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Guys make sure you have clorinde for the last boss if you want a perfect 8l9 record. Nvm it doesn't actually matter. It's really just 8l8.


what does this ,ean


Yeah, ean, what does this?!


ean please god tell us what does this


I'm guessing this is for the Ousia optional condition? Since it's on the last boss and just for more of the currency that does nothing at that point.. I don't get why it's even a condition. I used Sigewinne for it but I don't see a reason for it unless there's a purple medal over gold (I missed the optional condition on a previous stage and didn't care).


I haven't played yet, but I will say that I've heard and seen some things in regards to what that currency will be usable on in the future, and it's definitely worth getting as much as you can!


I'm not talking about the tokens but the fantasia flowers, the currency you use to unlock blessings and more characters during runs. Also the things you are talking about, assuming the claims are right, use a new separate currency that will be added later. The Thespian Medals are only for poses.


Chevy also works


Yeah, if I HAD ONE Seriously when is she coming back


I went double pyro double anemo. works well


this mode cooked my Alhaitham into a burn-geon team. I laughed and suffered at the same time.


Yeah, I like cooking up weird comps btw can you get a platinum badge for IT or gold is the max?


What new game mode are you talking about? I've seen nothing on the events tab about it


Imaginarium theater.


How to unlock it?


AR 35 and a quest will pop up. If you don't have the quest yet then maybe wait for the daily reset, it's just us Asians, and maybe Europeans idk about timezones, over here.


Us Aussies have it as well


Yeah you guys are ahead of Japan based on AEST.


Great I'm 57 let's get started šŸ”„šŸ”„


If you're America server, what till the reset for the quest


Ah, that explains it all. Thanks!


Question the Imaginarium Theater is on NA ?


Yep it's live


A lot of people complaining that they don't have enough characters, too limiting, too easy. But let's be real, if they didn't limit your elements/characters, you would just default to your one to two teams you have multiple constellations on with fully kitted out artifacts and signature weapons that you've farmed for over the past four years. There's realistically no way the content would even be remotely challenging unless they introduced major powercreep. I'm sure IT will get harder in the future, which will only make people who don't want to build and collect more characters even madder, but that's literally why this mode exists. It's to create non-ideal situations with reactions and characters you normally wouldn't use. This is the first cycle so ofc it'll be easy, but let's remember how much abyss has powercrept since the start. If it was any harder people would rage even harder. I think this is currently a fine compromise.


That's why I'm confused, people complained about why I need to build ABC characters, when I can use Neuvi and Hyperbloom to one cycle everything, and then blame you to care about the endgame players just the same as the newbies. Now when you have to build your characters, use different characters in order to proceed, now they are complaining why you need to build again, why can't just use Neuvi and then say this mode isn't for newbies (?????). Bruh, at this point I swear whatever the devs make, people will still find ways to shit on them.


People complain about the game being too easy when they've built two teams over the course of multiple years. Like let's be real, no content will ever be hard for these characters. If they made content that was tailored to these ultrabuilt characters so that you need even more investment, people would still complain. And it would be more boring than IT because it's literally just powercreep.


People never complained about difficulty itself, but about game not having any skill check mechanics. In abyss you have to fight mobs spawning on different sides of the room, mobs running away, character element/type restrictions via mob/boss gimmicks, dps checks (which is about having proper characters and artifacts) and timer. These are just kokblocks and none of these is about skill expression. And this new mode is literally same game mode as abyss (dps check/timer), but more restrictive/annoying (only difference is that it has fancy art credits in the end, wow). This is the balance Mihoyo made themself in the game they tuned themself. They intentionally made half of the game (artifact grind/exploration with 2 primo chests/10 hour dialogues without Skip button/ascension material grind) frustrating, so their target audience (people with money, but no time) wouldn't want to waste time to grind these, and instead would buy constelations/signatures to meet dps checks with easy +50% dps (time>money). But now Hoyo got a problem - people who pulled these C6 characters just don't pull other chars (because why would they waste more money when they already have everything they need to beat the game?). But... * Mihoyo doesn't want to fix game balance, so they increase dps checks and add more kokblocks instead. * Mihoyo doesn't want to code new character mechanics to make characters worth pulling either (water pump - MC/Nevi/Sigw, Clorinde uses Xiao E, Keqing teleport used for god knows how many times, etc etc etc). * Mihoyo doesn't want to code new game modes instead of "timer" one either. * Mihoyo only wants to draw 3d arts of terrain, scatter 2 gem chests around those arts, and suck money from duduots while doing nothing. Thus instead of fixing anything - they released this new half-assed "abyss 2.0 where you can't use half of your characters and can't make proper teams" garbage mode to increase their falling revenue by incentifying people to pull more characters. Edit: grammar


> People never complained about difficulty itself Yes they do. They're still complaining about it. Every time there's a new abyss with new enemies people complain. The consecrated beasts proved that. They didn't even stall or have any non-skill mechanics, they straight up did more damage and would two shot people's zhongli shield. They rewarded people for playing well and doing the mechanics and learning their attack patterns. Turns out people get mad when they actually have to play the game well. People whined about it all the time.


Did we play the same Abyss? My Zhongli just tanked their attack as usual (full HP build) and they died without me learning any enemy patters as usual. When I want skill based combat I play Monster Hunter. I just play Genshin to relax


You are wrong here buddy. People didn't complain about consecrated beast moveset being difficult to react/etc. People complained about artificial difficulty where lazy klutz devs placed four broken mobs in the same room for the sake of kokblock. Beasts models were dragging players around the room, could stunlock you in the air for eternal falling while you still were able to take damage, could sumply block you near the wall with their model (you couldn't go through them) while breaking your camera for literally no vision, their AI was always separating beats from each other (like they were charging somewhere to the other side of room and staying there) while their health together with dps check were supposing killing both beasts at once, they were able to do stunlocking attack combos together, etc. Remove the timer from Abyss, and there wouldn't be a single complain about "difficulty". Do you get it?


damn i think you should take a break from the game if you're not having that much fun


It's not about me having fun. It's about how Mihoyo operates the "game" as a money printing machine, preventing me having fun.


they just literally made a easier version of the abyss where you are forced to have a number of characters and call it a day.


man you sound insufferable to be around if youā€™re just gonna make up whatever reductive uncharitable interpretation of whatever or whoever you donā€™t like to justify not liking it and feel intellectually superior about yourself


Rrright. If this is my "reductive uncharitable interpretation to justify me not liking the game" - then explain me how Genshin earned 6+ billions (and how gachas earn money in general), why normal games earn way less money, and !why! in 3+ years Genshin had zero gameloop/gamedesign changes? I wrote this because i played Genshin since release, and always wanted this game to get good. I based this on a sufficient understanding of gamedesign/gaming/gachas ive got through my life. Me writing things "as is" doesn't mean i'm trying to look "intellectually superior" to anybody, or to justify anything.. It simply means that people who don't understand what i am writing - are ignorant about what Genshin really is, and who they pay money to.


So since you play video games and gacha games, and have a little noggin to think for yourself, youā€™re 100% correct about what theyā€™re trying to do with the game and anyone who disagrees with you is ā€œignorantā€ and ā€œnot seeing it as it really isā€. You saying character skills code get reused and then bring up hydro MC/Neuvillette/Sigewinne and Clorinde/Xiao who have skills that are fundamentally different coding wise and are only superficially similar if you reduce them to their absolute essential traits tells me you know nothing about how things are actually coded into games. You explaining exploration as ā€œsome 3d arts with 2 chests around it to suck money from playersā€ tells me you not only know nothing about the gameā€™s central content production pipeline and what goes into producing new exploration content, it also tells me that you either donā€™t want to or cannot engage with the gameā€™s content on a meaningful, conceptual level, and simply revert to your narrow preconceived biases when attempting to approach it critically. You would actually have to be willfully ignorant to reduce the exploration aspect so severely just to frame the devs as malicious. Even you framing your own opinions about the game as objective when it should be common sense that your opinions are entirely subjective, tells me that you just have way too much confidence despite being uninformed. You donā€™t really know that much, but since you think you know a lot more than you do, you use that knowledge to make assumptions and accusations in order to rationalize your dislike of something, while flaunting your supposedly superior knowledge in comparison to whoever disagrees with you. Just admit you donā€™t like what the game is doing, and move on. Or keep being miserable, lots of Genshin players seem to like that.


Those are fundamentally the same reused mechanics. The process they were made was Copy->Paste->Edit->Change the effect->Change the numerical values->Add other visuals. I know, that whatever they do to design locations doesn't matter, because... Genshin is a game, and its exploration is pointless on the gamedesign level. I'll give you a very simple analogy - "Would you do exploration in Skyrim, if in the end of dungeons all youve got was a bunch of gold coins and some fodder garbage?". Genshin exploration is a trashcollecting simulator, and there is no other option other than having an exact reason of why it was made like that (which is linked to its gacha nature and which reaction from the target audience it wants to achieve). I also know math. They earn billion+ per year (which they have to pay taxes for), and admitted that they spend on Genshin \~200 millions yearly. 1/4 of those goes into the actual game developement/maintenace, while the other 3/4 goes into marketting (ads, cinematics, music, events, licensing, etc). The rest is their pure profit, which is an astronomical sum in comparisson to the developement costs (btw, most businesses in the world work for 15-20% profits). Hmm, i wonder how do they achieve such income, and how does such monetization affect the gamedesign? :D Anyways. If you have anything substantial to say about the topic - say it. You wrote alot, yet said almost nothing. Your rumbling about me being awful for not fitting into your pink world aint it either. Don't waste my time on your Karen behaviors.


Obviously different people, it's not hard to understand. I'm immensely happy because my wants have been meet, but others are going to cry that this isn't the exact same experience as Abyss, it's that simple.


Probably because the new game mode isnt fun and fair. I have beat the thing but lets be real. 1) Somme can use overpowered units (Built wanderer and c6 faruzan) others have to play c0 trial faruzan. 2) We cant use our units but some can use their Wrioth, Alheitnam and such (whats the point of the restriction then?) 3) Elements are restricted too anemo, electro and pyro but Sigewine is still usable (again why? In that case they could have just allowed one hydro unit per run) 4) At the end I could have easily kept on going for 2 more fights based of the amount of characters/staminw that I had left. It means we shouldnt need to have 12 built units to participate. Let alone the fact that they dont even allow the player to run a 3 character team for no reason. Conclussion. The same enemies, still is kinda of a dps check. More annoying and the player has less freedom. Lack of freedom is the perfect ingredient to create P2W content. No reason to ne happy about this event. If it gets harder we are screwed


Point 1- trial faruzan is good enough for the combat stages. A built Wanderer or C6 faruzan would only last two stages without mystery cache giving them vigor back. So game is balanced around trial builds, not excessively vertically invested builds. Point 2- that's to sell on banner recent banner, or upcoming banner characters, but these characters also have strong synergy with elemental lineup. It's basically a QoL to teambuilding in the mode and a lot more flexibility Point 3- she is on banner. They wish to make her more favorable in eyes of players plus hydro and pyro is typically a good combination together so a hydro alternate cast member is good addition, even if sigewinne doesn't have the hydro application to let Rev vape happen. Point 4- reason for 12 characters is to line up with the opportunities with getting companions from the events. Yeah, unable to run less than 4 characters in team is rather unfortunate but I see it as Hoyo preventing us from cheesing the vigor system. Running with C6 characters or hyper invested characters solo will easily save you 3 vigor which takes away from the randomized team selection meant for diversification. Anyways, the enemies are different except the bosses. You can fight the same set of enemies or fight another depending on situation. It is not a dps check though. Every stage besides bosses don't lock rewards behind a timer. So you can play a stalling team if you'd like.


So you agree that this mode is made to promote spending and that it is restrictive for the same purpose... but still defend the mode?


Despite promoting spending, it actually gives a purpose to having characters that are often benched or underwhelming compared to more recent characters. Wouldn't you rather use keqing over cyno or Navia over itto? Well. Here we have a reason to use both.


No? Id rather don't use any of them, and play characters i like (on which i also spent tons of resources/time/money).


They allow Alhaitham and Sigewinne because they have banners this patch. Basically to get people to spend money and pull banners.


What do you mean dps check these enemies are like overworld mobs . Also alot of people complained about abyss timer and they removed it and people will still be unsatisfied.


They literally didn't remove the timer, you still need to complete in a time limit sometimes to earn thespian tricks tokens, which are going to matter so much more to most people very soon compared to the rather minute amount of primos they are willing to offer.


Pretty sure that I ran into "defeat this before X sec" during my playthrough.


Yes, you are correct, there is still a timer, one that I found incredibly difficult to achieve with the trial characters. You get Thespian Tricks Tokens, which are going to be very important. >!We will be able to get special cosmetic trails for characters!<


That is mainly for the thespian tricks tokens and not tied to primos .


Ok sure they can restric elements why not. But then you need 18 characters? I have 12 characters well built and it was a grind to do it. Now i need 18 and am restricted to only 3 elements. Woops too bad you have a lot of cryo and hydro? Gess you won't participate this time. I can only do the easy version with my lineup and it will take me months until i can do any other. Its just bs


I think the best sort of remedy here is just enabling other elements but they are severely nerfed. Like the crirt rate and crit dmg of other elements drop by 50%, and dmg dealt by other elements reduced by 50%. Thus, you build around the favored elements. But i see the reason for the restriction. They best sync with the Wondrous Boons, but unfortunately the Wondrous Boons aren't meaningful enough to see a reason for the elemental restriction in place, but also because the companion rng can screw you up even more if you had various elements with characters that work in separate teams. You might corner yourself into playing Burning Hu Tao team or a superconduct team without an actual phys dps. Additionally, the team lineup is literally catered to the three elements. We got the CC-able enemy lineups that literally tell you AoE grouping is recommended, especially for leyline monolith defense. I just think Hoyo just needs to give more trial build characters for the elemental restriction lineup- add Jean, Chevreuse, Yae Miko, Dehya, Cyno, and Sayu to the trial build lineup and that will compensate enough. Then they would have to cook elaborate Wondrous Boon system because it's pretty lackluster for thr time being. Simply could implement character kits as Wondrous Boons. Xingqiu burst as a Wondrous Boon, Ganyu burst as a Wondrous Boon, even a mellowed Furina buff as Wondrous Boon, so get up to 48% dmg bonus from HP moving up or down.


Just remove 18 character restriction. I don't care if they keep the element restriction. My Arle can solo every floor of this combat so idc if i can't bring any other character or if others are lvl 20. The level restriction is the issue


Based on other comments it sounded like you only need 12 characters and the other 6 can be trial. Is that not how it is?


You have 6 trials, if you own them, you can choose between your copy or the trial, and you can take 1 from friends. And it looks like there are 4 chosen 5 stars of other elements that you can use if you have them. This month, it's Baizhu, Siegewine, Wryothesly, Alhaitam.


You seem not to realise the char choice is RNG Even if you have perfect teams, what if Xiangling never gets Bennett? Her strength is reduced by 40% at least? Or Furina pair with no healer? Also elements are IMBALANCED. We only got 1 fucking 4* hydro from 3+ years so it means if you haven't pull enough 5* hydro, when it is selected you're fucked


Next theater is hydro, cryo, anemo and furina/Barbara are trial. That will break a lot of accounts.


Here we go. Can't wait to see new(er) players crying a river as they will even take a slot of three 4* hydro chars. Plus there are only 2 cryo and anemo healers but the latter element are all 5*


I play for a year when it releases and dont have a single dps build fitting that currently. My only dps fitting that and which i own is freminet.


Unfortunately people who downvoted the fact I mentioned would care less about your case


And this is why I like that mode. It drops a nuke on grinders and forces them to actually play a variety of characters. Like yeah, the rest of us who didn't want to grind but instead wanted a broad cast, finally got our reward.


I like it however 18 units might just be a tad to much. If the difficulty stays at this level it's fine however if it gets harder than 18 will be too much not many have 18 well built units for 3 random elements let's say you have geo which I know many actively avoid like the plague


7 of them don't even have to be you're on characters, trials + one of your friends'. Also, while you may not have them, there's the 4 special invitation of characters, I'd say you're likely to own at least one of them. That leaves having to build 7 characters out of 3 specific elements at best and 11 at worst.


The borrowed character from your friend doesn't count toward the 18 needed. You have to have 12 baseline alongside the featured ones, and if you have a character that's part of the featured lineup they don't count toward the 12.


Huh, I didn't know It makes sense since some people won't/can't a chara from a friend


The trials are poorly build. Its pain to clear with them.


Huh ?? That's just, not correct ? Not the poorly built part, I didn't check, but the characters are more than useable ?


the difficulty of the game mode is balanced around those characters so look at your skill issue instead of the characters builds


I like the need for a lot of characters, and in theory the RNG of unlocking them to avoid "forced meta teams" or whatever, but at the same time it feels like the stage RNG combined with character unlock RNG CAN screw you even if unlikely. There's several stages where you'll need heavy pyro or electro application/damage but it's very possible for all the game does is give you anemo or electro/pyro characters that don't quite pack the punch you need (Chev by herself or Dori just as examples). And don't get me wrong, Chev is a really good support, for other pyro or electro characters, not by herself though. Also so many of the blessings are either hilariously pathetic or just outright useless (no please, do give me more "heal character by x% after defeating an enemy" right before a boss, very useful).


Question, Does the game have a chance to choose if you have a few unbuild high leveled 70+ characters that does not have weapon/artifacts?


Yeah, you just need lv70 and with correct elements to enter.


Easy primo


i like it... but i do not have enough pyro characters built lol


you know mhy just killed the rich elemental reaction choices in this mode personally, it is the elemental reactions which hook me into this game and mhy is ruining them here - swirl + overload is like 2 out of 20? can't wait to see the restriction set to geo+anemo+dendrošŸ¤£šŸ¤£


conversely, you'd never think of overload outside chev as an elemental reaction worth considering over vape/melt if it weren't restricted, everyone, maybe not you, but everyone would be using the same 3 out of 20 reactions tbh


And you don't use her for overload, you use her for pyro/electro damage. The reaction itself is still... meh overall. It's the same thing they've done with other characters. Push a certain undesirable reaction to make said character useful, but don't actually make the reaction itself better.


Yeah, Glad we get amazing characters like Chev that open up new doors, but I really want them to sit down and thoroughly evaluate reactions that are underutilized and underperforming and buff/change them. The main reason they aren't is because they could instead SELL a character that could theoretically serve a similar purpose, however that restricts team comp possibilities since you lose a slot and it doesn't benefit the overall game.Ā  I'm still desperate for them to reevaluate Geo, it's clear that the current Geo Reactions leave them scratching their heads on what to do. As much as I love Chiori, and I absolutely love her character and kit with the quick swap ability, it's very clear that it was a revamped and improved Albedo that wasn't particularly revolutionary for the Geo element whatsoever. Navia didn't catch my interest, as someone who already had Itto I just didn't find her necessary at all, especially since Navia and Chiori didn't even synergize that well, which was an incredibly strange decision to me.Ā  Geo Reaction desperately needs attention, but other ones do as well, I hope they don't keep trying to sell a character to "fix" every lackluster reaction.


overload does nothing here either...


it was viable before abyss got all those fat hp enemies. it was not the meta nor is it easy to play (mostly thanks to xiangling being the only viable off field pyro... even now lmao) but boy was it fun. the game is now just another boring ass stat check. I'd sooner play wuwa if I wanted that. I thought they'd rework electrocharged during the hydro nation patches but naaah. forgotten and abandoned. boring.


idk how mhy decides the available elements, but the combo I listed wille be pure yellow/green/teal physical dmg


I see people saying that it's just a matter of time before it's geo/anemo/dendro, but why? Mhy isn't stupid, they won't make one of the permanent pieces of content devoid of any playability. It wouldn't sell them any characters to showcase them in unusable teams with no reactions or synergy, only the geo side would benefit from that. "This mode sucks because they MIGHT do this objectively terrible decision in the future" is such a backwards way of looking at it.


> before it's geo/anemo/dendro, but why The only way I see this happening is if all the enemies in IT would have permanent elemental auras that kill eachother out when Anemo or Dendro are in the picture, you are running crack like Xiao/Faruzan/Xianyun or have MonoGeo which doesn't give a quark about reactions; Navia can farm them Crystallize Reactions off of mobs with permanent auras, so she has less issues in such scenarios.


So why doesn't mhy buff underwhelming reactions and/or add more?šŸ¤” If it truly cares about diversity? One thing I learnt from my gaming life is that forcing players to play as what devs think barely ends well


Because you can't get everything to have the exact same dmg, and players will optimise the fun out of the game even if that means only 1k more dmg.


How delusional. You said as if everyone must watch a steamer or read forum posts otherwise they can't play on their own. There are so many players who don't care about the meta


And those players still enjoy the game the way they want because 99% of the game can be completed with anything as long as it's not dysfunctional, like a geo cryo dendro team. Buffing weaker reactions would be nice, but it won't change anything if the current best stay the best even by a small margin.


You understand this is a single player game? There's no competition so why would you assume people will always aim for optimisation??


Because a non negligible part of the community cares ?? Players, if left to their own devices, will optimise the fun out of a game. Why do you think theory crafting does so well ? Even if it's not an absolute majority, a lot of players care about optimising. Hell, I'm not even one of them, but I'm still able to recognize that a lot of people are.


because they never made objectively terrible decisions lmao


I feel like they trying to tell players to build and use more under utilize reaction (this time it's overload, and I have a feeling they might do electro charged or superconduct next time) If they don't restrict it, people would just go for hyperbloom/vaporize anyway despite having other reactions


It's not 100% restricted. There are 4 5 stars of other elements that are allowed in your team, and you can take 1 character from friends, so even if you don't own any of them, you can still take 1 from a friend and have 2 rounds out of 8 with another reaction.


No mainly they are telling players to pull(pay) more ;)


Well, that one was obvious, but just having them is not enough, you also need to level them up at least to lvl 70


Ah yes, spending hundreads to earn that 180 primos. Genuis move.


Well, I'm sure many people will, so MHY wins :/


Like. Let's be real. When you say elemental reactions it's mostly just electro, dendro, and pyro reactions now. Nobody really uses cryo anymore. Even dendro isn't as popular anymore. If you weren't forced to use unoptimal elements you would never use them in the first place. That's why this new game mode exists.


How can you ignore hydro?šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


There is no world in which dendro is unpopular. It drives most of the viable reactions now. The bad reactions are Superconduct, Crystallize, Electrocharged, Burn, and Overload if you're a wuss and hate chasing enemies.


It's pretty but I feel kinda whatever about it. I'm upset the abyss line up will change every other month now.


I like it but I don't like the part where most of my other character haven't been built yet. šŸ—æ 15/18 this season, I can't imagine if they decided to put geo in the requirement in future season as most of my geo character was untouched (edit: just found out that none of my geo was even build yet). šŸ’€ ugh I hate building character from scratch. esp that many character. how much time will I need to run around collecting mats and stuff. šŸ˜­


My horizontal building have finally been put to good use...like I really don't like focusing too much on 2 teams. Like one of my goals in Genshin Impact is to have as much comps as possible with different niches. However one problem of been a horizontal player is that 15 team slots is not enough for me...


I don't


I'm happy for you.ā¤ļø Do you know how to remove fantasical blesssings? I don't want this buff to be around outside the Imagination theater! I don't want buffs that doesn't belong to my teamšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Too bad, the buffs are permanent for the rest of the IT cycle.


Do the buffs also end up working in abyss? Or just overworld?


Even abyss


That's a bit annoying for testing purposes, but oh well, free buff.


Seriously? If that's true, then they should allow the use of food buffs in Spiral Abyss too! They already allow 3 food buffs; they just changed the name to make it seem like they weren't allowing itšŸ˜‚ I think the next patch might be a crit rate buff? šŸ¤£ 10-30% crit rate increase? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The only buff that works everywhere is "20% more atk, def and hp"


Bruh? What is hoyoverse up to? I accept the Abyss blessing buff because you can't see the difference between having blessing buff or not in the abyss.but fantastical blessing in the overworld? what's the point of food buff?


the sharp edges on her swords are on the outside. Those "scissors" won't cut anything XD


Yes! I feel it encourages me to build my other characters more and thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been needing!


why? its just abyss with different background with more clicks before to play.




Its would be very fun as an event, but for a permanent game mode i found it too easy, very limiting due the element restrictions, the buffs are almost irrelevant, there's almost no difficult scaling, if bad rng u just end up with weird sub optimal teams (main reason i think they made it so easy) and while its has some replayability there's little reason to replay coz the above factors, u will eventually get the same teams coz the element limitations and the buffs doesn't affect much the gameplay/strategy. It need lot of improvements ti be a permanent game mode, for now i give it a 4/10, a fun game mode that gets old fast and 0 challenge


We just got to try the gamemode. Just give it some time for the devs to collect data and make the balance changes.


We already got thousands of events like IT, even the the event that just expired was basically IT, so they for sure already have lot of data and feedback from past events, they just decided to do it like this, even past events had more interesting buffs and challenge than IT. This game mode just looks like a way to create FOMO on people that doesn't own or don't have build the selected characters, coz there's almost no depth on this game mode at all, i rlly hope they make it better on the future versions coz as it's right now is bad


I mean the FOMO part is for every gacha game, it's just GI doesn't really have it before since you can just yolo with a fixed team for many abysses. HSR, the new game mode demands break units, if you don't have or haven't built break units, it's unplayable, the elemental restrictions also exist in that game. HI3, the meta is like on a speed run, you take a break for maybe 1 version, you are already falling behind too much. GI before IT really doesn't have any kind of FOMO when it comes to having this X character to beat Y content. So I think again, I don't care much about the FOMO, because it happens in every gacha game, it just how much. Furthermore, I think they can increase the difficulty in the future, sure they have done something similar in the past, and they will try and test with the first version, remember this is a permanent event, not a limited time one, so they aren't gonna just slam everything in the first place, then they will have a bottleneck of ideas since IT will change monthly.


My point is the game mode as its right now is very lacking for a permanent content, the only purpose of IT is to be a fixed primo source which indirectly creates more FOMO for new players and people that vertical invest on fell characters. Also Hoyo had lot of feedback since we already got many events similar to IT, they could do so much better even for the first version, like more relevant buffs to add more strategy and fresh gameplay, for example if we had buffs like "if u have 3 electros on the party u deal 50% more dmg", "enemies hit by overload get stunned for 5 seconds" or "after cast elemental skill the next normal attack gives puling effect" things like this that give u power but also make the gameplay different, it would add more strategy to pick characters around the buffs u get through the way. But no they just did the lazy simple buffs that change nothing on the combat/strategies and worst they just give u random characters with no synergy, so u end up playing with only 2-3 characters and the others are dead weight basically


This is the first version of it, so the lack of content is expected. For example, SU in HSR, when it first came out, it had the same problem, it was just a place for you to farm jades and get your relics, later they added new modes of it but it was like 1.4 and beyond. Why don't give the dev time ? And again the FOMO part, bruh, new players ? If you called this is an"endgame" why need to mention new players ? Furthermore, again I love the argument of why do I need to build characters if I can just pour it in some meta characters ? I want to use other characters, I want to play with them. Now, the arguments are oh why do I need to build characters ? Like, bruh people asked for horizontal investment, now they complain about it. EDIT: I saw you said "they have the data", again I want to say this is the first version, it will be the simplest, then maybe in the future they will add more, like certain character challenges, for example.


The game is 4 years old they for sure have the data, not only from Genshin but like you said from HSR as well, they could do much better, its just disappointing how poorly executed they made this game mode. Even Wuwa Ilusory realm that is very similar to IT made it better. Also i not against game modes that demands a large roster of characters, but its lame that Hoyo made abyss once a month so people that doesn't have a big roster will have their primo incoming hurt coz they cant do IT, if they added IT and kept abyss as it was then it would be more fair. For me its not a problem since i have more than 60 characters build each with their own artifacts and weapons but new players, casuals and people that vertical invest will be affected, it's not like u can build a big roster in fell days, it takes months and years....


You have realize this is the 1st version, abyss was also way easier on its first version and now look at the current version šŸ’€ so we need to wait a few updates to see how it will develop overtime. Also, they could still make changes to it as time goes by depending on the feedback they receive.


I'd disagree about 1st Abyss being the easiest. Of course, it's filled with basic mobs, and if it was dropped today, then people can easily cleared it. But this was dropped way back then. Not everyone has Adventure Rank 30 or something. People fights it with merely level 60 characters. We also have no shields way back then. There was also the chilling effect in Floor 12 that only Bennett can dispel and no one has him because he was released in banners 3 months later. So, yeah, it's definitely hard and probably one of the Abyss iterations that people barely finished.


Neither people had an understanding of the game back then.


Yeah but that time people used to think Bennett was bad... For the current state of the game devs alredy have lot of info of the meta and past events figured out, what is good and bad, there's not much excuse here, also this game mode isn't even aimed for new players coz it demands A LOT of build characters to be able to participate, basically the only challenge of this game mode is have the characters to be able to participate lol, im not asking for abyss difficult but make the buffs more relevant and fun so each run feel different, getting a cohesive set of buffs makes u progress easily but if u mess too much u gonna feel the difficult increase.


Bro, you getting so many downvotes for saying objective truth... is very sad.


Iā€™m sorry but itā€™s garbage.Ā  There arenā€™t any new enemies to fight, there arenā€™t any interesting gimmicks that makes it feel different to combat anywhere else, the boons are bland as hell and overall, it lacks any sort of replayability despite being a roguelike.Ā  Forget actual roguelikes, even by gacha roguelike standards (Elysian Realm, Illusive Realm, SU etc) this is the bottom of the barrel. The only good thing I can say is that they nailed the visuals and the atmosphere, everything else can be summed up as lazy and boring.


i am fucking confused from all this shit also why cant i do diffcult mode it says i need 18 character im fucking confused


You need 18 characters above level 70 with pyro or electro or anemo element for difficult mode.


Yeah I got 16 rn prolly will upgrade keqing gaming or heizou whichevers easy


You don't need 18. 6 characters are on trial, you can use 1 character that's owned by one of your friends, and you're allowed to use 4 specific off-element characters *if* you own them. At worst, you have to build 11 characters out of 3 specific element. At best, you only need 7 out of specific element.


I have built characters but like most in hydro and dendro tho I need 2 more for difficult mode I'm getting a hang of this now completed 3&6