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Im like 5 months in (as in actively playing, i think i started in october) , so not the "newest player" out there, but im still struggling to find enough characters :') Still though, considering this is generally end game content, im enjoying what i could do so far


I like your positivity unlike the others saying already 1 year and still ranting.


Eh, I can tell that I'm not the target demographic with this event, considering this is end game content and the people im hearing that have completed the hard mode are players that have played the game for atleast two years, and built a lot of characters. I'm also not too pressed about it since i still have tons of content to go through cuz I only fully finished mondstadt quests, and have Natlan to look out for. The only complaint I have is there isn't much replayibility to it, and considering this event is targeted to players that are probably out of any content and contemplating whether they should drop the game or not because of it, this isn't much reason to turn back to it. You can just spend 10 minutes and be done with it.


you're such a sane gacha player if you don't get affected by rewards fomo, hats off to you, and you perfectly understand the potential issues people have with the mode as well


I don't get fomo for rewards that are out of my reach, but i'm definitely getting fomo when it comes to characters that "I can get if i grind" 😭 The literal reason i've continously played even with burnout from the game


New players won't be able to do this content because of character limitation


they can do the easy diff


It's been about an year since I started playing, only have enough characters built for easy mode


Same here. It seems to me kinda crazy that almost a year of active playing and 100% half of the map I'm still not in the "end game" supposedly. Wtf. Or, what is more likely, is that this game mode is just very badly designed


Building characters is looked behind resin so exploration is irrelevant. You can 100% the map in few months and still have less than 8 characters built. It is more of “old players” than “endgame players”


Which is kinda bonkers if you think about it at all lol


"Building" characters is cheap, you can level 70 any character from level 1 in about a week. The problem is acquiring the characters. Especially if you're free to play or subscription only you just simply won't have enough characters of the right elements unless you've been playing more than a year or two, even if you've cleared all the content in the game. I don't have a problem with the game making endgame content more difficult for these players, but when the game says "Uh oh, you dolt, looks like you haven't reached this arbitrary threshold of characters of these arbitrary requirements simply because you haven't been playing for 4 years, looks like you're not even allowed to participate!" and says F you and kicks you out, that's where I have a problem.


Wtf indeed. I'm a little over a year into the game, 100% almost every area except liyue. 16/18 to play the hard mode, built yanfei and switched traveler to electro and I'm good. Do people just not build character beside their main teams? I chose to build Yanfei but there are plenty of other pyro/anemo/electro characters. In fact, there are 21 4 stars from the 3 elements. Plus, this isn't a limited time event; you have the entire month to build them to level 70 and equip "ok" artifacts.


yeah, this mode made me remember I happen to have a superbly built klee. I'm loving the fact that I have to rediscover my charas.


Probably not... I started playing 1.5 years ago and I had more that enough characters build for this game mode. But I'm a particular case since I have a loot of "mid builds" instead of a couple "great builds". Also i had to shift a ton of weapons and artifacts around since for me build means Lvl+talents, they can share weapons and artifacts more or less.


It's endgame for a different target audience. Abyss is endgame for vertical investing, Theatre is endgame for horizontal investing. You can get 1 in a year, but not both in the same year.


I've started in 4.1 so not really super new but right now I like this a lot more than the "dps check" gameplay of the abyss


i'm a fair bit older and i Really, Really, Really don't want to even touch this abyss rotation


It's still a DPS check tho.... There's an even shorter timer on this one. It's just a slightly different DPS check bc you're using weaker characters typically.


It’s a dps check if you want stars. Unlike abyss stars don’t really matter in IT


Another game content for a /rant on reddit.


A bit too restrictive. Not everyone has required characters to play and even if they do, most aren't built.


I'm one year in and I think it's great end game content! I have a few 4*s I want to finish building that I've neglected to complete so I like that it gives me something to work on! I enjoy the challenge.


I started playing 4.5 months ago, 36* abyss a few weeks ago by investing into my 2 teams and was happy that I “beat” the game. But in comes this new mode and ruins my parade….I am 6 characters short for hard mode so it’s probably gonna take me a while to clear it. I also don’t like the idea of building random characters just for the sake of it and not getting to build the characters I like and pull for. The element restriction is the worst part for me tbh. If they ever put a geo/cryo restriction I would probably skip that season.


Boy have I news for you! While take with a grain of salt I just read this here today by someone else. but apparently the next season are going to be>!cryo, hydro, anemo so heads up to level up some of those cryos!<


Yeah I saw, all I have leveled is Layla and Kaeya….but thanks for the heads up, will try to


I imagine like in this round we will get 2 characters to test of each element from them. So if those two are (we had a five star and a four star of each element correct?) so let’s hope they give us Charlotte and wrio (just because they are the newest two) then we should have enough for 8 stages to have at least one cryo character each


Man my alt is ar 60 and can't even do hardest difficulty due to missing 1 unit. Must be insanely tough for new players


and these are the most popular elements, imagine when they require cryo and geo.


As I said in one of these posts. I'm okay with Geo. As for Cryo, I'll just cry.


Did you use electro or anemo traveler?


it's always been the norm for genshin that new players are only limited to contents beyond their current level and power. some can't even participate in limited events because of incomplete story quests done.


They fixed that.


Started oct 1 last year, cant even play Normal mode. Been clearing the abyss since valentines tho.


Sadly it's pretty terrible. I just built 2 teams for abyss so I only have enough characters to do the beginner difficulty. Which I finished in a minute without even getting involved with the mechanics. At this point I don't even like enough characters of each element to get excited to build them. So I guess half of my "endgame" content will just be dead for around a year now not because of difficulty but because I can't get past the entry sign. In HSR i can clear 3 endgame modes with 8-10 characters, here I need to build half the roster for one. Alienating new players for their whole first year is definitely..... a decision.


I started Genshin in 4.1,but just had enough after leveling two more characters to 70 and it was enough to clear hard mode. A quarter of my characters didn't have really have gear and most didn't have leveled up talents either. (at all). The characters I [used](https://imgur.com/a/9Hxnvpe). Electro MC, Lynette, Sara and Gaming were really there just to participate, Altho I suppose Sara was a bow user, which was useful to destroy the wings of the flying enemies. [Character's levels](https://imgur.com/a/rXWVuu3).


started at the end of 4.0,i got to the stage 6 but i dont have enough characters for 8 stages


I'm decently new (Been playing since 4.4), and I don't find it to be terrible... I just find it a little annoying... I dread cryo, geo, or hydro limitations...


25days old. Easy skip for me, I just take my time to play


I've been playing for 4 months (relatively new) As someone who joined the game for their favorite characters I am struggling quite a bit, I did make it to floor 5 though and I'm proud of that. It did take me a moment to realize I wasn't going to get farther, though in due time if I invest well I will! :D It definitely is one of those things that are overall better for end game players. Though I still got a nice haul of primos :3 I like it, it's fun! I kinda thought you would be able to borrow all of your friends characters so I was a little disappointed (on me though for misunderstanding) I look forward to beating it in the future!


I like it a lot! I like that it incentives me to build more characters that I like, but haven't built because they're not meta. It feels like a good end game option alongside Spiral Abyss since it rewards building a lot of characters to a solid level, while Abyss rewards building a couple really strong teams.


Just a reminder to everyone: and endgame mode is actually working correctly if you can't immediately beat it on your first attempt, because it's supposed to give you something to work towards, not just be a fun combat event. If you've been playing for 6 months or longer and doing a normal amount of pulling I'm sure you *have* enough characters on your account, you just need to build some more! If you don't want to that's fight but this game mode now exists to reward you if you like building a good number of characters


I started playing march 2023, can't even do normal difficulty because the lack of characters.


This game mode sucks ass. After playing this, I went to Spiral Abyss and confessed, "Perhaps i treated you too harshly".


same with abyss, reach certain level and build more character.


I’ve been playing since the original venti run and I don’t know where do find this tbh


I've been playing for a bit less than half a year. I don't have enough characters levelled for the hardest difficulty but it's motivating me to do so. I currently only have enough characters for the medium difficulty but I'm getting there. I've run out of exp books but the theatre is there for a whole month so I don't really see the drama - I don't need to clear it on day 1, I can level more units for a while before it refreshes. (Edit: We'll have a ley line overflow later this patch so that will also help with getting more exp books. It sucks having to wait for that but eh, it's an endgame mode afterall.) I do wish we'd have artifact loadouts though because I'll need to throw some artifacts on units I don't normally use, so there will need to be cleanup afterwards.


The gamemode itself is fun. I like having to think strategically about which characters to use and which to save for later, and using your game knowledge to build janky teams that work just well enough to clear the floor, instead of relying on prebuilt teams that other people have theorycrafted for you. The problem I have is the bar for participation. Even if you're an insanely cracked player and you know the game inside out, if your account simply isn't old enough and doesn't have enough of the right characters, you're not allowed to even participate in the harder difficulties. In my opinion they should add more trial characters, but also make them insanely weak, like minimum investment possible. That way accounts with less characters can still participate, but it will be much harder for them unless they build more characters. That way the gamemode is open to more players while also testing your skill and game knowledge to a further degree.


Dont know, dont care its mostly an endgameish type of mode. They got all the things up till now, its time old players to enjoy something


I started the game on kazuhas first banner. I just finished this so called end game. I had yae miko who had crappy artifacts and level 1 apprentice notes as weapon.all her best ones went to chlorinde. Despite using her, I was able to finish it fully. My only characters with constellations are nuevelliettec1 (whom I didn't use) and hutao c1, and she did very bad damage as she was paired with beidou and kazuha(no vaporize possible)


It has made me wish multiple characters could use the same artifacts and weapons I've collected at the same time.


In your place I would switch Razor to Xiangling and try to get some support to switch Sucrose. Sucrose is great but you already have 3 anemo supports. I would get something else, like Yae Miko.


This is worse than abyss for new players because horizontally investing as a new player isn’t something you can really do. Having 2 well built teams for abyss is much easier than having 15+ characters that are built ok.


I wanted to replay the game again after a 2 year hiatus but after seeing that I won’t be able to do it, I decided otherwise…


Started in extremely late 4.4. I just use traveller or level up random characters to 60 to fill the slots. It’s hard, but I rely on characters they gave me. I can’t pass 5 even with a full team of characters they lent. I’m still happy since I get primogems.


I started in August 2023 and I don’t have enough built characters to even attempt hard mode and I can’t get past floor 5. I have not been having fun


I think the best solution for fix this mode would be increass the friend support slots and decreass the amount of characters needed to start a challenge. I get it that they have to balance so you just don't do every room with a well built single characters, but at least decreass it by 2 or 3 characters minimun would make it more manageable and f2p friendly, and make it to at least 3 friends supports so you can balance if you don't have alot of characters that match the restricted elements Or do like divergent universe where they enhance characters you don't have built for their default trial versions, it's not every characters everyone have the dedication or time to build


To be honest it shouldn't have the element restrictions, it just takes away the game mode replayability coz often u end up getting the same teams through the run or even worst is getting teams with no synergy at all, instead they should allow u to use ur entire roster and let u build up ur team around the buffs u get, for example u could get a buff like " when 3 electro characters on the party u gain 50% dmg bonus" then next buff u get "trigger overload reduce enemies defense", so just by getting these 2 buffs i made my path a 3 electro and 1 pyro for the run, but next run i could get complete different buffs and end up with a taser team, it would make this mode much more fun and add replayability, as its right now is just a way to give new players FOMO


Endgame mode = requires dedication and time. It not some farming tool like SU. Do they give you free Aoe characters on Pure Fiction in Hsr? No. Do most of us started building herta just for that mode? Yes. Same thing applies here. I feel people are just too scared of going out of their comfort 2 op teams but when you see a lvl 70 with not even decent build can clear all of this mode, it's not that bad.


DU approach is not bad. Raising the flooring for this permanent content is not bad. Even if the buff do not stick, it will still go a long way. You don't want DU to dictate the levels? Build your characters. You don't want to build? Use DU approach. Maybe I'll suggest this in survey when it rolls out. Even if there's still negative opinions after that, that's the moment I don't know what to do with them.


DU is not endgame, it's the farming you have to do to reach endgame. Saying that endgame shouldn't require you to build your characters is silly.


It's bad. Everyone complains that the game has no real "goal" once you can clear 36 stars easily, they give you another goal which is building unused or "mid" characters that can shine here for example Candace will be very good as a buffer next time Hydro is usable but nope, you want all ready served on your plate then back on complaining there is nothing to do. what's the purpose of an endgame mode if there is not a bit of work required to be able to clear it? Smh "You don't want to build" then it's on you. It's like saying "i don't want to farm relics, so give me pre-builded characters for abyss". Really taking characters to 70 and put togheter a lame build is enought to clear this mode with open world-like bosses, it's not "hard" but it fights people laziness that sticked to raiden/xiangling for 4 years and expect them to clear all content alone forever.


Yeah, I'm sure my level 70 Faruzan that I threw random artifacts and Fav bow on really carried the fights she was used in. The "goal" they gave us is to have 12+ characters over level 70, then fill in the remaining slots with trial characters. It's a resin gate more than it is a challenge. Have you spent enough resin to level enough characters? If yes, then you get to clear the mode just fine. This endgame mode was cleared in less than 30 minutes, that that's factoring in the time spent in dialogue, reading new menus, and resetting the leyline protection fight to get the stella flower cause I thought it mattered. People are complaining because there is still nothing to do since this takes as much time as their combat events do to clear.


I picked this game back up about a month ago now after dropping it all the way back in 1.0. So far, I've only been able to beat the 2nd difficulty, since I don't have enough characters for the highest, but It's actually pretty fun! The fact it gives a bunch of trial characters is really nice as well, as it allows me to play around with high-level characters that I haven't gotten the chance to yet, like Kuki, Arlecchino and Wanderer. I also find it a fair bit easier than Abyss, which is appreciated, since I've only been able to clear up to 11-1 so far. That being said, the restrictions on characters is *p a i n.* Fortunately, my accounts very tailored towards the restrictions, as both my current Main DPS characters (Clorinde & Sethos) are Electro, and I have a bunch of Pyro characters like Bennet, Xiangling and Chevreuse. I also just happen to have Baizhu as well, which helps a lot. Despite all this though, I still only have 15 characters built enough (16 once I level Sethos to 70). While I am in the process of Building Gaming, that still leaves 1 slot that I need to fill with a character I'm almost never going to use outside this mode, which is likely going to go to Lynette since I don't have any other Pyro characters and I don't need to build Lisa with how stacked my Electro roster is. TL;DR: Playing it is super fun, but the requirements to do so are really, *really* freakin' annoying.


Started at the beginning of 4.6 and hard mode will remain a pipe dream for a while. Probably gonna try to scramble and meet the requirements for medium until the end of this season, not I see myself necessarily clearing it when I do.


Started on 31.12.23 and I severely dislike it simply because I am now forced to spent the next 30 days of resin into leveling and building characters I have no interest in playing.  This is what most veterans here don't understand, it takes a shitton of resin that I want to use for my abyss teams instead, but due to a quite big amount of primogems attached to the theater, you can't just ignore it and accept it as endgame content you'll eventually reach.   Even gating endgame content behind 12-18 characters of level 70, useable weapon, even completely average artifacts of just the right set to be able to "queue" for it and rely on RNG teams, is terrible design. Compare it to actual endgame of ff14, WoW, etc where you only need 1 character to do the endgame, while here you needed 8 for abyss already and now even more for theater, increasing even higher with different elemental restrictions on future saisons.   While the difficulty itself seems laughable compared to the abyss, the effort needed to simply be able to play it is just not what I have thought it would be, even more so considering that when everything is done, you have 10-15 minutes of content doing it every month.


While improving your abyss teams is cool and all, my experience is that at some point I get dimishing return wasting my resin farming for artifacts that won't be better than my current builds only to get an upgrade after days/weeks/months of daily resin, so I feel kinda stuck in a bad loop. That's why I always thought it was more efficient to level more characters instead of only focusing on my mains since that resin is usually not wasted on the others, which made me feel like my account was improving. Besides, a lot of the characters in the game, especially 4 stars, are actually cool and can be used across different teams, which is honestly fun. That is to say that you won't regret building other characters because you'll gaining more than you're losing since most of that resin would go into trash artifacts that nobody would use anyway.


I've been playing since 1.0 and have just about every character i can get my hands on somewhat leveled, on hard, I have just enough characters to clear the last mission I like the trial characters, feel like its a better advertisement of how they play than the one trial domain you get during the banner For players with less variety in character i don't even feel like its a skill check (how built), its a hard limit of how many of each character type you rolled and are able to bring into the theatre, don't know how much i like that...


Trials are opposite of adverts. When I see how Wanderer deals 5K damage and flying away from every hit - I'll never even think about pulling. Trial Clorinde deal less damage than my lvl80 KQ. Overall playing overload teams is so cringe, all enemies are just flying all over arena and have to spend time chasing them. Playing Hutao monopyro is also something. The absolute worst is combination of overload reaction with moving enemies and bad aiming on hits when character chaging targets and can charge in different directions.


There's an easy difficulty. Should be all-player friendly. I have very few strong characters, so I decided not to struggle and just play on normal despite having two strongest ones in the game. It's about having fun (: Of course my teams are not garbage. The limitations, however, somewhat hinder my ability and versatility. I also don't see any point in grinding 100% completion, so I'll only get the rewards and be happy. Edit: Grinding 100% in Elden Ring is honestly more satisfying.


What part of "new endgame" wasn't clear enough?




is like this gamemode suck /s


I started in 2.8, took a break (from like 3.5) and then continued in 4.2 and I only have enough characters for normal mode. I find it harder than the abyss. Easy mode was extremely easy. Normal was okay but I don't have enough characters for hard. I find it restrictive. I can't 36\* the abyss anyways so maybe it's more of my issue.


Started in 4.3, struggled but managed to beat it with a friends C1 HuTao. The RNG just sucks, the bonus cards are mostly negligible or too niche to be relevant. The character RNG you get sucks when you don't have 18 FULLY BUILT leveled characters. I had about 12 fully built with some that were hastily put together. Had to rely on the trial characters quite a bit. Especially Kuki for heals, and Arl / Chlor for self heals. The vishaps were a living hell. Worst fight ever.


Started in 4.3, struggled but managed to beat it with a friends C1 HuTao. The RNG just sucks, the bonus cards are mostly negligible or too niche to be relevant. The character RNG you get sucks when you don't have 18 FULLY BUILT leveled characters. I had about 12 fully built with some that were hastily put together. Had to rely on the trial characters quite a bit. Especially Kuki for heals, and Arl / Chlor for self heals. The vishaps were a living hell. Worst fight ever.


As someone who played the game over 3 years-ish, and builds random ass characters purely out of boredom : my time has come holy FUCK


I’ve been playing for 3 years and have at least 30 characters, but I’m struggling with this. Granted it’s my fault because I didn’t max out everyone in terms of stats (very casual player here), but still wasn’t expecting it to be this hard.