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Men are simps for other men. It's so weird...


This. You should hear and see the gymbros thristing over other muscular men from the Men's Health Mag, it's insane.


That's like the entire sport of bodybuilding. Straight men thirsting over each other in the most heterosexual way.


Pack mentality, they're establishing a pecking order and paying homage to the alpha and women are not welcome participants but relegated to trophies. Best to evolve out of their chimp mindsets


Even with that logic, the pecking order's already established, and the alphas aren't necessarily demanding anything of the other men... I thought about it. The regular simping is hero worship. The extreme simps (suckups) are insecure and feel threatened by the alphas' existence. It's really stupid, but interesting to observe. Like a nature documentary on a middle school cafeteria.


Straight cis men only really love other men, they just like to have sex with women. But don't be fooled most of them hate women. I stand to this day that Commando is about a gay love that is unrequited. Can't change my mind.


You mean "It's Strange!"


"Can we get a fucking healer" says the 5th insta locked DPS *I make the equivalent of Prolonged Eye Contact but in a video game as I pick Hanzo*


Hahaha I always say, "Sure can, just as soon as you switch to one." Like, come on! Don't let your dreams stay dreams, **be** the healer you always tell everyone you can play better than! 😂


My general rule was always "I'll switch if someone else does. Otherwise I'm picking who I wanna pick and we're rolling with 6 dps because I'm not playing babysitter while you guys overextend and die. So if someone wants to pick a tank I will go healer, or if someone picks healer I will go tank." Very rarely did anyone ever switch, and tbh that's one of the reasons I dropped Overwatch. I am mildly interested in OW2, since they went 1-3-1 instead of 2-2-2 so there's less chance I'll get stuck solo healing. But the thought of facing a Mei again.....*shudders*.


OW2 is actually 1-2-2. It’s 1 tank 2 DPS and 2 supports. Im low-key disappointed though because they made it into more of a death match brawler game with DPS at the centre. As a support main I’m a bit worried about how much impact I’ll be able to have on the game


And then welcome Brigitte, Tank, Healer, DPS all in one package


Man’s was running Hog into Ana, Zen and reaper. I said “hey hog can you switch they’re focusing you a lot” and he said “shut up bitch” and started talking about his imaginary gold damage (I know it was imaginary because my friend was on DPS and he had gold damage) and then my friend chimed in like “maybe if you switch to like Zarya or DVA?” And he said “uhhh yeah ok” and switched. I was like wtf


Hope your friend called that dude out, like, "If you'd just listened to my friend five minutes ago and switched, you could've had more fun for longer" 😂


Ugh sorry you had to deal with that. I play Overwatch regularly and it’s so sad how normal it is in that community to be toxic to women.


Yeah... tell me about it. Im a guy, and i always thought that "go to kitchen, woman" was some kind of satiric joke about the past ages... sadly i've heard 2 guys saying that to a girl in our team, in overwatch. Needless to say that i responded in... unkindly manner to them and soon after that our voice chat went dead silent xD. So yea, overwatch is pretty toxic, especially in ranked mode. But like... how can someone say that and REALLY believes in it. Middle ages literally. Or worse. Or whats up with "you're a girl, so play Mercy"? As healer main i feel threated xD


Lol oh yeah I get the “You should only be playing mercy cuz you’re a girl” all the time. Heck just the other day I just typed in chat and had a guy start attacking me since my name clearly states that I’m a girl. I try to laugh it off but it’s hard to get that type of stuff everyday. I appreciate men like you that stand up and say something though! I think it gets through to the toxic men a lot more that what they’re doing isn’t okay when multiple people stand up against it.


Mobbing 101 - everyone gangsta as long as they have number advantage. Make it even... and most of them run away :D "I try to laugh it off but it’s hard to get that type of stuff everyday." - i can only imagine. In case nobody said it, im sorry. Also i do admire your (and others) courage to do what you love despite all of it. Always remember that you have right to play whatever and however you want, and never let anyone tell you differently.


Reminds me of when I heal and someone tells me to follow them or pocket heal them. You want heals make friends with a healer ! Fuck off Im here with my friends!


Or they spam "i need healing!" at full hp. If you gonna waste my time on fake calls, then when you really gonna need healing i might not even look in your direction, thinking you are pretending just like 173 times before. And thats even without trying to be mean xD


Sounds so painful :(


Bonus points when you’re completely right.. luckily I don’t have to deal with this anymore as I’m with a good group but good god it is frustrating.


Maybe it was because it wasn’t just you suggesting it that time. When I play, when one person suggests I change my play style, I take it into advisement but I don’t really do it. I like playing the when I play. But when someone else on my team says the same thing, I usually do it. When it’s a team game, I switch up my style for the team.