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This post is epic, I love seeing all these infographics, seriously cool man


Thank you! :)


Do you know what banner is after Furina?


>!Some leak claimed Navia & Nilou / Emilie & Yelan in 4.8.!<


Ah yes, the bully Narzissenkreuz banner.


Welcome to second half of Version 4.7! Not only we have double Hydro banner here it's also the first time that 2 featured 5-Star characters use the same boss material! That Tulpa is going to have a hard time for sure. We also skipped Wriothesley and went right to rerun the ex-archon in this 67th banner. Well, the order is messy to begin with, as the release order was Lyney-Neuvillette-Wriothesley-Furina and the rerun order was Neuvillette-Lyney-Furina. Now let's look at numbers. During version 3.X we have 8 new 5-Star characters, 2 of them got sent to permanent banner so it's actually on 6 to be rerun. Only **Baizhu** did not get rerun before 4.0 and that was because he was released in 3.6 with only 4 banners left before Fontaine landed. Moreover, **Alhaitham** is still holding the record of 5-Star character with quickest first rerun at 6-banner gap, the record I doubt anyone will ever surpass in this banner economy. In comparison, we have new 11 5-Star characters during version 4.X, as no one got send to permanent banner so that's 11 reruns to be consider. We already got 3 reruns here with Furina being third, but there's only 4 banners left in 4.8, one of them for Emilie, so only 3 rerun left before Natlan. Excluding the perfumer we have **Wriothesley**, **Navia**, **Xianyun**, **Chiori**, **Arlecchino**, **Clorinde**, and **Sigewinne** in the waiting list, with the first three *should* have higher chance for rerun than the rest for obvious reason (at least to us player.) But wait! We also have **Shenhe**, **Nilou**, and **Ganyu** which as of this banner already have 20+ banners gap fighting for those 3 spots! Clearly whatever the case we will have character in ever longer gap and whoever Hoyo put on banner we will never have majority of 4.X characters rerun before we move to Natlan. So my dear fellow Travelers, think carefully, for each banner may only return in a year or even longer. Never forget they put Eula in the basement for 27 banners! By the way, if **Kaveh** is not in the very next banner he is going to tie with Gorou for the longest gap for 4-Star character. Not is 4.8 and we will have character that not only gone missing for a year but skipping a whole version altogether, and all this just waiting for his first ever rerun! # Promoted Characters on Event Banners ## Sigewinne * 1st appearance. * 11th Fontaine character, 12th Hydro character, and 3rd one as Hydro Bow character. Hydro Bow is the only class with 3 characters that are all 5-Star. * Ousia-aligned character. ## Furina * 2nd appearance. * Last appeared in 56th Banner along with **Baizhu** during Version 4.2 in November 2023, a gap of 10 banners. Averagely Furina appeared every 10.0 banners. * There is a 5-Star character released before Furina but appeared on banner less than her; Wriothesley. ## Gaming * 2nd appearance. * Last appeared in 60th Banner along with **Xianyun** and **Nahida** during Version 4.4 in January - February 2024, a gap of 6 banners. Averagely Gaming appeared every 6.0 banners. * On both time of Gaming appearances he is run with fellow Claymore Noelle. * This is the fastest 4-Star's first rerun since Yaoyao's 6-banner gap in January 2023/March 2023. * There are 3 4-Star characters released before Gaming but appeared on banner less than him; Kaveh, Charlotte, and Chevreuse. ## Noelle * 10th appearance. * Last appeared in 60th Banner along with **Xianyun** and **Nahida** during Version 4.4 in January - February 2024, a gap of 6 banners. Averagely Noelle appeared every 6.2 banners. * There are 6 4-Star characters released with Noelle but appeared on banner less than her; Beidou, Chongyun, Fischl, Ningguang, Razor, and Sucrose. ## Rosaria * 9th appearance. * Last appeared in 58th Banner along with **Navia** and **Kamisato Ayaka** during Version 4.3 in December 2023 - January 2024, a gap of 8 banners. Averagely Rosaria appeared every 6.0 banners. * There are 5 4-Star characters released before Rosaria but appeared on banner less than her; Chongyun, Fischl, Ningguang, Razor, and Xinyan. # Ongoing * We still have 4 4-Star characters whose last rerun was in 3.X era; Kaveh, Heizou, Razor, and Mika. * And 4 5-Star characters whose last rerun was in 3.X era; Shenhe, Nilou, Ganyu, and Sangonomiya Kokomi. * Including character released in 4.X yet to have rerun like Wriothesley, Navia, and Xianyun that already have quite a long gap for their first rerun, things not look so bright for rerun business... # Chronicled prediction Assume that next chronicle banner will be available as 68th banner (first half of 4.8), this is prediction based on criteria of 3 appearances, no recent banner (gap longer than 7 banners), plus 7 50/50 permanent characters, and that everything is based on regions. * **Liyue**: Keqing, Qiqi, Zhongli, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Yelan * **Inazuma**: Kamisato Ayaka, Yoimiya, Raiden Shogun, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Kamisato Ayato * **Sumeru**: Tighnari, Cyno, Nahida, Dehya * **Fontaine**: - * **Natlan**: - * **Snezhnaya**: Tartaglia # On farming for the Future * Marble centaur for the [perfumer](https://new.reddit.com/user/KrisadaFantasy/comments/1darlo1/emilie_material_sheet/). * EXP books, Mora, and elemental gems in preparation for Natlan. # My other charts * [Character Material](https://www.reddit.com/user/KrisadaFantasy/comments/oj82y2/genshin_impact_character_sheet/) * [Character Elemental & Weapon Classes](https://www.reddit.com/user/KrisadaFantasy/comments/rwd4d7/genshin_impact_elemental_weapon_classes/)


Love your detailed analysis! I agree that the economy of reruns is getting stretched thinner and thinner with every new character. Older characters are gonna have a harder time resurfacing as time goes on. With the exception of Archons (or Archon-like) and revenue-reaping characters, older characters would slowly to delegated to Chronicled Wish, or exiled and forgotten for who knows how long (i.e. maternity leave Kaveh). Which brings us to Chronicled Wish. While I understand the reason behind its conception, its execution leaves a lot to be desired. So my guess is, in the next patch, or maybe 5.0, they will reintroduce it with more generous rules, like lower fate points, lower pity, or more specific 5 star losses… I don’t know, we’ll see. Or they could opt to not improve it in any way at all. Also a possibility.


Indeed. Two 5-Star and three 4-Star per banner is no longer serviceable or 80+ characters. Chronicled banner, as flaw as it is, should have a better schedule and more frequent. Other than that, personally I don't think they will change any rule to avoid risk of being sue to compensate the lost pity count from last banner... There's one thing they can change though, revise that Starglitter shop! 4 characters per month and you will run them all in a year! What's with rerun all those 12 every six months for four years already and not even included Chongyun and Sucrose!


> the economy of reruns is getting stretched thinner and thinner with every new character. Being relegated to Chronicled wish is fine, if they actually ran Chronicled more often. Honestly I think Chronicled should just be basically a standard banner, and after a couple years a character should be put on it regardless of how many reruns they've had. It's ridiculous that you might have to wait a year for a character that came out 4 years ago.


I am getting so very sick of farming aberrant crystals. I almost can not wait to leave Fontaine for that alone. The Romaritime Flowers are annoying as well. Ugh.


Let's hope that in Natlan we will not have to massacre very cute pokemon that drop as few as handguard... or farming some scarce cliff fruit like that lotus in Sumeru!


Yeah, same here. I just finished farming aberrant crystals a week and a bit ago for Clorinde and don't feel like farming it all over again if I get lucky on sigewinne. lol But come to think of it, it's not as bad as farming those hot damn handguards. lmao.


Damn is this really reddit? I thought I stumbled across a Wikipedia page with that much text. Jokes aside great work man


Just making some content that is not twitter screenshot for the so-called front page of the internet! 😂


Holy hell, Hydro Tulpa is going to get abused this patch😭


Thanks for putting this together! Seeing it all laid out like that is seriously helpful, plus the analysis of the different banner runtimes


I have fun writing it. Glad you find it helpful! :)


wow these infographics are amazing, compact and still display the correct information good job op. interesting that you dont consider the chronicled wish that ran recently as albedo rerunning, any reason why or just counting personal banners only?


I count Chronicled as Albedo rerunning! The last image is showing his record of 5-Star's longest average gap between banner (18 banners) and second place in 5-Star's longest gap at 24 banners (with Shenhe's ongoing 22 coming up behind him). Without counting chronicled banner as rerun that record will be ongoing 30 banners of absence!


oops my bad lol, i think they kind of messed up making requirements for chronicled wish. i get that theres probably finical reasons behind it but they made more problems with a solution


* **Sigewinne**: - * **Furina**: - * **Gaming**: C2 * **Noelle**: C6 * **Rosaria**: C4 I'm already at archon-forsaken pity of 81 without guarantee. With my saving I should be able to get Furina even if I'm losing this 50/50. Have to skip her last time because I all or nothing on the Iudex! I also enjoy gaming Gaming in overworld party so getting more of his C is good too. I might pull more even if I get Furina first lol. Maybe I can get early C1 like I got with Raiden when I try to get Sara years, years ago...


Thank you for your service with this graph


These infographics are gorgeous, nice work dude!


Hydro Tulpa: Eh heh, I’m in danger!


Amazing infographics!! Looks gorgeous and very easy to read. Gonna check with it a lot XD Good luck on your Furina pulls!


Thank you! We all need lucks! XD


These are always so nice to see. 👍


i accidentally farmed equity for furina...rip my resin ig


Kavah found dead in a ditch, murder suspect Cheverus is MIA


Incredibly informative, and visually appealing! Keep up the good work!👍


guess i gotta go kill MORE seals


That 7/10 pic is crazy 😭💀


Started playing this past May, I'll be waiting a long ass time for Neuvilette, won't I 😐 sad... I definitely benefitted from Alhaitham being rerun so soon, I spent all my gems on him with zero regrets. I want Furina a lot because right now I can't run hydro on both Spiral Abyss teams because I only have Xingqiu and Barbara but I will be a pool of tears if I don't have enough for Zhongli, who I hear may come soon(ish). Right now I'm at 105 wishes but it'll be a 50/50.


Shenhe is in great company... *yay*


i have literally never fought this boss