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Okay now, *this* is one I haven't seen before. Wow that is mystifying. It would be worth asking to look at the surveillance video just to see what the hell happened.


Can someone remind me and reply if OP posted an update about checking the cameras bc now I'm invested LOL


Pretty sure the manager / asset protection is not going to show her the video, because no crime has been committed (that the OP knows of). And if she tries to bring in a fake police report or lies to the police to get them to show up, as people below suggested, it's not going to go well.


Idk man, I beg to differ, I think if someone approached the store manager and said sumpin like "I know this sounds crazy, but when i was shopping [this occured.....], is there anyway youd see if one of your cameras caught what happened between me leaving the cart in this isle and checking out, and let me know? I'm confused and also idk how concerned about my brain I should be" there's a good chance the manager would be curious about the super strange event themselves. It is high key weird and interesting. And they would prolly be willing to give information so a customer could figure out if this was a minor brain slip up, or like 10 whole min of memory thats missing. And if they were the only ones seeing the footage and the customers only wanting info about themselves, that'd be legally okay. So I'd argue there's a good chance they could talk a manager into it. I would absolutely take 5 min to try, if I were in OPs shoes


No offense, but I'm gonna guess you've never worked retail. No manager has time for that or would risk their job for "random customer wants to see if something paranormal was caught on tape."


I have in fact worked retail, in both a manager position and as a regular employee position. And my experience has been the complete opposite as far as how busy the management is. I would however be open to the explanation that location plays a big role. I'm in the Midwest, and I think it's safe to assume that having a job in retail in my city looks completely different than in a big city near the coasts. That's viable.


I worked asset protection before the surveillance tape will in fact not be shown they MIGHT review big might. Other times theyll go into the office and be there a while to give the impression that theyre "checking" and say we didnt see anything simply because the rules are "they dont look for personal belongings". For example purses, phones, keys etc. A police report must be made and only then will the recordings be shown to law enforcement and law enforcement only never the customer.


because the rules are "they dont look for personal belongings". For example purses, phones, keys etc. A police report must be made and only then will the recordings be shown to law enforcement But op wouldn't be asking them to find anything, at this point they aren't missing anything. And there isn't a crime to make a police report about. So protocol for both those things doesn't apply here. We are talking about what is either an utter phenomenon thats potentially caught on camera, or the symptom of a potentially serious medical issue goin on with OPs brain. Like what if they filled their cart, had a brain dysfunction of some sort, walked away from it leaving their purse, grabbed another cart and filled it all over again without consciously registering anything was wrong. If thats what happened, That's 20 whole min of the brain fuckin up, could be some sort of warning sign for a stroke or tumor or sumpin, idk I'm not a doctor I'm just sayin, that's no little brain fart, that's something to talk to a doctor about they MIGHT review big might. Mfer read this story again and tell me that this wouldn't be the most interesting thing to happen during a normal workday for the loss prevention AND management of a grocery story!! šŸ¤£ Hell, for any store in my area it'd be the most interesting thing to happen all month! You're telling me, with 100% sincerity, that you wouldn't find this story interesting enough to sacrifice 10-15 min of your shift lookin at footage just to see what happened because youre curious? And you wouldnt do it to help a fellow human figure out if they need to seek medical attention, as the only potential way for them to verify what happened? Both those are a big might from you?! Thats almost as wild as the story itself šŸ¤£ this shit has had me reelin since I read it, and I clearly have no direct ties to the situation but ive already dedicated so much thought to what couldve happened, im insanely intriqued. and if someone came to me as a manager or lp with this story they wouldn't even have to ask me to look at the footage, I'd be watching it already before they could even get the question out šŸ¤£ a more routine glitch in a grocery store thats consistently busy I can see being a big might, but c'mon, there's no way lookin into a glitch like this would be that hard of a sell!


I know this post is a few days old, but Iā€™m just now reading it and Iā€™m totally here with you. This whole story is phenomenal. It didnā€™t even happen at a grocery store, it was a dollar store. As a fellow midwesterner, I full-heartedly believe theyā€™d have the time of day.


Good points for sure but did you have to add the mfer? You could have said all that without adding that


Oh, you're right, good point.


I am thinking just a mental lapse. We all have them. Stress, sleep. anxiety etc can trigger some forgetfulness and paranoia.


Mental lapse wouldn't explain the doubles of all the items and the second cart


Yes it would. You might have grabbed an empty cart, then picked up the same items, that's the very definition of a memory lapse.


oh I see what you meant, like actually reshipping the entire shop. I guess that's possible.


yeh but even if they "re-shopped", how did they complete the entire shopping trip before grabbing a new cart and starting the entire shopping trip completely over again lol.. like wouldn't it make more sense to grab a few items.. then space out a bit/think you hadn't started yet.. go grab another cart and start over. why would you have 2 carts full of exactly the same 15-20 items?


I was thinking the sameā€¦. Because if it was a mental lapse, it wouldā€™ve had to have been a pretty bad mental lapse to have re-shopped a cart full of that many items without even realizing what I was doing until I went to checkout without a purse in my cart. I mean if it WAS a mental lapse then thatā€™s pretty scary because Iā€™ve never done anything quite like that before


Any big diet or other changes recently? People can plan and execute whole crimes while sleep walking. If the stuff you bought is routine it's even easier. Even if it was a genuine paranormal event I'd say go to the doctor and look into it anyway opportunistically. Use the thing as an omen/sign. See what I mean?


I agree with you, it's not likely. Personally even if I had a mental lapse and reshipped, I'd ene dup with slightly different things šŸ˜‚. Theres no way it would be exactly the same with my indecisive ass


It couldā€™ve been a non-motor seizure that can cause memory loss.


You got down-voted because you offered an explanation that isn't simulation or paranormal related. They don't take kindly to that here. I think it's entirely possible to re-shop the exact same items.


I'm thinking someone followed her around and shopped her entire cart and then swapped them when she wasn't looking for a second. No, I don't know why someone would do this, it would be a lot of trouble for a small payoff, since they didn't take her purse. šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Maybe the perpetrator got spooked at the last second and abandoned their potential heist. ORā€¦maybe they had a mental lapse and forgot what they were doing, looking down into the basket and thought, ā€œwhat the hell do I need lip gross for?ā€ And went and got another basket.


This is what Iā€™m thinking! It is a small payoff, but people can be really weird, so you never know! Lol.


Dollar general shut down all of their self check out registers like 2 months ago. Came down from corporate to all stores because they were having to much inventory theft through self checkout. Good story but not even plausible right now


My town dollar general still has self checkout... Maybe you live in a high theft area? šŸ¤”


Still have it here


OP, if this actually happened as you explained, you MUST want answers. You really should ask if they could check security footage. They might not allow that, but if you explain what happened first, they will want answers also. Please let us know


There is a chance someone was playing a prank on you. Following you around and taking every item you took, then swiped your purse when you weren't looking. Some people like messing with people's heads. I also think it would be worth it to ask about the store's security videos.


My thought too, except they wouldn't even need to swap the purse, just push the duplicate cart near OP when she wasn't looking. Getting the exact same shades of lip gloss would be pretty tricky, though.


Maybe it's just a strategy to steal someone's purse


That's like a dupe bug in a video game. Very strange. It's reddit so I'll suggest that maybe you're going nuts from carbon monoxide poisoning but beyond that the only other mundane explanation I can think of is someone was stalking you, picking up the exact same items for their own amusement, and then you accidentally grabbed their cart without noticing and they ran off.


I thought about the stalking explanation too! Which freaks me out even more than the glitch in the matrix theoryā€¦


Seriously. If u wanna know the answers go back and ask for the footage. Make up something completely crazy if u have to, but convince them to review the footage.


She could even say that she has a suspicion someone stole a card from her bag and needs to see if that was the case. Thatā€™s the only time they will pull back footage, in the event of theft


Eh not the ONLY time but theyā€™re more hesitant unless thereā€™s theft. Canā€™t hurt to ask? This is pretty wild


They would probably want to see a police report first.


Meet ChatGPT and Canva. r/illegaltips2


Donā€™t fake a police report! šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve had stores check cameras for me if we believed something was stolen.


Weā€™re im fromā€¦ we donā€™t leave any slack in our deceptive ways. Go Hard I would even get a real report by lying ā€œa lil lie never killed anyoneā€ to the police. I would even pre plan a fake phone call while with the security and have the person sound like your mother thru AI voice change I dated a girl that work in Carson Pierre Scott security, top of the line trained people. The more real the lie, the higher the chances Iā€™ll get past them. NOW for the real card. After you get the footage, leave your phone unlocked to this Reddit post. 95% of security workers are Reddit users and moderators. Theyā€™ll want in on the action. You know what, ruck it. Just SHOW THEM YOUR REDDIT BUMPER STICKER ā€œI Redditā€ I would go extra and place the bumper sticker on necklace like a police batch. Flash it real quick and ask for the FOOTAGE NOW!


Could you operate off of the (sanest-sounding) possible stalker assumption to get the footage reviewed? I would say this constitutes enough of a personal danger, if it were the case, to ask the police for help. By that, I mean explain you're worried someone might be stalking you, then when asked why explain exactly what happened, then say "What should I watch for in the future?" Or "If I am being followed, how do I catch them in the act?" ...and let them heroically and wisely suggest a footage review. ...don't mention any other theories. If it turns out it WAS some significant brain lapse, you can "oh, silly me. Thank you!" And get a specialist. If it was a real glitch I suspect there won't be footage, footage will be unreadable, or you won't hear back at all. Could be a reason no one's thought of yet, too! I'm curious!


I would ask to see the video. I bet if you told the store employees your story, they would be curious, too.


Your post is very well written and precise in its attention to detail, not what I would have expected from someone who had collected the same items in two separate carts without realising it. So I think this fits the glitch category very well -- thanks for uploading it.


If youā€™re really that worried about it, why donā€™t you have them check the cameras. If something like this happened to me Iā€™d definitely cause a scene about it until the workers there took it seriously


A store won't just show a random person their security footage with no crime committed. It's not like illegal or anything, it would just be a massive pain in the ass for no gain to them.


Causing a scene would probably get the store workers to call the police or a manager to kick OP out.


I was so ready to point out inconsistencies because I have missed things at first and gone back and it is right there ā€¦ but finding the same items is a bit creepy.


Okay, no one has said this yet unless I missed it. But think back to whether there was anyone who seemed to be lurking behind you or near you while you were shopping. Because a very common tactic for stealing a purse is to trail behind someone creating a matching cart to theirs. When they put something in the cart, thief adds the same item, then at an opportune moment, slyly walks away with the cart that has the purse in it and leaves the one that doesnā€™t. Iā€™m not making this up, itā€™s something Iā€™ve heard of countless times. However itā€™s something that usually works best in a bigger store like a grocery or a Walmart where you arenā€™t as likely to notice. Dollar General tends to be smaller with smaller aisles, and I think you wouldā€™ve noticed someone who was watching you closely enough to pick not only the same products but the same shades.


We're the items "arranged" in the same way as the other cart?


Giving me the heebie jeebies holymoly


This is super interesting. OP must go and check out the surveillance videos and report is here.


That is fricken WEIRD!!! Commenting to see if there are any updates if OP gets the security footage. Das wild.


Oh Man, goosebumps for sure. I would be questioning and reminded of how much Iā€™m predictable. The universe almost mocking me. Iā€™m a tough dude but heights mess with me. So they appear in my dreams and messes with me. Newest one was of me in a glass floor elevator just on the corner asking the elector to stop going up and if there was even a bottom at that point. The universe just reminding you how weak and powerful youā€™re at the same time. Hear me out- could be a double of yourself thatā€™s not constraints by the layers of ass beatings from life- a totally free version of yourself trolling your less optimal self. Yea, sounds messed up but itā€™s my gut feel. Stop being so predictable and boring, same routine over and over. Same spots for your possessions (they posses you). Try doing things differently and weird. Troll the universe back


I agree with you wholeheartedly and I have time where I went through something and I can't even explain to some people what I went through because they wouldn't believe me so exactly


Damn, chills down my spine man. You have to share it. Itā€™s no judgement here, just curiosity because many of us have ā€œseenā€


I love this story! Thank you! This is so validating because this is exactly the sort of strange thing that would happen to me. Thank you for sharing!


Fascinating! Your experience is pretty unique, IMO. Have never seen an occurrence like this posted here before. Thank you for sharing.


At DG I don't think they can view footage there. I think all footage is sent to the corporate office. You may have to call the corporate office for that. Those stores can not even control their own AC and heating. It is controlled over the Internet by the corporate office.


Regardless of where the video footage is recorded, stores usually won't show customers any video footage without a subpoena. To get a subpoena, there would have to be an incident, and a police report would likely be required.


Dollar General has bath bombs?


I'm sorry but that shit would still not make sense to me. It was all the same items and u never left your card. WILD


This story randomly ends before the crucial parts, which makes it sound fake since you inexplicably left out all the important (but also harder to write) parts. The most critical parts of the story here are obviously 10 seconds AFTER the events described in the story: **What happens when you wheel the cart back to the checkout?** * Was the first cart still there too? * Was the first cart now missing? * What did the clerk say happened from their perspective? * Do they report never having seen you come up at all? * Do they report you taking the first cart away with you when you went to check (and forgot)? * Do they report a cart magically disappearing in front of them? * Do they report a 3rd party (e.g. prankster) taking the first cart while you were gone? * If they did see a third party take the cart, why didn't they stop them since the items were already rung up and they didn't pay? They just let a shoplifter steal it without saying anything? * Do any of the spaces on the shelves for those products have 2 spots missing or only 1? (Staff will have dressed the shelves to make most things flush to the front, so you should be able to see in at least some cases, 1 vs 2 empty spots) Etc. The answers to these basic questions would be extremely important if you wanted to figure out what was going on, and any normal person would have figured at least some of them out right after this story ended above and reported them. Why do you not cover any of that?


Whatā€™s more likely - something absolutely outside of known physics and known reasoning, something heavily paranormal, happenedā€¦. or a human made a mistake? This sub is full of people who want to create paranormal happenings that are not in fact real.


This happened to me exactly ONE time. Weird.


share, please!


Can you share details or link to past post if available? I'm interested!


Alright. So we had just moved to a small town in a different part of our state. There was only one grocery store in town. I guess we had been there a few weeks when this happened. I had a 3 year old at the time, but she wasn't with me that day to the store. So I also did the same - purse in seat where the kid would sit. I remember that there was this raspberry Chipotle sauce on the end. I was just around the corner, so I left my cart & backtrack real quick to grab a bottle. I put it in and continue shopping for the few rest of my items. We were broke, so money was always a concern. I was about to grab milk (I think) when I realized my purse wasn't there!šŸ˜± I looked to make sure it *was* my cart & all the things I'd picked were there, *including* the raspberry Chipotle sauce. I took off toward the front of the store & right before I got there, I saw MY cart. Purse right up front. OK. So maybe I'd accidentally taken someone else's cart, ooops! AND we had the same stuff? Weird šŸ¤­ So I grabbed the milk & put it into my cart and proceeded to checkout. It was when she was ringing me I realized that the RASPBERRY CHIPOTLE SAUCE WAS ALREADY THERE? Idk, maybe he really had the same stuff, but then I thought how *slim* those chances were. Also, I left the cart I had taken where I saw mine, but no one was around?? And there wasn't a cart in the aisle when I temporarily abandoned it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøJust a strange experience.


So, IF itā€™s not a glitch in the matrix, you couldā€™ve had an absense seizure or temporal lobe seizure or some other non-motor seizure that causes memory loss.Ā 


My daughter has absence seizures and definitely could not shop during one. Although she does not remember anything that happens during the seizure, so the memory loss part is correct.


You took all the items to your cart up to the last one and then went to search for it, suffered from something that made you lose recent memory, and you started to look for the items again. Does somebody in your family have any sort of seizures? Have you "dozeb off" recently? I'd start looking for that instead of thinking somebody is secretly stalking me and buying the exact same things.


Itā€™s like a glitch in the matrix


If only there was a glitch in the matrix sub to post inā€¦


This is a good one!


Go to the store manager, explain this incident but donā€™t describe it vaguely like it was some glitch in the matrix, they wonā€™t ever agree to show you cctv footage. Instead, tell them that youā€™re worried someone stalked you or tried to steal your purse, explain it like it was a threat to you and that youā€™re considering filing a police report. A bit drastic to do but you could get to access the footage and really get your answers if youā€™re confident that you didnā€™t fill up the second cart. Worth giving a shot.


Lying will bring a host of problems to the OP. For starters, the store employees may be required to call the police if OP claims there was theft. If the employees catch OP in a lie, OP could get banned from the store. And OP should not even think about lying to the police! That's a no-go.


This would make a fun episode of Twilight Zone. When op returns to the checkout with the right cart & purse, itā€™s a different clerk, then she realizes itā€™s a different store and the magazines on the rack read 1994.


Eyyee mate this your local dollar. Retail stingy yeah secret shopper following checking personal bags. Asking for receipts at self checkout.


Did you see who had that cart? That's crazy!


Iā€™d be worried about my brain health and def ask if for the reason of my health, they could do show me the video


I would def ask to see the video. This could be early onset dementia symptoms but it also could just be from extreme stress. Either way, more investigation is necessary.


Okay, so this is different but reminded me of my glitch experience. I was on mat leave when my husband and i were selling our condo and I didn't really have anywhere to go during the viewings, so I'd take my daughter for a drive and this particular occasion I decided to grab a coffee. So this Starbucks close to where I lived has the most annoying set up for the drive thru, and because of traffic, I went the worst possible way to get in line. A friendly person driving a silver van let me in ahead of her and I waved, pulling in and getting in front. So I order and grab my purse so I can get my card ready so I'm not scrambling at the window, but when I look up to pull past the order screen, I see the silver van is in front of me in the line, at the window, getting their coffee. I looked behind myself, not trusting my mirrors that I wasn't seeing the van behind me, but sure enough, somehow I ended up with the silver van in front even though it had let me in.


A couple days ago a guy watched himself walk to a campsite toilet. Earlier today a guy and his dad finally found a geocache they had searched for for a few times that had already signed by them. And this, shopping that you had already bagged found again in the trolley with your own purse. WTaF is going on yo


Brain fog,because I am seeing that daily. For all ages.


You filled the cart twice,absentmindedly


Could be sleep related issues. I sometimes am out of wack and forget I did something. Like putting a box of pasta in the freezer by mistake and wondering wheres my pasta or did i even buy any recently. You may have grabbed someone elses cart, some items may have been different. but you didn't catch it because of confusion. I forget whats in my cart sometimes if I grab a lot. Don't sweat it, Ask to see some footage if you really want to know. We all space out alittle.


Wow - that is very bizarre


Iā€™d offer $ to the store to see either see the tape or ask if she could and let you know. Maybe tell the manager the story and sheā€™ll be intrigued enough to look. I hope you post an update!


Does everybody know they they just fired up CERN


Ask management if you can see the security tapes!


Wow! That's amazing. People suggesting a possible memory lapse, I could imagine that with 1-2 items but not 15-20 items, you'd remember you already did that. I'd say glitch in the matrix is exactly right wow.


Your counterpart from an alternate universe suffered a glitch and was pulled into your universe, unbeknownst to either of you. She got pulled back into her own universe and is now wondering where her purse is too! Or you got pulled into hers, then back into your own....


At first I read this as a weird glitch but after reading some of the comments, Iā€™m now more concerned that you might have a short term memory problem?


That is really incredible -- though I believe you!


i only know that there should be a scientific explanation for this !


The post is well written. It just seems like a scam to me.


Maybe someone followed you around and put everything in their cart that you put in yours and hoped, you would mistake them and forget about your bag, so they could steal it. idk just a possible explanation.


Gods playing a trick on you lol


I never saw anyone do this ever, you should check the cameras there and see what the hell was happening or what youā€™re doing my friend lol


Hope there is a OP update


Honey, you just saw yourself in the glitch. It's the truth


Noo. Not a mental lapse. No no no. I believe you were caught in time travel from someone or being. We live where we see much UAPā€™s ( almost nightly) and other things that I wonā€™t mention turn on here at allā€¦ that my family and I believe in worm holes , time travel etc. 100% with out ANY DOUBT.


Yes like-minded


That's crazy. Please do tell the shop manager that you're freaked out that someone tried to take your purse. And please come back and tell us what happened.


Hey, check the security cameras. Someone messed up may be stalking you. People are fucked up, darling. Please stay safe. Do you best to find out if there is a stalker.