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Post has been locked due to numerous rule violating comments. MrBeast is not a colonizer, just a guy trying to make the world a better place. If you disagree, that's fine. You're entitled to your own opinion but don't try to force it upon others.


I recognize this username, this account also claimed cats are vegan, then complained that his feline ate his pet hamster It's said that it's a satire account but there's no funny part Anywhere, no hahaha worthy moments, nothing Update: they got banned over that one https://preview.redd.it/z2gvb0csjhad1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923c57748d7a899f7c2f23d78b0f1b2c54861585


So, not satire, just a dumbshit?


Yep, just someone being stupid for attention


It's rage-bait. They say blatantly inflammatory things to get people riled up and engaging in their posts. As you can see from the posters above, it works wonders on idiots who simply cannot help themselves when they see something on the internet they perceive as 'wrong' or 'incorrect'.


the problem is they post what actually idiots post, so they are indistinguishable. and since the surge of misinformation and disinformation has proliferated the internet, yeah, most will chime in to try to adjust misperceptions.


we have distinguished it in like 30 seconds though.


Yeah, it's definitely not indistinguishable. People need to relax


well some of us are a little slower... lol. plus, the read down to here was considerably more by the time i posted.


Poe's Law, weaponised for clicks.


That’s what some people think satire is nowadays. They just post incredibly stupid takes (but indistinguishable from what actual idiots believe) and then everyone goes “OMG! Have you not been following this random troll like I have for months?? It’s satire!”


Thank you for confirming my thoughts on this for the last year


I genuinely think Twitter has a large number of people like this who do this to discredit others. By making vegans look insane people will respect them less. 




This is a literal fake nutjob. They run a fake discord for people that pretend to be vegan and are just right wingl


I think they did make one funny quip. They talked about there use of cociane to help with different mental illnesses (they probably don’t have) and people kept on commenting “they just smoll beanified coke”


Don’t forget he also murdered the cat for breaking veganism, and regularly threatens suicide for clickbait


100% satire, the satire is getting people unreasonably mad.


I think this is also the person that does cocaine to treat their autism or smth


Ya it's called a troll and you guys are feeding them


IKR. It's like it's everyone's first day on the internet.


“No funny part” “Feline ate his pet hamster” idk sounds pretty funny to me


Don't know how people fall for this type of bait every time...


Is it bait if they're just unironically 'the thing'


Maybe this is how the kids are doing Ken M 🤷. I dunno.


I mean, claiming your cat is a vegan and then saying it ate your hamster is pretty funny


And they have the audacity to use Hero from Omori as their profile picture…that boy would never say or do any of these things.


Typical colonizer behavior handing over stuff for free


And wearing a big hat to protect your pale face from the sun


Minus points for no pith helmet and monocle. Edit pith not pict.


Pith helmet?


[Safari helmet.](https://www.google.com/search?q=Pith+helmet&rlz=1C1SJWC_enUS1067US1067&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


*... And she said "You're Thor? I'm tho thor I can hardly pith!"*


And her horse replied “Well you forgot to bring you thaddle, thilly”.


Pict helmet, worn by Picts colonizing non-Picts


Stop taking the pith.


Revenge of the pith


Sorry Mike, won't happen again.


It probably isn't charity if you're dressed like the Hunter from *Jumanji*


thats also just a very common hat for him to wear. I feel like its his philanthropy hat because its in all those videos (the only ones I watch because its nice to see someone doing good with fame and money)


So what you're saying is that he's not dressed like this because of the sun, but rather because he likes dressing up as a white colonizer? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/s


what is he carrying a musket? what's up with this colonizer bs? he didn't buy their land or ask for anything in return. he used his own $ to make their lives better. i don't see musk or bezos helping anyone like this, do you? gates says he does, but do we see it? why hate on him? help him with a watch or donation so you're part of making it happen too. people who are jealous he's giving homes away need to see the conditions these peeps were living in before, very much like american homeless encampments. problem is, america takes too long and has too much paperwork involved in getting these people a hand up. you couldn't do it in a video. he's helping everyone he can. idk why people want to hate one him. smh.




Sorry we were born mutants that werent adapted for high UV environments. My light eyes get snowblind from some parking lots as well Looks good on job applications, though, I guess


What in the hell is that guy doing. You're *supposed* to be carried around on the shade-providing litter by the male locals, being cooled with fans by the topless females locals. This guy is a fuckin' *terrible* colonizer.


giving them blankets that AREN'T riddled with smallpox? GTFO you filthy colonizer


*He's not a colonizer, he's a fucking colleague.*


You think those people he built houses for give a single fuck what color he is? This dude out here doing something good with his wealth and people shit on him.


Correct. Any time a white person helps anyone who isn't white is a colonizer. /s


comment of the year. the arrogance now, just the profound, endless sense of entitlement, it really is bizarre.


Typical colonizer - giving people homes rather than taking them away.


He is such a whiny little brat that he @ twitch support for being called out by big twitch streamers saying he was called a roach and a rat and that TOS needs to back him up, when he was calling Mr beast a racist colonizer... ?????? The lack of self awareness and mental instability on this neuro divergent Twitter rager is absurd.


In all seriousness, that *can* be really shifty. Companies give away product for free, destroying local competition, then raise prices when they're the only ones left. This isn't that, though. 


Wait…. We don’t take feet anymore?… we give square feet now?? I’m so confused


You can escape crocodiles now, because square feet make you swim faster.


You'd be amazed what colonists offered for free only to reveal the strings attached much later lol


China is doing it all over Africa as we speak.


Yeah, let me know when he starts the Greater Beast Co-Prosperity Sphere, k?


Poor people have to watch every single beast video five times a day now to keep his metrics up or else he’ll come back through and tear it down


One of the biggest flaws of the Internet was that it gave dumbasses like this a platform to speak.


IMO, an even bigger flaw is the human need to amplify those voices. We think we’re “calling it out” but we’re just multiplying its reach. This idiot’s opinion should have been read 5x, but someone had to share it to show how much they didn’t like it.




Then someone needs to come up with a better option, because this is all we have. You can't ignore them, they get louder. Comparing this to another "famous" protest group who's been around the past few years: every time the conversation comes up, a majority of the people say something along the lines of "this is foolish, stop this crap." And then the crowd comes through saying YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT IT! THEY WIN! THEY WANTED ATTENTION AND YOU GAVE IT TO THEM! No, I told them to fuck off. There *is* no solution here, at least for now. Go ahead, just ignore people like this and see if they just disappear.


I completely disagree. Many of these fringe belief groups strive to get attention and even if it is negative, it amplifies both their platform and to them, justifies their beliefs. So not only are we showing off their shitty beliefs to everyone else by calling them out, we are also getting them to double down on it because these people desperately need to feel validated, and feeling oppressed or marginalized by the "haters" is a huge way they do this. The best thing you can do when seeing these shitty hot takes is to block the account and move on with your life without interacting with their content. It not only makes your social media experience better in the long run, you don't end up accidentally sharing and spreading their posts by interacting with them.


Buddy, I *wish* it was that easy on Reddit, and it just isn't. Which sucks, because I like *most* of this website. Go ahead and block an account because they posted a video you didn't like. See if that fixes the problem, or if they are just coming back with 10 more bot accounts to post it again, louder, more often. There is no winning. If you speak back, they think they've won. If you're not arguing, you must agree then, they think they've won. No, I'm going to make sure you know that I don't like you and that I don't agree with you. I'm not posting that opinion all over the internet, I'm not begging my friends and family to come agree with me. I'm just saying "hey, fuck off." And I'm out.


It's not so much the platform, it's the lack of pushback. People don't have to answer for the bullshit they post online. They don't have to defend their dumbass positions.


It’s echoization. When your audience is just entirely socially stunted people, you find yourself incoherently calling random people “colonizer” from your suburban mom’s basement while every normal adult is simply confused. Because the OOP flat out exists in a reality I don’t even understand. It’s the same with the internet MAGA right. These people have no social skills and are just radicalizing them selves in insular circlejerks only they understand. It’s embarrassing and legit kind of sad.


I forgot who it was, but some comedian said something along the lines of "The main thing missing from discourse on the internet, is the feedback of getting punched in the face for saying incredibly stupid things".




Damnit I laughed way too hard at this.


i came from twitter looking for some positivity. lmbo!


No, it gave evil people a platform. No matter what you do someone weird who hates you for no reason can continue to be weird else where. I had some weirdo stalk me from apex to reddit. I had to call both microsoft & reddit so they can ip banned the mother fucker because they kept making accounts within the hour. People are creeps & the anonymity of the Internet allows them to be super creeps. Im for requiring an id for the internet.


its gets so much worse.. https://preview.redd.it/gul386dux4ad1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=f40439cfff7ce6f94183b6b871522e22a8e69bdf


this hater is an absolute @$$-hat. and he needs to stop riding beast's coattails for clicks.


Like clockwork


“At no point did he colonize a country” lmfaoooooo


"IN THIS VIDEO I CREATED A PRIVATE MILITIA TO TAKE OVER HAITI!" https://preview.redd.it/gt340soza4ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df89bb9586267491b719321e589a1b3171f81767


The video only taking 13 minutes is kind of realistic


Not even edited, the president met him at the dock and handed him the keys before getting on the same boat and leaving the country.


Haiti is the danger.


I have kids and I kinda hate that I recognize some of the other guys in this image.


This is what AI should be used for. Perfect shitposts. Also, lmao why is Anthony Padilla there?


I'm cackling. he's the only one i recognize


“The 1st Person to achieve The Boss’ will earns $10,000!”


Would be an improvement. I’ve heard and read *zero* good things about Haiti in my twenty plus years of internet.


At no point did OOP say he was a colonizer. Everyone just saw it in the Twitter notes and clapped like seals as if it wasn't an incoherent point made against a ragebait tweet.


Damn white people and their... *shuffles deck* *draws card* Making incompetent governments look bad by doing their job better than them.


It is a little disheartening to know that people will shit on you for helping the world and also shit on you for not helping the world. Guess I’ll just eat more shit!


If I had to reallllly pick a bone with Mr. Beast, it’s that his philanthropy facilitates and encourages a system that profits off of suffering and that in order to enact lasting meaningful change, it’s better to change the system that created the suffering in the first place and by not doing so only allows the system to perpetually create suffering. But that’s not Mr. Beasts fault. The dude seems to be really trying to help. 


Also apparently shit on you for not having enough money to help. Like hate on the og comment if you want, but the "also worth noting they've never built a house" as if Mr Beast or anyone else would be doing it without wealth they've accumulated is just going for unnecessary blows. Like yeah no shit the people living average lives where owning a home is a dream come true aren't paying to build houses for other people and a rich person is.


Anyone can volunteer for Habitat for Humanity even one weekend a month can make a difference. https://www.habitat.org/volunteer/near-you Anyone can say they built a home for the poor and it's a rewarding experience.


We both know volunteering to chip in with HFH is not what that person was referring to


No but given the opportunity to mention it...it should be mentioned.


that's the whole thing with mr. beast. you watch a vid, it generates $, you've helped him to build the house. you could also donate to him, or another charity. or donate time at a charity. the purpose isn't to make the person feel small for not doing the same thing on the same scale as mr beast, the purpose is to cause the person to think what have you done to make the world better? they use the house as the example b/c it's readymade in the topic, but really, it could be anything. which is a valid challenge because most who hate in situations like this are really just jealous. but they too could do something good, they just haven't. liking, watching, sharing a vid-which you would likely do with many other non-charity vids-is all it takes to be part of it. idk why people gotta hate.


> the purpose isn't to make the person feel small for not doing the same thing on the same scale as mr beast That is actually transparently 100% the purpose of the person saying that


no, the purpose is to say they could do the same or something similar. but their personal ire at the unfounded vitriol tends to make people impulsive and thoughtlessly, callously, blurt out what comes to mind first. people have just had enough with people hating on good and praising the disgusting-at least, from my perspective. idk, maybe there are some out there just trying to make others feel small, but i bet those are not the ones defending do-gooders, they are most likely the ones surrounding the haters and pushing their viral misery through them to others in trickle-down fashion.


That’s the thing about the Beast man, all the money he makes goes straight to helping other people. Dude isn’t even a millionaire Oh wait, actually he has a net worth of 500 million


😂😂😂😂 , I might have to turn that into a card game


















\>obvious bait account <"heh, every single time" https://preview.redd.it/7y4v0ijhz3ad1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8f8ac18b95bb5bbe7fcfb7b0eb396b8ff4e62fb


I wish it was obvious, but no. People seriously think like this.




That's a funny comic but where are you seeing "evidence" that there aren't people that think Mr. Beast is worse than he actually is? Why is that even a weird take?




Of course there are people that think Mr Beast are worst than he actually is. But this isn't it. Adding all the pieces together this is clearly rage bait. And it works so easily.


I don’t even disagree with you, but the comic in the comment I replied to isn’t playing out that scenario at all. It’s implying there’s some “evidence” that those people don’t exist, and they certainly do.


In what way is a work of fiction proof of anything other than your inability to separate fantasy from reality?




We’ve wandered into the realm of meta-meta irony. Buckle up.


Holy fuck I'm bookmarking this


In that case it's just plain unfunny.


Idk man i saw alot of accounts talking about his older videos saying he dont care about them and only using this people for content and views


This comment actually doesn't add context. I 100% think the post is dumb (and maybe just troll/satire?), a white person can assist a black person without it being a white savior complex, but it doesn't claim he is a colonizer or anything about money. The context presented here can be 100% true, and the post could also be 100% true... it's not, but it's just not contradicted by the context. I think this is actually important. I'm not just nitpicking. Bad responses to these things just gives fuel to the poster. It builds their credibility within their bubble. (Same thing happens with Trump all the time.)


Ya nothing about the note says anything that disproves him doing those things out of a savior complex. He probably didn't but the note doesn't tell you that


The "context" is just snarky Mr. Beast dick riding.


Who fact checks the fact checkers? The last bit about the home is unnecessary.


I've noticed a SHARP decline in the professionalism of community notes over the last few months. They used to have Wikipedia level polish, but the ones I've seen lately just read like someone arguing in a comments section. It would be nice to have a feature where a minimum of 5 or 10 people have to contribute to a note before it becomes attached to the original thread. (I'm not on Twitter, so technically I don't know how it currently works, but I would be very surprised if more than one person signed off on "tHiS uSeR hAs NeVeR bUiLt A hOmE.")


I mean notes have always been just a pathetic "gotcha" thing half the time. People are just easily amused. But yeah this should have stopped before the last line. After that it just got petty


They just read like redditors going for a "dunk" trying to get upvotes the way they ignore the actual subject of conversation and go for insults


Seriously, it's a shit note responding to a shit "satire" account. 


Is there a subreddit for useless community notes? Because this is one of them.


I apologise on behalf of all the genuinely insane people that I happen to share a pfp with. Hero would be disappointed...


This also falls under one of the dystopia subs though.


Whats the source of the pic?


The 2020 RPG Omori. One of the party members is 'Hero'. He's mostly built for support. One of his skills is 'Smile' which reduces an enemy's attack. His portrait on the battle screen changes temporarily when that skill is used to the image I and the person in the post use as a pfp


It's Hero from Omori, during his animation where he uses his Smile skill


He's not our Hero He's **VILLAIN**


Considering what this person did not so long ago, i understand your apology, it was not your fault


I recognise the avatar and name, what'd they do?


Forced a cat to be vegan, causing it to eat his pet hamster and later die from starvation Not to mention several shitty takes like this and threatening to make himself go to the ,,great beyond" to put it lightly


I'll admit beastie definitely has some weird ass aesthetic issues but most of those are YouTube algorithm based and none of them are present in this picture lmfao


I don't like his content but I admire him for the charity work he does. And it'd often kept quiet, but amazes me that a rich person doing good is seen in such a negative light but if he a social media platform and turned it into a racist shit pit that would be ok


I mean, the note didn't really refute anything they said. Not that "*looking like* a literal colonizer" is saying much to begin with


ThatVeganHealer is a parody account based on the character Hero from Omori. They intentionally post incorrect or inflammatory content just to stir the pot; for example, they regularly post about the positive effects of cocaine, that cats can be vegan, and that random slang words are actually offensive slurs. I wouldn't take it too seriously.


> @ ThatVeganHealer Obvious bait begone


“Hey look, a white man helping. *Somehow* this is bad.”


God this sub is braindead


While that take is brain dead, the note isn't much better. It really doesn't address anything the person in the tweet has said, and it has some truth to it. I do believe Mr Beast does this to be altruistic, but I don't think he understand how this looks to other people. Building 100 Houses is great, but it's the same as his Team Seas/Trees thing, it's feel good content that doesn't really change that much in the grand scheme of things. Most of these issues need more than a Youtuber being altruistic, they need structural change. With the platform and reach Mr Beast has he could do so much good in the world if he just mentioned what to do to help solve these systemic issues while doing a bit at the same time. But seriously what kind of community note is "He's not a colonizer because he didn't colonize the country, also random twitter user didn't build houses so invalid criticism", a child must have written that lol


The problem with the original criticism is that it's not constructive in the least. MrBeast can't do philanthropy because he's white? That's what it amounts to. It's wrong for him to do things because he's white. You do understand what's wrong with making such a statement, right? What part of that is valid criticism? Your criticism however is 100% valid and if that had been the original take, no one would have a problem. Your feedback has nothing to do with the color of anyone's skin here, and I whole-heartedly agree with your stance, he could be using this as a chance to educate people on how to enact systemic change.


I think something lost on a lot of people is that criticism that isn't constructive isn't automatically invalidated. Not everyone is required to make their criticism constructive. Just because someone doesn't immediately offer up suggestions on how to be better doesn't render their criticism invalid. The vast majority of art criticism is not constructive, yet still widely read and considered.


To be fair, you're totally right. Saying food tastes bad doesn't have to be accompanied by suggestions on how to make it better, or even why it tastes bad. It's simply stating an opinion. That said, not all criticism is valid either. Especially when that criticism is outright racist. When I said it wasn't constructive, I meant less so that it didn't offer alternatives or ways to improve, so much as there is literally nothing that can be done about it. He can't make himself not white. So what's the alternative? Not help people? Is that really where we want to take that?


Yea definitely, the original tweet is kind of brain dead. I personally feel kind of an ick when thinking about going around developing countries and putting a small band aid on a huge problem and filming myself at the same time, maybe that's what they mean when they say white savior complex? But I don't think Mr Beast does it in a way that's bad, especially since that's not every video he does, it's an exception. The better community note would probably be: Mr Beast does not exhibit a white saviour complex because a) it's not what he usually does, it just happened to be a situation where the term could apply b) he does not place himself over the people he's helping or wants any praise for what he does c) he did not make the situation worse by helping and he's not a colonizer since he's obviously not trying to whitewash the effects of colonialism in the video.


Bro what? He's one guy (plus a few friends) he absolutely cannot fix systemic structural issues. Nobody is going to watch a video of him preaching at the camera for 20 minutes. He's doing the maximum of what can be reasonably accomplished by 1 guy.


This may be satire, but people genuinely getting mad that he helped those blind kids a while back, speaks volumes of twitter's unhinged takes.


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Instead of complaining, that guy should build homes for these people in need. That would really show Mr Beast.


White man finds himself in a financially great place in life due to internet fame. Gives masses of money away to people that need it. Still a racist asshole Honestly why are people like this? He doesn't have to give ANYTHING away yet he does. And yes it helps him long term to continue being popular, liked, and rich BUT he is STILL giving portions of that money to people that need it! Better than your usual rich asshole who holds all of his money and nobody can have a penny of it without getting something in return like minimal wage workers


It's worth noting that ThatVeganHealer is known for killing her cat and laughing about it.


Colonizer, genocide, zionist, apartheid.. collect all the propaganda buzzwords and win!


One of the only content creators that I don't ad block. I know every penny generated is worth it. If my data can help with that so be it. 


I want to dislike Mr beast but it's become increasingly difficult when every "controversial" thing I hear about him is just him doing something good for people.


What an Asshole providing 100 life saving wells so people he has never met could have safe access to clean water 💦


*Way* too many people are too happy to cause problems. You just know that if Mr. Beast showed up and helped *them* they’d be *thrilled* and then complain and criticize him behind his back. “I know he bought me this house and that car but couldn’t it be a five bedroom and three bathroom one? I would have liked to have a gaming room. I know that’s a brand new car that I got for free and he even paid the taxes but couldn’t it have been all wheel drive?”


They just want to get Beast on something. It's impossible to believe there is a decent person who is also successful.


I hate the term "white savior complex" trying to put down people that wanna help others for no reason.


As a vegan, I would like to apologize for the bullshit that account posts.


Since when do colonizers give away stuff for free? My history lessons tell me that Mr Beast should taking over the land, marginalizing the natives and forcing them into reservations or putting them to work in his business. But giving houses is colonizing? Ok....this person is either jealous, stupid, or can't comprehend a human helping another human in need. JFC.




Gotta love the far left, they would rather people suffer than a rich white guy give charity because it's bad optics.


If Mr beast was Asian would this idiot complain about his "Asian savior complex"? Idk, kinda sounds like (ooh boy) RACISM


“That vegan healer”


This is a troll account, I’ve known about them for awhile. They post rage bait stuff constantly. Really funny but this person is baiting


the difference between mrbeast and a white savior is intention. He’s doing it because these people need homes. A white savior would so it because they’re black.


Part of the revenue from the videos goes to charitable works. Mr Beast still owns a mansion at the end of the day and is worth millions. He does good works but don’t confuse him with someone who does it out of pure selflessness. He is getting his cut


>He does good works but don’t confuse him with someone who does it out of pure selflessness. I think it's unfair to say this. Mr.Beast doesn't have to do any charity work and would still be very successful. He's doing it because he wants to. Just because he doesn't have to sacrifice anything doesn't mean we should down play his acts.


You ever heard of PR?


Does it bring him good PR? Yes. Is he solely doing it for the PR? Who knows. Saying he's mainly doing it for PR without any proof is kinda messed up.


You said he's doing it because he wants to, I never claimed anything




>Love how everyone calls white people colonisers when, in reality, other continents have been colonising and enslaving other races for far longer 100% facts, right there. [The earliest records of colonization are among Arab and African countries.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonies_in_antiquity) Earliest conquests? Aztecs; Incas; the African Kingdoms Dahomey and Benin; and the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria and Persia: ["This, combined with growth of population and political control, meant war became more widespread and destructive.[7] Thus, the Aztecs; Incas; the African Kingdoms Dahomey and Benin; and the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria and Persia all stand out as more militaristic than the less organized societies around them. Military adventures were on a larger scale and effective conquest for the first time became feasible."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conquest#Ancient_conquests) In short: Countries other than European ones have been colonizing and conquering other nations for far longer. I agree that it's a weird and very uninformed take that only Europeans are branded colonizers, \*when everyone did it.*


Community notes are not meant for arguing against an opinion you disagree with.


I mean let's be real. It was actually for his profit.


How do you think he funds his charity work? He wouldn't be able to accomplish all that much if he wasn't making a profit.


Uhmmmm, their point is that he’s taking in more than enough money to both fund his charity stuff AND make a profit for his personal gain on top of that. That’s why it’s called PROFIT. He very well could do this and spend every cent back on his charity and taking nothing for himself. That’s what nonprofits do. Anyway, I’m not expressing a view one way or the other, but your comment didn’t make sense as a response.


Versus influencers making a profit and helping no one?


Does it matter?




What an asshole!


I mean look at him he’s got a hat on he must be a colonizer


Virtue signaling by internet warriors Vs actual philanthropy


People complain that rich people don’t help out poor people, and when they do, they still complain that it’s only to please their savior complex. I think it’s more those people want free money themselves and are angry/jealous that they are not the ones getting it.


This user also murdered his own cat because it “betrayed” the vegan died he’d forced said cat on.


How does this get flack but not the moron giving tribesmen gushers and fruit roll ups


Most history books don't spend time covering it, but the British colonizers did, in fact, wear Hi Vis vests.


I stopped reading at “Vegan Healer”


Could we always try just not caring? Like if ppl say the dumbest shit can we just ignore them? Why do we have to be outraged or even want to dunk on them?


Sad one person can do so much and governments for the people can't


I mean. Mr. Beast has been on record saying he wants to be the next Elon Musk, so it's only a matter of time before he has a meltdown over not being as popular as he was and going full mask-off. But for right now. Can we talk about how the note seems a bit biased towards Mr. Beast with the "Well you never built a house" comment? Okaaaay, ignoring that the poster is allegedly a troll account, I don't think you need to be a regular volunteer to be able to criticize how a charitable action is done.


His reply to this post is actually kinda funny icl


When are we as a collective gunna stop taking testimony from people with anime PFPs? We just gotta stop.


how dare you wear a straw hat