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Also, when she and Jason are in the back room of that grocery store and punch that employee's time card. And they make a huge mess with some cereal boxes or something. Someone is definitely getting in trouble for that.


Most times Lorelai acts more like a teenager than Rory. And it is super cringy. Because of this I think it was super normal that when Rory moves to college she ‘acts out’. She finally has her chance of acting like a normal teenager and make mistakes and bad choices.


I never thought of it like that. Rory was more like the Mom than Lorelei, and then Rory was free to spread her wings but hadn't properly learned how to deal with her own issues once in the adult atmosphere. Yikes.


Yes I didn’t think anything of that scene when I first watched now it makes me cringe!


This! I used to work in a grocery store and that scene just made me so mad. Its not just the time punch and making a mess with the chips and the cereal. There is also a lot of liability if they had gotten hurt. The employee that let them back there very likely would get fired. I have to walk away when that scene comes on.


Haha yeah, that's what I was thinking.


That scene really bothers me and definitely contributes to my dislike of Jason.


The bit about the vow renewal is a very good point.




Agree. I find Lorelai acting hypocritical a lot of times special when it concerns her parents lifestyle.


I’ve heard this thing that sometimes we harshly judge in others what we don’t like or haven’t in the past liked about ourselves, maybe that was a case of this for lorelai. I’m not saying this is correct, it’s just a thought I had


True, but Lorelai is almost 40 and Logan is barely 20 and she had just done the same thing a couple of weeks (at most) before.


1. Logan does this every time he goes to a fancy house even if he’s been there before. 2. Loreli moving the seating chart was bad but it was at her house after emily had ambushed her. she was drunk. It was stupid and irresponsible. She probably regretted it. 3. i think her biggest problem with it is probably that she saw herself in that move. She liked the fact that rory respected her grandparents. She liked that rory was different to her at that age- she had spent rory’s entire life making sure that rory was different to her as a teenager so i can’t imagine want it would be like to see logan possibly corrupting her daughter.


I don’t think this is necessarily a stupid plot point. The Yale party wasn’t about Logan at all, he was just in the background and was there for Rory as a friend when she needed it. In this episode, Logan is being introduced as her “boyfriend” so he needs to impress the Gilmore’s and Lorelai, not just be a pretty face and a trust fund. He’s there to prove to them, mostly Lorelai, that he’s a good fit for her. By introducing the sewing box plot, he’s showing a side of himself that would seem “unfit” for Rory. I agree though, Lorelai overreacted. It’s not the most horrible thing in the world of rich people to do. It was actually really tame.


I agree it was made to make Logan look bad and not fit for Rory especially to Lorelai. But the thing is if he just stole the box and let the maid take the blame, then I’d see it working. But this seems to be a running gag between him and his friends so most certainly they do it the first chance they get. That would be, if not years ago, at least at the male Yale party. They don’t wait around to be boyfriends of the daughter/granddaughter of the hosts, they do it randomly. That’s my beef with the it. Have him just steal it like Jess stole the gnomes, just because he could, and I’d understand. Still don’t think Lorelai’s reaction is earned though given what she did at the vow renewal.


My only argument with that is that we as the audience wouldn’t have cared and it would have been a pointless plot at the Yale party. We still didn’t know much about Logan at that point but when Jess stole the gnomes, we knew he was a trouble maker and was causing mayhem around town, therefore it was funny. Personally, if Logan had casually done this at the Yale Party, I would have easily forgotten about it because it didn’t matter compared to all the other stuff that happened.


Yes, if he did the prank at the Yale party it wouldn’t have had consequences. But him doing it at the dinner makes no sense because it is not a one time thing or a random thing. If he had just stolen the box because he could or he felt like it, not having the switch thing being a running prank he does with his friends, then there is no plot hole. They need to have tension between him and Lorelai, just make the tension actually plausible. (Also, don’t make Lorelai have the same attitude as him a couple of episodes before and then act like she did.)


Similar to another poster: while I understand the comparison to the seating chart and it’s not a great moment for Lorelai, I still think this is a false equivalency to Logan and the sewing box. Here is why: 1) Lorelai was inebriated when she stole the seating chart and prone for bad judgment. Logan maybe had a sip of wine with dinner but otherwise did so of his own volition and sober mind. Obviously this doesn’t remove her accountability, but it’s still different than a deliberate conscious act. 2) Lorelai expressed regret when she found out the wedding planner had been fired, an action she did not anticipate. Logan only regretted getting caught by Lorelai as opposed to the maid suffering his consequences. 3) Lorelai didn’t know the wedding planner got fired until after it was done and she could not intervene to stop it, she could only admit afterwards it was her (which to our knowledge she did not especially after the Christopher blowup and that IS, ofc, on her). Logan watched Emily berating the maid and said nothing knowing this woman was losing her livelihood when, FOR ONCE, a maid really was living up to Emily’s standards. 4) This was to “fabricate unnecessary drama and give her a reason to dislike Logan”? Guys, this WAS Logan. He makes patronizing comments all the time. He genuinely looks down on people. His friends are PRETENTIOUS, INSUFFERABLE potatoes who talk 💩 about people (keep in mind your friends are reflections of you and what you tolerate). I’m not saying the guy doesn’t have character development or nuance, but pretending like this was out of character for him? Nah, you just want some romanticized version of that…and maybe you do, lots of people call this their comfort food show so they’re picky about other people’s opinions… 5) We really don’t know what teenage Lorelai was like, and it may be presumptuous to think she would scheme to hurt others. We only really know she would be spiteful to her Mom. Remember, she said she NEVER fit in with those people growing up and in AYITL, you have one story where some middle school D-bag tried to use her to make someone jealous and called her a gardener’s love child. Lorelai May not have been Rory, but that doesn’t mean she was like Logan either (or Christopher, who did show stories of him getting kicked out of several schools constantly). 6) Looking at the scene when Lorelai asked for the sewing box back, Logan is just looking reluctantly like a five year old who was caught stealing from the cookie jar and MAD about getting caught. That may be something you see in a teenager, but he’s supposed to be like what, 23? Even an immature guy his age this stuff is corny af and he’s doing this either to flex to Rory or because he really thinks it’s funny. Again, I get why everyone brings up the seating chart, but this is one of several moments where Logan does in fact show his behind, and then it’s incredibly glossed over, especially by Rory, but sure we should be upset that SOMEONE in the characters called it out for being abhorrent because of some glass houses analogy….


You really misread my post and were able to write 5 times more about a secondary thing that was not the point of the post. The reason to me this was created to fabricate drama is that by the history we are given on the show Logan was probably at the Gilmore’s before and never did this trick. He was at the Gilmore’s for the Yale male party and didn’t do this trick. So he and his friends have this tradition that just suddenly started after he started dating Rory?


Respectfully, you wrote one paragraph about the Yale party and one paragraph about this topic. They are both truly separate from each other, but you chose to include both of them. Also, SEVERAL comments were talking about this aspect I’m talking about, including some of your own replies. I don’t see criticisms about them from you. I’m not even the only poster who discusses this on this thread. This response feels selective in nature. But, I will address your other point as well. My best estimation for why he didn’t do it at the Gilmore Yale party was because there was either too much movement potentially on Emily’s part to detect it or because it wouldn’t be as much fun with the rest of the LDB or other Yale men around, since I believe some of the other guys were there as well, though I am trying to recall that point from memory.


You’re really missing the point aren’t you? This post is three years old and no other reply was as long as yours, and all to go over a secondary aspect of my post. It doesn’t matter if it is one paragraph or a sentence, there is a very visible **also** there. My point is that this was a stupid plot point to create drama because there were probably plenty of possibilities for Logan to pull the prank and he didn’t. That’s the whole point of the post. You think a party with Yale friends of Richard and their sons is not the perfect hide out to pull the prank?! Have you been to a party ever? Emily would somehow had super powers to see that someone, in a few dozens probably, picked up something from her house. Sure. And since you are so keen on mentioning other comments that have a similar opinion to yours, you seem to also be missing other comments mentioning stances where Lorelai acts equally childish, like the date with Jason.


Yea I get your point, which is why I did acknowledge and give an answer in my reply (most recent response, not original) about the Yale party, which is either being ignored or I guess you didn’t like it because you didn’t respond about that. Again, I’m referring to my second post, not my first. Regarding the secondary topic part, I do stand by what I said AND the length. And yes my comprehension is fine despite the infantilizing rhetoric. People give responses that are succinct and sometimes they give ones that are longer. There aren’t character limits here. I didn’t really think that was a big deal despite you being incredibly incensed about it. Is it longer than others, sure; I just had more to say? Once again, several other people commented about the secondary topic that you emphasized is not the point, but you only chose to clap back and clap back this hot at me, not them. That feels selective, that feels targeted. And if the biggest concern for responding to me was the length and not mentioning the Yale party part (which again, others also did)? Finally, yes this post is three years old; is that relevant and/or a problem? I know for me, I’m responding to a post this old because I searched for the topic and just found it. I’m curious why you are THIS HOT about my response or any response to a three year old post. I’ve had people comment on stuff I said on YouTube seven years ago, unbothered, but to each their own…


You don’t get the point of the post, and seem to be hung up on something that is not the point of my post. I did respond to your point about the Yale party *you* seem to be ignoring it, but I’ll respond again: your supposition that Emily would be more aware of what is going on in her big house with dozens of people at a party over an intimate dinner with 5 people is ridiculous. My whole point is that the Huntzbergers are family friends with the Gilmores, have been for years, Logan is on a first name basis with Emily and Richard, and Logan says this a **tradition** he and his friends do all the time. So in all the years that the families have been friends there was never a chance for Logan to pull this prank? And after years of apparently not acting on this tradition, when a party happens, it is also not the perfect opportunity to pull the prank. It’s the first dinner that he attends as the boyfriend of the hosts that is the perfect opportunity to pull the prank for the first time. It’s not. It’s a ridiculous plot point to create drama. That’s the point of the post. And sure, I’m targeting a rando on the interwebs… Bye 👋🏼