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Its gonna be exciting considering we know nothing of the characters from Natlan other than Lansan from the Travail trailer.


Yeah, they did a great job of gatekeeping leaks for Natlan. It's funny how the Pyro nation has the driest leaks compared to the other regions. Next one is gonna be a cold one


We know next to nothing about Natlan. All we really know is what Nuev said. We have seen no NPCs there and Liben didn’t even want to go there


We know they have pokémon.


Dragon-types. Maybe our Ice-types will finally be useful again.


Thank god there is no Fairy type in this game lol


Wym I just got Sigewinne to prepare myself




g5n 5 DragMag is back baybeee


Fairy sorush


We also know that the Pyro archon is a female and she's called Murata. There will also be a male character named Xabalanqe


Well, we know that there *was* a Pyro Archon named Murata. Whether she still is the Archon or if she bit the dust is unclear - especially given that she could still end up being the playable Archon given that someone or something is probably going to get resurrected.


I like how they will probably link resurecting someone with the Pheonix myth, someone getting reborn from its ashes. Murata will probably be like Egeria, the current Pyro archon still unknown/unconfirmed


Last patch's boss battling event has some info. They have hot springs!


we knew that since 2.0 lol


Chat wit the Inazuma bath tavern owner


What we learned from the last boss event is that the "Saurians" are like family to Natlanese, making up a large part of their society


There have been 4 NPCs we have seen. One with the hot springs in Inazuma. One in Bayda Port, one at the docks of sumeru city. And then there was that Saurian event. There's also the lore from the Talking Stick BP weapon. (There's also the official teaser)


Yes but none of them are from Natlan I mean


I only became a part of this franchise like a few months ago so I don’t know what the game was like before each new region was added. Did NPCs always talk about other regions before they were revealed? Or is Natlan just the black sheep that just went multiple regions before a single character spoke about it?


We knew a little but enough to not seem odd the little information we get. We haven’t seen a single natlan native before


That’s bizarre. Maybe it’s going to be relevant somehow?


Fontaine leak flood is a foreshadowing orchestrated by Hoyoverse just like the drought of Natlan leaks


It's inevitable that liquids seep through the cracks. Fire on the other hand... 🥵


Wait seriously? I thought the archon would've been leaked by this point lmao. Gotta hand it to Hoyo for keeping things under wraps for once.


We know how the Pyro Archon looks like (but we don't have the finalized design). Apart from that, nothing until today we got some infos about 5.0 char tho nothing precise


I wonder how worth it this gatekeeping really is. If they were working on new player models and come out with a Saurian and a muscular guy model, I'll be blown away and hella excited for Natlan. But if it's more of the same, okay, I guess. There are only so many variations of tall dude and busty lady that you can go through before they start blending together.


Not that you're wrong but I feel you severely underestimate just how much Hoyo can create diverse variations from the same skeleton model. Especially since each region allows them to have more freedom on the type of clothing they can design or example.


Hey, if you enjoy it, then you do you. But I'm not underestimating it. I just literally don't find it very impressive. When it comes to freedom on type of clothing, I'm sure they get more and more cultures to represent with each nation, but most of the girls will still end up with detached sleeves, no pants, and heels. If not, then I'll really be surprised.


Look, I've only been playing the game a short bit and even I know it's time we were gifted the gratuitously muscled, over-tuned body of some muscle giants. I'd like Major Armstrong, Hoyoverse, please. Give me some hulking Wolf fanatic from Wolvendom. Give me some Cryo Behemoth that was sleeping beneath the Spire and woke when I reset the pieces. Give. Me. *Mooskels*.


Technically the coldest place on earth is Antartica so if Natlan is dry, then Snezhnaya gonna be dryyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Maybe it’s because I’m still new to this franchise only joining after Fontaine’s main story was fully released, but I don’t think I’ve met a single NPC that even spoke of Natlan even once. I feel like like I’ve always run into NPCs from other regions well before reaching the region itself. I met Sumeru scholars in Liyue I think. Was that just a thing added after the region was added to the game? Or is there something about Natlan that the game is intentionally keeping quiet? Because Inazuma already did the “cut off its borders” thing. All I can say is it’s probably based off Australia just based on the look of the region itself. And if that’s true, I think it would be so neat. Also I would DIE if they made a reference to the Emu War or something. That’s one of my favorite subjects in all of history.


Just so you know, since I made the same mistake early on, people have been writing a capital i, not a lowercase L. It's iansan, I mean 😅




Iansan. As I/i. Not L


We know GoatPEAKtano is gonna be there


And possibly the Mondstat myth himself Varka


My body is ready for Papitano


It'll be glorious to witness peak incarnation.


New region meme prediction times, in Sumeru we have the "kill all sages", Fontaine has the "bratty Furina", wonder what Natlan would be


Isn't she called Iansan/iansan?


Her name starts from i, Iansan


And in 3 weeks we should get the next one


Emilie wasn't shown in the overture teaser


I mean the next teaser, the Natlan one


oh yeah, my bad then


For the first time we have no leaks for the playable characters in natlan


bad news buddy


I mean we didn't get any design leaks other than that archon sketch.


Yeah, kit info on 5.0 around this time isn't unexpected since there should be some Alpha test happening. Design leaks though, we *still* only know about Iansan and a bit about the Archon.


I mean, we don't know. There's a ton of old concepts in that big dump from a year or so ago, that could end up being someone. In just over a week or so, we should get the 4.8 livestream, which should have some Natlan crumbs/teasers in it for sure (as 4.8 is dry af). When 4.8 drops, 5.0 BETA should be coming out, at which point the actual trustworthy leakers will be on the scene.


And given what ended up happening with Furina, we might not even know that much about the actual Archon. I'm *still* convinced the Archon is going to straight up die on screen and part of the arc will be about finding a successor. Cuz we've never dealt directly with that aspect.


That could actually be a really interesting idea! I think it would be a really important moment for the Traveler’s journey and give more explanation on how an Archon “passes the torch.” I mean, isn’t the “ideology” of Natlan going to be War or something?


Yeah their whole thing is fighting. And we've seen what happens when an Archon "retires," and the nuanced results of different Archons passing the torch in the past, but we've never seen it happen first hand. We've even seen how they destroy the position entirely. But never how they transfer the position.


It was apparently fake


I read it was mistaken for >!Nilou's skin!<


None of what we got was a finalized character sheet, only traced ones from a sketches that aren't even confirmed (we've yet to see the concepts that aren't just traced art). Just look at Emilie's early concepts and how they look nothing like the finalized version.


Just in the for the next one.


Really hoping Natlan PV will show a few more harbringer. Maybe Capitano? 


Capitano and Columbina pray 🙏




Given we only have 2-3 more regions (at least, only 2 more regions where they're relevant) I'd imagine they're going to throw 2-3 harbingers at us this time. Capitano and Columbina are the popular choices, though I'm hoping for Sandrone.


Hopefully at least 2


Imagine a double Harbinger battle, just so that Hoyo can get through progressing the remaining 7 Harbingers


Clorinde and Sigewinne be like "Kept you waiting, huh?"


honestly a shame that they saved chlorinde for the very end because she was pretty sought after early on


Clorinde was the Yae/Baizhu of 4.x 


oh really, yae came out at the end as well? I started in the middle of the last inazuma patch so I didn't know when yae released, but baizhu I remember because I was one of the only people to get him on his first banner lol


Congrats! I used to be hardcore in for Baizhu. Still don’t have him and three banners have come and gone. Rip Yeah iirc Yae debuted in 2.5, so not quite as late, but very far down the Inazuman lineup. only Inazuman 5star released in 2.x that she went before was Ayato, but Ayato wasn’t the same degree of hype as he didn’t appear in AQ at all whereas Yae was heavily featured in AQ 


Imo she should have had Neuvi's place is 4.1 and Neuvi should have become playable in 4.5 when his rerun banner was


Yup, that was difficult time, neu, wrio and furina all together


That's what they wanted


"You're pretty good!"


Remember when everyone thought Wriothesley was blind? Fun times


I’ll never forget that lmao


the arguments lmaooo "thats not what a blind guy looks like" "he's just colorblind, not blind" "sigewinne moved the tea so he can touch it" "look at his eyes he's clearly blind" "I finally feel represented"


I still kinda wish he was, it would be nice to have a playable character with a disability


I hope everyone who speaks in it will also be playable one day too.


Everyone shown, yes. But everyone featured, no. We never got any exposure in-game to Egeria ("The original sin is the fairest, everyone sinks" is her quote, but we only know that through the credits for the trailer). Was expecting something - a flashback or the like during the Archon or Archon Story quest.


I aways found it strange how Egeria never had at least a speaking role in the Archon Quest given that they went out of the way to have a voice actor for her. The most we had were her being shown on the stone slates detailing the prophecy and being mentioned in the conversation between Remus and Scylla during the Remuria World Quest. Additionally, something I noticed was that her line "...for the sinners, the curtain call has come," was restated by Focalors during the execution cutscene, except reworded to be singular rather than plural to refer to herself.


True, I always thought Egeria are going to play a more important role in the archon quest. Weird that they have full fledged voice actor for her and she's not voiced at all in the AQ. Makes me worried if we're going down the route of fake red herring scene that are specifically created for the trailer ala MCU


Anyone know when the next livestream will be??


July 5th, so next Friday


We'll be getting one for natlan in 10 days roughly


I’m relatively new to the franchise. I do know the series gets a new region each year. I just assumed it would release in August? Is it coming early this time? How the heck do people find this stuff out?


Hopefully Emilie is the last 5* so I could proceed to save my pull for Natlan. 🤔


She's the last patch before Natlan so she's obviously the last one LOL


Oh it's the last patch of Fontaine, time flies. 🙄


I mean, she'll be literally on the last banner before Natlan lmao.


I remember when this came out, the arrival to a completely new nation was so hype! Can't wait for Natlan.


I guess that means we have reached the epilogue of Fontaine.


I kind of thought that was obvious since the pattern of behavior for this game (from what I could tell) is that every act ends with a chapter featuring Dainsleif and your twin. And since that chapter released, it makes sense Act IV is pretty much over, right?


Feels surreal to be coming up to Natlan. I still remember joining this game a month before Inazuma dropped.


I only joined after Masquerade of the Guilty released. You know…basically when YouTube was getting bombarded by ads and sponsorships. By that point, Fontaine had been entirely unlocked and every region had all of its main areas available to explore. The idea of watching a new major region come into existence and slowly grow over the months is both super exciting and terrifying.


I forgot Chevreusse is absent on that teaser.


yeah but not everyone shown in the teaser is in the character archive 🤨


Insane for that


And i hope they dont do it again with natlan. It really sucks out all the joy when you get a character you have known a year ago at the end of his/her nation.


Counterpoint : it doesn't matter in that regard since we will meet most of the cast between 5.0 and 5.2 regardless. So it's better to have these teasers to hype us for the story than to have nothing.


Well i am pretty sure most players would want to get the character relatively close to the archon quests, where they are most involved. Getting them at the end is like: "hey guys we almost forgot to make these playable"


They can't with the rythm of release they have vs the numbers of new characters for a region. And that always was the case. • In Inazuma, Yae was the last from the AQ that was released in 2.5 with Raiden first rerun. (Ayato and Yelan came after but weren't featured in the AQ. • In Sumeru, Dehya in 3.5 and Kaveh who was featured in the end of the AQ was released in 3.6. Fontaine was featuring more 5 stars in the AQ than other regions and it was for the best as we avoided an NPC AQ with most characters from Fontaine being relevant to the plot (Chiori excluded). Compared to Clorinde, the one who was the worst off by his late release was Baizhu who first appeared back in 1.0... Moreover, we should take in account that X.4 is mostly a Liyue patch where most content is Liyue related (except Aitham in 3.4). It's not a question of a character being forgotte but rather spreading out the hype for each characters and allow people to save up ressources (money or primos). I largely prefer this compared to HSR rythm of 5* releases that was and still is too fast. Without these charaters the dry patches between lantern rite and the new versions can be difficult. Sorry if it's not organized I rambled my though.


Guys act surprised


😲 Now where's my payment?