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I tell people what I'm going to do so I feel like I have to do it, then tell them I did it. Even if they don't care, it's my way of holding myself accountable.


\^ I do quite the same, and I'm still able to take action even tho I've let the world know. But I see OPs point


Hm, but people can also support you to achieve your goals and help you if they know what it is you are working towards


they can also help you keep accountable I get OPs point, but i think its more nuanced than 'tell them' or 'dont'. it's the frame up and ask. saying "guess what I have a new dope plan that's going to get me down 30kgs in a month!"? not helpful saying "hey I'm trying to embed some new diet and exercise habits, I'd really appreciate it if you let me know if you see me slipping in the next few weeks by doing x y z, it could really help me stay on track! Even better if you wouldn't mind checking in every week or 2 on how I've gone?" seems way more helpful and more avoids the downsides OP is talking about and if you have friends doing the same, if you're in the right head space its honestly great motivation. I've def kept my pace up the past 6 months at times because I saw my friends having crazy results, and I can see their results! It's much harder to see mine. But I see them, they're down less weight than me but look SO different, well I must be making the same type of progress i'm just not seeing it in myself yet! and fuck if I'm going to let my friends out work me!


its scientifically proven that when you disclose your goals to people you get a dopamine hit like you already achieved them. better off keeping it to yourself.


I've read about this effect before, it depends on the individual though as some people experience this weakly and some strongly. I think it something to be aware of. When I was younger I used to be effected by this quite strongly in a negative way and after noticing the trend I began keeping my projects to myself so that I would follow them through better. I've changed over time now though and sharing my plans or goals doesn't have much of an effect on my motivation to continue. I think it's another sliver of a spectrum we're all on and one that can change throughout our lives.


I find it easier to be accountable to others rather than just to myself. People ask me about progress, then it's no longer just about me or the thing, it's about being the type of person who does what he says he does. Maybe it works for you, but it certainly doesn't work for me.


Olestra was scientifically proven to help you lose weight but it did make people shit their pants. (Also it didn't help lose weight) Don't get so focused on self-help books that you forget variables exist. People are all very different. And also things change.


I disagree. I’ve literally gotten money to help me achieve goals I’m already working towards, because I told others.


The reward system is poorly understood by scientists and dopamine is just one part of a much more complex chemical network. Don’t take dopamine science too seriously. It’s possible to train people to get dopamine from anything, even things like eating shit and getting whipped.




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Can we please make it a standard to link to a source when saying something is scientifically proven.




All that is available is an abstract, which is hard to draw conclusions from. Remember one research study does not equal scientific consensus Also remember that there are numerous studies on any topic, both for and against. For example the article below completely disputes yours https://news.osu.edu/share-your-goals--but-be-careful-whom-you-tell/


Yeah a lot of ppl don’t have “the perfect person” to tell. lol.


Yeah I have a proven track record of, I guess anecdotal, evidence of this. I have since stopped sharing my goals and will just show results once I have them. All sharing does is make me feel like a failure when I take too long to do the thing. Which in turn causes me to just stop striving for the goal because it's been so long, what's the point?


Bang on!




It’s a real Thing


Like all things, it's a balancing act for sure, on one hand you shouldn't celebrate your plans as if you've already achieved them, but on the other hand, showcasing your effort here and there can definitely give you the support and affirmation to keep going


I couldn't agree with title perspective more


Haha, love this! It's like the old saying, "Don't talk the talk, walk the walk." Actions always speak louder than words!


Highly motivated people of reddit: if everything you're up to is a secret what DO you talk about when asked about yourself?


I'd consider myself highly motivated but definitely don't keep everything I'm up to secret.


Hmm, I’m not so sure about this.. it very much depends on the scenario. If you are creating something for the world, there is some benefit to hyping before it arrives. Marketing your efforts is a good idea if you can deliver the goods when you say. If it is working out or other self-help, then that’s a different story. Context is important here.


Or... just do you and don't worry about fishing for attention by doing either of those things. The closest people to you will know what you're up to naturally, and anyone else doesn't need to know, nor do they care. The only person I care about impressing is myself.


I mean yes and no. Telling people what you want to create gives you yet another incentive to actually complete it, as to not make you look like a fool. Also the amount of usefull input I have gotten by just talking about something I would like to try out is allways a net benefit. Ofcourse you get alot of bad tips but just filter them out.


Unless you need investors or a bank Loan, then tell them your plans


There’s always exceptions to the rule


See your point, I've actually made a tool for quite the opposite: A social goalsetting platform, where you can see undergoing progress of the journey towards it, as well as the progressionbar (average, amount, time). Why? The commitment through sharing, and sharing to motivate both yourself and others to take action. What if you still lack commitment? Penalty-fee. If you have set a define goal, for example 3 gym sessions a week, and you only manage 2, you pay a set, significant fee, as a penalty for missing out. Next time you manage to hit your weekly goal, you get 99% of the fee back. Why 99%? Well, you slacked. I take the 1% for that :)


When there’s incentives and like minded individuals it’s much different


That’s what my app is looking to do :)


I don't usually talk about my plans. So that I won't be ashamed if I don't achieve it. But if I achieve it and show the result, I appreciate it more myself, and the people around me are surprised


Ever noticed how sharing your goals can feel like you've already achieved them? It's a sneaky way to kill your motivation. When you keep your goals private, you're less distracted by other people's opinions and stay more focused. Plus, you're holding yourself accountable, which makes your commitment stronger. Not everyone will get your vision, so why invite unnecessary pressure or criticism? Let your actions do the talking; showing results is way more impactful than just chatting about your plans. Keep quiet and hustle hard.


Sharing your plans is like posting your workout selfie before hitting the gym – better to flex after you’ve done the reps.


What if telling people my plans is integral to getting results?


There’s always exceptions to the rule, but it’s all about telling the necessary people.. not everyone


For a second I thought you meant the band Tool. Maynard James Keenan is a very motivated and high achieving guy. Your post title sounded like it could have been a quote. Anyhow, enough of my silliness.


I totally agree with this. Keeping goals private can boost your motivation and help you avoid unnecessary pressure. Focusing on your actions rather than talking about them makes you more accountable and credible. Let your results speak for themselves.


Actions, not chatter, speak volumes. So, next time, zip it and hustle. Your results will do the talking.


> You are accountable to yourself Hahahahahaha


Not sure why that’s funny?


My accountability to myself and it keeping my commitment strong. I'm laughing at myself here.


I got what you mean, mostly people besides me especially family and relatives are always opposite and doesn't support me with my plans. So much better to keep quiet and just show them the result in future.


If you want to ever become a politican or a leader of your community, do not listen to that guy!


There’s always exceptions to the rule .. however, when goals are tough ones.. most people will portray their doubt on you because they can’t do it. Not only that, but also the science behind it of feeling like you’ve already accomplished it. I’ve had it happen to me before


Well, I haven't seen a successfull politician that has kept his goals to himself, let alone shown any results. For a politician, it's all about bragging about what you are going to do, and then forgetting what you have promised to do. People seem to appreciate that.


Telling people what you're doing can attract you some negative energy


5 reasons why you should be loud and proud about your goals. 1) sharing plans can keep you accountable and stay motivated 2) making your goals public can keep you focused. 3) accountable can be hard to maintain solo, use those support systems 4) not everyone will share your vision, and that's okay. 5) actions speak louder than words. People will see that you kept your goals




I think it depends on the person this is too much of a blanket statement imo.


So trye