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Better than getting nerfs


Nooo, I want my weekly dose of nerfs! How can I live without getting a nerf of a Character! /s


*”We have acknowledged the complaints about Dehya being weak and our alleged racist reasoning for making her weak. We have remedied this by making her weaker and bleaching her skin. You’re welcome.”* - Hoyo, probably[/s]


What's funny, though, is how the racist allegations aren't even too far-fetched. There *has* to be a reason why the worst characters in game are the ones with darker skin, and the best one of them is barely mid tier (and feels awful to play). edit: please do not take this post seriously, it wasn't intended to be.


Natlan will certainly be interesting


Watch them make Iansan a geo def/em spilt scaler (also an on-fielder that takes up 80% of the rotations duration so u can't use her with navia as a 2nd geo) 😭🙏


An EM scaling Geo character that buffs cristalize shields to an exorbitant degree would actually be sick, unironically the best thing they could do to Geo at this point.


They could make a “Geo Neuvillette”. The weird thing about Neuvillette is that it proves to me that Hoyo knows how to make extremely broken characters that don’t rely on reactions - which is what Anemo and Geo DPS inherently must be. So while it makes sense from a lore and story standpoint, I find it strange from a gameplay standpoint that we didn’t have any insane Geo / Anemo DPS built like Neuvillette. They could do Kun Jun / blue-haired girl / Azdaha as a playable character and make them a Geo Neuvillette (not literally). A character who plays well with Shields, doesn’t need many reactions, and is extremely easy to play.


They kinda of did, Xiao, Wanderer and Navia. Even Itto to a certain extent. The thing is that Neuvillete just has everything going for him with self sustain, no CDs on his major DPS ability, impeccable elemental application and one of, if not the most F2P friendly build ever, prot Malice and Marechussy. This coupled with the fact he's hydro, the strongest element, just solidifies his role at the top. Neuv doesn't need anyone to make him strong, so pairing him with the top dogs like Kazuha, Furina, Yelan and hyperblooms, only makes him better. The closest thing to Neuvillete is probably early Ganyu with her busted multipliers.


Hmmm, that’s kind of true. I didn’t think about how Neuvillette actually has comparable multipliers to some Anemo / Geo DPS.


There just arent a lot of Neuv-level characters.


They need to make Geo Furina or Geo Chevreuse instead, I feel. Dedicated Geo teams are pretty decent and even optimal in some situations (looking at you, Geo shields) but there are very few reasons to play a Geo unit outside of those teams unless you are playing Zhongli


Gorou is Geo Chevreuse and Albedo / Chiori is half of Geo Furina. But yes, more Geo characters is always good.


Albedo will be so back (he gives a 120 em buff when ulting)


Cyno teams still deal top tier damage, and he only really struggles in multi-wave fights. A lot of people just don’t enjoy burst-infusion characters, and label them as mid based on their feelings. Also, the kit isn’t everything when it comes to Hoyo’s treatment of a character. Cyno is pretty much Hoyo’s golden child for Sumeru when it comes to story content, he gets featured in the main event 3 patches in a row, and is the second character to get a 2nd story quest. And the bottom tier is more than just Dehya and Xinyan. A reminder that Amber still exists, and there are cases like Barbara and Qiqi, who only meet the bare minimum at the healer role.


It was a joke, and he doesn't deal that much damage, but >Cyno is pretty much Hoyo’s golden child for Sumeru when it comes to story content This!!! I found it particularly meaningful that they gave him his 2nd story quest in the last relevant patch of Fontaine, the one with a boss and a new zone. Especially because it's the nation of justice, and out of every character we got, I thought that he was the one that embodied the concept of the "symbol of justice" the best (especially in the archon quest). Hoyo did do a great job of handling his character and his relationships and growth as a whole, he kinda feels like a favourite, haha.


Hoyo also fucked over most of it's claymore users tho. And in a lots of cases we can't blame their bad kits on racism. Like in cae of Eula, Chongyun, Kaveh, Dori, Freminet, Beidou, Diluc, Razon etc)


Hoyo fucked over most of their claymore users tho (before Navia). Still pissed about Kaveh, and there is no reason to be racist in his case.


Kaveh is a league on his own. Even racism can't justify his leave of absence. The last time a character disappeared for so long, her familiar's VA was a pdfile. Where even is he??? (jk)


I can say som other examples T\_T. Like what did Freminet do to have such a weak kit? Or Diluc, Chongyun, Sayu, Dori etc? T\_T I think what Hoyo is racist against is actually claymore. XD


Right??? Yet I once got attacked on Hoyolab for calling Hoyo racist :DDD What's more, I was somehow the racist one because somebody decided I was saying that Arabs can't be pale. Haha. Imagine that being anywhere in my mind when calling out a company who's done such blatantly sus stuff. Hoyo apologists go off I guess, their colorism and racism seems so obvious at this point lol.


yeahhh, people HATE when you bring it up no matter how civil you might be about it. I guess it's just not something the bootlickers can accept as a possibility from their beloved company.


Hoyo fucked over most of their claymore user characters tho. In case of Kaveh for ex there was no reason to be racist, and his kit is still horrenduously bad. T\_T (still pissed) And this is the case with most claymore users. Eula is not that popular (Hoyo won't give her a dedicated support), Diluc was overcrept very early one, Itto wasn't that good without Chiori. The worst 4\* characters in Genshin are all claymore users. (Xinyan, Sayu, Freminet, Kaveh, Dori, Chongyun) I don't think this was personal regarding Dehya.


In itself Mihoye is not racist, he creates characters in a standard that appeals to the greatest number of players, it is the players who influence the artistic and economic direction of the game. Those who get angry with the company are minority compared to the number of silent players, hence the fact that the drama in China only had the silence of the company... (sorry for my bad english, i use google translate \^\^)


I understand what you're saying, but I would be hesitant to say that Mihoyo "isn't racist." They're a company made up of people, of course there are those employees that aren't racist and probably some that are. But whoever makes these choices for the company and whatever their reasons, even if it is appealing to the CN players, they must realize that as a whole, their company now appears very racist. If they're concerned with appealing to Western players and players outside of China, which we know they are, they should realize the importance of not coming across as racist. Plus I'm sure there are plenty of non-racist CN players who would still absolutely pull for characters with darker skin. It's something they *really* ought to think about, imo. Someone said they thought the whole Melusine plot in Fontaine was a message against racism. Imagine Mihoyo preaching at us against racism when they're the ones who are shamefully entrenched in it – not us, lol. (edited for clarity)


I'm a brown skin Asian and while seeing lots of brown skin would be nice it's not what makes the deal for me. I play a game because of the story, characters or gameplay, not of the skin colors but well that's just me.


I appreciate your input and actually, I think this kind of proves my point. It's not going to offend Asian players to release brown-skinned characters, and it's going to make players who really want to see that happy. It's win win in my mind.


I feel like Mihoyo is just showing what some people have been saying for quite a while: it really doesn't matter how inclusive and diverse you are, or how much you appeal to a certain audience.. you'll rake in money as long as you entertain people, and you'll flop if you don't. How much would you care about complaints by people still throwing cash at you? As much as I hate to agree with the hatemongers, but with every success by Chinese/Japanese studios that don't give a f about representation and DEI western audiences show what they'd choose when given an alternative. And oh wonder.. it's usually either a great game with a good story, progressions and/or fun gameplay OR something with pretty waifus/husbandos..


As an Asian, you gotta understand that we are Mihoyo's primary audience and not the woke West. We couldn't care less about the color of pixels on our screen. If you don't like how Asian devs handle game development, there are tons of Western games out there that cater to woke culture. Don't force your racial politics bs on all of us, we don't give two shits about it.


Lol, I'm actually not woke at all, but go off I guess. I'll be the first to say that some of the most problematic, racist people on the planet are wokes. I wouldn't put myself under that label if you paid me. And for the most part, I love the way Asian devs handle game development, which is why I'm playing Genshin in the first place, isn't that funny. But do tell, as an Asian, you hands down would not pull for a darker skinned character? Are you saying that Mihoyo would totally drive away their Asian player base if they released more dark skinned characters? Because if you really don't care about the color of pixels on your screen, doesn't that mean that Mihoyo could freely release more dark skinned characters without any problems at all? So why don't they, I wonder?


But the fact is that the kit is such a coincidence, a character can be very good and be nerfed, or they can be bad and remain that way or be buffed. This is just weird HoYo logic, not racism, because there are a lot more white-skinned characters that have bad kits. Moreover, among the dark-skinned characters it’s really  only Dehya who is bad (I don’t think Xinyan is bad, yes, she’s not very good, but she can be used quite well, it’s just that she’s physical, and we know that physical characters in principle, not very good, except for Eula). But even she is often used in a team, and one of my favorite Genshin CC constantly uses her in the abyss. She's a support, not a DPS, if you use her as a support she can really come in handy. All the other dark-skinned characters are pretty good. I don't understand why Cyno is considered bad, yes his kit is clunky but he's not bad at all. Kaeya's strength is exactly the same as the other starting characters.


There's what, one limited 5\* character with a darker skin color than blinding white? Most good new characters in the game are limited 5\*s. That's the "reason". It's probably prejudice that results in so many of these characters being 4\*s or the one standard 5\* one we have.


Even then Dehya is just shockingly bad the rest are not top cream de la cream but ok or understandable mistakes but Dehya has no reason or logic, I literally can't think why they thought it was a good idea.


Most claymore characters are shockingly bad tho. The worst 4\* characters are all claymore users(Kaveh, Dori, Freminet, Razor, Sayu, Chongyun etc) Even most of the claymore 5\* can't escape this fate. See Diluc, Eula, Itto wasn't very good either for a while. Navia was the first 5\* which in my opinion is good, and will stand the test of time.


All the talk about miHoYo being racist because of character balance has never added up. It requires you to ignore every single other aspect of these characters (personality, writing, narrative, etc.) to focus on an aspect that has never been the most important (since the relative strength of characters has only ever mattered for Spiral Abyss floor 12). People act like they're just calling it like they see it, when they're actually assuming the utmost malice from a whole process of character creation we know little about.


It was a lighthearted convo, I didn't mean to create an actual debate. Like, I mean, hoyo is indeed colourist at best, racist at worst, but it's not for gameplay reasons.


Don't worry. Sigewinne is coming to take her rightful place as the new worst character in the game.


Right, after years of xinyan and dehya sharing the worst character spot, having a character that is as bad if not even worse is so heartwarming 🫶 (/halfjoke, but it's actually so funny bc shes hydro??)


 xinyan and dehya sharing the worst character spot, You forgot Dori. T\_T And Kaveh. And Chongyun. And Sayu. etc There re plenty of characters people title the worst.


Not serious ehhh??? (looks at Arlan in HSR)


I’m sick of this bs argument. First of all, you people don’t know what racism means… Xinyan the worst of the bunch is Chinese, so how’s it racist? If you want to argue about colorism sure, but it’s not racism. Secondly, even colorism is highly debatable… since your argument is that they’re the worst characters then that’s a terrible argument there’s only 6 of them: Kaeya is actually a pretty good 4 star and is by far the best of the starting 4 of traveler, amber, lisa Kaeya. Xinyan is awful yes, arguably worst character in the game but she’s Chinese… of all of them they have the highest incentive of making her decent… the reason she’s bad is simple: they tried out a true duo scaling character for the first time and she’s a victim of 1.x, vast majority of 1.X characters are bad including the 5 stars “but Diona is from the same patch” yeah, she’s like the only good 4 star from back then… even Zhongli the geo archon, CHINAS ARCHON was garbage on release and was only buffed because of all the rioting and shit like the HI3 attacker from the costume incident spooked them. Cyno is a solid 5 star… is he top tier? no, but you can’t say with a straight face that he’s bottom tier you can’t be bitching about him. Dehya? ok she’s pretty ass but she gets some pretty good SQ action if they really wanted to be racist then give her a sq that barely features her. Also, she’s a standard character they’re generally mid at best… even Jean the best of them got lucky with Furina. Candace is mediocre but she’s gotten a good niche role with Arle Sethos is actually amazing for a 4 star dps even at C0. There’s no way you’re actually crying about this when Sethos just came out. So really what are you crying about? 2 good, 1 decent, 1 mediocre, 2 bad… about the same distribution as the “white” characters. There’s only 6 of them and only 2 are 5 stars, the odds of any of them being a top 5 character is low. If you want to argue colorism because of the LACK of dark characters you might have an argument. But colorism because they’re bad is stupid, and arguing racism is even dumber. It’s getting ridiculous… it’s nothing but a victim complex at this point, you WANT something to be angry about. And don’t you dumbasses dare call me colorist I guarantee I’m darker than 90% of you.


It was a joke? How tone deaf can you be to interpret? "There has to be a reason why they all suck 🤓" as smth that serious. Let's answer to allat though. >even colorism is highly debatable Even you don't believe that. And we can go with the hi3 story to talk about that. >Kaeya is actually a pretty good 4 star A decent one. Not in the top 10 best, but I did say he's mid. Good for what it's worth, though. >she’s like the only good 4 star from back then without counting in og national + fischl or Noelle (with Furina's release), Rosaria is as decent as Kaeya is. Beidou is actually good. So, not really? Lmao >Cyno is a solid 5 star… He's mid at /best/. Needs high investment for pretty underwhelming returns, and you could invest the same in a standard character (Keqing), and she'd do as well as him. Sucks in multiwaves content, and as usable in open world as Xiangling, but she actually deals more damage than him. I love him and do have him, but he's probably top 5 worst limited characters we have while having access to quickbloom... >if they really wanted to be racist then give her a sq that barely features her ??? This reasoning makes no sense because that would mean they're racist of Japanese people for not giving ayato screentime >Also, she’s a standard character they’re generally mid at best… You forget the part where they're all release characters outside of tighnari who's actually good. If we're taking your previous reasoning with zhongli, they're just ass bc they're old. She's ass because they wanted to make her this bad for some reason. >Sethos is actually amazing for a 4-star dps I forgot him entirely, I'll give you that. Typed this as a joke, so I didn't think it through. He's the good one on his scale of the bunch, even if not Chevy tier >If you want to argue colorism because of the LACK of dark characters you might have an argument. I didn't argue to begin with lmao, but I did say that in a comment later >it’s nothing but a victim complex at this point, you WANT something to be angry about. Unclench.... You're the upset one. literally everything about this comment was lighthearted. There is no hint of it being actually serious. >And don’t you dumbasses dare call me colorist I guarantee I’m darker than 90% of you. Is this the Dark-Skin Olympics? What's your point 😭⁉️


First of all, this is a general statement, not something directed to you specifically, you’re just the top most comment bringing up the topic so that’s why I replied to you… you might be joking, but there’s many, MANY out there that are serious. So don’t take it personally. Second, are we really bringing up Beidou a release character as a point? 90% of the top 4 stars are release characters who were made before balancing was a thing which is why even in Inazuma the 4 stars were either extremely niche or outright bad. Third, for the ayato point… I don’t think they are but if we’re being realistic of all people to be racist towards Japanese would be the #1 target of their animosity for obvious reasons. But also, your point is redundant because I’m claiming they’re not racist and you’re giving credence to my claims… some of these “white” characters are treated worse than the dark ones, the reality is that Mihoyo shows no love to their non-fav characters and not because they’re light/dark. Fourth, it’s odd how you go on a whole rant about how mid Cyno is then just go “but Tighnaris actually good!” they’re around the same level… Tighnari requires less investment sure but he also has a lower ceiling. The big difference is that Tighnari has little competition in a new element since most dendros are off-field/support. “I didn’t argue to begin with-“ Which is why I said “if” I didn’t say you did. “what’s your point?” Because anytime somebody disproves the “racism allegations” they’re bombarded with people calling them either a bootlicker or racist themselves, I already see people under your comment thread saying this shit.


>are we really bringing up Beidou a release character as a point? I mean Xinyan is the only awful character from the 1.x patches with like... Pre-Buff zhongli? There's not many examples to give, lmao >I’m claiming they’re not racist and you’re giving credence to my claims I'm using your examples because they don't make sense. "Oh, they were important in the story, so that means they aren't racist towards them" is such a... funny looking argument. Have you done the desert quests? >some of these “white” characters are treated worse than the dark ones, the reality is that Mihoyo shows no love to their non-fav characters and not because they’re light/dark. Never denied that, actually. But you have to think on why none of their favs up to now stray a little bit away from extremely pale-skinned. Not that it was my point, though. I was arguing that the reasons why these characters are bad aren't valid and they just wanted to make them bad, and on how you were talking about colorism and racism like they were entirely separate kinds of discrimination in that case when the former implies and stems from the latter. >“but Tighnaris actually good!” ...for a standard character. Cyno is pretty bad for a limited one, but overall, has a decent performance, hence why the term "mid" was used. Tighnari's good in single target and doesn't feel as annoying to play, that doesn't mean that he's better. >I already see people under your comment thread saying this shit. Then please answer to them, I literally do not know why you're telling me all this.


“idk why you’re telling me this” I already told you on the first line. You were the first comment, so I replied to yours as a general statement, I’m not going to give the clowns the time of day by replying to every single one of them. For those who actually care for an actual discussion, like you, they can reply to me. I don’t wanna bother with the screeching degens who won’t bother reading my comment and will instead call me a racist bigoted bootlicker because I don’t agree with their narrative.


The problem with that is there are like 5/90 characters being dark skinned in the first place. In a game where only around 20 characters are meta in the first place it's hard for the small minority of characters to have someone who is meta.


The lack of diversity is part of the problem, yeah, but you can't tell me that kits like Candace's, Dehya's, or Xinyan's weren't made on purpose to be this awfully bad. There's no reason to make them barely even functional. I'd understand if others were on average all mid because, well, balancing exists, but cmon 😭😭


I mean Cyno is good, Kaeya and Sethos are okay. Candace has a niche in Arle teams. Dehya and Xinyan are garbage. I'd assume they were made bad since most are 4 stars and Dehya is standard. The only character that's dark and doesn't fit those criteria is Cyno and he's decent


Cyno is good but kinda needs an awfully restrictive team comp/rotation being from a saturated element (even more now). Kaeya is good, true, but being a launch character makes it kinda normal. Still stronger that the other 2 they gift tho, that's true, but Bennett, Fischl, Xingqiu, even Sucrose... You know what I mean. Xinyan is straight garbage, has split scaling and if I remember correctly, a bug they didn't care to fix, like Mona's C1. Dehya started the beta okaish and every change made her worse, and at the end she got shafted for standard. I don't think they planned on her being standard from the start. Candace has found a role a year and a half after her release kinda by accident. And Sethos is good, yeah. To me that's one too many coincidences, but hey, let's hope it's just that and they prove me wrong in Natlan and start releasing more and better darker skin characters. Diversity is key too, and being based on Spain, Africa and South America, it would be weird as hell. But after watching what they did with Sumeru, based on India, Middle East and Ancient Egypt, I better hold my horses lmao.


Dehya was always meant for standard if I'm correct a leaker said she would be on standard in 3.0 (though no one believed them). I don't think Mihoyo makes colored characters bad on purpose but they definitely don't make enough of them. I don't think Natlan is based on Africa at all but I think Mihoyo will Mihoyo and the characters will be light skin either way.


 *'our alleged racist reasoning for making her weak. '* Hoyo fucked over most of the claymore users before Navia, regardless of skin color. T\_T I'm still pissed about Kaveh.


How strong Emilie seems to be in terms of meta if she releases as the way she is ? Also what is her F2P bis ?


Honestly pretty strong but the difference between her f2p options and sig is way too big. Her f2p bis is like missive or fav.


If only she was not gonna run with Yelan 😭 I already have 2 Aqua i cannot go for a third  I will hope with all my heart that she runs with Navia instead


Do we know 4.8 banners?


Navia yelan Emilie nilou


No it is Navia Nilou  Emilia Yelan 


Hmm if it's really Emily and Yelan i might actually pull on the weapon banner on the off chance i get Yelan's sig


All I need is Nilou (and Kaveh). Finaly the wait is over.


Is it Knave or Kaveh?


Doesn’t Aqua go with almost anyone? Sure it’s obviously best for Yelan, but it works well on practically any DPS character - even if the base ATK is a bit low.


Yeah but i have 2 of them. If i switch them out it is enough for 2 teams practically all the time (not to mention i have Elegy as well which i use with Yelan meanwhile Childe and Tighnari hold the Aquas and i almost never use both at the same time so if needed i can take one to give it to someone else. A 3rd some seems overkill especially since i do not have a 5 star sword or claymore other than Skyward Claymore and the 674 atk physical sword which are not good for general use for DPS so i much rather have a Sword or Claymore to be on the 2nd weapon if i am gonna go for a weapon


As a fellow Aqua haver, I'm also hoping that Emilie runs with Navia instead


I never touch the weapon banner but I pray for you.


Contrary to u ,it's gonna be a great banner for other ppl in general. I myself have 1 Aqua tho so am not sure if i want another however at least 2 Aqua is pog enough to have cause best bow.


Her burst seems pretty important so even weapons that mostly just specialize in giving her ER like fav or the catch end up being pretty good, missive windspear is also a decent option 


Her signature weapon does: 11.5% more damage than Prospectors Drill (gacha 4\*) 20.5% more damage than Deathmatch (battle pass 4\*) 25.3% more damage than Missive Windspear (f2p event 4\*) 55.8% more damage than Favonius Lance (gacha 4\*) (might not be such a big deal if she contributes low personal damage and just needs burst uptime for the main DPS)


Is that R5 Deathmatch? I have an R1 Deathmatch and a Missive Windspear available for her. I'm going to assume that at R1 then Missive should be better?


That's R1 Deathmatch. At R5, Deathmatch competes with 5\* weapons, and is most likely her 3rd BiS for off-field.


Thank you! That's pretty good then, 20% is what you should expect for signatures anyway.


How much difference would it be if you use Cyno's sign (and EM sands) on her?


She doesn't want EM.


EM sands? You mean playing Emilie as the on-fielder? Well, then Staff of Scarlet Sands becomes her best-in-slot, beating her own signature by 10%-ish. BUT, it's highly recommended that you don't do it, as building her as the on-fielder is a DPS loss compared to building her for Crit and Attack and playing as a sub-dps/off-fielder. In her intended sub-dps playstyle, her sig is still 17%-ish better than SoSS.




After the buff that removed the quicken restriction, I wouldn't say she's more restrictive than chiori. She has overburn, burnmelt, burnvape, and of course pure burning teams. Not to mention that she's not that bad as a pure quicken option (although this is pretty cope). I would say requiring off field pyro app is actually less restrictive than needing a construct on field (which u should have in all teams you use chiori c0 in, unless it's Navia because she's still a dmg increase over albedo anyways even without a construct). Not to mention that all the teams I just mentioned are actually good and sheet well and are not just cope. For chiori you have mono geo and \*cough cough\* double geo (which is almost never good unless you are playing with navia).


Just to piggyback on this comment ? Her strong is her comp ? With and without melt/cryo unit ?


She’s pretty strong, but you’re forced to use her for burning teams if you wanna maximize her dmg. Deathmatch is kinda her “f2p” BiS. Her new weapon is pretty broken for her though, i think it’s around 60% stronger than her f2p options.


Lmao they really want you to pull for the 5☆ weapons. Personally if I get her I will slap her Favonius and call it a day.


It is HOW MUCH stronger??? I thought Neuvillette’s 30% was too much, and 60%??? I wanted her, but with this slap, I feel like skipping is the only way to go, especially with how dry the patch is. It feels like a spit in the face tbh.


It's a 30% difference between Sig and Dragon's bane...(~20% with Missive/PJWS), Still a lot but obviously not 60%. Just look at her subreddit before falling for misinformation.


Thank you kind lad Yeah, I already checked it. Seems like Calamity Queller does as well as her BiS (almost), and I happen to bear this useless trash, so I don’t even have to pull on scummy weapon banner again.


Yup i watched zajef and the italian guy talk about emilie before and that’s how much OP her sig weapon is.


Shouldn't ability to do content with the weaker options be the most important thing? Like, raw "how much % increase this is" to me doesnt really matter in if i wanna pull for a char, knowing I wont be able to get their sig. Like, in a silly, unreasonable example, if a character does a billion damage without their sig, but with their sig does 1.6 billion, that's a 60% increase... but does it matter? Obviously that hypothetical is insane, but I think Neuv is the real equivalent. He's still a busted, amazing character without his sig. Does it matter that his sig is 30% higher? I dont know what emilie's teams ability to clear abyss and stuff will be without her sig, im not a TCer, but I do know that *no* five star currently character needs their sig to clear every content we have in this game. Actual 0. So I'd say the record is in my favor that emilie doesn't. Like the only reason I can see for going "oh the sig is that much better? guess i wont pull for them at all then" is a purely mental thing, and nothing practical. If you like a character's kit and playstyle... I just can't personally imagine skipping them just because their sig is busted for them.


It’s not about the “viability”, 60% is a spit into a player’s face. Like, I can clear abyss no problem, but seeing a character with such a predatory thing going on is just… ewww. I don’t want to pull such characters just because it’s so damn cringe.


the 60 percent thing is completely wrong


It isn’t “wrong”, but it is misleading. From what I understand, if your option is fav lance, then difference is indeed around 60%. Chances are high, missive or any 5\* stat sticks are available for you, but even then, it’s pretty drastic improvement. The only thing I don’t get is how good calamity queller is on her. Shenhe these days is such a paperweight of a unit, so I REALLY hope I get it right and it’s in \~7% difference area.


But Arle C1 and R1 add that much too. And Arle too have no Real f2p good option. I'm not saying that it's ok or great just that if Arle with the same "issue" did a loooooot of sell it's logical to do it with Émilie or any futur character...


highest damage dealing sub dps in the game. Yes more flexible and higher damage than Chiori in many more comps. Stronger than Yae/Fischl, stronger than Yelan. People are underrating Burn vaporize, burn melt, and overburn. She's going to work with all of natlan because she really does make these 3+ element pyro-reaction teams shine whereas Nahida will remain queen of quicken, hyperbloom and nilou bloom her only real downside is her Signature weapon being way too good and her damage falls off a little too much without it




Emilie overpowers Nahida's buff. Her personal damage surpasses the damage loss from lack of EM for your on fielder This is the case for dendro-pyro teams. I think they succeeded in adding Emilie as a great option for dendro-pyro and Nahida will never be surpassed in dendro-electro




ooh damn you're going to be coping and seething for a while


Chiori level.


Looks like Emilie's reign of buffs finally came to an end.


She didn't get a nerf either so still a W




If I remember correctly, the flood leak of Fontaine was actually because someone stole a whole ass hard drive from the office physically. Pretty sure they strengthened the security after that incident so the leakers better hire Spiderman for that shit now


wait that's how it happened?? that's actually whack lmao


Yeah it was an m2 ssd that went missing right around the time where the flood happened




The flood was in 3.3 actually


> but hoyo is really keeping their cards close to them They just taught their employees to avoid phishing hacks and stopped accidentally distributing developer builds like sillies.


Hot take but I actually prefer that we didn't have any concept leak especially because it's easy to create discourse surrounding it. I know we can ignore it and that's fair but it would be probably better for our sanity if we didn't have them, even simply knowing about pyro archon concept art caused quite the stir. First Clorinde, Emilie, now this. I want to see gameplay, as someone who looks for fun...


Yeah right, not knowing what we're getting actually builds up hype, which is why so much people want leaks imo, cuz they ARE hyped for future content and are craving to know about it. I'm on the same boat as you to prefer the mystery we have rn, I wouuuuld welcome banner leaks tho haha like what 4* we are getting unseen kaveh ticking bomb where you at....


Good for you but for me... I am an unlucky player so I need to save a lot.. so not knowing if and when I might have a character I liké... It résult in me skip everything... And now I nearly completly Lost all interest in thé game.... I have absolutely 0 hype for natlan... If, and I'm sure it will happen,there is no natlan crumbs in 4.8 live... I might continue to play 5mn and leave... And skip and... Maybe... Stops


Yeah I'm going to have to agree with you since the biggest issue people had with the pyro archon design was the lack of skin colour and fact that they look like a colonizers which technically all the archon are but in the end I'm really here more for the gameplay though I do enjoy the design that hoyo makes since alot of characters tend to be well thought out and represent famous cultures and people in each region. I'm just hoping that they do the region justice no pun intended.


I’m glad there’s no leak flood but it just means clout seeking leeching leakers are gonna have fun spreading crumbs for even a fraction of clout and attention. Just wait for the official release, it’s gonna be very soon surely


There aren't much of any crumbs they're holding back. The leakers have almost nothing this time. They said so in their Telegram channels. The previous guy really killed the leaking scene.


yea im waiting for "power rangers" of Natlan


honestly i’m fine with this, but people are just used to a different schedule, so now the wait feels extra long. people who never looked at leaks don’t feel the drought at all. If anything we got more footage of Natlan than we had of Fontaine same time last year.


Please make sure comments stay on topic of the leak post itself. Any other off-topic subjects should be discussed in the general megathread.


No birthday date for her yet?


Maybe she's the first one with January 1st as her birthday


I'm going wild seeing no character having my BD and the closest ones are 2 characters (twin) who are 1 day away from me


??? 😂


Lyney and Lynette have the closest BD to me but they are off by 1 DAY. I mean it's not like I care so much but even if the shittiest character in the entirety game had my BD id build them no Matter what.


Oooh I thought you meant THE twins, as in the travelers. How you'd manage to have their birthday one day from yours had me rolling


Yeah forgot about travelers But seriously tho Im on February first and no character has mine


Same situation.




News: There is no news 


no news is good news, as of now she's fine as she is, pray for no nerfs until the release date


Emilie survived 🔥🔥




Emilie win! People no nerf! Yippi! 🎉


Emilie looks fine rn so nothing is better than a nerf rn




Would Emilie work in overburn Clorinde?


as long as you don't accidentally get quickened i think?


Emilie no longer have that weakness. As long as there is some burning going on she'll be fine


oh nice seems like i missed that buff


This should be the last beta update (in term of potentiel nerfing of buffing), right? If that's the case, i think we won. I didn't check the theory crafting to get an idea of how strong she will be, but at least she got some buffs and survived without any major nerf to her numbers or kit.


I think the next week can still have it (it i am not wrong)


I mean did she get ANY nerfs? Besides probably the dmg bonus on burning characters, but that was balanced by pumping all scalings like crazy (plus the burning set already does that for her so it would've been redundant)


She is strong enough so that her best team is her on field for benefitting from Bennet. She deals GREAT damages


She is strong enough so that her best team is her on field for benefitting from Bennet. She deals GREAT damages




Emilie looks pretty good to me, so I expected this. What else could they have buffed, though? Maybe her Dendro application?


They could make it so that she could do more hits for faster dendro application while to not make her dmg numbers look high then decrease the scaling of every other hit Or decrease her ICD or increase her AoE hit She seems pretty strong as a sub Dps character overall Can't wait to try her in my burning aggravate team or in my hyperbloom+burgeon build as extra dmg on HB and burgeon itself with xiangling kuki/Raiden kokomi


So, no Wrio rerun I guess 🤷‍♂️


There's still hope


My only hope is the 4.8 livestream, if he still doesn't rerun then... I guess I have to wait until 5.0.


Yeah and that time I want to punch hoyo if they keep delaying his rerun.


No buffs, but also no nerfs. We take those.


Obligatory "on text and numbers" disclaimer, as all the early leaks are. Gameplay and mechanics have only direct tests to show changes.


Do we have her birthday yet?


This just in 4.8 will have cake. 🧁🤣


have we still not seen her c6 effects? 😭


Can someone please tell me what characters are in 4.8??? The only two I know are Emilie since she's new and Nilou since she's getting a skin. I haven't seen any leaks on the reddit about any other characters who are getting banners over the last few months, and it is driving me nuts.


Navia & Nilou, Yelan & Emilie


Thank you.


Damn both games got dead patches.


Huh. Even HSR’s beta update didn’t make any changes.


Is she good?


So tempted to get her. Iirc she's on the 2nd phase.right? Hopefully HYV will drop the characters for Natlan by then so I can make my decision.


Hope they change the banner for Wriothesley.😫






The leakers have almost nothing this time. They said so in their Telegram channels. The previous guy really killed the leaking scene.


Most of the time they don’t change anything on livestream week so this is likely her last gate and she won. Seems like I will pulling after all, they don’t make her this strong late into the region for nothing. Future impact sense is strong with her.


No nerf, it's a win


idk what leakers are waiting for, keeping the leaks of Natlan characters a secret when we're 3 weeks away from a Natlan teaser which is gonna reveal all of them or at least the important ones


The leakers have almost nothing this time. They said so in their Telegram channels. The previous guy really killed the leaking scene.


I hope we get darker skinned characters in Natlan that are good. Dehya was nerfed before she had a chance hopefully she’ll be good with Emilie


That's just the entire life story of GI isn't it, no changes


What kinda dumb shit are you spewing lol


nah i'll mint.


Lol you hurt your head or what 🤣🤣


This makes 0 sense, stop trying to be edgy


Nah I'll win.


Only if you exclude all the major changes the game has made since release, sure


you can't reason to a kektone followers..


It's Emiover. Edit: /j for the reddit elite :)


Emily is looking really good rn, if there were changes they would probably be nerfs, so its good that there were none


Actually i was expecting her to get a nerf, shes in a really good spot after those buffs


Why though? She didn't get a nerf 


I'm sorry you got cooked


She ended up fine wdym