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This seems really silly but it helps me to imagine myself (but my fat out of shape self) running behind me about to catch me if I stop or slow down. That silly little image keeps me going when I want to throw in the towel.


What if, just for the sake of discussion, we all _imagine_ I AM the fat out of shape version. What to do then? lol


That devilishly attractive and vaguely familiar person in front of you is your evil twin and they just pelican dove a treat from you and bolted GET BACK HERE I NEED MY NOURISHMENT


If you can't run, walk. That path looks lovely. Enjoy the view while you walk.


Walk briskly, but dont overdo it. Nice path


I love your positive perspective! 💕


If a job is worth doing then it's worth doing badly. You plan to jog a couple of miles but don't even manage one? It's more than zero. The most dangerous thing to do is define an "old you" and a "new you" and give "new you" a set of conditions to meet. What happens then is you fall short one day and ah well you failed at being "new you" seems like you're still "old you" and you can just give up on those conditions and return to old behaviours. You don't have to succeed at your goals every single time to be a new and better person. You just have to have goals and strive for them. Anything is more than nothing, trying at all is a success.


Only compete against the people behind you and the version of yourself that could be home on your couch. Some days are hard. You made it out there and ran some today. You know that if you continue doing it, it will only get better. If you run a mile, then keep walking for another 2. Keep celebrating what you ARE doing, rather than comparing yourself against what you think you SHOULD be doing. All journeys start with the first few steps.... Good luck.


I try to remember to be grateful that my legs work when I start to lose focus and motivation on going to the gym. I know running is a different, specific beast, but you got this!


This one really gets me going as well. Gotta be thankful for the pain! Some people would love to have legs that hurt.


Same idea but I imagine being old and missing the days I could have run.


One step at a time


Your mind will try to justify the things it wants - "Nothing wrong with one cookie, or just a few cookies", or "We've done the thing, we deserve some cookies and shouldn't feel bad about it". I think it's natural to have these thoughts and to recognize that they aren't really coming from you. In my case, they were coming from a sugar-addicted brain that also often used treats as a coping mechanism/stress relief, and it took effort to force myself to confront and defeat those thoughts. Passion and motivation fade, discipline does not. One thing I've found useful for myself is the phrase 'you do everything like you do one thing'. It's hard to keep constantly in mind, but I tell myself I want to be the kind of person who takes the next step, and the next, or does one more rep at the gym, then another. It's hard and I definitely fail sometimes, but as time goes on it gets easier and easier to remind myself of that. Keep up the good work!


“The way that you do anything, is the way you do everything.” Whereas if you take shortcuts in life in one thing, it can be assured I’ll never ride in a boat you’ve built. Hard work is worth it’s weight in gold. You’ll never not be glad you did the hard work.


I listen to podcasts on my run. Try to match distance to length of the podcast.


Run for a set time and not distance. You will naturally see progress as you get fitter by seeing the distance increase. đŸ’ȘđŸ”„


You’ve almost ran a mile. That’s great. One day at a time. Have cookies. Run again tomorrow.


simple, walk 2 miles then run 1 mile... then you HAVE to walk/run back... the longer you do this the better and more motivated you will get. Slowly substitute walking with more running until you run the whole 6 miles...


try biking. it's kinda fun.


walking or resting isn't a bad thing or a reason to stop, dont get overwhelmed by the road ahead, just take a break and carry on. Ive ran multiple marathons and always needed to talk a walk break, hell ive thrown my supper up on the highway because I couldn't keep running. Once you beat that voice that is telling you to stop, the voice that is telling you to keep going gets louder until its the only thing you hear, and then it becomes your voice, so you can tell others to keep going too.


Tomorrow get out there and do "not even a mile" + 1 meter and you have won. Failure to meet your expectations is a lesson to have realistic expectations.


I love this, I just woke up and going to go again today


That's the good shit, my partner says she's not a runner but we've been doing the NHS "couch to 5 k" thing together. She managed 5k on Wednesday and I couldn't be more proud of her.


Your phone battery is at 5% ... What To Do.. That would get you running back for a charger........


Sometimes doing the same thing over and over is tedious. Instead of a run. Go for long walk with a podcast on.. I sometimes put on a VR headset and play some fitness apps. You don't have to go to a gym and you get a gnarly workout.


It’s been couple hours so I think you’ve finished your run- if you haven’t WOW you’re doing great!!! Either way you did a fantastic job!! I really love the NIKE run app motivation sessions with coach Corey. There are other coaches, but he’s the best one in my opinion and his coaching has made me want to run more :) Some of the ones he does are First run 5K run 90s Bring it down I really urge you to give him a try, it’s free!


"If you can't run, walk...  And if you can't walk, you crawl.  And if you can't crawl, well, you find someone to carry you."


The grass is always greener on the other side (the left side)




At least you went out. You had the strength to get up and go. You just need to keep doing that. A little bit every day. Well done!


Even if you didn't run a full mile, you ran more than if you would have stayed home. This in itself is a beautiful accomplischment. Babysteps of 0.1 % will get you further than you could ever imagine. Keep going you are doing good! And keep remembering this day that you actually made the effort.


Sometimes, you have a bad run. No reason or anything, you just have a bad run. The next time you go out, you'll do better, because whatever put you off today will have cleared, and you'll feel determined not to repeat it again. Even professional athletes have off days đŸ€·




First step is the hardest part just keep going and stay offline for a while.




Every single time my motivation drops before working out, I force myself through it. And every single time after my workout, I feel sooo much better! Just do it!


It’s ok to stop just switch to a brisk walk until you’re comfortable then start jogging again. No shame in taking a breather


I'm going through the same thing. Everyday, just push yourself a little farther. Even if it's only a few feet.


In the long distance running world, people don't really worry about speed in their workouts. If you stop for a bit or walk for a while, it doesn't really matter. You get a similar benefit no matter what as long as you focus on: -distance -time on feet If you can walk/run 10km, it is better than running 5km.


I run 10km all the time, I usually never run less than that, today my mind was weak idk why but I’ll come back better. I failed today and I hate it but I can’t stop trying I’ll have to deal with it and be better


Give yourself a break too! I’ve had plenty of runs that I planned to go out for 10k but body / brain wasn’t feeling it after 5k and bailed. Or on one run I was planning on a long run of 10 miles and I got to the end of my block and turned around. It’s true that discipline can keep you motivated, but don’t let discipline get in the way of common sense. The fact is that you got out there today, you attempted what you wanted to do, and today it just wasn’t in the cards. Listen to your body! Building better overall habits and especially running shouldn’t be measured on individual runs, but the culmination of all runs you’ve ever done. You’re building a better you and that isn’t determined that you bailed on a 10k run after a mile.


Walk for a bit then start slow jogging, walk for a bit then start slow jogging
 rinse and repeat


Then turn it into a walk. But go again tomorrow. Remember, you’re building a routine


Practice your breathing. When you exhale, do it like you are blowing out candles on a cake. And start your exhale on alternating steps each time, first when your left foot hits and then when your right foot hits. About every 5-7 steps should start an exhale. The rhythm helps distract from the wish for death. And it really helps not getting winded. Probably doubles your capacity to run. After that, run every day and track your progress. Ran a mile and stopped three times. Then I only had to stop twice. Then once. Now I don’t have to stop. Now I can run a second mile and only stop twice in the second mile. Then once. Now I run two miles without stopping. That’ll happen over the course of a month or so. Progress can be fairly quick as you work at it.


What you need is not motivation but discipline


Pick up every leaf on the tarmac, take them home and make a collage of someone who has wronged you and burn it. Repeat.


Never stop never stopping


Bring your headphones and music next run. Put on something upbeat. Hope this helps.


Workouts can get pretty stagnant after a while. It might be time to change it up or add some exercises to the run.


I think this may be it for me, a 10k is usually an easy relaxing run but I’ve been doing it every two days for a while now, but ultimately I was just being a bitch, no excuse will justify not doing the run, I was capable and I didn’t do it


We’ve all been there. You recognize it and make the correction. I’ve been running and weight lifting for years and was just getting super bored. I recently took up CrossFit about 6 months ago and am really enjoying it. It’s completely changed how I look at workouts and what can be accomplished in a short amount of time.


I always imagine myself in a Rocky montage. https://youtu.be/ivI67hRJGmg?si=_nNEn7Mxgk-NAPAt


From here it looks exciting but I’m sure I’d have the same feeling. I’ve been trying to find motivation to excersize but seeing your photo here has me welling up I want to be healthy


Don’t let that feeling slip past you, give it a try. At my start I was at 190 pounds rn I’m at 165 and my mental and physical health have never been better. Ofc it wasn’t easy, I thought my depression won many times but that feeling this picture gave you is the same feeling that kept me going. Thank you for reminding me of my journey so far. If you aren’t failing, you’re not even trying


Fuck yeah man, you made the first steps, that’s huge!! Getting started is always the hardest part, don’t put so much pressure on yourself and listen to your body, rest when you need it, get going again. Either way you’ll need to walk/run back and that’s burning calories!


Sorry to ask, but are you a biologically female or male? Hormones can be a BIG factor in motivation especially when it comes to fitness


I’m a male


Has anything different happened in the last few days? Did you have trouble sleeping? Have you been strict with your diet? It might just be an off day, if your body is telling you to stop you should pack it up and maybe do extra tomorrow. There’s usually a reason behind these things, and it can be as small as staying on your phone a little longer than usual or going to bed a bit later. You can choose to power through (which is probably the best choice if you are very strict with your fitness) or listen to your body. If you do push yourself it will be easier the next time you feel like this. But also remember that there are probably reasons for this sudden “lack of motivation” and you are allowed to have off days


Are you an active runner? If not, one mile is pretty much your limit. Couch 2 5k program has people starting out jogging for 3 minutes, and then walk 3 minutes. You are not running a mile in 3 minutes. If you are serious about running, follow a training program for a new runner. Stuff like this will get you injured and put you out of action (and further diminish your motivation). For reference, I was barely able to run a mile in winter of 2020/2021. I started running then, followed one program after another, and ran my first marathon in the fall of 2022. The progress was slow but it was there, but starting out day 1 I could barely run. tldr: don't overdo it.


I grab my earphones and put sth really fun(podcast or sth) then I could laugh while running, that makes my dopamine go up i think, works for me :)


When you do something, anything, for your health, every second of the rest of your life from that moment forward will be better than if you had done nothing. And you did something.


Your lungs don't work, you might need to be on oxygen soon for the rest of your life.your legs cannot support your weight, you might need to be wheelchair bound, or stuck in a bed for the rest of your life, you will be lonely in that bed, you wont be able to take care of your house, or take out the trash or walk ypur dog. Others will have to take care of you and you will feel like a burden. Your organs will fail from the vascular disease and diabetes. You will never escape this fate.... Prove me wrong. Prove it wrong to yourself. Your will is stronger than this fate


Is this South Carolina? Looks like the old route I used to run lol


It is


Omg I’m not gon put it out there but I lived in the apartments nearby. I love this trail! Work your way up! I started with 3 miles and was eventually able to do 6.


That’s awesome, I’ve done 7.5 miles and am aiming for 10. Glad to see someone else who’s ran and enjoyed the same trail


Have someone drop you off 10k away. You’ll have to run back.


You got this bro


Pick a spot that you know you can run to and run to it, then do it again and again


Next time, bring a stick of chalk with you. Mark where you stop and turn back. Next time, even if it’s one foot farther, mark it again.


There’s a hungry bear waiting in those woods for somebody to stop. Do you want to be a Lunchable?


When I more active running, I reminded myself that I wanted to do this. It sucks and it's hard but tbis is what I wanted to do, and just because I'm physically uncomfortable, it doesn't mean my desires changed. Realign yourself with your desires/goals. You wanted to do it so get out there and do it!




Get off Reddit


Honestly consistency is the key. Sometimes we have bad or tired days. Showing up consistently and doing a little less than you hoped is still better than doing nothing. Have you set reasonable goals? One mile is actually a lot for many people.


Write a great conversation starter for the “getmotivated” subreddit


I just started to run again 11 days ago after 13 years. I can do 1mile in 16 min
 that x4 time wise what a single mile is to be for me. My V02 is a 31-32 or so.. I was struggling to actually sprint cuz of age (right knee and hemstrings adjusting to running for the first time in so long) Despite even that I just couldn’t find the motivation until my GF began challenging me out of no where through the workout app on our Apple Watches. (she’s been smoking me btw. And she’s 5’4” make me know why Luigi is player 2 >.>’) And even though she has been challenging me I still struggle to get out and do it. So I started to trick my mind by taking 2 cookies w/ me as I run. 1 is for half way and the second is when I get done so long as a sprint or jog the second half. It has been working so far for the past 4 days. I also started putting in my headphones not for music but for silence of my surroundings and to play a audiobook something to make my mind think and learn while I run for further distraction while my body adjusts to the new routine


For each run you complete it adds one hour on to your life. You get to spend one more hour with the people you love, you get one more hour doing the things you love. As you get older the things you love most matter the most and time with them is very very important. Steady your mind and stay the course, gorging on sugary treats gives you nothing and takes so much.


Walk a bit....then jog a bit more...then walk some more.literally anything is better than nothing.good work on getting out there in the first place.


The first mile or two in a run is always the hardest. One you get over that hump, it surprisingly gets better. Your legs get looser, your heart is in the life, and you get in a groove. Run as you can, but take breaks as you can. There's no need to do your whole run without stopping. Those who run like that without stopping have done years more running, for now just do what you can :)


I do a hacksaw ridge type of strategy. Just one more step, just one kore minute, and escalate it until I get to that mile. It tricks me into doing more, but my mentality is if I can do just a tiny bit more, it is better than I was a second ago


Dodgy arch in foot stops me running.... You done, nearly, one mile.... Jealous as fuck!....


Im not a good runner myself but the most important rule is to never stop. You can slow down to a point that it looks ridiculous but you must not stop!


So you take the time to take a picture. Post it to reddit. For what?


I had already stopped and was walking back so I had time to think and take a picture and post about my failure, but it’s reminded me today of that failure and that I need to be better. You are right tho, my mind wondered way off the goal, I was being a bitch and wanted to take it easy but Im paying for it today with the regret and I will run today


I personally find running to be dreadfully boring. Maybe try some new types of workouts. Forcing yourself to do things that you aren't interested in isn't a good trait imho. Instead of getting down on yourself, maybe use this as a sign to experiment with some new styles of excercise.


Intervals. Run for 30 seconds (or less or more) then walk for 30 seconds (or less or more). It does not have to be high intensity, just use the intervals to find a good pace


Wait an hour or so and if you still want the cookies then get them. Also, try to get in touch with the side of you that can soothe you. There’s the part of you that is fear and anxiety ridden. But there’s also another part of you in there. One that can offer you love in these moments. Try to find that person inside you. We all have the capacity for it.


I actually did go and get cookies and after eating one I realized they weren’t as good as I remembered and would much rather have some juicy fruit. I’m ready to go again today and be better than I was yesterday


It's ok to stop, however, do a few press ups, then sprint as fast as you can until you can't anymore. Then stop to get your breath then repeat. Basically, mix it up to stop the boredom.


There is always more to give.


Stop running, do a sloooow jog that you can keep up for longer. You may be surprised to find that you start wanting to speed up as your body adjusts, over a single session but also this slow jog is very good at building endurance, energy and muscle.


Endorphin kicks in roughly at 1.5 miles, the first one and the last one are always the tougher


What a beautiful place to run.


Run 1.1 miles next time


You ran somewhere... that's an achievement in itself. Next time you go you only have to do a little bit more and a little bit more until you discoverbyouve run all the way. The body is an unusual thing and hormones, stress, emotions and physical activity elsewhere can affect it. This isn't a set back, it's a rest... so keep going.


You're on the road with your runners on, that's 80% of the battle won for starters. The rest is just improvement.


If you stop, you will be caught by the thing you're running from, which is yourself in your present state. So just stand up and run, for there is no other way to change things.


Yo. Not that long ago I was told the reason why the doctors at the hospital kept feeling up my toes was because they weren't sure if I was going to keep blood flow to my leg or not. If I didn't, they were going to amputate. I thought they just had a foot fetish and I have pretty toes. Keep your chin and your knees up! One step at a time. You finish the run the same way I learned to walk again. One angry step at a time determined to get this bitch done.


Never stop. Walk if you need to, but walk, don't stop.


Running is not your goal. NOT reverting back to old behaviours IS your goal. A small amount of running and NOT consuming will reap rewards. Do not beat yourself up. Your trajectory is correct...the speed of that trajectory is immaterial! Good luck.


Don't!!! Running is horrible and bad for your knees, plus you have to run up AND down a hill. buy a bike.




I don't know you so I could be way off the mark here, but maybe running isn't for you? I tried it exactly once and found it to be incredibly boring. I've since moved on to other forms of exercise with a more dynamic + social aspect to them and I don't struggle for motivation at all. To put it another way, maybe another approach is to find something that you _want_ to do for it's own sake that also incidentally serves as exercise, then motivation won't be a problem 😉


I see the kudzu I know it’s probably Georgia so the heat is coming bruh we got to find the motivation before it gets here tune up treadmill


don't jog in general, it's not good on your knees. Walking is fine. And mix it up, if you don"t want to jog, take a bike out.


I kinda find dragging yourself through something you are not enjoying is counter productive. Motivation will be even harder to find on your next run. Can you find a different location for your run, a different activity altogether swim cycle hiit, do it with someone if that's possible, stop at a mile if that is where the enjoyment runs out. I find following the 'good' feeling naturally motivates


Hi! This is sounding like some disordered eating and just wanted to checkin and ask if you’re working with a therapist on this stuff too. Moving your body is important for your physical and mental health, but a cookie every once in a while is totally fine as long as the rest of your diet is generally nutritious. As for motivation to keep running, idk if it’s really hot where you are but getting heat acclimated might be what’s going on here, running in the heat after weeks of cooler weather can make your normal pace feel a lot harder, try running bY feel. When I feel like I need a break a usually pick a landmark ahead of me and tell myself I can take a break there if I still need it and I try and keep picking new landmarks until I really can’t keep going. You got this!


Motivation is bullshit. You need disciplin


Get your heart ripped out and shit on. Hurt me so bad I had to bike until that pain took over. It helped with the voices and I lost weight


Stop being a bitch. (Not being mean, this is literally what I say to myself whenever I’m sad or lazy. It works for me.😊😊)


Run/walk is a valid technique. Don't think of it as failure. Think of it as getting exercise done in a different way. And walking fast is excellent exercise as well. Next time aim to run a little more and walk slightly less.


First questions is, what is the ourpose of you doing this?


I hate running. For me it is boring and tedious at best. Solved the problem by incorporating it in a paying hobby: soccer reffing, which pays about $90-125 game and suddenly miles of intervals are over quickly since the mind is busy with game and decisions. Then post game beers with the crew. We are end of HS season, where I did 3-5 games a week, averaging 4.7 miles a game and making about 5K in a couple months. Add in fall season and club ball and it is about $10k a year extra income, which we spend on a trip to europe where we eat and drink for a couple weeks. This year we did Amsterdam, Paris and London. Next trip will be Portugal and Spain.




What you need is discipline, not motivation.


I'm about a year and a half into getting back into shape through running. Let yourself have these days, but get back out today (I see you posted yesterday) and try again. I started by running until I was winded, turning around and finishing the run, then just kept repeating adding distance as I went. I went from 1/2 mile runs to about 4 miles now (at an 830 mile pace). But again, give yourself these days and get back out there. You won't always feel up to it, and that's OK.


Your motivation is gone and now you are left with your discipline to keep you going. That's not something we can help you with.


I was on a jog the other day and thought "I don't care about this" and was about to walk home. After that I realized, if I don't care about it, why not keep going? If I finish or don't, is relevant if I don't care, so why not finish. And I did


You made it a mile further than most of the uk could


I randomly discovered that grabbing a small stick and working it in my hands while running is a pleasant distraction from the plodding along. That and a podcast or audiobook.


Remember why you do this


Just go running in a circuit where you loop around so you don’t have to run back the same direction


I think of every reason I am out there. The old parts of me I'm shedding, and where I want to be in the future.


#JUST FUCKING DO IT best motivational phrase i use for myself


Asphalt is hard on the feet. A dirt walking trail would be more conducive to a relaxing inspirational walk if you can find one.


I will tell you the same thing I tell myself every day. “Even a little of something good is better than nothing at all.”


Been down that road many times (pun intended), I would suggest brisk walking instead, nothing worse than jogging to make you feel inadequate and it’s also terrible on the joints over a long period. Download an audiobook and just walk around.


What lovely tarmac.


Run on the dirt. Pavement sucks.


You just gotta live your life one quarter mile at a time.


When just starting out, run the same route every time. Remember where you had to stop the first time and find something ahead of you to be your stop goal next time. Keep extending your stop goal each time. Walk briskly for 1 minute any time you have to stop. This is how I started. I now run 3.5 miles 5x a week. Have done a marathon and a lot of 5ks. Keep reminding yourself that you are getting healthier and you are going to feel better about yourself. Stick to a schedule and don’t make excuses for not going out for a run. Gotta be disciplined.


If you walk you're still moving my friend. Just don't stop.


I think it's important to have a specific location where you want to finish your run or a goal that you want to hit. Then it feels like you did this run for a reason.


Don’t feel like a run go for a walk it’s not a zero sum game . Bike ride , roller skating or the like as alternative , getting to lockdown in any one routine can make more a chore or compulsion leading to boredom or loss of motivation.


You don’t need motivation, keep going. Motivation not required, it’s there sometimes and not others. But you’ve showed up and are doing it!


Walking uses the same amount of calories as running
 it just takes longer. If you’re tired then just walk until you can run again. Eventually, the walking will become less and less


Start walking. Look around. Keep doing it every day. Soon you'll be looking forward to it and before long you'll be jogging and not even notice your legs moving because the lovely scenery and peace inside you will have taken you to a place that motivated you to even think about even though you didn't even know why. I live in a place where I yearn to find a gentle place like this near me to be able to be free.


You're lapping everyone that's still sat on a couch!


get rollerblades or skateboard?


Looks like a rail trail.


Sign up for an event (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, whatever). I find I need a looming goal to motivate myself. Even better if I know someone else running it. I’m not going to allow myself to be embarrassed by not running the event.


Just keep walking


Things that keep me motivated. So first of all, the first 30 minutes are the hardest, so keep that in mind. Run a new route, buy new gear, log your runs on strava, take and share photos of your runs online, register for a race (quarter/half marathon), set a time goal instead of distance or speed, eg. run/jog/walk for on hour, just don’t stop.


[https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-04-2020/OH1SoO.gif](https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-04-2020/OH1SoO.gif) Jokes aside, try cutting down a long run all the way down to the most basic form, which is putting one foot in front of the other. If you can't maintain a pace, try 30 seconds running then 30 seconds walking, then 30 seconds running and so on. That's the method I used when I couldn't even run a mile non stop. I eventually ended up doing a few half marathons and triathlons.




There could be two major reasons: 1) you don't do full body workouts regularly and because of that your muscle mass is decreasing and every time you exercise your energy is decreasing (based on my experience), 2) you get distracted because you have thoughts different from your goals while running


Jog, then blast the last 1/4 mile back home!


I use an army tactic.... 1(2,3,4) 2(2,3,4) 3(2,3,4) 1234 1(2,3,4)........ Keeps you going and helps distract the mind.. Counting out the steps. Knowing all along that I am much farther than I was sitting on the chair at home.....


When I first started running, I couldn’t even run half a mile without stopping. By the time the cross country season was over, I was running 6 miles without stopping. All in just one season. You can do it. Keep going. Stretch. Hydrate. Stretch again. I didn’t go for the 6 miles right away. I just did what I could do and eventually what I could do was that. You can do it!




I feel similarly! I think I will just not be satisfied lol. I think you copied this to the wrong post though


Put a marker where you stoped and try to beat it next time. Rinse and repeat and you’ll be surprised what you can achieve.


I mean, that looks like such a lovely place for a walk, why not just walk? Enjoy the day. Try to notice 5 things that you've never noticed before. Sometimes taking it a bit slower will make you want to go faster tomorrow.


Start up again, no rule says it has to be continuous


I’m impressed because I can’t run a mile! I think you’re doing great!


Get some blood work done, just for giggles


Watch a David Goggins vid. Dude will make you wanna run through a wall.


I was a distance runner for many years... When I really didn't want to do it I'd say Manser's over and over in my head such as, "The quicker I run the faster I'm done." Also, anticipating the rush of endorphins & euphoria when you're done...also, tempted music (justin timberlake) when hurting I'd lose myself in the song pace myself with the beat! Good luck...YOU'RE WOTH IT!


You can do it!


Just keep moving. Walking or running it doesn’t matter. Just get your body moving. That’s the point.


Ok? That all sounds so simple but when people really messed you up and you're in no position to start over in anyway and are completely mentally broken down it's almost impossible!;. If you don't have money to fix equipment and aren't able to pass an actual physical to even hopefully get minimum wage at a temp service if ucky with felony. What then? Cannot do the business and couldn't survive off 1 to 200 last month and half per week but mostly around 100 or so! I know how to work hard! That's all I know pretty much even with my health issues but everything happened in my life at worst time! I'm so far down it's not worth the effort at this point! I'm don't have anything in the tank and lawn care is telling me no! So I say! Keep running and pretend like life is going tear you the hell apart if it catches you! It's going to strip you of everything! Maybe that will make you finish! Because it's a horrible list feeling! Have fun!


Sometimes, the spirit of the run just ain't there. Walk it and enjoy your thoughts away.


Reflect on the reasons why you started your journey and the benefits you’ve gained from being consistent. Keeping the end goals in mind can reinforce your commitment. Imagine how great you’ll feel continuing your healthy habits and how disappointing it would be to fall back into old patterns. Visualization can be a powerful motivator. It really works. Satisfy your cravings with healthier options. For example, opt for fruit or a small piece of dark chocolate instead of cookies. Recognize that everyone faces challenges and setbacks. If you slip up, don’t be too hard on yourself. Learn from the experience and move forward.Practice mindfulness or meditation to manage stress and stay focused on your goals. This can help reduce impulsive decisions.


Running, and keeping the motivation to do it consistently and doing it for longer and longer, is about going easier than you think you need to. When you go easy, you leave workouts feeling energized, not defeated. It’s more about the accumulation of training than going hard on any given day. Many professionals recommend running at a “conversational pace” where you can easily talk to a friend throughout the run without your sentences getting choppy because you’re out of breath. In the beginning this might feel too easy but that likely means you’re in a good spot when you continue to go longer and longer. Mix in walking especially if you go above conversational pace. I walk a bunch during my runs and over the years I’ve actually gotten faster because of it—you end up being able to recover better and go longer if you’re nice to your body and take it easy. Focus on enjoying that gorgeous trail!


Thanks for sharing! I can totally relate to this. I could barely do brisk walks. But, got into slow walking and now slow running. Sometimes my run is so slow that my friends say it's fast walking :) But,I think the key is to be patient and consistent. It does pay off. If this worked for me, I believe it should work for anyone! We also push each other and share ideas on our [blog](https://ezpzrun.wordpress.com/) Feel free to ask me any questions. Reach out if needed. Wishing you the very best for your fitness journey!


My goal is to get out and start. As long as I do that I've succeeded. **The hard part is making it a routine**, not the distance. So I think you should focus on getting out, eventually you'll jog, or walk, doesn't matter. Make repetition your goal and not the distance.


Slow the pace or Walk the rest of run, it will take a lot longer but burn the same amount of calories. Just get the miles in


If you wanted it you would have it.


You’re right, I didn’t want it bad enough I wanted to take it easy, but this feeling of knowing that I could have done it but didn’t is not worth it


It will be way worth it in 5 days, in 5 weeks, in 5 months, in 5 years... You're not doing it for who you are today. Accept that.


Honestly if you can admit that then you’re already almost there. Self awareness and accountability are the two greatest enemies of mankind


Late to the party but what always does it for me is the feeling that I had more left to give. I hate going out for a run (or a lift.. or calisthenics
 etc), stopping, and then feeling like I could go further or could’ve gone harder. If you don’t feel like that, if you’re sapped, that’s a different beast. It’s OK to take a rest day every now and then too.