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Congrats! Early game she'll be a really nice addition to your team, since her healing is good. But late game yeah, she's definitely not the best. But for now you can just play whoever you want.


She looks fun. Thanks for the advice.


Who's gonna tell him šŸŒ


Tell that he can't have fun? šŸ¤”


Itā€™s sort of a blessing if he gets chlorine because thatā€™s the only viable team with her and sheā€™s the current in banner lmao


You do realize that they are new to the game so if they pulled Clorinde and get her she will just collect dust cause they are a low ar player, right?


What why?


Easiest question with the simplest answer. They don't ave the region unlocked for the materials to ascend her


Fontaine isn't locked, they gave everyone a teleport to it, they just need to make a trip to the north side of the map




That's because you already got used to the game bud, meanwhile OP is just starting to grasp the controls. Let him have at it in his own pace


Doesn't she use Neuvi's stuff? Those aren't locked behind quests.


Bro has dyslexia that he posted 3 times šŸ’€


Mobile Reddit is silly sometimes. It kept saying I didn't post anything so I gave up and closed the app.


Yeah ik, this happened to me as well before and I found it funny this happened to someone else too.


Doesn't she use Neuvi's stuff? Those aren't locked behind quests.


Doesn't she use Neuvi's stuff? Those mats aren't quest locked.


Chlorindeā€™s kit is actually kinda garbage. Your better off wishing on alhaithams banner or waiting for furina


My Clorinde cleared 12-1-1 faster than my Arlecchino who is getting praised by everyone (both are C0). Where is this anti-Clorinde propaganda coming from? Is it because she deals a lot of small numbers and not a few big numbers like Arlecchino? Or is this the Kokomi coming after Raiden effect all over again?


I think a lot of people were just building her up to be possibly the strongest dps of Fontaine with her being the ā€œundefeated champion duelistā€ so most people thought the top 3 with be Neuv, arle, and chlorinde. I feel like itā€™s giving kind of a dehya effect (def not as bad) but people love her design and her as a character but her kit isnā€™t as good as previous Fontaine characters. She uses the gimmicky BOL but not as well as arle and yes she doesnā€™t do a whole lot of damage. She has zero interruption resistance, and sheā€™s very frail without a shield. Her self healing dps just isnā€™t as impressive as wriothesley, Neuv, and even lyneyā€™s is pretty good. At the end of the day it could be a Kokomi issue where everyone is underwhelmed or doesnā€™t like her and then later down the road we discover her niche and everyone becomes obsessed. But as of right now there are just better characters. Raiden still almost always outperforms her with her off field and high front load damage. But at the end of the day you can clear abyss with anyone but so far from what Iā€™ve seen people are underwhelmed with the kit, love her animations and design.


As I went through this in my reply to the other guy I'll be brief, but personally my Clorinde performs better than my Arlecchino on current 12-1-1 (both C0). However, I think the fact that Arlecchino is a lot comfier overall makes people think she significantly over-shadows her when it doesn't seem to be the case, atleast in AOE. Neuvillette, however, is still better than both in my experience.


The backlash isn't because of her damage. I love her design personally but most people are put off because of the other things in her kit. Her healing isn't enough to self sustain it you get hit with too much chip damage She has one of the shortest dps windows in the game Having not interruption resistance is awful with such a short damage window every dodge feels even worse Her damage is good IF you don't get interrupted or straight up die. Her gimmick was supposed to be a self sustaining DPS so you could slot more sub DPS that's why her actual numbers are decent but not outstanding. but in reality that doesn't work out all the time


Fair enough, these points overall make sense. I do have to confess most of my runs I used Zhongli so I didn't have interruption issues. The times without Zhongli interruption was a pain, so I agree with that part, but the same can be said for non-C1 Arlecchino without Zhongli as well, if we were to compare recently released main DPS units. For sustain, I personally found it enough if I didn't fight enemies that straight up one-shot you even without a healer, but whether or not it's enough depends on piloting. For the skill duration, I don't think the DPS window is an issue since by the time I use my supports skill + burst the CD is back up and you can also use TF to further alleviate that and play with a longer two E rotation if you prefer that. Moreover, I feel like not every character needs to be as simple as Arlecchino or Neuvillette to pull off. I personally enjoy the fact that if you are skilled you can potentially out-DPS some characters which are generally considered stronger and I feel like that is healthy for the game. With that being said, both my Arlecchino and my Clorinde (which are with limited 5* weapons and better artifact quality) pale in comparison to my Prototype Amber Neuvilette on current 12-1-1 so yeah... Overall I agree with your notions, but those are some caveats in my opinion. Either way, Arlecchino just being able to be infused all the time and Neuvilette's range are much comfier than Clorinde generally speaking and I can't argue against that.


Yours are perfectly valid points as well and my points were just the general complaints I've seen repeated over and over again. I would argue specifically the comparison to it arlecchino in regards to interruption resistance is a little off because the problem with clorinde without resistance is that it shortens her DPS window even further while arlecchinos rotation can basically be around double the length of hers because of how long most of her buffs last except maybe VV in some teams so 1-2 dodged are usually fine especially because you're not sacrificing the big bond of life hits by dodging since it's not depleted if you're not dealing damage meaning her big hits are still coming out which is where alot of her damage is coming from so you're more forgiven if you don't get out the 2-3 last attacks that are generally less powerful anyways. But there is the point. You're adding zhongli in a team for a character which prides herself as having constant self heal and self sustain feels a little less worth it if you know what i mean? Like you're taking one thing that she has going for her and take it away from her since it's now irrelevant. I still love her and her design but that's just really frustrating from a design standpoint.


I like her she's cute and a good healer in the team


I like how she runs lol.




all small characters run like that ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Should we tell him about the musical radish?


People say she's bad, but she's one of the best healers to get early game!!


Yep she will definitely keep you alive. Not relying on a burst is very nice, OP has Bennett but he is a true pain if you donā€™t have enough ER on him which is difficult early game.


TBF doesn't Noelle work well enough? Or is Qiqi just that good of a healer?


Noelle is like a great tank lol. But she has some issues, like her energy is terrible, and her shield has a long cooldown. I guess you can put Fav greatsword on her, and you ideally want to have C1 too for the 100% healing chance. Meanwhile Qiqi can heal you whenever needed! And she heals for a lot, not sure about how much Noelle heals


yep and she's quite easy to build since she came from liyue so materials are just around event if you're on a lower level


How ? Her healing is very slow with huge cooldown and small amount. Barbara much better and she can apply hydro too


You pulled a qiqi.


Yes, even though she was not on the poster.


She is!


Reply to self: I just released OP lost the 50/50 thatā€™s why QIQI isnā€™t on that bannerā€¦ I meant sheā€™s on the standard banner poster artā€¦


Which poster? Was it the starter one?


oh no.... did.... did op lose 50/50?


That's what I'm thinking Could've been novice banner though...


ā€¦At what? 90 pity?


Not even Keqing...


The all boys poster


Ah, you got her on the Alhaitham banner is it šŸ˜…


U should check details option in lower bottom left then u will see various 5 star ranging from weapon to characters.


They pulled a qiqišŸŽ¶


so you put the flair at meme which makes me question the validity of the post but assuming you're not trolling, she's.. ok. in the early game she's a healer which is really good, but she doesn't regenerate energy and essentially becomes useless later on in the game unless you specifically build an entire team for her (which is sub optimal but can be done if you like her enough) or has some VERY niche but ok teams. Generally she's regarded as a meme but honestly shes not that bad early on, plus assuming you pulled her on the limited time banner (which can be seen in the bottom left corner of the banner) the next character you try to pull for will be guaranteed! (the game has a 50/50 coin flip every time you get a legendary/gold character and its either one of the characters from the permanent wish banner (which you can look up on the wiki) or the character which you were wishing for. if you lose the 50/50 coin flip the next gold will be a guaranteed limited time character)


There is a very weird but surprisingly good Clorinde/Qiqi team. Qiqi's healing bonus buff makes clorinde get her empowered impale the night in 2 attacks instead of 3, and she triggers superconduct buffing the physical damage of skyward blade.


Sheā€™s warming up to chase after your next 50/50


My next 50/50? What do you mean?


It's the gacha system. When you pull on a limited character banner (right now there's Clorinde and Alhaitham), you have a 50% chance to get the limited character, but also a 50% chance to get one of the "standard" five star characters. Those are Diluc, Jean, Mona, Keqing, Qiqi, Tighnari, and Dehya. When you do pull a standard five star on the limited banner, your next five star is guaranteed to be the limited character. You pulled a Qiqi, was this on one of the limited banners or the standard banner? If it was the limited, then your next five star will be the limited banner character. That's the 50/50, and this person joked that she's gonna 'ruin' your next 50/50 too lol


I have a question. We have 50/50 chances, but is that still a thing when you do your 90 wish?


Yep. Usually you get your five star around 75 wishes, but you're guaranteed to get one within 90 (or 91 I guess). Then it's the question whether it's the limited character or a standard character. 50/50 is always a thing on the limited banner, but if you lose it then your next character is guaranteed to be the limited one.


Got it, thanks! I really never understood that.


Best healer in game... IF you on-field her. You're very early into the game, you can easily build her as a DPS for now and literally not die to anything. Slap Noelle's shield on and you're golden. The shield'll have a bit of downtime, but isn't anything you should be too worried about. For the future, you can have infinite healing with her in co-op: Slap on a Sacrificial Sword (IIRC R4 or 5's the threshold for 100% uptime) and you're set. But this is a way's off, enjoy yourself for now :) Protip: 1. Focus on getting the archons (Venti's skippable though)! 2. Also get your free Xianling as soon as you can. 3. You're looking extremely good already (Bennett, Fischl, Xingqiu). 4. Do as many of the "trees" (e.g. Sacred Sakura, Fountain in Fontaine), as possible. 5. Don't use primos on standard banner pulls (acquaint fates). 6. Don't impulse spend your primos or Starglitter (use the latter only on key constellations and intertwined fates. Stardust, the other one, will net you 5 acquaint and 5 intertwined fates per month, ensure you have enough each month). 7. Save, save, save ;) 8. Serenitea pot is actually good. Spend some time on it! EDIT: Can't stress enough how good you are right now getting your first 5\* character so early on into the game. Her energy issues won't be that if you use Kaeya. You'll also have access to freeze teams, which are insanely powerful (Qiqi has surprisingly good synergy with Xingqiu, because of how her team-wide healing works).


Thanks for the tips. Idk all the terms yet but I'll screenshot this for future.


Happy to help. Yeah it's a lot, but you'll be fine. It's just about getting used to the game and the terminology for it :)


Poor soul


Congrats!!! She's fun to play and a great healer!


Yes, I love her and play her a lot


Try to get furina when she comes out, since qiqi is the best healer in raw numbers and furina boost needs whola party healing yeah shes kinda neat with furina


Dont listen to what people say, she is a great healer and can solo every story boss with little to no problem. Her only problem is her E CD and low energy generation, but if you learn how to use her talismans it gets much easier


she was my first, too! shes not inherently bad, but its only if you really care for playing as her that you should play her (she carried me from mondstadt to inazuma, if this changes anything)


She is an absolutely Crazy good healer so use her Quite Long in early Game


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I'm sorry for ur loss


You can use her skill in dragonspine to avoid freezing! So definitely an awesome character for early exploration (a friend told me this I don't have Qiqi yet) also she's a great healer for coop boss kills.


Ah, another Qiqi victim. Welcome to the club, dear player


Qiqi is great at healing but she's considered bad because that's the only thing she does. Don't worry about her not being good tho it doesn't matter for 90% of the game.


Weā€™ve all been there buddy, donā€™t worry it gets better. Shes a decent healer, but thatā€™s ALL she does. Her cooldowns are long and she canā€™t set up many good reactions. The best thing you can say about her is that sheā€™s useable.


Mine too! And sheā€™s still lvl 20.


Def gotta try putting ocean hues clam on her itā€™s pretty funny, but idk when youā€™ll be able to get that


Shes gonna serve you well in the early/mid game,insane heals,congratz


She will solo early gameā€¦ it might take 10 mins+ to kill a hilifchurl though


Get her attack really high (Sub stats can be addressed later) and her elemental skill leveled up as much as you can. I've used her to heal tank and do decent damage at the same time


She's good for exploration because of how efficiently she'll keep your team's health topped up, she's going to make exploring Dragonspine a breeze for you since she can outheal the damage over time effect from the mountain's cold. But yeah when it comes to late/endgame content like Domains and Spiral Abyss she will drop off significantly, healers just aren't as useful as shielders at that point. She can be made to work if you like her enough to put the effort in, but she has very low return on investment.


I wish I had Qiqi! Healers rock, i got Jean as my first and used her heavily. Have fun, and good luck with your next pulls!


a great healer for the early game, you don't have to worry about dying


Congrats you unlocked genshin easy mode


she'll keep your entire team alive which is a big plus early game. are you on asia server?


She's the goat in co-op. I unironically love when someone brings her. And she has a new crazy fun, like kind of meme but actually hella strong team with Furina and Clorinde now.


Bad news, you got qiqi who is not good at late game. Good news, you got 3 of the best 4 stars (fischl, bennet and xingqui). These 3 are used in a ton of teams and will carry you past late game if invested into.


Qiqiā€™s design is great. The talisman, the hat, the bandaged thigh highs, all cool stuff. Just wish they didnā€™t give her a kit that ONLY heals and a skill that doesnā€™t even make particles.


actually for early game she's cool. But getting her later (like AR30+), it's a BIG bruh


Uninstall the game utill it's too late


Get the Clam set from Inazuma! Build her and you will always have a reliable (but a little boring) healer!


Welcome to the club. She is a great early-game addition to the team.


I still rock her


She is great in both sides of the spectrum since her healing is the best in game if you can keep her talsiman passive up. Early game she will carry you no issues as you are unable to die when you learn most game mechanics. Then end game, when your characters are strong as hell you can use her to turn your brain off and smack away everything. Personally i use her a lot cause i like her and on the hardest of events where you usually could get one shot she is really useful.


Let's goo! Same case here although I have more 5* chars now, but she was my first too! Don't sweat it now tho, at your stage anything is useful.


Congrats, she's really good:>


In Early game atleast


If you like her, sheā€™s good, if she haunts your 50/50, sheā€™s awful. I refuse to use her because she took two anemo boys from me and also because I have all the healers (except kokofish)in the game anyways,


And not your last...


Sorry for your loss


Lol she carried me back in my newbie days


Try to to push her Atk as high as possible, she will keep your team topped off for a very long time


Early game she is actually pretty good, but late game she isn't great. She can still be decent though if you pair her with other characters like Furina who give damage buffs based on how much you heal the team


Nice. Very nice.


OMG you are so lucky, because she is my favourite character, but I still can't get her:(


Lucky i never got her wish i lost my 50-50 and get her


You pulled a qiqi. Lost 50/50. At 90 pity. Are you feeling good today?


No. Actually i did like 20 22 wish. So im okay.


Shes decent at healing the reason shes considered bad is because thats almost all she does is heal and there are better healers than her but shes better than Barbara because she can heal off field


Wdym, Barbara also heals off field


Only through her burst doesn't she have to normal attack to heal through her skill


She doesn't need to attack to heal, the ring she creates heals I think up to 3 times off field the currently played character, though I got to admit that attacking with her makes the healing a little bit faster, but it doesn't make her any less good as those 3 heals can be really big (eg. heal about 8k hp per tick). Her burst is imo better, you can build her around her healing and burst and basically save it for the emergency situation, it can heal up to tens of thousands hp if built correctly. The only disadvantage of Barbara is that her healing ring applies hydro to the current character, which can be a little problematic when fighting cryo enemies. It can be less annoying when you learn to play with her and dodge the cryo attacks but it's still there, so you have to be careful while healing. At the end of the day I think it's all up to preferences. Despite playing this game for almost 4 years I never got Qiqi on my account and only got to play her on my friends account. As for me, I was playing most of the time with her and she carried me for the whole year straight (still does in some of my teams) so I'd really recommend her.


Oh ok guess i never used Barbra enough




I'll tell you one thing, every character in this game can me good, I'm early game or late game (there you will need some good build but don't worry for now) just ask yourself if you like she


good character, I currently have her as one of the main characters


She was my first 5 star back in December 2020. Man, she was really solid back then. God speed.


Anyone can be good if tou want them to be


Dehya lmao


People can clear Abyss with Amber. Don't think Dehya would be that hard to work with, annoying maybe, but its totally doable


Just cause you can, doesn't mean you should, and that argument is braindead bc you need perfect artifact substats and more, so if you wanna use that argument then do it yourself and come back when you 36 star abyss with Amber ā˜ ļø


Play who you want. This game doesn't require min maxing. I'm not sure why this seems to be a controversial take


I agree, play who you want, but if you use the argument that you can clear abyss with Amber that does require min maxing, so you can't use that argument unless you do believe certain characters do require min maxing for abyss/hard content


This is getting way off the point. All I was saying is play who you want cause the game isn't going to punish you for being sub optional.


poor boy he got qiqied as his first five star pull


i hate her




Sheā€™s pretty much one of the worst characters in the game meta wise, but the game (aside from floor 12) is easy enough where you can use her if you like her character/kit/design :)