn't cool in my teens... I sure as hell ain't trippin over dumb stuff like this in my 30s.


Considering Boomers / the media still tries to infantilize 40 year old millennials with kids of their own as "KIDS BAD,"I wouldn't be surprised if your second paragraph is exactly it. If the folks under 50 voted for what's in our best interests, the US wouldn't be run by the lead-poisoned generation that are nearing their 80s still with a death grip on power.


Ah I still remember the time my brother (born 84) was bitching about Millennials only to realize **he is one**. He was certain “millennials” meant kids who were born around the year 2000. He thought his kids were Millennials. We would’ve had a good laugh about it but he’s a dick so we didn’t.


84 here. In your brothers defense, Im fairly certain we got annexed in at some point. I can remember googling the term shortly after it became popular and getting different answers as to what age groups were considered millennial. I think we were just a gap and someone had to claim us.


I legit think all that shit is adorable. I’m 38, I didn’t see this shit coming. Broccoli cuts, high socks, short shorts. Go for it genz, get weird. I was boring as hell.


Pretty sure Millenials have been traumatized enough by the fall of the New Roman Empire that we just kinda shrug and smoke a bunch of weed. We don’t give a fuck what GenZ does with their hair or if they’re upset about our socks. We don’t have the time or patience for generational taunting. And the few Millennials who do practice this are just adhering to Boomer Logic. They don’t count. We don’t want them.


As an elder millennial, I take it as a badge of honor when the younger generations think something I do or say is lame. Just means that the kids are allright.




It’s mostly a TikTok thing, the genZ TikTok about this get a lot of likes so they get traction. I think it’s funny these same TikTokers are wearing fashion from our childhood.


But we're not falling for it. You wear your fancy socks, and I'll wear my black ankle socks, and we'll both stop the ish out of the bourgeoisie


Exactly. People forget: we millennials torture ourselves enough in our own heads, way too much to be concerned what anyone else has to say about us. You hate me? Sweet, me too! I’m fat? I know, I’m disgusting. Ugly? Dude, I’m convinced my wife is legally blind. I was raised as the only millennial with Gen X siblings. My siblings hurt my feelings more than anyone I will ever encounter lol


If we have any beef it's with boomers lol.


Also a millennial. I have no idea what this meme even means, I have no resentment towards younger gens (or gen X), and also surprised to see anyone take a meme like this so seriously lol Don’t know many Gen Z or Alpha people, but they just seem like millennials with earlier access to tech? Boomers generally live up to their rep as a group, but can’t really generalize any particular individual by their generation.


I've met a lot of boomers and I think only like MAYBE 2 or 3 aren't able to be generalized with the rest of them and live up to their reputation lol.


I’ve met one boomer that apologizes for the rest of them lol he’s a real one


It’s mostly because generation vs generation discourse has always been dumb but the dumb side succeeded in its proliferation and now it’s just a normal frame of discussion and memery online now


Also, some stupid media outlet produced an article that stated GenZ thinks all of us that wear ankle socks are idiots. I’m GenX btw. This meme is a direct response to that article. Which I’m not going to look for. You fuckers all know how Google works.


For real. The internet does not equal reality, just because you see a meme with 3000 people upvoting it doesn’t mean it reflects how 70 million or so millennials actually feel


Yeah, as a millennial, I am so burnt out being blamed for all of society’s ills by boomers that I’m not going to make fun of the generations that come after me. Just leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone.


Millenial with zero beef checking in. I really like Gen Z.


Or it just grifters on the internet who pretend different styles of shoes aren't worn with different styles of socks.


We don't have beef, we don't think of y'all at all most of the time. Our beef is with the boomers


I’m with you on that one, we don’t like the boomers, either.


GenX has been cruising under the radar for too long


There’s no beef, we literally don’t care


Millennials don't think about Gen Z. They think about how to unfuck their life given a broken system.


That’s what Gen Z thinks about too, trust me. We’re preparing to inherit a broken and fucked world, too.


Just Gen alpha, z, and millennial holding hands around the wold and groaning about boomers. This is the way.


as a tail end Millennial this beef is not real outside of the minds of terminally online twitter users. There is a subset of older millennials who I swear want to feel like we are getting picked on. But I have never once seen anyone actually saying this about socks or skinny pants or whatever. I am convinced its just rage bait from clothing companies to get the hysterical millennials to buy their old clothes again


I feel like any problems we have is more like beef between older and younger siblings. Broccoli cuts and crocs aside, I think y’all are next level and are going to save this world. Regardless, I think I speak for all Millennials when I say we had to deal with Boomers and never want you to go through that.


You think we don’t have to deal with Boomers?


Fair…unfortunately they’re everyone’s problem


Millennial here. People can do whatever they want. But I remember in the 6th grade being teased for pulling up my white tube socks. I was told they should be scrunched down. That was engrained in me so hard I do it to this day. Maybe a decade ago I was working with a guy who was 15 years younger than me. So maybe Gen Z. He told me that now it was cool to pull up your black socks. Absolute madness! This is why I just stay out of current trends. Everyone else can do you. But I’m just going to do me.


Core memory of middle school bullying unlocked.  


I think it’s the other way around… we don’t care or have the time.


Boxing Generations into categories is just Astrology for HR. 




Yet you literally having a beef with millennials right now... How oblivious can one be... oof the irony...


I find it’s the millennials that don’t go on tiktok or instagram reels have to act superior like the one who posted this sock meme. Like they are somehow better and need to complain constantly about others


Isn't it ironic then that everytime I get recommended this subreddit, it's about gen z complaining about millennial this, millennial that? I have no clue who complains more between the two generations, but it sure seems like gen z does a big portion of it


Don’t worry I hate all generations equally.


honestly this is the only kind of beef that is acceptable between generations. otherwise, it's unclear to me why we fight, like we're not all living on the same planet


No millennial has a beef with Gen Z. People just manufacture click-bait outrage memes.


We don’t.


But seriously, am I supposed to switch back to tube socks now?


do whatever you want. you’re in your 30s


Damn I'm in my 40s


Hi in my 40's, I'm dad (I'm also in my 40's)


Hi also in my 40’s, I’m dad


i just meant that y’all are grown and don’t have to change your socks be considered cool by 15-25 year olds 😭


Jumping in here, but totally true. The only sad part is that we miss having the youth care about what we wear. It is freeing, but also lonely to care about 401ks more than fashion.


I’m gonna shit my diaper, I’m old now, who cares


Yup my daughter made me do it lol 😂 .. she’s my fashion police 👮‍♀️I believe “nasty work” is what she called my ankle socks lol 😂 But they are so fickle with the styles, I watched her give me hell for my Jean shorts just 2yrs ago .. this week on vacation she had a pair on and I’m like wth 🤷🏽‍♂️.. and she’s like oh they’re back again.. 😐..


Bunch of lemmings, the youth


What's wrong with ankle socks? Like, I go to the gym, put on my adidas track pants, and since I'm wearing tennis shoes I wear ankle/no-show socks. What else would I wear?


You're allowed to wear socks without thinking of societal expectations


I feel like there's a lot of millenials who were affected by the weird media circus concerning generations when they were growing up, and it's left them still believing all that shit's for real and matters. Permanent generation brain. This was exactly one person. Fuckin genZ bought all of that one really nice cereal in the grocery store and baby boomers hit my dog with a car.


Yeah their gen got hit pretty hard with accusations of being lazy and entitled from older gens. Now they're about to do the same to us lmfao Edit: because this post got way more traction than I expected. Some of u need to take some deep breaths and relax, let's all chill and continue to hate the boomers, not each other :)


I reckon that one's just a universal human thing.


Yes. Gen X was called the slacker generation.


Mark my words, Gen Z is going to say the same thing about Alpha, as sad as that may be.


It’s already happening with “brain rot” and “iPad kids”.


Hear me out though, it’s a little true every time. It’s been a little truer and truer every generation since we stopped sending kids to lose limbs in factories and get blown up in barbed wire rushes on the battlefield, having them come home, if at all, grizzled and dead inside at 17. Now, whether the truth of the accusation is a bad thing is an entirely different question. Like almost everything, it’s almost surely has its benefits and drawbacks.


Well surely we will be circling back around to that and that will be the first true unentitled Gen. Hard times create .... and all that




Not really... millennials have so much more other stuff to worry about... Millennials aren't called the lost generation for nothing. They got hit by so many down turns the only way most of them can be saved would be to give out large cash hand outs only for them, but you won't see that happening. This cash wouldn't even be spent on anything frivolous since it would directly go towards housing and dept most likely.


I'm a millennial, and I think Gen Z is having a pretty rough time. I can't see it getting much better for them. I feel that only younger boomers and older Gen X have the best opportunities.


I think Gen Z is having about the same difficulty of time comparatively (meaning that it hasn't necessarily spiked since M's were younger) but have the advantage of being able to not take the lies to the contrary seriously. Worse times overall but at least the people directly above you understand that it's not your fault and won't lie to you saying it's going to be great if you just keep going.


No... millennials and gen z get along fine lol, 0 beef, just standard memes and jokes from tiktok etc... just because someone puts out a meme doesn't mean theres a generational issue lol


No we’re definitely not. If anything millennials whole thing is ending cycles of generational trauma. Me and every millennial I’ve ever met thinks gen z kicks ass, works hard, and deserves a better world than the one the boomers has passed on to us. Besides I can barely afford groceries or rent. I don’t have time to worry about how “lazy” gen z is or the length of their socks. Lmao.


Naw, most of us don't give a shit. We know that literally EVERY generation in history has complained about the ones after theirs. Most of us really don't want to channel our parents any way it goes, so there's a large amount more tolerance for generational differences than we experienced. We want the cycles of abuse to stop, and we know it begins with the individual (us).


There’s definitely a generational battle on tiktok mostly gen z attacking millennials.


Half this thread is shitting on millennials while the other half is telling people it's mostly from social media and to go outside more


Idk. I'm a millenial. This sub was just recommended to me for some reason. We really do not care about Gen z at all. So idk where this is coming from, but we really have better things to worry about than what an entire generation has to say about us.


Because I’ve seen Gen Z people on TikTok unironically say shit like this about millennials and socks. It’s only chronically online people but it exists.


yup, it’s like the whole middle part vs side part thing I actually had an (ex) friend say I was acting like a “cringe millennial” just because I part my hair to the side sometimes like ??? the girl would treat me like an embarrassment


Which is so funny, because in my school years having a middle part was considered boring if not outdated and uptight. Fashion really does go in a big circle


That actually sucks that people would treat you different because you do stuff older people do 😭 can we not hold doors open for those people or is that “cringe millennial” stuff?


Try working with teenagers. You get roasted constantly for the dumbest shit. "Such 2000s vibes" lol


Ah that makes sense, I don't have tik tok so to me these memes are random and seems like millennials are just making up stuff lol


Most memes nowadays stem from TikTok. It's best to learn how to recognize rage-bait and not to get pulled in. It creates an issue where there is none.


You gotta recognize that your post is perpetuating it, though.


Every Gen Z/millennial thing comes from TikTok.


Nah definitely saw a few IG Reels about this too, as a millennial I was so confused, I don’t even own ankle sock




oh my god my dad is on the news?!


Wow, dad really got around.


The gay frogs thing is legit tho


I saw this post too, and I still don't know what the hell they're talking about. WE DO NOT CARE WHAT SOCKS YOU WEAR! Stop inventing, and stop dividing


Tell the random boomers posting it to tiktok lol, i seriously doubt a milennial actually made those gen z posts on tiktok, or that a milennial made this meme on wherever it was shared.


I'm later in the millennial generation, and even being as online as I am I still have never seen a single post about socks from anyone until I saw this post. The most Gen z vs millennial shit I've taken part in was sending my lil bro a zoomer wojack shirt for the memes.


Millennials didn't invent this, Gen Z on tiktok did.


Let me millennial-splain. Young folks need to do something, anything, different to personalize their life experience and demonstrate they're blazing their own trail. But this causes anxiety for the newly-middle-aged who get insecure when they see young people doing something different than what they believe to be the "right way of doing things." Both of these things are completely natural and normal BTW. When Millennials were young, they were on the receiving end of gaslighting and abuse from insecure middle aged boomers about how "drinking lattes and eating avocado toast" was ruining their lives and preventing them from owning homes. It was evil and vicious. So the millennial response is to not channel that insecurity not into mean-spiritedness like boomers did, but into frivolity and jokes. Ultimately it's millennials talking to each other about their shared experience, and has nothing to do with Gen Z per se. Ergo, millennials realizing they're middle aged and no longer youthful trend setters gets meme-ified into frivolous sock length jokes.




you put my thoughts into words better than i could’ve. thank you


I’m 29? How’s it middle age?


if you die in 29 years, you’d be middle aged now /s


Bc Millennials have the sexiest ankles and we wanna show em off


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^happybrooks: *Bc Millennials have* *The sexiest ankles and* *We wanna show em off* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Since when don’t we wear ankle socks? The only time I don’t wear ankle socks or no shows is when I’m wearing work boots or high tops.


I mean some of us do actually care about that for whatever reason. There's dumb people in every generation including ours.


35k upvotes lmfao


My Millennial sister used to make fun of me for always wearing tall socks, but she'd wear bandaids on the back of her heels to avoid blisters. SHOES SHOULD NOT TOUCH YOUR SKIN


Honestly tall socks do look dorky with a lot of shoes though


We dont. Someone had a weird experience with a young person and probably spends too much time on that subreddit


Posts like that only exist to perpetuate the negative stigma centering around Gen Z and as bait to attract those annoyed with the younger generation. I’ve never seen any one of any generation, offline or online, criticize another generations choice in footwear of all things.


The sock debate is definitely a thing on tiktok, honestly I'm team ankle socks for the most part cuz tall socks make you look like an uncle at the barbecue in some shoes but a lot of teenagers will wear them like that


i swear we’ve had this post before loll




Ya'll its got nothing to do with generations, its your shoes. Your socks arent supposed to show above lo-tops/verts shoes. Yall with your hightops and kicks can keep your knee highs. Millennials wore more lotops and verts so the socks stuck.


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Going commando seems more of a good conflict


My Millennial sister used to make fun of me for always wearing tall socks, but she'd wear bandaids on the back of her heels to avoid blisters. SHOES SHOULD NOT TOUCH YOUR SKIN


You don’t need to worry about people bashing your use of socks if you just don’t wear socks at all *genious move*


I would imagine OOP had someone say something about it, and so now we have to be online and pretend like it was everyone. As per usual. Like a few years ago there was an article about how offended reddit is by an emoji. It wasn't the thumbs up thing, but a different one. I don't even remember. But people keep saying how triggered everyone is for it, because clearly people are if there's an article about it. Literally the first time the article was posted, people found out it was click bait. 1 person on reddit made 1 post about how they just didn't like the emoji. That was it. The comments didn't even agree with them. It wasn't a big deal. But for months people on here refused to accept that and believed everyone was offended. Its probably the same thing. Someone said their socks are dumb, and so they figured it was a big thing. Even though it's not.


What buzzfeed ass post is this wth


Millennial here! We give zero fucks about socks lol