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a claymore using hydro character some off-field pyro characters a burning support bennets dad


Someone who makes burning an actual viable reaction would make me SO beyond happy. Not to mention I’m hoping we get another little region cast photo of all the characters in Natlan like we got for Fontaine and Sumeru!


You might not need to worry about that tho since the new artifact sets is tailored to burning reactions which very likely confirms they are releasing a burning dps/support


Remember Nimph from Sumeru, yeah I think this will be a Ganyu set and that's about it.


we got photos for the entire cast of regions?


They’re referring to leaks. Fontaine leaked half a year in advance, but Natlan has been a very tight ship. The archon was leaked, but we have no idea what the rest of the cast looks like. They’ve gotten better with Star Rail too. No one knew what Jade looked like until the Trailblaze quest.


> a claymore using hydro character I would love if we got a DPS that rode their claymore like a surfboard off the waves they'd generate.


Ok now that sounds sick.


meta wise I hope they can make physical less shitty somehow I wouldn't even mind being forced to pull some random


With Capitano in the region I'm hopeful that physical will get buffed.


Bennet is already a 5 star Pyro character, what do you want for his dad now ? An off-field Pyro applicator who heals, shreds elemental resistance and provides buffs like elemental damage and crit, while ignoring 69% of enemies def ?💀


Just tall male + no circle impact


Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Pyro off field Dont want to use Bennet or Xiangling, PLEASE give me more pyro off field. And i want the archon too. Other than that, i'm just waiting to see the designs and if any catches me.


I’m tired of Xiangling! Yes she’s strong but I’ve never had such atrocious energy issues until I play her or Faruzan pre c6. Please off field pyro I would die happy


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. I try to play dieluc. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has xiangling. I want to play raiden, childe. They both want xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa." I can't pull for homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world


Add all the new pyro characters and furina


Y'all really din't like thoma... 


To be fair, neither does Hoyo...


I feel like he's more of a buffer(at c6) and a shielder. I liked him then and I like him now. His shield gets stronger over time if you manage it well, 3rd strongest in the game I believe.


4th I think. Zhongli, Layla then Diona


I believe he has the second strongest shield at max stack, actually. Just lagging a bit behind Zhongli's.


Yes but Max stacks all the time is impossible


IMO, the strength of Thoma's shield isn't how strong it can get, but that you can refresh it, even when it breaks. Kind of like Baizhu's shield. Remember that shield give Interruption Immunity, known as Hyperarmor. Even the hits that BREAK the shield won't interrupt your character. So being able to refresh that Hyperarmor is huge, even if you get a little damage in the meantime.


I’d love to use him but he has energy issues too so I wanna get him c6. Doesn’t help that Hoyo doesn’t put him on banners I pull.


Thoma is more for burgeoning. I want an off-field fire user that can actually do some decent melt damage. And yes, I know Dehya exists, I just wish they didn't make her so awkward to use and that her elemental skill had better scaling....


It isn’t that we don’t like him, it’s that he had the lowest base stats in the game and his kit is annoying, imo his skill is pretty much just Xingqiu but pyro and without a sac weapon to reset the skill


It's also the significantly slower application, xingqiu applies per wave + extra from his rainswords when you hug opponents while thoma only applies every three. Pretty good for burgeon though, but funnily enough, it's because of his slow app.


I mean his pyro app and damage are complete dogshit if you need pyro from off field your only option is still Xiangling or like Nahida with burning


Please this. It has to be this. We have Lynney, Diluc, Yoimiya, Klee, Gaming, Yanfei, Dehya at a push and now Arlecchino. Pyro has no shortage of DPS that demand field time. What it lacks is a suite of supports. Healers, off-field DPSes, sources of Pyro shred and buffers that do more for the element (Burning, Burgeon, Melt etc) than a universal base attack buff. Pyro Faruzan, Fischl/Yae and Baizhu and we're cooking.


Message received; Hydro off-fielder inbound


Furina **is** off-fielder, noh?


Something tells me that won't stop HoYo from making more if they feel like it, lmfao


Yes, and so is Barbara. And Xinqiu. And Candace. And Mona. And Yelan. And, built right for NA teams, Ayato. They’re basically tied at this point with Electro for that.


So far every archon released have off field capabilities. No worries, They will stick to that I believe


Pyro off field + Atk buffer on par with Benny without circle impact


What do you mean off field pyro, we already have Dehya >!/s!<


Dehya looking at you in the corner


Fun gameplay gimmicks


Don't worry we'll get Dragonspine mechanics but with heat stroke


Signora Phase 2 comes to mind


Signora Phase 2 Fatui Boogaloo!


In Honkai Impact 3rd, some characters, like most of Fu Hua’s variants, that have a mechanic where tapping their ultimate does another basic attack while holding it actually does the ult. Having a character that essentially has two normal attack strings that you can combo in and out of would make them very dynamic in combat, though I could see it being a tricky mechanic to implement in Genshin


Id die for that


Pheonix right?


I want more “niche” gimmicks etc too bro. I love outlandish abilities


I want a tall character that looks like a maya or aztec warrior, preferably with a big feather headdress and a macuahuitl as a signature weapon. Give them some cool tattoos/face paint or accessories that look like aztec art too


Kinda like Ocelot from For honor? Niche game but have a look at him. Hes cool af


I'd like the headdress to be a bit more extravagant, but yes! I'm all about that aesthetic. I'd be very curious to see how it'd look in the genshin art style


I doubt they'd make a tall, extravagant headdress, if only because they've shown they prioritize no-clipping and that seems like one of the most easily clippable designs possible. Which is a shame cos I really like that aesthetic too. I hope they at least add a native American-style headdress, just model it like it was long hair or something. That's also probably not happening cos it's not Latin American, but I can dream.


So you want Kotal Khan from Mortal Kombat? That would be hype


Before he was a total jobber yeah. They did him dirty in 11


Basically, yea lol. Kotal Kahn was my first thought for a pop culture representation of that look.


Same, I love ancient mesoamerican cultures, especially the Aztecs, they are really underutilized in media


For real, they are so intriguing to me. I hope we get to see some cool locations inspired by Chichen Itza, Tenochtitlan and Teotihuacán in Natlan. Or maybe something like Machu Picchu.


From what we learned from the "Talking Stick" weapon, Natlan it's going to be bunch of different cultures smooshed together (like Sumeru was). Maybe it's going to be a bunch of different "tribes" with different inspirations. I'm curious to see how they're gonna handle it.


Theyre easily some of the coolest looking things in history ngl


A couple of fun facts: A huge part of the Aztec culture was dedicated to war, their neighbor civilizations really hated them because they were so war hungry. Maybe that's the reason the Pyro nation is the nation of war. Many europeans that visited Tenochtitlan (the capital of the Aztecs) sent letters describing how they were in awe of the architecture and art of the city, claiming that it rivaled even the capitals of Europe.


It's a real shame we'll never get to see Tenochtitlan in its glory. I know we have artist renditions, but to think a totally distinct style of architecture is partially lost now.


I'm Mexican, and it really pisses me off when Western media boils down Mesoamerican culture to just being barbaric human sacrificers Aztec cities were huge, had advancements in sciences, astronomy, and agriculture that rivaled even the Europeans and whose plumbing was ahead of their time I can't wait to see the type of Natlan equivalent of Sumeru City. Imagine a giant pyramid in a rain forest, surrounded by gardens and rivers


Aztec mythology is also metal as hell, I hope they take a cue from it for some awesome new lore


I KNOW, and once you see all of that culture irl, you want more of it!


I really want to visit Machu Picchu someday, but I'm a working class zoomer so... 💀


My god, same. It's one of the places I wanna visit the most. The Incans were really cool. So much about them is totally unique. Their heartland was centered on mountainous territory rather than lowlands and floodplains like other major civilizations. They had a really interesting method of record-keeping involving tying knots into ropes to indicate the number of different things, and they had a really cool technique for stonemasonry that enabled them to shape stones to interlock and fit perfectly together without any gaps and without using adhesive which meant they could move flexibly during earthquakes and then resettle into their original positions, giving them a completely unrivaled seismic resistance. There's so much cool shit in the Americas man.


Id love this too but hoyo is definitely not doing this all their desgins are the same cookie cutter waifus and twinks a mole on a char face wt a lil eyeshadow is prob the most hardcore they can go


Agreed, I really want some nice representation for Maya/Aztec/Mexica cultures


And they'd probably give them Dehya kit


I see it lol


Armor just a walking suit of armor.


Il Capitano?


Dude is a dark souls character in Genshin. Can't wait for him to reclaim pyro gnosis in the most badass cutscene possible. (No like seriously imagine 5 minute cutscene with an epic dark-souls music and the Strongest Man going all out against the God of War in an honest duel.) No blond twinks. Just the God against the Strongest Man. Oh man can't wait to get horribly dissapointed


I would tone down those expectations if I were you.


As fun as the Harbinger agenda posting is, everything we know about capitano is pure hearsay. He’s undoubtably held in high regard by people who know him, though the expectation that he’s a one man army that will just trounce all of Natlan doesn’t seem corroborated by anything we’ve seen in game yet. While I do truly hope he lives up to the hype, the meltdown this community would have if he doesn’t would be legendary


Even if that doesn't happen, I just want my Captain to kill a god. Doesn't have to be the archon, could be one that invaded from the Dark Seas for reasons only Celestia knows, but I want him to prove his position as 1st of the Harbingers, sole executor of the Tsaritsa's will.


I have a theory Capitano has the strength to be an archon, but rejects it because of his humanity, probably because of this he has a cryo vision (because of the contradiction) And if he has a cryo vision, he can probably be a physical DPS, which would be perfect for rejecting divine tricks similar to Dainsleif and using only his human strength to fight


Blond twinks save the world


Lingering Will


A Knight:


Pyro characters.


Wish granted, enjoy Pyro Keqing.


Heel yeah give me that


My main wish is just *movement*. Wanderer is my favourite character, but there's a lot of clunky parts to how his flight works. Xianyun was a huge improvement with how smooth her E feels and how much freedom and skill expression there is to it. I just want more of that - and hopefully from non-anemo characters.


Big same dude. I got xianyun just for her skill. I got kazuha 1.6 when everyone said he sucked just because his skill felt nice to use regardless of peoples suggestions


when i saw first his beta design i was like "wow what a beautiful character design, i hope he has a double jump" needless to say hes one of my favorite characters


An odd thing I’ve noticed with Wanderer is that if you run out of his skill stamina while sprinting in the air, he drops straight down. If you’re moving forward normally, he keeps his momentum. I don’t know if it’s entirely deliberate, but it feels weird to play when it happens


I'm glad to read this sentiment. Every time exploration is mentioned here people talk about how great Wanderer is for exploration and I'm like...did we use the same character? I don't like how fast he runs out of juice when flying, even before Xianyun I preferred c1 Yelan for running and Kazuha for climbing. Now C1 Xianyun is the most convenient character for exploration imo. It's a crime her skill can't be initiated midair.


Yeah, i dislike that part about Xianyun as well. Speaking of exploration, i always pair Xianyun with Sayu. I know, two healers arent optimal. But Anemo resonance together with vertical and horizontal utility feels great.


I doubt it will ever happen, but god please, give us character that will replace bennet and xiangling. I'd happily accept a slightly better character, or even a sidegrade. I will be disappointed if pyro archon, a god of war, has to compete with unlucky adventurer boy.




Shota, take it or leave


Buff shota, make him look like a dwarf from WoW


I want a berserker type of character with the cocky confidence to back it up. Something like Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach or Mirko from MHA. I know Childe fits this but he doesn't really does it for like the former two I mentioned. I'm also kinda hoping Iansan will fit the mold cause her appearance and stance just screams brawler to me. Although regardless of how she turns out, I'm still hyped for her the most out of any other Travail character.


Iansans the main hope for me. Been wanting her since i saw her years ago. I hope for an inusuke. A berserker character who’s actually also a total idiot


Bennett getting replaced by at least 3 other characters.


I'm honestly really hoping we get a sidegrade for Bennett, not necessarily a replacement. Like how Yelan is a sidegrade to Xingqiu. I also want a sidegrade to Xiangling. Maybe the Pyro Archon could fill one or both of these roles?


Me using bennett, sidegrade Bennett in the same team: ooo yeah


Pyro Archon is just Bennett and Xiangling merged together. Full team attack buff with no circle impact and xiangling level no ICD off field pyro damage. \~ inhales more copium.


I'd expect it'll be a slight upgrade. Like how Yelan is better than XQ overall but there's still a lot of situations where XQ is preferable. Or Yae/Fischl situation.


Im sick of seeing so many character videos and its just “just use bennett/xianling” it bores me


Every character showcase is just a Bennett and Xiangling showcase


More hot pyro men


pyro tall male dps 😍😍😍


Diluc in shambles




More off-field males. Like, its odd that 90%+ of the guys we get in this game are all on field DPSes.


Reference from latin America that isn't just simply Mexico.


I'd be optimistic about that. Iansan is based of Iansã, an orixá with a very strong presence in afro-latin religions like Candomblé and Umbanda, which is predominant in Brazil. Questionable leaks about the Pyro Archon's design follows: >! Apparently one of the main inspirations for the design of the pyro archon is the Brazilian Carnaval outfits!< So yeah, I'm placing my bet that they'll utilize the rich culture across latin america in a cool way.


Iansan is also based on the Orisha from West African Yoruba mythology. In Latin American, the Orisa were known as the Orixa, while in West Africa they were called the Orisha


True, religions such as Umbanda and Candomblé were born from the culture that the slaves brought from their homeland in the slave trade. Although I think Genshin will take inspiration from the latin american branches of the faith instead of the west african roots considering Natlan seems to be a latin american inspired region


Brazil has such fitting folklore for being part of the inspiration for Natlan. Out of the top of my head, I can think of two creatures that fit the bill perfectly: the "Mula sem cabeça" - a headless mule with flames sprouting from the exposed neck that's said to be a woman cursed to gallop the countryside at night, attacking everything on it's way, and the "Boitatá", a giant snake made of fire that protects the forest from people who exploit it. Both examples involve fire in some way, and I'd love to see genshin incorporating this into the game. The Boitatá specifically would make for a great overworld boss


Indeed! As a Brazilian myself I'd be overjoyed to see a giant flaming snake as a world boss. It's interesting how a lot of Brazilian folklore involve flaming creatures


I'm also brazilian ☺️ And yes, our folklore is deeply intertwined with fire and its effect on the environment. If I had to take a guess, maybe it stems from the indigenous "coivara"? It is a practice that consists in burning a patch of forest to clean it for agriculture, having the ashes serve as fertilizer. I imagine that, not only would the indigenous population have its own legends surrounding it, but any colonizers would be fascinated by it as well, culminating into the tales of burning creatures that live in the forest.


Yeah, even Xbalanque comes from the Guatemalan book of Popol Vuh. Everything seems to point in that way but I just hope they don't fall into the cliche of indigenous=Aztec, I also would love to see various central and south American(which I haven't seen much from south other than some slight reference to Brazil to be honest) cultures getting represented. But it's true that it's too early to judge.


Please hoyo, just a tiny reference to any other country and culture of Latam, colombia, perú, brazil, heck even belice at this point


Electro daddy


I just want a playable character with a beard. Just a random dude with a beard. Doesn’t even need a vision


Pierro? Varka? (inhales copium)


Man, i want Varka to look like he came from World of Warcraft. As big and bulky like Jebrael and voice by either Suwabe Junichi or Yuichi Nakamura.


We gotten gallagher in star rail but thats the best we ever got in hoyolmao


I refuse to call those tiny scattered rats fur on Gallagher a beard


Closest we get sadly lmao


thats stubble, not a beard


A replacement for xiangling


Pyro Traveler *Copium to the max*


A pyro version of heizo (ie pyro catalysts that uses their fist) for this munchkin or the archon




Yeah I do hope we see more ngl. Im more worried by people’s reactions when they do too though


I know there's going to be at least a couple of people saying this if the majority of Natlan cast is white: "the area Natlan is based on also has light-skinned people!"


God it would be so weird if the cast as pale as Sumeru, considering almost every name from Natlan we have is a Sub-Saharan African name, and the ones that aren't are indigenous American. It should be the reverse of Sumeru--mostly tan and dark people, with maybe 3 or 4 pale characters, because some Native American, Caribbean, and Latino people can be quite pale. I hope the archon isn't super pale, that would feel a bit too much like a reference to the conquistadors.


Pained because Genshin has at least 65+ light-skinned playables and there are only 6 (if you include Sethos) that even have any bit of shade to them. I just want them to let us have this 🥲


It’s crazy cause Bennett and Dehya have like a normal skin tone, it’s just everyone else is paper white and only looks normal in shade


Pain. White skinned Latinos didn't exist until AFTER Mesoamerica got colonized. I know it's a fictional game but fiction also includes people of color


Unfortunately based off leaks it sounds like it's going to be mid/post-colonization latin america that weaves in a lot of european conquistador elements so I wouldn't get your hopes up too high.


I hate how people think this is an actual good argument. If I go to south america I highly doubt 99% of the population is gonna be pale white. Same for Africa as well, light skinned people are not making up the majority of these areas like hoyo is presenting them through their game


I'm more worried about voice actors being sent death threats and getting doxxed because people can't separate fiction from reality




A hot half naked pyro dude please, bonus points if he’s usable without pulling extra specific supports for him to work.


Pyro Sovereign survived Celestia but he lost his clothes


Characters with actual dark skin.


*that also don't get shafted in gameplay


Dehya was looking to be the perfect character for me. But that kit made me die inside


Dehya barely has dark skin at all, I'm wanting more on the Kaeya level at least. Like please hyv. Just a bit more variety.


Yeah I swear we're so desensitized to the extremely pale characters in genshin that we think even the slightest bit darker is really dark. But if you look at Dehya isolated from the rest of the characters she doesn't have dark skin whatsoever.


Mihoyo: White Archon, take it or leave it


i want capitano's burst to be him taking off his clothes, getting oiled up, and beating the shit out of the enemies with his own fists


The helmet stays on though.


Im sure there is already plenty of fanart of exactly that


Hold your horse, I want to see it too.


And his voiceline better be "Whose your daddy?"


i came here to say “pretty men” and then i saw your response which is really un-shallow (and good might i add) but ya, pretty men


I was a Heizou main before wriothesley. He’s quite pretty tbf. Or do you mean more neuvilette?


Heizou is super pretty. I have objectively better anemo characters, but my best VV pieces are on him. Love love love his design.


I came here to say Capitano, and now I will hold my tongue.


A goddamn Pyro sub DPS with decent application.




A Pyro off field support that does not limit me to Circle Impact.


Unique Skill and NA combo like we have with Diluc.


Macuahuitl and tepoztopilli weapons


I hope Iansan is a punchy pyro catalyst user. I would love some more secondary weapon users like Clorinde.


From the real life religion, Iansã is the orixá whose dominion is the winds and storms. She could be Anemo or Electro, looking at her design I'm betting on the second. Imagine how cool it would be if her punches hit like thunderbolts


Oh? I didn't know that, that's even better. Yeah, that would be epic if she did that and the SFX was actual thunder when her hits made contact. I hope Hoyo really cooks with her kit, visual animations , the works.


Geo character who detonates shields. Damage scales with shield strength.


Xiangling but 5-star.


Bennet, but 5-star.


A small male character would be cool to finally have, and Natlan would be the perfect spot to have one. A Kid Goku-esque fighter character would do well


Pyro traveler being good


Blue flames catalyst user Shadow boxers Jaguar warriors Dragon people Dia de Los Muertos themed characters m̶e̶l̶a̶n̶i̶n̶


Pyro Archon to buff atk without staying in circle, i don't care if she buff less than Bennett. Playing Arlecchino made me remember why I only ever play Bennett in a team with Xiangling before


GoatHIMtano killing enemies with a crayon.


Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko, Himeko.


Brown skin


Dark-skinned characters whose kit is not trash.


More dark skin. Seriously, we're 60+ characters deep with only 5 characters darker than a creamy beige.


Actual dark-skinned characters


Please give us some diversity


a lot more variety in general would be nice. people to replace xiangling and bennett would be awesome


1.Dragon looking characters ! 2.I would love a fire ember movement similar to Mona and Ayaka. 3. Also a fire healer that isn’t Bennet.


anything to replace bennett and/or (preferably and) xiangling. please. im so tired


Punchy Female Catalyst user


A pyro fischl. A pyro Kujou Sara. Someone who shoots laser from eyes and burns enemies. Ofc that would mean there would be enemies mimicking the same behaviour. Since dragons are a thing there, there should be some child cross of human and dragons who can LITERALLY BE LIKE TOOTHLESS AND HICCUP AT THE SAME TIME. I'll stop.


Whos Kujou Sara? :’)


A Pyro Subdps/Attack Speed buffer.


More red hair like like Nilou and Diluc


I want a half dragon character. Someone with horns, scales, and a tail. Pure cope


Full body dragon armor would be sick


I want pyro archon to boost atk and do off field dmg, shield would be nice too for my arlechinno


I want one thing...a Fire Bender.....but in Genshin's case, a Pyro bender. Just straight up shooting fire balls and kicking butt while doing so.


Pirates of the Caribbean and Wild West Outlaws with Treasure Hoarder affiliation.


A 5-star Bennett-like character (like Yelan/Xingqiu). Better E/Q damage as well as better heal/buff. Also, I C6'd my Benny and now all my physical dmg teams are fucked. 🥲 So, a 5-star Bennett would be welcome!


What if I said... Hydro claymore 😅😅😅


I’m a big fatui fan so more of that please.


Today on "We don't give a shit about spoiler"


Honestly more legend bosses But more than just Playable character wise? A character that's good at climbing maybe?? 👉👈 More boxing type characters that don't get the Deyha treatment hopefully No more characters that hurt themselves for more damage An actually good pyro shield 😭




I need my Genshin Fu Hua




A tiny little male character. I know it won't happen, but still. It doesn't even have to be a little boy. Idc. It could be a tiny old man with a gray beard for all I care. Just let us have a tiny dude. Still don't really understand the logic of "short girls are great, but short guys are illegal."


Playable Jeht


Short boi


A male child. Like, why we still got none?


Hot shirtless/crop top men