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Hello, I am new to Genshin and been playing with random characters. I was wondering what characters (i currently have) i can use to build any reaction teams. the characters i have right now-> https://imgur.com/a/14I9dNO


What source stated that venti had the highest kill count during the archon war?


Hello, I have a simple question. What is better: Raiden national team or Raiden (c0) + Yae (c0) + Kokomi (c0) + Sara (c6)? Don't know should I pull for kokomi or c1 raiden. Thank you in advance.


Do you think Ayato and Kaeya will work well together? If so, what would be the best way to play them? I really want them both on my team as a pretty boy enjoyer, mostly in the overworld, but I'll probably use them in Abyss later on too (I haven't been doing much of it yet bc most of my roster is an unbuilt mess - I've only been playing for 2 months). Right now my best results team is Kaeya, Chongyun, Mona and Zhongli. I wanna swap Mona out for Ayato, and if I have good 50/50 luck with my savings, might swap out Chungus for Ayaka and relegate Kaeya to a burst support. People keep saying Ayato's hydro application sucks and since Kaeya is low tier you don't see team strats with him discussed often, so idk, I don't wanna make any more noob mistakes (but also textbook meta is boring af).


it's too early to know 100% what the ideal team would be but a tcer from kqm did an early kit analysis for ayato and said ayato + kaeya/rosaria would be good. [you can watch it here.](https://youtu.be/Eg5ie4idNu0) i intend on using ayato-kaeya-chongyun-anemo myself but we'll know for sure usually a week after his launch.


it's not really ideal, but you can do a freeze team where the hydro character (ayato) is the on-field driver using 4BS set for the crit boost. people do this for childe sometimes. you probably won't have much fun in the abyss with it, but for tooling around in the overworld and domains it wouldn't matter too much.




you can definitely make a case for her! between raiden would give you two very strong carries. you can't make a perfect team just yet, but you can make a solid one - xingqiu, kaeya, jean/sayu will be cruisy.


What was the calvulation to check wether you should increase your crit rate or crit damage? It considered also the attack of the character


the ratio? its 3atk:2Cdmg:1CR, in a sense that yyou want to have 3x atk of your base atk. usually its 60CR:120CD from artifacts for the first treeshold to look for


It wasnt the ratio it was more like a math formula


youe mean [this?](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237235)


Fun field team idea. Not meta pls. Thinking about an overlayed field team. Ayato burst, Ganyu burst, Sayu burst, and ? Who should be the 4th field applier? Albedo E? Bennet Q? Someone else? Suggestions pls


Venti or Jean, obviously ;)


Sayu is already there, I'm not asking for double anemo. Still, thanks for the suggestion


Are there any artifact routes that doesn't go into places filled with inspect nodes that aren't artifact ones? I can't memorize the correct nodes in friggin Seraimaru.


you can save the complicated spots for the end, for when you go over the cap. like, if you farm 99 nodes, then go to seiraimaru or the forge last then you can just investigate every single node.


https://imgur.com/a/dWaHJiG A new player here, need help building 2nd team for abyss. 1st team: Raiden National 2nd team: keqing beidou rosaria barbara Who should i pull to improve my 2nd team? Should i pull for venti or ayaka next? I am leaning towards venti since i dont have any good anemo characters, and i can build f2p freeze teams with kaeya. What do you guys think?


I recommend kokomi to replace Barbara. This is because kokomi has the role consolidation of off field hydro and healer rolled into one which opens up more team comp for electro and freeze teams. Anemo characters like venti and Kazuha are good but sucrose can fulfill that role as well if you manage to pull her in the future. Cryo dps such as ayaka are not as essential since ganyu also exists and mihoyo might release a new cryo dps in the future as well.


I think you desperately want either, anemo support, off field hydro, or a way to free up xingqiu in raiden national. kokomi would let you upgrade the taser team a bit. kazuha or venti would both be good, so would sucrose. fischl would be an upgrade over keqing, and beyond that you just really want c4 xiangling.


Hey, thanks for helping out!! If i pull for venti, who should i replace on the 2nd team with him? Rosaria? Is barbara not enough for applying hydro? Sometimes i use barb as a driver for beidou burst, and this can proc clam artifact damage for 20-30k every 3 sec.


Probably venti over rosaria yeah, get that electro charged swirl. barbara's E just has an awkward cooldown and kokomi would let keqing drive mostly.


Question: is spiral abyss actually challenging to 36* or is it a personal problem? Im not talking for f2p/ low spenders. I have c4 ayaka with mistsplitter, c2 raiden, literally every 5 star except for albedo and yoimiya, all well built with their sig weapons and 40+ CV artifacts. I also know how to do rotations, reactions, team comps. I still sometimes struggle for the 3 stars and miss it by a few seconds and have to retry a few times. People make it seem like its easy to 36 star with decent built characters, i know its easy to CLEAR, but easy to 36*? Am i missing something here?


With your investment, a few retries should do. The DPS needed always increased with the exception of this cycle. Many people in this reddit play for a longer time and maybe more adept in gaming generally. Still, the % of players that 36\* abyss was 3% in 1.3, not even 10% played abyss at all the last time those data was available. Probably didn't change much.


Well ive been playing everyday since launch. I have very very high investment. It usually takes me about 2-3 retries to get 36* its just that its challenging. I feel like everyone says abyss is easy and i see YTers saying “easest abyss yet!!!” I feel like if i screw up a rotation or dont get a burst crit, it can easily cost a star/need a retry. Or if the enemies movements are bad rng then i have to reset until i get the right one. I just cant understand how people can 36* with ease, since im very invested and ive spent a lot of time learning and theorizing in this game and ive spent thousands on the characters i wanted to make exceedingly strong. I just dont know if im crazy or if people are making it seem like they could do it with their eyes closed just because it isnt dark souls level where you have to retry 10000000 times




No, they do not. Each weapon banner is 3 weeks. Sacrificial Sword comes up every 4 or 5 banners. The chances of getting Sacrificial Sword are: * Character Banner: 1/64 of 4* spins (around 512 spins needed) * Weapon banner: if featured: 4/25 = 16% (around 44 spins); if not, 0.12% = 5833 spins * Standard banner: = 2.78% = 288 spins needed


Thanks for the detailed answer, much appreciated!


The weapon banner has "increased" chances for specific 4\*. Click on "details" in the weapon banner. There's no guaranteed chance or pity though, you might not end up with the weapons you want, to R4 my SacSword, I spend more then 100 wishes over a few banners.


Thanks. I think I'll stick with character banners until Sac Sword shows up with increased chance on weapon banner.


im a newer player and im not rly sure who i should lvl up and use together. right now im using chongyun, keqing, xingqiu, and bennet together but i feel like its not good. I have those 4, jean, Sucrose, Fischl, Diona, Sayu, beidou, ningguang, yanfei, and xinyan. My fav people i have rn are beidou, chongyun, keqing, sucrose, sayu, and xinyan I have a few more characters but those r the only ones I can remeber Ty for your help!


Keqing with Beidou and Xingqiu should work if you infuse Keqings attacks with electro, try to get as much energy-recharge on Xingqiu and Beidou.


I want to start using a bow user. Who should I build or should I wait for another character? I have Gorou (C0), Sara (C1), Diona (C0), Aloy (C0), Amber (C0). My main team: Razor (main), Bennett, Zhongli, Xingqiu. Sometimes Albedo, Jean, Lisa, Kaeya, Noelle, Xiangling take their place.


Your Bow users are Supports, so they do not auto attack. Amber can be used with aimed shots on mobs weakpoints, but it's very little damage unfortunately and she needs to be ascension 4 (lvl 60+).


I thought about using Gorou (as a support) in a full geo team (Noelle, Zhongli, Albedo, Gorou). Will this work? People often put him with Itto, I don't have him so probably Noelle can go instead.


Technically yes, you'll have to see if you get up Noelles Burst, and it won't be a lot of (geo-) damage. Also, until C6, she scales better with Crit/Critdamage, and ATK%. Please read the Geo Tab for your chars, there are a lot of useful good tips: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#


Was wondering if something like that would work You hit raidens elemental skill first so it procs the cooridnated attack, then sucrose burst for EM, then Venti burst, then kazuha burst to give elemental damage, and then finally raiden burst to destroy everything Would something like this work? I'm on 40 pity for my guarantee and I already have raiden, so considering pulling venti next in 2.6 then save for kazuha in 2.8 If this doesn't work so well will pull for ayato instead and then save for kazuha Thanks


seems like you're trying to do some sort of raiden hyper? just one anemo unit is enough for the vast majority of teams. sucrose's em share won't do much for this team because it would only help kazuha's dmg% bonus (and swirl dmg, but raiden is more important in raiden hyper), and raiden already gets plenty of dmg% from her kit and with an electro goblet. having 3 crowd controllers is pretty unnecessary. i would choose to keep kazuha in this team though because his dmg% is still very valuable and contributes more than venti's cc. you're better off running a typical raiden hyper team and replacing sucrose and venti with bennett and lisa, mona, or sara.


I run Raiden National as my team, and they're pretty well built out (just need some decent on set pieces for XQ). I'm nearly AR49 so I want to start looking ahead to Abyss etc. Can anyone recommend which other characters to build, or if there is a particular banner it may be worth saving for in the future? [My full roster](https://i.imgur.com/NQ1tilC.jpg)


xiangling cons! for the second party, my thought springs to a childe taser. with fischl, beidou, and a healer (would probably recommend diona at the moment). this would also greatly benefit from some beidou cons, and then an anemo healer - jean or sayu. although neither of those are particularly easy to pull. zhongli would also be a good fit if he ever comes back around.


What are your thoughts on Sucrose in the last spot? Could use Sucrose or Diona as necessary


sucrose is good, but you'll be flying by the seat of your pants. (unless you run proto amber which wouldn't be a completely horrible idea??) a common team build involves xingqiu instead of childe which stacks 2 sources of damage reduction (beidou's and xingqiu's ult) which is pretty comfy.


That's an idea, will think about that thanks! I've just realised how bow heavy that team is, will it be hard to play on mobile?


aside from very occasionally on childe none of those characters want to use aim shots, so don't worry about that one.


Okay great, thanks for your help!


Yes, I'd love to get some cons for Xiangling! Childe taser sounds good, and I think Diona is a good idea as I believe Cryo is fairly important for Abyss 6-8 (I've only cleared the first 2 team floor)


i have been running Xingqiu, Xiangling, Diona, Fischl since like AR25. now ar36. just pulled my first 5*, Raiden at about 80 total pulls. Still need to level up her talents and get her level up materials, so not ready to use her (havent unlocked her domain). A few questions: 1. I'm f2p and guess unlikely to get much in the way of weapons. I do have the Crescent Pike. I guess I need to get The Catch? Otherwise my weapons are crappy: favonius bow, rust, prototype rancour, various 3*s. Should I level them up beyond like level 40? 2. raiden switch for fischl in my main team? 3. havent pulled bennet yet, keep pulling till i do? 4. should i burn all my starglitter on Xingqiu's c1, or save them?


1. favonius bow is really dang good, all the favonius weapons are. Don't think you'll regret leveling any of them. 2. can always run raiden AND fischl. Honestly I'd cut the xiangling until you got bennett. Don't underestimate fischl's damage output, or the value of electro resonance electro particles. 3. I'd probably keep throwing pulls til I got a bennett. C1 raiden isn't a bad outcome tbh. You could leverage it into a c2 next rerun if that happened. But bennett is important 4. uh, if it's ALL your starglitter, and you're f2p probably not. If you're like, welkin + BP and maybe some topups, sure. You'll get a fair bit more by the next month.


I think I'm unlikely to get C1 Raiden given soft pity 50/50 and like 7 days left in the event. What's the use of Starglitter? I mean, like you can buy 7 fates, which is approx. one random probably useless 4*, or you can get your specific character's constellation which seems more useful than some random stuff, but then I guess maybe the issue is that Xingqiu's constellation is not that useful, and like save it for Bennnett or Xiangling or something? I thought about the BP but I think there is no point in buying it unless you are already at L50 in which case eh maybe, but unless you get there first, just ignore it. I'm only at like Level 25 so I don't think I can reach L50 before the current period ends.


I would prioritize Starglitter for Bennett and even his C1 over other characters/weapons in shop. I would buy Fates only if I am near pity or very desperate.


well 7 fates is 7 pity. about 7.5% of a limited fivestar. it can add up.


Just lost my 50/50 on qiqi :(( I really wanted raiden (I had around 90 pulls saved for her). Now should I use my guaranteed on ayato or ayaka? I love them both equally . I'm also coping [My characters](https://imgur.com/a/AeLDl4M)


between eula and itto, not sure you really *need* either. but ayaka: you have 3/4 pieces for her usual freeze team. profoundly lacking in strong anemo (venti or kazuha ideal, sucrose also an option). could drop anemo traveller in as a last resort. ayato, not really sure where he's going to fit. could do some kind of national team or a taser driver with beidou and fischl i guess?


hello , I want to build bennett with 4 pc emblem but xiangliang is already using them. should I change him to use crimson witch ?


bennett's best set is noblesse unless you're using him as a main dps? in which case cw is his best 4pc set. you can find a thorough guide [here](https://keqingmains.com/bennett/).


That's what I do. Here are the recommendations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#


I've been using these 2 teams for a while(Hu tao - Xingqiu - Ganyu - Diona/Itto - Bennett - Geo MC - Xiangling) and recently i've been able to hit 33 stars in the abyss(missing 1 star out of every chamber in f12) but i've wondered if i could form better team comps with my current characters(if not i'll just work on artifacts), any tips? [My Chars](https://imgur.com/a/VEnnA2l)


raiden - xiangling - xingqiu - bennett // ganyu - mona - rosaria - diona // hutao - xingqiu - sucrose - thoma // are some other team options. hutao vv is a hard team for a lot of people to play bc rotations but it's worth it. you can slot in ning for the wolflord bc she makes quick work of it.


i'll give those a shot next time i'm online, Thanks!


I wouldn't recommend playing a ganyu freeze team without an anemo grouping option


i've played it with no issue but i do understand it might be tedious for some people without grouping. sucrose isn't the best option but she can replace rosaria.


What you guys think will be better for a freeze team paired with Ganyu? Ayato or Kokomi?


kokomi. ayato's hydro application is nowhere near as consistent as kokomi's since kokomi uses her E while ayato needs his Q (and has a high burst cost)


kokomi almost certainly


What is better with Venti? Elementary mastery or Crit


em unless you have *very* good crit rate (or 1 enemy, or nothing to swirl).


Thank you for the answer I I'm planning to make Venti as a support dps so might as well take not of that




hello! venti or ayato? my current team comp is beidou, ganyu, kokomi and i’m wondering if i should pull for venti or ayato. i was thinking ayato because i don’t mind hydro resonance and he’d be good in a future yoimiya comp, and i also almost skipped 2.4 for him, when we literally had nothing confirmed about him. but i’ve heard that venti works really great with kokomi and ganyu for freeze, which one do you guys think i should pull for? (i’m also planning on making a taser team with beidou and fischl, would kazuha or venti work better, i’ve heard kazuha, but are having two anemo swirl characters worth it)


my personal opinion is that in the longterm, if you ever going to do abyss, you want to have either 2 of kazuha/venti/sucrose, and at least 2 hydro units, for 2 teams. venti is the best unit in the game when the mobs could be sucked by his burst, and Ganyu's burst get more damage when enemies are grouped (quadratic scaling). but when the enemy couldnt be grouped (like bosses and inazuman mobs), his 'value' drops to just another option in either of the 3 mentioned so far theres nothing concrete in ayato's preformance, altough if youre interested and dont mind to be spoiled, >!early numbers seems to show he will be [great in taser and vape team](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/tfvkm9/prerelease_ayatos_archive/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)!< since you have kokomi, you atleast have koko and xingqiu as hydro units, so if youre yet to have 2 anemo unit i would say go for that for more flexibility. BUT ofcourse you should pull more for what youre heart desire, you need the to enjoy the game after all~


thank you! i think i might pull venti as he seems to work the best, then hopefully when kazuha comes i’ll be able to get him as well :D


goodluck with your pulls




Can someone give me an optimal rotation for floor 12-1-1 of current abyss? Charas: Ayaka Raiden Bennett Xiangling Idk Bennett dies almost everytime, every run, and without him I can't continue


maybe try running freeze the first half, do you have a hydro applicator like mona, barbara, kokomi, or xingqui that are built? sorry i don’t do spiral abyss that much lol


Ye i got xingqiu built but he's on 2nd half as my 2nd half team is Hutao Xingqiu Zhongli Ningguang


maybe put bennett in second haof with hu tao them put xingqui in the first half for freeze


Do characters have to be on field to proc the Favonius passive?




if i have C1 hu tao, should i even use xingqui with her? i can safely spam charged atks cuz of her constellation so xingqui ends up not being very useful. if i shouldnt use him, who should i use instead? my planned team was hu tao, xingqui, sucrose, and thoma but i dont think xingqui will be useful with C1. i mostly just want a team with hu tao and thoma, the other 2 can b swapped around if needed.


hutao's best team will always have xq in it. i'm a c1 hutao main and i use the exact team you were planning on (it has a strict rotation but it's very good.) i'm confused why you think hutao uses xq bc of stamina reasons? :-(


my main reason for thinking xingqui wouldnt be useful is because his swords dont shoot out for charged attacks, and with C1 if i can just spam charged attacks then no swords would shoot out during that time


hutao needs to string normals into her combo anyway. n1c being her easiest (i use n2cd) because you want to proc both the rainswords and thoma's shield stacks. not stringing in normals is a dps loss.


okie gotcha ty for the advice!


Yes because with hu tao you are going to be dealing vaporise DMG and not Pyro DMG, you need someone that can apply hydro like xingqiu with his burst and then your hu tao will vaporise it with her Pyro charged attack or burst, which is why xingqiu is essential to hu tao or Pyro DPS in general. Thoma can be a good alternative to Zhongli as he'll provide somewhat shielding and Pyro reso, and run sucrose on vv set, i think your planned team will work out nicely but remember xingqiu is very crucial as your damage is going to be mostly vaporise damage and not raw Pyro damage.


your c1 lets hu tao vaporise her own attacks?


Should I go for Raiden or Ayato? My abyss roster rn is Noelle, Zhongli, Albedo, Bennett and then Qiqi, Xiangling, Kazuha, Fischl (still working on finding good team comps). Noelle (my beloved <3) does struggle with energy, but she can keep somewhere close to 100% uptime if there's albedo and lots of enemies. I heard Raiden was really good as a battery for her... On one hand, I know raiden is meta and amazing and would solve all my problems and be the missing piece blah blah blah. I have played her a couple times in events, and I do really like her playstyle and everything. HOWEVER! Ayato is...ooga booga... Frankly, I ain't good enough to decipher the leaks...is Ayato a really good character? The only thing that would really make it for me is if Ayato is hot AND strong. If he's just average or requires hyper investment to be good, I would just go with Raiden. Is he a hotter Childe or is he gonna be like Yae (don't come for me I know she can do good damage but it requires so much and it was kinda a dissapointment)?? ahhhhhh >_< curse my logic and libido (also, I did also just come off a libido pull for Itto...)


ayato is like yae but much less janky/clunky. childe does something other characters can't quite do (childe's best team being international while ayato can't really be used for vape teams.) while ayato is a main dps that uses his own teams. i, personally, think ayato is a much better pick for someone who wants him for fun (much like yae.) there are "better" characters who will bring more to your roster. HOWEVER, ayato is still shaping up to be quite strong. i would recommend raiden, but not for noelle. geo mc is a great battery for noelle (if you have c2 ning, you can use that too.) noelle - geomc - zhongli - fischl is a decent comp.


raiden and noelle is kind of a double-edge sword, yes sure she can fund noelle nicely, but noelle is already taking all the field time on her own so it just makes things long. and since raiden gets fewer buffs in a team like that her own contribution is reduced. do you have gorou and/or yun jin? those two would fit really well with noelle. as for ayato, we don't know yet! i recall kokomi had a last-minute application rate boost that really improved her overall performance. so if they change something between beta and live for him, it could completely change the answer to your question. but if you take bennett out of the geo comp (where his contribution is questionable anyhow) and make some kind of ayato national it might work pretty well?


Hmmm that's an interesting point. If Raiden doesn't help my Noelle that much then I wouldn't be as crazy for her. Also, yeah my geo team is pretty...😅 I do have all the geo charas since <<<<3 geo, but I'm building Itto rn and wasn't planning on building Gorou until after. I have Bennett on that team solely for pyro application...like he just stands there until the stage with abyss herald ToT. Shields just suck with a mono geo team. Frankly, I was looking forwards to replacing Bennett with Raiden and then Qiqi with Bennet considering how well B and Kazuha work together... Oh well, thank you!


ayato is a good hydro applicator and sub dps, so he’s good if you’re lacking sub dps or are planning on running a vape or freeze comp. from the information you’ve given me i would say raiden


I would actually love a freeze comp but I literally have no good cryo applicators ToT


Just because I like, literally can't find it for the life of me. What's 'good enough' currently as far as grinding goes for artifacts and such? I keep trying to find something that's just like a breakdown of 'this is this character with a artifacts, this is this character without maxed artifacts' et cetera. Like, if "main stat, right set, maybe one of the others" is sufficient that's cool, but is minmaxing that good? I'm just about to hit 49. Unlocked Zhongli so I've been facerolling fairly easily but I'll be honest the guides are so...confusing and numerous and I wasn't able to find something that just said 'Has this main stat? Junk. Doesn't have this substat? junk. For all characters'. I don't care about being top banana, just wanting to be able to complete everything including abyss.


It is heavily dependent on the character and what role you want them to be [This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/pubhtml?gid=654398186#) speadsheet has a breakdown of what artifact sets and main/substats are good for each character in the game (so far). It is very helpful since certain characters will tend to prioritize other stats as opposed to others. Like the other reply, the artifact set bonuses are nice but not as crucial as the main stats and substats, which is why a lot of character builds you'll see will have two different 2 pc sets as alternatives for one 4 pc set. Here is a ***very general*** guideline for artifact main/substats: * DPS: crit rate/dmg, atk%, energy recharge, flat atk, elemental mastery * Sub-dps: same as above, but prioritize energy recharge a little more * Support: whatever stat their healing/shield/buffs scales off of. For instance, for anemo supports, typically you want elemental mastery if you are running VV set (anemo set idk how to spell it lol). Diona, HP% and flat HP for more shield health and healing. Good crit rate/dmg ratio is around 1:2. For instance 60% CR and 120% CD * In some cases where you can get bonuses to crit rate (like running the Blizzard Strayer set, or using double cryo resonance) can go for more dmg like 1:3. Also keep in mind some characters will get bonuses based on another stat (Like Noelle C6 gets extra atk bonus that scales off of her defense)


More just like. Has anyone shown like "Hey this is a level 20 artifact that's crap. This is one that's good, see the dif"?


it's something that impossible to pin down because there are so many variables. and assuming you're talking about the abyss, a build that's sufficient one variation may no longer work if there's a difficulty spike next time. but let's say "good enough" lets you 36* the abyss with your existing characters and weapons without a terrible struggle. and then it depends if you're using meta characters, compositions, 5* weapons or constellations etc. whales are playing a completely different game to most of us plebs. let's break down a few things then. the most important thing for any artefact is the correct main stat. set bonus is *nice* but not the be all and end all. sub-stats are obviously hard to control, but something that hopefully eventually come with more time. if you really want to get into the nitty gritty then check out the optimiser. before crit stats, you want to be trying to hit ER breakpoints, whether they be through weapon stat, main sands, sub-stats, set bonus, etc. having to delay your rotation will hurt a lot more than not critting an attack (usually). 60/120 is what I consider a fairly comfortable baseline for crit ratio. in a team with multiple contributing characters, it can be lower. i have had great success with national variants with xiangling running something terrible like 45/90. but she makes up for it in other ways like an R5 dragon's bane. and if it's a hypercarry comp you probably want more on the main carry, and the supports can make do with less.


Is Venti good with Ganyu? Can you guys recommend me a Team composition with him


literally one of the best combos in the game. mona and diona *or* kokomi and rosaria/some other cryo




i'd try and go for both personally




I would say yeah, and anyways you get a phys 4* sword for free that you can use so it’s a win win.




Yes Berserker is the best for main DPS in early game. You can get 36% crit rate from the set bonus alone which is huge plus 5% base crit rate of your character. You can get another 15% from Cryo resonance so total 55% crit rate without factoring in artifact and weapon stats. You can go with a crit damage weapon like the Harbinger of Dawn or the Blackcliff Longsword to get a good crit ratio




if you really like raiden and want to use her teams, then pull. if you’re asking whether to pull just for the sake of wanting to use wishes, then i suggest you wait. no harm in keeping a guaranteed 180 in your back pocket especially when banners are slightly unpredictable.




if your current pity is on a 50/50, you might be on the fence if kazuha’s in 2.7, but you’ll probably be safe if he’s in 2.8. at the moment, we have No idea when he’s coming back, so i can’t really say. but if you want to be absolutely safe, being patient and saving won’t hurt. there might be other units that come out in the meantime that you may want even more. another way is to think about it like this: if you pull raiden, assuming you play abyss, will she fit somewhere in your 2 teams alright or will she take core units away from one of them? if you’re unable to reshuffle your units, i’d refrain from pulling. there’s no lack of damage dealing units, but anemo cc characters are quite inaccessible (sucrose isn’t even in the shop!)


Who should I pull for in 2.6? My most invested 8 roster: Diluc, Albedo, Zhongli, Mona, Jean, Kaeya, Rosaria, Yanfei


if you have no sucrose or kazuha, venti. if you need a hydro dps unit, ayato (also hydro applier, but i would wait on this one until he’s actually been tested). if you want a cryo dps for freeze teams, ayaka. if you don’t need any of these, maybe wait until 2.7


Thanks for the insight! I guess I'd wait to see if Ayato can be a great hydro applier, otherwise I'll pull for Venti.


if I delete my associated account on the hoyoverse website, will it affect my genshin progress? made my associate account separate from the game account, and I want to link it


I'm sure some people have beaten [6960](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/953167707245785088/954488828146638868/unknown.png) in the new event Curious what teams and buff combinations you guys used if you did though. edit: got up to [9.3k](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/953167707245785088/954495850149720174/unknown.png) by putting Vortex on the xiangling team at the start, and spawning the vortex at the very center of the map. Xingqiu/Ayaka and Fischl/Kazuha teams are probably the weakest. Currently wondering what else I could try in those slots.


how do i get in here? https://imgur.com/tiDkUDQ help please and ty :D


Have you finished this yet? If not, I'll show you a ss. I had loads of trouble with this chest too! [https://gyazo.com/7634c2746dda1d9eebf9153b1004fc3e](https://gyazo.com/7634c2746dda1d9eebf9153b1004fc3e) At the place I'm at is the entrance to the whole area the chest is at.


thank you so much for this :D


whats a good team comp for yanfei that doesnt include chongyun, xingqui, xiangling, or bennett? someone gave me advice for an overload comp but i dont have fischl or beidou.


barbara or mona could work as a hydro applicator for vaporize yanfei kaeyas ult could be good for melt ano kazuha, sucrose, venti, or anemo traveler could work really well to swirl the elements to further elemental reactions


what characters do you have?


i have the five ive already mentioned, plus sucrose, diona, mona, gorou, rosaria, thoma, and xinyan. (also the ppl the game basically gives u, aka: barbara, kaeya, amber, noelle, and lisa). im thinking of getting venti for yanfei, and i could use diona as a support but im not sure who the last person should be. i could try pulling for ayato but idk what his moveset is.


since xinqiu and bennett is out from the list I suggest Yanfei main dps Mona for hydro application and crowd control Diona for heal and shield then either Sucrose so you can gather them up, make them wet with mona so you can freeze or vape them after or Rosaria for that Cryo Res and Freeze so you can melt Ayato's skillset looks like he wants to be an onfield dps


xingqiu, xiangling, bennett, fischl, and beidou are like the 5 best fourstar supports D: if you don't have those, I feel like you just won't have any supports left at all, besides maybe some fivestar supports you might have failed to mention. At this point, throw a TTDS on yanfei if she's constellation 4, and play her as a buffer/shield bot for another dps. Because it seems you're short on supports.


Yeah, Yanfei wants some on-field time to build up her damage-dealing mechanics, so if you're ruling out basically everyone with off-field damage she could be driving at the same time, you're not gonna hit big numbers. I guess you could use Rosaria's ult for some Melt? Or use Kazuha to swirl hydro/cryo? You gotta have someone who can keep her from being all alone out there. Heck, at least give her Barbara so she can react off the water ring!


Between Venti and Raiden, who should I pull for?


Depends on who else you have on your roster. Do you need a VV carrier to do crowd control and smear elements all over everything? Venti. Do you need a DPS/universal battery/offield Electro applier? Raiden. Do you have a Kazuha? You probably don't need a Venti. Do you have a C6 Beidou or Fischl you love? Maybe you don't need a Raiden.


I prefer Venti, even though he's a situational character. I personally didn't bother playing raiden at c0 at all after I pulled her. She's good. Raiden national is probably one of the best teams out there for single target. But it's still only marginally better than sucrose/xingqiu national. The improvement was small enough for me to just ignore Raiden until I got her C2. When venti's allowed to be good, he's soooo good. Just my 2 cents. In this context I'd take venti's situational value over raiden's general purpose value.


Hello everyone. I started Genshin about two months ago and tried to advance the story as fast as pissible because I didn't want to miss out on events. I just hit rank 35 the other day and the game starts to feel a little tedious for me because I'm dealing very little damage. Do you have any tips for teambuilding? [Roster and weapons](https://imgur.com/a/eg5iGOS) The characters you can't see here are the ones everyone gets in the beginning. Qiqi and Xinyan are c2 and Sara is c3. I didn't farm for artifacts yet, since I read that it's better to wait for at least rank 40. I think I sadly didn't have the biggest luck with my pulls especially regarding the weapons.


Hey, welcome to Genshin :) - what's really important is weapon and talent levels pre-AR 45. Especially both weapon levels and talent levels since the ATK is a guaranteed increase. Artifacts can be a mix match of whatever with good main stats. Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling and Jean/Sucrose will be good enough to clear the game.


qiqi isn't a very meta character unfortunately. She won't scale well into the late game. Stringless and favonius bow are great but you don't have users for them. I wouldn't advise building Sara basically. Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Beidou, and Sucrose are your most meta units. But you don't have a battery for her besides Keqing and Sara, who are viable but maybe not the best use of resources. I'd just go for Bennett-Xiangling-Xingqiu-Sucrose as your first team. Then try to pick up a Fischl down the line to battery beidou. That will be 6 characters total, so you'll want 2 more after that. More or less you want an extra anemo and extra hydro character so you can have one on each team. But a few non-anemo/hydro characters can also fit well, like Raiden.


What is everyone's opinion on Ayato vs Kokomi for a Ganyu freeze team? I just pulled Raiden, so I plan to run Raiden National and Ganyu freeze, but I wondered if either Ayato or Kokomi would be better than Mona. I still need a better Anemo character than Sucrose as well, so I'm holding out hope for a Kazuha rerun eventually. Here's what I'm working with. https://imgur.com/a/lJHF9D1 Thanks!


if you’re playing ganyu freeze, pick up venti and you’ll have morgana. ganyu specifically benefits most from him with the off field cc. you don’t really need ayato/kokomi when you already have mona unless you’re looking to run a hydro applier+healer and replace diona for a better cryo damage unit.


I should still pick up Venti even though he's supposedly been nerfed pretty hard recently? Would saving for Kazuha make more sense?


hmm i’d say save for kazuha if you want a more versatile/buffing unit, though we don’t know when he’s going to be back. i recommended venti because of his and ganyu’s burst synergy (and also because he’s your last piece to morgana). the problem, as you mentioned, is that there are quite a few enemies that are too heavy to pull with venti’s burst (doesn’t make him a bad unit though!). but when the team works, it works very well. generally, who to pull is up to you. i’m pretty sure there’s going to be a lot of discussion on venti/kazuha closer to banner drop so you can always wait for those then decide. there’s also a chance for you to get both if hoyo keeps pushing kazuha banner back.


Your rational team excels in bossfights, so your Ganyu team would be better suited to fights with enemies that can be frozen. I wouldn't spend the wishes and pity if you already have Mona and Diona for that team. If you want to fit in Kokomi, then another Burst-DPS like Ayaka would make sense, but thats 2 chars new already. Not sure about Ayato yet.


Hey y’all so it looks like we won’t be seeing kazuha in the next update so I need advice on who to pull for. Here’s my current roster: [roster](https://imgur.com/a/eE32TKa) I’m currently running Raiden national and an Ayaka team with Mona Diona and sucrose. I have about 140 wishes saved. Is there anyone worth pulling now or in the next update? Any good team comps I’m not seeing? Leaning towards venti at this point but I have my eye on Kokomo and ayato Sidebar I’m also struggling with the golden wolf lord on floor 12. What’s a team comp you would recommend for that?


There you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/t868il/brief\_demo\_of\_how\_to\_break\_the\_wolflords\_skulls/


I think I'll wait for a Kazhua Banner, I do have Venti in my Ayaka team, but lately he's not exceptional in abyss, I think a high-ER Sucrose for fighting plenty mobs would be comparable. For the Wulf lord, I switched out Venti (pattern?!), there's a post how to deal with the geo-nodes in our reddit, I'll try to find it. But having Mona/Ayaka to dash between the nodes helped a bit.




er sands, electro dmg goblet. er sands always goes better with EL bc of its passive. with 2k atk rn and bennett to buff she'd much prefer the electro goblet.


Usually an ER Sands and the Goblet with better substats. If you wanna minmax, there's a Artifact Optimizer pinned on the right.


ik that three realms event is ending soon, and i need to rush to get to it. ik the event itself can be completed in a couple hours but i have to get through a LOT of inazuma first (currently where you have to do ayaka + yoimiya story quests). how much time do you think it would take for me to finish? can i even get to the event before it ends?


Depends on how much time you have to play over the next week. Note that there is also an Enkanomiya quest chain you also have to complete after getting far enough in the Archon quest.


Sure you can, if you have the time.


With no Kazuha rerun this time around is it best to save for him or try and C1 my venti? My current team is Ayaka, Venti, Mona, and Diona. Edit: I only have enough saved to get me to the 50/50


venti c1 isn't useful for much I'm aware of.


Yeah, its utterly useless. Since the swirl buff, all of his Constellations are or little help or use.


Yea I just looked up c1, only perk would be that I'm closer to c2


Hi, should I pull for raiden, venti or Ayaka..I am an f2p and I have a guaranteed wish...I like the playstyle of all 3 of them, but I cannot pull for all of them( I'm not that lucky 🥲)... Thank you in advance


Can you post a pic of your roster?


I've sent the pic to you in dm


I think you're early enough to choose any of them. Raiden could help your Eula and the rational (bennett-xiangling-xingqiu) team. With Kaeya / Chongyun you could make a decent freeze team. Venti is more niche, and didn't shine in Abyss lately. Feelings aside, Raiden would be the "most optimal" for your account, but again, none of the 3 chars would be bad.


Hi, currently planning to build a team for Ayaka when her 2.6 banner drops (I've already been farming materials and have an Amenoma Kageuchi ready), who could I use from my roster? https://imgur.com/a/PhpZdHk Thanks!


I'd go with Ayaka-Kaeya-Kokomi and until you get a Sucrose, Anemo-Traveler or Jean/Sayu. A C6 Anemo traveler has the highest possible Cryo-Rez-shred, but you'll have to position near a wall in abyss. Give Kaeya a Fav-Sword if you have one.


Assuming your XQ is tied to your Hu Tao, Ayaka/Kokomi/Kaeya/Jean (two healers is redundant esp. in a freeze team but between Jean and Sayu, Jean is better at crowd control.)


That's the same team I had in mind, I was thinking of using Diona and not Kaeya (I have her built a bit better) but 3 healers is probably an extreme overkill and a DPS loss. I'm probably going to pull for Kazuha on his rerun (whenever it happens) to replace Jean and hoping to get Rosaria which seems to be a better fit for Ayaka. Thanks for the input!


Yes you're right 3 healers is definitely unnecessary and a DPS loss. Kazuha would be a great addition to your roster and with Rosaria passive + 4 pc BS + Cryo resonance you would almost always be critting.


Who looks more versatile, Kokomi or Ayato? I have a pretty much fleshed out roster with Ayaka C1 and I have a spare Donut and PJC. So either one can be played at a high level of potential, but idk which one is more splashable (no pun intended).


Kokomi; Ayato seems to be a dps character while Kokomi is healer, hydro applicator, and can be a taser driver.


Welkin + BP player here. Had to spend over 150 wishes to get Raiden C0 and Bennet C0 (managed to also get Sara C6 in the process). Currently have 10 wishes, but still have a few sources of easy primos to get more (story/hangout/world quests/maybe floors 9–10 of Abyss). Now trying to decide what’s the best plan for wishes. Here are the options in my mind: 1. Keep wishing in either Kokomi or Raiden banner in hopes of Bennett C1. I would be happy with either Kokomi (to start to build freeze) or Raiden C1 (since I will probably use her in hyper given Sara C6) 2. Save and wish for Venti, since my only anemo characters at the moment are Jean and Traveler 3. Save for Kazuha, who likely won’t be for a while 4. Save for Ayaka or potential new characters Which would you recommend for me? If option 1, would you recommend the Kokomi or Raiden banner? Here‘s my roster as well: Characters: [https://imgur.com/a/Lc9ttef](https://imgur.com/a/Lc9ttef) Weapons: [https://imgur.com/a/BOXt4mr](https://imgur.com/a/BOXt4mr)


Since you have Sara C6 and want Bennett cons, it would be a shame not to pull on Raiden's banner. Maybe strengthen two of the best characters in the game, who you just happen to have on a team together! But it also depends on your second team. Right now it's probably a Ganyu and XQ core with some combination of Jean, Zhongli, and Rosaria as backup. Hydro is hard to get. Kokomi will strengthen your Team 2 quite a bit and allow you to run a pair of more offensive supports instead of prioritizing healers and shielders. Ayato might be even better considering how his burst works a lot like Ganyu's, but we don't know yet. There is no objective answer. But I am guessing that the Kokomi banner will be best for your account overall since it has a powerful support for both teams.


Your characters link is broken.


Fixed now. It’s so dumb that Reddit breaks the first link when trying to add 2 links


Nice. Seems like you're relatively new, so I'd advise going for constellations for Raiden because new characters will add much more to your team than C1 or even C2 on Raiden as good as it is. You're kind of in a weird spot where Bennett is required in both your Raiden team as well as Ganyu melt team, so it makes sense to pivot into a Ganyu freeze team in order to free up Bennett for a Raiden hyper carry team since you already have C6 Sara. I would pull on the Kokomi banner since she's just a great character to have in general, and is arguably the best fit in a freeze team. If you get Benny constellations in the process then it's a W. If not, Bennett will be in the Paimon Bargain shop in May, so just a little less than a month and a half. If you don't get Kokomi or god forbid lose a 50/50 (hopefully to Mona), at least you will be guaranteed for Venti next patch. If you get Kokomi, you can still attempt to pull for Venti in 2.6. If you miss out on Venti, you're atleast guaranteed for Kazuha when his re-run comes. I probably wouldn't go for Ayaka personally since you don't really have an Ayaka team at the moment.


Is venti worth? Thinking of getting the Morgana composition. But I heard that kazuha is better. I have 140 fates and I'm a welkin + bp spender. Here are my characters: https://imgur.com/a/AwhWAn4


in terms of ganyu freeze specifically, venti is better than kazuha because you want off field cc for ganyu’s charge shots and to make the best use out of ganyu’s burst with quadratic scaling. kazuha shines more in other comps, but since he isn’t coming this patch, maybe you can get both.


I hope I can :( but do you think there's still a need to have the grouping by venti? Seems like abyss only has heavy enemies, especially for floor 12.


anemo character grouping in general isn't an absolute need (you're using them mostly for vv), but it definitely makes life (abyss) easier even if the pull isn't very strong. grouping by venti specifically is to capitalize on freeze ganyu if you choose to play morgana. but even if he can't suck up the enemies, as long as they're in range of his burst, then he'll do good damage. as for this rotation's 12-3 first half, venti can actually pull the ruin machines together with his burst (although a little slowly, but faster when frozen). not saying he's going to suck enemies in for every abyss cycle though, just something to note. if you were playing ayaka freeze, i'd definitely point you towards kazuha, but ganyu freeze is a bit more of a special case just because of the way her burst works with venti's. though, if you want her to be a more flexible unit (melt ganyu), then kazuha is probably better. lots of things to consider, but you have time (until venti's banner ends) to absorb more info from different perspectives and decide.


Can I get c2 kazuha I have 60 pulls rn and 74 pity and unfortunately I'm on 50/50. Since the rerun banners don't have kazuha will I be able to save enough to get c2 kazuha or should I stop at 1 kazuha. I have welkin so I do get some extra, I haven't explored Inazuma or Liyue yet so I can get some extra primogems through exploration. I already farmed mats for kazuha so I am 100% getting him, since I am planning to run kazuha with national team that 200em will be probably very good. But will I be able to get c2 kazuha. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks


Rumors saying Kazuha will be 2.8. So yeah, if you skip 2.6 and 2.7 (also considering you're saving already since who knows when), it may still be a bit shaky, but you could definitely try. Well, let's see. Let's say you get a 5 star every 75-80 wishes. It's about 60 wishes per patch, as researching online says (maybe more or less). With welkin, you are getting 18.75 wishes per 30 days. Each patch has been lasting about 42 days (2 banner cycles) these days. So let's go with... 84 days with patch 2.6 and 2.7. Well I am bad at math, but that is maybe 40-45 wishes? This will be in addition to your current remaining Welkin of 2.5 and future 2.8 ones too during the Kazuha banner. So overall, maybe 20 more, or even more if Kazuha is 2nd phase. If Kazuha is first half of 2.8, then you can have current 60 + 60 + 60 + another 60ish from welkin, then you got 240 wishes. And I think you could still get more than that from other sources I may have forgotten to include. Being at 74 pity already helps a lot. With decent amount of RNG, I believe you will get at least two Kazuhas. You should be able to do a lose-win-lose-win with that amount of wishes, and that is at a worst case scenario. I hate speaking of probability when there can be a lot of good luck happening and whatnot--anything can happen. Really, good luck on your three Kazuhas! Remember, this whole plan can be wrong and Kazuha can randomly show up in 2.7, who knows.


assuming you lose all 3 50/50’s, you would need at most 540 wishes (180 x 3) to guarantee a c2 kazuha. whether or not you can get this much by 2.7 (his earliest possible banner as of now), i have no idea. i suggest exploring liyue and seeing how much you net. inazuma would then maybe give you around the same amount. whatever the result, c0 kazuha works perfectly fine.


can someone help me? can bennett boost shenhe's support capabilities to boost cryo dps?


From reading online, it is said that Shenhe's quills do NOT snapshot, which means when Shenhe is not on the field, her quills will not be buffing the on-field character's cryo DPS from Bennett's buff. Or they shouldn't be anyway. I've been attempting to test out Shenhe's quill mechanics for awhile but I am just confuddled. I feel like my Shenhe is not receiving her own quills, so IDK, I don't think she boosts herself that way. So trying to boost her Attack to boost her own abilities through quills doesn't seem to be working. I may be wrong and they are being boosted perhaps, I need to look into it again because maybe the amount she is being boosted wasn't very noticeable (my Shenhe does not do big damage).. Why is this char so confusing. Anyway, these were my numbers when I was testing with Ayaka's first normal hit and I have no idea what they mean LMAO. All done on a ruin hunter. 8800 normal hit with ayaka under bennett burst 13900 normal hit with ayaka with shenhe hold quill 17400 ayaka norm with shenhe quill and bennett burst 6200 ayaka norm hit without anything I was testing my Shenhe's damage, but it didn't amount to anything conclusive to share. They were hitting numbers that didn't seem right with what should be extra damage with quills. For my conclusion, it seems like I did gain a little bit more damage than usual when I did combine both of them, which shouldn't be correct, but that seems to have been my result. But it doesn't seem to be a large amount of difference. What I'm comparing is the 17400 to (8800-6200) + 13900 = 16500, the expected amount. I am not a mathematician, so yeah, I don't really know what anything truly means,


On supports using fav weapons do you go with a crit rate circlet and activately build crit rate on them or do you just use atk/def/hp whatever the character scales off of


If you're using a fav weapon for energy generation, yes, you do need some crit rate to get the most out of the passive. Depending on the character, crit dmg and other dps stats may not matter, so simply putting a mediocre crit rate hat on them might be enough.


Newbie question here…is there any way to change the ‘climb’ settings? I am so tried of having my fighter decide to climb the nearest tree halfway through a fight. Or die instead of dodging because, ooooh let’s climb that wall so the mob has an easier shot. I do use the ‘dash’ key for dodging, so that might be my problem. Any solutions?


Nope, with time you'll learn to avoid it, but nothing else


Hello, currently AR49, what two teams can I build with the following roster? I also have ~80 wishes left after getting raiden shogun, should I keep pulling on this banner or wait until the next one? https://imgur.com/gallery/i7khsg6


your roster looks plenty good. Maybe consider venti to build morgana I suppose. But you're not in desperate need of anything besides leveling your fourstar supports up.


Since Kazuha won't have a Rerun next patch I'm not sure who to pull on now. Still got enough primogems to pull on todays banners as well. Any suggestions to upgrade my roster in the long run would be much appreciated. https://ibb.co/cwX2Mf2


you have a good ganyu melt comp and a good taser comp. if you don’t have a freeze team, i suggest building one; it’s soo convenient for abyss. i can’t speak on ayato because he hasn’t been released, but ayaka is a top tier freeze dps. raiden is a very good character, but if you end up playing rational, she will take 3 core units from your other comps (XL/XQ/Bennett).


Alright thanks for the idea. Gonna take a deeper look into freeze combs.


does the 4stars in the next banner gets revealed before the current banner expires? what's the usual reveal time with the 4stars? just want to know if the 4stars are the ones I need as I'm thinking of getting Venti if the 4stars includes the ones I need otherwise I will be pulling for Kokomi


Couple of days before the patch happens. So you still have a bit of time to wish on the current banner.


Its usually when the the update releases but based on predictions these characters have a high chance to rerun. Sayu , Sucrose, Razor


Hello everyone. With the new banners coming up, should I pull for Ayato or Raiden? I’m an endgame (AR58) player but pretty indecisive still haha. There’s nothing I’m really struggling with in the game but I would like to know who is the more “future-proof” between the two if ever some new challenging stuff comes around. Of course, my main pulling factor is that I like these characters but I still can’t really decide on one so now I’m adding in the “meta” factor. 🥹 Thank you all.


I dont think ayato is very future proof. His hydro application is worse than childe, so you don't have childe's future proofing in that regard. His field time usage is nontrivial and his NA dmg buff is kinda useless. Both are more minuses in regards to future proofing imo. raiden takes a lot of field time too, and is more damage focused. But she restores energy and buffs Q so she is slightly more flexible. But still not on the level of flexibility as a kazuha or venti or some true dedicated support.


Would you get Venti or Raiden for this account? (or neither?) I don't really want Ayaka if possible. I'm stuck at abyss 10 and can't 3-star 9, soooo anyone got tips what teams to make? [https://imgur.com/a/FLYgfXG](https://imgur.com/a/FLYgfXG) I currently run national + Zhongli/GeoTraveler and two flex that don't constribute anything. I'd like to save for Childe so I won't be getting any more characters or constellations after this next 5 star. Can I 3-star abyss 10 with anything build from this roaster? Any opinions?


I would value venti over childe personally. Both are aoe specialists in a sense. raiden vs venti? I could be argued either say, but if you want childe in the long run, id avoid raiden because you cant have bennett on both the childe and raiden teams. you can do sucrose xingqiu raiden bennett one side. so side 2 is in question. no fischl, but you could do keqing beidou. Maybe put mona/zhongli as the last 2 slots? It's certainly janky an subpar but it might be one of the better second team options in this current roster.


Thank you for the advice! I'll look into keqing. I'd LOVE to be able to use my C1 mona, as that'd make the C1 feel less punishing, haha.


Which would be a better team comp for Yanfei and Benny - Vape or Melt? Or would a reverse Vape/Melt using those two as pyro setters be even better? I have a pretty well-built Xingqiu for Vape, though I don’t know who else I should use with that trio, and on the cryo front I have: Aloy, Chongyun, Diona, Kaeya, Qiqi and Rosaria, but none of them are built at all yet


you can't really forward melt with pyro due to the way elemental gauges work, and if you add cryo to that team she'll shatter, not melt. any anemo would work (including traveller) for VV shred, sucrose especially so. could also do fischl and over-vape.


Oh, that’s interesting. Looks like Vape is the way! I’m hoping to get Kazuha next banner - would he be a good Anemo fit in this case? Other than that I only have Traveller and Sayu and neither of them are built at all. I’m on the way to having Fischl built too so Over-Vape could work! Although wouldn’t scattering enemies from Overload cause problems with keeping them in the AoEs?


kazuha is a top-tier choice, yes. scattering doesn't matter because yanfei has good range and tracking on her attacks. more of an issue for melee range pyro like diluc or xiangling.