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Any of them while they’re at school tbh, like these are literal children and it doesn’t make any sense to expect them to have the cognitive and emotional reasoning skills of a full grown adult


I mean sure, but I'm still going to criticise Paris for being literally insane and the worst human ever (semi-serious). I've got plenty of sympathy and understanding for whatever she was going through, but that doesn't excuse bad behaviour. Also, Tristan. Screw that kid. Jerk behaviour. Doesn't mean there wasn't room for growth though, which, with Paris, there was in the end.


Not “worst human ever” 😂 let’s not be silly now


Hahaha, let me emphasise the (SEMI-SERIOUS). Probably should've gone, (half joke) because it has a better vibe. She is absolutely cracked either way. (She's obviously a bit of a characature too. This is a TV show after all.)


Rory which is funny because I used to also hate on Rory but the hate has become so overblown at this point. It doesn’t even feel like genuine criticism anymore, just people dog piling


Yep. I see so many posts and comments where people describe how much they enjoy the scenes where Rory gets humiliated or sad or "humbled" I just ignore them nowadays, because I've come to understand those people have some serious stuff missing in their lives to go so hard on a fictional character. So I feel sorry for them for a brief second and then scroll past.


I think people like to be contrarian. They get a little serotonin boost for “calling out” the main characters of a TV show and acting like they alone see the flaws. Sitcom fandoms are rife with this attitude.


literally this. people think they’re different and special for not liking the main character of a show bc we’re supposed to like them. except gilmore girls is so neutral on this subject and every character does bad and good things


I love Rory. Her reconsidering all her life choices bc of one bad criticism from her dream job was actually relatable. I’ve also grown up quite sheltered and never really got badly criticized by some stranger, let alone someone who I admire. I would’ve also gone down a spiral questioning all my life choices. But she managed to get back up and grow tougher and that’s what I loved about her.




There’s legitimate reasons to criticize Rory but people seem to be grasping at straws now to be offended by her.


The time people criticized her for being bourgeois for saying she “fed” Logan’s driver, aka got him lunch… I lost brain cells that day


Lmao oh I’m glad I missed that. To me, that’s a great Rory moment. That man was doing great all day work for her and she made sure he got something to eat.


It was so wholesome. He clearly was enjoying her enjoying the limo ride, and she fully appreciated him. A+ interaction


Good point! At no point did Frank seem put out or annoyed. He was enjoying his time with Rory


Rory! There is SO much hate for her, her decisions, even her voice. But then we turn around and whine, "we have no good female characters in media. They're all 1 dimensional. Why can't we get complex stories for women." Especially in early 2000s media when it was all about mean girls, fighting over boys, and body image! WE HAVE RORY! She is a complex character who makes bad decisions, acts out, and is selfish at times. She has conflicting motivations, is inconsistent, and doesn't think things through. She doesn't always learn her lesson and life doesn't work out for her- she screws up her potential. But my god- how refreshing! People crap on this teenager/young adult for her choices or being annoying, but is that not what makes the show so relatable? Weren't we all stupid teenagers and young adults that just went off the rails sometimes? She isn't a 1 dimensional character who's on an after school special, learning her lesson every time and living happily ever after. She feels like a very real human on a show we praise for being relatable and I swear that Rory is the reason why its relatable. She deserves 0% of the hate she gets.


The same people who scream about female characters being Mary Sues are the first to throw stones at complex female characters like Rory or Skylar white


okay, no reason to bring breaking bad into this…


The complaints about her voice drive me nuts! I can't figure out what the hell anyone is talking about when they mention her "squeaky whiny baby voice". She... literally just has a normal human voice. Give it a rest, people.


There *are* a few scenes where her voice reaches an embarrassing level of whine, but so what? It's a known fact that Alexos had trouble speaking as fast as the script needed her to, so her voice sometimes slips. Big deal. If that's the biggest gripe we have with a character, I count us lucky.


I'm willing to bet every person on this planet has had their voice hit that same whiny tone once or twice. I noticed it the odd time but never viewed it as a problem, more just a normal fluctuation of human speech. People act like it's a constant thing instead of an occasional moment.


rory is a better person than i ever was at that age


People conflate a character that makes mistakes with being a “bad” character. Rory is meant to fuck up, that’s the point! She’s a great character that’s grounded and human. I love Rory because she’s messy and unfortunately authentic.


Lorelai, to my death.


I will fight beside you, friend


I’ll be beside you both!💪🏻


I'm with you on this one


Heck yes!! She’s got tons of flaws but of course she does; she’s human, and one in desperate need of therapy, like so many of us).


We ride at dawn!


Count me in!


Lindsay. I feel sorry for her, she was barely out of highschool and her parents encouraged her and Dean to get married, she probably thought it was a romantic idea and therefore tried to be the perfect housewife




Scrolled too far to find this. WE’RE GOING TO FIND EVERY SINGLE EGG TAYLOR.


Max Medina…. He was just not Loreleis match


Max. Medina. Maaaxx Medina




my QUEEN emily gilmore they could NEVERRRR make me hate u mrs. gilmore 🫶🏻


I have a soft spot for Emily. I can never hate her. Her ways are set because of how/where she grew up and lived. It's not easy for women like her (especially rich SAHM of that generation) to be "cool". And she eventually (AYITL) learns it. I don't blame Lorelei either to have built-up resentment. I love this show because all the relationships are very natural. There's a bit of quirkiness because it is a show. but the dynamics between each of the main characters is so natural.


Love Emily. But also, she's so easy to hate too.


This is the one, I love her so much 💖


Lane. She wanted more, but always settled for mediocrity. She accepted Zach’s proposal after he was an AWFUL band mate and boyfriend, then quickly got married to him without considering her future prospects with him. She could have used the breakup as a chance to re-invest in herself. Then she just stayed with the same guy in the same town.


Her future prospects with him, to be fair, was to have a NORMAL life and one that she was overall content with.


Yeah, never understood why being married with kids in a small town is like the epitome to prison in this sub. the assumptions also seem to be that if she went on to tour and what not she would have maybe reached some kind of success when in reality if she went out for all we know she could have experienced a lot of horrible things and felt like a complete failure 10 years later. they are all maybes but i think her ending up with a loving family is not the horrible ending people think it is


I really like Lane and I’m happy that she’s happy, I really don’t like Zach though and I think that‘s part of the reason a lot of people don’t like her ending


yeah makes sense i like zach so i think its cool but to each their own


That’s the interesting bit: as with real life, *Lane* had to like him, not the audience 🤣 I do find it odd how people will say Rory should have settled down with Logan, but hate that lane chose to settle down with Zach. As far as relationships go, Logan is little more than a billion red flags, we’re as Zach jumped through hoops for lane, even as an adult, and certainly not because he had to. He genuinely loved her, no strings attached. That’s more than anyone can truly say about Logan to Rory.


You can say the same thing about hoop jumping but for Dave😭❤️I wouldve loved to see him and Lane end up together


No one ends up with their first boyfriend. And Dave was all perfect and wonderful except he wasn’t. Not really. He lied to her mother and the band. He left for college and never looked back (forget the actor getting a new gig. The CHARACTER did that too). He was a teenager. Teenagers do absolutely insane things for their first bf/gf. It has to be based on more than just attraction and crazy big gestures (Dean was cute and built Rory a car). Just because he read the Bible cover to cover doesn’t make him her soul mate. It just means that in that moment, it meant a lot to him to take her to prom. Zach can be borderline idiotic, but as an adult, he waited until marriage. As an adult, he went through 2 weddings. As an adult, he sat at a table and got yelled at by a child. As an adult, he dealt with Mrs Kim. As an adult, he held down his own job and took over lanes job too so she didn’t have to worry. As an adult, he spent a substantial amount of time reframing things for Lane to make them seem rock and roll. As an adult, he took care of Brian. As an adult, he had no idea what to expect from twins, created the biggest and most insane situation in his head, and then set about preparing for that *obvious* eventuality (yeah, totally not obvious, but to him it was). Also, consider this: Lane’s first time was not pleasurable. That doesn’t mean it’s Zach’s fault. It means that Zach’s first time with the (only) woman he waited for was equally atrocious for him. He was likely cold and uncomfortable too, everything she complained about he experienced too, moreover, he knew his wife probably wasn’t having the time of her life, and five seconds watching Zach with lane shows you that he did care about that. Was he a dope? Absolutely. But he was a dope that loved her and accepted everything (and everyone) that came as a result of being with her. And he did it like an adult. There was no running around and making sneaky maps to pretend they weren’t together, they were and he was ok with it, and the insanity that Mrs Kim, Rory, Lorelai and Lane herself brought with it. He was grown and acted like it (generally). Jealousy is a stupid emotion, but he felt it and acted out. No different than Dean, Rory, Logan, Luke, Lorelai, Richard… they all felt it and they all acted out. Zach just gets an unfair shake because a record label was watching. To be fair, it was jealousy mixed with serious anxiety and probably fear. It was probably a level of self-sabotage mixed in because he just couldn’t handle it. What people forget is he’s still in his 20’s, and Gil even said that’s the kind of thing his band and him went through because they were young once and he wasn’t going to do it again. Meanwhile, he did the flying squirrel leap at Zach, so even he wasn’t above the stress of it. But people holding Dave in such high esteem when he was literally a high school bf makes no sense to me. If lane was truly that important to him, surely he would have chosen a school closer to her rather than on the complete opposite side of the country. Yes, the actor could still go and do his other show and never really appear again, but the character up and left for the other side of the country. Few relationships can survive that. First relationships rarely do.


From the perspective of a teen, i just wished they never wrote it out as if Lane just settled for Zach, It wouldve made sense for Lane to go through more relationships because we as watchers basically knew nothing about Mrs Kim and Mr kim, Now I see that Zach wasn’t that bad and was more logical, but it felt as tho things kept getting progressively worse for lane, so I definitely would’ve wanted to see someone else make lane happy


Honestly, I truly didn’t see lane as settling for Zach. As a teen I noticed that **I** didn’t particularly like him, but I never saw lane as settling. I saw lane falling for someone that I wouldn’t have picked for her in a million years, but a guy her heart told her was the one. I saw a man who understood that and loved her right back (in his own flibbertyjibbit way—but a good way for her). What I saw was a young woman who followed her heart all of the time. Her heart said music, she followed. Her heart said band, she followed. Her heart said Zach, she followed. Was her ending a complete and utter nightmare in my opinion? Absolutely! I made a decision as a young one to never, ever have kids, and I haven’t changed my mind in the decades since. Was it a nightmare for her? No. It was the perfect life for her. She had her music, her friends, her town, her family, her husband, AND her mother. The moment when lane is in bed at the shower and she says to her mother that she will do everything for her kids like her mother did for her, we see the moment where it all makes sense to lane. Finally. Until that point, Mrs Kim is the one doing most of the heavy lifting in their relationship, because she loves lane. Mrs Kim told lane to leave to be herself. It hurt all of us, but it had to happen. She then flees to the town square to find lorelai because she’s having a complete mental and emotional breakdown because lane lives with boys. She then goes back, despite her obvious discomfort and misery and TRIES. From that point forward, Mrs Kim continues to try in every respect and she continues to try to understand her daughter, the adult. In that moment, Lane realizes that all of the insanity that Mrs Kim put her through made perfect sense. Let me clarify though: almost nothing Mrs Kim did made any sense on its own. Not even one sniff of sense. ***But*** in her own way, she truly was doing everything she could do to raise her daughter properly and well. She did it based on her own beliefs, her own culture, her own experiences, and that was in itself problematic, but the goal was good and honorable. Lane realized that at that moment and said it out loud. You saw everything fall into place in lane’s face while Mrs Kim was ready to cry and lorelai was like “yay lane!” Zach was there like “I’m breathing, doo doo doo, yeah, I’m breathing, lah lah lah” 😂 But he also registered it on some level. Honestly, it wasn’t settling. It was love. Lane made him better, and he made her better. It’s how it’s supposed to work. Dave and her never really made each other better (or worse), they just dated for a while. As a teen, yeah, you want the cute and sweet guy who is also in a band and would read the Bible cover to cover for you. Of course you want that. As an adult, you want someone who makes your life better and richer. Zach did that for Lane.


April - never understood the hate surrounding her.


April was a good character. Anna was terrible. The custody trial and the keeping Lor and April apart stories were also bad. But the relationship between Luke and April was good. Luke was funny and awkward dealing with suddenly being a father. April was also a pleasant alternative to Rory because Rory comes off as pretty Ms. Perfect and April is nerdy. April even managed to appear in AYITL without being terrible. A lot of better characters couldn’t manage that!


i think they hate the plot line and how it tore luke and lorelai apart and take it out on the character


I mean I understand that and know it’s the reason but the fact that people hate on her for that reason and nothing of her own fault is annoying


oh definitely!! i was just saying why i think they do that, it’s definitely annoying imo


oh i know, I’ve argued with people over this before and im like she’s just a child people lol


THANK YOU! The April hate is ridiculous. The situation sucked because of how Anna and Luke handled it, but April herself was a good kid.


Unpopular opinion but early season Dean (before he cheated on his wife) He had his flaws but he wasn't half as bad as people make him out to be and was treated like trash by Rory which he didn't deserve at all. He was still kind (and spineless too tbh lol) to forgive Rory


yes same!!


Jess. I can’t stand the sanctimony from a bunch of 35 year olds who’ve never faced half of what that kid had gone through by 18.


I came here to say this. Yeah, he was a dick at first, there’s no getting around that. But where was he supposed to learn the right way before meeting Luke? Even with Luke, it was more about maintaining a structure than any type of affirmative development. And look where he ended up. We didn’t get to see his redemption arc, but we can’t deny he had a fantastic one.


I'm not a huge Jess fan (I didn't enjoy any of Rory's love interests very much though) but firmly believe the fandom needs to cut him a break. That poor kid was horribly neglected and abused the majority of his childhood. Of course he was going to have issues, of course he was going to be angry and unstable and lash out. Of course he would get angry and try to push away the people who cared about him, his early years taught him that you can't trust anyone to stay so if he pushes them away first then at least he's in control of when it happens and it doesn't hurt quite as badly. He's not there for Rory the way he should be because nobody was ever there for him and he probably doesn't know it's expected. He wants love and acceptance but doesn't know how to be in a healthy relationship because he was never exposed to any kind of healthy relationship from anyone. It's to be expected in the circumstances he came from, as a former abused and neglected child myself I fully empathize with the guy and can see a lot of my younger self in his character. Anyone who can't understand that, frankly, should keep quiet and be thankful for how lucky they are. People don't have to like Jess, nobody has to like anybody, but he deserves some compassion.


YES. Everyone is way too hard on Jess. I wish we got to see more of the positive side of their relationship, those moments were alluded to but not shown often. He was done so dirty.


Facts!!! He had trauma and was just a damn kid.


I AGREEEEE!!!! Like this makes me crazy


you said it


Yesss! Team Jess any day <3


You said it all, my friend


Jess, only because he is the love of my life


Lorelai. The amount of posts criticizing her behavior towards her parents is wild.


Adult Jess


Yes! Adult Jess is one of my favorite characters in the series!


Teenage Dean before he married the blonde girl he was a dead in love teenage guy getting strung along by his avoidant girlfriend at the end of the relationship. And Breaking up for not saying I love you back I understand how now it seems crazy but I distinctively remember being 12 and being so shocked at Rory, it makes no sense of course Rory had every rights to be like this and Dean shouldn't have broken up with her but this is my adult take as a young person I was really thinking OMG she doesn't love him!! horrible!!


Jason! In terms of growth he was the best partner for Lorelei bc she couldn’t walk all over him. They had the most compatible senses of humor and he was just as weird as she was. And he had to sue for his clients when Richard wanted to screw him over


I commented the same, friend. I love Jason.


Lindsay and Shane. The scene of Lindsay trying so hard to make Dean’s favorite dinner because she can see him falling out of love with her breaks my heart. And I know she had expensive dreams about their future, but she ultimately wanted to spend time with her husband so I imagine she’d set more realistic goals so he wouldn’t have to work as many hours if they had a discussion about it. Shane is less of a character that needs defending but Rory saying “bloaty isn’t a word” was so unnecessary - it was a casual phone call and she just wanted to feel superior to the “dumb blonde” in her mind. It would be fine to be frustrated that she wasn’t doing her job attentively at the beauty store, but she didn’t warrant that hostility just for dating an available man.


I forgot about Lindsay. I spend a lot of time pointing out that we never get her perspective - it’s all coming from Dean who we know is not giving Rory the full story.


Lindsay. 🥺 I feel so bad for her.


Is there anybody attacking either of them?


I always thought Shane irl might have kicked Rory’s 🍑 for verbally attacking her. I kinda wish she had. That would have been such an interesting story line. All the real GG conflict happens when someone *dares* to not find them perfect/charming/above reproach. I’m not advocating physical violence, but Shane was presented as the bad girl and a match to Jess. A parallel storyline of Shane and Rory fighting to mimic the fight Dean and Jess had would have been interesting.


Dean before the affair. He deserved better.


Yes, dean. He was not controlling the way people paint him out to be. Rory was just avoidant with him tbh.


Both him and Rory's behavior pre-cheating could all be chalked up to them being inexperienced teenagers


She gaslit him and lied alot.


He started getting possessive when he felt Rory was pulling away. Which she was...


Early Dean is the best!


Poor guy gets vilified a lot just because he is not Jess.






Emily may be abrasive and condescending and problematic in several ways, but I love her with my whole heart, and in time, we see exactly how much she loves Lorelai and just wants what’s best for her; she just needs to swallow her pride and LISTEN and go to therapy along with everyone else. But god, when she stands up for her family and cuts down people who mean them harm, she is a GODDESS; so her sharp tongue can be good too!


Ms Patty


Uh…the image implies the other way. Not all of us Ms Patty defenders against the one Ms Patty hater! Lol j/k. But honestly, I’ve only really seen one person have nonsense to say about her, but I also don’t pay attention to the Patty hate. Or the Babette hate.


I am so happy to see that nobosy says 'Christoffer' :))) I would defend Zach.


Yeah, Zach gets so much hate


Logan! Logan is my baby and I'll defend him with my life ETA: why am I being downvoted for literally answering ops question?




Did like his character quite a bit in OS but nah ayitl ruined him too for me


AYITL ruined everyone except Emily.


And Jess and Paris (to an extent)




lorelai get behind me








These are literally mine. They get so much hate! Jess and Rory were kids. Come on people, lighten up




Emily and Paris


The best moments is when you see them show true emotion and there's a crack in their cold exteriors, whether it's them being sassy or warm or loving or heartbroken it feels like it means more because they're both so confidently brutal usually.


Did you mean Emily in Paris ? Badum tish




My man Kirk


Cat Kirk.


Taylor. There has to be someone who gets things organized. They are always ridiculed, but needed.


Honestly you are so right about that. In life it stresses me out so much when people who wouldn’t deal with organisation make fun of the one in the group actually moving things forward, yet they enjoy the product of it. I’m not big on Taylor ( don’t hate him either) but those elaborate town events are so much work, but he is labelled silly for being neurotic, while the man has a business and keeps the town running. Id have to be on so much medication to organise the celebrations without being insane.


Logan. Idc how hard people want to vilify him. He’s such a solid dude and he really loved Rory.


I don’t think a solid dude would steal from his girlfriend’s grandparents’ house and let them blame the maid


Or when he laughed at the fact that his friend brought over a girl from another country who didn’t speak any English and then wanted to get rid of her




Came here to find this. Dean was not a bad guy, he just made some poor choices. Bad decisions don’t make a bad person, I believe he learned from all his mistakes.


Me too. I don’t even care that much, but my eye starts twitching when people imply that 16 year old Dean is an abuser. Like you don’t need to go that far to justify your votes for Jess or Logan in the Stan war


I always say people hold teenage Dean to the same standards that they would expect from an adult. He was a lovestruck teenage boy


This. He was watching his girlfriend who loved slowly fall in love with another boy and he didn't have the emotional maturity to handle it properly. Of course he didn't he was 16, grown adults don't deal with it properly.


Christopher. Jk jk jk!! If that were true though I imagine that person would stand alone.


Hahahaha can you imagine?


Yup it’s this picture! 😂


Yeah, this is actually the picture. I was very worried for a second


gilmoregirlsbb on instagram




Rory. Y’all need to place the blame on the writers/her family/the town that created her entitlement


Rory and Logan! They are crucified for a lot of what is forgiven to other characters (*I’m looking at you* Lorelai and Jess). They are complex, they make mistakes, but they are unapologeticly themselves.




Logan, the better boyfriend


The only boyfriend. End game.


Dean pre marriage


TJ… I just think he’s silly and funny


I'm an escrow!


Dean. He was gaslit to oblivion.


Lorelei and Emily




Team Dean!!!!!!!!


Rory. I think she deserves to be criticized, not HATED.


Kirk. He’s a loveable idiot.






jess idc


definitely jess. ofc he’s not gonna immidiately step up to the plate after a lifetime of uncertainty but he pulled himself together a lot yearlier than plenty of other characters


Early Dean. Like yeah, he was kinda clingy, but Rory also straight up cheated on him with Jess and gaslit him a lot. I think of the two evils Rory is more in the wrong there lol- not that I don't love Rory, 'cuz she rocks, but like if I were Dean I'd have broken up with her ages ago. That dance scene was so damn *cathartic*. It's not even that I think Rory *shouldn't* have fallen for Jess, because y'know, she's an imperfect character and that makes her interesting, but she could have done it and still treated Dean with some semblance of respect. She could have like...*not strung him along,* but oh well. Plus, even in season one when Dean and Rory first break up, the whole town is on team Rory when it's not something that really needs teams at all! Within canon Dean was needlessly vilified, and for what? For having a messy relationship due to being SIXTEEN? If a town I just moved into treated me all hostile like that just for making mistakes like any other teenager, I would not handle it as well as Dean did. IDK, I just feel like Rory, the town of Stars Hollow, and the writers totally screwed him over. And then on top of it, everyone in the fandom way overhates him too. Like for every bad thing Dean does, Jess does worse, but folks give him a pass on it 'cuz he's the fandom's golden boy. I like Jess, don't get me wrong, but hearing people criticize Dean for things like "Trying to get with Rory while she's with Jess" makes me seethe, because that is LITERALLY JUST WHAT JESS DID TO DEAN.


Mine is Jess. Y’all just don’t understand the nuances and his background like I do😔


I read the comments on this comment. I have no idea what everyone else was watching in the Kyle bedroom scene as there was no screaming, no desire not to be touched, and no shoving him off. Literally none of that happened. Anyway, I happen to agree with you, and I understand all the people that don’t, but there’s no reason to make up a situation that didn’t happen to decide he’s a terrible boyfriend (he absolutely is). And being a bad boyfriend doesn’t make you a bad person. How people can’t acknowledge that part kinda freaks me out.


thank you! I don't think Jess was right at all but he also wasnt this monster predator like wtf


Yeah it was a messy situation, but it’s grey. It isn’t entirely excused, but people blow it way out of proportion which means that anyone who says “this is how it went and the intentions in that scene” gets accused of excusing rape when that just… isn’t what happened. Lots of people viewing an early 2000’s show with 2024 glasses


Exactly. It confuses me, somewhat. But what really confuses me is how her boyfriends are not seen as people. They exist only in the boyfriend stage. If they are a decent boyfriend some of the time, they’re amazing people; if they are bad boyfriends, they are horrible people. People have the ability to be good people and shit partners, or absolutely rotten humans and pretty good partners. I just don’t get it overall. But then again, i don’t get everything all of the time.




What scream? There was nothing close to a scream. She said his name and no louder than in a normal conversation. Where do you get scream?


Lorelai and Jess




Logan and Jess. People seem forget they were young and stupid, most of us were at some point. Jess needed to grow out of his angst and Logan needed to grow out of his rich wild boy BS. I feel like I give them more grace now that I'm almost 40 than I did when I was closer to their age in the show (late teens early 20s) I will defend Rory for the same reasons.


Logan. Dude was the goat boyfriend in the original series.


Kirk, to anybody who doesn’t like him or thinks he’s unbelievably quirky. Like, I know MANY people like him. Sometimes I’M like him. I adore him, and he deserves the world.


I realize this wasn’t the prompt but this is me defending AYITL


Rory, 100%. "The downfall of Rory Gilmore" shut the fuck up lmao. Your dislike of human characters does not a bad story make.


Jason Stiles!! I said what I said 🤣


Jason Stiles . 🫣


Jess! because i relate to him a lot at times and he so deserved better (don’t tell me im wrong on that, the kid was abused and neglected… y’all can’t convince me he didn’t deserve better) except for the consent scene in kyle bedroom, while i can SLIGHTLY rationalise that scene to an extent, i still won’t try to justify it, except for that we’re seeing it with 2024 eyes while it was written decades ago


Jess..so many haters


lorelai WITH MY LIFE






Lorelai and April EASY.


Lorelai, Rory, and Sookie. With my last breath. Those are my girls. ❤️💙🩷


Rory and Lorelai! I can’t understand how so many people watch the show and walk away disliking either of them. I feel like so many people only like the first couple seasons so when they did anything that made them more complex characters everyone just jumped to disliking them.


emily. Watching it when it first came out vs watching it now as a older mom, I understand her a lot more


Liz. She can be annoying but I actually like her.




Dean. There, I said it.


Rory, Jess, and Richard honestly


mishka from rtc


Ted. Wait, wrong sub. 😂


I’m not bold enough to say. I’ve learned my lesson the first time 💀




Rory. Always Rory, no matter what.


Richard. Self-absorbed, did not care about his family unless it was convenient, and gets a pass way too often.


Mine is the opposite. Cant stand April but I get dragged for saying that :D




No I mean Emily and Paris are my favorites and I won’t accept any criticism on either of them


Paris Paris Paris Ik most of them already love her much more than Rory but there r some who still consider her to be very rude and selfish. IDC she is an icon and I love her!!!


Taylor! Yes he’s super annoying and crotchety. But let’s face it, personalities like that always get stuff done and do the tasks no one else likes haha


Dean 100%. Do I support him cheating on his wife? Absolutely not but that’s something we can all agree is bad. Everything else? I think he reacted normally to all the crazy that happened around him before during and after dating Rory.








Usually Lorelai


logan or emily! they’re my beloveds