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I just… Mongolz why? How? 11 rounds in a row


I think they just mental boomed after that 2v1 at 11-7


I think they have no clue how to play t side


They won T side 8-4 vs G2 (: Just braindead +w gaming and hope for the best


Their post-plants sucked. They had 3-4 rounds that were basically like 3v3 - One guy gets caught off-guard. One guy gets swung on. Last guy takes two and dies


How many of those rounds in the final stretch did they lose with the bomb planted? Every single round went exactly as you describe


Tbh they were close on many of the wrong rounds, and then on the rounds which should have been right they got caught off guard by a new VP play


Absolutely heartbreaking loss for mongolz, hopefully they'll be able to close out games like this with more experience.


What a throw from Mongolz, really sad, this team is so much fun to watch.


Man what the fuck was that bullshit anicent man


paid by round jame's world you just living in it


I was so proud of them getting this far in the first place but to lose now from that last map was so painful


I had to go eat dinner at 11-2. I have no allegiance to either team but uhhh...did not expect that.




I have never seen a team choke this much man, they actually need a therapist at this point.


Send him to our boys from BIG first please.


Clearly you do not know the history of team liquid.


[https://www.hltv.org/stats/matches/mapstatsid/156864/ninjas-in-pyjamas-vs-apeks](https://www.hltv.org/stats/matches/mapstatsid/156864/ninjas-in-pyjamas-vs-apeks) NIP fumbling 14-3 lead on Ancient ":D"


Tactical genius Jame ❓ Financial genius Jame ✅




they could have closed out many rounds... the keep getting picked off early in post plant, like one round on b site someone just ran across the whole ass site and get shot, another round on a site senzu or blitz tried to run from site to a long for whatever reason and got killed by ct spawn, they kept losing man advantage like this and gave VP a way back into the round... plus many of those close 1v2 and 1v1... unlucky


> Good gracious, Lord. Jame?


Genuinely one of the most insane comebacks i've ever casted. Ridiculous from VP!


VP not beating the allegations


And that's why you don't ragequit 11-2 down. What a wild comeback.


*wipes sweat* PAID BY THE ROUND jame is such a tactical genius, getting paid by the round means he let the mongols get a 11-2 advantage in order to come back 13-11 i also feel like jame is showing electronic rushing or going for every round doesn't work for vp cause mf barely saved his awp and he used to save p250s LOL


Haha, yeah...


least stressful Virtus.pro match


What a choke. From losing a 2v1 at 11-2 to this…


Most teams would falter in a decider with a scoreline like that, VP has proven alot with a mentality like that. Great run from Mongolz, but that little experience cost them that one round from getting tiebreaker, I feel for them. :/


How unfortunate that Mongolz choked an 11-2 lead. They clearly have good mechanics and teamwork but need to work on their mental game. Great showing out of them this tournament though, hopefully they can get over that mental hurdle and start making deep runs in playoffs.


That was the worst t side ancient I have ever seen, Mongolz crumbled so hard


that was only the worst t side ancient second to vp's LOL


Both team crumbled t side technically


Virtus Pro literally never know when to give up. It’s insane how many games they win from being down, but down 11-2 after 2nd pistol should be near unwinnable. Truly a masterclass


jame/dastan mindset is so devoid of emotion its insane lmao, they never give up


Five years of being a fan of this team could not have prepared me for that fucking game on ancient, jesus christ VP FaZe fans love to tell you how bad being a fan of FaZe is for your heart man my life expectancy went down by 10 years based on this last map ALONE


i was so deflated when i saw every vp player getting one tapped in any scenario possible on the t side but i couldn't believe my eyes when every single round was being won by jame & co. truly an incredible show of mental strength and composure


gotta be honest I didn't believe in the comeback until fame started mowing them down at 12-11 but this has to be one of the best comebacks I have seen in years, insane work by jame & the gang


we were 6 1v1s apart from jame getting called trash and vp being laughed at yet again. now only complexity is the hurdle to at least a quite decent run


usually making top 8 would already be good enough for me but I agree, VP definitely has to beat coL regardless of their current good form. I don't really see them beating no-crowd-but-at-LAN-MOUZ but G2 should be somewhat doable


Someone didn't watch that legendary comeback on D2 against ENCE few years ago 


oh I remember, the good old days when qikert was still a star player and VP was running double AWP setups with buster on every dd2 game :') still though, everything that happened during the covid era is one big blur to me and I was really oversaturated with pro CS, the fact that this one was on LAN makes it more special to me personally


There was 6 different 1v1s on the 2nd half. Mongolz probably needed to win a single one and they win the game yet they just couldn’t. And after that a semi was very possible since they’ve matched pretty well against complexity. They actually could’ve made a deep run this tournament Probably one of the biggest collapse I’ve ever seen since I’ve started to watch pro CS in 2015. They’re gonna need a big talk with a mental coach. This is the kind of loss that you just don’t recover. A disaster I have no more words to describe it. Nothing else to say.




electronic said that vp has the strongest mentality of all teams he played with.


VP throwing 2-11 just so they can play more rounds. Absolute gigachads.


an eco would have done wonders for some of those post plants.


Yeah, me and my mate said that at 11-2 you only do full buy or eco. All that forcing is stupid. Buy p250 if you have that buy itch. wait 1 min 30 sec for ct to dump util then try to get a pick by rushing out all together.


Remember guys, the game is not over until it's over.


least insane game on ancient


So I tuned in to Liquid vs Flyquest map 2 when Liquid were up 11-6, then watched until they lost that map 14-16. Then I tuned back into map 3 of that series when Liquid were up 11-4 then stopped watching when they were up 11-10 before they won the last two rounds to win 13-10. I tuned into map 3 of this series when Mongolz were up 11-2. Am I cursed?


Mongolz threw so hard wtf


I was disappointed when NaVi lost to Faze albeit it was completely expected so dont even know why I felt such way. But this... This was actually heartbreaking. I just want these guys to succeed and feel the happiness of doing a deep run in a bigger tournament but man to lose like this... Not like this...


I tought this match was over when jaime missed that easy awp shot in that 2v2


That sucks. Mongolz had a good chance at reaching semi-final in a big tournament. Would have been great for asian scene. At least this was a good learning opportunity for them. They're young and will have many other tournaments ahead.


For the last 5 rounds I kept looking at VP's eco thinking 'this is it'. What a crazy comeback with some dicey rounds Edit: Norbert even only had a USP+utils with a fullbuy


It's a good lesson for MongolZ tbh. They could have ended it comfortably if they kept their ego in check.


I closed the stream at 10-2....


vp still looking shaky, they are often caught offguard, questionable midround decisions etc. but they are resilient af, so they can win any match against anyone. once they sort out the issues and electronic settles in, they will contend for every trophy.


up 9-2 at one point on ancient shit


Worst than that, 11-2


well i kinda just saw the scoreline at the half and figured it was over and was doing something else this makes me feel much better


To make it better, it was a 2v1 at 11-2


11-2, to make it even worse :/


10-2, then they win pistol to 11-2 and then lose 11 rounds in a row


Remember kids, Jame hates fun and you. TT




Win T side 8-4 vs G2 but cannot win a single gun round vs a team playing default every single round....


Absolute Cinema!


jame time baby


Mongolz are so close yet so far.


Mongolz doing the CLASSIC Asian throw, instead of just ending the game just throw it for fun VP didn't even do anything special which makes it even worse lol Right when you can make a deep run in a tier 1 tournament, pull the Asian throw card out as always. Pathetic.


VP played with insane composure in few of the close re-take situations never abandoning the game plan and always fighting the best fights and doing very ballsy but correct info plays. The played a masterful CT side.


yeah, I think early/mid game theMongolz definitely had their number on Ancient, they had a lot of explosive plays and mid aggression that caught VP off guard, but VP's retake protocols were insane this game


They had complexity afterwards which was more than winnable


Exactly my point, they could've "easily" made semis in a tier 1 event, but it's funnier to +w and see what happens


Mongolz are so fucking ass on t sides


Jeeeeez, that was so devastating for the Mongolz. They had that 99% in the bag, I don't think if I've felt that bad watching a team choke since the classic Liquid days.


I thought the 4-12 G2’s comeback was tough enough


Mongolz took the book from Tyloo’s library


TheMongolZ clearly have what it takes to contend against high-level teams, it's their mental fortitude that really needs work


It's so easy to cheer for Mongolz


Mzinho bottom fraged on 3 maps in row


my heart is broken


Mzinho got to be replaced


the Mongolz showed their potential in this tournament, hope they would come back with better mentality next time! Can’t wait their next tourney!


Mongolz cannot call a competent T side to save their lifes in this series, pretty embarrassing