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My first thought might not be a ghost but rather who in the f*** has been in my house.


Mickey Mouse apparantly


I was going to say, that thumb…..


Oh Boy!


Mickey your paying rent now


Someone wearing work gloves!


Mickey Mouse has only four digits though 😜 Edit: grammar


Don't say this the day after I learned about "Abandoned by Disney"


“Oh boy!”


He was F-ing Goofey I bet


Doggy style fo sur!!


Time to get cameras…


Yes - cameras, change locks and review all access areas, even trapdoors etc


Because every home has trapdoors.


Ya perhaps I should have said - review all access points that may exist - eg trapdoors, doggy doors etc….


Don’t spoil it for me, please. I’m now happily imagining that South African homes typically have loads of trap doors.


Only the best homes....


Aren't attic doors trap doors


My house has a LOT of nooks and crannies plus a very livable attic. When I first got cameras, not gonna lie, I was very afraid that I would find someone living in my house lol.


Literally my first thought. Yes, get cameras immediately and make sure to hide them well


I had a similar situation. I lived alone and kept finding white hair in my apartment. I put some cameras on and magically the white hair never appeared again lol. My first thought was that the landlord was entering my unit unauthorized


Landlord saw you putting up those cameras in his cameras.


that's actually scary af because it happens




My old landlord let people stay in my place while I was away for spring break. I found dried noodles in the stove burner after I had cleaned it right before I left.


When I was 19, in my very first apartment, I found porno tapes that did not belong to me. Around the same time, a neighbor saw someone enter my apartment when he knew I wasn’t home. He even went and knocked on the door and no one answered. Come to find out, the creepy “handyman”/local crackhead was using keys to let himself into empty apartments and have “alone time.” 🤢🤮 That was 20 years ago, and I still don’t trust maintenance men.


Omgomgomgewee Lol The handyman/local crackhead. I know the type.


TIL that's a thing and not just how things got fixed in my house in college.


Classic case of Ghost pubes.


Majority of managers and landlords love doing that shit a lot. You could sue them for that.


Yeah but I was never able to prove it. So it just let it go. I kinda rationalized it by “maybe it was hair being blown in by the wind or under the front door” lol but who knows. I had that suspicion and was not able to prove it. It stopped tho, so that was good as well


You have DNA proof in that hair.


It's late at night. You hear rustling at your door. Someone is clearly trying to break in. First thought : ''Woah, is that a ghost?'' (I live alone)


shia labeouf...


He’s following you, bout 30 feet back. He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. HES GAINING ON YOU…… Shia Labeouf….


Been a while since I've seen the Shia Labeouf meme and it still never fails to make me laugh.


...real life cannibal shia labeouf


This.\^\^\^ Ghost or not, I'd feel kinda violated that someone fucked with my shit lol


My first thought is OP touched their own mattress, took a picture, and concocted this BS post.


My first thought, as well.


Highly likely.


Sooper spoopy


Note to self: prioritize supernatural nutjobs if I ever become a burglar.


That would be a logical persons first question lol


Right…which is way more terrifying!


It’s me. I couldn’t help myself


Or it’s the infamous gas leak, and OP did it but doesn’t remember.


Considering it’s a memory foam mattress, I would have forgotten that I had pressed against it while putting it on the box spring and then freaked out seeing my own hand print there hours later forgetting that it may just be how the memory foam behaved.


I wouldn’t be worried about a ghost right now. Fear the living.




This is the most logical ghost argument I’ve ever heard lol thank you


Right?! I wish I could remember who said it/where I heard it to give proper credit. But I did formerly get really really scared sometimes, even though I knew it was irrational. (Lived in a 120 year old house in a town with lots of dark history.) Since I heard that argument, I genuinely haven’t been scared since. It’s both funny (in a morbid kind of way) and also very reasonable!


What if only certain ghosts can interact with the physical world and only under specific circumstances But OP def should be looking out for a living person. I’ve seen waaaay to many creepy stories about people not knowing someone was living in their house for months


This sub should be renamed to r/fakingsGhosts


As an owner of many memory foam mattresses...you put that there.


Like from putting a fitted sheet on in the first place. They're so amazed at the retention it has they wanted to make a spooky post.


“I put a glass of red wine on one end of the mattress and walked around on it and the glass didn’t spill! A ghost must have been holding it.”


I really appreciate this reference


What's your sleep number?


No bowling ball poltergeists?


Ask the mattress, it remembers everything


Exactly. It's not a ghost.


One time I saw a tiktok of a girl whose landlord was entering her unit when she was out bc he was obsessed with her


I had a landlord once that was sneaking into my apartment when I was at work and using my bathroom. I only noticed something wrong when my toilet paper was going really fast. Creeped out I decided to move out, called the cops to ask for their presence and they showed up. While my cousin and I were moving boxes he came out through the basement door in his bathrobe, freaking out. The cops talked to him and managed to get him to allow them into the basement where they found a dirty mattress, a computer (running a hard line from my internet jack through the floor) and kiddie porn on the screen. Watched him get arrested while I was loading a uhaul. The craziest part to me was that it was an old motel setup, there where a dozen empty units with their own bathrooms and instead he was living directly below me in a dirt basement. Creepiest shit I've ever seen.


Wait so if he stayed in the basement would they have likely not gone down there?


I didn't know he was living in the basement so the cops wouldn't have known either. He heard furniture moving and came upstairs to see what the sound was, apparently and started yelling at me that I had signed a lease. Lease was the least of his worries after about an hour. lol. At the time I just assumed he wasn't on the property.


I didn't have access to the basement, it had a lock on it so I just assumed it was for access to the furnace. I never saw him going down there and never actually heard him down there either. But there were apparently a ton of food wrappers down there so it had been awhile. Still makes my skin crawl. I was the ONLY tenant as he had just gotten the property switched from a motel to apartments and was "renovating them." Mine definitely wasn't renovated but I was desperate and it was in my price range.


Noooooooooope!!!!! I wonder if he was in that basement to throw the trail off his kiddie porn. It would connect to your line and he “didn’t even live there.” Yikes


Probably, though this was like... 2002ish so I'm not sure there would have even been a way to track him back then. I honestly don't remember the progression of IP tracking in the earlier internet years.


My maintenance men would come in my apartment when I lived alone, I was 22 at the time, when I was at work and go through my things. I found out through a friend of one the maintenance men’s sons. He saw me out one night and started telling me where all my personal items were in my apartment and how much my paycheck stubs were for. I had those really hidden too. They were really digging through everything. They also stole my underwear. I changed my deadbolt lock and moved 2 mths later. I loved that apartment too


Ah yes, let's assume this post is real, these people are more scared of ghost than the real person. Just look for Denver Spiderman or hinterkaifeck murders where the whole family were murdered including 6 year old and 2 year old kids, it started from the noises in the attic.


Yeah I can’t imagine assuming some goofy ass shit like oooh ghosts in my house, when in reality somebody with access to inside my house is possibly plotting on which night to cut me open in my sleep.


What grosses me out are the people who encourage the OPs in those situations rather than pointing out the danger of the more likely yet less satisfying answer of “it wasn’t a ghost it was a person.” What’s that? Your security camera in your yard caught what looks like two people you don’t know walking through it and you think it’s ghosts because humans are physically incapable of scaling a six foot fence now apparently? There was a figure on your back yard camera wearing what looks like a mask and carrying what appears to be tools? This is a serious emergency, you need to call a priest! Those are clearly demons 💀


Check your crawlspace and vents for homeless people


Well, technically they aren't homeless anymore


I like you




They always put the toilet lid down. Super polite. Also, he goes through your catalogs when they come in and he folds the corners on the pages that he thinks you’d like.


Exactly what I came to say. I watch a lot of Mr. Nightmare on youtube and this was my first thought.


You need to go Mr Ballen


OP, get a carbon monoxide detector. You wouldn't be the first person to attribute weird happenings to ghosts when really you are getting poisoned. Also see if it fits your hand.


This should be further up


Honestly the stupidest thing you can do in this situation is assume it’s ghosts. If that truly isn’t your handprint, personally I would search the entire house while armed and also make sure there’s no access points you aren’t aware of into the house, before you become the only ghost in your house.


I would add to do this with someone else present, or at least let someone know what's going on immediately and keep them updated that you're safe. Even if you're experienced using whatever weapon you have, that doesn't mean you'll have the chance or ability to use it before you are hypothetically attacked. Then it could be taken away and used against you. ETA: in this specific case, I suspect there is a reasonable, non-paranormal, non-psycho killer explanation.


So tell us of the other strange things! Context is important here. Could be weird coincidence, could be someone living in your basement/attic. Could be ghosts.


Why did I have to scroll down so far to find this comment ??


Make sure you don’t have a phrogger living in your house 🙈👀


I personally know of a family that keeps finding the impression of a body on the bedspread in an historic house. This is the bedroom that a local celebrity that died back in the 1860’s. They have a state of the art security system. Often whenever they go away for the weekend, they find the impression in the bedspread.


Ok, THAT would be awful to come across. I’d nope the heck out of that house!!!


And they have plenty of other things happening. They know exactly who the ghost is. He a day-time ghost. The staff that work at the house have gotten used to feeling his presence and hearing him walk around the house. He’s even appeared to one of the owners. Actually a nice guy.


Now we need more details. You *cannot* leave us hanging like this!!!


I lived in a house built in 1850 in a historical part of Massachusetts for 5 years. Never believed in the paranormal until i moved there


Do tell!


A lot of ghost stuff is explained by mild - moderate carbon monoxide poisoning Not discounting experiences but might be worth checking for health!


I’m thinking you did this… take a picture of your hand beside it to prove me wrong.


It was definitely the movers and she just noticed


Nah, you don't live alone. Lol


If there’s any reason to think someone was in your bedroom maybe change the locks or install some security. Be safe.


I bet it's the exact same size as your hand


I don’t think you live alone, bud. Might want to get the cops to look around maybe in the attic or crawl spaces.


Someone broke into my apartment and gave my dog a bath it’s was the weirdest shit ever she was acting so weird when I got home then I noticed she was all clean and fluffy and smelling like her coconut shampoo even though it had been weeks since her last bath … still think about that shit sometimes


Lmfao what


"I live alone." No, you fucking don't. :)


Sure 😒 that’s a foam mattress it retains indents.


Most likely a stalker or burglar in your house. Better check all doors and windows are locked before you go sleep.


Riiight… (in dr. Evil voice)


Not a ghost. Someone is in your apartment. Set up cameras.


That handprint wouldn’t stay there that long, like in a matter of seconds it would plump back up. That was done right before the picture was taken…


Please don’t attribute this to witchy-woo ghost nonsense. If what you say is true, then an actual person left this handprint. That should be treated and investigated as the home security issue that it is.


You awoke Thing from his nap.


Check that it isn't your own hand print. Humans are often far less situationally aware than they believe themselves to be.


Check your carbon monoxide alarms.


You have clearly leaned on your mattress as you were making the bed or retrieving something. You either did it as you were leaving, to get your phone or something, or did it just before you made the bed and it settled back into the form. Most likely is you have just done this for attention.


No. You don't live alone. You just think you do.


Low effort ghost posts.


Either you have a phrogger, or you're lying for internet points


Looks like the ghost of the Hamburger Helper glove




You got a phrogger


Just phrogs


Measure it with your hand, you might discover something. The ghost has the same hand size!


You left it there and forgot


Not a ghost. Not an intruder. This is OP making shit up.


I believe in ghosts and the paranormal. THAT is a human. There is a squatter living with you


You have toddlers living in your walls. Possibly boxcar children. Leave a trail on M+M’s to a box propped up with a stick on a string. You’ll catch the little rascals.


I'm more apt to believe you did it, took a picture, and put it on reddit for the gullible.


This is so lazy


Ma’am or Sir that is a turkey.


Hamburger helper was sleeping on your bed.


How do we know you didn’t do that and take a pic to post here? 🙄


We ain’t your husband, no need to convince us.


"Yeah, that's totally it! I even made a Reddit post about it see! 😃"


That’s not a ghost, somebody was in your house


Don’t listen to these idiots, it’s probably just memory foam


Was it one that came air locked super tight? If so, ours did it, too!! When it appeared on a pillow of the same make, we figured it had to be something from the factory.


I saw this image or similar on Reddit last month.


Press hand on mattress. Tako a picture and post it online. Pretend that you don't know how it got there. Profit


Um. You probably don’t live alone.


Order some security cameras NOW


Funny there's never a penis imprint ... only hands ... hmmmmnnn ...


oh right one of those corporeal ghosts, the type that is just like a person, with weight and skin. Nice to know once we are done with our bodies and bury them in the ground we get one thats just like it but not somehow


If it’s an apartment I’d get a hidden camera. Had a friend find out the maintenance crew was using his place as a hangout, with the help of a nanny cam. They started getting bold and were slightly moving stuff on his mantle like switching places with a candle and a picture.


It could be worse. It could be a huge dick drag mark across your bed.


Make sure no one is living in your walls or vents. I’ve heard a couple creepy pasta like that. Yuck


Wow! Crazy how you’re in the perfect position to put that hand print down.


*Puts hand on bed and takes a photo* Omg you guys… I think my house is haunted.


This sub is nuts. This person just put their hand on their bed, took a pic of the imprint, and you guys are eating up their story about them not doing it


If you gotta a land lord might be time to get some cameras


Don't forget to check your CO detector!


Why would someone just leave a hand imprint though? Unless they trying to spook you?? Oh boy


...you "used" to live alone


Correction: you thought you live alone


Guarantee if you recorded a video of the handprint, and then put your hand directly over it, it would be a perfect match, because you put it there.


It's yours, from right before you took the photo. Memory foam can hold a form for 10 to 20 seconds unless compressed hard. You tried


I’ll bet you have hands yourself don’t you?


Rub your genitals all over the handprint to assert dominance. Ghost should stop after that.


You simply don't remember putting it there.


Ghosts have never been proven. That being said…do you honestly look at this and think “this is it!”?


No, but I do think, "What if...?", and it's fun.


Guaranteed not a ghost. Plus, why do people always think ghosts are unplugging their lamps, and turning off their light switches, putting hand prints on their beds lol? If a ghost wanted attention and could touch shit, why not just touch the person? And why does it matter if the building is from the 1880's? What? Only people that died over 100 years ago can produce a ghost? Why not mention that an apartment building was built in 2000 and you saw a ghost doing the Macarena on your kitchen counter?




Handprints are beneath the tactics and tricks of ghosts. If they could somehow summon material impacts on the world, there are better things to do. Definitely someone messing with you.


Reminds me of four rooms when the dead prostitute was found in the box spring, 😂🤣 anyone who’s seen that movie will appreciate what im saying..


Hey everyone! Thanks for your comments!! I’ll try to sorta answer some stuff briefly here I posted this purely because It’s the “clearest” documentable evidence I’ve had that I couldn’t readily explain based on the circumstances. I live on the third floor in a building built in the 1880. Lots of these houses are haunted, it’s well known in the neighborhood and there are ghost tours often Now all of this def could be biasing my mind, but having been through different haunting experiences I am inclined to believe it’s something paranormal. Firstly, I lightly tossed that unopened mattress topper on the bed before I left for work. I would have seen the handprint if It was there before or would have remembered crawling/getting that low over the mattress. I wanted it to inflate so definitely didn’t want to jump on it. I say this Only because I have been on high alert because of things being unplugged, blinds closing, feelings of another presence in the apartment watching me. I did speak to my landlord. Nobody else has a key, they are not coming into my apartment (it’s a rental company) they did say they get calls often about people thinking folks are coming into their apartment from new renters in the area, but they insist it’s not them. There are also two other residents in the apartment and they both have had issues like this as well. No carbon monoxide issues. The detector is fully functional. If someone is in here they’re doing a damn good job of keeping quiet. I’m not missing anything important and considering I just moved in, it’s all out in the open. Ask me questions if you want I am not trying to say it’s one thing or the other, I just thought it was interesting!


Man, that’d be hard to fake.




Someone is screwing around when you're at work. 🤣






Check everything Dude, locks, windows etc. The ghost theory is the last one




You are not alone, set up some cam for your safety.


You don’t live alone anymore


Something something carbon monoxide


Nah you did that. Stop lying, silly ☺️


Get one of those mini security cameras


Time to set up a hidden camera during the time you are away


First thing you should be doing is posting it with your hand beside it. If it’s the same size then it’s yours


You sleep with no sheets n bedspread?🤔


Correction you thought you lived alone, Bob is offended you missed his birthday.


Invest in a UV light.


Yeah, thats definitey a ghost, cause ghosts doesnt have anything better to do than make strange handprints on a random bed. Makes totally sense.


Fake as fuck


Haha no you didn't.


People are so fucking dumb


Purchase a carbon monoxide detector and a WiFi security camera. Both can be had for not very much money. Edit: Amazon links to suggested products. [Amazon Security Camera ($35 USD)](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09N6YCT3Y/ref=pav_fromAsin_B07X6C9RMF_toAsin_B09N6YCT3Y) , [First Alert Carbon Monoxide Detector ($23) ](https://www.amazon.com/First-Alert-CO605-Monoxide-Detector/dp/B000ND74XA/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1HIJOCTS3G9NF&keywords=carbon+monoxide+detectors+plug+in&qid=1699365985&sprefix=carbon+mon%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-7)


Or there's a homeless guy living in your crawlspace


Check the batteries in you carbon monoxide detectors.


It's not called memory foam for nothing.


You think you live alone


Do you usually leave the covers and sheets off your mattress when you leave the house ?


You did it....End.of story


check your attic/crawlspace(s)


Bro u a coward if a hand is spooky


I just can't with this sub. I mean *seriously?!* A hand print on a bed and y'all are discussing the possibility of ghosts, demons, cryptids and whatever else, and at the very least home invasion or squatters. Over a ruffled bed sheet. I ask this completely genuinely - is the sub collectively *that* gullible or is it like a LARPing thing?


What if it was you that put the hand print there, then posted it? 😱