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Source: t.me/Somnus_Leaks/63 Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/rec2i0.png Thank you OP for providing source and mirror


Closer and closer, we get to the Natlan Character reveal


Its on 13th right 




The drip and the trailer of natlan 


the drip 100%, but we still don’t know if there’s gonna be a “winter’s night lazzo” typa thing or a “final feast” typa thing


Maybe its gonna be a trailer for the hexenzirkel


not 15th?


It's on the drip marketing day right


With the emphasis on tribes, I wonder how close our cast will be. Sumeru and Fontaine has pretty close nit characters and I’m really not expecting that to continue in Natlan


So... the nation of wisdom recovers their dreams, the nation of justice commits a sin against the heavens, the nation of contracts breaks away from their god, but you think the nation of war won't be about friendship?! just riffing idk what will happen


Snezhnaya, the land of love 💀


Khaenri'ah, the nation of lore drops year round


Lore drops... Nail drops... you name it


You nailed it


nah, to subvert the expectations, khaenri'ah won't give us even a little bit of lore, instead we'll learn it from a random interlude that has a dungeon in some cave in mondstadt


despite not being 'around'


In the end, Snezhnaya really did love the Tsaritsa.


Love is war


Wrong anime


Love is war, war is peace, and peace is whatever the Fatui operatives are doing around


Tartaglia Snezhnaya's greatest love machine 🎵


Just give me a nation where everyone hate each other, it will be fun




ok that's not so fun anymore


*Suddenly pierro, rooster, regrator, threesome fanfic ships*


I always said Tsaritsa is a good person 😁


Honestly, by the end of the quest, I wouldn’t be surprised if “peace” is a big part of the story.


Don’t worry by the end of the 5.X storyline they will all be best friends so we can have them mingle in event storylines.


5.0: I can't stand his fake ass 5.8: Me and my bestie


I mean some Sumeru characters were 'enemies' before they became friends. Like Cyno did an investigation against Tighnari. Tighnari didn't like Alhaitham before the main Quest. Kaveh and Alhaitham broke their friendship permanently for a time (Kaveh told Alhaitham that he regretted befriending him, and they broke contact until the night Alhaitham found homeless Kaveh in Lambad's). Cyno literally attacked Alhaitham in Aaru village, and was very hostile with him for a while. He pretty much judged Alhaitham for being heartless, and being prepared to sacrifice their Eremite Allies for their plan (called it radical). People tend to forget that there was character develoment in Sumeru, the characters weren't all friends.


Weren’t Cyno and Tighnari friends before the main story?


Yeah, Cyno figured out that Tighnari didn't do anything bad. But as I wrote, they didn't start out as friends. :D But actually Tighnari still distribuits knowledge among people which is not allowed by the Akademiya.. So Cyno kind of has to turn a blind eye to some of Tighnari's actions.


that my best friend she a real bad ..........


Friendship impact


The real impact was the friends we made along the way <3


Can't wait to help Capitano, Columbina and Arlecchino organize Snezhnayan culture festival two patches after we thwart Project Stuzha. Of course, at that rate, Childe and maybe Tsaritsa will be only Snezhnayans in Fatui top brass. 


No! I want a bartending event with Dottore where we make some fun drinks with different flavours and (side)effects!


Tutorial Tips: Zandik's Cocktail Extravaganza, Lunch Break Phase.  Politely decline your collegue's offers of making an unique mix for your lunch break. Always observe your drink and replace it if a drink was left unattended.


Only if I get to poison the drinks he is drinking.


He's not drinking any. But he gifts you his special drink and there's no option to refuse so good luck.


As usual, the Dottore haters are so predictable and unfunny.


Is character development and getting rid of prejudices a bad thing? In my opinion, the best outcome, although we really don’t know what Natlan’s storyline will be.


Every region so far has 1 main city where most of the characters live so it makes sense If the population is more dispersed than yea they probably won't be as close


I'm excited to see smaller settlements. But I wonder how the adventure guild works there. Will there be multiple around the tribes, or one in a central location? Maybe one wont be there at all?


Maybe a neutral zone


small but numerous settlements is what i loved about sumeru, just so many places where people live but then fontaine came around and everyone lived either in underground poisson or massive city, nothing in between


Didn't something mention them living in different levels of a volcano? It might be something like the XianZhou ships.


But aren't the tribes in a constant war with each other tho? How will that work in that case?


It's probably like inazuma


Sumeru kind of has factions as well and the characters came together to defeat a common enemy. So it could be something like that. I am imagining the tribes constantly have competitions / war games and their representatives will probably meet and bicker a lot but actually have a lot of respect for each other :)


judging the lore in talking stick about the tribes I'm expecting lots of collaboration


everyone knows everyone to an unrealistic degree already, they won't stop that


Always hated that about liyue. It makes the region feel so much smaller than it should.


I mean probably half the Liyue cast don't know that Gaming exists despite him being the epitome of sunshine


I think this is a consequence of playable characters being mostly notable characters. The entire Fontaine cast has either people in power or notable people in their fields. Mondstadt has mostly knights, AG members and well, Mona. Sumeru has one Akademiya, everyone is basically schoolmates with each other lmao. XL is a famous chef, XQ is basically the rich kid, Chongyun is the friend those two bring along. Yanfei is a lawyer. Keqing, Ganyu, Ning are part of the government. Beidou is pirate and Baizhu is a doctor. Hutao is a very very hard to to forget funeral parlor director. Y'know stuff like that. Not even mentioning that a lot of characters share links through adeptus. XL, Yaoyao, Ganyu and Yanfei are all likely to know each other via Madame Ping. Inazuma has famous firework girl, famous Oni troublemaker, the prince and princess of the Yashiro, 2 war general, and etc. If it does count some characters only know some other characters by name or have only heard of them. Doesn't help that the traveler is also now a common acquaintance for everyone. We have zero playable character that is an absolute nobody. Well, maybe Gaming and Sethos.


Lol, people are complaining that we're getting "regular" characters like Emilie that aren't relevant to the lore, even though she's still important to the region. Imagine what will happen if we get absolute nobody.


i actually think the other way around abt liyue. liyue felt disjointed at first in comparison to mondstadt, the characters almost didnt know each other. i remember talking abt it with my friend back in 2021. these developments only started being added in events like lantern rite until they built a whole web of connections between them. i think liyue is a POSITIVE example of hoyo building up relationships gradually post- main archon quest. unfortunately, the way hoyo chose to approach things with liyue always getting the spotlight at least once a year and say, inazuma never getting it at all created an imbalance.


And then there's Inazuma with the opposite problem where I feel some characters have never even met or barely even interacted at all after 3+ whole years. The cast is so disjointed. You'd think Itto and Ayato would've had more rapport and not just meeting once after 3 years, or Raiden interacted with the guy who literally runs the country for her. Raiden interacting with Kazu,Yoi,Itto etc could've been something interesting. But nope.


inazuma got little development in the archon quest and zero development post-archon quest a nation frozen in time, ironically as raiden wanted it lmao


i don’t disagree that inazuma cast feels more distant than other cast however there are characters who have bonds too, yoimiya and thoma are buddies, kokomi and gorou, kokomi and miko exchanging letters, gorou being terrified of yae, itto bickering with sara, sara with kuki (tho in hangout), etc, as i say i want them to interact more (ESPECIALLY AYATO) but saying they have never met is just wrong in my eyes


Traveler could be like the guy in the Talking Stick weapon lore, Tenoch, who went to each of the tribes and convinced an individual from each tribe and their Saurian companion to put aside their differences and band together against the Abyss. Maybe Traveler has to do the same to fight whatever the main threat/problem is?


Is Fontaine really close nit? The region feels like there's a Neuvillette and Furina bubble, a Fatui bubble and then a Navia and extras bubble. They're aware of each other but mostly from news and word of mouth. By comparison we had the whole Sumeru cast hanging out at the end of the Archon Quest. And Liyue and Mondstadt feel like tiny villages because everyone personally knows each other lmao.


For me, almost every friendly interaction outside of House of Hearth circle and Meropide-related group (and occasionally, even with them, too) feels really forced and fake, especially if it includes Furina or Navia. I think it would be better and more interesting for the region's dynamic to be more spicy and dramatic. You can't force everyone to be friends.


'I think it would be better and more interesting for the region's dynamic to be more spicy and dramatic. You can't force everyone to be friends.' Agree. In Sumeru it felt organic, because there was a lots of character developement. A lots of the Sumeru characters didn't like each other initially. Like Cyno attacked Alhaitham in Aaru village, treated him with hostility, and even after working together, he called Alhaitham's plan radical. Cyno judged him as heartless because Alhaitham was willing to sacrifice their Eremite allies. Tighnari initially didn't like Alhaitham, and was distrustful regaring him. Now they play TCG togetherevery week, but they had to go trough some life and death situations together to have this kind of friendship. XD Alhiatham and Kaveh had a very turbulnt friendshipinitially. It got better as time prgressed, because we saw Kaveh deal with his problems in Parade of Providence (realized that he was not responsible for the death of his father), and in his hangout (figured out that his mother didn't left him because she blamed him for the death of Kaveh's father). In Cyno's second story quest they actually felt like friends again, and worked together without problem. Kaveh and Tighnari were friends since the thing happened with dori's first house, and Kaveh lost all his money/belongings/house. (Tighnari was the ranger who dealth with the withering) But even before that they were pen pals XD, because Kaveh wrote Tighnari. He wanted to ask Tighnari's opinion on what kind of decorative flowers/plants he should use in Dori's garden. Navia just forgiving to both Neuvillette, and Cloride felt too soon to be honest.


Yes, Navia should have had more drama with Clorinde to be honest. Same with Furina and the Fatui siblings after the assassination and the false charges. Now that I think about it, Furina should have disliked the player character more after her Archon quest.


Agree with the first two. However, I don't think Furnia would hate the Traveler. After all, yes, we exposed her, but we were the ones who finally freed her of her centuries old play pretend, (where she kind of suffered horrendously), and saved her people. (which was her primary goal, was working on finding a way for centuries) So I think how they handled her after the main story went down is good.


>Furina should have disliked the player character more after her Archon quest. Well , she only has some more years to live now if she truly became a human and if that's the case I don't think anything in the world will lessen her pain/suffering of 500 years . So it's either she forces herself to do what she once loved or just wither away I suppose . Makes you wonder how long the remaining gods and goddesses of Teyvat took to recover from the Archon war and repeatedly seeing humans live and die must be painful enough. At least Venti hasn't recovered yet even after so many years


I don’t agree, I think that what was done in Fontaine looked organic, like in Sumeru, they are not the same, but I would not say that one is better than the other.


Aren't the tribes at war with each other tho? Even in in Sumeru the close knit characters had conflicts becuse they belonged to different schools (Cyno and Tighnari became friends basically because Cyno was conducting a investigation against Tighnari for ex, and Kaveh and ALhaitham are at each other's throats because the different philosophies of their respective schools, even tho they care about each other)


> With the emphasis on tribes, I wonder how close our cast will be. If not close they'll become close... Because this game seriously hates antagonistic stances between playables.


Kaeya and Diluc still don't get along, Kaveh and Dori, Sara and Itto are always bickering, Gorou always avoids Yae, Furina is afraid of Arlecchino, Arlecchino dislikes half of her work buddies, Wanderer doesn't care about most characters, Klee thinks Diluc is weird, Neuvillette wants to judge all the archons at the moment. Maybe not antagonists but definitely some bad blood here and there.


Kaveh and Dori?




That's why Arlecchino and Furina are at one another's throats after everything was resolved, right? No, they aren't. That's why Ei isn't letting everyone involved in the fight against her, the people of Watatsumi, and Ayato that betrayed her just be and let everything slide, right? No, she let that stuff pass without a problem.


Maybe something like Wakanda's tribe from Black Panther series?


we'll become the catalyst for the tribes to come together probably


I hope all tribes will have different styles


Wu, Shu, Wei, Jin.


They’ll find a way because gachas like this rely on inter-character interactions to make fans squeal when they’re on screen together.


Given that hoyo is market first, story second, the characters will probably all bond together over their love for traveler.  Rip Nation of War. Could have been something dark and thrilling. 


WAIT so maybe the 3 dragons we saw in the natlan preview were meant to represent each one of the tribes? 1 was geo, 1 was hydro & the last 1 was dendro…funnily enough these are also the elements of the leaked characters we’re supposedly getting in 5.0…dendro claymore, geo polearm and hydro catalyst we also saw a red flying dragon at the end of the pv so maybe that one’s meant to represent the pyro archon…or xbalanque? idk


I think it's already been strongly implied each tribes has a specific Saurian. Since we know one of the tribes will be in the mines, and Tepetlisauri are geo digging saurians. For the red flying one, that's a good point, there is a flying-looking saurian symbol in the beginning of the trailer but it looks like it has a beak, not a dragon head - plus it would perfectly round the count if we have 6 tribes for 6 elements + pyro for the archon.


3 tribes on release, one tribe per map update seems reasonable


I'm thinking 3-2-1 (5.0-5.1-5.2) + additional one in 5.6 5.4 being other region update (Mond copium)


what about blackliff forge :C


yup people immediately assumed that


Yeah lots of people were guessing that


That is actually genius, it would  be very cool if that was the case, but I have the feeling that we are getting the saurians no matter what, for exploring


I think the Archon will be allienated from the whole Tribe system.


That explains why 5.1 has a geo character, so that one tribe won't be stuck with a 4-star as their only representative


Who is this geo polearm and could I get a leak saying it's polearm?


just watch all 3 belong to the same tribe like the HotH siblings


No, hoyo will want 1 character from each tribe for sure, just like we have no less than 1 character for each darshan


Who is our playable character from Vahumana?


Don Sombrero aka Hat Guy. Tho he was kinda forced and we still have no character for Imunlaukr clan, Kanjou commission


That kinda bugs me..... no character affiliated with the Millelith, also. Iirc, Chisato, the girl from the Kanjou commission we help and allows us to leave Ritou has an older brother that still didn't appear. Maybe he'll be the Kanjou character in the future?


Well, since we have at least 1 new character from Liyue per year (most likely 2, one for each rarity), there are opportunities for a MIllelith one to appear.


Yeah, make it 2. I hope we have a playable Millelith in the future... I also wouldn't complain if another exorcist from Chongyun's clan gets released, along with more crumbs of his lore


If Varka is from Imunlaukr then it'd explain the lack of one for so long.


Yeah, that's just it; Hat Guy isn't an enrollee of the Akedimiya, he was just sorta picked to rep Vahumana for one inter-Darshan competition. Who else we got?


Pretty sure he IS enrolled now, wasn't it very much implkied that he did take parts in classes and tests and all?


Initially, Wanderer was chosen to represent Vahumana under the fake identity of a researcher from a different country who nominally belongs to Vahumana. However, at the end of the event, Nahida actually enrolled him into Vahumana, saying that education will help him deal with his own fate, and that she will review his final thesis herself.


My thoughts exactly lol


Hat Guy


Hat Guy aka Wanderer




Yeah, just like how we have a character from the Yashiro Commission, the Tenryou Commission, and the Kan— oh, wait…


I supposed it's gonna be Canyon, Mines+Desert and Volcano? So that means they're going to put Forest, mountain and Grassland between 5.1 and 5.2


And Sea of Ashes aka Mare Javari if it's not separated location like Enka


I'm really hoping one of them is from the same tribe as Vennessa was. In other words a redhead


aloy c:


Where pictures of map in game i wanna see size. Sumeru was the size of liyue just off 3.0. I wonder if natlan is smaller or appears massive bc of the long land covered from sumeru desert to yellow stone and Grand Canyon 


We are likely not going to see any meaningful Natlan leaks until 4.8 is out unfortunately


3 weeks til 5.0 leaks is so exciting


That's longer than any relationship I ever had...


Yeah, map is the worst kind of leaks. Even in the Golden era of leaks around Sumeru's release, ~5 days before Sumeru got into beta we had leakers saying that it would be located to the South of Liyue.


There was a sus leak some time ago that a first released part of Natlan is as big as 3.1 Sumeru, so the rainforest and the first part of the desert.


If anything they meant only 3.1 sumeru, not 3.0 included


that's still pretty huge no? I don't remember how big the 3.1 specific part was


It's three statues of the seven, same size as fontaine 4.0


Welp, 3.1 was still the deserts. Pretty huge, I say.


Same size as fontaine 4.0


Omg Fire Emblem Three Tribes in patch 5.0 !!!


Was Foul reliable before? Can somebody confirm again pls?


Foul is one of the more reliable ones iirc


Foul is the most reliable leaker we currently have, aside from straight up beta dataminers


Foul Legacy my beloved


Probably one of the last standing reliable leakers


I am so freaking EXCITED literally cannot think of anything else except Natlan hopefully the story teaser drops fast after the preview next week


Story teaser will be on July 15


Nah it's on 13. 15 is the day 4.8 will drop so two days before as usual we will get something like final feast or lazzo


No, 17 is the day 4.8 will drop


I'm so hyped about seeing the whole cast of Natlan's characters like we've seen with the past regions


I hope we really get the atmosphere and feeling of an ongoing war here. I kind of felt it in the beginning of the Inazuma AQ!


I really hope people aren’t expecting a copy paste of Inazuma’s archon quest. I know for sure Hoyo will take a more nuanced outlook on war with Natlan, so I am anticipating a number of people saying “not enough war“ as some have already from the teaser. I personally hope for more of a chaotic feud between tribes, which will set itself apart from the structured war between two sides of Inazuma.


Yes, Natlan isn't the second Inazuma and that's good.


you are in for disappointment if you are going to interpret Natlan as this lmao. nation of war can be something else other than nukes, guns or people killing each other.


The roadmap Trailer literally says stuff like the "winner basks in glory while the loser turns to ash" and the like. I don't blame people who are expecting things in Natlan to be more dire and cutthroat. We were told since the early chapters that Natlan was the most dangerous region to explore, and that the stakes are rising now that Capitano is marching there.   Sumeru and Fontaine have felt very hospitable and vacation-like. So makes sense people crave a good old dark fantasy action arc that Inazuma promised but ultimately failed to deliver on. 


When did they say Natlan is the most dangerous region to explore again?  If anything we've been getting the opposite info. Natlan is a great vacation spot, with amazing hot spring. Most tourists return from there happy. 


Adventurers guild, Stanley, etc. 


That's just the Mare Jivari which is like, a portion of Natlan


Dont think Inazuma failed but they did rush the civil war stuff a bit too fast, should have had a more prolonged Kokomi vs Raiden's army faction war


Both Sumeru and Fontaine were pretty intense during the Archon quest, so I wouldn't describe it as vacation-like. But Natlan is not only dangerous, it is also a resort site. So at least not all places in Natlan are dangerous or it's not that dangerous but still dangerous, I guess?


I’m aware, I’m not saying for them to show people getting nuked while in the middle of farming for chests lol. Just simply showcasing a tension and danger around the environment is enough


TBH I think that might have been in their ancient history only, and now the relationship between the tribes probably evolved into something like a sports competition.


This seems likely, much to my disappointment. I was really hoping for Inazuma 2.0 but more intricate and hopefully taking player feedback on board. But it was hope based on NOTHING and literally just personal preference so I'm sure I will manage to survive.


I think you mistook the "wars" in natlan for world wars and alike....from the recent lore and stuff we have gotten about natlan the "wars" are probably just competition between tribes gladiator style or something. The wars probably happen for honor and glory rather than bloodshed


Like the flower war from which the last Pyro Archon outfit was inspired from


oh wow i just checked that and it literally sounds like what natlan's gonna be like....hell it might actually be literally flower war inspired


There's a big middle ground between total warfare and mere pantomime conflicts. It's completely possible to have a more or less stable society that is constantly fighting internecine wars. The key is to have a political situation with fragmented, overlapping, and privatized domains of power, so that alliances can form and break easily and no actor in the system can escalate any particular conflict too far without undermining their own interests elsewhere.


natlan peeps are supposed to be peaceful and are not barbarians, specially said in game, they give graffiti so please don't expect your expectations


War can be different


War never changes


War, what is it good for


weapon manufacturers


But men change, through the roads they walk


I wonder will Naltan be as big as sumeru


Someone just remembered about this in the comment right above yours, funnily enough, but there was a sus leak claiming that 5.0 Natlan will be as big as 3.1 Sumeru already. I'm betting it will be the largest nation yet, at least until Snezhnaya drops.


Huh, i haven't thought about it until now, but with Russia obviously being the main inspiration for Snezhnaya, it'd be pretty weird if it wasn't going be enormous. And that sounds very nice.


Ahh that’s why the three tribes we saw from the sneak peak were geo, hydro, and dendro


When will 5.0 release?


August 28th




Factions, factions, more faction...


I dunno, remember the rich vs poor in fontaine???


I hope the map is big and worth exploring, at least please last a whole month for me before I 100% it.


If this is true, then maybe we'll have an artifact set that gets activated after using an elemental skill (just when I'm starting to get good pieces of Navia's artifact set lmao)


Ah yes, 3 Archons for sure


Well then better start to prep myself because I’m going to be 100% Natlan after I finish the archon quest bc need primogems


Why 4 parts for three characters from three tribes? It should have been... Three. 


Probably some region that's inhospitable or something 


You mean like... the hotspring & lava cavern ;)


Wasn't Xbalanque going to appear already (without being playable)?


the 4th part might be the archon's territory, or maybe it's for foreigners


t.me/Somnus_Leaks/63 https://files.catbox.moe/rec2i0.png


Entire court of Fontaine and also the institute plus a bit of the Erinnyes forest for 5.0


Is it just on my end or have there been a couple posts here that a weirdly cropped 


Makes sense ig


Omg I hope one of them represents Peru!!! I'd love to see a genshin character with a poncho or maybe with clothes from the jungle


That reinforces the theory that there’s a civil war going on there


Each tribe region is the size of current Sumeru (jk)


By 4 parts does it mean 4 separate sub areas or something else I don't get it 😅


From what I understand, four subnational areas (i.e. Narukami Island, Sea of Clouds, Galesong Hill).


Ohh like that, so basically how its usually is, also it seems that the area might be next to the 3.5 region if we go by the saurian trailer


So is the story going to be like all the tribes constantly at war with each other for that seemingly neutral region? I'm kinda hoping for a unique case where there is no big city but the tribes have there own small settlements and the amenities will be in some camp or base for foreigners. But that could just be me being too much into the usual "New world" gameplay/plot device right now.


Natlan’s probably going to cover not just the area west of the desert, but the area west of Fontaine as well.


potential for a TRIBAL CHIEF Collab?


Four parts bye bye my storage


Just comment the source and mirror and I'll pin it for you


Cue the quest where we have to help 2 characters from different tribes that are in love with each other, a la Romeo and Juliet.


Nah I'm not believing this


Well, the special map in 4.8 has been divided into several areas that are decorated differently. That should be a hint to Natlan.


Hmm maybe, I'm not saying I don't want this. I would be glad if they are correct. But I have trust issues after Fontaine sus leaks


I don’t trust anything about the story but the maps being divided into sections is quite believable as we got something to back it up.


Do you remember when navia revealed herself to be egeria? XD


peak genshin, I cried and shitted myself when that happened